Instagram LEAKS How Hashtags Actually Work (not how you think)

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you're using instagram hashtags wrong and you're probably not even aware of it because there's been some changes but let me explain a few days ago instagram posted an official explanation on how to correctly use hashtags what a surprise and while they've actually answered quite a few important questions i guess they phrased quite a few more so let's talk about how to get your hashtag reach back or actually your your reach in general because there's a big connection that we've actually figured out reading between the lines of this post backed up by real data that we've actually gathered there's also some pretty interesting inconsistencies that we figured out and i'll also explain you why you probably need to switch up your hashtag strategy a little bit in order to stay ahead of some upcoming changes that might mess everything up again in the near future on instagram now they have three slides and they're post-explaining the hashtags first of all the don'ts the dose second of all the hashtag downs and then some general things to keep in mind and all three of those things have some powerful information hidden inside and also there's a lot of in there too but uh first things first first of all they say most things that you by the way should already know if you watch this channel but first of all do use hashtags that are relevant to the theme of your content your niche do check which hashtags your fans already use and follow aha also very interesting especially researching doing some polls to figure out which hashtags your fans actually follow do makes well-known and niche hashtags to broaden your discoverability good do use specific hashtags so your fans can easily search for your content another keyword search base all right up until now all things you should know already if you watch my other videos but the last one is where it actually gets really interesting and where i got a lot of dms uh from is do you keep the number of hashtags between three and five yes you heard that correctly between three and five and people are going crazy about this my dms are full flooded saying blah what they change it up again if you take a look at the comms right there the numbers are getting smaller and smaller soon is going to be -2 hashtags to two months or something like this hear me out i have some banger new information and new data about this whole thing and by the end of this video it will make a lot more sense to you if you really want to get deep into the instagram game if you remember in my older videos i used to give out the recommendation of using 5 to 15 hashtags which is what i actually got through you know my own research i figured out that this was the maximum amount of reach that you could get and also i kind of had some mole somebody from the inside kind of slipped me this it was about a year ago or something like this but now all of a sudden they say between three and five and if we take a look at the downs they say don't use too many hashtags adding 10 to 20 hashtags will not help you get additional reach now first of all me and my marketing agency we always test everything inside out and the first thing that we found out that this number is not really set in stone ever you know it wasn't with the 5 to 15 and it's not now with the three to five right try it out for yourself vary the amount of hashtags obviously this is the direction that they want you to go into for various reasons that we're gonna get into but don't stress yourself over this all right your instagram success does not just depend on the number of hashtags that you use the big new thing that we figured out however is that most likely you're confusing the algorithm by using too many hashtags and using wrong hashtags especially if you use super broad ones as opposed to being specific and you can take a look at this at the hashtag don'ts they say don't use hashtags that have nothing to do with your content eg hashtag explore page by the way and this is a little it is true but there's a little bit of bull going on because with reels currently preparing an update to my instagram black file talking all in depth about reels using you know the latest data that we've gathered and i figured out or we figured out actually that you know using certain hashtags with reels will help you get pushed out more and more talking about hundreds of thousands for example we figured out that hashtag trending does seem to give you a boost overall i'm just putting that out there but and this is actually where it gets super interesting if we read between the lines of what missouri the head of instagram always says he says we're trying to predict what content you might enjoy the most and he says that they're constantly working on the recommendation systems trying to bring the real powerhouse of an algorithm that pushes your content out like nothing else before over to the other content types and looking at the last slide they say think of hashtags as a tool that provides context about your post and supports delivering your content to people who are interested in a particular content topic so i thought to myself why would they say that you know everything has to have a reason it's because they're training their recommendation algorithm they're going away from hashtags being just a traffic source which used to be the case actually use the information that hashtags give them to recommend you on other places like the explore page what a coincidence that people recently keep bugging me and saying things like you know hashtags are dead if you take a look at the comments i'm putting so much work in the hashtags right now but now i get the most reach from the explore page it doesn't make sense dominic it actually doesn't make a lot of sense if you take a look at it from this angle let's say you have a picture of you standing next to an airplane and you're an aviation girl for example hairstyle blessed is not going to help the algorithm or a potential audience searching for this content it's just not going to cut it so lots of people use ha brought hashtags like this to kind of explain their feelings so it will take a look at the post in hashtag blessed and the algorithm will either get confused and slash or it'll actually label this hashtag as not relevant because it has nothing to do with what hashtag blast is all about possibly even labeling all your hashtags as non-relevant and you won't rank at all with any of the hashtags if you however put this picture into cloud vision and check for the high percentage labels for example um you know like what are you going to see aviation aircraft air travel and run these keywords through hashtastic for example and let the ai do the fine-tuning voila you're gonna have a pretty good list of hashtags to choose from then from this list you're gonna select three to five of the ones you think are best fitting and there you go you have your hashtags that are probably gonna perform a lot better than the ones you usually use pro tip coming actually straight from the black file check out whether your post fits within the general theme of the other posts within that hashtag does it look similar maybe even take a look at the dominant colors you know is there an overlap and you're pretty much good to go now in addition to helping the algorithms understand your content better if people use less hashtags and more specific ones it means those people who actually search for hashtags get better more accurate results of what you're looking for which means they're happier and they stay longer on the platform which all falls back to you the creator keeping them there and this is what moziri always says they want people to be happy longer on the platform plus and this is another very interesting insight apparently the quality the content itself affects whether you rank high on a highly performing hashtag or not which is why you should watch this video here to create a content strategy that's in line with what your audience actually wants helping you boost basically everything not just the hashtags
Channel: heyDominik
Views: 207,743
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Keywords: how to grow on instagram, heydominik, heydominik instagram, how to grow on instagram 2021, how to grow on instagram organically, how to grow on instagram organically 2021, my hashtags are not working on instagram, instagram hashtag strategy 2021, instagram hashtag strategy, instagram hashtags not working, how to use hashtags on instagram, instagram hashtag research
Id: hSaKH7cwAxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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