Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Mass Deliverance

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close your eyes we're going to pray father in the name of Jesus I thank you for the power of deliverance and I thank you Lord for your will to set your people free your word declares that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be delivered and I thank you Lord that by your word we are set free hallelujah that the chains of the past the chains of sin held death the grave the chains of the forces of darkness that have worked to ensnare us and entrap us to reduce our confidence let me say this one of the ways you know you're being affected by a spirit of witchcraft either through a relationship or from somebody else there's two areas witchcraft uses a lot of guilt so if they try to make you feel guilty for stuff and you're gonna also notice a strong loss of confidence where you don't feel like you are yourself anymore you have the ability in it that's to air is that a spirit of witchcraft we'll hear if they have to use guilt on you or guilty tactus now the Holy Spirit does not make you feel guilty the Holy Spirit convicts of sin and he convicts it run doing he'll point to a thing and he'll deal with you even for days the dealings of the Lord come on you and you'll feel it but it's not gonna make you feel less than when God deals with you the conviction comes because you feel like there's something to live up to that you didn't do but it's not gonna reduce you as a man or reduce you as a woman that's demonic okay and the other thing is your confidence there's very little you can do in God without healed confidence I said something right there there's very little you can do in God so I just fire myself it's very little you can do in God without healed confidence many of you I'm looking at you you have had blows on your confidence because of a domineering or a controlling thing in your life so we're gonna spend some real time working on that all right father we thank you for that angels of the Lord we thank you that you are posted on every angle of this building we thank you that you are posted because of the vent because the word has been preached hallelujah and that the Word of God is the highest authority over this people and over this place now Lord we know that it's impossible to come in contact with you and not your divine authority so we yield to the name of Jesus in this place he is our standard he is our authority in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank you that by faith as we begin to minister in the binding and loosing and in deliverance and spiritual warfare that the blood of Jesus is present and is present to heal it's present to help it's present to an asphyxiation the forces of darkness that have operated against your people in the name of Jesus thank you that the anointing for deliverance is here the grace for deliverance is here in Jesus name your word declares in the book of Job chapter 2 verse 32 that whosoever will call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered so by faith we know that as we call and address these powers by their name on their family name that they're going to leave and they will not tear they will not torment they will not rob they will not physically harm any person under the sound of my voice so it is in Jesus name now Satan the blood of Jesus is against you you have been set on divine notice that your entire kingdom is going to be sabotage ruined pulled apart and it's going to be scattered in the glorious name of Jesus okay now repeat after me Heavenly Father I repent of any sin any iniquity any transgression known and unknown in my life that may have opened me up to be influenced by another spirit that is not the Holy Spirit I renounce it in the name of Jesus any area in my life that's been man down that's been guarded by the power of rejection a deep hurt a disappointment of loneliness of abandonment that may have opened me up to a spiritual source that is not of God I renounce it now in the name of Jesus Christ I submit my mind my heart my body my members my tongue to the Word of God to the will of God to the throne of God and I am NOT an agreement with any other source that is not the Spirit of God in the name of Jesus as an act of my will I forgive any person that's intentionally robbed me hurt me wounded me or intended to cause me harm by the use of my emotions my past my hurt my fears any manipulative tactics any tactics of manipulation use against me I remove myself from their power in Jesus name thank you Lord for completely releasing me from the power of witchcraft manipulation fear tactics control in the name of Jesus thank you Lord that I am yours and I am not the property of any person any organization any institution any desire any man or any woman I belong to you in the name of Jesus and I renounce every competitor every in every enemy to your throne and your complete lordship in my life as of this very night in Jesus name come on just give God praise right there come on that's a good place to praise Him come on you if you hate it he'll set you free from it come on if you hate it he'll set you free from it praise him that he hears and answers prayer he is your great deliverer hallelujah all right and let's begin to pray father in the name of Jesus these people have acknowledged that they no longer want involvement they no longer want partnership they no longer want to be enrolled in enlisted in or victimized by the powers of hell they have renounced the forces of darkness and they have come out of agreement with every destructive agenda every destructive campaign operating in their mind will soul emotions or intellect in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth so Holy Spirit you are our deliverer help us now to drive out the powers and the works of darkness that may be operating in or against your people now in Jesus name Satan as I call your name or the name of your team or the name of your quadrant you will respond immediately and you will lose these people and let them go in the name of Jesus okay let's get ready for ministry just take a deep breath and I'm gonna be gonna call these spirits out and you're gonna begin to just receive my faith all right ready one two three Father in the name of Jesus we thank you now for the powers of deliverance and the powers of judgment in Jesus name and right now we just come against the complete Kingdom of rejection in the name of Jesus Christ I command the spirit of rejection to begin to manifest and come out of these people now rejection from father rejection from mother deep rooted deep-seated rejection I command you to begin to come out come on people cooperate just take a few deep breaths and begin to release that thing out of you in the name of Jesus reach a man rejection from childhood rejection of your gender rejection of your accomplishment to recommend deep seed gentian to come out of you now come on every spirit of rejection that's operated against your identity that's operated against your destiny we commend the spirit of rejection to lose its whole and come out right now we come against pre uterine rejection come on out out out now all spirits of rejection that came against you while you were in your mother's womb by any curse of rejection where your mother or your father did not want you any curse of rejection that operated in you as your mother or father desired or sought to abort you you spirit of rejection I command you to come out now in the name of Jesus you come out of these women right now in Jesus Holy Name best fear the rejection that makes the reason being a woman that makes them resent being a daughter that makes them hate me the weaker vessel I command you to come out now come on out of there in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I commend the spirit of rejection that makes you reject people that's got you refusing to receive love in the name of the son of God I command you to Manifest that you come out develo you spirit of rejection that's got these people in a cycles of abuse and cycles of abusive relationships come on I shouldn't fire against you I I command you to come out now those of you that's been rejected by the church rejected by spiritual leaders are rejected by disciples I told you we're not good enough you were not ready enough you were not able enough or you were not worthy you come out rejection come on at the root come on Go Go come on people take a deep breath push that thing you got to hate it I want you to hate it I want you to feel the fury of hell against the spirit of rejection rejection because your natural father didn't claim you a rejection because they walked away from you a rejection because you were born into an indulgence affair you come out go in the name of Jesus come on you come out of there now rejection through adoption of rejection do foster homes I'll command the spirit of rejection to manifest and come out come on rejection because you were compared to your other siblings come on you come out of there come on devil leave now somebody get there in the name of Jesus come on leave Go Go Go come on our rejection rejection I command you to untie from self-hatred come on take a deep breath come on hatred of how you look hatred of how you walk a patron of your complexion hatred of your hair time you come out of there hatred of your complexion hatred come on out of there now hatred of your body type of hatred of your size you come out I'll command the spirit of rejection self-rejection a rejection of authority you come out now go go go come on I command all spirits of abandonment you will left for dead to fend on your own all spirits and came upon you and robbed you of your childhood robbed you of your right to grow you come out of the now and Jesus name all spits of abandonment that came in your life through isolation through loneliness you come out of there you series of deep-rooted depression dislodged and abandonment come on go go go go go go in the name of Jesus a false peace of alienation all spirits of isolation I command you to come out now in Jesus name I command you to be bankrupt of your power bankrupt of your right and I'll come in and loose your whole come on take a few deep breaths and let him go come on out come on out all spirits of abandonment come on drop to forgotten about to overlook not worth it come on you out of there in the name of Jesus come on devil loose your holaa all spirits of rejection from from mother from grandparents I come against every familiar spirit er well your mama was rejected up so she rejected you what your daddy was rejected her so he rejected you you come out of there I command the spirit of rejection can be broken off of you the agenda of rejection come on out of there you rejected by your stepfather rejected by your your stepmother come on out of there in the name of Jesus come on go come come on feel the fire go come on out devil come on come on push it push it out push it out come on hate it hate it little come on haters hate it right now in the name of Jesus I come against the entire split king of a pride I come against the spirit of the fires and a hardness of air again sir come on out of there Jesus a spirit of pride that came in your life through the doorway of rejection through the doorway of intelligence you come out of their pride that's got you over existing yourself a fear of transparency come on out of them in the name of Jesus of all spirits of pride that's got you hating transparency hating honesty living in secrecy you come out come on go I see you devil come on out of there in the name of Jesus come on down out out out toodaloo bye-bye come out come on secret see come on out of there in the name of Jesus Christ who is the son of the Living God I command the spirit of mine you uncoil is higher than you are called the kingdom prior and I sever your coils up then I come and let these people go free come on out of there in the name of Jesus of all spirits of pride er that's attached to your family name and your family reputation and while your family is no bro come on up and out of there I command the spirit of addiction the entire kingdom of addiction come on out of the alcoholism come on out all addictions on every former tied to the screen of Qaeda you come out of it all worshipper of alcoholism come on up and out of there come out of the lips come out of the teeth come out of the tip of the tongue come on out of the left and the right side of the brain I command you to come out of the lungs up I come in to come out of the kidneys and every vital organ this body I come into Lucia ho come on come on kingdom of Lhasa to be broken down come on humble yourself Missy my Veda we come again sir the spirit of lust self-hatred come on addiction of every sexual forma remind you we break your ride in your party and we come in to take your roots and go the streets of condemnation miss prism of saris man you come out of there all demons and into your life through fornication come in breaking spirits the kingdom of molestation of a loose your whole and let you go fondle by your own will come on out of the hatred up all hatred a family all hatred of man I'll come in a loose your hole and come on come on out of your hiding places come out of your defenses I we shatter your stronghold ha and we lose buckets and buckets of the blood at the wind and the torrid Sun puppy who become a Geisha and shatter your hiding places a symbol your cause come on out of there all spirits of molestation are coming let your call come out of there come on out of there in the name of Jesus I need a woman over here in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you come out of this auspice of molestation you come out now sworn to secrecy I was sworn to secrecy all fear of death I'll die if anybody tells if I tell everybody nobody will never believe me a hospice of death came in your life you're a bucket dupa destination I can make you know Lucia hole you come out now come on in the name of Jesus a more emotional instability psychological instability that canonizing trauma through trauma through versus a through spells up through black magics of white magic come on out of there all demons of witchcraft that came in your life because of me a culture come on because of exposure to the horoscope because of exposure to the Ouija board Goodluck charms I come in and come out of there now all fellowship was the dinner come on go go go go go go go come out of there now there you go come on Lucy the whole you come out of there all ancestral which crap go go go come on our commander the spirit of rebellion to loose your hold and come out come on out of there all rebellion up that's rooted in fear let's root of their misunderstanding you repel because they don't understand you're it better to get the attention you raise be able to feel loved you come out you spirit of rebellion out I come against you now and I'm a deluge your whole and come out rebellion defy into trouble some sneaky come on go go go go come on the kingdom of rebellion ice shatter your hold up I command you to loosen come on [Music] come on push it out people come on push them out people come on hate it hate it now I command the entire kingdom of witchcraft to be burned down in your life by the pyres of John I command the powers of witchcraft and controlled to be separated one from the other we weaken your strategy we weaken your tactic and we immediately broke down now in the name of Jesus may the big devil turn on the small Devils we lose chaos in your kingdom and peril at your borders now I command all spirits of witchcraft domination and control to forget to manifest and come out you come out or which crapper with the desire and the intent to controller to deceive to mislead to recruit you come out of there now all fear of authority appear to be taken advantage of to be overlooked come on out of there self-promotion come out now in the name of Jesus Christ also priests of which crap a hammer Jezebel come out now come on go go go go weakness you were dominated come on weakness a curse or your mother cursed by your father come on out of the every death decree every covenant of death we are know that right now by the power of blood of Jesus and we command your forces to be broken up your power to be shattered up and you to come in the name of Jesus are all spirit of rebellion defy it come on out of the hatred resistance come on out of there in the name of Jesus Christ come on you got to go devil come on out of there now come on out of there now come on but we drive you out we push you out we gas you out reports you out we smoke you out go that left you victim to the speeds of control the spirits of which crabber the spirits our data weak imagine Lucia whole you come out you come out come on a few come on out of there [Music] come on Lucia ho all spheres of confusion mental confusion inability to focus inability to think where your mind is under control by so TOC Amanda the powers of witchcraft operating in your life through a soul tire to be broken and bound now you come out let them go now rich crab from hedge lovers a rich graph of current lovers I commend your life to go free now by the power of the Lamb of God we sever your power we break your power and we command the record to be burned in the name of Jesus Christ all sexual desire set your burnings and sexual raging ZUP get your members in your flesh from ex-lovers are and demonic sexual experiences we commander Lucia Holden come on go go go go go go go go go go go go go we lose the Word of God against the blood of Jesus the truth of the word of God choke you out of it in the name of Jesus we should all come out of the devil the name of Jesus come on out of there all spirits of worship false worship a demonic worship that's operating huh against you huh through sexual openings up channels the doors I see you self-sabotage team you sabotage relationships and sabotage lover to justify rebellion to prove it was never you they really water they don't want me they want my gift they want my money they can want what I can do Jesus a hospice of caseta disaster dishonesty deception of hi Lucy arrows of Jehovah into you now I can break your PowerPoint choose Lucy arrows of Jehovah matching forecast negative and pessimistic events a reprint your power Jesus who is the son of the Living God all sameness of a wit scrap of white witchcraft come on out of it [Laughter] come on a few more miles come on just go go go go go Oscar is a bitterness unforgiveness resentment future forgive fear to forgive you come out of the devil in the name of Jesus I command you now loose your whole and come out come on out of there all unforgiveness bitterness memory recall anniversary demons I command the automatic failure that's operating in your life for generation to be broke by the power of the blood of Jesus I go back up seventy generations on your mother and father's side and command every curse I love your culture it reoccurs I love witchcraft to be broken off of you you will no longer suffer and you will no longer be robbed of your right to an inheritance because of a demonic door open against you we call it broken we call it broken we call it broken camera [Music] come on a few more rounds all Spears of binge eating binge drinking major drug addiction come on addictive behavior you come out devil you demon of addiction ice it's very strong so hatred you come out come out all sprees of self-hatred you come out I hate myself I hate myself come on out of there come on all Spears of indie jealousy strive the worship of another life you come [Music] come on we break the orphan girls come on out of there every demon is assigned to your life to make you feel like you can never belong the orphan Kurtz come on out of there devil come on you got to go suicide dead you come out now disease death through infirmity death through embarrassment come on Lucia ho you come out in the name of Jesus come on let it go go go go [Music] no you got to get out of there go go [Music] [Music] if you steal ministry give me a few more seconds I'm a prayer general prayer there's still ministry go ahead [Music] [Music] if you're done receiving ministry just stand to your feet i'ma pray for you [Music] [Music] I just lift your hands let me speak a few things over you the Bible says that what an unclean spirit leaves a life that he comes back looking to see an empty house so we don't want your house empty or there's the sound of freedom [Music] I can't put my hand on all of your heads but i'ma just kind of do it by the word and speak by curiously food [Music] I love that I lift your hands in the name of Jesus Christ I speak blessings to every house and this building I loose the blessing of the Lord to you in every area of your identity that is operated and efficiently because of a curse or a bondage or wound or hurt I release God's Word to that area and I call you hole I call you favored I call you preferred I say your destiny is intact and your esteem is being made whole every day every area in your life that's been weakened by the powers of Hell I release God's grace to that area and I say that as you humble yourself that you come into greater grace and greater ability such as you have never dreamed before I see that you are no longer confused and you are no longer discombobulated but you are filled with the spirit of clarity of insight and might in your inner man in the name of Jesus in every area that had come under attack in your life is now solidified by the power of the Word of God who is the umpire of your soul that he guards your heart and guards your mind by Christ Jesus I say that every area in your life that was formerly robbed of peace is now secured and closed up and that you have the peace of God that passes all understanding every area in your life and your personality that you didn't trust to meet you it's now been solidified and regulated on the palm the Word of God and I say that you are no longer suffering under the power of psychological warfare but that your thoughts now are being governed by the Spirit of God your thoughts are being governed by the Word of God and the truth of God and the power the powers of darkness the powers of disaster and disease are no longer now your dwelling I call your sleep peaceful I call your rest sweet and I say that you will no longer spend your nighttime in anguish in peril in heaviness in sadness in competition of war in comparison but I say your life is filled with resolve with acceptance with patience with the ability to wait and trust upon the timing of God for every area of your life now unto him that is able to keep you from falling under that present you faultless before the Lord with that scene in great joy to that collector on the go million and power and forever and everybody screams gay man
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 50,786
Rating: 4.9271669 out of 5
Id: b-bZYVEjgDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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