Grilled Lemon Rosemary Lamb Chops - Easy Yogurt Lamb Marinade Recipe

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hello this is chef john from with grilled lemon and rosemary lamb chops that's right i couldn't decide between an indian technique and an italian technique so i decided to use both and the results extreme grilled lamb deliciousness so let me show you how to do this step one we're gonna put together the yogurt marinade and yogurt being the indian technique we're borrowing here that's what makes all those tandoori recipes so delicious to that we're gonna add some freshly grated lemon zest and freshly squeezed lemon juice and a good amount of it and that spoon worked great for getting the yogurt into the bowl but now its usefulness has come to an end so i'm gonna switch to a whisk and now that we have the right tool for the job we're going to go ahead and spice this up a little bit with a big spoon of chilies i'm using calabrian chilies you could use sambal or you could use any kind of diced hot pepper it doesn't really matter but you want some heat then we're going to add a nice big pinch of cinnamon it's going to give it a little underlying sweetness i really like what that does with lamb we're also going to put in a big pinch of dry oregano and a large amount of freshly minced rosemary all right we're going to give that a stir and that's pretty much the base of the marinade now you can season marinades with salt and pepper or you can not and just season the meat for this i'm going to go ahead and put the salt and pepper right in so generous amount of salt some freshly ground black pepper and that's looking good so once your marinade's done you're going to go ahead and throw your loin lamb chops in a plastic bag be sure you're using loin chops see that looks like a t-bone steak that's what you want if you see the ones that have the small little eye of meat and the long bone that's a rib chop not as good and make sure they're nice and thick at least an inch thick all right so we're gonna throw those in the bag we're gonna dump in the marinade and at this point i was thinking this looks like it's missing something and then i realized i never put the garlic in so i'm gonna throw some crushed garlic in here all right so thank god i caught that that would have been tragic and i mean that literally and then before this goes in the fridge we have to give it a very very thorough massage to make sure those lamb chops are completely coated i really want you to do this vigorously and enthusiastically in fact if someone's watching you it should be awkward alright so really work it over and once you're convinced it's thoroughly combined and evenly distributed go ahead and seal the bag and throw it in the refrigerator for four hours sure you can go a little shorter or a little longer but i'm recommending four so i've got a few hours to kill let's see what should i do while i wait anyway let me have a cold one and maul that over oh and by the way belgian beer companies that could have been mentioned in this video give me a call let's chat all right four hours later i was ready to grill and all you have to do to get these ready is take them out of the marinade scrape off the excess and that's it and of course there's gonna be a little marinade on the surface but that's what you want so that's looking good we're going to head out to the grill that's of course already been preheated and by that i mean the coals have been started early all right they're all white there's no flames people stop putting meat on top of flames doesn't taste good i didn't season mine because i had a good amount of salt and pepper in the marinade but that's up to you and i really wish i could give you times here but you know i can't it's going to depend on your grill and the size of your lamb etc but really just treat it like you're cooking a steak all right use a thermometer if you have to i pull mine off about 130 135 i like it nice and pink and juicy and of course you know i encourage playing with your meat on the grill once both sides are seared and have released from the grill you can turn it over all you want as long as both sides cook evenly you're totally allowed to turn it around and move them around that's half the fun so at this point i determine mine to be just about right by the way a little tip here if you have a couple that are a little bigger the most rare part is going to be next to the bone so i like to just flip them up on the end and give them a couple extra minutes that way that way the thick end finishes cooking a little bit without overcooking the pointy end right i'm gonna pull those off i'm gonna head inside yes of course you have to let these rest why i can't explain that again just do it so we're gonna let those rest five or six minutes while we set up our plate i'm just going with a simple salad and you don't need any sauce for these they are so juicy and flavorful all i do is spoon a little bit of the natural juice over that's going to form on the plate as these rest and that is a beautiful plate of grilled loin lamb chops and again we've basically combined my two favorite grilled lamb techniques the kind of italian-ish lemon garlic rosemary treatment plus we borrowed that indian technique of the yogurt marinade and it really did come out super super delicious all right let me cut into this oh my god look at that pink juicy perfection and by the way it's totally okay not to like medium rare lamb to each his own but don't waste your money on this cut if you like your meat well done get a lamb shank and braise it for four hours and you can have delicious slam without eating dry tasteless meat so this technique and this cut of lamb is really designed for a medium rare all right and of course i'm pretty sure if you don't eat lamb at all this would work fantastic on some half chickens maybe some pork chops i have a hard time believing this marinade wouldn't be delicious on many things so i really hope you give this a try head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 321,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grilled, Lamb, Chops, Lemon, Rosemary, Easy, Yogurt, Marinade, Recipe, Food, cooking, chef, john, foodwishes, meat, entree, dinner, bbq, grilling, summer, cookout, Barbecue (Cuisine)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2012
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