Instagram Content Strategy Guide— How To Determine What To Post on IG (Whiteboard)

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what is up everybody happy Friday I'm so happy to be here and to see you guys I've been grinding away on a new deck and with Melinda live seats help we are here we're finally here and we're going to talk to kami top right now we're gonna talk today about how to reach 200,000 people and get 634 follows on instagram from doing just one post and you see this little clock I did this post in 20 minutes hard to believe I'm gonna get into it and if you're new to the channel first of all welcome my name is Chris doe I host content just like this and today we're me focused on Instagram and if you're a regular person to the show and you like the short cut down content go ahead and skip this video right now because we're gonna go deep you may take an hour it may take two hours I don't know so that's the fair warning up front let's get into it okay so the post that I'm talking about is this one right here and the post looks something like this and all you see are text there are no images there's nothing here except for text and yet this thing here are the stats and this was saved a couple days ago so the stats are probably changed a little bit but you can see that it's gotten me 634 follows from one post and the reach is almost at 200,000 right there and so how did I make this and how can you make this more importantly and what have I learned in doing this so I'm gonna share with you guys a little bit about the origin story about this post in itself it started out as a conversation that we did here in on a segment we call after hours and we invite people and we have a conversation during that conversation there was this whole idea about faking it til you make it and it was bothering some of the people and so that's when I started to talk about I know that the word fake it sounds awful it sounds like you're a fraud that you're imposter that you're cheating somebody that there's a lot of deception involved in there so I helped to reframe that phrase and say instead of thinking it like fake it till you make it maybe you should think about is believe it till you achieve it and we finished the livestream and everything was fine but then I noticed people commenting and also sharing on social media the phrase believe it till you achieve it so I knew I struck a chord so in that hour and a half livestream something jumped out and this is the first clue as to what you should be doing if you pay attention to your community if you have a conversation with them and you listen to them they will tell you what they want to see more of so I thought this is cool people are already sharing it on Instagram and also on Twitter maybe I should do the same so then I took that little phrase I had to wrote a little bit more to it and I posted it on Twitter and then that post started to get more likes and I'm just watching this and thinking okay maybe I need to convert that post from Twitter to Instagram but I didn't know how to take a very short phrase and make it something that can fit in a 10 slide carousel which is what we're gonna be talking about today so how do you take a video clip condense it down to what's important put it on Twitter test the idea and then convert that idea into a slide carousel and that's exactly what I did here so I will go much deeper into that in a little bit and before I do that I want to mention a couple of quick things here I just want to throw thank our sponsor who is suiting me here and this is from scene studio and they make travel suits and there I reached out to the CEO ray and see if we could do something together so you guys if you guys like my suit go visit scene studio which is sen estudio comm if you guys use the code that future just like the way we spell it you'll save 10% off and what I really like about this suit is that it has this kind of athleisure feel to it like I can as you guys know I travel a lot and it's great for me to be able to put on a suit jump on a plane and go do my thing and go back again so thank you you guys check out scene studio will include links in description down below getting back to this now getting back to this song how do you do this how does this all happen I'm gonna probably flip back and forth to this so I want to talk about before we talk about the how I want to talk about the why why is it important because I'm seeing a lot of reaction from people as the carousels they don't want to do it okay so I've found three quotes that I thought were really important and relevant to the conversation we're gonna have today the first one is this it's about an unexamined life is not worth living and that's from Plato and that means that we have to kind of start to think about the things that we think about and start to reflect on the things that we know we have to look at what it is that we think and question that and then there's a quote here from Flannery O'Connor and she wrote I write to discover what I know and this quote shocked me like when I discovered this I was thinking don't you write what you already know isn't how how you do things it is so it's fascinating this concept was taking an idea and inverting it in my brain and it made me really step back and look at that and then it led me to this other quote from David C Baker who wrote the book the business of expertise and he says you gain clarity through articulation you gain clarity through articulation and so this what what these two ideas are are saying that I don't know what I know until I express it in one form or the other and writing for a lot of people is the fastest way to know what it is that you know and this is why you see so many leaders entrepreneurs talk about why they do daily journaling why it's important to put down your thoughts and this is mostly to discover what it is that you know and don't know and this is why I do what I do here with you guys is because I'm able to hear a question think about it question my own beliefs and then articulate that in some way to you so how do we do that how do we articulate our ideas okay how do we do that now for some of you guys the easiest thing to do is to write so you write you can write a tweet you can write a medium length posts for medium you can write something long you can write a novel you can write a book you can write a white paper how else can you articulate the way that you think what do you guys think art yes you could say it's okay let me grab my kid I prefer to say in the mic bow repeater for you what else these are my con yes you could do a video yep is that what you do yeah is your mic on I don't hear you you have to push button there you go my mic is on yeah so you do video yes I do video okay how else can you articulate the way you think anybody yeah you could do a podcast yes that's great photography yeah especially if you're doing photojournalism telling stories for pictures right and sometimes that could start a revolution so that's very powerful I just want us to try to write down as many ideas as we can about how to articulate cuz I'm not trying to say that there is one way that's better the best ways the way that works for you the one that's easiest and most natural for you go ahead discussion discussion yeah so we're gonna talk right discussion and a more formal version of this is probably to do a TED talk right we could do that and you can you can become a teacher be a discussion how else can you articulate what do you think so what's that audio any form of audio right oh through music and and the lyrics that you write and the melodies okay so pretty much all form of visual arts any way that you express yourself and you could do this through interpretive dance performance art and that's how you can express yourself too so you can do it via performance okay so my favorite way of articulating my thinking is through video but video takes a long time as you know you have to light it you have to shoot and get it you have to get the video in the audio in sync you know what I'm talking about and that's just the beginning of the work because then you have to edit it and you have to color graded and then you have to put the titles and then you have to spellcheck the titles something we don't do so well here a parent and so that's a lot of work so the way I start thinking about this is I want the fun to find the fastest way to express the way I think okay so articulation is help us to think and somebody might be watching this video and saying well why is that important why should I do this isn't everybody doing this and we're gonna get into it so what are some of the reasons why you'd want to share what it is that you think with the world does anybody have any guesses or ideas here just shout it out okay there's another mic in the back my way I think one reason is to you know inspire people around you you never know what value you can bring to people just by articulating your thoughts yeah so I I'm gonna write inspire and serve others said okay yeah serve I need right okay what else to validate you know what you're talking about to make sure you know what yeah to get validation and through validation I think you start to establish Authority that's a pretty good reason to get feedback also perfect get feedback and you guys are sharp today like this get feedback what else to help educate others yeah just for knowledge okay inspire serve educate I like that and then ultimately something may start to happen when you start to help so many people they'll start to look at you a little differently and I know this word is dangerous but I'm gonna use it because you know I live dangerously the word is you start to develop this expert status or at least expertise right because they keep hearing and seeing you talk about something they find it really helpful and then they start to label you this way it's not that you're running around saying I'm the expert of X Y & Z but I am straight expertise in this and that's what people are doing and then eventually there's another term that makes a couple of people cringe a little bit but I'm going to use it anyways okay it's just the way things are going today that you start to become seen as a thought leader it's such a strange concept this word a thought leader to lead I'm thinking that's crazy but I love it that's pretty cool okay so naturally we're gonna be talking a lot about Instagram carousels and and then there's this backlash I'm pretty sure you may or may not have felt some way like this when you were going on LinkedIn or on Instagram and you're seeing carousels all over in place it's nuts and then you think god I just if I have to see another carousel I need to unfollow people you guys feel that way I see your smile like maybe I don't know okay well whatever it's like is that okay so it's like there's just so much carousels going on and then people say did I miss the boat Chris should I be doing this I said I don't know if you're missing the boat and I generally agree with you there are a lot of really bad carousels out there and this is pretty natural and I'm gonna get into this a little bit more this idea that the carousels are bad right but I just want to make a little analogy for you here it's that there's a lot of bad art in the world but we don't say don't use paint and I don't know what the stats are but it's astounding how many videos or how many app minutes or hours of videos that get uploaded to YouTube on a daily basis but we don't say don't make a youtube video so this is just another device or platform that you can use to communicate your ideas so this is where I say don't hate the device just hate whoever's making it and their messaging because they don't quite understand it so I'm gonna get into this all right and why why do some carols suck and why are some others good and when I say some I mean most like most of them suck so you guys please stop making sucky carousels and we're gonna talk about that okay this is a public service announcement right okay so this is what you're seeing you're seeing the attack of the clones this is a hashtag I think I'm gonna start here slide mageddon it's the destruction of the internet because of so many slides everywhere it's just too much right and I'll tell you why it's because when we see something that works like that's exciting that person's blowing up maybe I need to do the same thing so what we do is we want end up copying it okay and I want to talk about this a little bit so what happens is if you if you just copy the work and we see this a lot it's like didn't I see that idea before already and you see that version and you see another version and they just get progressively worse if you copy something make it better don't make it worse here's what I see they use bad typesetting they use too many colors and they use really bad stock photography and then they just screw it up and why would they do that it's because we want to do a little bit of work and get great results and then they they hit me on the DMS and they ask why isn't it working it seems pretty obvious so Austin Kleon wrote this book you guys know Austin Kleon is right I think I hope I'm gonna spell his name correctly he was a guest on her show after all he wrote this book it's called steal steal like an artist I talked to him about that and he says most people just steal they forget the artist part okay and so they just steal so this is the bad stealing is when you steal from one source that's bad stealing when you steal from many sources that's good stealing so you're able to mix and combine the other kind of bad stealing now I want to talk about is when everybody steals from the same source and it feels like replication this is why the attack of the clones and you see somebody post one quote from somebody and then every day post the same quote and you're not getting any results so we wanted to start to expand outside of the Instagram bubble so this little dash line will just label as the Instagram bubble okay just let go what we want to do is we want to look outside outside of Instagram to draw inspiration from we can look at literature we can look at books maybe film photography just go outside that's all and instead of regurgitating the same kind of content because what happens is it looks very derivative like it's derive derivative right right it's just like bad copies and that on top of that copies may be you look into fashion or architecture they write videos maybe maybe you watch some videos and you start to bring those things in so you're stealing from a lot of different sources or maybe there's a idea that you really like about copying maybe you should just look into like how many people have said something about copying and synthesize that information to form your own point of view so yeah I see a lot of these slides happen and all they're doing is reprocessing other people's ideas and hoping to get a shortcut in life and we know how that works out and usually doesn't work out well now in some cases people do get away with this but for the most part they do get called out on this like oh you just stole that and then they cite it it's like oh I was inspired by it so I want to talk about that okay so here's what this looks like right you see a piece of art and your instinct and it's sometimes okay to just copy it to learn not okay to copy it to share without citing any references citing your sources and we see this happen a lot and I think this is really fear-based right why would somebody steal somebody else's carrousel change out a couple of images and in the essence the pacing the phrasing it's exactly the same I think it's because they're not very confident they're insecure that if people see that they're gonna judge them poorly so they do the exact thing that you're not supposed to do which is they delete all credit they don't cite sources and then they just change it for change sake that's all they're doing right they're just making slight modifications and this is what's happening modifications hard to talk and think and write at the same time okay so here's my diagram and and in this direction we're copying we're moving in that direction okay and this is valuable this is new it's impactful when it starts and then you see them just copying across so it started as good maybe you're the first person to copy it maybe people don't know and they're like that's still pretty good so it's great and then it goes to good and it gets less and less and just becomes at this point to me I'm sorry to say this is just garbage at this point right because I just drew one thing here but there's one here there's one here and it's just a bunch of the same old thing no I'm taking a lot of time to explain something here because the solution is gonna make a lot more sense once we understand what you're not supposed to do so definitely don't do this now I won't let you guys know let me make sure this I'm not gonna talk about here that it's okay to be inspired by something it's okay to be a fan of it's okay to admire their work and if you're inspired by something just repost it don't change it cite sources and then mention them don't hide that fact okay now you're saying I love this I want more of the world to see it I'm not going to pretend this is the pretension part like I'm gonna pretend that I made this not good okay and so here's another analogy I want to make for you guys which is this is that if you took a great piece of art or anything and you put it on a really crappy photocopier and you make a copy over time it degenerates and then you lose what you do is you lose the fidelity of the original image the sharpness the contrast the details and you lose the integrity of the image and in the same way as my public service announcement goes here is if you keep doing this not only does the image to lose fidelity and integrity but you lose integrity okay so let's try to figure out a different way of doing this now when we see something what we shouldn't do is we should not copy the results don't copy don't copy the results what you should do is copy the process the thinking and probably the framework okay so Austin Kleon refers to this as the genealogy of ideas so he says that we all have a family tree that somewhere in your distant past is somebody that meets somebody that meet somebody and eventually you are one of those four children so if you see something here like a cool idea does anybody seen anything cool and inspiring recently anything you have like you remember what that might be second right in here I don't mean to put you on the spot if you don't have anything don't worry I'll come back to me okay okay so here's here's what we're gonna do we're gonna see like a cool idea right so the old way of copying is I'm gonna take that idea and just do something like it I'm gonna copy that idea okay what you want to do is you want to go up the tree you want to sit there and think what was that person thinking about what were they looking at you know so what were they thinking about what were they reading what were they watching what do you think their intention is in making this do they have a motive what was their creative process like what tools did they use and then understand that and go backwards so if you hear me talking about copying like okay stealing let's talk about the word stealing or originality okay and then I go okay well where did I read that from well I would say Austin Kleon he talks about this a lot not only him there's another person unfortunately I screw this up but Kirby Ferguson you know who Kirby Ferguson is anybody know he put out this video called everything as a remix you might know that now and he has the whole everything was a remix project right and it's no coincidence that these two ideas came up about the same time stealing like an artist's or steal like an artist and everything is remix ok so then he goes back in time and then you just keep doing this until you go back to the source you do it just enough times so what's really cool is you're not seeing somebody's interpretation of a painting you're actually going back to the painting and then to the photograph and the models in which the original artist was looking at before they painted it and that's what I'm talking about so the genealogy of ideas is an idea from Austin Kleon is to go backwards to get back to the source and if we can do that and so that I think is really cool and it reminds me of this quote from Jim Rohn who I quote quite often which is success leaves Clues all you have to do is pick them up it's like literally like right there or figuratively I should say it's figuratively right in front of your face all you have to just pick them up okay now do you guys know who Jim Rohn is some of you do especially if you watch a channel you may know who he is right now but he is like the The Godfather of business philosophy and if you follow people like Gary Vaynerchuk switch colors here and people like Tony Robbins and Brian Tracy and Darren Hardy who are well-established authors and thought leaders and entrepreneurs and garyvee they all in some way say something very similar to Jim Rohn so to me when you're inspired by these people try to figure out because if you read their biography they usually do credit who they learn their ideas from and it usually points back to Jim Rome and if you look at what they say it's all very similar but it's said in a different way so this is also another clue as to how you can say the same thing but have your own voice injected in there and I think that's really cool so I read Jim runs book it's called the seven principles or seven strategies for wealth and Happiness have you guys read this book it's an excellent book I highly highly recommend it okay and I'm reading this and Jim Rohn learned from his mentor who never wrote a book so he had a mentor okay so his mentor was a guy named Earl something I think but I don't remember his name no good guess that doesn't sound right I mean you could be right but I don't think that's a name and then Jim also says well the original source of all this stuff was the Old Testament so he's going back to the Bible here you see how this works so if you wanted to to try to be more original and to create more impactful content keep tracing things back to its source and then discover it for yourself and then wrap it around your voice in your story and this is how you do this okay any questions so far oh yeah go ahead there's two mics Melinda can you help us out there's some of the mic right there Thank You Melinda just in my case what are you describing to me I can't stop thinking about a trans Fred how like you know how social media trans yeah and how people jump in into repeating yeah no so could you explore a little bit more about like the relationship of this with the trans cuz what are you saying is that don't do not copy but at the same time nobody wants to reinvent wheels yeah you kind of you know yeah I don't think I can't stop time trying to think just how to articulate my question but what is your name Giovanni Giovanni Giovanni hold your thought as I turn these pages see if I don't just unravel it all for you okay and if not tried to articulate your thinking into a question that I can answer because we can talk about trends but I'm I'm fearful that I'm gonna take you down a path that you're not going to go down maybe but I will tell you right now that you know maybe there aren't so many new ideas maybe I'm not sure okay but we'll talk about it alright so I want to talk about this thing and you see all these teachers these so-called experts these influencers that exists on the Internet and they talk about this and they always say what's the number-one rule the number-one rule you guys know what the number-one rule is it's right here in front of you they say make high-value content that's what they say make high-value content and I sit there and I read those things I'm like oh I'm sorry I was trying to make low value content that's why it wasn't working like am I an idiot like this is a platitude you nez know what a platitude is something we all know like freedom is great you know it's like yeah we all need oxygen too but to say make high-value content cuz what's the opposite of that make low value content nobody wants to make low value content so I think they say this because they don't even know what to do so I'm gonna try and help you a little bit here I'm gonna dig in deeper into this thing like what does it mean to make high-value content like we agree but now you have to explain it okay the first thing that we all want to do is we want to make something new we want to make something fresh and the word that usually people throw around is like I want to be an original person I want to make something original but how many new things do you know that exists out there that's a very difficult thing and it's like we all love an idea that we've seen before so I personally believe this is just my own belief here there are very few new things in the longer that we live the less likely it is that you're gonna be the person to bring something new to the world so we become obsessed with creating something original now original might mean original to you but it's not original to being now let me explain that meaning you don't know where you got the idea from that's just called the ignorance so when you show the work and you're like this is really original and if somebody has enough of an art history background that they can sit there and say well no this is really what Gauguin was doing back in this ex you know in this painting and your idea isn't really that new right look if you look at Shepard Fairey's work you might say wow that's really new and fresh and it actually it's not the Russian constructivist have been doing it so naturally if you look at the work it's almost the same and he said well that's a really new idea it's obey giant thing obey you know and then you look at that film which he referenced in the 80s and it's like literally exact same typeset so why does he get credit for doing something new now his work is worth a lot and I think the work is actually quite good why is that well because he pulled from an 80s movie obscure of one of these grindhouse films these be films you know that nobody watched so he's bringing something that's new to you that's all he's doing and then he grabs Russian constructivism the works of like alexandra duchenko and these other constructivist also kind of obscure he puts those two things together and he draws President Obama and puts the word hope on there as part of that campaign and then his career skyrockets so when we're talking about doing new things we're really not talking about anything new at all what we're talking about our old things made new that's it take something old and make it new case in point the story the love story of star-crossed lovers you might recall Romeo and Juliet but what we keep seeing is the exact same story being remade retold contemporary times so in the past and the time of the Capulets and the Montagues they argued they fought because there's a family feud the families hated each other that doesn't really happen anymore in modern society right so if you look at the film is it you got mail I think it's you got now Tom Hanks meg Ryan they're they're in love with each other but Tom Hanks whose family owns like the Barnes & Noble or the Amazon books of the day right whereas she owns the little bookstore around the corner and they have diametrically opposed a points of view so their families are at war but just through the story or the lens of bookstores and they just keep doing this over and over again right so what we're looking for is just a new way to tell an old story and how do we do that where are my notes well then what am I missing here well we just talked about the movies and you'll see like films that kind of our groundbreaking and there are once in a while these films that are very groundbreaking and then you'll see other films looking just like it we've seen this happen over and over again so I did ask Melinda to look into the percentages of films what percentage of films are based on a remake the sequel and vase based on a book so of all the films that are produced in 2019 how many do you think or based on a remake of sequel or based on a book versus original what do you guys think what percentage would you put that at hey man you're really good it is around 90 where's that Danny somebody's working in film video apparently yes it's about 90 percent or based on things we've already seen before so it's very challenging for filmmakers to get their projects greenlit because nobody wants to take that risk and then you see like an original film and it just bombs at the box office and even remakes or adaptations of a play in our musical into a screen the silver screen also bomb at the box box office but it's less of a gamble cats in particular probably like maybe even one of the worst box-office flops ever so that does happen right so what we need to do is to take something old and we make it new I'm going to show you or share with you some strategies on how to do that okay so another Jim Rohn quote he says that wealth wealth is your ability to convert experience was the quote Melinda into equity and capital I think there's another word besides experience right knowledge to convert experience and knowledge mmm so before I was talking about people referencing Jim Rohn and why is it that Tony Robbins is super successful why is it that Gary Vaynerchuk has a couple of hundred you know look I don't know how much does company's worth but several hundred million dollars when they're all using the same source material so they do something it's called filtering so the key here is to convert is to change to transform what you want to do is you want to transform something into something else and the more you're able to do that the better the idea seems to be so let's get into that so I have this metaphor apparently I'm not the only one who refers to is this is we're gonna talk about creativity so what you want to do is we all aspire to be very creative to be fresh new and different and hopefully groundbreaking and so if you look at a rubberband there's three states of the rubberband okay where it's normal we're gonna call it like this I'll draw it it looks like that it's not stretch very far and one where it stretched really far so it might look something like this where you have the rubberband and it's gonna break really soon but it doesn't break just yet okay that's a really far stretch and then what happens when you stretch it too far it just snaps and hopefully you don't lose an eye okay so this is no stretch what we're talking about here is to be to be able to take something that's familiar and make it new make it unfamiliar and I'm going to share some ideas on how to do that but so if we don't do anything to the idea basically we've not transformed it at all we've barely touched it and so this tends to be really boring or derivative like a copy and if we pull it so far apart in so wild it becomes broken and too abstract and hard to understand and we see works of art like that usually experimental videos or like that when you walk into gallery and just like weird colors and I'm like what does this mean I don't get it so the magic is somewhere in between the farther you can stretch it an idea the more you can transform it while still not breaking it that's the magic so I'm going to talk about how to do that okay so one idea is called the big small and the big small is this this is how you get people to see something they've always seen in a new way that's what I mean the new old or the old new okay the big small is something like this take something small and make it really big or take something big and make it really small and it forces us to kind of reexamine something that we've looked at for a really long time Andy Warhol did a great job about this right he would take common household objects and just presented us in a new way so he would take the brillo box the packaging for brillo and just print it out and make him really big or he would take the Campbell Soup can which is quite famous and just paint them so that we would have to examine this differently another way that you can do this is to take say you guys know I'm gonna draw something here hopefully you guys know what this is know what that is the escape Q we see it on a keyboard now with all the scissor mechanisms the keys don't look like this anymore but the classic keyboards that have such a great ergonomic feel to them with great feedback it's like that and yeah we see that on the keyboard we don't pay attention to at all but if you make this really big and you turn it into something like this where somebody can actually sit on it all the sudden it's an art object and then these sell for I don't know 100 $200 so you've taken a ubiquitous item as a key and you turned it into a seat conversely you could take something like a chapel of some sort right you guys have seen these things and then what is it what do they do they carve that on the end of a toothpick or now toothpick match or on a grain of rice so nothing new except for it's been transformed in scale so changing the scale is one way to make something new so if you're thinking about how to write a post for Instagram or how to present a new or a concept that's everybody has taken for granted just try and do that and then there's something else called the remix where you just take something and you combine it with something unexpected does anybody have an example of that there's lots and lots of things like that anybody we were doing so good earlier today and now I told you you'll bring my hurt and we're getting into brain hurt territory right now yeah well I'll tell you one famous remix quite literally is I think jay-z and the Black Album and the Beatles had the White Album right so this is the White House and this is the Black Album and I think Danger Mouse you know Danger Mouse he tipped those and mashed them together and made the grey album quite literally taking two things and mixing them together here in Los Angeles we're kind of well known for our fascination with street food and food trucks right so a while ago there was a food truck that was always like with a long line like every time you rolled up to it there was a long line they would tweet their location and then you'd have to hunt them down and I think it's called a Kogi truck and they took Korean short rib and they mixed it with tacos so you got Korean tacos mixing two cultures Korean with Mexican culture and smashing it together and that became something quite interesting and new and now they're very there's a bunch of permutations of that kind of idea like fusion foods we see that a lot right fusion foods and there's something called molecular gastronomy you guys know about this molecular gastronomy Malinda diva no this term but maybe you guys will also know something molecular gastronomy is a very specific kind of cooking that's mostly science in chemistry with some food like cooking stuff so what they do is they take foods that you're familiar with and they deconstruct it they might take something that's solid and blend it and reform it into a cube so that when you bite into it it's not what you expect it to be so you're going to taste that watermelon for the first time again and they mix things together like that and they create really wonderful flavors so fusing things together that is the idea of the remix one that one really great remix I think in terms of this concept is this poster I saw it was four Helvetica but it was set in like caslen and people are like what so everybody is familiar with Helvetica the typeface but then this was done in a serif typeface and it messed people up so you take Helvetica because we all know this word and how it's supposed to look and they just change the typeface then it was like brilliant genius what a great idea you guys understand can I see your question yeah um could you give us some examples for those two strategies big small and remix that have to do with like ideas yes I see how this works with tangible things you know like works of art things you can see visually or like music like examples they begin here but I'm wondering how this works with ideas like what do you mean to take a big idea and make it smaller oh like a like a image because I'm thinking I'm like for me personally when I communicate I communicate ideas and some wondering could you apply those to like abstract concepts like what I'm thinking of an example of from the future for example if you talk about a concept like you know like value-based pricing or something that has to do with something like that could you apply those strategies to like those kinds of ideas most definitely how would that work okay it's ten thousand dollars a lot of money for you for me yes yeah so if I were to try to sell your course for ten thousand dollars would you say that's a big number yes okay and then I'm gonna tell you normally I charge clients a hundred thousand dollars for that it's ten thousand dollars a big number no well that's what I mean or if I tell you that people who have taken this course I just a totally fictitious there's not something people have taken that course now have made $40,000 would you consider this number big no so I just applied the big small principle for you on an abstract idea is that we talking about yeah no I was I was thinking about it in the context of you know me say making a post or Instagram or in the context of the carousel I'm wondering how this works I'm like okay I have an idea of what I want to make a post about and then the challenge is to remix it with one of these strategies so I'm having trouble seeing how that works and like concretely okay because our audience is very broad from photographers architects videographers fashion people graphic designers I have to give you the broadest kind of conceptual frameworks and then hopefully you start to connect the dots yourself good because I I could sit here and try to figure it out with you specifically what you're doing but I'll show you how these things work okay I saw an ad and it looks something like this and had a little plate right and had it's one of those frozen dinners so it has little compartments for peas a little piece of meat some a dessert thing and then there was somebody's hand and let me look at how this might look and the fork was like this big right so this is somebody with a napkin or a placemat and looking at their food and this was something about like we don't make small sized meals like we make full-grown like we make meals for full-grown adults so they just took something just made it really really small and then this is an ad okay so if you are looking for ideas I have a folder with thousands of images like this that I just collect because I used to teach and like advertising concepts to my students right so I would recommend that you look at archive magazine there may be any K in there I don't know how they spell it like that archive magazine and all they do is showcase the best conceptual ads from all over the world are you looking for more ideas like this on how to remix and combine oh yeah I was just looking for a couple examples but I totally understand what you mean by you know I'll come with myself I just yeah yeah I was just curious okay so these are different ways or different frameworks for you to start to think about this now because we do aspire to create things that feel new and feel fresh and so what we have to do is just find things that we like and try to find that place where they overlap I saw a really brilliant ad you guys know what preparation-h is I mean we're getting older so we should know I guess I think preparation ages for what is that what they're called hemorrhoids thank you that's why heme writes right something like that I don't know it's about it and they drew this thing with a like I'm going to do a very job drawing but this is a bicycle right cropped really tight and this is where the seat goes right have you seen this ad before and the seat looks like this is a saw blade and just looking at me me hurt like I understand this idea so they took the saw blade which we all understand cuts and then you just replace the seat and put it in there brilliant ad so they found the overlap between two things and put them together I'll show you another at ok we're going down a different hole here but we're gonna do it anyways who cares right I saw this ad and it was something like this let me see if I can draw this the right way I messed up guys something like this okay I totally mess up that drawing but from the way that this thing was lit it looked like a shark let me do this again kind of on the spot drawing here so it was the front of the car and then it looked like that and then it's like this yeah that looks like a shark now right and it was for the BMW z3 it was the convertible and it says cuts through the road like a shark whatever something like that and this thing won a gazillion awards so all they did was take the profile of a BMW and light it in a certain way so that it was this illusion that it was a shark because it had these side vents the gills right so again on a different day when we want to talk about conceptual visual thinking I can go really deep on this and give you a gazillion examples okay all right all right so we mentioned this before about looking elsewhere to draw inspiration inspiration from things that aren't directly in front of you because if everybody is there all feeding from the same creative watering hole so everybody's going there and they're just grazing here right so everything's gonna be the same and what happens is the water becomes really putrid what you want to go is go somewhere else go far far away and the farther away you go from where everybody's looking the more original your ideas seem and I forget if it's Picasso who said this but the secret to originality is your ability to hide your source I need to interpret that for you because if I say that people like well Chris just said cite your sources what they're saying is your ability to hide your source in that people can't figure out where you got it from it's not that everybody knows where you got it from me you just cut out the credit totally different concepts okay so go out a lot of really well-respected designers when you ask them when you get stuck what do you do most of them say one of two things I go for a walk so I can clear my mind because in the act of being bored and walking you're autobiographical brain starts to take over and starts to pull out really rich ideas but the other one that's a little bit more useful for you is they say this I go to the museum the high art that's there who really breaks my thinking as to what is possible they're not gonna go and see a piece of art in the gallery and say I'm gonna produce the same thing as Andy Warhol but what they'll do is they'll go there and they'll see that piece of Modern Art and they'll say oh I just have to challenge people's assumption about what they know I'm gonna make something small big and then go back and they make something small big and then people won't say well that was Warhol wasn't it because he doesn't own that idea either okay but if you copy the silk-screening technique of Warhol with the offset colors then they're like that looks like a Warhol doesn't it and that's where you kind of get into some slippery slope territory there the other thing that you can do which I highly encourage you to do is when you see a piece of content idea I want you to think about how this relates to you make it personal to you when Jim Rhon was talking about referencing the Old Testament he would say like the best stories the best business lessons have already been taught in Scripture but what he does is he takes the scripture and he changes it and makes it contemporary and relates it to something that's happened to him in his life so in that way you own the story that nobody can take from you and if you can do that you do really well for yourself and one thing that you can do is you can look up on the internet writing prompts for creativity or whatever writing prompts right and the writing prompts are nothing more than little thought bombs thrown in your face so that you can think about what it is that you want it right about so one of them I wrote is I mean they're not lying I just collect these things is what's a big failure you've had and if you search into your mind you come up with the first one and the second one the third one the fourth one is just start writing and that's one thing or what's a turning point in your life in your career those are inflection points it's something happened so there was the life before and the way that life is now something led up to that point something made you make a decision and you made a decision and now you're on a different branch so what happened there you can talk about that you can talk about a hero or a Shiro in your life somebody you've looked up to a parent a friend a teacher a coach an imaginary coach one that you study from from a distance they don't have to be real people that you know and think about what you've learned from them and write that through your lens your POV and make it something you own now as I look across this room there's a good diversity in terms like ethnicities and where you're all from right so I think if I all if I gave everybody here the same story something super inspirational quote if you make it yours and you fold your story into it this is where I think you're gonna find some Instagram gold for people they want to connect with human beings like unless you're an account that's already got millions of followers posting quotes from other people not interesting at all but if you take that quote and you're trying to find a story where this applies to your life or your version of this and you say it a different way this is how you make something old new again and there's a woman I think she's a woman or a team of people I think it's called her accounts called sarcasm only and it's meant for women but I love reading them because they're so funny there's really funny and I think this started a couple years ago and she says she puts out like 10 a day it's incredible and it's from a very specific like cranky woman's voice who's still young it's very specific so it owns a very specific Lane that well I'm not that person I can't own that so that's really cool from sarcasm only okay the last thing is I just want to make you guys think about this a little bit is how to make it sticky that's almost as worthless as saying make high-value content make high-value content but sticky I was watching the documentary on Netflix there's three things that really help us with memory like why we remember certain things most everything else and the three things they said I think in this order is emotion like you have to create a starting emotion that's visual so there's images so it's visual and lastly stories help us to remember so if you can hit all three it's an emotional story that's visual you got a banger right there so think about that that's what people remember so what does this mean to you how do you apply any of this so I think a lot of us are scared to say something that might offend somebody right so we play it really safe and if you play it really safe that's fine you won't have many enemies but you also won't have a lot of friends the way I look at it if you say something and doesn't irritate like five people you're not saying anything at all because you have to be for something for someone to be against you right so this is where you have to be somewhat polarizing some would say I'm very polarizing so I say in that spectrum of where you can push things find out what works for you but you got to take a position you got to stand for something okay I'm gonna flip back here give you guys a second to think here Jonah are we having any questions I need to talk about okay here's an exercise that you can do in terms of high-value content there's an exercise in the business of expertise that David Baker writes rap about he's in the military there's this exercise called drop and give me 20 right drop and give me 20 you guys have heard of this if you ever watch any kind of military boot camp kind of film it's like magnet clapping give me 20 it means you have to give 20 push-ups right on the spot and the idea behind drop and give me 20 it's very simple is that you should be at a level of fitness that you can at any given notice drop and do 20 push-ups that's the idea so you're always ready for battle whatever you're physically fit so he said that to become an expert you need to think about like what is your 20 drop and give me 20 insights that you have from doing what it is that you've done 20 insights and can you write them down so you guys that are watching and those of you guys here in attendance think about that what 20 things you know from your life experience about art design about clients relationships philosophy health fitness anything sit down write what those 20 things are and try to fill up the page the next thing is ask yourself would anybody pay you for any one of those things would they pay you for this what what dollar amount would they put on that right what would they pay you so I produce videos like this for free which costs us a lot of money to actually make and why do we do this because some people actually really enjoy our videos and actually donate money to us so that we can continue to do this so that the video is valuable like you guys are giving me something very valuable right now I think you know what I'm talking about right you're giving me your time and you're giving me your attention so in LA to drive across town on a Friday at 4 o'clock that's a big commitment and if I didn't give you anything valuable you'd be quite angry at the end of this so think about what insights that you have this is the other problem when people create content online and I read them I swipe the room like you didn't teach me anything new you didn't tell me something I already knew in a new way you didn't shift my perspective one degree and I'm upset because you've wasted my time the opposite is also kind of dangerous where you put too much information on each slide that it becomes so dense that it doesn't become fun anymore for me to swipe through your carousel so there is that kind of right amount and it's not a formula I can tell you but you know it when you see it when you see somebody's carousel and it's flowing really nice and it's building up a story it's creating tension for you and it gives you a satisfying conclusion to a story or a problem then you feel that's great so think about this I have a coaching group I tell them you guys are all experts tell me what your 20 insights are and they're right and then I ask them what would you pay what - stranger pay to know this information this is the key this whole ability about wealth converting your knowledge and experience what is somebody going to pay you to hear to show up to drive across town and give you their time and attention that's very valuable okay questions so far Wow okay please this is kind of all your talk so always takes me to different places so this one has taken me to music conception right when you when you look like creating the songs you know there are like thousands of songs with the same structure the same chords same notes and and yet they do sound different so I think there is I was thinking on to make it different it could be something like unexpected you gotta be I think that that's a factor that I can from all of those big small remix and all that kind of you know being unexpected makes a big big impression to to determine if you've seen it right so okay so more of a statement about my mind went right look in pop music there's only so many chords that people keep playing over and over right but they find slightly different arrangement and maybe stylistically any played differently but it's kind of the same in the bass is that like there's only three notes you can play but there's infinite variations of that I think or something like that I'm not a musician I'm gonna get in trouble for saying this because the Internet is very smart and they don't like it when I say something I don't know so I'm gonna walk away from that one okay all right so we're kind of I'm going on for pages away here from reaching the end here okay so now let's get into the nitty and the gritty how we gonna do this okay now I'm going to share with you very specifically how I was able to make this post in 20 minutes I'm constantly looking for ways to optimize my process and my workflow to get the most amount of done a most amount done and create the greatest amount of impact because I just have so little time to do this up so I want you guys get into this mindset to beta test before you launch beta test everything what happens is I'm gonna make an assumption a broad assumption here and you know sometimes you make an assumption you get it wrong is a lot of people just post it on Instagram and hope it works out and if you're new to this game of creating carousels and trying to teach it could take you a day you should take me almost a full day to make one carousel post and then some would work and some wouldn't and when they don't work I get a little sad and some work and I'm like what happened I can't figure it out so I have a formula for you that will help to ease some of the pain to speed up the creative process and allow you to try a lot of different ideas to be able to iterate a speed of thought okay and this is how it goes there's a graph here and the graph looks like this and I want to be able to start with the easiest thing that I can do while doing the least amount of work this is me I'm really lazy I want big impact for almost no work and my mind is hardwired to think like that okay and then what I do is I translate that into something and I try it out via sketch form before I commit to actually making anything or searching for any images and the way I do this is I test ideas now where might be a good place test ideas that is so so easy for you what do you guys think well for example you can do it in on Instagram you get it on your stories we're just talking to it and so you get any feedback for that do I do stories great good job what else production right you can't do anything you can't edit you just got to record and go it's great what else you said Twitter earlier yes Twitter anywhere else Cora you answer questions in Cora is there two R's and 401 why not okay where else conversation yeah just tell someone yeah just sit down and let's talk right friends yeah I mean use that friend Network and say hey I've been thinking about this I want to tell you this story who everybody's got to eat so you meet them up for lunch you tell them a story and if they mean in or tell me more they just can't get enough of this you're like okay something there's working and if you're not getting the reaction you want either change your story just forget about it where else can you make ideas really fast yeah you wanna be able to make ideas really fast so you can test things it's similar stories but I do live streams personally to just get it out stream yeah and do like long stream of cautions type things yeah kind of like my original example about believe it till you achieve it it was a long conversation whatever if somebody said was valuable I tested it and I put it back out into the universe okay so my process looks something like this what I like to use is twitter twitter you get really fast feedback if you say it wrong oh my god angry designed Twitter will be all over you right so you're gonna know and I'm constantly trying to find that spot that makes people care so they either they either really angry at me or they love it so when I put something out and nobody really responds like I didn't say it in a way that people care enough about it the cool thing about Twitter is this this feed in 20 minutes I'll put on the same tweet again and I'll change the language and it's weird same idea said differently totally different reaction and what's really cool about Twitter is sometimes people say Chris you might want to look into this or here's a different way of saying it and I like their way of saying it better and they start to nosh it up okay and I allow the Twitter thing to be a creative backboard for my idea so I don't know what support this might be there's the backboard it bounces and that's Twitter and Twitter's not a machine I'm talking about all the people and then the ball bounces back and it's like oh that's what people care about and how do you know they care about it how can you tell it's not just a feeling engagement 100 percent engagement and you can look at as likes retweets which are I think the most powerful version of that and comments so do they respond to it likes retweets and comments they're usually related if you have something with lots of likes and very low retweets I don't know what I've not seen that too often so usually it's some percentage of this drops and then it drops right it's something like that so we can all find our threshold to say as a rule moving forward if a tweet gets more than say what would your number be like more than X number of likes then it might be something you should pay attention to well what might that be for you it's different for each person depends on how big your following for me if on Twitter s I don't following yeah that's why it got like 20 likes okay so let's say let's say 40 likes okay we're gonna set a new benchmark so the reason why I want to say that it's like I need 40 people at least to care about it so I want you to raise your bar so if you don't have a lot of followers and and mentions and comments and all that stuff on Twitter it means trying the voice try one of these formulas say something that's gonna listen an emotional response from somebody tell them a story that's very personal maybe like I said a turning point in your life and see what happens like I said I think people really want to connect to other human beings so when you just put out what everybody else is putting out it's like now yours copy pace command C command V that's all you're doing tweak it change it okay sometimes I'm not saying I do it on purpose all the time sometimes I do just misspell words to piss people off and then they get angry and then they respond like you spelt their mind you spell for mine it just keeps putting it up in the feed like I know not always sometimes I do really just screw up okay you can say something yeah I was gonna say one thing that I've tried for myself that has worked because I have like a really small following on Twitter yeah is competing on comments section so on Instagram yes people who are related to my niche like big accounts yeah I'm trying to get there early and trying to get top comments and if I do get a lot of upvotes and replies on that comments I know that something struck a chord yeah that's something that anyone can do yes so following 100% yes and I'm gonna show you other ways of doing this for people who don't have a big Twitter following not like I have a big Twitter following but it's enough for me to test ideas so now you find something that hits nerve now what I do is I go to my notebook right I keep this little notebook in my pocket next to my bedside and what I do there's the notebook right there is I just jot down ideas I draw a grid of eight frames and I just start writing and what's really cool about it is this it's like this notebook is not very big as you can see this is it that means you cannot cram too much information in each one of these squares it forces you to figure out what the heck you want to say into say in a powerful 16th way what happened is I ran out of pages on this one and didn't buy a new one yet so I whipped out this one and now unfortunately this one's much bigger so what happens is I start writing more I'm messing up my own formula here you guys so I would suggest that you keep a much smaller notebook and just jot in eight beat eight story beat ideas draw grid I draw a line I cut it into four parts done just write like hmm what am I thinking and then I look at my own idea and sometimes this happens and actually when I say sometimes almost every time and look at it I was like I was really excited when I started but the when I looked at it later on I'm like no that's terrible but you know what my commitment in time was two minutes here that's all I mean you could see this it's not like these are not works of art here two minutes get an idea out doesn't work move on so my life is full of books like this of ideas that are stillborn didn't make it out all right so here's what we do we move from the path of easiest to hardest so this is a little bit harder so to me taking a tweet the idea worked now I have to figure out how to make it into eight frames nine nine or ten frames and then we'll put out an Instagram and if it works it's awesome but I don't stop there now we're gonna step outside of the Instagram bubble for one second I'm gonna talk about what's hard well I'm gonna make a video of this now and you know what these whiteboards were literally Instagram carousels that worked that I was working on in Matthew sends me a message he's like Chris work on that one put that video out and that video has over a hundred thousand views so I just test an idea and when it works just like Hollywood I do the remake I do the sequel I do the Broadway musical adaptation of it and I just keep doing that and if it still works you know I'm gonna go to LinkedIn I'm gonna drop on a LinkedIn so this is how you're able to make like one high quality piece of content and find different expressions of it and you can now do like I said you can do a talk on the stage you can transform this into a podcast and something that I may or may not do I may just take my favorite Instagram post and turn them into a book so this is how I like to work meaning to do as little work as possible and to get the most reward for my work but I'm not gonna just pick any page I'm just gonna pick the ones that people like the most you see so like some of you guys if I were to tell you go write a book today you would be scared that's a lot that's a big commitment and I'm gonna I need to take half year off work to do that but if you do the work on a day to day basis every couple of days you put you create ten pages of this book and you only take the hits and you put it together I think it's going to have a built-in audience for it that's already been tested it's been vetted so I want you to get into this idea don't be the crash-test dummy to set up the test and launch and see what happens if it doesn't work reset try again and just keep doing that over and over again make sense questions okay now I'm gonna get into this all right so I I screen captured a bunch of my my tweets the ones that have a lot of likes I start to examine those as those become the bedrock for an Instagram post or not a bedrock the jumping-off point the springboard for it okay so for me my threshold is about six seven hundred likes if it gets past that I have to consider it so this is all I do I put out thoughts very carelessly now I wanna say I mean that's what Twitter's for just testing bouncing ideas off and if something sticks I'm like dang okay that worked a screen capture I put into a different bucket it becomes my Instagram bucket of ideas Woody Allen the famous American director right writer in the documentary he talked about this he said everywhere I go I just write down little scraps and ideas little props like a woman falls out of a car and that's the beginning of a story and he puts all of these things in his nightstand and so when he was talking to the filmmaker he he opens this and he starts the meeting oh that's good oh that's terrible oh maybe I'll start writing this film so he's collecting scraps so to me this is my version of collecting scraps to see if they work except for with Woody he doesn't know these ideas are any good so I would encourage you to find your platform whether it's speaking live streaming Instagram stories Twitter or everywhere anywhere else try this and see what happens okay now I wrote it on the top here something to remind me of something to talk to you about well we're talking about social media right and people do say this like why aren't I getting social media and I know why because you're not a social person you are an anti social media person right because social what a social mean I go out I put myself out there I show up I have conversations I meet new people engage with them that's what social media is or that's what being social means and we just added the word media so you those same principles apply so very simple framework ask listen and then respond okay you want to ask really great questions questions that make people think some people might say those are Socratic questions right not yes or no questions open-ended questions the spark conversation that create dialogue and then when they respond listen to them read their comments see what's happening and then respond to their responses and this is how a dialog happens so that they don't feel like you're in it just to promote now you'll see people on social media and all they do is talk about themselves they don't even ask you a question they're like I have a new book I have a new this I'm gonna be here isn't it's great I just landed this job at what social function would you want to hang out with somebody like that no no social function and so what you see is you see them posting all the time for likes 12 likes not interesting right so here it is somewhere in here is this post when I was talking to you about this earlier the conversation started on YouTube and then I tried to sit there and sum it up and I wrote it just like this in case you guys are not following me and look at this thing it has 1.8 thousand likes I'm not an idiot I took something that worked I made it work again and it made it work one more time and you have not seen the end of this thing okay so I wrote here I don't mind the expression to fake it till you make it but erupts some people the wrong way the word fake conjures up impressions of fraudulent misleading and dishonest if this bugs you I suggest using believe it to you achieve it same idea of different words 546 retweets now my brain is like I gotta do something with this how do I make this into a carousel and I was laying in bed one morning and I was thinking about this how do I do it I know I'm gonna do it I'm gonna show you because already done it this is like the cooking show where I tell you how to make the meatloaf but the meatloaf is already made then I just pull it out here we go it's page two okay I'll show you how I took that tweet and translated into carousel pose again notice the least amount of work I'm using three typefaces I'm living dangerously because usually I only use two type pieces if you were paying attention I've introduced a serif typeface and so of course everybody's like what serif typeface is that another conversation with another day now let's get into this part okay I was thinking that the first image is my headline image this is what is referred to as the hook if you can't hook me in you're done I don't go to slide two three four five and six because this is not interesting so I had to think of the most bombastic attention-grabbing way this is the a in the ida format right the framework attention you have to grab my attention so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna say fake I think that should stop people fake and then I could just go right into the tweet or the the Instagram carousel but I won't cuz you know why because I gotta make this last ten slides long so fraud okay you get an idea and then imposter and there's one more after this like cheat at this point they must be thinking themselves where's this going if you don't deliver on this right now I'm gonna kill you so guess what okay I ask this question is this what comes to mind when you hear the expression what expression fake it till you make it so I'm having a conversation with the audience right and then I explain it I said fake it doesn't mean to lie or to make claims you can't faithfully deliver on it's an internal belief system and a reminder to act as if that's what fake it means it's not to create fraud for people to make claims you can't deliver on you know what's really cool I would be stuck here that's the kind of the end of my tweet what did I do I posted that and I read all the responses and one of my friends I guess friends now Mr Blair ends he writes in there some really smart responses and I'm like no I know what I'm gonna add to this one I'm gonna have what he said right so he says Dan Sullivan talks about this summon the courage to commit to action which builds competence and then finally comes confiden he says Dan Sullivan the consultant talks about the four C's courage commits competence and builds confidence and all of a sudden my dumb little thing sounds a lot smarter and guess what I cite him right here both people Blair hands and Dan Sullivan even though I don't think they're all like on social media you know I still do my best to try and excite and credit and then I finish it off with in other words believe it till you achieve it and go back to blur ends saying commit before you're confident so you see like I'm saying one idea fake it till you make it like three or four different ways I said fake it to make it believe it to you achieve it commit before you're confident and the four C's the courage to commit competence and confidence you guys get this now so this thing then gets me two hundred almost two hundred thousand reach two hundred thirty five thousand impressions 634 follows on this one dumb post that's all type based that I swear to you took me less than twenty minutes the longest thing that took me was which serif typeface am I gonna use that one almost killed me all right so insider you know type nerd stuff there so you guys understand now okay you take that piece of bread and you keep slicing and you put butter on once like okay I'm gonna serve it to you another way I'm gonna cut off the crust that's a whole new sandwich for you okay questions or comments is it making sense and and thank you for your patience because the internet just wants to jump to like minute 45 but that's how I do things is how I like to teach okay where are we I think we're at the end okay good save me before we get to the last slide okay so how can somebody that does not have that much thank you yes yes yes it's right here it's right here on the board okay now they're right here okay I said ask let's respond let's say you don't have a big enough platform or you don't even know what kind of questions asked thank God the internet exists don't worry because red is full people asking questions I should say that differently red is full of it of people I'm sorry full of people asking questions that's what it is so I go sometimes on to Reddit and I see them asking a crazy question and I see how many of them respond that's one I'm gonna want to answer if nobody cares about it it doesn't get uploaded too much but people don't care about it for whatever reason so red is a great place to find threads where people are very passionate and you could read their comments so you're kind of getting this without doing any of this work it's even lazier than my version you know how to do anything just sit there and read and figure out which one's pop the the work comes in trying to answer it so I would scan the answers and see like nope these are the idiots they don't know what they're talking about I have a different point of view or no it's been answered really well I shouldn't touch this thing it's done or I'm gonna find a different way to say that or I'm gonna find the source of who said that and make that interesting or I'm gonna take that answer and find my own story that relates to that that's what you do so you can go to Cora Cora's another place where people ask questions and get answers you can see what's trending on Google like what are people searching for as a jumping-off point but there's also this awesome website it's called cancer the public comm and it's a really cool place to see like what people are interested in asking about and it's last time I checked was like there's knodel thing like little spikes like mind mapping thing and then you can look at it you can click on those things and they blow up and it's a really cool way to find out did I answer your question no no I don't mean you want a refund on that away okay where's your mic yeah that's what I thought that you would go through those channels to to get the ideas from yeah I do yeah if you can't if you don't have the audience to it yeah I'm gonna use this word very carefully with a big asterisk on top of it you can steal from here or you can steal from yourself so I do is just add the good ones in a bucket somewhere at some point I go back I'm like I need to make a carousel because my fall dropping off I'll pick one of these now I realize that by doing this and sharing this somebody who's paying attention to this could just go through my own feed and find which one's work and do this which sometimes they do so I have to say I have to beat them to the punch because otherwise they'll just post this before I do but I'm not that scared because I feel like the way I say it or the way I design it or the images that I pick with the type will be different hopefully better than what they do but there are some people out there that are very good if they could just do this thing and it'll work for them okay so let's do a quick recap and I'll take any live questions from you guys or from our whoever's tuning in live how many people we got watching the live stream today Jonah 500 okay all right now the recap okay we just went over this so the AI da framework as far as I can tell is credited to a guy named Elias 8 Elmo Lewis and it's a way of talking about advertising or marketing okay and you have 10 slides to work with I've broken it out like this the Ida and I just changed one thing so a is for attention an eyes to build interest and D he says to create desire I just say give me the detail just give me the details and then a is a call to action tell me what you want me to do now that's it it's that simple and if you take away these two things you really only have 8 frames to work with that's why I draw a grade of 8 it makes sense now right because I reserved the a to do the crazy what some people would call clickbait title whatever just to draw people in and I've continued to experiment with like what images draw people what makes people stop in their feet and and look at your thing to actually deliver on this because if you don't deliver on that they'll just stop you'll lose credibility okay so the recap is this that curating is okay and copying is not so don't mix these two up please don't take somebody else's post and delete their credit and call it curating it's not curating that's not called inspired by that's not called learning that's just called stealing and that's the worst kind of stealing you're just being a plagiarist using someone else's work barely making any changes to it and calling it your own it's helping you I promise you in the long run it will only hurt you instead it's totally okay to curate meaning I've combed the internet and I found the best most relevant things to this audience and I'm just gonna share that and I'm gonna make sure I create a win-win situation win for me and win for the person who did it because I want to make sure that all credit is given to them and I'm gonna help them grow as well now I say it's okay but the person that you're curating might feel differently and each person will respond differently some people and say take down that post and I would suggest that if you get negative feedback on that delete the post right away apologize profusely and don't do it again to that person that's it because there are some internet beefs going on about people stealing other people's content like this all the time I sometimes I get in those threads and it's just it's horrible okay you know the kind of copying that we want to do is not to copy the end result we don't want to copy what it looks like we want to copy to thinking that what inspired that person we want to trace the roots back to do the genealogy of ideas and trace back the origin of where those ideas come from if we can do that we're doing something good for ourselves and we're gonna learn something and we're gonna be able to make posts that are much more interesting they're gonna stand out from what everybody else is doing we just talked about this the social part is to ask to listen and to respond you don't even have to do the asking you can just go on forums groups reddit forums and just listen and see what people are talking about what's something that you know something about and can add another dimension to it that's how you do it and and then when you have an idea when something sparks think about what people remember something that's emotional something that's visual and something that has a story those three things are key for people to remember what it is that you're doing so try those ideas out don't be afraid to break some eggs because they say you want to make an omelet gotta break some eggs and to test for ideas quickly and not to over commit to any piece of content or idea that you have try it out if it works dive a little deeper and it still works keep going and take it all the way and leverage that one piece of content into as many things as you can and I think there's probably if you're very creative no end and how you can repurpose content that works for you okay and then last thing and I said this last time I'm just gonna say it in different ways please be patient people expect miraculous results overnight doesn't happen and the opposite side of that is to be so precious with your post that you never post anything a lot of people think oh you know it's just not gonna meet my standard and I understand so the analogy I'd like to make is that you're an actor on a stage you think social media is opening night it's rehearsals and we're all rehearsing in all the world's a stage so it'll be totally okay all right if you guys enjoyed this live stream this whiteboard session I'm gonna ask you guys for a huge favor not only to check out our sponsor but also to consider making a donation to support what it is that we do I'm on denim oh you guys can just send me money which people do next time I'm gonna read off the list of people have sent me money I appreciate you guys thank you very much now let's open it up to some questions here what do you guys want to talk about relevant to what we just did go ahead so my question would be on that last slide that you have a call to action yes what would be appropriate for a call to action comment or what you pull engagement you yeah so what kind of call to action should we ask for what makes sense to you if you're selling a product you might say go click on this link if you are like me all I want you to do is to to probably like it and make a comment that's mostly what I want you to do and to get a little stronger you might ask him to share which i think is like an airplane icon I believe this is the highest ranking one the second highest ranking and then this would be the third so it'd be like this if you want to share comment like but I tend to try to ask him just to do one thing I see these slides now we're at the end the call to action is like make sure you ring the notification you know this message to somebody comment and like it's like just one thing just one okay that's all I'm going to ask you that's for because otherwise it's too much and it's weird because you would think that everybody remembers to like comment and share but they don't so guys don't forget to Like comment share and hit the notification and then they do it that's how it happens because we just remember remember oh yeah alright and they'll do that so link would work if you are in the creative service business you could say something like I designed logos for a living if this is a value to you click on the link in the bio that's all you need to do you're not gonna close somebody right here this is the care cells are not meant to be your direct path to money it's an indirect path not a direct one oddly enough I don't do creative service work anymore but in in December I got hit up by five different people or companies some very sizeable companies asking for help with their social posting and their design and I just referred them all away some were like $5,000 a month some more more some were one one time deals some some were retainers so it's really weird like I'm not looking for work on Instagram I'm just looking to grow an audience and to teach and help people and in doing so even the the unintended consequences people want to hire us me is that is that okay for you do you feel that posts that do not have an ask have a better engagement or no or use like actual ask of your product or service you know what I mean like not an ask of like tagger friend that needs to listen to this but more like or do you think that like engagement works better than trying to pull the person that's what I'm just trying to grasp I I don't know I don't have enough data to be able to answer that and in any real way but I when I was going to launched an Instagram masterclass which I'm still going to I say you know look out for the Instagram master class now there's no master class there's no link there's an old sales page I haven't even written it yet but people keep asking me about it so it's telling me that that does work so if you create something that's valuable that's in alignment with all your service or product people are gonna become curious like I want to learn this I want to sit in a room with you and let's write a carousel together from beginning to end critique review at images design it and create a template I'd like to do that with you sometimes so I say I'm gonna do a masterclass and then people become very interested in that so I don't have any data yeah okay any other questions yes so in the ask Allison response framework when you're responding to questions I was wondering have you ever run into a scenario where there's a question that's really hot and you know that if you answer a certain way is just gonna get a lot of engagement because it's gonna fire people up a certain way but in your head you're also like that's not exactly what I want to say on this topic or that's not how I would answer the question and if you do run into that do you stick to what is completely true to you do you find a balance you twist things a certain way so that you know resonates more how do you personally deal with that yeah that's a good question I'm gonna try to take a step back and tell you my philosophy on this and then get into the answer okay my philosophy on this is that you all of you are complex beings with lots of thoughts and feelings and you're not entirely consistent with yourself even one day you might respond to a challenge one way and another day you would respond completely in a different way so I think we're like this full spectrum human being and we only show the world a very small sliver of that spectrum like we say of the spectrum of light the visible light that we can see is very small right we know that it's very small because we can't see infrared we can't see x-ray there's a lot of stuff we can't see so the visible spectrum is quite small relative to the spectrum so when I'm here with you I'm showing you a version me not my whole version when I'm with my children it's a different version none of them are fake and none of them 1% true is because it's too much for anybody to know all of you at once in one sitting right so I think when somebody asks you a question you have to ask yourself what spectrum do I want to show down wanna show that person I'm an experienced filmmaker so you put your filmmaker hat on you talk to them super geeky about that or I don't know if you're a dad or married or any like there's different sides and that's the beauty of life it's not that I want to go home and talk to my wife like this way and I don't talk to her like this way right don't come busting in the door I'm like hey honey what's up I'm happy to see you it's a Friday day and I don't talk like that right but on a show like this I want to bring some energy to what I'm saying so that people don't fall asleep I'm fighting the preservation of calories people want to go to sleep right now so I have to say things in a certain way I also know that on social media I'm not trying to be mean spirited I'm trying to be direct because I think there's a lot of wish you watch the answers out there that are not clear in saying directly I know I'm going to offend people not by my intention but I just know that's the consequence of it and I have to be okay with that and that's not okay for all of you I'm secure enough in my career in my life that I can risk saying things that will piss people off I even put it in my description sometimes I am a cultural agitator I say things to stir things up so that people start thinking you know to to have critical thinking means to be critical of what you think so when somebody asks you your questions very thought-provoking it will piss some people off and some people say that's an amazing thing like I gained so much clarity because of that I'll give you another example you you've seen videos like this one people talk about how to grow your Instagram following and they generally give you like super like cut and paste answers like they just read an article somewhere on the internet and just put it out it's all pretty garbage right and they'll do in 15 minutes and they get lots of views and I'll watch that I could do the same thing but instead I'm doing an hour and a half livestream with you guys with eleven pages of like thought-out ideas and that's how I want to teach so I'm gonna show this kind of more professor Oreo side and to go really deep when other people go really shallow but that's just the spectrum I wanna show okay so I think you need to go and ask yourself what Brandon am i comfortable with sharing with the world and then step into it in small stages don't go fool crazy like all you because people will freak out that's all does it help you okay great good question a lovely couple you guys want to ask a question and then we're gonna wrap up okay how about as far as the look of all of these and the topics should it all be like niched or if I have a like idea that I want to express through the carousel it doesn't matter if it's design and then philosophy you know what I'm saying as far as gaining followers and stuff yeah so I'm gonna answer this question in two ways what I think you should do and what I do and they're not the same I think you should go super niche that when somebody Scrolls up on your feed they're gonna check out a couple of things and if it looks like what they want they will follow you and your whole point is to grow a follower right because they're subscribed to your channel but if you post something greater than philosophy and the next thing it's designed and then it's about cooking and something else they could all be great posts mind you but I didn't come here for that and so you're gonna get I think greater velocity and followers if you just stick to one thing and there's a bunch of people like James Lewis you guys know James Lewis is he does hand-painted like 3d lettering he's really great that's all he does and he has way more followers than I have and then you see a person like Stefan Koons who does like lettering hand lettering to way more followers than me logo inspirations over million followers all he shows his logos so I'm the weirdo who is interested in lots of different things so for me I tend to post things on a couple different topics and actually I have different keynote decks labeled this way so I know like what what keynote deck I'm going to open up because it could get very confusing but that's just me okay so I have one for marketing one for business one for design one for mindset I know it's crazy and one for Instagram like masterclass I think I'm missing one in here but business design yeah I think that's what I have so I have at least five decks and the decks are getting like really dense now because once it has too many slides I duplicate it I create number two and then delete the other ones so that there's business one two three and etc because opening the files becomes pretty massive yeah so that's what I'm doing and I'm sure this is not helping my followers but I don't care I have other ways to make money right so I would say for you to pick a lane and go super deep the more niche you go the easier it is for you to grow a following okay all right any other question like the super thirsty now okay one more yeah this is it okay yeah the question I was gonna ask is when you select which questions to answer yeah if you have a question that someone has asked you or a couple of people have asked you and you know that it's not gonna hit the majority of your audience but you know you can really impact a small portion of your audience would you go all in on that you table that is there another way to communicate that what would you do in in that kind of situation yeah when you say you know it's like you have a hunch and you're never you never know for sure yeah because I posted things before that I think this one's gonna go anywhere and I'll embarrass and I'll delete it later and then takes off like I don't know why it would take off and today you know my best performing post ever is one not even right Greg Gunn wrote it and that one is slaying it sound like well I I thought people get mad at me for sharing a guest post because they're like they're used to certain thing and now I'm allowing a couple of people to send me carousels that I will share their their carousel on my feed and I keep thinking this is not my design it's not even my voice I don't believe in this but they're like love it okay so you just never know and I just think that we you falsely believed that this certainty of the outcome I'm not so sure if you feel like somebody who really needs it and you have a really good answer give it a shot put it out there and see what happens and after a couple of times it just is dead delete it and then don't do it again but you just never know okay where's this deal in this place of exploration and I I would caution you like don't narrow down so fast on what you think is gonna work until you have evidence to say yeah this is causal like this and this are connected okay all right okay guys that's it thanks for tuning in guys have a great weekend and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: The Futur
Views: 462,143
Rating: 4.9205136 out of 5
Keywords: how to, instagram, grow, get, followers, tips, advice, marketing, adobe, max, social media, hash tags, content marketing, growth, organic, AIDA, using AIDA, carousels, slides, IG, grow on instagram, get instagram followers, instagram growth 2019, instagram followers, the futur, whiteboard session, how to grow on instagram, how to grow on instagram in 2020, grow on ig 2020, 2020 growth, fastest way, get more followers, blueprint, ultimate content strategy, guide, content strategy, roadmap
Id: G9LE0vdC4o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 44sec (6044 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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