Grow Your Instagram FAST with just 10 Minutes a Day

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I know you guys don't have a lot of time on your hands and you guys always want to have those Instagram growth results pretty fast so in this video I'll share you a strategy that you can use to effectively grow your Instagram using just ten minutes a day you know while you're waiting for the bus in the subway while you're driving a car obviously on autopilot or while you're riding a motorcycle [Music] Wacka back dominators and all of the people who want to become dominators by the way you can become the dominated by just yeah hitting the body the body the name of the button anyway if you basically have a lot of videos about Instagram about how to grow an Instagram especially the Instagram algorithm and if you've already watched those videos you might know that there's a couple things that are important to get the algorithm on your site to get some real organic and score growth first of all being the relationship depth that you have with your audience meaning the algorithm tracks how much of people who follow you actually are into your stuff you know are they just some shell ghost followers we're gonna get into that in a couple of minutes or are they some real interactive people who are you know on your track or something like this you know another important thing for the Instagram algorithm being actually some data from an audience you know and here's the thing from an audience you have to have an audience you know if you don't have a real audience if you haven't found your audience yet you can't give the algorithm data and then it can't it just can't show you to some people because the algorithm wants to show your profile to a lot of potential fans it's not against you and especially the beginning I know it's kind of hard because you know you don't know each other pretty well you don't know how the other party kind of works you don't know your quarks yet you don't know whether the algorithm likes it up but you know basically the algorithm has no idea which audience to serve your content to and this is where the ten minute Instagram strategy comes into play my friends I'm gonna give you a list of four different things that you could do and that just take ten minutes of your time and now you should do pretty much every day no let's first of all start with the most important one which is the interactions because you want to give the algorithm initially some data that it can kind of start to interpret what's going on and to finally start serving your content to other people to like-minded people and how are you gonna get data if the algorithm doesn't know anything about you right you kind of scream out there start interacting with like-minded people with competitors and stuff like that and ideal if you do it the right way which we're gonna talk about it in a second people are gonna come back feeding your profile the algorithm some data and it will slowly start to show your profile in the explore page and everywhere else for some no potential fans now I see it a lot a lot of other people who talk about Instagram growth they talk about similar things but they usually talk about mass interactions they say okay go there like 200 people every day and do this and X & Y and that well it it's not the best way to go about it because as you want to know it it's all about quality interactions let's just say you've done your competitive research you know who your competitors are and let's just say you go to their profile let's just let's just pull some random competitor let's just say you were a roach brand you go through let's say their posts you see comments first of all they don't have a lot of comments I just yeah it's kind of a bad example here but as you know we're all about oh come on they have a lot of fake followers let's take another one let's take it was Siri here okay let's go there let's just say you're the CEO of somebody and you know it kind of overlaps you say people commenting there okay what you want to do is start to first of all just like some people this valuable personally appreciate this you know obviously it has to align with your own message at Hattin the whole thing has to align with yourself and then you just go ahead and just take you know answer some comments maybe you will find some questions or something there you hit the reply button and you say you know this is how it's like for me or just strike up some conversations here and sometimes you go through other people and you might see let's say you know they're in exactly the niche that you were in and you see they are interacting with with your competitor then you start liking their post then you start you know sometimes you can even DM those people whenever you get some comments you're gonna get some comments back okay at some point or some D amps you're gonna go ahead and you know I used to do it a lot more I probably should do it again but let's just say they ask you something you're gonna want to make a video reply oh man this is what my hair looks and this mostly solidifies your relationship with your audience which is something that the algorithm really really likes you know all these things you know take ten minutes a day do them just do this and you're gonna see two big spike coming up in the your future number two actually being stories okay and this is not just some random other video that you saw says most three to five stories date this is how you're gonna maximize your so I've you know actually you have to post at least three to five stories a day if you really want to take it seriously and it just takes ten minutes you know it just takes ten minutes which but that's not about it you know this is your smart kids you know that what you want to focus on is the click-through rate of your stories meaning you want to keep people engaged you wanna crack your stories in a way that they not only watch the first one second of your story but ideally you know watch it through until the second story until the third story fifth five fourth fourth fifth you know basically making people stay on your story and have people interact with you now how are you gonna do that first of all be super approachable okay this is a big mistake that I see a lot especially beginner instagramers that make is you know they try to be cool and in the minute that you try to be cool it's kind of a bad thing you know the minute that you try to be cold you're not cool okay just try to be approachable and don't take a look at the big stars and the celebrities how they do it you know they're kind of like on a different level no you want to grow in social media you're at the same level as everybody else and this exactly is why they love you and why they think you're approachable this is why they follow you and this is how you grow your tribe obviously having more interactions helps a lot more for example pulls questions you know have that every other you know put put some questions to curse on every other day you know just really have some back and forth with your audience and ideally that if you follow point number one let's just say on Monday you did point number one ten minutes of interactions you get some followers let's say you get ten new followers on Monday Tuesday you're gonna start off with the plot with the stories what you want to do is ideally want to keep those new people engaged meaning have them answer your pulse have to answer your questions have them you know watch through or reply to your stories because I have a slight suspicion that the most recent followers are the the most important ones in terms of the algorithm and they kind of the way that they interact with you you know all the rest you know how do I know that if you go to your you're following tap there's gonna be at least interacted with but meaning they can attract this and if you're in the least interacted with from from a lot of other accounts it's kind of bad and it's actually pretty pretty bad which brings me to point number four yeah it should be point number three but it's kind of like a natural progression to a point number four meaning those fallers get rid of those dead followers and let's just say on Wednesday you have ten minutes time in subway and you know basically you want to go through your follower list you know basically checking out who of those followers is actually real who does not log into and score anymore who's a bot or stuff like this because you know the more of those goals followers who have those spot followers or people that don't interact with you low quality followers talking about trust score and stuff like this I'm gonna make an updated video about this whole top because the more of those ghost followers that falls you have the worse it is for your your own trust score as we call it you know it's kind of it's actually a pretty logical thing if you think about it you know we do have an algorithm because there's so many people on there so it kind of has to track the performance of posts and then decide whether to show your posts more people or not now you know naturally the algorithm just shows you post to this a small sub audience and let's just say you know out of this first initial sub audience that the algorithm shows you posts to theirs let's just say 50% kind of dead people who don't interact with you and this is kind of bad because that's that determines the way that you know the things are gonna happen basically the algorithm takes chunks of your audience and depending on how they interact with you your breach will either die down or it will open up to a lot of new potential people ideally to some explore people or in the suggested stuff so going through your follower list can help a lot and if it's just ten people every week that you can kind of get rid off that are kind of that kind of do nothing for your account it's pretty great I do it all the time I really do daily using mice my own service you know if you want to have it done professionally you know a shameless plug right here I have a ghost follower service removal service where we go over your accounts and where will yeah we'll get rid of those ghost Fuller's in a safe matter we've done it for accounts that have more than four or five million followers their engagement has gone up significantly so if you're interested in that down below there's a link in the description now point number three but actually number four talking about hash tax the almighty higher tax you guys just don't want to believe me that hashtags are the most important way to grow in 2020 and 2021 probably you know things can change pretty fast but here's the thing I get so many messages about hash tax and a lot of the times it seems like you guys are just super confused about it and you just over overthink this whole matter you know probably some of you waste a little bit too much of your time you know figuring out hashtags and you know going through the hash tag lists and stuff like this now there's a few that ways to go about hash sex the right way if you just have ten minutes of your time every day first thing being I have a free training down below and inside this free training I have a free pdf of pre curated hashtags for different niches you know ready for you to use ready for you to copy in there copy and paste and there's people have people have great results using delts now if you have a little bit more time in your hands I would strongly advise you to check out hash tastic which is basically the higher sex off word that I'd use that a lot of clients use and that get great results using this software and yeah basically you get just first of all just get started with that let's just say you're into travel you know you just post in you just type in travel and what you're gonna do is they're gonna show you a lot of similar it related hashtags you can pick them apart and kind of track their performance and kind of see which ones you are able to rank for it a lot easier plus they have a new feature which is really really great which is called the hash tag performance campaign mode and basically you can exactly see which Hassocks you appeared on and which hash tags you ranked on you know basically seeing while this hash I worked a lot better then you can clean it and double down on these kinds of hashtags in the future and yeah link is down in description there's a free version as well for some basic functions I actually use it myself I wouldn't say this to you if I wouldn't use this myself now if you do all these things you know one after another let's just say you can just use for example five minutes and do two of those in a day and you know the other day is another five minutes of those five minutes of those you know whenever basically you have some downtime you're gonna thank me for that my friends and I definitely write me down in the comments how do you things worked for you also write me a comment if you're still here I'd love to know if you're still here anyway my name is Dominic soon we're gonna do another profile review life you know I have some very great specials prepared yeah my name is Dominic I'll see you in a couple of days bye stay safe and uh yeah I love you all
Channel: heyDominik
Views: 304,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on instagram, heydominik, heydominik instagram
Id: 36LZaaL6MX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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