Is God Really Good? | Minister Damola Adisa | September 22, 2021

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glory be to the name of the lord in the highest glory be to the name of the lord in the highest glory be to the name of the lord in the highest glory be to the name of the lord in the highest glory before the name of the lord in the highest glory between the name of the lord in the highest lord repeat to the name of the lord and the highest father we thank you we give you all the praise in jesus name we worship ah in jesus name we worship hallelujah [Music] good evening everyone how are we doing today we can never sit in the presence of the lord this evening hallelujah amen i would like to thank pastor very much for this opportunity to share god's word with god's people it's not a right it is a privilege thank you sir and i pray that god will give me ultras to say exactly what he wants to say this evening hallelujah all right are we ready so we're going to go on a little i tend to teach more than preach so you're going to follow me we're going to go on a little philosophical journey with me this evening and the first question i'm going to ask which might be the title of the message now follow me before you stone me and the question is this is god really good i know somebody's looking at but shall i just collect the might from him is god really good i'm expecting answers i wish you all god is good you are sure that god is good you see if you look at the dictionary meaning of good is plenty just like the dictionary meaning of love and when there are plenty explanations like that it points to something but let us see some of the meaning that the dictionary says about good or goodness this is good is beneficial helpful kind so if something is good we are saying it's beneficial it's effort it's kind hallelujah if you say something is good we're saying it's competent effective or it's excellent it's something dependable reliable all of those things that i just said does it look like who god is does he look like who god is are we sure okay now i'm going to tell us about two stories and then we'll decide whether um i'll answer the question again now we have stated that good has to do with something positive right from everything that we dictionary said good always looks positive am i correct so there was this day i went to the hospital and the parents of a child brought the child so that a leg can be amputated now looking at that scenario is the amputation of a leg is it good for just follow me like i told you i tend to teach but i'm going somewhere the application of a leg is it a good thing all right now if someone told you that the reason why that leg would be amputated or asked to be amputated was because if they did not amputate it that child was going to eventually die then that sort of starts changing your perspective am i correct so all of a sudden what we thought was not exactly good starts looking good am i correct now if you went to the airport and you were going for a serious missing in abuja this meeting is going to let your company at least two billion dollars and then unfortunately you don't have a private yet so you go to the airport like nigerians yeah airport airlines do you go to the airport a 7am flight unfortunately it was postponed and then after it was postponed you will you know these people i know what your game plan is so you bought another ticket under airline i know these ones will go and then all of a sudden they can sued that flight and then you miss your 10 a.m 2 billion meeting now that is not a good thing is it is it a good thing now what if god told you or all of a sudden when you got home angry you actually vexing and then that same flight that was delayed that was cancelled um eventually left at 2 pm and then it crashed and then you eventually learned that the reason why it was delayed in the first place or cancelled was because there was an issue with the aircraft they were trying to sort which apparently they were not able to then all of a sudden you delay flight starts looking good am i making sense i'm going somewhere so it means that goodness or the notion of goodness is relative or subjective to people to the experiences that they have or to their expected outcome am i making sense so all of a sudden when we say god is good what do we mean do i mean that god is good because i got a new job or do i mean that god is good you know many times we come and we say praise the lord i want to testify to the goodness of god you know i applied for this job and i got this job god is good am i correct and it's fantastic but i've never seen someone come and say praise the lord i want to thank god because i just lost a job god is good hallelujah is god really good again the notion of goodness is subjective to someone's experience or expected outcome there is this analogy i used to give when i'm teaching something else but it can apply here too if i write an exam i'm on here i wanted to say something but my parents can be listening so if i write an exam and i decide that the outcome i want for that exam is to fail it are you listening for so and so reason and then i wrote the exam and i passed it is that good i'm going somewhere i'm trying to put thought into our mind is that a good thing you know we don't know whether to say yes or no now so you is it a good thing to pass exam is it a good thing i passed the exam hallelujah hey amen is god really good [Music] most of us will agree unanimously that god is good but when we break it down to the nitty-gritty it begins to look just like the scenarios of post you know you know you know shared now it begins to look like um many times we i put some of this thought in our mind but because we are in the garden of believers most of us are not bored enough to express those kind of notions so what i want to do this evening is to try and help us come out see what the things that you are thinking about and change your perspective to begin to understand what the goodness of god actually is hallelujah so we're going to use two or three stories from these scriptures is god really really good when the floods came in the days of noah and only noah and his family were saved and the every other person perished was god good when the children of israel went to captivity 400 oh years four hundred four hundred oh yes actually they used for thirty was god good when apostle paul was dealt again and again and i dare say on you know unjustly was god's good when jesus christ was crucified was god being good oh you're saying yes yes i'm going to come to direct questions to each and every one of us very soon and because you see many times our notion of goodness sort of constrains our reaction permits me to use that word to the dealings of god in our lives so why is this person depressed why is this person crying why is this person sad why is he placing partners why is he person you know jumping up and down and all that or why is this person happy why is he placing glad we will discover if we extra it that the person that is glad is glad because something good invited come on open and close happened to the person oh am i making sense and the person that is sad the person that is whipping the person that is crying maybe because they you know lost a loved one maybe because they lost a job maybe because one leg is going to be amputated he's crying because the person is interpreting that scenario as something not good am i making sense so when we go through scriptures and we begin to see that the pathway of working with god is not always as what we would like it to be and then it's easy for me to mentally say god is good all the time but in practice i hear a news that does not sound good i do not say god is good there is something i do a lot and people sometimes laugh sometimes they look at me i'm like what's wrong with you after you started again you you say something [Music] i see anything and sometimes i just say we give thanks and someone looks announcing bible says you know this bible says will you give thanks now many times i'm saying it jokingly i did that's how it comes out but the truth is that that's what the scripture says am i correct we'll also get there so the notion of good i'm going somewhere because when we understand what i'm trying to portray here it will not affect where i want us to land it will affect our disposition as we live this life so if you look at um okay let me not go to hebrews yet let's let's look at luke chapter one luke chapter one is the story of um jesus's bed or should i say well birth or the beginning of conception hallelujah luke chapter one let me read from [Music] varsity i'm reading from nlt so it says the angel um appeared to mary calamity from verse 28. gabriel appeared to have said greetings favored woman the lord is with you confused and disturbed maybe try to think what the angel could mean don't be afraid mary and all let me go to 31 you will conceive and give birth to your son and you will name him jesus he'll be very great and he'll be called the son of the most high the lord god we give him the throne of his assessors and he said all that all that and mary in 34 says but how can this happen i am a virgin and angel replied the holy spirit will come on you the power of the most time overshadow you the baby will be born will be only and we call the son now let me do one illustration can i have somebody that is you are very single as you are not married anybody somebody who helped me milan female male and female come come now because many times when we read this story it's just like a story to us this is brother joseph and this is sister mary and brother joseph and sister mary they are going out like we're saying to this balance have you you are going out i don't know when you're coming but they are going out so and then all of a sudden by yourself obviously they're not staying together it means don't stay together when you're not married all right and then sister mary told brother joseph that joseph i'm pregnant too umbra i just haven't knows that i did not do anything and then you are saying you are pregnant i don't know how whether in that generation or in this generation how sister mary wants to explain that situation as good am i making sense there is no way listen because we have read the rest of the story so we look at it and we'll be like oh so touching but this woman is going to face choir see the way you're looking at me like hey you she's going to first choir and then how would she explain to that to this allah that i'm pregnant and then i did not do anything am i making sense no look at it i did not do anything and then you are looking at both of them and the mama calling you you you'll be singing sister mary will at that instant can you confidently come out and say what has happened to me is good i don't think anybody will be able to say that even if you saw the angel too i mean but i just did not even agree he just said okay i bet you if you look if you read matthew's account don't worry so that make no just cast you sir i will just leave you alone i will not tell anybody what you do that's what brazilian said until the angel appeared to him too and then both of them now together having seen the angel now i have to start explaining it's even worse you know if it's one person he said me i'm not there and then both of you that you said you are going out and all of a sudden you're going out there is now a result that cannot be explained by you people because what you are saying does not make sense to us and then to not make matters worse you are saying that the baby that you are saying do not do anything that is sister mary's tommy it's a good thing as a matter of fact when the baby comes the baby the baby is going to be the savior of the world all i'm going to think is that i know where you're going what does you just so personally i will just say okay since you have said the angel appeared to you let's believe it like that so you have quoted the story to be sweet trust me that was what people in those days thought about if not joseph would not have had a reaction hope you know if he was normal dude i would not say hey your aunt has come no problem you two are you're not pregnant by the holy spirit but it was not that was not normal right and that was not the definition of good so all of a sudden the gentle woman that was just on her own being a good church lady now has a testimony that does not sound like what she should come out and share i'm making sense now in the midst of all this god was there but it was not apparent initially many times when we are going through stuff thank you that is exactly what is happening so let me give you an example i was talking to my brother on sunday and then we started saying that everything actually works together for good and that we you know we cannot thank god for everything and all that and i said something that i said a lot of times to myself and to people when i left secondary school i didn't enter university immediately i so i was at home for three years but i lost two sessions not three sessions because the session before us that was a long strike that was one that won one bloody strike like this so i lost three years two sessions and some of my mates entered the university trust me especially the one before the second session i lost i cried i sat down in trenton hall that's where we went to you know check the names and i cried what's happening here i mean it's not like i'm from zamfara or somewhere where the court of mark for them would be 10 or something i mean i had more than 200 what's happening here but you know that now i thank god that i did not enter before the time i entered but the question i always ask myself is if god had told me that guy you will be at home for three years you will not enter school because of so-so and so will i have agreed without have come out to share the testimony and say praise the lord god is good yesterday as i was praying i just i heard it clearly god said to me i'm not going to enter school for the next three years somebody shout hallelujah what are you going to think ah i've always thought about it this captain did there's something up with him now i know hallelujah when we go to trials and troubles when we you know we see sicknesses in the body death of a loved one poverty that one that we don't like in nigeria obviously [Music] it's very hard to see or to say that god is good but you see the reason why many it looks as if when it's a narrow changes or when you can see um the bigger picture then all of a sudden your notion of good begins to shift is because good cannot be defined did you hear that it's because it's because good cannot be defined in fact a man by g.e moore was a philosopher concluded that good has no definition at all that in looking for the definition of good you have to come to a point where you agree that good has no definition and you know the reason very simple because number one major point that we need to understand this evening that god is the definition of good hallelujah god is the definition of good you cannot find goodness outside of god you cannot find goodness outside of the scope of god hallelujah now that something looks positive or sounds positive it's not proof that is good so many people would say it is good to travel abroad ladies and gentlemen if you travel abroad outside of the scope and promise of god for your life it is not good am i making sense it is good to marry but ladies and gentlemen it is not good if the person you are getting married to is not in the plans approach of god for you am i making sense so you cannot define goodness just by the fact that i am rich i'm wealthy oh god has been good to me everything is good around me no sir no sir no ma goodness is necessarily defined by the workings of god [Music] so god was good in the supposed embarrassment of sister mary am i making sense god was good when the children of israelites went to captivity god was good god is good you cannot define goodness from your own perception of what is positive and say okay this is good that is good this is not good it doesn't work that way luke 18 verse 18 and 19 just to paraphrase bible says an official ask jesus good teacher what must i do to inherit in eternal life what did jesus say say why do you call me good jesus said nobody is good except for god because god is the very definition of good hallelujah look i never say god is good but not the way you think see this message is simple but it's deep you know why it's deep i am bringing us to a point where we can see things that look not like it and say god is good and not just say god is good on eye or breath you can actually look at somebody and say brother regardless of what this situation is saying do you know god is good and then the person that came to come and say sorry he's wondering [Music] did you hear me imagine that you lost a baby and then people are coming to us and as they are coming you are working we're coming here with smiling i say sister wow so so just left but in this thing i can see that god is good and then you are not saying i know that god is good you know we do that so that the peop the president that come they will not think that you have gone so as they are saying it is where you just say i know it is well but is it is it that it is well because it is really well or is it well because that is the christianity we have been taught to see but down inside our soul we do not believe how do we know when you begin to have one or two other experiences that look like that you begin to think that there is a pattern that god is working in your life that you don't like as i'm speaking now i have a witness that i'm speaking to some people particularly about the tragedy of your life about the questions that you have asked again and again and wondering god what is happening here what is happening here see there are several examples in scripture that show that the goodness of god is expressed in process not in the moment or in an event did you hear me the goodness of god is expressed in process not in an event in other words you cannot look at the one event of your life and say or not say that god is good or god is not good do you know what i'm saying you have to understand the goodness of god in process so let's look at the story of joseph i will not necessarily go there i'll just say it's a common story that we know this guy saw this one everybody bound to him and then with his big mouth he went to one seat the first one was you and then the second one that connoted his father and his mother also bound to him he went to say it again and i'm sure maybe you could just say one way you just need to keep your mouth shut but it was all good and then he got a coat of many colors am i right and it was all good and then the bible says that his father loved him and was all good and then there was a day the father that loved him told him to take food to the brothers that didn't like him and it was just a normal day until he got there and he was sold [Music] what's happening here and then he was so to save slavery they wanted to actually kill him but you know you know the story don't kill him just do this and all that and then he was sold and then when he landed in egypt in london in 45 hours and then i think he was managing well at least i'm chief servant i'm doing stuff even though i'm far away from my daddy that lost me and then all of a sudden this little goodness that he could see in his story became worse why mrs potiphar came on board and lied against him and then what happened he was sent to prison see here let's this is god's plan in psalm 105 bible says god declared the family on the land destroying the entire food supply he sent a man before them look at god's perspective he sent a man before them joseph so that you will not mistake his jose is talking about who had been sold as a slave i don't understand god wants to send me and the way he chose to send me is as a slave that's what the scripture is saying let me break it down you want to go to canada and god says no i want to send you that ministry that we have been talking about yes you will do it but i'm going to send you to us i know somebody's thinking i'll say afghanistan just wait i'm going to send you to u.s but this is how it's going to happen when you get there seek social and so pastor and work for that pastor without pay for 10 years ah am i making sense god sent him that's what scripture says but he couldn't say god sent him as a slave again i'm trying to knock at our notion of goodness good is not things that look positive good is what god says is good good is what god has spoken to your life and said this is what will happen to you good is the plan the purpose of god for your life bible says god sent him ahead of them he was sold out a slave they bound his feet with fetus and placed an iron color on his neck a sentiment he sent man how many of us want to be sent like that i know i'm looking for trouble nobody director that's exactly what i'm saying that's what i'm trying to knock at because if a man will walk with god there will be some sort of sending like that one day maybe when we are able to not in a church setting and we sit down with pastor and all he's doing for that one eye is just telling you the tragedy of this ministry maybe you will understand that when god sends you he's usually like a slave hallelujah am i making sense many people come to church now and they say wow hoda and all that was it like that too hallelujah amen so what is it that god is telling you what is it that god is moving you to do that is not looking at it and you have been saying no no no no because your notion of good is not aligning to the direction god is pointing to hallelujah [Music] so everything i've said therefore says that your experiences is not a justice for measuring the goodness of god did you hear me my experience is not a justice it's not a valid justice it's not a valid measurement of the goodness of god it must be seen in the light of god's plan god's purpose what god is saying concerning me and concerning you hallelujah am i helping someone this evening god is not good because you were promoted god is not good because you got a baby god is not good because you got married god is good because god is god hallelujah just like god is love god is just good because god is god that's who he is whatever god does is good and if god is saying to you chidima this is what i want you to do or in the path of what god has called it to do storms arise don't all of a sudden think that god didn't send you am i making sense don't all of a sudden shout like the disciples master don't you care that we perish but the master already said let's go over to the other side in the in that statement is the certainty of their destination regardless of the circumstance in between so that peter began to sink after jesus said come it does not mean that god is not good i know many times i preached the only part we see is that peter didn't have faith that's why he began to sing but listen many times in walking on the path that god has called us we walk in the valley that is why he says that he will be with us he didn't say he's going to raise the valley hope you know he didn't say it's going to take the valley away the valley experience i know we pray sometimes sometimes [Music] let me say this god wants you to give up and i will explain it god wants you to give up the things that you think is good for you the bible says there is a way that's cemented right to a man if it if it doesn't seem right it you won't be deceived it means that it looks like the good thing like directing but when you now understand that good is not good by itself and is defined by what god is who god is and what god is doing then you know that something that might look good that you have you are bent on doing might not necessarily be good for you am i helping somebody this evening honestly speaking i almost changed this topic because in my mind i was like ah looks boring and all that and then as i was thinking about something else do this please say that is exactly what i wanted to say because i believe so much that somebody is here today that you needed to hear these words somebody's here that needs to be encouraged that regardless of what you are going through god is good for real and then somebody is here today that needs to realign because you are moving away just like jonah the exact opposite of what god is telling you to do because what he sent you to do looks like it's not good and as you are listening to me today you know yourselves finally only the accurate understanding of god's goodness we make us understand that all things work together for our good i will understand that now right when we say romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together do we really understand what we are saying all things work together for our good all he didn't say some things he didn't say good things work together for your good positive things work together for your good you say all things work together for our good when we understand that goodness is only defined from the perspective of god then this scripture makes sense am i correct and then we understand how truly all things can work together for our good how that even though jesus went through all he went through on earth it was in god's goodness that all the things that happened to him bible to him to the point of death in god's goodness hallelujah hallelujah ephesians chapter 5 verse 20 giving thanks always for all things unto god and the father in the name of our lord jesus christ the only reason why we can do that is because we have understood goodness the goodness of god as the key for maintaining a life of gratitude and if you do not understand the goodness of god you cannot live a life of gratitude one and when i say the goodness of god again ladies and gentlemen i'm saying the goodness of god from the perspective of god hallelujah amen it looks like a solemn assembly that was not really my intention but i just have to say exactly say hallelujah is someone blessed this evening now let me ask the question i asked at the beginning i believe we have a better understanding now is god really good now is god good irrespective of what you are going through [Music] now is god good when he says don't travel out someone asked me you know is god good when he says don't go to ui go to okay don't let me say something that someone somebody that went to that school i say but you get okay let me say like this god says don't go to don't go and do your masters in oxford stay here and do it in ui it's got still good it's got good when it says don't marry that sister and then you've been at it for like five years and you're wondering what is god saying ah no now married this one is god still good god is good all the time because goodness is defined from the perspective of god god is the very definition of goodness that is why just try and look at um try and do a study you will discover number one there are a lot of definition of goodness and you will discover that there is no consciousness to the definition of goodness because you can't define goodness outside of god and that is the truth hallelujah can we rise up to our feet this evening hallelujah are we blessed hello thank you for watching us we don't want this to end without giving you an opportunity to make jesus christ the lord of your life you know um after listening to god's word like this and you have never made jesus christ the lord of your life it's an opportunity to come to him and it's a simple process because he has made all things available i want to employ you now to give your heart to christ and by saying these words because giving your heart to christ must be done consciously he has paid the price say after he said lord jesus i come to you i believe that you died for me and that you rose again i believe that you shed your blood for my justification i accept your finished work right now and i confess that you are the lord of my life i believe in you thank you jesus if you have said those words you are actually born again a new creation in christ join us for more of this god bless you
Channel: Household of David
Views: 112
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: is god really good, household of david, sola osunmakinde, hod church, hod
Id: zpsdxqtrq3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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