10K Followers in 10 Days (MY NEW STRATEGY!)

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guys this is not clickbait i gained 10 000 followers in 10 days here's the proof this is really not clickbait i actually changed my entire filming schedule my content plan in order to fit this video so that you guys would get the same strategy and implement it for yourself so if you want to learn more about then keep watching all right so first of all if you're new here hello i'm vanessa welcome to my channel i help you guys get visible using social media and get paid using business strategy now let's talk about my instagram growth and how i cracked the code to really supercharge my growth on instagram so i have it all written here and that is i used to post five times a week and the reason why i did that is because i already knew that posting more was actually contributing to me getting more followers on instagram now what i wanted to do is kind of piggybacking on that i was like okay if i'm posting five times a week and i'm getting this type of result going from one thousand followers per week to like let's say two thousand followers per week then maybe what i need to do is experiment with posting more per day and so i went from posting five times a week to two to three times per day monday to friday and here's what happened also before i show you what happened just you guys know i was consciously tracking the results because i knew i was changing my strategy so much and i knew that i was going to do a video on it if it worked and if it didn't work i would also do a video on it so i actually took a lot of screenshots so as you can see within those 10 days of me going from one post per day for five days a week so monday to friday one time a day to two to three times a day monday to friday i ended up gaining 1 634 followers within that 10 day time frame and when i started this strategy my account was at 191 000 followers by the end of those 10 days i was at 200 and 3 000 followers now because i really wanted to track the effectiveness of this strategy i looked at the last 10 days before i implemented this strategy before i implemented posting two to three times a day so that we're comparing apples to apples so the 10 days before implementing i only gained 3 633 followers so if you actually compare it i was able to increase my following growth by three to four times by posting two to three times a day and so that is a significant jump when you go from around 3 500 followers to 11 500 followers in just you know changing this one strategy and so this video i'm going to dive into my main observations of what i notice by posting more i'm going to give you the breakdown of what my content plan was during this time and then at the end of the video i'm also going to give you some tips if you want to implement the same strategy so let's go alright so let me answer the first question what exactly did i post with those two to three you know content pieces per day it was generally one carousel post and one instagram reel and a carousel post would typically look like a quote or it would look like an actual carousel post where a lot of the content was beefed in and then i would post an instagram reels so for example if i'm posting only two times that day it would be one time at 9am and another time at 12 p.m or 5 p.m we were experimenting to see which one performed better whether it was 12 p.m or 5 p.m because from my analytics we knew for sure 9 a.m was always gonna perform the best and then we took like the next two to three best times after that and that was either 12pm or 5pm through experimentation we found that the best times for my account specifically was 9am and 12pm so 9am i would either post an instagram reels or a carousel and then 12pm i would either post an instagram reels or a carousel now there were also some times where we posted three pieces of content a day so what that would look like is typically two instagram reels and one instagram carousel and that was basically the makeup of um what we posted now you might be asking okay so what made you decide to post two times a day or three times a day honestly it was capacity it was whether or not my social media manager had the time to even schedule out to post or schedule out three posts because sometimes with instagram reels there's no way to actually schedule it yet and it's all very manual so if she had a busier day she wasn't able to post three and so typically we stayed consistent with posting two times a day now the next question i want to answer is what exactly were my main observations of implementing this strategy because a lot of people you guys are afraid of posting more because it might bother your audience well here's what i found that was really interesting when i ramped up my posting schedule to two times a day or three times a day what i noticed was that my immediate engagement was a lot lower than usual it was a lot lower than when i was posting one time per day for five days a week however that didn't stop the follower growth so even though maybe a post had less likes than usual less comments than usual because i was posting a lot more i was actually getting way more followers every single day not only this especially with an instagram real strategy the instagram reels that i posted initially like this had very low engagement so for example this screenshot that i have right here is the first day that i posted on instagram reels and it got significantly less likes than i usually would expect for my size of an account however after a week or two weeks it would then pick up by a lot and the reason why and i've mentioned it in many of my videos when i talk about instagram reels is as of right now instagram reels has a much longer shelf life this is mainly because instagram is pushing it and also it's also on the explore page it has a dedicated explore page on instagram and if you actually go through that explore page you know you'll notice that not all the reels that are shown to you are posted in the last 48 hours some of them were posted a week or two ago even for me there are videos that literally go viral after two weeks of me posting and that also contributes to me having more traffic so the more instagram reels that i post even though i don't get immediate engagement right away it's actually creating a snowball effect of me having way more reach in the long term way more likes way more comments and way more chances of going viral now moving on to the third thing that i want to talk about and that is tips for you if you want to implement this strategy because obviously posting more times a day is going to feel like a lot more work but as you can see from my statistics it really paid off and so i definitely want to give you guys some tips that you can do right away so that you can successfully implement this strategy like i did now my first tip for you is because you're gonna be posting a lot more per day you it's gonna be a lot easier for your audience and your followers to actually miss pieces of content because you're putting so much out so for example back then if you're only posting two to three times a day or one time per day like i was then the chances of majority of your audience actually seeing that piece of content is a lot higher versus if you're posting a lot more during that day then it's a lot easier for people to miss it because you're posting so much so what worked for my account is at the end of the week let's say on a friday what we would do is we would recap the most important content pieces or all of the content pieces in our stories so we'd actually say hey let's recap all the amazing content pieces this week or let's say hey if you're struggling with this here's this piece of content that i posted on monday uh if you're struggling with this or if you identify with this here's a piece of content that i posted on the wednesday and so that way i'm actually reminding my audience of the library of content that i've been posting for the last week by doing this i'm able to send additional traffic to my content pieces but specifically if you are implementing an instagram real strategy you also have to keep in mind that whenever you share an instagram reels to your story even if someone doesn't click on that instagram reels and instead they watch your instagram reels through your stories that still counts as one view and so by re-sharing past stories and especially knowing that instagram reels has a longer shelf life you're actually adding more fuel to the content pieces that you were originally creating specifically with instagram reels now the next tip that i have for you and this is very specific to those of you who are maybe starting out you're a newer content creator or maybe you're a part-time content creator or maybe you don't necessarily have a lot of the infrastructures to be able to post a lot of content this tip is going to be perfect for you and that is if i were to choose between posting more carousel posts or graphics versus posting more instagram reels i would 100 focus more effort on instagram reels because you're going to get more bang for buck and the content lasts you a lot longer because of that longer shelf life now if you have the capacity to be able to do both i absolutely would do that because for me i try to keep a good balance even though right now my content strategy is still maybe like 60 instagram reels 40 carousel posts i still like to have both and the reason why and i've mentioned this in multiple videos is the fact that instagram reels is really good at entertaining and getting you more reach and more traffic to newer audiences and as you can see from me tracking my analytics you'll notice that during the time period where i posted more instagram reels i was able to attract millions of eyeballs from my non-followers so this was actually content that was being seen by people who don't even follow me which would then contribute to me actually getting more followers over time now that's what instagram reels is for it's really good for traffic however you still want to try and do these carousel posts if you can if you can prioritize it and the reason why is because this content allows you to go deeper on certain concepts if you want to post more educational content this is definitely the way to go it also helps you get more sales more deeper connections deeper conversations um it allows you to actually show more of your expertise because you can pack more in a carousel and so that's why i think having both is going to be very beneficial to the overall health of your content strategy but again if you are a newer creator you don't have a lot of time then i would definitely focus on instagram reels and prioritize that first now moving on to the third sound advice that i have for you and that is if you want to actually successfully be able to post two to three content pieces per day whether that's monday to friday or the whole seven days a week you really want to make sure that you have a solid content batching system for example if you want to hyper focus and take my last advice about you know really focusing on instagram reels especially if you're strapped for time well you still need to actually create the instagram reels film them and edit them a huge misconception when people hear about posting more is they don't realize that posting a piece of content is very different than creating the pieces of content and so i want you to hit the notification bell because this deserves its own video in itself i'm gonna actually do an update on how i've been able to streamline my workflow when it comes to filming instagram reels all the different techniques and hacks that i use to really shorten my time frame and give you my entire workflow so hit the notification bell because that's going to be my next week's video where i'm going to dive deeper in it for now i just wanted to get this content out there so that you guys can understand the mind-blowing results of posting more and specifically choosing an instagram real strategy which is what i have been hammering on for the last month with my youtube videos and with anything that i'm kind of suggesting and sharing on social media in this day and age now before i wrap up this video though there are two things that i do want to say number one even though you are upping the quantity of content that you're doing you also don't want to compromise on quality so that's why you definitely want to hit the notification bell for next week's video because i am going to share some advice that i have for you to keep the quality up while also increasing quantity and that all comes down to systems and workflows so definitely hit the notification bell so you don't miss it number two to hold you over until next week did you know that i actually created a free instagram guide this guide also covers instagram reels among so many other things like hashtags instagram bios stories everything like that so make sure you check out the link in my comment section and in my description below to sign up for this free guide and get a copy of it now while you wait for next week's video i post a lot of videos on social media marketing and entrepreneurship so make sure you check out these two videos that i have right here as well i promise they will not disappoint now i hope you guys have a great day a great week and a great life comment below and let me know what you think about this strategy and if you're gonna try it and until then i will see you in the next video bye guys
Channel: Vanessa Lau
Views: 159,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10K followers in 10 days, 10k followers in 7 days, 10k followers in one week, 10K followers in a month, how to get 10k followers on instagram, how to use instagram reels, how to use instagram reels to grow on instagram fast, instagram growth hacks, organic instagram growth methods, gain 10k followers fast, gain 1k followers fast, grow on instagram fast, ig reels, instagram reels, go viral on instagram, vanessa lau instagram, instagram growth 2021
Id: -hYBllss_So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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