Great Grace Conference - Day 4 | Pastor Poju Oyemade

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Pasupathi Oh William Adi is the senior pastor of Covenant Christian Center Lagos he was called to ministry while he was still an undergraduate at the University of Lagos he was ordained into ministry by Bishop David Elliot for the presiding bishop of living trade ministries worldwide aka winners chaplain pastor fortune is a teacher of the water faith with insights into how believers can apply biblical principles in a pragmatic and practical way in their daily lives this dynamic pastor whose traveller faith seminars single samus financial and business seminars and the wife back and all conference where believers are totally on the looted world and how it can be applied directly in their situations to produce results God's Way the platform Nigeria one of his flagship conferences hosts thousands of Nigerian youths in Lagos reaches millions of others in the comfort of their homes the platform Nigeria has consistently champion intellectual discourse on critical national issues the work is fair and national development fair are also outreaches of his ministry where permanent business men and women that are believers share how they thrive in their industries using and applying Prince was found in the Bible he is the host of the regular television program insights for living that airs on TV stations around the world today one has shown something that I feel is fundamental a very fundamental to our walk with God in this present time and let me just start out our useless thoughts to start out let's go to Matthew and chapter 17 and verse 20 I'll start with that Matthew chapter 17 and we'll start reading from verse 17 now this were the disciples of Jesus and what had happened was that they had tried to cast out a devil from a young boy and they called North cure him in verse 16 the father of the boy said I brought them to your disciples and they called not keoki Dinah Bible says in verse 17 then jesus answered and said o ye faithless and perverse generation strong words how long shall I be with you in other words I will soon be going and if you don't understand this when I'm born how then are you going to be able to function how long shall I suffer you are put up with you bring him ajita onto me and the Bible says and Jesus rebuked the devil and he departed out of him and the child was cured from that very hour then came of the disciples of Jesus apart and the said and this is important they always did this and is where the deeper discussion went on they came apart and said why called we all called not we cast him out and this very good in our faith walk walk walk with God you try something that you are persuaded about and it doesn't work it's a moment a teachable moment where God will open your eyes so see something that you haven't yet seen concerning that particular principle or that particular doctrine in other words you can't be taught from the pulpit about something and you have a deep conviction in your heart that what you have been taught is true and then you get up and practice it and you meet miss it in just one small place and so the vendors in work and that is the time you need all right to take that conviction that you have to God and ask him that why called we are called not we get this particular thing dawn now when you do that you are now fulfill what is written that unto them that are without these things are done in parables but to you that are within and the Holy Spirit will beginner to minister to you on a much deeper level and discipleship will start I mean I don't Estonia by just reading Scripture that job said and this was what all right God was trying to get across to a job all the world and he said on to a job said this right when all right he came he went to a conversation with God and job for two of us wrong then job answered the Lord and say I know that thou can do everything and no thought to be withheld from thee who is he that hided canceled without knowledge they have uttered that I understood not things that were too wonderful for me all right I knew not here I beseech thee I will speak our demand of thee and I will declare unto me then job said something powerful I have heard of thee by the hearing of the air but now he went into another level with mine I see SB and all Lu was telling him that listen instead of you thinking that God shall fashion the whole world according to your mind according to your own imagination he said what you should have played at that moment is that which I see as not teach tell me if I have offended I will offend no more and once will practice something and we get Coronel called a negative feedback when we thought all right that we knew what we were doing that is the moment to ask God where did I miss it and the most powerful lessons you will glean from Jesus Christ from the Holy Ghost welcome in moments like this so the crux of words the disciples knew was about after he had taught in public they went in private and then are they asked concerning those things and you come against something you pray about something and you felt it should work and it did right instead of getting offended go to him and ask and what you will learn at that time will stay with you for the rest of your life and you will all right learn something powerful that will be useful onto you and will cause you to get great results within your life there and that's where the Holy Ghost starts teaching us and the Holy Ghost begins all right to educate us and tell us specific things so Jesus went on in verse 20 and said something he said unto them because of your unbelief now so there are Jesus why could we not cast out the devil and Jesus said now hear what Jesus said he said it's because of your unbelief for verily I say honor to you now I hear what he said if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall see ensure this mountain so he pointed something much bigger than the case of the boy a mountain he said you shall say to this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall we move and then he went on and said if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you will say and speak like this and nothing shall be impossible onto you so introduce them to something that is said from now on you practice it you understand what I've just said that corrected what you know operated with you folks and we've got to understand that he must have been saying something real deep here because they had tried to cast the devil out and spoken and it didn't work so he said if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed you will say and he said nothing shall be impossible on to thee and then went on and said how be it this can't go out not out but by prayer and by fasting now remember when they asked Jesus why could we not cast out the devil Jesus did not say here in start by saying because you do not pray and fast he started out by saying because of your unbelief and then he went on and said if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed and then I said listen when you are preaching like this we'll get to this there are certain dimensions of this operation all right that will require that you're indeed and saying sure some time of Prayer we're gonna say this here how what wassailia in order to get this done now so quickly what a nasara' from first here is a Jesus said if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed that is he was talking into yes he was describing this in two ways he first said if you have faith as a grain or right of mustard seed you shall see so he was delivering them first of all from something now what was he delivering them from he was trying to tell them that you know because many people will feel that why can I not get this massive thing don't you call somebody and tell the person you know why do you think let's say people are like I'm sorry buddy can get something done and you look at yourself and say well I cannot or you'll say well because he has so much faith more than me that is why he is able to do the impossible and I am struggling with it now Jesus said let me deliver you from that mindset that is people that are doing impossible things start out with a kind of faith that when you look at the size of the faith it is as small as a grain of mustard seed as it relates to nothing let me repeat because if you don't understand this then you will look at yourself as a second-class Christian all the days of your life that is anybody who does any massive thing starts out the faith and the measure or let's say the size of faith all right that is required because most of us and I had I will mention us them because you and well the time when went on to error in the healing voice of Hilla movement where was one of the powerful voices all right I did a lot of powerful things but he said the problem with Christians when you been praying for the sake is that they spend that time trying to believe instead of acting out what they know in other words many people are sitting in their rooms trying to increase that faith and they are trying to bring themselves and Jesus said if you have faith alright the size of a grain of mustard seed so if I ask every person here Europe do you have enough faith and I said well if I said well but you have faith as as small as a mustard seed of it now if you say yes you have it then you can do the impossible if I ask you are you a fretless human being you say no all right do you have faith even as small as a grain of mustard seed you will acknowledge and say yes I have that so he says that is all that is required for you so get the impossible dawn however the second thing that you must understand about this faith as a grain of mustard seed is that it is very small but it is a seed and if that faith is not planted it won't work in other words Jesus said in mark chapter 4 and verse 30 look at what he said he said Matt 4:30 is a choice the kingdom of God or with what compares him he said we're on - shall we liken the kingdom of God or with what compare ISM shall we compare it in other words I could say well can we like in the faith of God or with what comparison can we compete what can I use to compare it on the earth I know he went on he said it is like a grain of mustard seed which when it is sown in the earth is less than all the seeds that be in the earth but when it is sown so it can't grow outside the zone when it is sown it groweth up and become that greater than all the Habs and shooteth out great branches so that the fowls of the air mail order let a shadow of it God torment tell people they saw that some people are completely delivered in other words anybody who starts doing impossible things when they started the I had told them it will not work don't think they were fully persuaded about it are you following what I'm saying here but what they did was to plants that fee and the minute they planted that faith that faith took over their lives rather than them driving the faith do you understand what I'm saying the Bible tells us is great great conference it tells odds all right we are saved by grace through faith and that faith is not of your own selves it's a gift of God so what it tells us and I won't get into that cab consummatory all right it is that grace that produces our faith so it tells us a else when it is sown it becometh shuttle out its branches so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it so it tells us this now if you go to verse 26 it says the kingdom of God is as if a man shall do what cast seed into the ground so well look at it so the faith you must understand and essentially has got to a be walled planting and then when you plant that faith so you look at yourself as a farmer in other words in order to get the impossible things done now take yourself and look at yourself as a family in other words I'm going to get massive things done but there is what is called seed time and as what is called harvest time so the farmer wakes up at the beginning of the year and tells you this he is going to be the best year in terms of me having great harvest the only reason why he is saying that is because of the quality of the seeds that he saw him so 2018 will be better than 2017 not by law but by reason of the seeds that you are doing what sorry in other words the farmer tells you listen I know it is not going to happen tomorrow I know it's not going to happen next week but there is going to call harvest time and when harvest time comes you are going to be seen impossible things happening in my life left right and center and you are going to ask where did all this come from all right because there were times of silence weeks of silence there with months of silent when nobody was seen anything but what I was doing like a farmer was that I was deliberately cultivating the soil and the seed that are planted and he was coming out and all right who will see this powerful things so we go to acknowledge that what Jesus was saying here is that faith is not magical it's supernatural the onus on failure and what I was trying to tell them depart in here is that most people feel that faith is something we use like an emergency button when we run into trouble so they're trying to confirm magic here now I thought deeply about this I've got to me he said there is nothing of my people believe me for that months before they don't have or years before they don't know that one day they will have need of those things nothing people tell you that you're not believing God for and they knew a long time ago that they will need to parent so he said that should have planted the seed of 13 a long time ago so by the time the ranch was needed to be harvested are you farm saying it dr. Keller told me I said listen he said our robots and Kenneth Copeland brother Copeland told them don't make the mistake we made everybody here will grow old the natural cycle of life is that way mr. Geary oldest are getting weaker yourselves are dying out they said listen we started believing God for our health when he started deteriorating by old age I said plants the seeds of your health all right 20 years before that time so when you start getting old it coincides with have this time and it doesn't show up we can't judge or trade rights and straight people having emotional outbursts we must be strategic about this thing just have a strategic 14 year plan I mean their scriptures you can say now you can plant those seeds today that you will be fat and flourish until your old age so sure that the Lord is upright in other words if you declare your old age is a bad testimony for God and that there is no unrighteousness in him it tells us about Moses that they did he didn't get weaker his his his strength they did not abate it talks about the forgave one's eyes he was seen as well as a child you have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you who the Bible tells you right will quicken your mortal bodies - now the issue is your notice things have you planted them into the earth for jesus said this is how you saw the seeds of faith our guess who together he said is by saying that so what that man understands is that I want this mountain to move here therefore plants the seed all right for that mountain to move by saying that he understands he has planted it into the earth and he sat in as his stage without seed and cultivates I said that one day it will be clear to you people this mountain will be gone now let me just say something else and I'll end this one dr. Donna all right let me just say this here bothered me for years as Christine every time Jesus reprimanded people who try to operate in faith he will always tell them oh ye of world little faith it will tell them all ye of world little faith so why will they tell people you have little faith right when Peter began to walk on water but I will say now from time he saw the wind was boisterous and he now became fearful and began to sink and Jesus said o ye of little faith why so how is the wandering and when you are going to recommend the type of faith to get impossible things you said it's faith as a grain of mustard seed when you are going to reprimand people for the wrong type of faith you said all ye of what little faith Jesus which one is right did you just say that if we have faith as a grain of mustard seed which is the smallest why then are you reprimanded on the other side saying that somebody else had little faith that I saw this from him and he said little faith is when told about literal is not talking about the size is talking about the length of time in other words little faith is an outburst of faith that doesn't last which means the person who is operated in it is not operating like a farmer who has a long term vision for his faith project the others I wanna make I'm going somewhere because most of what we're doing Christian sees need to pay way jump in charge and this was going on we scream we shout all right web an outburst emotion and our boss will leave the church building right by Thursday or either robbers hit the road right the wind is voice rose we have looked at the wind for so long that by Friday we are down waiting for Sunday for another injection and if you keep getting those bulls that you get addicted to that you understand what I'm saying so we can get people that dictate to charge by giving them boost every Sunday because I get rock you are high Monday by the government's next service when the next subway done anything you get up again but when you apprentice a farm I'll show these then you understand what the Bible says you cannot be slothful but through faith and patience you inherit the promise and the Bible uses patience to describe the walk of a father how do we know James chapter 5 and verse 7 in other words the man understands that I 20 sit on a show this year be patient therefore brethren on so the coming of the Lord they hold their husband man there was one man is a farmer waited for the price chose fruit of the earth hath long patience for it until he receives the early and latter rain now that were long patients they donate fluid or balance it means the capacity to endure what is difficult or disagreeable without complaining getting angry or upset at anyone so during the process there and then he goes on and tells us in verse 8 be patient and establish her heart for the coming of the Lord right now and then he goes on grudge not against another brethren which means during that period what can destroy and poison your seed in the ground is when you walk out of love and get into strife so I guarantee you you I want to do something impossible somebody's going to step into your space to trip you off because fising gets right into it says it's nice to be condemned the world that George standard by the door so you have God who operates in love here alright so the first that one establishes there is this faith all right operates as I'll see now you have this faith inside you yeah me very well we can ask anybody here do you have this faith as a grain of mustard seed you have that faith if we don't have it you are not a Christian for Romans chapter 12 tells us that God said it says that I said it to every man who is among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think but to think soberly as God has dealt to every man every man in the world but every man who is among you the measure of faith remember in Hebrews 4 2 the problem wasn't a faith problem the Bible says the word that they had the gospel was preached on to them as well as unto us but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that did what had it in other words faith was in a demo but a real mix what they had with that faith now here is the scripture that has thrown us off balance in the church world on faith Romans chapter 10 and verse 17 it says so then faith cometh by hearing now if you see anything in italics in the Bible King James it means it was inserted there you are Liberty to remove it so it's in bracket there which means you can take that out and we have built our entire doctrine on that word comment and it wasn't inside our manuscript so the word comment gives them pressure on the faces on the outside entry nos faith so then felt by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that's remedy what is saying there if we put what comment back and check it in the Greek what it says is that faith in you comes alive in other words by hearing alright that faith that is dormant comes alive are you further one Obsidian what how do we know what we're saying is correct James tells all friends and says days brethren do you not know that faith without works is dead being alone in other words the faith is there but it is what dead and when he says dead it means dormant it's not saying the faith is not there it means dormant it's same thing jesus said he said except a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies it abides alone in other words the faith is their bodies ineffective so he used also which there which means a great in other words it tells us that faith comes all right by here we'll get into the heads so it comes alive when you hear something and then he says when it comes alive in your plants that faith into the earth all right start like the woman with the issue of blood started saying if I will just touch the hem of His garment I shall be made oh so the starting point that's what I want to start with when we want to operate in the power of God is this the power of God will not come into operation in any situation in anybody's life until you start speaking out the revealed will of God yeah what I'm saying when they came to Jesus they said why could we not cast him out Jesus did not say is because you guys in prayer fast he said it's because you didn't operate with your faith here as a grain of mustard seed in other words you did not say listen he said if your other faith you will send to this mountain so you starts the process by saying something until the word is spoken power doesn't come into operation leverage something from an old book on the Pentecostal movement the history of it here now what had happened was that Christians they said had always sought to access supernatural power which means in their daily lives every single Christian wants to have supernatural power it is daily like everybody everybody wants to see the power of God in their daily lives right and the chief way they tried was through prayer in other words that shift where Christians that went about trying to get the power of God into their daily lives was by first of all three requests from a helpless human to an omnipotent God who had the pleas and might and this was experienced that they wonder prayed they felt he might or might not answer them as desired by the petitioners in other words they were praying but because of the way they were getting results they said they came up with install that when we pray as a helpless person to an omnipotent God he might or he may not answer us now this is a road neros because the Bible tells us this is the confidence that we have in him if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us and if he hears us we have those things that we desire of him number two it also tell all right apart from that all right it helps all states it says that in mark 11:23 or a Muslim 24 says whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them John 15 tells us if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you herein is my father glorified that you bring forth much fruit so certainty was associated with Freya in the scriptures but in the experiences of the people they went there and was like God might or may not answer this this formula required that the players or rather people plain to acknowledge their own weak position and rely on the one with unlimited bounties find in this method ineffective I'm telling you how the word of it started finding this method ineffective to passive Christians therefore why now try not to compel the supernatural to produce results now if you look at every scripture I just caught it about prayer let's go back you will find out that the spoken word precedes prayer in other words to lynly's power the first thing you've got to do is to speak the Word of God he said if you abide in me and my words abide in you that is you are speaking my words out of your lips he said you shall ask what you will and it shall be done mark 11:24 says this if you stand praying believe you have received why can you be not position because of mark 11:23 he said I would so ever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but believe that those things he is saying will come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said so he goes in to pray our having been saying certain things are you following me so they came to the conclusion that the most enduring future is the spoken world that is for good word above every other thing became the source of God's power in human flesh in other words if anybody was going to manifest power if anybody was going to get the impossible dawn the first thing that he understood was that they had to speak the Word of God which means that what most of all at first is that they go and they start playing God I'm asking you can you get this thing done for me and they separate now when you do that is left to a game of chance but when you start by speaking the known will of God into that situation now what does it mean by speaking the Word of God it is not speaking what you think should happen here get what was in you it's not other person you lose your job and then you say well I think I should get a job in the show then I frame my own words and then I start saying it listen if the Bible says the Holy Ghost who in front of the Godhead shall say nothing of himself but that which he hear that that is what it speaks how can you speak without hearing first notions of them I wanted if Jesus said I said nothing of myself but the father that dwelleth in me doeth the works as he has taught me so speak I this is the commandment I have received what I should say and what I should speak and I know the commandment is life atella in other ones you said if I say what hasn't been told me I have worked in disobedience to God so I am gonna define yourself since when someone said I lost my job the first thing is know that well I choose what there's the first place well this way we can people get out of it and choose what all right I want to say about this and then you start talking No James tells us there's what tells us it says its first of second Peter tells us late that it says I'll tell about nature of the Word of God it says it is a martial word of prophecy you will do well to take heed as a light that shines in a dark place then a Gatlin says knowing this first that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation that no word is uttered according to the will of man boys as they were moved by the spirits so in order to get the light of God you must understand that your will is the hindrance to revelation that's why you can't get into faith or a motel reveille you can't get into veil without starting with a concentrated life in other words I separate myself on to God that I look at him and say God it is not my will but your will be done in the situation I know your will for me is good your will for me is acceptable and your will for me is perfect the devil Satan and so I go to him and say listen it is not alright the projection of my mind it is is not is not the goal I said it is the place God reveals your salad in fact when I came to Balaam he said I cannot he said listen if you give me a house full of gold and silver I cannot go beyond what God has said to say any other day he said to do that is to practice divination now God showed me to the Jemez thoughts this or I've husband he said do not air my beloved brethren every good and perfect gift comes from above comes from the Father of lights the main father of life means the father who gives it in the form of lights so he says when you are in a time of tests that there is a good and a perfect gift that is from above so somebody loses their job is eggwin rejoice because there is a good and perfect gift for that situation but that gift is going to be given to you from heaven first in the form of Revelation it says and when God gives you that light not these there will be no variation in his mood concerning what you are told you and you will never see the shadow of him as a result of turning away from what he said he said I will not alter what has gone out of my mouth that is the basis of our faith all right closer well I want to choose who I want my don't forget manage was no man's idea it was God that said it's not good for a man to be alone it's not your idea you come Adam finish these things that people are airing on it wasn't my idea to have healing in your body wasn't your own idea it was the idea Oliver just led to sickness is God that came out and said it is my will that you get healed are you follow what I'm saying so he says his will for the situation is good you will find it acceptable and you'll find it that that's the only thing that can make you complete in life so starting point you're going to him and prayer right and the prayer here is that god minister seed to the sower so what is the seed your word you want me to a plant in this situation here that's the it's going to spring forth and get something impossible massive things done in my life that's the study point so I want to get that seed so my faith comes alive when I hear what God has to say concern that situation what is dormant on the inside of me is a weekend which means I am now full right it's like you are quickened when the word of God is revealed unto you listen remember what Paul said he said the kingdom of God consists of three things he said it consists of righteousness it consists of P and it consists of joy in the Holy Ghost these are the three things he said is not in meat and drink but it's in power what did he mean by righteousness now we're in a season of reformation all right and Reformation simply means we are Liberty now you cannot say that because one definition has been given to a world that is how we define it for the rest of our life particularly and people are afraid particularly if that definition there are other scriptures that contradict that definition now what does happen is that one person said righteousness means the ability to stand before God and it meant that in some cases but not in every case it was cited in the Bible so once we will see this one bounces he that dwells righteousness all right it's talking about something that you are you from Kenya now what happens I have my descent straightjacket you don't want to go beyond that and we say that and we see scriptures that are you followin senior so that's not the only way in some cases righteousness is defined as justice which means you are dealing with equity and fairness with people now when he says the kingdom of God is in righteousness remember that Paul said the gospel is the power of God and salvation for them is the righteousness revealed now was his righteousness he now went on and said that they'll be ignorant of God's righteousness have gone about to establish their own righteousness and have not submitted themselves wretched of God for crisis and of law for righteousness to everyone that believeth then he says the righteousness of law amended when this thing shall live by them while the righteousness that is of faith which is the starting point of the kingdom it says this speaketh on this wise said not in your heart who shall ascend but what does this righteous they say the word is nigh thee in thy mouth and in thy heart he said this is the word of faith and we preach that means the beginning of the kingdom of God is a man that has the word on his race - say does the starting point and then he says it starts out so the kingdom of God that is an operation and Amanda rules over all the selling point of the kingdom is that that man is speaking forth God's Word out of his lips he's saying the Word of God then the next thing is that this man works in peace concerning that and what does that mean is talking about his mind that imperfect peace shall I keep him whose mind is stayed on thee it seems to be spiritually minded is life and peace it says that do not touchable fact that come to go to your supplications and prayers and the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your heart so then he goes on and says therefore what where things are pure think on these things he's talking about your mind which means I will get into this alright you start by speaking what you want to see the power of God operator on then get to a place where you make sure you are not disturbed about that teen alright you don't go into anxiety you don't go into warning because your mind is stayed on the scriptures that he has shown you and then he said the last part is you rejoice with joy unspeakable full of glory about the outcome he said power will always manifest so what's the sudden point there it says you start by saying what God has said concerning the situation in woman wants they were bound to amputate her leg and that's what I say you brought to God and faith comes by Rhema all right nobody can preach a drama to you let me tell you when you have interacted with God reason why a lot of people say I tried confession in the work is that they are saying what the preacher said I've told you that the conversation starts after you go and meet Jesus apart because the scripture says faith cometh by hearing but if faith comes alive by hearing then in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 4 verse 2 it tells us the word preached did not profit them so it was not mixed in faith in them that heard what they had it now why didn't faith come alive when they had it it means that what was said in Romans 10 is different from what was saying it was Roberto he says once a vice for come twice a week eight there are two levels in hearing which was the first hearing you can hear with your outer ear and mental comprehended by the second time you hear it it means the Holy Ghost revealed something to you so when the preacher preaches he tells you all right and preaches healing to you you've had that well you have a specific condition in your body and then you go to God I let me tell you when God reveals to you the scriptures concerning healing he might not use any of the scriptures the preacher preached by the time you tell the preacher obsidians that this is the scripture God gave me the preachers is looking at each his own lights to brighten so dub God I'm not saying this before do you understand what I'm feeling in other words you've moved into that second gear of hearing now I mean as a woman about to amputate her leg she went to God and said God you've got to get down to this now she knew the Scriptures you are here by the stripes of your she loved that but when she went to God the scripture that God gave us in Proverbs it says the Lord shall be thy confidence they were going to a potato figure and he shall not suffer your food to be taking Gaza look like a healing scripture many years ago my wife did a program in June and was an open-air program in a table and I said I said rain was falling how could you have attempted to do and I'm a pastor now I said sir can you try to do this during rainy season open air she showed me therefore as I said you remember storm something years ago I said yes she said look at the scripture forgive me sir just remember and she saw me somewhere in sounds about the heavens and rings I don't have ever taught that but when I looked at the scripture and praise she I saw inside that covers and when I saw that scripture God told me to rain the day before the day after about that time you are doing it they shall be knowing and when she showed me it was the first time in my life I saw that scripture I might have read it for the first time I saw it do you get what was in here so then how does the power of God come into operation the first prize that that man goes to God that's why you cannot pretty and fit if you don't be walk with God the amendment say we're afraid is not something like you do like magic well I'm in trouble now we're let's press this the stuff here all right face something that that in fact God can show you and unlike he can even show you and say no clapping okay we show you say he in six years time there might be something I'll give you seeds to so now when you get there I don't I mean there was a time I had this doctor down seven years ago he said it was an accident they took him to that and that was it was somebody jumped the light head-on collision he said it's all white next thing he saw himself standing outside the car blood people died he said he called his wife and said listen listen I'm gonna knock the head on and she quoted the scripture they had been coaching for years said it was that scripture that was fulfilled here so Jesus could have been telling them they look you guys this thing you are saying here you have flaunted no see to get this kind of operation out and you know something so the starting point so you want to get the engine of God and the kingdom of God that's why the Bible says the kingdom of God is as if a man will do what cast seed into the ground now so the first thing is to get that seed from God and that seed comes as a result of what fellowship you go to him it says take the book of the Lord and lead not one of each shall feel it says for my spirit has spoken my mouth had commanded my spirit will guide however that same book in the next chapter they took it to the letter people they said read this they said it is sealed we cannot see it in other words you go to the Holy Ghost he removes that seal of that particular tail you'll see what are what is said to you if enters into your heart and I'm telling you is as small when you look around every other teen seems to be more powerful on the outside but inside when you look at that scripture is as a grain of mustard seed bosonic you are not on the inside of yourself that this thing is the truth now if all right you start saying it and then you leave it for a while like a farmer and goes to plea comes back after three weeks you will find all kinds of things growing in the place so like a farmer there his focus is on his farm he wakes up and he goes all right to attend what he has planted so the power of God starts getting into motion by you now all right getting revelation falls from God and the key to Revelation is surrender all right the servant is standing on low to hear what you have to see the wind bloweth wherever it listed a person can lose their job and God's plan for that person is that they're to open an office in New York or Guangzhou in a company in New York and it's calling em C and O are you following I'm saying so the first thing that you do there is you go to him and then he revealed his word on to you then with his word inside your heart you must understand that the seed there are possibilities beyond the human mind to conceive inside of that word all right our possibilities events that are beyond that what the human mind can conceive and it will emerge even from the onset which means that things will begin to happen that your mind will not be able to explain in other words once you start operating like these it begins to walk in your life what am I saying put up Mac for and 28 6 years he starts walking it says the kingdom of God is as if a man will cast Mac 426 alright and that man will sleep right now his his sleeping and rising is that he has nothing to do with the seed springing forth so he regards as my mom who cast it into the ground then next to this is this and it says the next thing next verse alright and then he will sleep and rise and the seed shall spring forth and grow he knoweth not have in other words once that seed begins to grow things you cannot explain starts happening in your life are you followin failure once you go this way the supernatural begins to happen look at next verse it says first what is going to happen here first what we're going to have is there is the blade and then it says the air go to the next verse it says for the earth bringeth forth fruit of itself first the blade then the ear then the full corn so what happens that things begin roblem so a person gets the word let's assume that they lost their job they getting water from God and they began to speak that word into their lives now they start speaking Man 1 into their lives the earth begins to respond to the world it's planted next in the blade comes out what is the blade because God is taking you for that wall to be fulfilled he says listen there's a place want you to get a job all right somewhere something comes out what comes out a relationship images you are asked to go to that somewhere you go to the airport late while you are there you met an old friend a conversation starts Oh God shows you one day you are to have a great company that's why we shouldn't get offended you have to have a great company you are walking somewhere it says where I start planting that seed you start planting it the earth begins to bring it out your boss looks at you and says I'm gonna move you say well I mean to ITT I mean why'd you say I want to move you to my kitchen I'm 20 I'm into idea marketing but God has looked ahead and saying ah if you're gonna want this kind of company you will need to be able to sell things if you can't sell things there will be no company so one give him some training in selling so they move you that's why if you are not working with the Holy Ghost in this faith walk you will get offended when Jesus shows up are you following obtaining you will get offended when Jesus showed up some of us the blade comes out when the blade comes out you meet somebody that relationship has promised but thus you're not supposed to put the blade on the pressure you are supposed to what add the seat so that it goes to the next level you now start putting that relationship on that pressure until you destroy the blade are you following what I'm ready which means doors are going to be opened up and God says look you've got to deal it but you start doing that so once you start speaking God's Word I'm not saying speaking what you think you should say speaking the revealed Word of God out of your mouth air all right it goes into the earth it doesn't come to you back to your void it begins to produce things things begin to happen in your life if if your church is supposed to get involved in something right God says all right is just one person it gets that person brings that person into church there and I'm tied up to that person all right might be countless amount of people oh that's a chop inside a church who bill is very loud behavior in ways and I became very close to him my stuff attempt as I said you don't understand I said I've walked with God when you meet people like this this guy's strategy to the city I said no it's my spirit the attempt is because on Instagram it all I said no this guy is strategic I've worked to God I know strategy people see what will happen one day my wife was talking to the wife and she to my said she came back separate so you're like to say hey you are right of all said he said like he said he will pack his car that the wife was a nice shot he went Branson sometimes he would take Invitational cuts fancy forty go on the streets of Legos said this church has done this to me this church has done this to me this church has done this to me I told I said when I told you there was something in that guy so what happens is God begins and that's what I do once you're attending that seed right God begins all right to move now where does the player and moving from leg was this prayer that we are talking about come in all right if we go back to James chapter 5 we'll see something here the player of faith which is offered up after the city soon all right ok so the prayer of faith is only offered up after the city sold which Wednesday certainty concern in this prayer that we're talking about so the man has very same to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea all right so I'm trying to bring you into an order that actually works in other words who the order that produces resort it starts out by May saying that people long to have the power of God in their daily lives of all vision the whole vision of the charismatic movement was in one statement we want to take the lead of organized religion and make every individual a vessel of power people left all right Orthodox Church it's not because there was an organization but because they wanted to be vessels of fire they wanted rivers of living water to flow out of their belly they wanted to understand how that where they live and walk with God that's the vision of the thing and it starts out by you saying in any situation if I'm gonna get the power of God into operation it cannot be my wheel it can only be the will of God and somebody said you need see in a place is not created by similar strong statement similarity doctrine boat's similarity in speech for when God was going to divide humanity he went for what they were saying which means if you are saying the same thing you denied yourself with that person which means said the same thing as God in a situation is what unites you with God if you are speaking another language that is different from God then there's division but if you are saying what God is saying which is the middle of confession to say the same thing as God as he said God has said that I may boldly say so what has God said and therefore by that you have submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ concerning your life that you get it from him then you start saying and you understand that this thing I am saying is going to come to pass listen what I am saying is going to come to pass but there is a time element in his manifestation he that believeth shall not make haste that I'm going to operate as a farmer who says my seed is in the ground right and this is going to come forth so the prayer of faith now comes in and the prayer of faith is always offered after that person had spoken words let's see this year go to James chapter 5 again at verse 7 let's look at what he sees here James 507 the patient therefore until the coming of the Lord behold the husbandman or the farmer that waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and that's what is going to come out of this earth precious fruit hath long patience for it all right until he receives the earlier and the latter rain now there are two types of rain there is what we call the former rain that precedes planting and then you have the latter rain that produces the harvest under something now quickly clearly puts let me show you what we've been saying here help me put Deuteronomy 32 and verse 3 this is what is called the four Marines so when you come to church and you listen determined 32 and verse three I listen to prejudice and form a ring which means the former and when it rains for splendid addition for serene planting season is about to start sorry let me just check it the autonomy 32 and verse and says my doctrine shall be as to you 20 let's - oh sorry Detroit win so if I stood is worse - all right it says my daughter invites to Detroit tied to verse 2 it says my doctrine shall be as the word as the ring it shall be as my speech shall destroyed you as the smaller rain and as showers upon the grass so this doctrine which means you hear the teaching all right they teach you on less a healing understanding you now they've water the ground all right that's the first true in there you can one plant you see so you get the teaching there and based on the teaching that you've heard so the ministers preached all right okay I've gotten what they are saying for example now I preach now but I didn't give you the seed you are going to sue are you fall I'm saying it is God that minister seed to the soil I can't give you the seed you are gonna soul I can water so that you don't know let me go and look for water plant are you following so you now go to God and so okay I know it gets it now and then go to him and then you get so the husband understands their two seasons first rain then the second right now let's go back to Hebrews 5 and verse and let's go on to verse eight five and eight quickly James sorry James five and eight so let me say they say when you get a Rhema from God you always know something you are not told by any man Jesus nobody can teach better than Jesus when Peter came with a Rhema he said flesh and blood has not revealed this it is my father who is in heaven me I served in show you this is the father that showed you he said upon this shall I build my church and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it that's the revelation of God's righteousness so it tells us they are going about to establish their own righteousness but have not submitted themselves to his own righteousness in other words God has his program submit yourself to that instead of running after your own program right Danny now goes on alright remember I talks about we shall see the now what James was talking about it was prayer faith how do we know this if we go right now it tells us in verse in verse 15 and the play of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise them all and then it goes and tells us Elijah and verse 17 was a man as like passion that same chapter he prayed and I said I might not rain and rain not for six months or three years and six months then he prayed again and the heavens gave rain and the earth brought forth her word fruit in other words he prayed again but before Elisha plead Elisha said I have heard the sound of the abundance of rain so the prey of faith is offered up to cause the will of God you know to come to pass so you start by planting that seed which is God's will and you are saying it then you go up to God in prayer believing you have received that particular thing and you start praying now what that pray adults is that it brings further revelation to you concerning that same thing so more revelation begins to come from the scriptures because the path of the just is as a light that shine it brighter and brighter he says take heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns in other words the initial revelation is not enough the Revelation begins to grow and is this kind of prayer that begins to bring an increase in that revelation without that increase in Revelation what is going to happen is that you're going to start out walking and then after some time that revelation can sustain the pressure that is coming your eyes are going to go and you lose your peace so you go up to God and more revelation you look at the scriptures and more revelation begins to come more revelation begins to come little young man they ask that said you had this you had the Word of God they said why couldn't you get up and walk why couldn't you just get up and be healed and this what child's price kept reaching up of faith he said listen faith is always gives birth to an action but actions don't give birth to faith now listen what we're saying is if somebody's sitting in the wheelchair and the presence sees a scripture and that a person hasn't gotten off is because that person is not fully persuaded if that person keeps receiving unlike unlike one day that person is going to just say I am healed and get off and resume healed now you don't tell the person to get off without being fully persuaded keep putting the same thing in the light when the intensity gets to one point the day will dawn and it does get up so if we all put up ourselves that's why powers then come to do some upgrades that man you open up yourself right more revelation comes as more revelation comes you stay in the place of peace your mind is on the Word of God you are in a place of peace all right yes just like they said how are we going to part the Jordan he said end time to it but stand still once there's quite less and stillness miracle to a call which means you are there you are looking at if your mind is flooded with peace right there because the revelation is increasing the revelation is increasing the revelation and it's increasing which means that that seed states there you are in that place of peace there then the third thing is joy and what a joy do for you right if we put some 6 to 7 and verse 5 these are the three things in the kingdom first righteousness then peace let the people praise the Oh God let the people praise they it says then shall they add the word yielding increase and God even our own God shall toward bless us so when is the increase going to start coming when does the earth start producing things when you start praising God so you get revelation from God's Word you any place of peace then spend time rejoicing let me tell you what happened actually joy saying you'll be surprised at how well you are worshiping God and how undisturbed you are that you are rejoicing in the fulfillment of something that hasn't happened but you are you are so persuaded it has happened are you foreign failure you will be surprised at the state of your heart the measure of advancement you have made in spiritual things you when you start seeing you and since when you do that it says then the earth will yield its increase then your praise there and the rejoicing now begins to cause that word that's what begins to cause things to happen but there's one other thing that it does for you as a person when you start rejoicing your eyes start getting opened up now remember Jesus when people are rejoicing the Pharisees came as I tell you example stop rejoicing he said look if this guy's trouble judge and stones you lately cry out and looked at them said Jerusalem he said the things I make for your peace that what peace prosperity I hidden from your eyes he said now shall the enemy build a trench around you somewhere else he said God you have hidden this I thank you from the wise and the prudent what you've revealed it to the babes he said he said for out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise when you begin to rejoice what even the wise and the prudent can see you will start doing what seeing it in other words there will be another form of wisdom which is called practical insight that will start coming to you so a person who is rejoicing in the revelation of God's Word which is revelation of eternal things and his rejoicing in it rejoicing and fulfilling God starts opening his eyes it shows him you want to build this business and the business has stagnated it shows him can you look at this part you look at it and the minute you look at it one two three four you see something that even a consultant if he came to that business would not see it he says change that you change that you see something happen change that you change that remember he tells us in Isaiah 52 he said my servant shall deal prudently he shall be extolled and exalted in other words is by dealing what prudently there so God begins to open up your eyes to another that form of wisdom is the ability to connect dots so you understand that right and you'll find out when you stop practicing this I'm telling you this everything that you needed to make progress is right beside you just that's it the people that you need are right beside you you just haven't recognized who they are once you start praising God your eyes start get an open you see that am i different have just twenty people but if I arranged these people this way I leverage their strength this way this is going to multiply you look at five loaves and two peas of fish and you see it differently are you following failures you have remarkable insights into their fears of life is run like a dullard alright that I just got favored is that you have insight into things that they put you down in an office you sit down there and and the Bible says what Kings will say what happened but I'm not being told them shall they behold in other words many no authority will look at it and say how did you know that we should do this and that's Chrome as a result of you plunging the Word of God and then you rejoice in the fulfillment of the one and practical insight into the dealings of life begin to come if you look at what was its prayed for sorry and I'm Soleimani prayed for two kinds of wisdom he said give me wisdom and give me understanding if you look at what Paul prayed fill me with the knowledge of your winning all wisdom and spiritual understanding they asked for two things the knowledge of eternal things which is what we have said here but also practical insight into the affairs of life in other words two women came to meet Solomon and said to Solomon listen I own the baby I own the baby there was no DNA nobody in the world can ever denounce this that this must have been deep insight into humanity and he said I said I will tell you without any DNA test how to find out who the mother is they said how give me the child you could see sense of judgment yeah the Bible says the wilderness will be converted into a full full view because judgment to reside in the wilderness another sound decision-making will change any organization and that kind of insight comes as you start praising this body produces here starts praising God are you free I'm gonna read something on Facebook I loved a man was on Facebook dating all kinds of women all right goes ladies and chasing all kinds of somebody jump rope chains all kind of women and I found out now now there are many ways in which can handle it you can go and slap him and the whole manager scatter are you from there are many ways you can do it what she went and said I know exactly what I would do so Shih Tzu join facebook and put a photograph of a beautiful woman and they became friends and then she now said to the man well I just want you to know that you've been chasing my wife and then of course being his own wife told him that listen I have close links to this organization and they are coming for you because she knew him said this your father's name this or your mother lives this is who you went to this why your roommates everything and she was by the husband and she was reading it on the laptop and well said what's going on I'm next indeed he went on Facebook for life told the wife I'm going off what's up told everything and she was there laughing God so I said I think say Holden I said listen I've seen that and she solved the problem God gave my watch practical words inside allowed to date now as you go up in there shouted I'm telling you man you're a madman the whole purpose we know everybody invited em of Jesus approach to this work because she don't have practical insight do you know something Solomon came I said let me show you who the road I'm childish put the check give me a knife who whenever I thought about this bring down the knife can you imagine I mean when Jacob was in laymen's house it listen those things did not multiply because Jacob just was a covenant man Jacob an insight on how to take care of animals go and read the account when he got there and they came to the well first thing what they do is that everybody who come to the Welland BG steam and when the search is done there's no what I didn't say we're waiting for the other people to bring their cattle Jacob said this is the best time to grace why you wasting time yeah he says what you should do is anybody that comes drink and go he told them the best time for cattle he showed them there let notice how we have been doing it so sure Jake all the hard inside when Joseph when the Bible says he stood in a line he wasn't talking financial from that he certain island and was farming what was it now anytime this family is when the heavens are short if there is no rain somewhere there is family so what Jacob Isaac did was that Isaac found another source of water outside lane he went into the ground brought water out created irrigation and everybody said how did you get this it was practically inside to life and the Jews and Israelites are still using that irrigation system today to become the most powerful acculturation in a desert are you falling on a failure in other words he starts giving you practical insight you operate at a level of intelligence and let me tell you a business the intelligence you have you are not even conscious of it so that you don't get into pride these thoughts come to you as easy as you just drinking water you are not impressed by it is one to revisit that they were so old it is like notice that came down and was blowing LED for know which means that your thoughts are so deep when you don't even know your dad intelligent because they came to you as it were on the truth it wasn't hard is the boss that I said how did you know about this and how did you know about that I'm from Cydia you sit down there and you don't listen to something I've got shows that you say that you should do it like this I just merge that together match this together and then you comment and say oh like this how we're going to do it and do that it works now when you begin to play that's what I say he says he says the wise and the prudent won't have access to it you're beginner and these thoughts just come to you he'll just comes to you you take the data that you have you look at it and you just come to the conclusion that this exactly let me tell you our our closet is somebody in church in our church here I've even used to be my fellowship on cancer I know him it's not known for yes right for 30 years he we make some where we're all going to see but we just couldn't because it keeps traveling so might one day abroad and we sat down when airport so we are time I'm 70th so I said so what do you do now he's an architect I saw his coffin was working an actor crew fun he said his friend very good friends with prayer partners came to meet him and said there's an opening for them to do kind of like oil so they his father used to be in shale before he died so same ones use of fathers contacts is a no problem and he was doing his architecture in order in America norm wasn't the mineral so the guy captain let's go to nature the nucleus opportunity well to cut the long story short he said calm nature and I said how did you get into the oil business now last year their company discovered the largest oil well in the world which means the one with the largest amount of oil was what they discovered in idea last year I'm not sayin idea in the world whether Saudi Iraq Iran the largest discovery and I said how did you get it he said to me pastor we are not geologists we are not oil people I'm an acting this other guy he said what we looked at the map my friend looked at the map of the flow of oil in Nigeria and said something is wrong say what you mean he said isn't this thing like a river how can all be flowing from Niger Delta stop here and then they discovered in Ghana where it doesn't break the quit doesn't break like this it says something stronger people had oil blocks there that they were selling he said they must be oil here he said then they hired geologists they had investors who invested millions of dollars the geology said calm calm the column said well said look at this thing is it possible those guys stayed with it I said it's not possible you are right wise and prudent linseed I know the man you told me the man who owned the blocks they sold 40% of it because I said they didn't think there was anything there that they got the wrong blocks they said there's also the welcome what fortune was willing to sell it sold it off they started drilling the guys put in five million dollars they said you are wasted said hold it there is something here when they hit it I'm saying there's revelation which is called Sophia there's practical insights into life I'm telling you how to convert revelation from scriptures to practical insights that is Hezekiah you are told 15 years has been added but the method is 1 boil things place it on yourself do you understand what I'm saying in other words this is the promise you shall break forth on the left and on the right but they actual do you know where the office is where the exact of it should be you know who you should hire place delivers that kind of research when you combine confession of God's Word yeah what I'm saying not confession of what you think should happen yours is not confessing what you think you have missed God that is called divination you start confessing you mix it with phrase right what happens is the earth begins to yield let me tell you days and look if you have take inside 10 is a thousand you just know have to know what to do with the tape inside 100 is a million you just know how to do you have to know what to do with it they gave Jesus five loaves they said what is this among so many say bring gates there is something I will do with this that we feed everybody here an opponent and the Holy Ghost on the inside all right when they said not by power by night they said what are these seven candles he said it's the seven eyes of the Spirit which was the Holy Ghost can't see in seven dimensions in you they present data in the office you look at it you don't even think this is impressively you don't even think you are being brilliant is obvious to you you are saying why am i can't even see this they God you see it can't you see it alright let me go through this just come here for once Caldas to schemer put up hebrews chapter 11 that's where the faith has to get into in other words the man mayor who is building the business listen to me his business did not grow because God just made it grow even though he was as daft and as dull as anybody could possibly know God by His grace cause that man's intelligence to go to the highest level so that he was the most qualified to get it but he got most qualified by on meditative fever not that he was the worst performer and then on many times people made him get it do you get what I'm saying here Joseph became prime minister not because he was empty-headed because he was the only person that was of the problem Daniel became who he was because the King said I have had that there is an excellent spirit the other magician said there is nobody this thing you asking us to do you have to be the villain as a God nobody in flesh has this information is that we know how to get that kind of information so grace comes in you become a partaker of the divine nature of God manifesting that are you following I'm failing I'm sure you walk into a business you understand so that might be otherwise you aren't doing oh just come now just love is all right change this change this year change that change this year and so I said alright change the color of that place friends they don't even change the color change that corner this corner you are doing is repulsive to the human spirit how do you know say I'm telling you the person changes the color makes the ten people walking so what happened so we are seeing this for the first times I didn't I tell you because for God to have created different colors they all mean something to both so when others talking about someone who just caught in scriptures we are talking about somebody was converted was mixed it do you understand failure who knows how to mix it and the Prophet is appearing as I said why do you spend money for that which is no blade we have spent money on things low impact things there is something God showed me hundred dollars will impact this nation all I need I have everything to do it all I just need to pay is 100 US dollars fresh idea and it is obvious but it's obvious to DC us but is closed are you following which means that's the way that it's a babe is a baby it's to the BAM presence this is not about how intellectual all right so let's say this quickly I'm just cause you your boss 11 here and verse and verse 13 look at what he says here it says these all died in faith not having received the promises haven't seen them afar they were persuaded and brace them confess there were strangers and pilgrims on the earth now next verse he says for they which says such things declare plainly that they seek a country in other words when you start censoring things you are declaring plainly that you are seeking a country now Hebrews 13 and verse 14 it says this so they that say those things declare plainly that they seek now look at this for here we have no continue City but we seek one to come which is how are we seeking by saying certain things the next verse it says by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of traits it says because we have no conscience and we are seeking one to come the way to appropriate what we are seeking is to offer the sacrifice of praise and one start offering the sacrifice of phrase that what happens is all right you start getting all right powerful you start all right same thing powerful things you begin is it all right you start seeing powerful things it starts seeing powerful things all right it's not simple I mean what I'm just go there doing what Lakewood they asked and I said I said I hope my dream well she just had this thing I hope you unconscious on the studiously aisle to get him to get into power he just asked me since a question about politics he said well I don't I can't interfere my drum points because I don't know what goes on but in America he said something he said the way to power is that you get into the system and help other people into office once you help them into office day when it's your turn they will talk to you and says oh and you get so that's how you get elected you don't get elected by trying to get elected you get elected by entering and helping other people get elected and when I thought about it I said that's the way the Vice President got it the way he got it I'm telling you this that he was called at a particular point and told that we don't want to set our eyes on you again if you don't find out how all these states that we lost legally we can get them back you are the one with the legal brain to do it and he went to England God forensic us did everything make sure all of some strategic governors they went to the case for the case and they all got elected so he was the one that helped the governor's become governors when I was over state governor she said so when they said is now time to pick the vice president of course all of it I became governors you are you fallen Sonia and they mentioned is then I said all right you can go because you helped us to office they will lift you higher that's the way it works the main T said I just looked and I saw so you can ask a conversation I don't see how it happened I would say you just see how it up in fact I won't speak about God show me something he said we are the salt of the earth you know if you mix salt into something you don't see the salt if you put salt in the street you don't see the salt but the influence of the salt is there Christians are looking for visible position that's our problem influence is hidden their strategic positions we should go for and I had key policy he said you don't need the office of the President you need the office of the person who can speak into the air of the president [Applause] some senior special advisers are more powerful you will not believe they're the last people to see the president and tell him what to do you don't need to spend money because you know special adviser are you following what I'm saying here you don't even need to be elected you don't need to compete you understand it you don't need to corrupt yourself don't forget what God said he said wherever the source of your food trade there have I given the question is for us to enter through the door we can enter there as advice about once a food is there you understand is the problem we thought I want to come in as chairman the door is locked I've told you how do you know they sold somewhere is where you taste it you don't see the salt you don't see it I have a Bachelor God showed me many years ago he said I have always the most powerful potion on the earth it's not the person who sits on the throne his person who sits next to the person on the throne so that's why when I was reading Jesus I raised him to my right hand he said that's why when you look at the listener when you look at the influences and the covenants Joseph was not sitting on the truth he was sitting next to the truth Daniel was not sitting on the throne who was sitting next to the truth the kid one for the throne is not the throne that counts is next to the toilet I'll buy that you don't get the heat nobody pushes pressure on you nobody's attacking you what you are influencing everything you follow what I'm saying this what I'm trying to tell you that when we begin to worship God he shows us the secrets of the hidden places of the earth the treasures of Darkness he shows us that guys this is how you play the game you are not the soiled you will not be tainted are you follow what I'm saying nobody will tell to bow down to any ID or nobody tried to sacrifice anyway because if you are you are just this what you understand influence are you following as I meant of this world are no influence they going through a place they know that it's not just about structure all right we're live here oh let you see this their pleasure advisers I advise the president they advise somebody who tells the president you know something so we have to get strategic all this emotional our boss rush rush in kappa you will get impossible things don't if you've followed the process it's not spectacular it's spiritual it's not loud is silent but the effect of it is unprecedented god bless you [Applause]
Channel: Household of David
Views: 6,994
Rating: 4.670588 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Poju Oyemade, Great Grace Conference, Great Grace 2018, HOD Church, Household of David Church, Olusola Osunmakinde, 11th Year Anniversary
Id: rIvJfEVyt7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 35sec (5315 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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