Unlocking An Anointed Imagination // What Are You Imagining? // Crazyer Faith // Michael Todd

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welcome to week two of a series we're calling crazier faith somebody say crazy or fake now some of y'all like i miss week one you gotta go back to youtube and catch me week one but we're in a series or a collection of talks called crazier faith because i believe that this generation that believes more in google than god needs an infusion of faith and for the situations we're facing today in the world it's not going to take just regular laxadaisical lazy faith it's going to take somebody shot at me crazy faith you ain't say it with your chest say crazy faith just one more time say crazy faith and i believe that if we could as a generation get crazy faith we could change everything that is around us we just sing a song that says you're too good to not believe but you sing the song but you live different you're the god of miracles but if it don't make sense and if it doesn't line up with my schedule uh-huh and if it doesn't work with my aesthetic some of y'all won't even post about church because it doesn't match your aesthetic ill [Music] ill i'm gonna be so in your business right now because god is looking for a generation of people that will say it doesn't matter what it looks like it doesn't matter how it feels it doesn't matter what they're doing and what they're doing as for me and my house we will serve the lord can i get somebody to give god some praise right now russo i'm too hyped already already calm down michael calm down this week um i i i released a book called crazy faith and it's really not about the book it's about the vulnerability of my life message like when you put out what you live every day and you really expose the real you like the crazy stuff you do that nobody else probably will get but like like you do it because somehow when you step out in faith like this god begins to meet you at the place of your belief i put it all in a book and and i said i want to be people's crazy faith coach and help walk them through the seasons of their life and so i feel a little vulnerable right now because like people is just reading about my business they're all in my business right now but i have results i have results in the light from disciplines i did in the dark what god wants for us is to have crazy faith in the dark so that we can have results in the light and so for everybody that doesn't know i'm going to just tell you the 182nd version of my crazy face story can we go real fast ready set go i took over a church february 1st 2015 with my lovely wife natalie who's bad to the bone and um and 37 days later i was in my quiet time and i wrote down a bunch of crazy things on this piece of paper i was praying and i went to google and i got an image of this arena in our city and i wrote transformation church on this piece of paper and i even spelled transformation wrong and i left it there because god doesn't bless where you pretend to be he blesses who you really are he'll take it with your mistakes and he'll take it with the edges not clean yet he's looking for obedience okay let me stop that ain't my message and the first thing i wrote down is the spirit bank event center will be transformation church march 9th 2015 7 29 a.m bella's room i wrote that down i put all the details in my book crazy faith so get that if you want the juicy juice but five years later i held the keys to that building they built it for 54 million dollars we paid 10.5 for it and paid it in cash in six months [Applause] it's only crazy until it okay um one year later god said don't take your foot off the gas there was an entire complex with 35 commercial businesses in there everything from a chiropractor to a state farm to um doctors offices and even the land that chick-fil-a sits on you know that's holy ground it was for sale and god said believe for it i said lord i thought you was doing the crazy faith thing with the building he said don't take your foot off the gas i am not limited to what you think you can do one year later we bought the whole complex the entire thing so i thought god was done one week ago oh y'all missed it they don't want no real time miracles rich they want the stuff back in the day one week ago i stood up in my church as my church is watching right now they already hype they're getting hyped because they know what i'm about to say we went and bought a literal business complex that looked like something that stoney tony stark built for the avengers in like 196 000 square feet of office space the new headquarters of transformation church called transformation towers y'all y'all not a church that rejoices with people it has to happen to you for you to i'm just trying to make sure because the same god that did it for me is the same god somebody shot at me same god same god we serve the same i'm just testifying i'm just trying to spark some i'm trying to make your baby jump cause we served uh there's some boujee people in the back like i don't yell in church you better calm yourself down and understand we serve the same okay all of this happened and it wasn't supposed to in three years me and i know me i led a church that started in the hood of tulsa in a converted grocery store that we took over five years ago to be a church who owns some of the prime real estate in our city over 67 million dollars worth of real estate and watch watch but that ain't the thing and i have six months of community college education no no no no i'm just trying to make you see that what you think you need to do what god's called you to do may be something stroking your ego but god needs obedience he needs a yes he needs somebody to believe he needs somebody to stand in the face of opposition and say it may look crazy but it's only crazy until it happens rich they drank coffee this morning so this is part of my crazy faith journey but i want to rewind it all the way back and i want you to write this point down crazy faith is not where you start see i tell you the end of the picture i tell you the big journey but crazy faith is not where you start it's where you find yourself after you're diligent and dedicated to exercising baby faith see everybody wants the big thing it doesn't start with the towers it doesn't start with cancer drying up it doesn't start with the house or the car it starts with being in your word every day no i know you post the bible scripture but you didn't read it it's baby faith it's being obedient to buy the person's coffee behind you baby faith it's the step to continue to serve on the team that they don't see your full capacity and they don't see your full um expression but you keep showing up and you're on time and you serve with the right heart it's baby faith and today as i was thinking about baby faith i started thinking about my babies i got four kids and i throw a picture of my babies on the screen it's just cause they cute and it's their mama's fault but i started thinking about okay if if my faith has to be small what do babies think about like and then i started the one in the middle she's my oldest her name is isabella looks just like her mommy um and and and i remember bella being about four years old and us riding in the car and bella loved looking out the window and one day we were riding in the car and bella said daddy do you see it i said see what baby up in the sky do you see it and i look at the skies like clouds she said no daddy it's an elephant an elephant is having a tea party with the princesses and i look back i said baby she said daddy do you see it uh i i mean okay that might be an elephant she said now the elephant is twirling and dancing do you see it um and then something in me said agree with her you may not have the faith to see what she's seeing right now but don't crush what she sees i said if you see it baby i see it and she said it's so beautiful and god in that moment spoke to me and said michael i need you to be more like that and i said what do you mean more like that i need you to see it even when it doesn't look like a usual situation that you would see it in and and i said god okay you're gonna have to help this he said you need to start using watch this word i want you to write it down your imagination and i want you to write this point down the genesis of crazier faith is your imagination and the problem with most of us who are watching this message right now is that we have become so practical that we have lost the tool that god has given us to be able to create a different situation from what we're currently experiencing because somebody told us that was for kids and god sent me here on assignment today to wake your imagination up again because the thing look at it the little golf clubs because you don't even know how to do it because you're thinking so practical right now but by the end of this message your imagination is going to be more valuable to you than anything that you walked in here with look at genesis chapter 1 verse 27 i love the bible so god created human beings in his own what is that word what is the word what's the root word of imagination genesis 1 27 out of every word god could have said he said god created every human in his image and in the image or the imagination of god he created them both male and female he created them have you ever thought about it like this me and you were god's imagination and i must say so he did a good job somebody looked at your neighbor and said he did good he did good this is the first time that we see this idea of the imagination being the thing that creates things and then he continues this theme in genesis 12 with abraham who is the father of our faith y'all remember father abraham how many sons and many sons have wow and i am okay y'all went to the same youth group some of the people knew him like that's for people who grew up in church and we we really the same type of messed up so you don't even have to worry um but when he took abraham and was trying to lead him on a crazy faith journey abraham needed an image so what did god do he said uh if he if he doesn't use his imagination to to think about where i'm taking him he's gonna go back to what used to be so he calls abraham in genesis 12 outside of his home and he says um look up into the stars number them if you can he was trying to give abraham a picture an image that he could use he said that's how many people i'm gonna make your descendants and that you're gonna bless so many nations and i can imagine that as abraham was lugging all of his stuff and all of his family through the journeys the only encouragement he had sometime was to look up and say i know god wouldn't tell me to leave if he didn't have something better for me somebody say look up what is the picture the image the thing that's supposed to be playing in your head that you have now silenced because you don't have the ability to see that it could happen let me help you let me break that whole thing down god's imagination created us we are created in his image therefore we can also create with imagination i'ma say it again because that was too deep for some of y'all some of y'all let me come up let me come up god's imagination created us we were created in his image therefore we can also create with imagination today i have a specific assignment in the next 20 minutes is to to to unlock somebody's imagination let me give you the title of the message unlocking an anointed imagination okay now let me help you unlocking what do you mean pastor mike to open or set free some of y'all's imagination has been so chained up and god said today it's going to be free again anointed watch this so many people think this is a deep word and it's so spiritual but it's very simple all anointed means it's god's approval like when something is anointed it has god's approval and when you have god's approval it makes it easy or you get divine enablement like something have you ever done something and it felt easier than it was supposed to feel that was god's approval on something that's why you keep having trouble with that boyfriend because his approval ain't on it you're not super you're not supposed to be with him why there's no ease with her is because god's anointing is not on that you see how quiet and stiff some of y'all got booty cheeks just tight because you're sitting next to him i understand but what i'm saying to you is you want everything god to do in your life to be anointed i approve that house you're staying in i approve that job you're working in i approve [Applause] so we want to unlock the anointed imagination now right write this down or take this in imagination is the ability of the mind to create new ideas or pictures not present to the senses yet i can't see it taste it touch it feel it i sound like a missy elliott song see i can't do it y'all ain't safe y'all but i see something that's not here yet everybody that has a cell phone raise your hand in the chat raise your hand that cell phone was somebody's imagination 30 years ago that wasn't real it's real to you today you will literally lose sleep trying to find your phone but that thing was in somebody's imagination 30 years ago vu church see y'all think it's just about things but this church rich was in your imagination when it was rendezvous before y'all dropped the ronde and it was i don't know what did the rende ever do to y'all the others say y'all just dropped it we don't want that on no t-shirt voo like but back when you were doing the young adult ministry what you sit in today was in pastor rich's and dc's imagination crazy faith the book when i did the series two years ago the book was in my imagining and what have you been shutting down that god is trying to birth because it doesn't look like you have the resources or the backing or the networking to make it happen today i'm trying to stir your anointed imagination to see again to dream again to hear again to write again to be able to do [Applause] matthew chapter 18 verses one through four jesus is talking to his disciples and i've read this scripture a thousand times but i never saw what i saw and i'm about to show with you until god started talking to me about unlocking my anointed imagination it says about that time the disciples came to jesus and asked who uh jesse uh what's up bro um who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven they were looking for a compliment a position and jesus said let me teach these fools or less um the bible says jesus called the little child over um come here come here susie come here um and he put the child in the middle of all of them and then he said you know what i'll tell y'all the truth unless you turn from your sins repent and become like little children you will never get into the kingdom of heaven that right there is scary because so many of us have become of professional adults and our adulting has now choked out our anointing i'ma say it on this side i got bills to pay i got things to do i got to get married i got to get snatched i got to get beat i got to get it's all of these things that you got to do that your adulting has now choked out the anointing of imagining god could drop something on you and it it's gone in a minute because you say there's no way that happened like that's what we do like god said your family's gonna be saved god says you're gonna lose 80 pounds somebody said whoa whoa me but my question is can you see it cause right now when i said you're gonna lose 80 pounds you start thinking about how much work is gonna take and how many donuts you can't eat and how like but it started choking out your ability to even get and see yourself wearing that size four [Music] [Applause] can i give you a key to the kingdom key to the kingdom be more kitty that's what we just read if you don't repent and then return everybody was a child everybody was a child and god said let me give them something everybody can do if you want a key to the kingdom become more kitty not more immature more kid-like what do kids do kids trust kids believe kids obey well some kids y'all kids i don't know and one of the major things kids do is imagine let me show you a picture of pastor michael todd as a kid i want you to see this as i was preparing for this message this popped up on my memories and god said michael that kid knew more about me than you do what i got i can read then i read the bible i pray i give and he said and that kid trusted and that kid obeyed and that child could imagine things that were not around i'd take a a bottle and go [Music] and then i take the same bottom [Music] and then i take the same bottle and i got [Music] [Applause] what would happen if you took your current situation and you started saying god and you said okay and you said every devil bow every day all anxiety bow [Applause] my question is where did you stop believing where did your imagination die where did your imagination quit and i understand because life has a way of coming in to kill our imagination from the time we're very young can i be very clear with you all of us were raised differently we had different circumstances and situations and things that happened and some of us were abused and some of us were exposed and some of us weren't protected and some of us got so much but never learned the value of things and this is the thing that that it could be trauma trials turmoil or tragedy i don't know what it is but it may have killed your imagination and the thing i'm asking everybody to do in the presence of god this week is go back and identify where your imagination died where it became so business for you so no no no no i don't play them games i don't i don't no no no tell me and god said man you you're choking out a tool that i want to use to get you to your future write this point down imagination is the engine of your faith imagination is the engine of your faith how many people have a car in the room and in the chat if you have a car come on everybody at city everybody at transformation nation okay you got a car okay some people are sitting there like dang why why he say that analogy right now if you get this point if you understand that your imagination is the engine of your faith you'll go from not having a car to giving away multiple cars now [Applause] the reason i'm saying this to you is because your current situation does not dictate the plan of god for your life okay so if imagination is the engine of your faith faith is the vehicle to your future whatever your future looks like you've got to have faith to get there i don't care if you want to be a doctor a lawyer be married just be a nice person you're gonna have to have faith i got a question for you this is just a fun exercise i want everybody this week to post and tag me in it what kind of car or vehicle does your face look like right now no no no no not your dream car cause your face don't look like this somebody's like a bentley no more like a buick rolls royce no rust bucket like and then i want you to swipe over and post what you want it to look like because you gotta have faith for your future but watch this if you have a car with no gas you can't go nowhere so i'm giving you formulas right now i'm kind of a teacher this morning because i like to teach the church so you can live this out run it back play it again let it get down in your spirit meditate on it pray about it search all the scriptures do all of that so you can actually have this as a principle in your life faith is the vehicle to your future but hope is the fuel for your faith if you do not have hope what are you hoping for your faith can't go nowhere that's why hebrews 11 1 says now faith is the substance the gas of things that are hoped for the evidence of things not seen and that brings us to imagination then being the engine you can have a vehicle you can have gas but if you don't have the engine to your faith you are not going anywhere so write that down your imagination oh hold on let me stop because i was about to move and act like you can't replace your engine see instead of imagination being the engine some of you your intellect is the engine i will and since your intellect is the engine if it doesn't make sense i can't move if i don't have all the details this does not if this wasn't a part of my five-year plan my ten-year-old i'm in somebody's business right now so you have replaced imagination of what could be with intellect i read what it says but logically and then there's another group of people that is watching today that didn't replace imagination with intellect but you have replaced imagination with ignorance so i got hope i got faith but i'm ignorant of the promises of god the reason you have to read your bible is because there's guarantees and promises in there that if you do not get them you will not know what you can ask for or believe for and then there's another group of people who've replaced the engine of imagination with the engine of influence if they're doing it and they're doing it that's what i'm doing and god says could you take out all of those things and would you be intentional about what you put in your spiritual womb can i say it like this your imagination is your spiritual wound whatever you start thinking in your imagination that is the conception place of whatever you're going to see in your life can i prove it to you can i prove it to you when you put fear and imagination together they make a baby anxiety is the baby of imagination and fear you're imagining all the things that could happen that have never happened yet based on fear and now you win it's anxiety now you popping pills and throwing back drinks and having sex with people trying to calm down something that was birthed in your spirit through imagination that's why ii corinthians 10 5 says cast down every vain imagination that would exalt itself against the knowledge of god intellect exalts itself against the knowledge of god ignorance exalts itself against the knowledge of god and god says you have a responsibility tear it down it's vain imagination so how do i do that pastor mike can i tell you how to practically do this this week imagination is purified in intercession then y'all just come off of a a whole series about prayer y'all did 21 days of prayer and transformation is about to go into seven days of prayer and fasting the reason we pray is because whatever i imagine because let's be honest our imagination goes to some random weird dark crazy places and god says i'm not scared of that bring it to me bring me everything you imagine and let me purify it you think you're supposed to be married to them bring it to me oh you think you're supposed to move to that city bring it to me oh you think you're about to to start that company bring it to me he said whatever you burst in your imagination you've got to bring it to intercession or bring it to prayer so it can be purified and this is the step that we miss so many times we get this idea or we create with our mind and we forget to get it purified and when it's not purified it ends up destroying the very one that god wanted to use to do something great see let me show you this illustration real quick because i need everybody to see this proverbs 3 5 says in all your ways acknowledge him how do we acknowledge him through prayer and he will make your path straight or direct your path write this point down intercession changes the focus so i had this i okay can i be real with you i always knew i was gonna have a lot of financial resources i know how i was gonna do it maybe i was gonna steal it from somebody maybe maybe i didn't know how but i always imagined myself being able to have a lot but it was unpurified so when i got a relationship with god god said yeah that was right what you were thinking but you're not going to be blessed to just stun on people i'm blessing you to be a blessing to other people and when my imagination went to intercession it got purified what did it do it changed the focus cameraman work with me real quick everything this is how it looks if you're watching online and back on the replay this is how it looks when you get your imagination it looks blurry it's just blurry everything is not clear but as you start to pray god you know i've been seeing these things and you've called me to this city god you've shown me that i'm going to be able to employ people and change people's lives and walk into single mothers houses and be able to help them with education and diversity and god i'm asking you to show me how this happens do i do it on my own do i serve other people doing it father god do i give what i have now do i save right now as you begin to do it what's happening on the camera right now is the picture is getting focused [Music] and god is saying some of you have been asking god for clarity but you haven't gone to intercession so the images are running wild but he said how do we purify that pray come talk to me tell me what you need tell me what you're feeling do you know how this even happened to our lord and savior jesus christ he's going to the cross in matthew and he says jesus this doll image that i got i i know i signed up for it before you sent me here but i'm backing out don't want to do this if there's another way [Applause] but he was in the garden praying and in that prayer time it changed him it changed his focus and then watch this intercession changes your feelings it changed his feelings because as quick as he said if there's another way let it happen in prayer then he started saying but not my will yours be done when you go to intercession with your imagination it'll change your feelings there's things that i felt before and and i was sure i felt like that and i took it to god he changed my feelings some of y'all you go to prayer with dominique god i just know dominique is the one cause he got the thangs and he got the thangs and i know i know god whenever our marriage comes i know he got the thang oh y'all gonna act fake with me today [Music] and you'll go to prayer with dominique and god will change your feelings you'll come out with daniel [Applause] dang yo god well his glasses do look a little cute when he the little glasses and suspenders and god will change it he'll change your feelings last thing intercession will do intercession will change your future see when i have this wild imagination god says bring it to me in prayer bring it to me at an intercession and in a session i'll change your focus and in a session i'll change your feelings and in intercession i'll change your future that's why james 5 16 says the effective fervent prayers of people who are righteous they avail much or they work and all i came from tulsa oklahoma and this kimono sweating is to tell you that god wants to unlock your anointed imagination dream again get up in the morning and say god show me something i've never seen before show me my family healed show me me show me without depression show me up show me a picture of myself walking in confidence show me give me an image i was created in your image and god you created us through imagination so father i imagine myself whole i imagine myself healthy i imagine myself brave somebody say imagine that can i show you a real life example of imagination i told you that one week ago i told our church that that that we got the transformation towers but what people didn't know is on the day june 25th this summer while i was on sabbatical i went to that building and they told me it was going to cost 35 million dollars to buy now i don't know about you 35 mil ain't just like something you throw and as i was coming down the elevator god said will you partner with me on something i'm trying to do he said get an image of it okay what did that mean he said baby fake do something that you can do at this current moment so i said i said bye to all the realtors and the females like drove out like i was leaving and turned back around came back in that parking lot and i recorded this video take a look so i'm making this video in crazy fake i am uh trying to put my mind around what god may be doing right now i'm standing in front of this business complex 197 000 square feet right off of highway 75 and i believe this is going to be transformation business park where we will subdue dominate at this area for the kingdom of god to be expanded you cannot have a kingdom without domain 30 acres um prime real estate and i believe god's going to give it to transformation church or the expansion of god's kingdom to beautiful all the way around here is absolutely gorgeous just toward the building and i'm claiming it right now and one day i'm gonna play this video and people are gonna call me crazy right now how can a young um church led by an african-american leader buy up the most prime real estate in a city because if god be for you who who can be against you and today i'm just standing out here and crazy if they've got the par car just parked and opened just i don't care i'm just out here crazy faith it's only crazy until it happens god do whatever you want to do provide do what you did with the other building do what you did for for everything that we've ever put before you and if it's you make it happen we trust you god and we believe you one day we're gonna shout about this y'all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's the god we serve he's trying to give you an image god wants to ignite your imagination [Music] that's all i came here to say that's where everything's about to start imagine your family together not fighting at christmas next year just imagine it don't you ain't got to make it happen it's like there's no way rahul will ever be in the room with rebecca again but you can imagine it imagine yourself actually celebrating your friends instead of being jealous of them oh i'm talking about real stuff imagine yourself loving your spouse after they've hurt you and you being restored that means better than before and it's like it never even happened somebody say imagine that hands lifted all over this room god i'm praying that you would unlock oh i feel the presence of god for every person watching this live every person watching it in every service every person watching it on rebroadcast i think you at this moment now faith you would unlock the anointed imagination of every one of your children that you would show them visions and dreams and pictures and images of the future that become reality as they bring it to you in intercession purify our imagination purify our thoughts and our hearts and god this thing you want to do is all for your glory not so that people can look at you but father so people can you we don't want them looking at us we want them to find you so ignite our imaginations eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has it entered into the imagination of your children what you plan to do for us so all this week god unlock us unlock us may we walk in the key of the kingdom to become more kitty let us trust you obey you imagine for the glory of god in jesus name right there with everybody's eyes still closed and head still bowed there's some people in here that need to imagine themselves free free from the burden and the bondage of sin free from the weights of the things you've done and the things that have happened to you and jesus he made a way for what you don't even think can happen in your life for it to happen he went to the cross and he stretched his arms and i believe he was imagining you walking in joy peace wholeness but there's only one step all you have to do is accept him into your heart it is the greatest decision i ever made it took me from being a liar a manipulator somebody who was addicted to pornography somebody who had an insurance fraud case somebody who had dark things in their heart and it didn't make me a perfect man but it made me a progressing man because i gave over control of my life to god and i started imagining myself whole healed free helping others and today that is available to you if you want to accept jesus christ as your personal lord and savior and give your life completely over remember what it said you need to repent all that means is turn you've been going one way turn you've been going to the club turn you've been going to drugs turn you've been going to those websites turn you've been going to money turn but don't just turn to something else turn to jesus [Music] if that's you we're gonna pray on the count of three i just want you everybody's not looking at you this ain't about you this is about your eternity on the count of three if you're saying pastor i want to be included in that prayer i'm making this decision today i want you to just boldly lift your hand up in the air one you are making the greatest decision of your life two i am proud of you but more than that god is proud of you three just shoot your hand up in the air oh man there's hands going up everywhere at your house on the track right now wherever you are just shoot your hand up in the air you can put your hands down several in every service now transformation church and food church we're one big church today and so for the benefit of all those who are coming to christ we're going to all pray this prayer together will somebody with crazy faith just say lord thank you for sending jesus just for me i believe he lived and he died and he rose again with all power for every one of my mistakes today i give you control of my life change me renew me transform me i'm yours i imagine myself free whole delivered and helping the kingdom of god in jesus name amen hey can we turn up
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 199,002
Rating: 4.9408116 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, crazy faith, crazy faith book, it's only crazy until it happens, imagination, anointed imagination, vous, vous church, miami, vous miami, rich wilkerson jr, dawn chere wilkerson
Id: v3c0UIHRnmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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