Great Grace Conference - Day 6 | Apostle Joshua Selman

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apostille Joshua Selma need a graduate of the Matabele University apostille Salman is a heavily anointed minister of the gospel with a strong apostolic function he is the founder of the Eternity Network International and apostolic ministry with a mandate to replicate the fullness of God's life on earth starting out as a minister while still on campus his ministry has grown in leaps and bounds reach into thousands across the globe his deep insight into God's work comes from a place of Revelation having encountered Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul at different times in the course of his ministry he is the host of Koinonia a weekly Apostolic prophetic and evangelistic meeting that hosts passionate believers from all over Syria and some other parts of Nigeria such meetings are often filled with the atmosphere of true worship for word and miracles [Music] Redemption has made it possible through the finished work of Christ but it takes our engage in true understanding to make it our experience I were together now he says what we do not yet see all things under his feet so this this teaching this morning will be releasing into our lives I believe in force that many people so desire but very few people pastor have experienced what I'm about to teach this morning please open your heart please open your heart please open your heart open up your spirit the Bible says he that hath an ear let him hear the possibilities of the kingdom are only dependent on the truths that we act upon please I will keep drumming this it is not dependent on God alone God's desire can be helplessly sabotaged by our inability to understand his systems alleluiah it has opened down my eyes that I may behold wondrous things from out of your law so this morning I just felt stared in my heart to teach this it's a subject that I thought I understood myself for many years but when the Lord began to open my eyes I was in shock at how ignorant I was ready to receive the law of favor light of the world you're the light of my darkness will you let me tell you something a man can receive nothing except it is given to him if God does not open your eyes he will only be reading a story Luke it will be reading a newspaper the law of favor favor is is a reality that we all desire there's no one who will argue with the fact that a man's life and a man's success is directly dependent on favor we come from all kinds of backgrounds that by default should keep us failures forever and walking based on human strength sometimes your lifetime cannot even remedy the catastrophe that is associated with the backgrounds that we came from how we together it will take decades to be able to correct the mistakes that have been made to grant us a chance to experience the reality of God's life so God programmed a system in his dealings with man where men can rise out of the limitations that is associated with their backgrounds their mistakes their pain and the natural disposition of men we live in a wicked world the Bible tells us that the whole world lies in wickedness it's not very usual for people to love you in this world are we together yes negative things sell negative news sell we make billions out of conflict if they tell you this man is happy this morning it doesn't sell but if they say exposed something is wrong it sells so we live in a world where our economy is based on being negative as Africans for some reason the continent itself has programmed us by default to struggle with success are we together and so if we must enjoy some of the consolations that come with loving God I have thought again and I believe that your pastor is in agreement with this that we do not love and serve God just for things however somewhere along the path of your pursuit there must be consolations to your Christian experience is that true yes your life cannot revolve around your sacrifices and your positive God it definitely there must be a reward system attached to validate that this God you seek is benevolent are we together favor is the number one reason people succeed truly speaking believe me favor is the number one reason why pastors businesses individuals families territories succeed fair voice when someone wants to participate in your success when someone ordained by God anointed by God is interested in participating in your success you know I've taught about men God has given me a revelation about men since I found out the mystery of succeeding because of the presence of men I stopped trivializing men it is never up to God alone and it is never up to man alone he is so designed it in his wisdom that there is always a union between God and men so we must learn to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar there are some things that belong to Caesar and there are some things that belong to God you can have favor with God and not have favor with men Luke chapter 2 and when you read verse 52 speaking about Jesus he says that Jesus grew in wisdom that he grew increased in stature and then he increased in favor favor with God and 1/2 favor with men and the laws that govern them are not the same are we together [Music] favours when someone is willing to invest his time his credibility his resources to help you succeed when God brings a man an individual a personality willing to invest time credibility willing to invest all it takes to make you succeed right is down all success testimonies are directly related to favor all without exception whether or not the benefactors would admit it or be articulate to make you see the favor equation in their success or not doesn't matter all favourite testimonies are directly all testimonies are directly related to favor I have learnt in my life that one person can open a hundred doors for you just one you know most of this prayer we pray for many people Oh God bring them but them sometimes is a very wrong prayer it just takes one person and can open something that no matter how large your appetite is you cannot exhausted in a lifetime there is such a possibility that one man god system is always one man one man by a prophet not profits by just one are we together now in this kingdom who likes you matters write it down I don't care who likes me the most important thing is for God to like me listen carefully to what I'm teaching you in this kingdom who likes you matters a king looks at his wife and dislikes her and she stops being Queen immediately he looks at a village girl called Hadassah and likes Hadassah and Hadassah becomes Queen immediately I were together for some well 16 and verse 22 less is something that happened between soul David and Saul sent to Jesse saying let David I pray thee stand before me why because it's a smart gentleman just because I don't have options let David stand before thee before me for he had found favor not in our sight one man my sight are we together the Bible says and the king sent for Joseph gifted but in a dungeon until a man like him loved by God but hated by a man and the situation did not change I see that now loved by God but because the man who lived him did not like him he remained there but when God manipulated the heart of the king he sent for Joseph he came out of the dungeon to become a prime minister this is the mystery behind the sudden liftings of men that people rise in a mysterious way and you look at them and wonder sometimes you look at their lives and you are angry because there's no justifiable reason why they should be there [Music] you don't have favor in ministry you would never rise doesn't matter how anointed you are it's true you don't have favor do you know that some of the most rewarded people in the world are not the most gifted people unfortunately it's painfully so there are many many skilled people living on rewarded lives sincere Christians well-meaning individuals but they have not been educated on the value of favor and even those who have taught seed have not explained the dynamics of its operation they have just thought it as a mystery that if you are fortunate to receive there is a science to failure it can be explained are we together there is a there is a logic to the operation of favor [Music] right is down you are responsible for activating the flow of favor in your life this would shock many of us you are absolutely responsible for activating the flow of favor in your life I want to make a statement that I don't want you to be angry at it immediately just listen carefully favor can be merited [Music] favor is generally defined as unmerited access I don't entirely believe that but concept is sincere when you are talking about the favor that is demonstrated by the saving grace of God to men is that true but the operation of favor cannot be unmerited it is merited proverbs chapter 13 and verse 15 were examining the foundations of an arrow over the subject of favor proverbs chapter 13 and verse 15 if you a Christian please read it is projected one to read [Music] one more time let me use you my dear calm good understanding is like a woman she can get pregnant when she gets pregnant the name of the baby she gives birth to is called favor are we together transgression is also another woman she can give birth to a child the name of the child is hardship hardship can be explained favor can be explained he says good understanding can birth fearful in a man's life he says the way of a transgressor is not a sinner a transgressor is a consistent violator of God's system he can be a believer he can be an anointed pastor a transgressor is not a sinner going to hell no bill gates may not be a vocal or pronounced Christian as we know but is not a transgressor so there is no hardship in his life for some reason he has aligned to the system of God whether they admit that it is of God or not you see there is a dimension of God's power that was programmed in his laws you don't have to be born again to experience them sowing and reaping gravity the laws of physics the force behind the operation is the very power of God once have I spoken twice up we heard that how many all power is that true including the power that is used by definers and witches is God's power is only routed by a system that is not authorized that's what makes it witchcraft because the result is correct but why don't we receive it because the only authorized agency the signature that validates that it is God is the Holy Spirit he must be the initiator and the sustainer so even if the result is correct God will probe how it was routed I went together now there is a dimension of God's power that is privy to only do so in the kingdom is a dimension of his power that is released through relationship but there is another dimension of his power that is programmed in his laws so I can reject him and engage the principles and that power becomes real in my life good understanding something I understand can program favor in my life something I do not understand can program hardship hardship is predictable hardship can be initiated hardship can be sustained hardship can be multiplied are we together so I wanted to pay attention some of these well-meaning socialists view that we carry around one day my life would change is a joke time never changes anything it only reveals our together changes only occur when we engage the principles that have been mandated by God to affect the change we desire this is one of it are we following so good understanding is like a woman that can be pregnant give birth to a child and the name of that child is favor transgression is also another woman that can give birth to a child the name is hajeck god bless me how do I know whether there's favor in my life look at your life honestly look at your life honestly look at the systems in your life it tells you because you see when the favor of God is upon you it speaks favor is vocal it can speak you know it favor is very very charismatic it's not quiet I'm not talking of personality the results will force that all men will see so if there is no favor in your life I didn't say progress faith was different from progress hard work can bring progress education can bring progress some level of diligence here and there can bring progress faith was not progress favours a quantum leap where your life changes overnight in the presence of all and sundry they know that this one is the finger of God do you believe what I'm sharing with you this is the only way you see when God speaks he speaks because the force is to make his word come to pass I've already been released to men so if God gives says there will be greater grace in your life it's because in that word has been programmed the system to make it happen so something that ordinarily should happen in 10 years happens in two weeks does not progress that's favor oh I believe God I believe God I'm a believer you need favor to achieve your goals and dreams in life let me tell you this the absence of favor will frustrate your journey the absence of favor will lead to your your it will make you irritated with God because at a point in time you will not be able to trace his faithfulness in your life and you can't pretend for too long and they will come hardship will push you to the wall you must shout out and say God where are you what is this there are preachers who love God but there's no favor in their life just sincere people they are going to heaven but it's clear there's no favor in their life there are business people who clearly do not have favor in their life they are well-meaning Nigerians brothers and sisters resident in a great city like Legos full of all kinds of abundance and privileges that only pick other people who stay far only imagine and wish yet the earth has refused to yield there are people born and bred in this town and nobody has been concerned about your welfare they are angry at any and everybody your anger does not bring favor if you pay attention to what I'm telling you your life will change like the a night it's true [Music] favor is the mystery pasta behind the lifting of people you see somebody rise in a way have you seen somebody that you were almost tempted to say you are not supposed to be here some a foul play happens somewhere you shouldn't be here they are not as vocal as you want them to be yet they are their musicians who are not as skill as gifted you painfully honor them and stand before them and watch how gifted you are much more than them yet you cannot tell what has created this gap every one of us can walk in this mystery it is the key to rest is difficult to give God things when you lay before the arrival of things there is a dimension of labor that is a product of hardship this is sign that there is no favor I look at our lives I look at people past oh and I see the way they dissipate energy and strength for little resource this kind of life will never give you the fortitude to serve God sincerely let's be honest serving God is not something you just do you-you'd is a product of your lawful human sacrifice but there are things that can be in place to afforded the opportunity to focus how many people passed or go to pray and five minutes in their prayer time they didn't even know when they kept quiet they just are moving around because of so he went to pray in Jesus name Lord I bless you and all of a sudden he's thinking my life I'm 45 I'm 50 nothing has changed how many parents stand before their children and watch their children ask questions they cannot answer some of us this is what happened and we are already inherit in that tragedy shout no way are we together some of you seated here smiling the issues that are upon you now if God does not help it will break you down pastor did you know that the number I wish I was the doctor I know the American people here find out the number of young people with high blood pressure right now it used to be something for people from 15 years now you find out a young guy 21 years old why because he wrote Jam 11 times and there was no admission and for every one of them his code above the cutoff mark because this life this life is a rude shock to people who do not understand the mysteries we go around thinking every part of life time there are mysteries that if you do not engage you will stand and cry and not look at the rate of suicide one of someone that I know last year I was told that her mother was in a church like this just before everybody true story and she just dropped and I D [Music] have you not heard of people driving past oh and they forgot they were in the car talking to themselves until they entered a ditch and died that does not look like the life Jesus came to give he says I am calm the thief comment not John 10:10 the thief not set and the thief a robber it take a reducer that thief comment not but for to steal to kill and then to destroy said what I am calm this is why I have come that ye may have life in quality of life and to have that more abundantly listen I'm not talking look favor is more than prosperity favor is rest rest and Abraham was all done well stricken in age and God had blessed him in all things Naaman was a captain of the Syrian anybody had no fever because they were gaps in his life Alleluia that God can make this year for someone that one month after this conference you come back and say pastor look at my life he's people ask you where did you put there's a please just confess I will tell anybody where exactly did you go to did you know we associate certain liftings to steer em of the spirit if someone buys a little golf here and there you don't need to ask him where he went to say well don't work that you are doing well I mean what a what a humble start God will lift you but if overnight someone's life changes you sitcom so you know that this heaven is real we're talking about this hell is also real and I don't know you to be like this you are not you are not you have always some good I will tell anybody I can pray for you if you need help you know what did you join how can I call on your name be shame Oh many young afflictions are the righteous but the Lord will deliver him from them god [Music] the favor of God finding ordinary men and changing their life score finite regardless of age regardless of background if this is true can we get in today if this is true honestly this is why I came this my assignment this morning that something will come upon you for God's sake that you will leave this place my brother my sister and both back and be able to look at your mother and say we found a way out after 30 years of pain and she says what happened I know you read this and that is a mommy I found something [Music] you are responsible for activating the flow of favor when I found this I cried and cried and cried I said why didn't they teach me this stuff why didn't you teach me you see that's why you know you know the heart of his Shepard but how much is willing to open access for you to receive truth there are things you cannot buy with money I went together now yes there's someone languishing in his room and refused to him to come to church this morning he came probably yesterday and said I won't come this morning you see how people miss it he came yesterday and just to come this morning sit no I'm tired this life I'm frustrated have you heard people say that maybe you've joined them truly I'm frustrated you see the way people treat men oh no or no is a powerful key that if you do not know you will never rise there are preachers that are unknowing tbody understand no or no everyone is the same to them that's why I am Telling You you cannot you cannot you cannot you cannot know how grateful and how happy I am for your man of God and is lovely wife they understand all know thoroughly this church understands all know thoroughly yes it's true yes alleluiah I discern oh no oh no has a body language oh no it's not just when it is vocalized there is a body language that communicates that I recognize the investment of God upon your life I recognize the wisdom that is upon your life which door did you close to dishonor everybody celebrates your brother except you because to you he's your brother that inability to discern to acknowledge and to recognize what he represents there are many men of God whose families are dying of the same thing they are anointed to release orders from because in that home there is no honor I shared a story years ago many of you may have listened to it passed on that a woman who had been going through a lot of hardship in a home you know the pastor came and people were testifying of breakthroughs and the woman got up and left the service you know members were talking I hope is okay and she went home when the man finish already council people are rushed back home true story honey was wrong she didn't talk to him he just sat down at table waiting for his lunch and he noticed that the way she packaged the food so what is all this ceremony we'll be married for a long time this is not some young couple please let me have my food I'm hungry I have meetings and this woman never spoke she came when she brought the last thing she got down and said servant of God my family needs break them the man said an anointing came on him this is his wife they sleep on the same bed but the members have been looking at him and so on no integer eyes my my husband lift your hands husband husband you're such a smart man listen human beings are dimensional big cheer for less you generalize dimensions your younger brother maybe your younger brother until the grease on him begins to speak do you have the fortitude to discern what people represent the sons of the Prophet could not see this only Elijah where you say if you can see me was he not looking at him if you can discern that I'm not a normal human being that I'm a representation of his system you will receive it let me show you how many people have destroyed favor in their life you talk about your boss you insult your boss this is the person that is responsible for handing your salary you heard that your boss was born on the bridge and at 30 years he has a conglomerate that is worth billions just because he has some character default you are there running your mouth you are almost his age mate I was begging for his salary and you will not listen this honor our world is full of dis Allah if you we are not cheerful women never walk in dimensions of favor are we blessed this honor to the Holy Spirit is why we never experience his presence the recognition I look at past Isola is a man of God is a very great man I recognize I acknowledge the hand of God upon him are we together yes wisdom is justified by our children when you see the results of a man be careful don't trivialize it we live in a society where we have programmed our self to trivialize the extent of people's impact we do it intentionally to show that it's not addictive what is it about pastoral you are talking I mean is you the only one doing it here and there people are doing it easy no pastor shala that I know and the door closes even if he prays for you there are many people I pray for you've heard me say it sincerely I only pray for them so that they will stop disturbing me I know not inflow to them this impartation use is not a charm there are laws I have programmed myself by default to practice on I am not ashamed practicing honor will sting your ego because everyone also believes is a champion but sometimes you need to just get down on your knees and swallow your pride and say I acknowledge Jesus went to his City and could not do many things there are many wives married to husband all these strange graces that have never flown to them there are husbands with wives who have never received anything [Music] the Dasani the outspoken celebration of the hand of God upon him and whatever is at work in a man's life and is not at work in your life you owe a duty to recognize to celebrate knowledge never get into that pride that that indoctrination that when you trivialize other people you are trying to show that ok me - I'm not small that's not the way it happens you can try to be tall in two ways pushing yourself or by climbing on something or trying to cut the head of everybody taller than you so they look like you I know the one that is easier climb on something is hard to try to cut everybody's head to prove you at all if I acknowledge Fastow on his wife does it reduce anything from me you see most of these things people already know what you represent there's no point putting yourself on that pressure they are not fools if you are anointed you are knowing that they know do you know you make your uniqueness worthy of admiration when you celebrate that of Goddess this is secret people do not know if I want to channel you to see the unique grace of God upon my life I don't do that by saying look at me I do that by sowing the seed to you you hardly criticize a humble man the humility paralyzes you kills your excuses pride is a sponsor of criticism it's God giving us wisdom the next time you see someone trivializing someone important tell them no please I won't join you so in this scene why I'm not ready for the harvest remember every time you criticize the hand of God upon someone Oh Benny Hinn huh what is there because these guys were lucky you see that kind of talk lucky to raise a wheelchair some of you saw the miracles yesterday I was the big deal eisenhower we will show that everybody was him to try it everything when you watch a master do something it looks easy until you try have you tried to learn how to drive is this a simple now you sit down there and not even know what you are doing and have to cry for help God is speaking to us and I want us to learn this morning we're going to pray this owner has shot the dog fever someone would have given you a job since but when they were discussing you your help and not tell you for this honor and said don't bring this man to your office I acknowledge his brilliant but you bring this lady here she will shout out everybody some of you all know only those higher than you and dishonor those lower than you is hypocrisy the Bible says honor all men I know it's a culture you must sustain it's difficult for those higher than you to see your attitude of this honor because you all know all of them but your subordinates I have programmed myself I have found out that the sacrifice of Honor does not heal it lifts and so I practice on because of the kind and dimension of God's grace upon my life most times when I come for meetings or conferences you know there are men of God who come along you know in the city and sometimes they come and to be honest with you to be very honest with you especially for those who don't know me and I've just heard about me sometimes I look at the faces of a few and I can see some levels of intimidation Wow everybody's clapping that's the Apostle coming and I can be foolish and wonderful I hope you are joining the queue to acknowledge me and then I come and sit down and close the door oh no but when you turn and move to someone who secretly acknowledges you what is struggling because success has a side effect and you walk up to them and she acknowledges her Wow they will now tell you the truth I've been listening to your messages I have hundred of them in my phone they would never have said that but you have brought yourself low and you have taught them a lesson the great ones are the ones who reach out as Jesus the great ones are the ones who reach out not reaching out to prove you are honorable is mediocrity is complex the great ones are not ashamed to reach out because stooping low does not reduce them [Music] get the city bite listen to it trade and watch your life change order are you blessed there are six keys I've just given you one this one alone can bless you yet there are five more truly speaking if we are honest with ourselves you will know pastor there are many grandparents that bless the house helps to die not their children because the children have a track record of trivializing the parents and they call the uneducated house help the man says I have been seen dreams that I'm going on I come I want to bless you speak English the arrogant boy and the man tells you I am 95 years nobody ever told me no I transfer that grace to you is done in the secret and then the boy gets up and just like a joke he sees a big man and say I know they say it says sir can you help me the man says yes come and he said what about this boy is not very smart that's not the issue what is on you is what brings things to you [Music] my life is a testimony brothers and sisters oh no you should I've shared with you my stories passed on years ago I know I may have said it in this church where I saw two old women going to buy sugarcane I was joining them love God what was broke us anything didn't lead to money that I had I was going to buy sugarcane and I saw the women they tied you know how women time oniy by rappa and they were struggling your hands were shaking old women and I looked at them I said let me help them I was trying to tell them I said don't worry I'll pay for it it was a modern hundred Mara and they were blessing me blessing me and one of the old women look at me and said my son forever walk upon gold a woman that cannot afford money listen there is an anointing in this kingdom called the kingmaker anointing those who release it don't experience the result themselves but they can control you just like kingmakers never become Kings themselves but they can appoint and remove Kings there are people don't just be deceived just by result a grandmother may have never had a car but she can speak to you and give you a sheet it's called oh no you can see a pastor with just hundred members and their if he's greater she should have results be careful he can speak a word to you and give you a thousand branches who have you ignored that is responsible God spoke to you last year December Finnish students in the world it would have happened in June this honor shifted into September it would have happened at November you know it kept shifted it and if God does not intervene now we to keep shifting indefinitely pray one minute Lord grant me the spirit of Honor please sit down and just pray from the depth of your heart [Music] the grace to true Linda son [Music] Greece brothers and sisters all men are not equal we are equal in Christ but the sacrifices and in the investment of gods Greece has separated men into cleaners when you recognize this happy are you Alleluia let's hurry up wherever I can stop we'll pray I do intend to keep us long number two the second key that programs honor is value write it down if there's anyone under there know teenagers help them world value everybody same value what is falling a measure of your usefulness to God to men to society is called falling value is a measure of your usefulness a measure of your usefulness either through your skills acquired through your inherent talents developed or to impartation that you have received value is a measure of your usefulness and you can measure your usefulness by who is looking for you if no man is looking for this a revelation that your usefulness is not there or has not been discerned I will together this kingdom was built on a reward system your value plays a role in bringing you favor so you look at someone who is a medical practitioner seven years ago that person would not walk into a hospital that would throw you away because their value you have not been cultured to produce that level of usefulness and you subject yourself to an educational system and all they didn't change your clock for seven years they did change your name all the change was your mindset they constructed your understanding in a certain way and after seven years the same hospital that rejected you is in common practice Valley Valley CA Tao a man diligent diligent diligent to value in his business he says he will not stand before me men he will stand before kings been anointed is important what is not enough you must be valuable I will together as a past as a man of God you must be fundable start enough to see I'm anointed don't worry what I say don't worry the most important thing is just the power you're not speaking to animals that is the reason why certain people never go to some churches you see that there is not is not an insult the atmosphere and the extent the informations that have been communicated are not worthy of your reception are we together yes you cannot gather CEOs and gather heads of services and all of that and then you are you are not communicating something that is relevant to them your research is for your communication is for your the ability to articulate your thoughts are poor and I say doesn't matter no it does and listen to this world it does value everybody shout falling yes your certificate may give you a job what is your value your value intrinsically that determines how much you keep rising further value believers I'm sorry to say this but is true and uncomfortable true that that believers are lazy people believers are lazy people we are very superstitious in our context and because of that we excuse spirituality for laziness there's no commitment to develop in our minds many pastors are lazy let me tell you the truth and I submit to you ask anyone who knows me I commit myself to study God has anointed me but I know that there are people who are not sick there are people who are not poor there are people who are not in need of pretty true you have to come up with an intelligence that defies their pride to communicate Christ to them it's called for you I speak to people at immigration I speak to military people I speak to politicians you must have content that is needed and useful and this is not an impartation you go for it is the labor dimension of success are we together is God speaking to us this morning you must cultivate problem-solving abilities and be exceptional and communicated with excellence my house is full of all kinds of business proposals and different things who lay hands and speak on an annual open it and look at Italy is complete nonsense complete nonsense nonsense that is written there with minimal humility you can see an intelligent person who can help you present something articulate [Music] you don't like what I'm saying love me Oh because the results we so speak in your life that it will scare you is true are we together this is what short should be that you confluence on this service and leave wiser you are ready to execute the truth on Monday not that you just went with superstitious house and then by Monday you are repeating the same circle of mistakes any unbeliever listening to this knows that is worthy of note this is not an information for Christians it is God's system to make men prosper applicable to all men regardless of religious backgrounds for you can do nothing against the truth but for the truth be valuable as a man of God line scripture don't sin among cotton ons and say sorry description Oh be serious be very serious we do some of these things and then we laugh about it that's why someone looks at us as no don't invite this man again please I know he's anointed but look the kind of people that God has honored us in these churches we mostly pro-kit reciprocate by that oh look at how Jesus treated people when he saw the Centurion he acted in a certain way when he saw the certain Jesus did not generalize his treatment no he saw secured synonyms a cures you a tax collector you are in French of personality to have climbed the trees enough honor to me let's go to your house Jesus your Jesus why do they keep men in front what kind of are we not only called Mr Man don't if you don't understand anything knowledge seek knowledge we have destroyed ourselves and marketed a mediocrity in church because we do not understand the systems Jesus is passing and a man of influence communicates value he knows that if I win this man I have reduced the pain of fraudulent taxes for people and he says let me go meeting you is worth it and I can lose a Sunday service for you because when in in your redemption is the redemption of everyone under your influence Jesus was particular to bring influential people how were together [Music] are you following boo I'm a graduate that's not what I asked you are you I have three degrees that's the one I'm asking you congratulations are you fallible to be valuable means that what you have to offer in the table of life is needed and useful me dead and useful is there a demand for what you think you want to do is God helping us you have a restaurant you are praying kind your pastor go on eating your restaurant yesterday while we're we're having dinner we're just appreciating the excellence and the hospitality that this church had provided I think you should honor the judge absolutely hallelujah truly speaking they paid attention the pastor's wife was trying to just refresh us a bit on the office and I was touched by her meticulousness to excellence you will say it does not matter you are trying to draw somebody you consider is valuable to you and you are drawing it at your terms you don't receive what your terms no sir no sir is God speaking to us does your restaurant have the kind of excellence what does it take to go on learn how to do it well and be professional be excellent at it excellence is in language there are people who can speak it excellence is like Yoruba the same way when you speak I'm not your man so I'll just look and hope that I'm getting what you are saying but there's someone there are people unfortunately all of them are the wealthy ones who are looking for the language is excellence when I hear you speaking my language I come to you because it's a sign that we have something in common could it be that does the reason why some people have not come to your business this is not issue of those bland Priya got to eat anyhow is country unknown to me there is a system in heaven past oh where there are no demons there are gates you don't just Anthony we are go anywhere no there is a foundation there are dates there is a throne room there is when to speak don't those commands and Jesus after all you are you are loved what is wrong this all right angel doesn't know there is a system of order in heaven no see no fasting no demons yet what that still remains [Music] Sara see grace to be valuable yes for some of you your value may need may require the humility to acquire relevant skills in whatever field of endeavor whether professionally speaking or to mentorship the sacrifice of mentorship now we together there are some of you you will need to cultivate the inherent abilities resident within you that you are gifted does not mean is enough to reward you as your gives been developed enough to be worthy of rewarding one gentleman came to me one time he said he wanted to go to was in Mexico a UK he said is a footballer I said you play like who I don't watch football what you play like whom let's not make you fool out of God here you play like [Music] because everyone out there that you are admiring has a minimum there is a minimum standard of competence those commands improve for me the one light around Mexico nobody invites you to when you see the thing with competence is the moment you are ready the forces of faith will start coming sometimes some things you call delay is God's message to allow you prepare so you don't blow the opportunity in the presence of your destiny help us so he himself will delay the open door you are there binding because there's no knowledge Oh consider and God says look if you came before your boss now you will never be promoted so I made him travel you are crying is there a way to quickly go back your boss will ask you one question and new cultures have always known you're smart you are ready to join the managerial team they don't like me just because I'm not this and that it's not true excellence Vito's backgrounds he turns whatever take responsibility I will together yes a possibly people like you you are lucky good just and knowing that you that's why you are going to every Church let's let that lock work for you I wish brothers and sisters actors who know me my hours of sleep because you see when you are out there you will do more to remain I will together you see the thing about success is if someone starts out in now under the anointing you will not be surprised again because it's a dimension you know is possible that means there must be more when you come around a level for a long time you become still you are not backsliding while you are not worthy of being rewarded to the easiest part of success is getting it maintaining success is harder than it because your standard is higher so if you have the leading business in this territory then it means you must do more if others well behind you are just doing whatever they want to do closing their shop by six say wives is really and you do the same thing no sir no sir why don't you come up with a system of 24-hour service ah possibly human beings that's the reason why you should be the best it is that extra effort the intelligence you have put in your business that makes it a 24-hour service so the man who can give you another land comes by 2 a.m. and once the truck and since I'm surprised to a.m. you are still out there sir so talk to me about yourself Oh dissen as I do you know I just had a dream and I saw myself blessing someone go and get the land and somebody who wakes up by night and sleeps by for say why say well I'm a Christian I must go to church can't you create a system of continuity so that whether or not you are there it continues running goddess - I don't know if I'm boring you this morning what I can I came to pour my heart this thing you see I didn't get it by impartation I can I got it by pursuing uncommon mentors all to unknown ten out of ten what is there you are knowing that I'm a knowing that they are sick people somebody who needs healing most common meet me reward me and then we remain small make up your mind to be valuable there are people here some of you I know you want to get into ministry and if I ask you why do you think you succeed si you've forgotten you laid hands on me but if that's why you think you will succeed think again truly speaking think again I'm not realizing the anointing but the anointing is really useful in the presence of value the oil remains small because there was no capacity the moment capacity was enlarged the potentials of the oil was revealed number three the third key to activate in favor we still together integrity write it down integrity the third key to activate in favor in anyone's life is integrity the one integrity comes from the word integer sameness at all times sameness at all times consistency of values at all times integrity is a big key products ancestors is a quality that we seldom have in this nation integrity we are we are bending we're - bending and we justified there are many of us the lifespan of our values are very small at the presence of any significant challenge you bend to everything we must be men and women of integrity integrity in business are we together integrity now walk with God is true there are pastors that organize fasting and they don't fuss themselves and then I direct and you know they just come up on a spec this this power thing is not a champ do you know if you are pretending something something will expose you for sure you can't fake a thing for too long now falsehood was not designed to stay too long it was designed to fail everybody say integrity integrity in service integrity in your love for God integrity in keeping to the values that make for great people there are many unknown Ted preachers who want to be my friends but I love them so much I don't resent them I love the body but they may never be my close associates not because they are not you have smart people but I do not see that they have integrity they can come to your church and tear down everything they don't have integrity [Music] they can come and find out there is a millionaire in your children's you o come meet me Isuzu please integrity do you have integrity the proof of integrity is your consistency in the face of opportunities consistency that if you bend it can be to your advantage yet you refuse who for the joy that was set before him he would have negotiated his way is God speaking to us can you call yourself a man or a woman of integrity don't feel bad some of these things I'm sharing the Holy Spirit is ministering to us and worse in areas of correction it is because great grades greater grace wants to come upon your life that God may cause man of integrity integrity is not perfection integrity is is the unwavering fortitude to remain consistent regardless of the shame it brings you are consistent you do something wrong you don't explain it I did something wrong don't just manage it no sir I did it was it was out of pressure is true that I took the money it was an allocation that was for a project I was on that pressure if I will be penalized truly I accept responsibility and the man looks at you integrity is like a virtuous woman who can find who can find do we have people that can remain consistent regardless of consequences I will bend too much in this country God must grant us grace this is what corruption keeps eating you know let me tell you a very very since yet and I'm saying this from my heart you know once you are anointed like this and God grants you any grace for the prophetic you have a lot of influential people and people in government you can ask anybody who knows me especially now the momentum in abuja like this you just see oh this wanna oppose why you around and then most of them one of the mistakes that a man don't collect money from someone who does not have integrity you would have sold yourself it's a revelation that you are part of the equation discipline yourself are we together you preserve your own money is not everything my brother my sister listen to what I'm telling you is true no matter how much Billy or no how much will you give yourself a good name a good name a good reputation is better than money your reputation can be a padlock to your children or a key there are names when you call to the people that God forbid me I thought I wanted to help you that name is it are you part of the Father no I'm not it was that my father has that I'm not I'm not the people have to beg and explain because the people have corrupted they've created padlocks for there are other names even when they drive you say come what did you say you are who you your father had the opportunity to steal in government but we are witnesses to his integrity come you qualify for the estate the integrity is currency you can use it to buy things if the only thing you use to buy things in life is money you are poor there are seven currencies we use for purchasing realities in this kingdom finances is the seventh the anointing is currency integrity is currency or no is currency which one did you use to pay for what you want is only money we're looking for start using these currencies to pay for things relationship is currency use it when you understand these systems you will use money minimally because what money would buy these superior currencies will buy them by far get this table get it you know someone celebrating but the package is put cake on top and give the Bessie and I what is this tip say listen no listen we cry together here you've seen God change my life listen listen let me give us one more and then we'll pray if this is all I do this morning I think we are blessed how to activate favor number for understanding relationships the fourth key to activating favor on your life is relationships [Music] you move mountains you cos wants to fall with your Panama you perform miracles there is nothing that's it was and we're spending tension [Applause] you made of so we know how but you did it a linear relationship relationships are advantageous connections advantageous connections everything in life reproduces on the basis of relationship including your results please listen to me relationships are advantageous connections you will never rise in this life without a relationship relationship is capital relationship is a stream of income relationship is currency I am here in this church today because of a relationship with a dear man of God and his wife and the relationship is much more than being free just relationship I was saying yesterday that pastor and his wife they've charmed me have lost the ability to tell them no relationship listen to me one correct relationship in your life can bless you every influential man has emotions and when they are connected to you ya benevolence and our resources and our integrity and young resource what a varieties flows freely to you there are many people that we know today that we would have had access to them on the strength of relationship but our inability to understand I keep relationships who keep making us join long queues long queues at life relationships have preached messages on that you would want to get that and listen to my life today has changed because of relationship my relationship with the Holy Spirit is why I am vulnerable to the world today yes that's why I treasure him treasure him I will not give up the Holy Spirit for anything and anyone my relationship with the Holy Spirit I would you get yes I've told you who likes you matters in this kingdom please don't say doesn't matter who likes you matters there are people today I've had the privilege of giving recommendations on their behalf because the people that be sick on an official note on the strength of their nineteen and ministry I have access to these people and I've had the privilege to call and say please not to take you for granted but can you help this person I've vet that this person is deserving and I said possibly you and your recommendation Vicki how many contracts have refused to be signed because it relationship is not bribery bribery is a way of whoring relationship without following due process relationship takes time it stings your ego you must pay the price because of the value that it can bring to you is there anything in your life that can accelerate process for you you see every rule that we put around in society is just for coordination relationships can exempt you on legal basis on legal pieces I will together the bank stopped on Friday for general people there are people who bank any time and it's not because they have so much money for some reason they have a relationship with the owner of the bank you see that Jesus spoke about the man and Sabbath that man was not made for the Sabbath the Sabbath was made for man that means it can be manipulated our together yes God has granted me valuable relationships in my life relationships that have brought financial partnership to my life to ministry God has blessed and honored several people I know today on grounds of relationship show me what relationship has paid for in your life let me see the receipt of what relationship has paid for your relationship with God and your relationship with men how many of our loved ones will tell you I know everybody I know cannot come today we used to laugh before what did you do with that opportunity that now your contract proposal has been T on the ground for years may we understand relationships do you have a relationship with the police force do you have in a relationship with lawyers if someone comes to collect your land is that the time is nothing but this no you should have strategic alliances this is the wisdom of the kingdom in this day and age where someone can come and seize the land of the church see someone's property it's not there where times were born had to use his relationship with the Pharisees that he said no no no look we are were known as are you remember and they fought for him there are times that is not just ministerial truest you need relationships I am a benefactor of relationships and you saw that seed of all relationships you preserve relationships by oh no I will together I share with you yesterday my story that will flew with Professor one a su Inca on the way he sat on my seat and the air hostess was trying to get him up for me to sit down and I rebuked her say don't do that so what if I'm a man of God this is a man this is a man of blobel authority who may think you forget it until one day when fever brings us together are you seen how this thing works I remember you where do I know you it was you were the one that gave me this country and he walks you through doors like the angel held Peeta and the doors were opening held his hands and the doors were opening on their own [Music] please take away her she everyone who creates a door has the key and if he loves you he can open it praise the Lord when you go back home today set text messages to certain individuals not when you you want something then you now say Uncle Joe's to greet you five minutes later the real text now comes Uncle Joe's to let you know that the rent is almost here again I hope you are not embarrassed of course he is you maintain relationships sad just to let you know that I appreciate you I took our time thinking of your impact in my life not many people have impacted my life just to let you know you are one of them that's not all no that's not oh no sir don't do that so you meet the rest for help the day you need it is God speaking to us yes and you see when you are not a passive most times you will not reply what is noted the human spirit was never designed to resent or know that they did reply you does not mean they've not note any just keep waiting one day they will call you and say I've not done anything nice to you what do you want since I will be looking at the house we just have 10% of the deposit how much is it 50 million Lord is that what you are crying like that see me on Monday someone's prayer point answer to relationships the answer left heaven but your carelessness towards relationships mainly become delay relationships when they said turn to your neighbor left and right in church you don't even know who's your neighbor left you don't know with your neighbor right you just turn on just because it looks like it whereas that person where your CV is that's the sea eagle see today he doesn't have to be wearing a designer water or whatever know he can be as simple as possible what was the key that can change your life say relationships relationships require tolerance relationships require endurance some of the people you need are difficult people some of them have temper some of them have anger overlook those things because of the value in them our together everybody may not be like you some of them are sarcastic some of them make you feel bad when you are in their presence create a system of emotional immunity but ng on the day you'll meet them you will see that the value was worth it relationships when when equity state to receive that impartation from that old Baba for long life the man looked at us they said where pastors coming from A to Z I thought you know you would think that you see a great man I be hearing about it's a new town full of vanilla it's up to me to choose answer Bob I respect you but is like you've not heard about me go online relationships I'm the one in need the man was not intimidated by whatever people said I was I have long life you need yes [Music] is you don't poke at your hands in long life sir it doesn't work that way is God giving us wisdom this morning which relationship did you ignore or which are you ignoring right now that can destroy you don't just come and inconvenience we put during the rainy days isn't it amazing how painful it is when someone has the solution to your problem but your relationship makes it so difficult it's not all about money the investment of relationship every one of us here can maintain relationships send a text he may be a billionaire but your hundred memory Charge Card is not an insult to him is an investment that is I just to appreciate you I hear your birthday's next week when you see politicians come to Apollonius baby's birthday they are not first a baby zero yes no no why years old now he's celebrating birthday someone flies from London UK US and comes to dance before a baby is it was it a baby that brought them here come on were smart a baby makes a man to pay first-class and calm down and then they give the baby a Rolls Royce they are maintaining relationships because the next eight years of that government matters to do business so the common creature and then we Christians I did all these things and then we paid for it in humbling ways you just come and of course for this quarter of the contract that sorry things have changed the celebration was the NA discussion was made in the celebration and it so happened that your name was H now Sara was I was praying I was only retreat retreat the man talking to you is a spiritual man Oh number five faithful provoking prayers prayer can bring fever yes sir Priya you can pray your way strategically pray your way into the hearts of men you have nathaniel bassett say yesterday that while they were praying and praising it just came to someone's do you know there are many people who can give is just that God has not told them to give you anything so don't be angry with them they are obedient God has not told them will they just come and bless you ah he has five s th can t give me a house has got to tell him because if God talks to him he would not be God can talk to me God consists a ghetto take this person as your son and help apart this thing is not so difficult he's called the father of spirits he can talk to me I will together God can talk to a man and say common become a financial partner with this ministry with this person and it comes Assessor I came by the instruction of the Lord God has helped me I'm successful and the Lord said I should be allocating this faithful provoking prayers I prayed I prayed TRAI can bring fever ladies and gentlemen you can pray father look down on us happened to us the pain of this family not take away the shame for the sake of your glory connectors with strategic people and the spirit of wisdom begins to look for men and all of a sudden you get up and while you are sitting in a restaurant someone just goes and you greetings your face looks familiar say no I don't know you sir this is really something is drawing me to you you remember your prayer why you say that's not the most important thing take this card come to my office which of them sir because I'm saying three cards here with different addresses come to this one and you enter an office that looks like a palace and see that man and the restaurant was his own he said what are you doing said nothing is a can I send it to manage my company in Israel since I will talk pleasure say are you busy semi busy this is busy for what available alleluiah do you believe what I'm saying the last key the last key to provoke in favor is the impartation of the unknown T for favor there is an anointing for favor I call it the esta anointing the Bible tells us in the book of Esther that there was a village girl corn Hadassah take notes village girl I will together they called on all the ladies in the land dress yourselves and prepare the king is looking for a wife you can imagine how many of them were meticulously trying to walk and the wise woman went and met the one who kept the Kings women you know the King what does he want he said come I would give you a kind of oil keep rubbing it on your body for one year stand before the king that's it I shouldn't learn how to walk just do water I am the keeper of the king's women the Bible says no man knows what is in the heart of a man save the spirit of that man so the spirit searches out he knows and he tells you there is an anointing that can brief even an ester kept robbing that oil it was doing something to her countenance all the women who had passed in the King was looking for because the King knows what the oil should do and as soon as he saw her - I said this is it and it was because of her on the throne that the people of God were saved there is an anointing there is an anointing that can come on each church there is an anointing that can come on individuals it's true there is an annuity [Music] do you believe this what we do our time is gone what I bet you it is worth it it really is worth it that you can get something today I think it was in this church I demonstrate and how the anointing works let me show you again can I use you my dear come can I use you to come I want you to stand there you are a destiny helper you are supposed to bring favor you are the one in need for favor alright all of you walk and pass yourselves as I illustrate this is our destiny helper passing ha there is nothing on her turn around come again look at this your destiny help Ising Legos he keeps passing you every day because the grace on you that should call them they are noisy and keep coming again there are 19 is a voice in the spirit but you came to house of David watch this and something was up on you now watch this listen to what is about to happen to you come walk slowly now where you are about to pass both the anointing starts calling the anointing has a voice you call it coincidence what is intentional is a law my notes are falling here today annoying things I fully get to bear for the game for the team [Music] for the bar [Music] [Music] listen my life this man standing before you is what I just acted before you I was in H Isis in last week to the glory of the Lord after the service I just finished the last meeting I was on my way going and the protocol told me that the young man was standing before me with the key of a car I said what is this I have never bought a car with my money all the vehicles God has brought has been faithful this car that they gave up not even seen it I said please one discuss with the church people there they are there and being boosted so I don't want to break any protocol and then call right now is today that I'm going to look at this thing to see does that person not have relatives in need [Music] your pastor and his wife will tell you testimonies upon testimonies pastors brother said something yesterday well when the office I said pastor has increased that makes men like him the name is fever and the brother said something yesterday he said it has always been like that that while they were growing up out of hundred percent of people calm seventy percent are looking for pastor Sola grace that's what carried you from where you will and brought you to common city brothers and sisters if you believe and can give me five minutes your life will so change in a way that you will go back and save God what is this can you begin to blast in times and say Lord is it [Applause] the Lord is taken away reproach break [Music] warehouse of babies Lord you took my pain away and then gave me joy you're my feet in the cellar of the soil you a big up that's why [Music] alleluia alleluia and Jesus grew in wisdom the race is not to the Swift the battle is not to the strong some of us are seated here you came to house of David this morning with pains that only pha-4 can take away with financial loads on your head that only favor can change [Music] Alleluia let me tell you something pastor do you know why I wore this suit you may have forgotten no you were the one who bought me this suit it was intentional I worried because I wanted to speak on favor past owned by the spirit got me this beautiful suit that you all at man there are two ways to buy it use money or use favor is that true your dear pastor was the one who bought me this wonderful suit and I decided to come to Legos with it as an hour wait and preach is a point of contact that that same grace that God has put upon my life and that same grace that God has put upon his life together with his wife that somebody will carry this grace i prophesy right now over your life listen to me if you have never believed a man of God in your life please believe I prophesy to you wherever you are whether you are inside you're outside I'm free for you the place that can come upon a man and touch the hearts of men and manipulates the hearts of men to bless that person receive that grace right now we sit down i prophesy to your finances the grace kappa dough scallop Raskob Arica to syria de souza sobre las calabazas the grace that can cause a man to receive help from god i cried to the god of Joshua and I decree and declare receive supplies listen to me I pray for every financial pressure that is on anyone under the sound of my voice whether it is rent what is the resources for project I decree I stand by this grace God has given me between now and the next one month let us stretch miracle [Music] [Music] Alleluia God who can pick a man from the donkey and please him I want to call forth to sue God has spoken to but have refused to respond to the voice of God over your life in the name of Jesus i prophesy across the borders of Lego's the north the South the east wherever I go help us now [Music] listen anyone in this charge called jobless you are looking for a job I don't care how long please listen in the name of Jesus I come for this conference with an anointing and I decree and declare by the favor of God between now and the end of much return with you employment letter [Music] I prefer any and everyone beautiful promotion I don't know why you have been hindered when I tribal issues what varieties but in the name of Jesus I declare the God would force Nebuchadnezzar to stand up and run and say or Daniel as your God being able to come and lift you and deliver you I pray for you made that god towards the heart of your superiors Olivia if you are in business lift your hands when I successful or not just lift your hands in the name of Jesus there is a grace for creativity for imagination for innovation and to call for men that will help you I stretch my hands towards you I speak to your business receive life in the name of Jesus whatever has brought your business to its knees in the name of Jesus I declare the same where Jesus Christ rose from the grave I command your business to rise from obscurity hallelujah I prefer students shake a couscous Kabara to Chicago to Seattle Casa in the name of Jesus especially for those in final year right now right here we graduate you in the name of Jesus [Music] listen listen to me I'm wrong you know some of you have made mistakes all kinds of things have happened and you need the messy of God just like the health Samson greenback I even the messy of the God of David over your life and over your academics from today I declare that every time you pass your help may disgrace that as common you compel them to bless you in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ listen and I pray for you whoever stands before your helper and speaks negative about your life just when they want to bless you a voice coughs no in the name of Jesus I cancel the counsel of Ahithophel in the name of Jesus Christ I told Mary now our highly favored highly favored listen I want to pray for every couple years struggling especially financially the Bible unlit to do this the Bible says he that friends in wife listen this is a frenzy good thing and obtains fee for the very act of bringing man to your life should bring favor so any woman that is not her life is not bringing favor I'm not saying you are doing something your very presence should cause your husband to experience 3-inch fever if that is not happening in any family here in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God after this service less strange favor became [Music] [Applause] strange favor beginning there are people looking for capital to lift their businesses you've done everything you know to do some of them drivin are free to mention how much jobs because it's in a few millions don't trivialize fearful favor is a wonder believe me in the name of Jesus I pray for you may my god surprise you may the god of your pastor and his wife surprise you in the name of Jesus Christ the kind of result you have never seen all to 2017 from January to December together between now and March may your eyes see this resort [Applause] [Music] hallelujah now I'm told that we're rounding up I'm told that the offerings are taken before the offerings are taken after the sermon and I appeared with a pastor to maintain the protocol and I insisted that I was going to take the offering myself and there is a reason I'm not asking you to bring money and all of that this is a blessed church listen to me the Bible says honor the Lord with your substance you know why our giving does not bless us we give we don't honor your attitude is the tray that your seed must sit on to be received he that gives grudgingly offering doesn't matter when I stand IRA or 2 million are we together there are certain amounts now I mean it from my heart where round you know can can I can I take the offering is that Alright I cannot there are the Lord has been faithful for me unto me the truth of the matter is that there are some amounts I cannot give God as offering it's not it's not proper I will do that I won't give God offering more than i buy issue more than i backlot what for what nonsense is that it's a terrible indoctrination members count 5900 naira and drop it and then they now go out after service and buy juice wine 1000 you see the reason why we never get into a realm of financial prosperity I am sure that one of these days God grant me grace to return here and will come and teach you teach on Kingdom finance are we together I want to be sincere with you the Lord leads people not just by giving seeds many of you are being given seeds but there is no honor in it you give like a bribe okay God take and God says me heaven is my throne the earth is my footstool prosperity is not about giving to God is about using your seat to connect to his system the moment you carried this this mentality of donation I want to donate to house of David just because his hundred thousand or 1 million or 10 million let me tune it is a joke forever God does not need me I need him passionately as a matter of life and death that revelation must be reflected in my scene both the attitude and the quality of what I gave you know many preachers are afraid to teach this because they've tainted anybody that preaches like this as a hungry person looking for money but I believe that your pastor loves you too much to allow you fail I will together yes it is true we are going to give and I want to pray on your seat I truly want you to give God something that is a representation of his faithfulness in your life a representation of his faithfulness in your life don't put nonsense and say God you can't take this no no I said do this to your confidence do this to all of the people less landis there are pastors that don't give they give all kinds of things they squeeze in hundred naira they bring out the old one they squeeze in touch in error and they have millions in the account is a sign of unbelief it's true it's true we are not talking donation here we are not talking a special sacrifice to raise offering no it's an attitude lord I come before you acknowledging that a man cannot receive anything except it is given to him it is true it's a privilege that I have to present this to you the fact that is a token does not mean it should be communicated with disregard no sir you can't have millions piled in your account you collect a salary of how much and then people just come ten era to engine era and we drop it you will so that to me me a man as human and as frail as I am even if you want to bless me you try to look us and let me give something presentable how much more God is in no hypocrisy let's tell ourselves the truth [Music] this church is a blessed Church greatly blessed are we together God has been faithful to me I tell you the truth and I'll I'm not I'm not looking for food to eat God is faithful when I teach you this it is because God wants you to rise are we together yes our aptitudes we must go back home with an understanding that my giving to God is an act of worship is not a donation please hear this forget about what people write online is not a donation oh I'm doing this just because I'm giving a cheque of 1 million I'm giving this it's not it's not proper as we increase our offerings should increase to match the level of God's faithfulness five years ago while you were maybe a student or something you were given hundred Mara five years later you are head of operations you are still giving hundred naira is seen is a non becoming to yourself I will never never do that never do that [Music] are we together please lift up your city intentionally packaged with understanding I want to pray for you [Music] now there are people who may want to write checks you make it payable to the household of David Church yeah number of people following online I believe please you make it payable to house of David there are some of us here who may be involved in mobile banking or whatever for convenience whatever it is you can take advantage of that but I want to pray for you brothers and sisters believe the prayer that I pray for you and watch the wonder that God does in your life it is true I love Jesus and I love your pastor and I Love You Father I pray with all my heart for your precious people I have given them an understanding of suing that it must be done with an attitude that conveys oh no Lord they have lifted this seat a representation of your faithfulness over their lives a representation of your messy over their lives a representation of their trust in you a representation of their obedience to your word Lord I decree on I declare let life be given to disease in the name of Jesus I speak to your seeds gaana your kind all over the city of Lagos return back to the givers a hundredfold in the name of Jesus Christ may the lord give you a seat and not a body you are so in finances may you leap opportunities you are so in finances may you reach higher levels of the anointing you're so in finances may you reap strange favor in the name of Jesus for every other special seeds that many of you are connecting may be seeds to your past or other seeds that you have special seeds to the church I speak over them it took sacrifice to put it together I declare that people will go out of their way to bless you in the name of Jesus Christ made a lot all know you and may the Lord increase you in the name of Jesus Christ amen and amen I want you to cast your seeds I know that the worship people will come and give us a song but in the name of Jesus I bless you and I declare the lines are fallen for you in Pleasant places I love every one of you may the Lord increase you in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: Household of David
Views: 58,189
Rating: 4.8389935 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman, Great Grace Conference, Great Grace 2018, HOD Church, Household of David Church, Olusola Osunmakinde
Id: kbvc7sBVPc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 48sec (6408 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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