Great Grace Conference - Day 3 | Pastor Sam Adeyemi

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Reverend Sam Adam is the senior pastor of Daystar Christian Center one of the largest churches and labels with a specific mandate of raising role models he is also the president of success power International an NGO that amongst other things specializes in organizing financial leadership and motivational seminars in addition he presides over the Daystar Leadership Academy a Leadership School for business owners and ministers of the gospel he is a dynamic pastor teacher motivational speaker and host of the popular program success power which airs on radio and television stations within and outside nigeria these teachings have motivated encouraged and sport on many people to start or advance their businesses he is one of those championing the course for a new Nigeria and the Reformation of the African continent as a whole he has authored several books including the best-selling parable of dollars and success is who you are some a DME is happily married to identica a DME they are both blessed with three lovely children [Music] awesome I really love your pastas I really do and it's just basically because of something I've been in ministry just a few years and I've come to realize one of the most important things to God on this planet is your motive your hats hats motive the purity of the motive of the intention and especially because God has that to deal with me on hat issues and until we will resolve those issues he did not allow some things to happen sometimes I wanted exactly what he wanted but not for the same reason why he wanted them and until my reason aligned with his nothing happened all things we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose so the the basic thing I see about them is the purity of their motive amen ministry can be very tempting success generally is very tempting and in ministry I've seen a lot of scheming I've done some of those okay and I find it very difficult to work with people that don't trust God but scheme because it's just risky to work with people like that so I hope you people know what you have god blessed you with pastors with pure hearts good so the way you are clapping shows you don't really appreciate it so it's the day we stand before God that many will realize how much manipulation happened in ministry how much manipulation how much domination happened in church it's the day we appear before God and we'll be surprised people that if we were to give the rewards we would have given massive reward huge rewards will be amazed how they just barely made it into heaven and then we'll see people that we then think we're anything getting massive results not because of what the world caused success but because of what God calls success you read revelation chapters 2 and 3 and you see Jesus talking to the seven churches of Asia to one he said you have a reputation that you are reachable your wretched people are celebrating you bore heaven is not celebrating aha so it's as I as when I come here as I relate with them the one thing that strikes me is that simple trusting God amen so I love you both and I bring special greetings from pastor Nika - amen [Applause] it's it very rarely happens this way I just landed at the airport if you hours ago all the way from the US I'm supposed to be sleeping but God has some business to do here tonight amen I'm very happy to see pastor Alex let's appreciate pastor Alex with you really happy to see you and pass that I would too we good to see you I really really appreciate you both so if I don't pretty long someone you will excuse me right I've had some people criticize us in our church that we don't serve people real food in the world on Sundays we give them only snacks because our services are too short how can you do a service in one hour 50 minutes and that's fine that's fine they say we don't give the Holy Spirit in awful room to move or enough time to move well that's fine it's true you know it's true you know it's just that since I was born as busy as the Holy Spirit is I've never seen him extend one day so for you to suggest that he needs a long time to do what he needs to do is to diminish him he's bigger than that whatever he needs to do we can zap it in three seconds so if you read therefore that he walked for six days and rested on the seventh don't think it's because he lacked the capacity to finish it in one day everything he did in six days he could have done in five seconds or even one yeah he stretched it out because he knew he was creating a planet he was going to put people there and he was setting the principles by which they will live not him so I'm clear about the objective for tonight it's impart Isha its impetus I'm just here as a symbol as a sign for someone that has in no fits okay because I asked the holy sprit many years ago so how do I get your grace said you can get it through prayer let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in the time of need is that you can get it from my word okay I commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among those that are sanctified it's the word of His grace and then he said you can get it from someone that already has it I said that's an easy one I like that one and Georgia was full of the spirit of wisdom because Moses the servant of God had laid his hands on him he turned on me 34 night okay matthew 10:1 and Jesus called the twelve and he gave them power it's transferable okay so tonight I'm certain about something that for the person that is expectant and the person that does not want fulfill his or her destiny through human ability there will be in partition for someone from tonight it will be easier than it has been before in the name of Jesus Christ so let me start from first Corinthians 15 verse 10 and I'm sure we know the verse already first Corinthians 15 and verse 10 but by the grace of God I am what I am and His grace toward me was not in vain but I laboured more abundantly than they all yet not i but the grace of God which was with me but by the grace of God I am what I am we know the grace of God is God's unmerited favor for you to get what you don't deserve to get for you to have ability that you don't deserve to have on your own that's the grace of God what I see from this verse and if you know me well you know that I don't have a lot of patience for theory my focus is on the application of the word how will this affect my life okay so in the short time that I have that's what I want to do the first thing I see from this verse is that one of the deepest walks of grace in your life is the transformation of your identity one of the deepest walks of grace in your life is the transformation of your identity one of the most significant things God's grace would do in your life is to help you become someone you could never have been on your own critical and I think that is foundational to everything else that grace will do in your life for by the grace of God I am what I am amazing it's only in the light of grace that I am Who I am right now I can only define myself accurately within the context of grace Wow true grace and this is something I think about all the time and you need to think about all the time true grace I have become whom I could never have become on my own second Corinthians 5:17 therefore if any man be in Christ he is what a new creature a new species Wow by the grace of God I am water if anybody was the demonstration of that Paul the Apostle was am i right he was a crazy guy crazy guy that was persecuting the church supervised the murder or assassination of Stephen got lettuce of authority you know from Jerusalem and was throwing Christians in jail and amazingly the same man becomes the great of greatest propagator of Christianity in his day Wow efficiency up to 2 verse 8 for by grace are you saved through faith and even that faith is not of yourself it's a gift from God so the faith itself came by grace amazing for by grace you have been saved so because of what Jesus did on the cross you a sinner can within a few minutes become sinless just like that I mean Paul the Apostle was a mudra madra as always here permitted mother before especially if you go by the definition of Jesus that is not where you put a knife to somebody's neck it is when you think if or you call your brother a fool you have killed him already no wait once in a while you need to think about it a little roll it over in your mind second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 says for he has made him to be sin for us that knew no sin so that we through him may become might be made the righteousness of God in him listen pay attention to this verse it's not talking about what Jesus did or what you did it's talking about who Jesus was and who you are for he has made him to be sin for us Jesus became sin who knew no sin that we through him might be made the righteousness of so it's not just that we have righteousness we are we are whoa it's deeper than you think you know it's not worried about what we did it's about who we are I am righteousness personified that's grace because the big word translated grace is Paris and courage means gift gift God dashed you a new identity entirely oh thank you Jesus but that's the most beautiful thing in this world okay so when we accepted Christ it's not just that we got something we became someone that we could never have been on our own thank you lord hmm so I think this should be the foundation for the thinking of a Christian Galatians chapter 2 verse 24 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet it's no longer I that live it is Christ that liveth in me the life that I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God that loved me and gave himself for me whoa so it's not me anymore it is Christ that is living in me Wow so it's this baptism and resurrection thing Romans chapter 6 verses 3 to 4 don't you know that we were it says therefore we were buried with him says well don't you know that as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death verse 4 says therefore we are buried with him through baptism that as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father we also should walk in newness of life we are buried with him through baptism into the the old me is dead my old identity is it's one listen I could talk about this thing to you tomorrow because it's there's something still fundamentally wrong with the African Christian Sun pistol fundamentally wrong with the Nigerian Christian it shows even in our prayer points it shows in our discussions it shows even in our messages the positioning is not correct the positioning is not correct there is something that describes a victim in our sense of identity there's this something tiny nose down to the past okay this is the way it happened for Israel so the generation that Moses led out of Egypt was born into slavery their own parents were born into slavery so slavery was not just a condition it was a culture it was their way of life they didn't know anything as outside of it so by their sense of identity they were slaves when you a slave you are not an employee you have property you have someone's property they were the property of Pharaoh when you a slave you are poor you must be poor you can't own anything you are owned you can't only bank account if you do you and a bank account at the property of your owner so poverty is the identity it's not just a condition property for the slave is not a lot of money poverty is who he is many people try to deal with poverty in Nigeria in Africa don't understand what they are trying to deal with they do realize they're dealing with culture they think is just lack of money it's more than that okay so they were born into slavery they were born into mediocrity born into mediocrity poor quality living that was all they had known it was tied to who they knew they were they were slaves they were not entitled to her high quality life how quality hives houses have quality closes how quality to write for the children to read bicycles to where from where to where okay poor quality living low self-esteem inferiority complex okay but then something happened when Moses told Pharaoh gods and let my people go Pharaoh refused nine plagues he refused then God said there's one when you do it Pharaoh himself will push you out tell each family of Israel to get a lamp tell them to kill the lab put the blood in a bowl let them put the blood on the doorpost okay put it on the lintel and put it on the two side posts said that night I will move through Egypt he said I will execute judgment on the gods of Egypt so what's gonna happen is not just going to be physical it's going to be spiritual first but long and short of it the the the the point on bring out of it is when you read the story of Israel truly in the wilderness they add all become idol worshippers they took idols with them when they left Egypt the way they had forgotten the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and those idols now define the identity your value can never be better than the quality or the value of who you worship worship is what ship let us make man in our own image if you worship wood you can never have the same sense of identity as the person that worships the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob so the word or worshipers so that night that God made them to kill the lamp and to put the blood on the doorpost they were reactivating the Covenant that Abraham taught with God Genesis 50 Abram was asking God how will I be sure that you give me a son in Genesis 15 God said you take some animals take some BOTS cut them in halves except the birds he said I will come down that's how they used to cut blood covenants in those days you kill animals to represent the parties then the two people involved would walk through the middle of those animals cut in halves those animals died on their behalf and what they were saying as they passed through was the old me before this moment is dead there's a new me now but that new me and you are now fused into one you and I are now one so apparently what happened in Genesis 15 was Abraham taught those animals he walked through and then waited the Bible says that the birds of the hare came he drove them away he was with and when it was dark he said that was a lump and a burning torch that showed up and passed through the mists of those animals it's amazing God and Abraham became one one so Abraham I know that physically speaking you can produce a child but when man you become one we will see what a promise to fulfill through you must be a product of grace not human ability it has to be me it's got to be me so Abraham and God became one April understood it if I you know what I see there in Genesis 15 God was discussing with Abraham what would happen hundreds of years ahead that's it when you are God become one your level of intelligence cannot remain the same you can't function at the same level listen what grace will produce for some of us here today is intelligence supernatural intelligence you will not be stranded any more where orders are stranded your thinking will be of a higher order in the mighty name of Jesus Christ so the Covenant was caught there and Israel had abandoned all that so that night when they killed that lamp shed the blood put the blood on the doorpost the Covenant was reactivated day and God became one you know what naturally happened the chains of slavery shattered because you cannot enslave God like Abraham their forefather and them had been day and God became one the chains of slavery broke off their identity was changed and everything that went with slavery fell out of their lives that's why they would approach the Egyptians and say give me your cuca give me a fridge give me give me give me a silver give me and they went they went and gave them everything the days of slavery were over the days of poverty were over the person that was asking was not a slave the person I was asking was one with God you cannot refuse God he holds the gold and the silver the hundreds of years of working without pay had to be paid back in one day some one season of restoration is here if Satan ever thought that he robbed you effectively and successfully and he ever thought it was permanent I'm here tonight to declare he made a mistake whatever Satan stole from you will be restored back tonight [Applause] that's why they must gallantly out of Egypt unstoppable because they had a new identity it was now day and God so it's the same thing in the New Testament okay I read about them that means to talk about I did about them in first Corinthians chapter 10 verses 1 to 5 it says moreover brethren I do not want you to be unaware that all our fore fathers were under the cloud all passed through the sea all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea all at the same spiritual food and all drunk the seams free to drink for the drunk of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ what would most of them God was not pleased for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness ok so they were first the lump was Christ first Corinthians 5:7 says that Christ for Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us the last Passover that Jesus celebrated with his disciples he said he took give them the bread he said this is my body eat it give them the wine say this is my blood is that this is the last time I'm taking this with you until we meet on the other side from here human history will never remain the same again even you guys your identities will never remain the same ok so Israel Israel identity change through the sacrifice of the Lamb now the Bible is saying that when they passed through the Red Sea that was their own baptism amazing the old Israel buried in the Red Sea new one resurrected band of former slaves became a new nation amazing you cannot be one with Christ and be tied down to the limitations of your culture we need to rise beyond the identity that is given us by our circumstances I am a Nigerian but that is not all to Who I am I have citizenship that is higher than Nigerian citizenship I have identity that is more powerful than the identity of a Nigerian it's very very very important the moment Abraham decided to worship the God our God the Elohim he rose beyond the limitations of his circumstances his identity Rose went higher than that of the idol worship in culture that he came from that's why we're still talking about him till today Joseph was born yes the son of Isaac but his sense of identity was higher than that he found himself in Egypt but his sense of identity was higher than that of the Egyptians they thought he was one of them but he was not he was higher than that it was higher than that very important so I always draw illustration from John 10 verse 30 in terms of how Jesus also himself the day he made the statement I and my father are one verse that one says then the Jews took up stones to stone him so he asked them for which of the miracles are you going to stone me they say we're not stony who because of any of the miracles but because you being a man make yourself God right that's it and because that thou being a man makest thyself God they understood what he was saying nobody had ever made that kind of a claim before listen if your speech is the same as that of everybody else around town something is wrong with your thinking especially as a Christian Jesus by that statement lifted himself higher than that of his contemporaries lifted his sense of identity high I and my father are one and they knew he was talking about God you and thought I in the same class yes it's not my fault I was bombed by a human being should I now claim that I'm a monkey or that I'm a lizard what will my describing my self has been lower than Who I am do for you if he craved for people's approval he will not have said it if he didn't want people to stone him you not have made such a claim so in the process of not wanting to offend anybody you will end up being less than you really are I and my father are one so now Paul the Apostle says I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet it's no longer I that live it is who Christ that lives in me I and Christ I want my identity has no definition now outside of Christ so I cannot be worrying about ancestral curses I have no answers ruckuses if I tell you that I have ancestral crisis which part of my identity am i referring to think about it oh if I claim that I have ancestral crisis which part of my identity am i referring to is it the Christ that liveth in me obviously not because the Christ that lives in me amara the only ancestry he has is the one he defined in John 10 verse 30 his father and his father has no process to pass down to his children only blessings can we discuss ancestral blessings let us change this syllabus the old syllabus is keeping people in slavery it's not empowering anybody and it is miss defining people the fact that it is what the majority believes does not make it right [Applause] so Jesus stands before Pilate Pilate says tell me is it true that you are the King of the Jews you know many people don't recognize the political dimension to Jesus that it was because the wise men told he wrote angels appeared to us and told us they say child now born in Bethlehem oh he is the King of the Jews that's why he wrote went crazy he killed all the male children from two years downwards but your Jesus they have admit [Applause] kinga kinga of the jews so I was saying in church last Sunday when they came and asked Jesus should we pay taxes he said bring your money bring the daenerys whose images on it they said Caesar if I then give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God now if you don't understand the political dimension to Jesus you'd only see two individuals there you will see Caesar you will see Jesus or you will see God but it was not two personalities that Jesus was referring to he was referring to two systems of governments Caesar was referring to the government of Rome to the Roman Empire and God is not just the personality of God but the government of God you need to understand the message of Jesus Matthew 4:17 and from that time onwards he went about all Galilee preaching and his message was repent change or change your lifestyle he said for the kingdom of heaven is at hand or the kingdom listen Kingdom that government government of heaven is here Jesus came to introduce another government they killed him because he said he was a head of government once again Pilate asked him is it true that you are king of the Jews he said you have said it now says it is that is a lie oh when did I say that kind of it is not true that it is as you said thank you Jesus say who kill you he he lifted himself beyond the prevailing sense of identity of his day you are 90 to do so if Moses saw himself as his live there's no way he could have God could have used him to lead the Israelites out of slavery is live cannot lead other slaves out of slavery you need a free person that understands what freedom is about to lead people out of slavery into freedom enough of mental slavery the hell say Amen one of the deepest impacts that grace will have on your life is that grace will redefine your sense of identity because grace will make you someone that you could never have been on your own second Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9 for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty might become rich this work of substitution is too sweet thank you Jesus you became sin I became righteousness now you became poor I became not I will become I became not I will become the the problem is if you're going to use your circumstances to define your identity Satan will kill you it is not your circumstances that define you anymore it is what Christ did on the cross of tavern and for as long as that cannot be reversed who you are cannot believe us I am rich I am rich thank you Jesus I am rich oh thank you Jesus this is the goodest news from it my gramma the good blessed news from Africa the good best news for the person in slavery for the person in poverty this the good as you don't need to go somewhere you don't have to get a passport you don't need to do something you just need to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and your identity and your status is redefined Wow and you know the amazing thing it is when who you think you are changes that who you are in the physical changes you will be transformed by the renewing so this is my major in college men tonight define your identity from the perspective of grace by the grace of God I am Who I am it's only by the grace of God that I born you know whatever you will define I was born into a poor family or me that I didn't even have education or me that I used to struggle in school I'm not even very brilliant you know me I that these I that that I that I have a physical disability it is only by the grace of God that I could be this special amen grace cancels out all of your limitations cancels out all of your human disqualifications in spite of all those days that should have set you back you are blessed so what grace then will do is kill all your excuses for not doing well there is no sound reason on this planet now why I will not oh not well Jesus killed all the excuses on the cross of Calvary so the second bit to it as a roundoff then is for by the grace of God the by by the grace of God I am what I am and His grace toward me was not in vain but I did what I laboured more abundantly than they all the Spirit of God sent me to tell you that you should not waste the grace of God grace can be given in vain grace can be carried in with grace can be wasted don't confuse the fact that there's no amount of work or labor that you can do to qualify before God that's the truth now after Christ has now made you qualified what will you now do what will be the result of that don't stay just with the theoretical knowledge in Christ I am rich so let that translate into something use it in other words first let your speech rest on the foundation of the fact that you are no longer who you are in the natural that identity has been redefined in Christ let it show from your words stop speaking like a victim stop victim talk I and my father are one I tell people with confidence I can never be poor again the rest of my life I know that under certain conditions if I continue to keep my part of this arrangement right but I can confidently say so because God has never lied before this thing did not fail on Christ is not one who fell on my head amen because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever you will have to kill Jesus before you neutralize or nullify the Scriptures from being through in my life to anything that I do from here or wherever I go I go with the consciousness of the fact that it is not me it is Christ that is going there if you go for an interview if I go anywhere look I play a lot okay I travel around a lot last week I was in the UK this week um anyway as I entered the ESPYs in the name of Jesus Christ I entered this country in the name of Jesus Christ they will know hear me Lord they will hear you they will know see me it is Jesus do you see whatever cannot be refused Christ would not be refused me whatever cannot stop Christ will not stop me it works out the problem is not with Christ the problem is with my mindset once I begin to believe that a visa officer or an immigration officer is big enough to stop me that's what my problem is and I switch from me to Christ it is no longer I it is Christ it is no longer I it is Christ Christ will not give Nigeria's economy as excuse for his poverty several years ago I was trusting God wake up so I was praying house pray it wasn't my first card got in some cash before but this particular one I was trusting God for cake you just stop why you asking me for you to come waka allows it isn't everything to do he said he said do you do you remember that in this same country of yours people got out of university they had their jobs with him for them and within two weeks they got Calhoun and bought brand-new cars so what has changed say yeah the economy has gone down the net has been devalued he said so so so what I said that the just shall live by faith so what it means is that your faith has been devalued along with the currency he said the raw material with which I manufacture of faith is my word and my word cannot be devalued so obviously the problem is not with my word it with your thinking the next service I announced to the church I said from now I just want you guys to know this is what the Holy Spirit told me I'm believing God for a brand new car every does the Godman they understood the implication of what I was saying brand-new they could not afford it I thought at that time oh they could not afford it the church could not afford it I could not afford it and they knew so some days later one of our pastors came to me and said sir some church members came to me and said that the day thank God for your feet you know but as some of them were already discussing about buying you a car and the only one they can afford for now is it to come vodka now they're finding it difficult to go ahead since you said hey living golf in Nuka salsa they just they sent me to you they said would it be better for you to at least trust God for - for a talk about half first and then the brand-new car can come later I said thank you helped me to appreciate them but please just help me to tell them one thing that when I made that statement it was not them I was looking at it's a discussion between me and God whatever it is God asked them to do they should do it I would drive it [Applause] [Music] faith is the substance of things hoped for I had no control over the timing of the manifestation but what God told me I had to take it he was saying that I was shooting below my level I had to believe it and then leave the fulfillment to him so whatever it is you say you have now bring it I Drive it okay but the mistake they were making was to think that because I was a pastor then my prosperity would be tied to their ability that was a big mistake I have an identity that is higher than that of past oh I'm a child of God and I and my father our so translate this sense of identity provided by grace into words and into action amen translate it into your plans when you make your plans don't waste the grace of God let me let me let me close on that act increase so pauses when I looked at the enormity of the grace that was given to me I matched it with labor commensurate level I matched it with big goals matched it with big plans I dared big face great showed up if I have become someone I could never have been on my own then I can't do things I could never have done and I would never know how much I could do if I don't try to do if I don't try to do something that is beyond my ability if what you are doing is what you are capable of doing naturally we can never call that Greece the proof of grace is that it is bigger than what you can afford to do am i right when Joseph spoke to Pharaoh Pharaoh said in Genesis 41 38 can we find a man such as this a man in whom is the Spirit of God why did Pharaoh say that because he knew what came out of Joseph's mouth was bigger than yourself mouth ma what does ever say was beyond his capacity when people see you that you remember God you should be the proof that God exists the early Christians acted in such a way that people looked at them and said the gods have come to us in the likeness of men that's grace at work acts 4:13 and when they saw the boldness of patan joy remember that they were ignorant and uneducated men they marveled and they remembered that they had been with Jesus thank you Jesus so they can't trace what I'm doing to my education they can't trace to my ancestry or lineage the only place that can trace it to is Jesus Christ [Applause] that's your testimony from here that's your testimony from here the kingdom of heaven the government of heaven is here and I hope you can see that's the only hope people like that are the only hope for our country only hope for Africa all the analysts doing analysis on social media can't help us this is more than theory let's put them up what them are who are you going to vote we've been changing people for decades didn't change we've been changing people it's not about changing people it's the kind of people and when the Christian finds his place finds her place can define is our identity now through Christ amazing our thinking must be different it must be out of this world if you're a child of the king of kings and Lord of lords you must value excellence this thing must shape your values shape yova I must be different my environment must be different maybe people are not paying attention to it and they are criticizing it instead of thanking us for it see church see the way church looks in Nigeria now does the rest of the country look like this they need to come and follow us they need to beg us to provide leadership for them oh yes they will perish in mediocrity so tonight what I see is Israel got to the Buddha of Cana and said ah now these were not ordinary people this way leaders from the 12 tribes number starts in and they came back and said the land that we went to search out is exactly the way God described it but the people that we saw in it which ayats I remember what they said in numbers that indicate reach and we were asked grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in this that definition was outside Greece that definition did not take into consideration the Passover am i right he didn't take into consideration the Passover they became one with God how can somebody that is one with God because OPA see what I'm talking about from today let your description of yourself be greased based if you don't pour yourself something that is bigger than what you are in the physical you are not speaking Greece when I was in school of course I was already saved I was a Christian and a student died on the campus and you know that shakes teenagers off Christine I just don't think they can die so the tissue comes up so we were discussing my host f in the bedroom and somebody just made the statement you see you see this life when this Apple like David but people become philosophers okay they become philosophical see this life mmm does it anybody can die at any time the thing just came from inside me I said I cannot die at any time ah look this is not a joking matter anybody can die I said I'm telling you that I cannot die just at any times why are you talking like this I said I will explain to you hey I said I was a man in the Bible named Jacob and read the story Genesis 49 50 yeah when he wanted to die he called his songs he prophesied on each of them then the Bible says that he gathered his legs on the bed and slept as if he died deliberately I said when Jesus was to die he knew he said it before they arrested and on the cross the Bible says that he gave up the ghost the others they had to break their left before they died he gave up his own he died the Liberty so I said I'm going to die deliberately they said ok is true it's what what I'm saying is not for people like you hey that's what we're talking about we're talking about yeah somebody's talking in the boss this country this I just had in fact what they had been to do come on man in this country the masses of this gone you - yeah you are not in your head it's true it's true you have taken yourself outside of grace whatever meets you there because outside of grace the only thing that is left is that I don't want to call you at the one that said it - I [Music] am not a gossiper God and I Christ and I can never be grass of us we are grasshopper cheetahs [Applause] they run away from the Giants they didn't know they were giant Quiles don't set small goals ah my dad's that don't set small goals don't run your life anymore by your small brain hey I remember the day I said to God at the five-star hotel in London Lord I am sorry my brain is too small to organize my life because here I was in the UK preaching at the largest church in Western Europe it was my first trip ever to the UK and I was written at the largest judge in Western Europe but first-class tickets were staying at a five-star hotel the reason why I was apologizing mm-hmm was because just 12 years before I was trying to go to the same country to not return to this country to survive there they had told me I would have to do menial jobs and they said that the one that paid best was washing dead bodies I said I would do it God did not allow it to work out even after I got tickets flight tickets got everything land the whole thing's your shot at Jordan is messenger allow me to go and I got refusal after I refused out the refused after refused now the first time I would go and hare was a five-star hotel that's why I just lay on the rug in the bedroom I said Lord I'm sorry you know my brain is too small to organize my life the way you are ended is better [Applause] hey this one is better when I was done I went a whole day shopping a whole day shopping and when I was done I deposited 10,000 pounds tally in my account in London because I did not need to bring anything here because there was naira here no need to change anything that's why salmon so I'm just I'm just describing somebody story here the days of struggling with human ability are the days of working on plants that do not align with God's plans are over the days of West wasted time those days are over the days of wasted energy those days are over the days of wasting money those days are over the days of normal effort big results those days are here the days of getting phone calls that will just change your status getting an email that will change your status I used to try so hard to get money when money began to come didn't that just amaze me is just the how I don't really care about the amount I know for you too God sent me to teach you how to succeed with apostolic grace and I realized why we teach people how to succeed oh one thing we don't teach people in the office how to manage success its heart success or ruins people did for statistics from verse 6 we are praying for prosperity prosperity wins people so I understand that enough to fight grid so I try not to accumulate but I never lack anything that God has provided for me and how he does the providing is an amazement it's just grace on display just grace at work I'm declaring that tonight struggling over money is over [Applause] struggling for promotion / struggling to get married over the days of grace are here so I wanted to pray because he said I approach the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy and find grace in your time of need lord I ask for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to be activated maximally in my life I declare an end to my defining myself by human or natural parameters I will only define myself from today in the light of Christ and his finished work on the cross [Music] ask for grace ask for grace my reality must be commensurate to my identity in Christ Lord bridge the gap between my reality and my identity in Christ [Music] bridge the gap between my identity in Christ and my reality [Music] the days of slavery are over for Vancouver forever the base of poor quality leap over forever [Music] [Music] in Jesus name we pray I am conscious of the fact that I am here on the Apostolic grace so I wanted to say this prayer before I pray Lord I draw on the Grace on your servant see Elijah asked Elijah what do you want me to do for you he said I want a double portion every generation must be an improvement on the previous one and what I see God doing here tonight is raising people in business raising political leaders raising leaders in ministry that will define their identity in Christ for the sake of the kingdom of God in our business world in our government grace some people said to me when they hear me talk about the country or tweet or do something so why don't you become the president but I happen to know that one person cannot change our country you need Christ's people at all levels amen you need christ-like people at all levels if it's only president that is like Christ everybody else in the cabinet is a thief the government will know what if he sacks all of them picks another team and 3/4 of them are thieves community know what before you know it four years would be over we need people like Christ at all them so some of you I'm saying this tonight because something we're about to explode let me use a language that you will understand somewhere I bought two blue [Applause] [Music] I'm saying this so that you will understand because if you don't understand the purpose if you don't ascend the purpose and you will self-destruct God wants to make you powerful for the sake of the kingdom of God when he gives you the money you will make sure nobody ever wrongs that God they touched down in this country one to when he gives you the money you will fund politics yet fund politics to make sure that people that represents the x values don't get into office it will be money with a purpose God told Israel ask for gold as for silver they did they got everything they got into the wilderness they did not understand the purpose of the money when Moses went off to receive the laws from God all of them approached Iran and pumped the gold into a God and began to worship it when God gives you wealth gives you power you don't understand the purpose you will worship it instead of using it to worship God we don't want that in our generation that's a new generation here we are here to establish the values of the kingdom of God love must prevail kindness must prevail excellence must prevail thank you lord so Lord you just say Lord I use your servant as a point of contact to receive impartation of grace tonight you say that short prayer if they any good thing you have a see same God do in my life he's going to do 2 times 3 times 4 times 10 times 100 times in somebody's life here tonight [Music] I see the future I see the future I see promotion I see greatness I see greatness I see breakthroughs my grace great great [Music] thank you Lord in Jesus name we pray Heavenly Father I have done what you told me to do said what you asked me to say I know your word I know your word I know heavens attention is over this place right now because your agenda is at stake and I know just like it was for Jesus at the River Jordan someone is ready someone is ready so Heavenly Father I ask for everyone Under the Sun of my voice fresh baptism of the power of the Holy Spirit [Applause] [Music] fresh baptism fresh baptism baptism of power and these signs shall follow those that believe in my name or in my place standing like it is Christ that is standing they shall cast out difference Lord I asked by the empowerment of tonight cause each one here that believes to run the devil out yes I declare by the Spirit of God and by this empowerment wherever you show up demonic activities will be paralyzed receive a new level of spiritual authority as a principality and power receive authority over cities authority over nations displace territorial spirits take over territories from them through your ministry take over territories through your business or your career take over territories in the area of finances take over territories and in the area of politics take over territories in the mighty name of Jesus [Applause] whatever is present in anyone's life that does not look like Christ it may be lack it may be a sickness a disease I cast it and every spirit behind it I command you out in the name of Jesus so I declare over each one you are blessed from here your testimonies will be different walk in victory see God's wisdom on display your life receive new visions new dreams experience raw power what you could not move on your own the power God will move it on your behalf you will operate him with them now like never before I see people barely positions grace is gift graces Paris glass is gift I see gifts and talents being exposed you will function in your area of specialty when you function there people will not experience you they will experience God in the name of Jesus doors open for someone on the global dimension your breakthrough and your leadership will be global in the mighty name of Jesus I pray for the person under the sound of my voice who says pastor Sam the problem is I don't have a relationship with God this thing you are saying about being free from seeing Jesus Christ now you becoming the righteousness of it's not my reality and I'm a sinner I don't and I can't be lying I want God forgive my sins right now so that instantly buck I'll remove my cyst and make me righteous like Jesus Christ if you're that Honus person I want to pray with you maybe just one person I want to say short prayer with you one minute or less but your life will never remain the same people don't understand us when you look from the outside you don't really understand it when you come inside this is how beautiful it is listen even if Christianity was know if it even if there was no heaven I'm enjoying this one I'm enjoying having a new identity in Christ not seeing myself as being poor or broke anymore my life has changed can i play with that harness first just put your hand on your heart pastor Sam pray with me don't be like I can't live before God my relation because okay I'm a sinner I won't go to forgive me my sins tonight every human being was born in sin eyes not something to be ashamed about every human was punished now but someday you hear the truth and Jesus said the truth will make you free I like to pray with you or maybe you said the prayer before but things have gone so bad between you and God god forbid you die to not appear before God and absolutely sure you make ever you want to dedicate your life to Jesus got to pray with you can you just put your hand on your heart god bless you god bless you so if your hand is on your heart can you please remain standing while everybody else it's and we're going to pray together if you are standing please say this prayer after me there God I believe that Jesus paid for my sins I ask you to forgive me and to accept me as your child thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for washing my sins away thank you for changing my identity I have nothing in common with Satan anymore from here on you and I are one helped me to understand it even better teach me to know you teach me to love you and teach me to serve you the rest of my life in Jesus name if you're standing if you said that prayer can you come here quickly come out to the front quickly let me pray for you let's give them a big hand clap [Applause] [Music] [Music] now Jesus said there's joy in heaven among the Angels when this happens I want us to reflect that joy here give Jesus a hand clap you need to know what they are doing in heaven right now oh my god whoa all the prayers you pray for Nigeria this is the answer you watch out for these guys amen can I pray for you Lord in the name of Jesus Christ this is the reason why Christ paid that painful sacrifice on the cross and you raised him on the third day we ask Heavenly Father let your power rest on them teach them to know you teach them to love you the rest of their lives Lord whatever was in their lives up until this moment that did not look like Christ let your power remove them let their lives change dramatically in a short while let others around them want to become like them Thank You Heavenly Father give them your peace like they've never known before give them joy like the never knew before bless them like they've never been blessed before in Jesus name Amen [Music] all right we want to discuss with you just a few minutes and then you can come back and join us can you please go right after the gentleman in the jacket and the blue shirt can we give them a big hand club and a big god bless you once again as the core [Applause]
Channel: Household of David
Views: 16,798
Rating: 4.6387095 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Sam Adeyemi, Great Grace Conference, Great Grace 2018, HOD CHURCH, Household of David Church, Olusola Osunmakinde
Id: ZfuG_wd6u6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 53sec (4973 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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