Grilled Lamb Chops w/ Garlic & Rosemary | Private Chef Catering | Personal Chef | Chef Dennis Berry

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hi everybody chef Dennis here hey we're making some grilled lamb chops today who doesn't love these guys right well I love them okay it Suns out the girls hot let's get growing on these garlic and rosemary spicy lamb chops okay cool first thing I want to do is actually we're going to serve them with some a grilled pineapple and grilled mushrooms I want to get those on the grill because those are going to take a little while and they're going to get nice and juicy okay so let's keep this stuff simple right I have some mushrooms here there's a little olive oil and a little bit of salt that's it we're going to get these on the grill right cool let's get those going we got the grill on nice and hot right we want this girl to be hot we want to get some color on whatever we're doing here so let's get this bowl out of the way here now I want to get the grilled pineapple going okay nice we're gonna have some nice slices of pineapple and we'll get those right on the grill we got the dogs barking in the background we've got people walking on the bike path sure well now what we're going to do is we're gonna get to grill these lamb chops right I want to keep it pretty simple so what we're going to do is we're going to make this glaze right so not a glaze it's more of like a base like a dressing okay I'm gonna keep it real simple I have some olive oil let's get our olive oil in here some salt alright some this is what's going to help here okay so if we were to put fresh garlic on the grill it burns right so this is like our little cure here so have enough garlic flavor and we're going to have the fresh garlic but it's going to be in addition to this it's really going to help it along okay so now we have our fresh rosemary here alright these things are so good it needs fresh rosemary nice let's give it a little rough chop here beautiful we're just going to get this right into the dressing and we're going to use to base our lamb chops right beautiful get our garlic in here beautiful and here's our spicy part we want some some crushed red pepper right cool and now some fresh parsley and that's our dressing right so let's give this a quick Little Mix and then this is our dressing that's it it's really simple okay you don't need too much you don't want to obviously kill the flavor of the lamb by loading it with too much stuff you want to keep it simple okay so here's our dressing for the lamb chops we don't want to coat it in that dressing because they're already there's already some fat needs lamb chops you don't want to add too much more fat or is just going to start on fire on the grill right so for this we're going to keep it pretty simple okay we're going to go with the salt and the pepper we want to season these pretty well because a lot of that seasoning cooks off on the grill okay let's get both sides our boomer saw and then a little bit of pepper alright and then we're going to hit it with some of this side garlic granulated garlic right I love the granulated garlic I use it in a lot of applications okay let's get both sides so remember we're going to be dressing this so this is just the first layer of flavor that we have going on okay cool so I'm gonna give it a quick a little squirt but not too much cuz like I said it'll just flare up right so our grill is hot we got our mushrooms going here let's give these a little stir you see how the grill marks are on there those are going to be nice and juicy look at this pineapple slices juicy grilled pineapple and that beautiful you guys see that because those grill marks gotta love that stuff that means the sugars are coming out the flavors are just unbelievable right so now I'm just going to put these right up top and these are gonna cook nice what if lamb chops are cooking the mushrooms are just going to be so juicy pineapple succulent sweet whoo this grill is hot alright so over stuff up here nice alright cool so like I said now we have the grill is smoking hot right we want to get a nice sear on these lamb chops so let's get these on the hot part of the grill hot hot that's a key right I can't stress the importance enough of a hot grill or a hot pan alright it's the beginning process of your cooking right you need it to be high how do we get the nice sear they get the nice flavor into the foods that you're cooking so a hot pan and a hot grill just seriously very important okay cool so I have those chops on so while that's going I also want to get some asparagus on I've loved grilled asparagus it goes really well with lamb I like big thick asparagus I don't like the thin stuff that everybody says that pencil-thin stuff I'm not a big fan of that so why not just take maybe two inches off the bottom right and then you want to keep this very simple watch a little squirt of olive oil a little bit of salt that's all you need don't overcomplicate it okay so we got our grill smoking on fire here let's get these asparagus going asparagus don't take very long so let's check out our chops look at those grill marks you see that sear beautiful if you want you can cross it when we do that I'll cross it for you you guys get to see the cross let these guys do their thing now in a previous video I made this bean salad right so this is a cannellini and white kidney bean salad I put some bacon in here some onions some parsley some red pepper and just a little bit of seasoning a little salt and pepper a little olive oil for some fat you can see that I'll put a link to the video and also the recipe on the site and on YouTube but so look at that see how simple that is that's what I want to serve that with today because these chops with this bean salad that's a screen spring and summer right it says we're grilling and chilling cool so now I'm gonna flip these guys over should be able to see the cross on there a little bit of a cross these guys are small so it's hard to see but you can see the cross on there beautiful color now we're going to go in and baste right so I have that little dressing here so we're going to baste it a little just give it a little base for a little bit of flavor and then what's going to happen is when we go to serve roe we're gonna base them again so it's gonna have a fresh dressing right on top of those grilled chops unbelievable okay cool so let's look at this asparagus that's cooking I'm just going to take that put that right up top too because we don't want that to burn let me get these over here because there's a grease fire going on turn this guy down you got to learn how to work the grill right sometimes you got to move things around to get them where it's not a grease fire where it's not too hot you know use the hot and cold parts of the grill you just don't be afraid to do that no big deal cool so these guys should be almost about done we totally want medium-rare we don't want to overcook these because then they'll be all tough so I have my trusty thermometer I'm gonna go for about 120 degrees okay some people might say a little more a little less I don't care I'm telling you what I would do so right now we're at about a hundred okay I have some people to say take them out as 100 110 that's cool if that's what you want if you want rare that's cool too I totally think that you should have it the way you want to so let's give us one more little baste with our awesome dressing okay beautiful Oh it's uh good stuff you got the fresh rosemary in there the garlic we got the spice this is just going to knock your socks off guys cool so I think these guys were right about done so I'm going to stick my de mama terrain mostly because I want you to see because to see how to do this like I know I can just feel it and be like I think this is done all right and there it is it's 130 so these guys are coming off right now right let's take our bean salad here look at this you guys excited yeah let's just skip that right on here because that's where our beautiful pork I mean our beautiful lamb chops are going to go so let's check this out look at that oh my goodness all right cool right on top here look at this you guys seeing that check that out look at this unbelievable okay so I'm going to close this and then of course remember your dressing right look at how thick and rich we have the olive oil the garlic the rosemary the the spicy peppers we're gonna get all that right on top fresh coat on top of our chops that fresh rosemary that's in there that's what this is really all about right the garlic and the rosemary with a lamb classic classic combination so let's get this on we can even put some of this right on the asparagus how delicious is that and on the mushrooms right who doesn't 100 that's the Wow look at this alright cool so check this out so we have our grilled lamb chops with our beautiful dressing rosemary garlic a little bit of spice the olive oil unbelievable grilled asparagus grilled mushrooms grilled pineapple beautiful white bean salad and some mint jelly this stuff really makes it really pop right it's a little bit of sweetness that counteract with strong flavor the lamb just like the pineapple is going to do beautiful stuff guys look take a look at that is that beautiful if you have any questions let me know have a wonderful day - hey guys
Channel: Dennis Berry
Views: 66,582
Rating: 4.5398231 out of 5
Keywords: lamb chops, grilled lamb chops, garlic and rosemary lamb chops, Lamb And Mutton (Food), Meat Chop, Food (TV Genre), Grilling (Culinary Technique), Garlic (Ingredient), Recipe, Rosemary (Food), Cooking, Kitchen, Recipes, Bbq, denver catering, catering denver, colorado catering, catering colorado, personal chef, private chef catering, chef dennis, best catering castle rock, best chef castle rock, christmas catering castle rock, holiday party catering castle rock
Id: zMcH9VWfeLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2015
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