Great Grace | Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection you may have failed but you are not a failure you may be down but down is not your destiny God still has a plan and a purpose and a great thing that he's gonna do because he's got great grace for great mistakes Jesus is saying to you I haven't changed my mind about you I haven't changed my mind about your purpose and your destiny I'm telling you that I knew you would mess up but I put great grace on great mistakes if you just look to me I'll never give up on you to have your Bibles I want you to turn to Acts chapter 4 Acts chapter 4 verse 33 and with great power the Apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus here it is and great grace was upon them all I want you all to read that last sentence of that and great grace was upon them own I believe that God wants to put on you and on your life and on your family and on your failure in 2018 great grace mistakes are the price we pay for a full life if we learn from those mistakes the issue is not are you going to be knocked down the issue is if you're going to stay down someone says you have to take a lickin and keep on tickin the word is called resilience in a dictionary mistakes are the catalyst to the miraculous if you will put them in God's hands don't let mistakes destroy you heaven wants to make you hell wants to mein new and both want to use your mistakes to do it the adversity wants to mock and main you for the rest of your life for the mistakes that you have made and you have made them but God can transform you through your mistakes to be what he wants you to be mistakes should not maim us the rest of our life mistakes can become prison houses that hold you hostage the enemy would love for for all of us who have made mistakes to live and be held hostage in a prison mentally emotionally spiritually by the mistakes that we have made mistakes can become informative mistakes can become revelatory Adams mistake brought a revelation about God that Adam never would have known without his mistake because if he looked at the only being that had made a mistake in the universe before Adam showed up was Lucifer and God never gave him another chance but when Adam and Eve failed God said I'm gonna show you a side of me that you wouldn't have seen without your mistake I'm a God of mercy great grace only comes after great mistakes the greater the mistake the greater God's grace comes to every one of us I didn't come with any bad news today if you're waiting on it you ain't gonna get it today all I came with is great grace point number one of my little sermon here today is number one you may have made a mistake but you are not one you gotta let that sink down into your soul when the enemy's beating your brains out telling your trash you're stupid you're nothing how could you be so dumb I argue what how could you mess your life up so bad you may have made a mistake but you are not one you may have failed but you are not a failure you may be down but down is not your destiny God still has a plan and a purpose and a great thing that he's gonna do because he's got great grace for great mistakes everybody give him a praise in the overflow wherever you are give him a praise for great grace you will experience a resurrection you will come out of this mistakes can open a doorway of discovery a portal a possibility that you would never discover had you not gone through the mistake I'm not advocating go out and make mistakes so you can find out more about God's grace I'm just telling you what the devil means to destroy you with and imprison you with and defeat you with and humiliate you with God says I can put great grace on your great mistakes and they become a doorway of possibility a portal and opening to discovery your mistakes are not final your failure is not final that's why Nahum said rejoice not over me all my enemies you'll see me mess up but don't you start throwing a party and start rejoicing over me o my enemies for when I fall I will rise again though I sit in darkness it's not forever his light will find B again do not let failure become final in your life it's not God's will hidden and every mistake is a portal a possibility a doorway of discovery he does not want your mistake to be a prison he wants it to be a pathway to a greater revelation of His grace God will never define you by your mistakes see I just said something huge right there people will your critics will your enemies will define you for the rest of your life by your mistakes but your God will never define you by the worst you ever see that's what people think oh that but God says I even I am he that blots out your transgressions to remember them no more how never define you by your worst mistake never will God do that elder brother spirits wheel you know the only one to bring up the past of the prodigal son was the older brother the father never said a word about it he's through a coat on him and covered him up and brought him home said let's throw a party get the musicians out Russ get the instruments out play the drums let's dance let's let's have a party and the older brother sitting over there wanting to talk about the past but God will never define you by your worst mistake don't join the devil side he's the accuser of the brothers don't define people when they fail and make a mistake by their mistake you're joining the devil side but stop defining people by their mistakes God will never define you by your worst moment mistakes and failures do have consequences there's no doubt about it but you're not supposed they're not supposed to define your future see heaven wants to make you hell wants to main you God in order to conform us into his image lets us fail because he lets us come to an end of ourself and our self-righteousness the devil desires to crush you for your mistakes and make you feel unworthy and make you feel worthless when in reality you are a precious child of God right now God knows everything about you every mistake you've made and if you've repented of that mistake God says you're a precious child of God but Satan wants to make you feel totally worthless we'll return to this encouraging message in just a moment but I wanted to speak to you about what we're doing as a church and as a ministry I want to challenge you to join us on this fast we're saying to God early in 2018 Lord we want you to take the priority in our families in her life and her marriage and her decisions we want you to guide us we want you to lead us and we're putting you first and I want to encourage you to do it by joining us on this fast you can go online we've got all kinds of free material that'll be a blessing to you also all of my books a brand-new book by the way on a hundred and one questions that are answered about fasting everything you've been wondering how can I do that can I do that you can and I want to give you I want to be your fasting coach it's not too late it's still early in a brand new year I also want to encourage you to help us make even greater impact this year for God's glory in reaching souls by joining me in giving a first fruit offering you see God's nature and his desire is he really wants to be first in our life and I believe when we bring God an offering in the beginning of the year it helps set the course for all that God will release we're sowing the seed and God says I'll bless you seek first the kingdom and all of these things are added to you and I believe that he'll give you a harvest in 2018 like you've never seen let's start the year off right if you believe in this ministry if you believe in the gospel that we're preaching in your hearing then I would encourage you to give you say well how much should I give I'm not going to tell you you ask God what he what you should give but I can tell you two things the Bible said in 2nd Samuel that David declared I will not offer God something that costs me nothing and I tell you this secondly you can't outgive God he's no man's debtor and he said if you'll give I'll give back good measure pressed down shaken together running over listen to this in 2018 shall men give unto your bosom I believe with all of my heart that starting the year with a generous firstfruits offering will set the course for the whole year and I encourage you today to sow your very best help us the world is waiting for God's great grace let's go back into the service let this message continue to speak to you requests jets and Franklin's audio teaching first things as our thank you for your first fruits offering to the ministry this month in this message Jenson Franklin will review God's plan for Supernatural blessings in your life you'll learn all that you need to see the power of generosity revealed in your life I want to open up the windows of heaven and pour you out blessing that you will not have a room enough to receive but in order for that to happen here's the first thing you've got to do you got to get that alignment of heart thou shalt love the Lord thy God this is the first commandment with all of your heart God has promised provision and blessings for those who put him first to learn more about the firstfruits offering or to request Jenson Franklin's audio teaching first things visit us Jensen franklin TV today [Music] you [Music] I'm saying to you today that mistakes make you feel like you're stupid you ever done something you just felt so how could I be so stupid to say that to do that what an idiot and use beat yourself up Abraham made a terrible mistake lad about his wife he made another mistake when he slept with a woman that wasn't his wife that's terrible God never brought it up not one time even though he made mistakes God said go on move on I'm still gonna make you the father of faith I know you messed up but I'm not defining you by your mistake you made a mistake but you're not a mistake and I'm gonna use you for my glory God uses mistakes to take us beyond Elijah called down fire from heaven outran the horses of Ahab did amazing miracles but then he he heard uh that Jezebel wanted to kill him and he ran and fled and hid in a cave trembling in fear he made a mistake after all that good stuff we how is it a man can do a million things right and and and one thing wrong and we define him by the one thing wrong and forget all the good stuff that he did with just people and he's sitting in that cave and I love the fact that when he's sitting in that cave feeling bad about the mistake that he's made God doesn't show up and say you sure messed up God never brings it up but he comes in a steal small voice and he says you're still my servant I'm still chosen you I've still called you I still have a plan for your life God never brought up his failure and God isn't bringing up your failure he wants you to move beyond your mistakes went into his great grace Jacob lied deceived the people that we make the almost deities out of in the Bible David committed adults where he really did he killed people he did horrible things the point is God uses people who make mistakes God said you're a scam artist you're a liar you're a deceiver Jacob you've done about all the bad things you can do you're a liar you're a lustre you're a loser but I'm gonna make you a prince renamed you your name will no longer be jacob but you're gonna become israel which means the prince with God and I'm gonna give you power with God in favor with men I love the fact that Peter really messed up he lied and cussed and denied Jesus Christ three times and Jesus when he showed up to him never said when he when he showed up in his resurrection body and cooked him a restoration meal Jesus didn't look at him and say give me the keys back you know he gave gee I give you Peter the keys to the kingdom well just because you've messed up and made a mistake Jesus never said give me the keys back Jesus is saying to you I haven't changed my mind about you I haven't changed my mind about your purpose and your destiny I'm telling you that I knew you would mess up but I put great grace on great mistakes if you just look to me I'll never give up on you I don't know who I'm preaching to but somebody needs to hear this today your mistakes are not final somebody give the Lord a shout of praise if you believe God will use you anyway turn to your turn to your neighbor and say don't let your mistakes hold you hostage no you weren't perfect no you haven't done everything right no you yes you could have done something better if you don't watch it those mistakes will hold you hostage and you can't even praise the Lord you're under such condemnation that God's not putting on you the devil is putting it on you God will use you anyway I've made so many mistakes it's not funny you have no idea how many mistakes I've made as pastor of this church ridiculous stupid stuff but God never came to me and said give me the keys back you're not pastor anymore people would have had a few try to destroy me people would have but God says no I gave you what I gave you I like you I love you I'm for you saying that about you somes 38 verse 16 said David said when my foot slipped didn't say if all you are you real holy five people out there he said when my foot slips not if my foot slips you gonna slip you don't slip and say something you shouldn't do something you shouldn't you're gonna make a mistake I love what he goes on to say he talks about how his enemies fit back really wanted to pounce on him but he says in verse 18 I will declare my iniquity you know what declare means open your mouth until God I made a mistake and you move from admission to remission if leukemia is in remission it means it's losing its power going down down down down down and when you when you when you come with admission I made a mistake then suddenly that mistake goes into remission you you go from declaration to restoration you go from declaring I'm guilty and God pronounces you're innocent my blood has covered you I wish I'd handled it different I I wish I wouldn't have said that the devil wants to magnify your mistake God wants to magnify himself in the midst of your mistake I will not let my mistakes define me I am a child of God I am called and anointed and I'm gonna do what he's called me to do with more determination and boldness than I've ever done it before yes I've messed up yes I've made mistakes but my mistakes don't define me my Heavenly Father defines me and he says I am cold I am chosen I am royalty I am cleansed I am washed how about you give God a praise if you believe in great grace great grace the greater the mistake the greater God's grace God is greater than your mistakes God is greater than your failures God is greater than your own choices mmm thank you Lord the Bible said that we need grace and mercy grace and mercy listen there's a difference between grace and mercy grace gives me what I don't deserve forgiveness acceptance a clean slate a new beginning grace is God giving me what I don't deserve total forgiveness but there's a difference between grace which is giving me what I don't deserve and mercy mercy holds back what I do deserve what's powerful is when you have grace and mercy working where you have grace giving you what you don't deserve and mercy holding back what you do deserve the judgment that you do deserve God stands like he hailed the Red Sea back and says pass on through goodness and mercy are following you will hold it back goodness you hold that side of judgment and mercy I'll hold this and what you do deserve well I'll hold back what you don't deserve and give you what you what you do deserve what you don't deserve you know what I mean I'll say something right here it's hard to misdirect a parked car the only people who do not fail are people who don't try to do much so if you're trying to be great at anything polite to your life if you're trying to be great at anything you're gonna fail because it's hard to misdirect a parked car so these people who sit back and judge everybody by their mistakes usually aren't doing very much themselves it's better to fail trying than not try at all sums 145 and verse 8 the Lord is gracious and full of compassion listen to me if you've messed up listen to me if you made a mistake made a wrong choice done something that was foolish the Lord is gracious I don't know what you've heard about God but he's gracious full of compassion slow to anger great in mercy then I love the last part of that in verse 14 he upholds all who fall and raises up all who are bow down you may make a mistake but you are not a mistake your mistakes are not greater than God's grace God's got more grace than your disgrace and God will not define you God will not define you by your worse mistake that's my sermon today if I need this today and I feel like this is exactly what I need to hear and if you won't quit I know God's grace won't quit God's mercy won't quit there's great grace for you in 2018 great grace is coming upon this church this ministry great grace I'm thankful for the great grace that I'm preaching about today and I know it's available to you to your life to your home to your family to your mistakes the greater your mistake the greater God's grace you might have made a mistake but you're not one God loves you and by His mercy and by His grace today you can start the year off right I want to encourage you to turn everything over to him if you don't know him and you want to get right with God this is your chance you're not watching this program by accident God I believe set it up today for you to have a change in your life that you never dreamed possible I don't care what you're dealing with I don't care if you're strongly addicted or are the enemies just whisper to you your mistakes your failures are too great no God's grace is greater and he's ready now to extend that grace to you pray with me right where you are say Lord Jesus I give you my life I give you everything I surrender all to you today just pray that prayer just say those words out loud Jesus I need great grace I thank you that I've made mistakes but I'm not a mistake you love me and you forgive me today by your amazing great grace in Jesus name Amen I'd love to hear from you there's a number that's on the screen go online send us an email and there's all kinds of free material there let us know what God is doing in your life in conclusion I want to say that I'm believing as we're fasting and we're praying here in this ministry 2018 I believe is going to be a year you're going to experience great Grace and great help from the Lord and that's going to include your finances every year I start the year off personally by giving God a first fruit offering there's just something about it that for me it sets my faith on the fact that God is my source this year and what I'm saying to you today is he's the same yesterday today and forever and God doesn't want you to go into this new year with fear he wants you to go in with tremendous faith listen and expectation that even greater things are coming in 2018 but if your recipient a blessing from this minister if you enjoy this telecast let us start off the new year strong and even dreaming for greater days ahead thank you so much we love you all god bless you I'm believing for great Grace on your life in 2018 request jetson Franklin's audio teaching first things as our thank you for your first fruits offering to the ministry this month in this message Jenson Franklin will review God's plan for Supernatural blessings in your life you'll learn all that you need to see the power of generosity revealed in your life I want to open up the windows of heaven and pour you out blessing that you will not have a room enough to receive but in order for that to happen here's a first thing you've got to do you got to get that alignment of heart thou shalt love the Lord thy God this is the first commandment with all of your heart God has promised provision and blessings for those who put him first to learn more about that firstfruits offering or to request Jenson Franklin's audio teaching first thing's visit us Jensen franklin TV today [Music] Jennsen and Charisse Franklin present one marriage conference 2018 February 23rd through the 25th at free chapel in Gainesville Georgia with special guests Pastor Chris projects chris is a New York Times bestselling author and senior pastor at church of the Highlands for the best rate register online at one marriage conference baffle or text 1 2018 3 1 3 1 3 ways [Applause] [Music] we hope you've enjoyed this teaching by Jenson Franklin and thank you for your continued support of this ministry your prayers and financial support make these programs possible [Music]
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 36,368
Rating: 4.8992591 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Free Chapel, Temple, Saved, Save, Christianity, Faith, Depression, Healing, Radical, Devotion, Devotional, Islam, Mosque, Suicide, Struggle, Jan 23, fast, fasting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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