Garlic and Herb Crusted LAMB CHOPS RECIPE| Very Delicious & Juicy

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel today i will be showing you guys how to make this super easy herb crusted limb chops even if you never made lamb before this recipe is going to be absolutely easy for you to make okay i have the lamb chops here for you guys already cleaned you know how we do over here and i have all the herbs here the measurement will be below and without further ado let's jump right into the recipe all right guys here are the lamb chops i'm using it's about point seven ounce okay almost a pound not really okay and also you will need two tablespoon of olive oil the seasoning i'm using is a teaspoon of onion powder teaspoon of ground black pepper teaspoon of creole seasoning and some salt and of course you can't forget the herbs okay i'm using thyme and rosemary a few sprigs and also i have three garlic cloves here and of course the butter i'm using three tablespoon of unsalted butter now first thing we're going to do is chop our herbs now if you're making lamb chops you don't have rosemary all times like what you doing what you doing you need some nice natural herbs flavor in there [Music] now once you're done chopping your herbs we're going to put them in this bowl here now i'm going to add the olive oil in and also the seasoning of course you can add whatever else seasoning you want to add in there but trust me trust in believe these seasoning combo is the absolutely best for this recipe y'all so now i am going to just brush all of the seasoning in the herbs all over the lamb chops y'all it's going to be so good and i do have another limp chop recipe i will put it on the cards right now as you watching click on it if you're interested on seeing a different version of how to make lame chops especially with red wine okay so click after you watch this video though click the card so you can watch that one it's it's another delicious lynch [Music] recipe now in a hot skillet i am going to add my butter once it's nice and melted i am going to add the pork chops in there make sure it's nice and hot so we can have a nice crust on there [Music] now i'm going to crush my garlic cloves literally just crush them you don't have to chop them and put them in the butter now look how nice this look nice and golden brown they shall cook about four to six minutes not even because mine were very small so i'll say about four minutes per side then flip it over and cook the other side and of course you can't forget the garlic make sure you crush the garlic and add it in there now i flip it on the other side i am going to baste my limb chop with the garlic flavor as you can see i put the garlic on top and just baste it over and over for all that garlicky flavor can get into the pork chops y'all once you're done look how beautiful golden brown this look y'all [Music] all right guys finally our lamb chops is ready and look how good and gorgeous they look i can't wait to try it i want to try these on camera for you guys because they look too good and i don't even want to mess this up because look at that presentation my goodness look at that you get a little sauce in there i'm ready to try it it's so good they're so good guys you have to try these i'm going to eat this off camera but thank you for watching guys be sure to give the video a thumbs up for me subscribe if you knew and you will see me on the next recipe bye
Channel: Island Vibe Cooking
Views: 108,938
Rating: 4.9295688 out of 5
Keywords: easy lamb chops recipe, how to make garlic herbs lamb chops, gordon ramsay lamb chops recipe, vietnamese lamb chops, easy garlic and herb lamb chops, lamb chops in the oven, lamb chps in a crockpot, lamb chops bbq, lamb chops on th grill, lamb chops with gravy, lamb chops and potatoes, pork chops in the oven, pork chops on the grill, bbq pork chops, grill chicken, fried chicken wings, chicken wings mukbang, chickem wings asmr, asmr eating sounds
Id: P3qvThudgxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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