WOMEN OF DESTINY 2018 || PART B || Funke Felix-Adejumo

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[Music] how can you walk when you don't know the way of a week we started in the last service which was the thought service and a method types would do you have to be different idea to be dear friends and we read from The Book of Luke chapter number 10 from vast number 48 about Mary and Martha and we saw that Jesus Christ went with his disciples and I challenge everyone in that service to keep going you cannot afford to stay on the same spot that we moved on to say that Mary Martha had a house so God is not angry when a woman is blessed a once blessed woman will never use her blessing against her husband a wise blessed woman will never take her husband for granted rather she will add value continually to the man value continually to the man and then secure men always validate their wives secure men always allow their wives to shine because ultimately the unaccompanied you one reporter asked my husband some time ago excuse me sir young your wife is so popular are you not are you not you know you know how those journalists Koretz you know at least I know you are here you know how they put their questions my husband said excuse me Tim I said your wife goes around the world Muslim faith excuse me when you play chess it is a cuidar moves around the mother said to the man can you please remind me of her name her last name feel excited I am the feel excited man so the owner comes to me that is how secure men do the secure men do so we continue as we look at the core of this message from Luke chapter number 10 the Bible says that a certain woman received him into her house and I remember I started this that you must learn to stay apart before you fall apart don't just go to a we are you meet needs go to where your needs are met don't be in a relationship where you are the only one given and given and given and given the Lord Jesus Christ he was totally God fully God and totally man and fully man he will minister acts 10:38 go everywhere but Galilee go to this go to that and then he will come back to a place called battling he had two places in that battle in that time home village called Betty we are he usually eats at least in mother's house yet modern ones John chapter 12 makes us to understand that just like in this Matthew chapter 10 you know there are two different incidents when Lazarus was raised from the dead mata was preparing food in this man Luke chapter 10 Jesus had some meal something else you look at the scriptures and Matthew chapter 26 you see him in a lepers house called Simon and mill was been prepared for him don't just be in a relationship we are you are the only one meeting needs don't just work with people that you feel look at people that feed you they would have filled your esteem people that validates you people that believe in you they would have filled your vision people have filled your dreams people have found you to flame people that tell you yes is competent don't just go to a church where they make you cry and they make you feel bad and let make you feel you are not go to a place we are your spirit your soul your body is been taken care of like this place there's no way you can be in a relationship and it will not affect you because relationship is a spirit whether it is secular or spiritual show me afraid and I can predict what your life will look like in five years time because you smell like the company you keep your friend is the prophecy of your future therefore if you want to become great then do something about your relationship I don't walk with my mates they don't have what it takes to take me to the next level I look at people that have what I don't have I locate my senior by every standard and then I run after them they are faster but I'm pulling being pulled along I've followed money idea for over 25 years that's the only female mentor I have that's my mother I say to her life she doesn't need what I give her every month there's not a habit she meets what it is for my sake I located my Lizbeth who is it was a pregnant who understands what it means to throw up because of money sickness who lives in my Zacharias house and I have connected my life to her and they say the rest is history don't die a lone ranger yes you are free Baba didn't create you to be independent be free but not independence look at profitable relationships and not touch your life to them the Lord Jesus will go and then he will retreat some of you are just going green well that's what we have started go as you go remember to retreat because you cannot afford to run on empty there are Haas funds that won't let their wives minister to them when the woman says hello dia where are you where did you become a money Sona spirits leave me alone Joe how come on when I want now listen uncle detail you will get lost nobody will bother to look for you because it was there sorry goes my goes yeah can table it's important the Lord Jesus will come don't just go to where you love the lots of where you are loved you need to be around people who just do not need you or people who also feed you defeat your potentials defeat your dreams your creativity your vision your mind they excite you they put greatness out of you they are always there for you when you follow the idea when you fail the idea when you succeed they applaud you be careful of these three people expired mentors jealous colleagues parasitic proteases people attacked the only one it is fine people that you lean on you cry and then you hear it in the marketplace don't be so trusting to be careless no we had to belong to but I grew alone and belong to the wrong people the Bible says that Martha was cumbered with most savvy in John chapter 12 verse 2 we see that mata was serving again Mata at the plant had become predictable I'm going to that very soon as a woman don't become predictable be a different woman for restore your husband every time today this long dress tomorrow it is shot today see sleeveless temerity spaghetti the sorority's shot in liquor next one it is another thing thank God for a week the husband comes home he cannot believe this is not the woman I left behind you know at home be creative in mark in Luke chapter 10 mata was cooking and suddenly in John chapter 12 she was cooking and Savin what Mary was sitting I'm taking you somewhere very safe in Matthew chapter 26 from verse 6 we see that Jesus came back there because they fed Jesus who is feeding you what books are you reading some people are attached to you but they are not assigned to you don't waste your time if they are assigned to you they will not be criticizing you on every issue yes they can tell you the truth some people have attacked themselves to you some are attacked by people by corporate whatever because you belong to the same whatever but they are not assigned to you you must land two different ships the relationships that are in your life I want to pray prayer for you may you know who to wait for and may you know who to run from I want to pray it one more time there are some people you wait for in destiny and in life but that's what people you run from may you know who to wait for and then you know who to run from so look at the Scriptures I will always be three people kinds of people in your life number one pit us that we deny you about you Judas that will betray you and number three Jones that we love you I don't have the time I have things I wanted to say on this but I want to rush hey Peter us that we deny you sometimes they repent so you need to pray for them but Judas and you don't need to have any sleep last night oh about Judas because Judas always hang themselves always exception Ingrid's tip Adachi wait there for you stood by them you invited Anne to come and eat and then when they've got their daily hell's your hunt they will cut your hand says I want to pray prayer for you may your enemies not get on your health paths before you met e-zpass you know ziba me did not get your David before you may your voice be louder than the noise of your enemies let your ma feed you celebrate you or you are seeing the relationships I'm not sure yet what I you are dating the person or you in marriage or or whatever whatever then be free enough to be you be free enough to like you be free not to spend time with you some of you you hate you when last you carry yourself to this path so have a massage man of women as a couple when last did you have a Magna keel and pedicure some of you your heels are pulling up the basis some of you if you remove your shoes everything the blood of Jesus when last did you put the salad and then you put your feet inside one water while you were reading a magazine I didn't say bye boo najuka baba Cooper Genesis no - aya a magazine so spiritual you are so irrelevant to Planet Earth [Applause] it's important for you while you are making up your mind about relationships every October I review my relationships what funny did you add to me so as I move number two to number 25 that as I move number 14 back to number 7 not money what's wrong you did you add to me in the course of the year did you give me too much stress only Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever some relationships true they expire my housekeeper one day my daughter was picking out her phone and we saw the different names she used to to toast or some people's number cuz he credits I say why say that man why you guys it when women come you call me there's no credits so that's what she used to she used was total soldier that's some people like that you need to put something in their name do not peek let's be move fast fast fast fast fast to the core of this message as we look at the Lord Jesus Christ in the house of Martha we can see three characters I want to dwell more on because of time Mary and Martha and please listen to me very carefully same house two women two different characters so we have women supporting Jesus's ministry what would this house be without women everyone you don't want to know if there were no women in this church a calaboose I thank God for women we are assets we are blessings but I am so ashamed to say that women are their greatest hitters we may not talk themselves more than you get to the airport with a woman because she's never been on the plane we need I mean look at the way man women it's high time we started working together aligning synergizes and celebrating one another dear two big difference we had a Mary in the house Mary the introverts are introverts in this house yes Mary the worship Mary the spirit married the church gallery married the Lana married the listener but we also have secondly the presences mata Mata the extroverts mother the active sava mother the troca mother the kitchen lady and I said this we thank God for the Mary's that are spiritual always sitting down and learning from Jesus's table what please hear me Mary is not superior to mother just like we need the extrovert introvert we'll also need the extrovert dear to be different and don't feel bad because you are thrown captive just make sure you talk sense my husband will read something on the internet he will not respond I will respond with your friends that does not make him superior to me that doesn't make me superior to him I just want you to understand that the freedom the indeed freedom were talking about is the acceptance of who you are my songs I have to source my Gospels all of our children are married when they were young you needed to beg one tooth to smile or laugh the other one you must beg him to keep quiet enough of this la fille now none is superior to the other we don't work for the spiritual but excuse me the matter if mother did not work in the kitchen and 19 needs food so Mary you don't let from Jesus asleep every time you a mess in the kitchen ya come back because the last verses Jesus was talking to mother and I said Mary had chosen the good path it is it the better part if it isn't the best part no he was you said mother you need to add that one also Jesus needed to eat thunder for the mothers who loved taking care of the children's department who have swept who have been in the hospitality departments when I finished preaching now I'm going inside they're not ask me what I'm going to put in my mouth thank God for whoever put that together all of us can be protected somebody's cooking in the kitchen you are different but you are not inferior [Applause] the first time we went to the American Embassy so in 1995 that's my 596 how we got the visa when we got the visa I said when the man said picket at 2 o'clock mass I was just beside me I said just Cristian my job to do process oh don't distress me yeah it was a major breakthrough then to get a visa to the US haha let me to Israel dreamland Maya Bo I was realized his mother said that a really nice people at Lucas this is what I have come here to tell you today dear to be different you are not inferior you are not superior to anybody some were born quiet easygoing we thank God for them some of us and Allah two things he's not just my father Martin ever he's our Father who art in heaven I wanted to be very like Britain to you psychologists have discovered that 94% of married people and opposites even the remaining 6% are not exactly the same so when we understand this there will be defeat for two major things competition and comparison some of us this art is not wide enough for us to move by the way we stand I think where everything is also moving now because I watch him below but before every son to withstand like this but now I see no jacket I still watch him last Sunday now it's a question you see some people or some of us we would come back kilometres what is important is the content are you blessed by D the Lord bless you and keep you amen but all of us cannot be doing that I will just sleep I will just tie my first my shouts it ejects my shaft that is who is you talking about some people return they won't reply but my Baba Baba will respond that is who he is I just mentioned it is you we know that nothing is wrong with you my god I am Appa are you I am Mary you are free competition one major thing that I noticed that Martha did was this when Mary sat before the Lord listening and excuse me married as they turn to sit they said time to walk you should have let your sister in the kitchen you should not you listen to the Lord you quickly take that because there are too many single ladies that are not preparing themselves for marriage when you get married it is not Bible you because into your husband you need to learn how to make pop learn how to make a bar before you start pray for him and he wants to eat so he's not it not so just sit down maybe should have sat down for some time and then gone to the kitchen but this is where my son mrs. Mary offended you why not tell Mary she left Mary and she went to Mary's help do not write on the internet what you cannot tell me face to face drive coward don't abuse me on the internet if you cannot tell me to me Facebook is not talking about your past one didn't if you cannot tell him face-to-face there's nothing wrong with you noticing something and mentioning it what there is what you want medium intelligence this is what you say this about you address your mother-in-law this the way you address your husband yes the way you speak I was the one that offended you why go to the Lord Jesus afternoon she was her kid sister hi you just whisper to her Mary when Jesus is wrong with the book of musical Les commander there's nobody I will not feel bad because they were going to eat together and there are too many lazy people you know in the name of spirituality as fast I am concerned indeed freedom is balance I please to balance your spiritual life you finish your life your political life some of you need to go into politics that's the solution or this criticizing ideas and I won't do not have we've been doing it things legit I was founded get into politics some of you are cold and I'm trusting God the Reverend would prefer some of you have released you to go into politics don't be afraid when we go we will be pre offering you this is the next thing now takeover generation that's the next step now please listen I was talking about women against women I was one I offended you you know what one reports me to somebody and that person is human the person begins to look at me one kind thank God for Jesus Christ I feel like I should quickly mention this about relationships those of you that are married women please let's begin to redefine the relationships between mothers-in-law and mm long let us redefine it don't go into marriage with this so then she comes in you you squeeze your fist like an amoeba you have ready for a fight don't do it we mail it back support him each other this is true freedom let's validate with dear friend if you write six like this it will look like nine or six if you stand here to look like six if you summarize we look like nine the further you see things from your perspective just tell me that that other person is wrong so please this is my mission let's come together as women we may not be able to wash it on that the same roof Israel has 12 tribes even though one nation this matter not tribe by tribe in some churches they cover their head in some churches they don't just not attractive belong and stayed there that is what the cross has four entrances not south east west just come us you have come with your Jesus confiture lives if come without any permits to Airy just come to the cross it is turning ourselves apart and other dry matter all you a married we are the same non is superior and be free enough to be different see husbands do not get married and forget your mother from the black pot comes the white bubble do not forget your mother because of your wife husbands do not become so immature that's because of your mother you cannot treat your wife where to me that is freedom treat your wife very well treat your mother very well watching me on infinite mama it is a new age now don't kill your daughter-in-law because she made a mistake if she tells you she doesn't want you to watch her baby this way it's her baby not your baby when you come to ammu go to take care of children thank you for the additional time when you come to a mocha for them please don't scatter their marriages please mama drones these are the children that we bury you all in case you have forgotten to tell Miguel why what did you stab me and then every time you come everybody's agitated mama is coming again you should be a blessing to death let's redefine this relationship in the African setting particularly those of us that are Christians wife snatch your mother-in-law from your husband and taking good care of her where does she say devil or not it doesn't matter you are sowing a seed do not saw what you don't want to rip my mother-in-law died at 110 blessing me she practically died in my heart you Tricia didn't offend me she did I chose to forgive I in advance because I have two boys no got a lock on my treats me because I did it sweet life will forever be governed by principles not miracles so if you don't want to rip it do not suit I'm a man balance don't say because you want to please your mother you not begin to disgrace your wife muchacho hi Neha is a sign of immaturity of a man that's the balance that we're talking about here relationships let's bring freedom into our relationship does I love she comes to my wardrobe as I bind you leave the place now it is that place now she sits for my love I have two of them that's how it should be we are Christian that's freedom indeed watch my woman and must add value to you because I'm also a man you won't find men fighting you will never hear them say patent law say oh no it's always a woman against woman it's always woman against me if I find you tell me and then let's let's watch it sounds praise the Lord I said praise the Lord job chapter 12 and verse number 3 and job chapter 13 and verse 2 job chapter 12 verse 3 and job chapter 13 verse 2 what you know I know I am NOT inferior to you you are not inferior to anybody no not at all I close by saying this God has sent you to this planet earth and it is not to waste you it is for you to be what he has ordained you to be what are you a mother or you a Mary please love God and serve him with all your heart number two please take a good care of yourself your freedom indeed or indeed freedom is expects you know expressed in this areas don't just be a bench woman church jesus is coming do your best in serving the Lord take care of yourself spirit soul and body if you need to go back to school be free enough to do it this attitude that we enhance your freedom as a person number three take care of your marriage relationship relationship define your life you got dating even courtship if you are waiting don't let your wife your life weight serve God while you are doing that I am a proof and I'm an evidence that a good Christian marriage is a salary paid by God serve God I say go to church or sweep oh and I will do it I was any Reverend did the dangerous seeds they love us believe me leading me to so recently the secrets of Champions is in their stories so I want to tell you now that you are still single use your life to serve the Lord he is waiting for you nobody is promoted by mistake see this God does not throw up he lifts up we lift you he will test you then he we lift you again he will lift you he will test and see what is in your heart and it will lift even Almighty God does not have rest your posture what because you travel to come here with no budget and he have won the game nobody can hear what again in the house you must completely much everybody on everything freedom indeed he's having a balanced life serving the Lord touching your neighbor she may not be able to found an orphanage people have founded support them help them just look for something to do to be a blessing you are free not to roam about you are free to add value so a few sites on Instagram December I just said to myself we all go to orphanages go to to be different and this what I want to live with you always think of how to be different what can I do differently even your love making difference me do something no missionary trip every time missionary style de nasi I said that's Reverend will come and clear its liver when it comes I want to celebrate with Barbie Airlines people you call Bobby Allah's gave their pitches of cultural media always in this song let me give them you know umbrella we try to adopt three of three of their children we service also you to University do you know some of the driven wants any job this is the job they are doing that they have a house but this was what touched me most of them were house us somewhat blind this that one of them said as I sit down or as I kneel or as I stand on my payments every morning how pray for you I must tell God about you nobody has ever done this for us do you have to be different to something with your life be free enough to be different don't let anybody make you conform and make you look the same look at how beautiful this place is we have red we have yellow we have green some of you are direct so I feel you are the ash column so some of you want to be red and yellow I know that is the beauty of life I want to trust God that from today you will step into newness you will step into a difference and your life will take a leap forward in the mighty name of Jesus please take care of this areas of your life stretch your two hands what I saw also father I present these hands on to you as people experience this freedom that you have given to us in Christ Jesus to do when you don't know the way [Music]
Channel: Funke Felix-Adejumo
Views: 119,051
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Id: KhTej-5lKbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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