How to Increase REACH and ENGAGEMENT on INSTAGRAM FAST | Algorithm Training

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so your Instagram reach is pretty low it kind of sucks you know you're blaming it probably on the algorithm but that's actually only half true my friends because a lot of the times it's actually the wrong understanding of how the algorithm works and then it leads to frustration and people just like ah it doesn't work anymore everything let's just go away let's just be super sad but lucky for you my friends because in this video we're gonna talk about five actionable steps on how you can actually revive engagement on a dead page increase your reach on Instagram and yeah you know we're gonna do that with the help of our nice little pin and my board so let's get into it [Music] [Applause] what's up dominators my name's Dominic what a coincidence and let's talk about the reach aka how much traffic Instagram sends to you what you can do to actually increase the reach let's hop right into my drawing board and basically let me just tell you what most of the people that contact me were ever go through you know at some point they had this amazing Instagram account you know I was doing pretty well you got some lot of likes you were super happy and then all of a sudden you became sad because all of a sudden this graph started to look like this and if you don't get more social signals if you don't get all this validation by the way what you should do talking about that don't forget to comment something down below whatever it is you know it's what you have to pay for this video don't forget that plus I'm actually pretty self conscious myself so I kind of need all the comments and the likes to actually be happy because what you don't know you don't see what's behind the scenes what's behind this face this beautiful face so you know just consider that Plus subscribing like we just said the graph started going like this let's say you always had a lot of likes to always have 500 likes and all of a sudden you get 50 likes which is it's just a bad thing to happen nobody likes that especially once you're used to what's happening and mostly a lot of people just blame it on the algorithm because the big algorithm which let me just draw the algorithm right here what you all think it is it's actually the devil you know it's actually the devil look at the this bad boy and yeah people think it's just the devil they don't want you to succeed for whatever reason but it's actually not true when we talk about it quite a lot here on YouTube why would it it wouldn't make sense that they don't care about you it wouldn't make sense that they hate you because then their platform would eventually really die out yeah needless to say they still do some things that I don't necessarily agree with anyway to understand how you can up your chances of getting more reach up your reach in general and your engagement rate you have to understand that there's two kind of types of traffic two kind of types of interactions on your profile first of all it's the people that follow you it's your followers how should we draw your followers it's your followers yeah this means your followers yeah I'm just an abstract artist and second all the people that really don't know you okay no idea what that means but just for now give you snow okay these are your followers and these are your non followers and here's the thing the algorithm values both and the interactions that you get with both but these are the ones this is the first thing that you really have to take care off because the way these people and we kind of tackle down on it on a previous video a little bit the way that your followers interact with you initially dictates the weight on how much reach you're gonna get eventually how much reach the algorithm is gonna give you eventually how your hash tag performance is going to turn out and stuff like that so the first thing we're gonna focus on right now is the way that these people that already follow you interact with you I did some testing let me just put this away a little bit so it makes a lot more sense I did some testing and I figured out that the amount of quality followers actually of those two all the people that follow you the algorithm measures okay these are the quality followers these are not so quality followers and the more amount of quality followers that you have the more the algorithms gonna show your profile to more of those people of the second category which usually come from hashtags and export page and some other things but mostly those two and how does the algorithm know that it's mostly the way that these people interact with you and how these people interact with you as soon as you post your content so I mean actually the first thing that you have to do in order to know increase engagement by a lot is focus on your existing follower base try to activate them again try to you don't have them in a conversation go to all of their profiles no comment with them and strike up conversations do some polls with them do something you know we're gonna get into that last point on how you can do a few of those things basically just appear on their radars again another thing is you know basically just try to strike up a conversation with some of your fans that you kind of know okay you know usually you should have at least one or two people that comment you whenever you post something or you always see liking in answering your stories that you know strike a conversation with them maybe even hop on a quick call with them but what do you really want to see from your content what is it that they don't want to see why do they follow you kinda really really talk face to face with some of those people and you're gonna get some really interesting insights from that and then put it back into this which in turn ups your quality followers and you know obviously the more relevant content you're gonna do you're gonna create the higher your quality followers are the more interactions you're gonna get in the first couple of hours obviously the more you cannot get shown the higher your reach is gonna get which brings me right into the second point which still you know I tend to talk about it quite a lot but still a lot of people don't really understand it so let me make this a little bit more clear it's hashtags okay focus on hashtags alone can make your page grow pretty much I should text and I know there used to be a time when although all of us people were like okay our sakes don't work anymore we don't know what we should just abandon hashtags all the strategies don't work anymore I don't get reach on hashtags anymore stuff like that there's a few factors on why this is the case first of all if you've done some things that Instagram doesn't really like like you know like conflating things using BOTS engagement groups shout-out for shout-out and stuff like that you're gonna get kind of shadow band or hashtag shadow bands or stuff like that which means the algorithm kind of just want you to show up on the hash sex anymore so you're like okay doesn't work usually you can resolve that by just being a good kid for a couple of weeks absolutely stopping all the bad behavior anyway it doesn't mean that I don't really blame Instagram for for all of the things that are happening right now because they just don't tell us what's wrong you know they for example YouTube you could go on going to creator studio B exactly tell you what's up they tell me okay except for today I log on they say you got a lot of views but we just don't know why and sometimes that happens well but usually they tell you exactly why you got these amounts of views why people come over what you should do better Instagram they're just whenever you know we have hashtags and that's it so we're gonna I get a take a lot of time and try to figure out why they work and how they work and believe me right now if you have to believe me some one thing they work and they work quite well and here's the thing these thinks all connect together especially with the hashtags and I figured out that your initial engagement the initial game engagement that you get also determines the way that your posts gonna perform with the hashtags and then these things are gonna get into place but now still you're not gonna have to find some good hashtags that work really well with your content and you're like always said first of all I did a video about hashtags which is linked somewhere here second of all if you if you really want to spend some money on that and I can definitely recommend that it's pretty cheap to be honest it's actually a little bit too cheap if you ask me but I use a software called hash tastic it in my opinion the most powerful hashtag tool there is I get really great results with my private page with clients pages and a lot of other people that you know signed up through half-sized thing they tell me how they really grew using just simple hashtag strategy that I talked about in my video for example so you know just doing some research you know whether it's with the how static or without it can go a long way and you're gonna see that also you're gonna start ranking on the hashtags ultimately giving your more reach and you know depending on if your content is great or not maybe even your dead page is gonna get revived the algorithm starts gonna favor you you're gonna get into this whole beautiful circle of life of Instagram and you're gonna grow again and it's gonna be happy and it's really for me it's a really great thing a lot of people they text me like man also in scripts fun again you know I lost the fun of it all and yeah mostly it's by actually the big part is hashtags if you ask me which brings me right back into another point which is your ghost followers slash your quality fallers slash you know all the first point kinda ghin what's going on here what's going on with the people that don't really interact with you and you know we've briefly tackled that in a previous video but like I said initially if the algorithm shows like let me just try to illustrate that here you have all your people here these are all the people initially the algorithm is just gonna show your post to a small a very small subsection of your people you know depending on how they're gonna interact with that there's a lot of factors for that you know I did a video about the algorithm if you want to check that out and but anyway the way that these perform it's gonna open up you reach a little bit and it's gonna check back it's gonna do a lot of split testing also it's going to slowly refer you to hashtags and explore just for a couple of impressions and more and at some point more and more and more and at some point you know you do have some fans and at some point let's say these are your fans and all of a sudden it's gonna hit this block and from this block seemingly nobody really interact with your profile anymore you know and this is where you're gonna see this Cerf you know you start to get likes starts dying down dead and depending on how early this is gonna happen you know depending on how early people stop interacting with your content the less reach you're gonna get the less organic reach you're gonna get even from within your followers you know at some point it's just gonna stop if the algorithm sees okay that's not really you know it's not a content piece that performs well people don't want to see that people maybe even quit the app by seeing this content who knows so and this is what happens a lot and then all of a sudden you're right where we said it's all of a sudden you just have 50 followers anymore now that could have a lot of reasons now for example you know you bought some followers for example for example they ghost followers like I called them by the way if you want to get your goals followers analyzed I figured out a really interesting way of you know analyzing those ghost followers and removing them so if you want to really have them removed professionally link is down the description and but it's not always the ghost followers itself it could also be you know people just being fed up with your then or just people just moving on and that's why a lot of the times people that have engagement problems are people that come that are on the platform for a couple of years already you know that happened there for quite a while and you'll repeat repeat the same things kind of all over again and I think just you know things just change you know people change the followers change people delete the app people make new profiles forget about your Instagram and you know they've just left they leave you there with their ghost and the algorithms be like well I don't know so really take a look at that really try to go through your followers make some assessments there's also a way to all of your followers try to reactivate them which goes back into point number two but that's a little bit too advanced especially with that we're gonna talk about that into another now here's another thing that a lot of people forget so much when talking about reviving a page or getting some engagement on Instagram it's about let me just write that here so you know what's up it's about it's the words too long it's about collaboration and you know usually people talk about you know you have to collaborate with some other artists whatever let me just get a little bit more sharp here but um you know they they kind of just think it's shout out for shout out for example but things like that usually don't really work plus it's against the community guidelines just so you know you know I'm gonna make a video about what actually he's not allowed what's inside the community guidelines but shout out for shout out and things like that it's not allowed okay so don't do that I'm talking about full-blown collaboration you know just think about it this is your profile this is your target audience another profile ideally you have you know a overlapping target audience of a person that's bigger than you doesn't have to be bigger but you know always it's always good that you have a really overlapping target audience and you know you create relevant content together like real content not just shout out for shout out but really something that connects you to and that makes you shine and people come over to your profile and yeah hopefully by you having some relevant content you know people are gonna stick the algorithm gets more you know engagement points and your organic reach is gonna go up more and more and here's the thing that a lot of thing a lot of people do wrong when doing collaborations they have a collaboration or a shout out you know and a lot of people come over and then they're like amazing I've got 1,000 new followers through this collaboration let's just do another piece of content something kind of simple difference you know and that's what you absolutely don't want to do as soon as you got some people the algorithm sees okay there's new people there there's a lot of new people they're like oh I'm happy there's a new crater so you want to feed those people you want to make them as happy as possible by uploading regularly and by uploading super relevant content yeah come on I'm floating super relevant content so people actually are happy cuz the algorithm values those people to quote the newer people a lot more than your older people in terms of this so you know all of this is gonna get higher up again so another way like I said collaborations and here's the last one the last point that we're gonna talk about here is those people when they finally come over to you when you have your base of followers when you have your people here you want to want to build a community you know you want to make a house with a chimney that smokes a lot well if you're a real community of people that actually loves what you do and they are here and they check you out this slope this is your profile by the way yeah this is your profile follow these are profile by way so people really connect with you on a very special way that people really want to share your content people that are fans become fans of you you know there's a lot of methods to do that to go about that for example a lot of methods we talk about in my upcoming program in C or black file you know just shameless plug here it's gonna come out soon I strongly urge you to go in the waiting list if you want to get some behind-the-scenes exclusive content about some exclusive strategies for example on how you create some real fans but anyway what you want to do is you know focus on your community make content that's actually shareable but he cuz here's when the whole thing's really starting to happen people from within you know those people starting actually to share your stuff making newer people see your things you know people that don't follow you because somebody that follows you because that's gonna signal the algorithm okay that's something really valuable here there's something that we absolutely wanna you know we want to have an ore platform because y-you know advertisers you know they they just love that because people stay longer here and then the more people engage with you the more real estate they have for serving ads to those people so you know always know that by the way they would never they would never say that this is true but I'm a hundred percent sure that this is true build your community and you're gonna see this is where you're gonna start to see the exponential growth at some point you know sooner or later it's only gonna happen if you have a community of fans superfans fans people that just like to share a content people just like to hang out on your profile and hang out with you and with those tips you're gonna see your engagements gonna go up a lot you can't even revive your dead page and it's gonna be fun again which you know it's amazing I can't wait my name is Dominic by the way we're gonna talk in a few weeks days probably we're gonna see bye
Channel: heyDominik
Views: 152,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on instagram, heydominik, heydominik instagram, how to grow on instagram fast, how to grow on instagram 2019, instagram engagement 2020, instagram engagement drop, instagram engagement drop 2020, instagram engagement issues, instagram low reach, instagram reach down, why is my instagram action blocked, why is my instagram not showing likes
Id: -KsdAruY9zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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