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living feed media-based to you God's world which is his comprehensive equipments for changing lives with the Lord in front of her as you encounter his world for further enquiry or counsel contact his house Bo box 9001 taco Benue State Nigeria telephone numbers zero seven zero three zero three six three six five nine zero seven zero three seven six eight zero one nine eight email address and as media at living seed dot org or visit our website at www.ge.com let's all sit back and listen as the servants of God brings forth the word of life Holy Spirit I want to plead with you tonight that you will be your your wisdom take us one by one and bring us into this unlimited grace Lord I can see these brothers as Zillow's they want to do well they don't want to become casualties but they say grace that makes a man to rise beyond his natural ability I ask tonight the throne of grace let it be open upon us let the grace of God lives upon us grace not Somali wrong me grace not to choose a wrong man grace not to fall into the dungeon release the grace tonight in the name of Jesus grace to walk well grace to tsavorite grace to move in the right time at the right place release it upon this shit'll ever Jesus [Applause] father I ask tonight now you will enlarge your hearts towards us I just want your compassion to flow towards us this life must never be a waste this children was never be cut short in their youth they are for science and for wonders in the land and so will it be in the name of Jesus Christ so will it be in the name of Jesus Christ everybody that you are spoken into today he says say unto my people your battle is finished where ask you no corner from this meeting their battle is finished in the name of Jesus Christ in Jesus name we are prayed in a grace for exploits I sense very very seriously the God God is taking your life serious there's a divine commitment over your life and I felt that God is saying whatever we make this children to succeed do not hide it from them whatever we release them into that which heaven ordains for their lives don't keep it away from them and so tonight I know is a very short night I feel compared to introduce you to degrease that makes a man to do beyond his personal capacity when we talk of exploits if exploits is only what you can do with your strength all your exploits will be according to your size and there'll be nothing spectacular about it there will nothing peculiar about it because it is what your capacity can do and it will not be an excellent to just be an ordinary thing it will just be a man among all over me but I says that what makes men ordinary people insignificant people to bring to the earth the supernatural manifestation of God is the input of divine grace in each of their lives as you are coming out every time the Elizabeth speaking every quarter are they made I see you wanted to do to make this right with God and I see you only your life to God opening your pasts and say God I can't go from yet awakened I see the Lord also reaching out reaching out for you God Himself is committed unto what it is speaking concerning your life and I'm believing God that district Congress do we have done several congresses and with angle for every time God gathers but this one is unique is of a difference because the same time for your exploit is here but now between where you are today between who you are today and what heaven is speaking concerning you the risk and input the most common you it is the input of grace what I'm about to share with you tonight no matter how brief it will come it is not a matter we can finish in a meeting it's going to be your song for life because the currency where as many people talk about money and they think if they have money it'll be alright but in my own walk with God I have come to discover a currency that supersedes money have discovered a provision that overrides money and gold so I say God rather than give me gold give me grace many people don't know that grace five her far far supersedes outweighs the witnessed gold and people don't understand that it is better to live on grace grace that makes a man to do what he could never have been able to do and I just feel tonight even if I cannot do anything with you I was going to go with you tonight to the throne of grace I intend that me and you we are going to fall at the true degrees because what we are saying that God wants to do with your life the only thing that can bring it to pass the only thing that can make you work into that dimension and to walk into it early in your life not after you have struggled is this grace that you must touch when I began to sense that there is something God wants to do with my life and sometime when that sister was telling you her story that they were going to the she's a villager and that they will just go we started that village walk that they are talking about and we would track into the bush and I will have a very weighty sense of a divine appointment that I don't know how to end all of you that I'm see here I have seen you before I have seen something that will affect the whole world but I'm saying what I'm seeing and where I am there is no connection what I'm hearing you saying about me and all that I can see around my life there is no possibility I can happen even when I've cried enough great as I'm waking up from that prayer it is the comment to me say but you can enter at some time I would just put my hand on my head I'm not going to the bush I'm say Bradley was water what is it what are you crying about they don't know until one day God began to speak to me about grace even though there was a theme of this kind of this song but when I began to cry to God I began to cry Lord what I'm looking for for me to be able to fulfill your call on my life is not money I need grace and this song that's singing tonight it was the cry have cried provides for many years and tonight I felt do I intend for God to help you step into something beyond your capacity if I truly mean so why will I not take you the route that the Lord has taken me that's why we are drilling with this tonight even though what I may be say might be a bit higher to some of your understanding but going to the throne of grace is no higher than you when we get to the throne of grace tonight you are going to receive something that we formed a foundation for the days ahead of you in the name of Jesus Christ [Applause] you see we have talked about marriage and I really enjoyed this it was exciting to me as I'm hearing the testimony of how these brothers and sisters while and amid correct choices and all of that but I knew there for a man not to make a wrong choice for his life you need grace if we needed grace nowaday I suppose you needed more much more now I suppose that grace has to come upon your life from tonight grace I will make your rights Chris I will make you not to abandon what is paramount for your victory in the name of the Lord so permit me tonight to introduce I use the word introduced because we cannot be exhausted grace for experts grace to accomplish your divine mandate grace to be at the right time at the right place so we're going to read some passages again that you may have been familiar with but I just need to read them as the law permits me tonight we read a passage that is very quick but I would just want to read it with you before we go ahead we start with Romans chapter 9 Romans chapter 9 and I just read verse 15 for 16 for he says to Moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion so then it is not of him that we left no of him there oneth but of God - wait Missy are you dead go to Matthew chapter 9 I just want to read those passages and trust that something will be dropping on your spirit while I introduce you to this matter Matthew 9 verse 12 verse 13 when Jesus had danced he said unto them did I be whole need not a physician but they that are sick but go ye and learn what that means I will have mercy and not sacrifice for I am NOT come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance are you there Ecclesiastes follow me quickly two enthusiasts Jeff that night was 11 are you there I returned and I saw on that the song that the race is not to the Swift nor the battle to the strong not a yet bread to the wise nor yet riches to men of understanding no yet fever to man or skill what time are just happens to them all can I request someone to read verse 11 for us from good news Bible and from the old Living Bible and pray that this instruction our new tonight which I believe it is necessary to put on your life only so that you do not fast waste your energy where there will be no results I pray for you that God will lead you to where he helps me actually I want to beg or go help you tonight in the name of Jesus with the law help you in the name of Jesus another thing I realized yes that in this world fast runners do not always win risk which you see when Solomon was coming to realize that it was at his good age when he has wandered this opportunity you see you did not realize this alley when I read the book of Ecclesiastes sometimes I cry because this was the research report of a man who with this opportunity who had the greatest capacity given to him by God for who did he make much out of it he only used it to marry 700 women and to have 300 concubines what was his problem he had everything and yet he was Restless so he began to make a spell man with his life he tested everything that anybody could tests he research into animals research into beds in research into everything he concluded at the end of this book he said hi God as Madras plain and simple we made our cells very complicated his conclusions were very very troublesome to my heart at the end he said instead of making books there is no end and of making research there is no solution at the end of his life he said he had the conclusion of the matter do you remember what he said my prayer for you is that you will realize what I'm dealing with tonight only in the name of Jesus Christ I want you to come to the throne of grace with me as early as possible I want God you know I prayed a prayer in the morning when I was asking to pray God couldn't have come to you so early in life and you know have a full life to explore the grace of God but you need to realize this very quickly so that you can come to where God can help a man yes and the brave do not always win the battle can you please start again I know that I realized another thing yes sir that in this world fast runners do not always mean to be fast runners don't always win the race or take notes if you are depending on your speed of Ronnie if it is your leg that you are depending upon that will make you to make it fast runners you don't always win the race in this world yes and the brave do not always win the battle and what the brave and the brave do not always win the past they don't always win the battle yes the wise do not always earn a living the wise the wise they don't always find what they do was always make it they don't make a living quiet intelligent people do not always get rich are you learning that intelligent people they don't always get rich I pray you will realize this nd why I am bringing this message to you tonight God is they shortened the way to achieving the purpose of God for their lives yes and capable people do not always rise to high positions have people people they don't always rise to high positions sometimes the people you see up there you wonder how did they come there yes but love apples to everyone they called it bad luck that's what they call it bad luck but now where is the Living Bible again I look throughout the earth again I look throughout the earth and saw that the swiftest person does not always be in the race the swiftest person the fastest wanna don't always win the race no the strongest man the battle the strongest man they don't always win the battle and that wise men are often poor and that wise men they are often poor unskillful men are not necessarily famous skillful men they are not necessarily famous but it is all by chance is all by chance by happening to be at the right place at the right time [Applause] you need grace to look at you at the right place at the right time what it takes to accomplish the divine purpose of God for your life is not about skin even though we're going to be talking to you tomorrow and the next about academic performance and skills acquisition and development even though we are going to be talking about you have any caught edge with your career developments but if that is always saying to you there's no peculiarity about that there is something it looks invisible that positions and locates a man to be at the right place at the right time for the purpose of God to be accomplished in his life and that thing I'm talking about tonight is the Messi of God I just feel burdened that even as young as you are I should lead this before you and pray with you into it not to wait until you have Garland and land in the bush when you are generally exhausted you now come back to realize that there was something you missed at your takeoff point you will not miss it in the name of Jesus so it is not of him that will ins know of him that runneth for this of God let's show at what message say I will have mercy on Willard mess I have compassion on him whom I will have compassion when brother Paul came to realize the divine mandate on his life when he came to discover what it was accomplished in his lifetime and he will not be adaptable there was something he discovered he discovered it in first Corinthians chapter 15 and I want also quickly read that first Corinthians 15 I wanted to hear him speaking in verse 9 and verse 10 first Corinthians 15 9 and 10 I'm reading passages trusting God to do something tonight because I just lightly want to pray obviously praying with you tonight for I am the least of the Apostles that am NOT meet I am not qualified to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God but did you see verse 10 but by what by the grace of God by the grace of God I know you see this kind of statement many of you you have used it casually and you totosai me a slogan so when I'm even talking about grace tonight some of you thought you already knew what I want to say no you don't know it it is not that general comment that has become a manner of talking by the grace of God I will be I will be in the meeting tomorrow I'm not talking about that even though that looks nice there's something more than that this man said but by the grace of God I am what I am and His grace which was bestowed upon me listen who did anything tangible for God something had to be bestowed upon them what is that grace grace had to be released a consignment of Grace had to be released and bestowed upon their lives look at the Bible and His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain but I laboured more abundantly than they all yeah not I you do hear him but what but the grace of God which was with me one time when Paul cried to God because there was a thorn in his flesh the messenger or theta that was posted to his led to prophet and soon I will not be arrogant if they D pray to God three times that ghoshal removing the day I will go said to him go said my grace is what you need so I saw that grace grace is more important even than deliverance Grace on the man's life is much more much more than miracle that if God were to ask necessarily make a choice should I give you a miracle or I should give you grace I have now come to know that I would rather have Grace and have Morocco but listen to me we are us you can have miracles and not have grace but you cannot have grace and not experience miracles grace we dragged miracles to your life grace will look at you at the right place at the right time and this will be up me and people will be opening the amount and say how did you get this how did this happen how did you what did you do those of other I've been struggling we were an eidetic we were intelligent we were hard-working we did not get it how did you just come now and you have entitled this and you can only say is the grace and I've made brothers who separable ef-1 aha you know when you want to just abruptly you have not shown us she was the way how is everything happening like this but I know when I tell them what it is they think it is too it is too simple they think is too simplistic when I say it is Grace no no no no we need something more than that because to understand that grace is invaluable they don't understand that grace is what makes a man to do beyond what it will have done by himself they don't understand that grace is something that God bestows on a man's life when he wants him to accomplish what is beyond him grace for exploits so when brother Paul was instructing Timothy he said my son be what be strong in what in the grace that is in Christ Jesus I thought ulis simply said my son be strong be diligent be hard-working he already knew that strong we would always win the battle he also understand as witness Ronna do always win the race yes also realized that intelligent people do always make it up some of them cannot even earn a living he has discovered there are very strange issues but that's why it happens in the world Sehwa Center Timothy be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus maximize the grace for the days ahead of you and I'm hearing him saying let us therefore come boldly to where to the throne of grace I was surprised that the throne of God which could be called the throne of God's judgment or the throne of his glory and all of that I was surprised that it was introduced as what the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us when in the time of our need please wait for me John was given his own testimony in John chapter one is that of his own fullness we have all received what grace upon grace upon grace would somebody read John chapter one for me quickly and if you can read that from the amplified bible it will be useful John chapter 1 verse 16 and of his fullness we have all received and grace for grace for the law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ for out of his fullness we have all received we have all had a share and we were all supplied with one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor gifts heaped upon gifts someone has has an amplified by wood edges Clara for out of his fullness abundance we have all received all had a share and we also applied with one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and evil favor upon favor I give heaps of point gives seventeen for while the law was given through Moses grace on and on without favor and spiritual blessing I'm trying shoots came to Jesus Christ amen you see something was buried liesl for you to enable you carry out the great exploits the heaven is speaking about and it is not by strength it is not by struggle it is not by human wisdom it is not by manipulation it is normal oratory it is not by any of this means the men have been advertising to you it is not all those service steps on to break through that you are being crammed thank God you are intelligent but you are going to bring that intelligence to be wrapped inside Greece if it will be useful and if you are going to accomplish what heaven is saying concerning you my dear brother my sister I want you to know I want you to know I want you to know that there's a place where you must report and refuse to leave the place aunty grace has been released upon your life what was Greece do in a man's life let me face it something to you the first thing they're 4 degrees of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men the world teaching us to do what to say no to say to deny ungodliness some of you don't understand that what we make you passionately consistently to have capacity inside of you to say new to see to say no to ungodliness to say no to worldly passion to say no to all the attraction that the world system is bringing to you is more than self determination how many of you have been said determine before and you just find that you on your back I'm going to be amid very serious resolution before your resolution just cut out it is because something that makes a man never to sink equality buoyancy of grace when God put grace in your life Grace has capacity to make you float where others are thinking we have very meticulous people who have come to say grace just lift you up and say how did you just come through that say is the grace I'm sensing tonight that God wants to introduce you to the only currency that is sufficient to carry you from now till eternity the grace of God he went great begins to come to a man's life grace simply gives you capacity to be content to be on petalled to be on distort about all that is shaking and quaking everywhere Randy grace gives you on top grace and as we were reading from that amplifier we said we have received grace for grace grace on top of grace and I realized grace comes in consignments you know when the disciples are gone to pray after they have been threatened after they have been persecuted after they have been beaten in our chapter four and they began to pray they prayed so much to God when the answer to their prayer was recorded it took notice of it we you like to read the reports of the answer to their prayer because you know sometimes when you do not know what to look for and what God is willing to bestow you might actually be looking in the wrong direction thank you both Acts chapter 4 the prea stated in chapter 4 verse 23 after they have been beaten and all of that and now they came up read quoted some truth to the Lord in a place of prayer and how they asked and they say in verse 29 our Lord behold yet redness grant unto your servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word by stretching forth your hand to him and as signs & wonders may be done by the name of your only child Jesus and when they had prayed the place was shaking where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and he spoke the Word of God with boldness and and the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul never said any of them that thought of the things which he possessed was his own but they are all things common and with great power give the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and what an great grace great grace was upon them all you be wondering honestly what is the Bible describing that came upon them all I know you are familiar with where is the display came and spoke in tongues you are familiar with that I know you are familiar with the father they say they preach you're familiar with that but there is a component that was the enabling factor the mid oddities to happen in their hands F faultlessly what was nothing they greased great Greece was upon demo and so I was discovering that grace can come in degrees grace can come in various levels here we're told great grace and I was wondering Lord what would be great grace what would be great grace upon my life what would be the great grace upon that which I have called me to do if I'm going to innately fulfill it what would be great grace upon my life grace for exploits and if I will bring this to a conclusion I would like to say grace is not for the proud grace can never come to the self-sufficient the self-confident they are not qualified for grace say God resists the proud but what does he do he gives grace to wit report to the AMA those who can come up prove a point those who believe in their capacity those who trust in their strategies those who believe in their connections grace is not for the arrogant grace is not for those who put trust in the flesh grace is not for the boosters and I wonder Lord how many people have bypassed the place of grace and they're running up and down in life and the walk of God cannot be done in their lives how many I see they believe in their pictures as if that is going to create anything so they spend so much on publicity because that's where their faith lives they have not understood how to come to the true Noir grapes that they may obtain messy because tonight I just want to I can't sleep not here now I just need to invest the next few minutes to go with you to the throne of grace if you feel like coming down if it is clear to you that all the things that you are dreaming about there is a gulf between you and data and unless the grace of God will create a bridge you might just be looking and seeing what you could have become or what you are designed to become and you'll be wondering why you are not there you'll be wondering why couldn't I get their orders they tell you try try if trying can make you that I will have told you for me I have tried and I never got anywhere if more efforts will carry you there Allah said brother be more diligent be more serious but I do know that all the diligence that is void of grace we only exhaust you and finish you I do not have finish the assignment but to whom will God give grace do suyambu themselves so when I hear Jesus say blessed are those who know that they are poor for this is the kingdom of heaven when I hear the word of God saying my power is made perfect in your weakness my grace is sufficient only for the weak grace only comes for the weak so when Jesus said gwenlyn go and lend as where will I learn this and I took I said don't don't don't tell me to go anywhere again I have come if you don't have mercy on me I am finished I need mercy not money I did mercy not married I won't messy not methods I want messy not machines I want messy not much and ice there are so many many things that people use to replace messy in their lives you look nice you look nice that's what human beings are looking for but I want to introduce you early in life if the Spirit of God will open your eyes come let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in time of need the things that is meant for your life for you not to miss it you need the grace that must be released upon your life tonight when you come to the end of yourself Jacob was very energetic was very meticulous he knew our table again he began with his father-in-law 10 times Heba gained and by give her the beverage of a senior brother and he got it he begins four women he struggled and even almost prevailed against an angel there was no blessed he only became a blessed man when he begged for mercy he will only enter into his inheritance when Messi was released for him I don't know who is here tonight who needs the mercy of God I don't know how whether what I said ever strike a coach in your heart but I pray God will give increase to disquiet instructions tonight I pray father that tonight the eyes of understanding of your children will be opened I prayed Lord that on God for your messy and for your grace will fall upon us like never before I pray father that will be crippled enough to become the object of your messy the God takes no delight in the strength of aim of a of a of a man it does not take delight in the legs of a horse but God only takes delight in those who hope for his messy so tonight I cannot force you to this place that I am inviting people tonight the arrogant must not come here those who believe in themselves they cannot come here those who are boasting am proud even of their holiness they cannot come here those who think of their self-importance and they are service team they don't have a space in the place of grace for those who knew a weak poor are vulnerable how inadequate their lies are those who say have mercy upon me for without you I can do nothing those who have come to know that without him they are they are useless and they say Oh God if there's anything you must do for my life I no longer have confidence in anything there are people to have confidence in the flesh they had disqualified from the place of grace they are those who think that their sweat is enough to help them grace is not for the arrogance but those la saint Oh God Oh God grace to Sevilla right love grace to enter into that which I have you known able to have died my life the messy of God that releases a divine enablement that makes a man to do what he cannot buy in sever complete chuckles in Batangas Lord I plead with you tonight for grace there's nothing I can sustain this young man if it is not your grace there's nothing I would take them to where they Auto reach if it is not grace I plead tonight that we know the grace of God I pray that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we said to upon many lives tonight Lord make your cheese's tonight thank you simply god I stand before you ability now you would miss so precious thoughts the grisha's upon this meeting upon this lives upon these brothers upon these systems whatever level they have found himself now let the grace of God come upon them grace to go beyond thank you in Jesus Christ's name we're prayed grace thy grace alone he's all like before [Music] to serve they are right Lord [Music] okay okay okay oh my god please all life before Oh grace grace to Southie ah all right go all agree your grace ha all night before Oh Claire's great juice of a goal all [Music] graces a notice a greater say no to ungodliness grace to bring to bath what has never been Lord Lord Lord and pray that this sisters this brothers right in their prime of youth they will tap into your grace they will not be cliche about grace me all night before great to serve they are all right low embrace [Applause] publish a disciple village ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba delivery when you receive grace tonight for the future ahead of you can you begin to receive grace grace is that attribute of God now when it bestows on Emma it enlarges his capacity beyond himself which locates you at the right time at the right place these the others are running out struggling for grace will drag it away thank you Jesus thank you Jesus in Jesus name we are praying God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble only the proud will go out of this meeting tonight empty-handed only the arrogant is self-confident those who disdain the grace of God the only ones that were going out of here empty but as many as are trying to go tonight the God of all grace shall impart shall bestow upon your life commensurate grace for the days ahead of you know name of Jesus [Applause] look at your struggles lay down your struggle before the Lord and say father rather than struggle I plead for grace I am coming to receive that help that only comes from you thank you please straight for your hands towards this place in prayer do you know that all of us are in need of grace tonight do you know that some of us are stagnated because we are coming short of the grace of God some people are falling from grace because they are depending on self on what their flesh can do have you become a man who now struggle for everything to happen maybe your grace I can't have been closed please stay go tonight renew it open an account of grace for me release unto my life consignment of grace consignment of grace I know some of you you have so great intelligence but it does not as no amounted to anything nobody's willing to hear you why don't you drop the stencil come to the throne of grace tonight and say God the only thing I can deliver miss your grace thank you Father in Jesus name we have prayed Lord when you answered for it was grace your religion is life when Jesus came the only description is a was full of grace and truth when the Apostles cried it was great grace that came upon them tonight Oh Ponty pressure can for our lives [Applause] release a consignment a deposit of grace upon our lives in the name of Jesus Lord my heart yearns for these brothers they don't need to go round and land and land in the bush bring them to the place of grace tonight your grace will make them right your grace will make them to serve you well let your grace come upon their lives now what they have not been able to do for years they will begin to receive grace effortless this will begin to happen and any more cheese Lord the lubrication of grace the grace lubricant now make this to happen noiselessly release it in the name of Jesus the buoyancy Oh grace grace that lives a man up without sinking release that consignment here in the name of Jesus [Applause] tonight Oh God let grace flow through our spirits race men and women full of grace and any more cheese [Applause] as you spoke to Timothy be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus so I ask tonight that the grace that is in Christ Jesus let it be punctured into our lives let it be released into our lives Lord I hold your hand for this brothers and sisters this young man that they will not fail of the grace of God what was the what was the undoing of Esau he depended on his hunting my capacity it depends on what he can buy he was depending on what he can buy what he can pay for even when Jacob admitted me say no let me go my own let me go and make my own name by myself tonight father none of this ones will fail of your grace when a man has failed of the grace of God he can less struggle for the rest of his yes let none of this one fail of your grace and any mochi [Applause] Lord I'm just trusting you that grace was set to their account in the name of Jesus even as they have opened their lives have come for cancer and all of that now lo want on their right their challenges with your grace and the name of Jesus till that I've proved difficult and impossible for years you will walk over it now by that grace but lord I just want to hold your hand that the throne of grace will no longer be a strange place to them I pray father that this throne of grace will be where they report to every day where they obtain mercy for order you are speaking about [Applause] thank you this night as we break this meeting tonight let your great Chris come upon the cam Cristo pray let it fall upon this car the grace of supplication the grace of revelation the grid that opens the water got a man effortlessly let it descend upon everyone here in the name of Jesus Lord I'm asking for the measure of grace for this one's to be able to come into their destiny in fulfillment release it tonight in the name of Jesus Satan I wanted to hear this you have liard this one's away to spending currency like mama you've made them to believe in what human energy can do and by so doing they are being crippled many times but tonight they are arising they are coming to the throne of grace ready will obtain mercy and find grace to help them in their time of me since grace cannot sink they will not sink anymore since grace cannot come on that grace never comes under the prevailing grace will come upon their lives and they will prevail everywhere they go from now in the name of Jesus Christ thank you for hearing a prayer now lord I want to ask for one more point on quench it would test for grace unquenchable test for grace they lease it upon them from now that daily daily grace upon grace grace upon grace grace on top of grace shabby the Apostles in the name of Jesus thank you tonight a mighty so God we ask the word the grace of God can do what the grace of God can do because Lord now we know grace is the attribute of God it is what makes God to be able to do the things he does effortlessly now Lord that grace that consignments come upon our lives we make your children to excel even academics they will go beyond the edge mates we'll go beyond your classmates we will know better than that teachers graceful insights shall come upon you from here in the name of Jesus grazed I hid see that grace will be on you now [Applause] thank you for tonight lord thank you for what you are doing now thank you for this opportunity to do this tonight I trust your God that you will watch over this world you give it increase in their lives thank you in Jesus Christ's name I've prayed [Applause] [Music]
Views: 21,241
Rating: 4.6019902 out of 5
Id: RRbY8fjqoGU
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Length: 83min 17sec (4997 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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