What's The Best Way To Learn Vocabulary In English?

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hey student watch this video and learn the best way to learn vocabulary in English so that you can achieve English fluency and better understand and talk to native or non-native speakers in English coming up hey friends theater freaks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English first of all thank you so much for joining me on another English lesson if it's your first time here I invite you to subscribe so that you don't miss any of my weekly videos alright now let's dive into the content well before I do that I want to invite you to download my free ebook as well the link is in the description of this video all you're gonna do is register your best email and then you will be able to download this really nice ebook where I share 5 different strategies to help you better understand and talk to native and Oh native speakers in English now guys the first thing I need to tell you is different people different ideas okay the best way to learn vocabulary so that you can achieve English fluency and better understand people around you and communicate more easily more clearly will have to be aligned with three important elements okay the elements are your individual learning style or your learning channel I'm gonna talk a little bit more about that later on okay your schedule it doesn't matter where you are right now okay you you need to sit down and think about the time you have to dedicate yourself and no you don't need to spend long hours studying vocabulary in order to learn it okay and finally you you need to have a clear vocabulary goal setting so you need to be very clear with the goals you have with the vocabulary you wants to learn now studying vocabulary like crazy will not really make you a fluent speaker you know magically it not help you understand native speakers either if you promise yourself to learn a hundred words every week that's not gonna happen okay there is a difference between knowledge and understanding and I was reading this in a in a book for for teachers and methodology this book emphasizes the importance of helping students understand new information so perhaps right now you study a lot of vocabulary you believe you know a lot of vocabulary but you haven't truly understood that vocabulary that's why I invite you to think about this studying long lists like crazy will not make you a fluent speaker okay now vocabulary is important to help you achieve that but at the end of the day but at the end of the day this will not magically make you understand native speakers if you don't understand the difference between knowledge and comprehension and understanding okay now your individual learning preference or your learning style okay this is how you receive information okay that's basically how you receive information let's picture your brain as a destination okay what's the best way to get there how can new information travel faster to your brain so by understanding your learning preference your learning channel it'll be easier for the information to get to your brain and stay there some people for example need to write something several times to be able to remember it other people hate writing and cannot really connect to this kind of practice by understanding how you learn faster and how you learn information it'll be easier to learn vocabulary and really understand how to use the words you study okay now let's take a look at the most common learning styles okay we have here auditory learner I am an auditory person okay now I'll just hurry people I'm not crazy don't think that they often talk to them self okay these are the people that you will see as you walk down the street and there will be like moving the lips they're thinking they're talking to themselves and sometimes they are not moving their lips quietly in many cases they are speaking out loud not too loud but they are quietly speaking things okay these are the people who love to read things out loud now for these people it may be difficult to just read okay they may have trouble reading and writing activities for them verbalizing information is the best way to go so here one thing I like to do when I'm studying because as I told you I am an auditory learner when I am studying new vocabulary I create audio flashcards so why use an audio diary app and there I create my flashcards so I make lists of words that I'm studying that I am learning that are important to me and I'm gonna talk a little bit more about that and then I practice describing those words creating examples but everything orally because I know that this is the best way for me to learn new words for me to understand new words okay visual people that can be linguistic you know visual linguistic learners or they can be visual spatial learners visual linguistic learners are connected to written language they learn by writing things down reading and writing works really well for these people okay this is the kind of strategy that you should adopt and how do you know your learning style start paying attention to the things you do everyday to the way you do things at work to the way you do things at home how do you learn something okay how did you learn things at school more easily more quickly more efficiently that's probably the same way you're going to learn the language okay that the English language or any other language it'll be easier for you to understand what kind of learner you are what your preferences are okay now visual is spatial in the other hand doesn't really enjoy written language writing things down they like to see things okay images and visual materials videos with a lot of images for them to see this can be a negative thing too because they can get very distracted alright these are the people who can visualize things very easily and they remember faces and even just more easily okay now if you're enjoying this video make sure to hit the like button I really appreciate it way to do that and if possible share this lesson with your friends I believe the information in this video can really help other people who are trying to improve their English vocabulary so that it can you speak more clearly and understand native or non-native speakers in English okay now kinesthetic people they touch they move they can't stay still this style can also be divided into two types movement and touch okay these people will lose their focus if they can't move if there is no external stimulation if there's no movement it'll be very hard for them to watch so how do you know you're that kind of person well if you're here watching my lesson and you're moving around maybe cookie made me do me something because you can't stop well there is a that's an indication okay doesn't mean you are but start paying attention I have a student who every time we're having a lesson he can't stop moving he's always moving something okay his movie and he's moving his hands because he's a kinesthetic person these kind of people can't stop and that's a good thing okay because if they do they will get bored and they will lose interest but this is also the kind of person that needs a lot of breaks you cannot go on for many hours you can't study for two-three hours without breaks you need more breaks than other people so if you're gonna study for two hours let's say one hour okay you need three breaks me before I am not exaggerating this is difficult for you guys accept it and have more breaks during your study time okay now schedule the second and I told you guys about establishing a schedule will help you stay on track okay most people in my online program in my Academy the real English Academy give me this feedback that the real English Academy really helps them with this schedule so that it can stay consistent so that they know what to do because it's all there they have a schedule they know what they got to do now doing that on your own is a little bit more challenging and this is exactly what is gonna help you succeed you also need to understand the importance of delaying gratification yes what is that our brain hates that our brain wants the results yesterday not now yesterday what are you talking about today that's too late so working to achieve your long-term goal of becoming a fluent speaker of improving mastering words in English will go against your brain nature I repeat this is your brain nature this is everybody's brain nature we don't like delaying gratification okay we want the results now we wanna feel good now okay and because of that when you set up a schedule for your short-term medium-term and long-term goals your brain will not really like that okay however by setting up this casual and every week following it it'll be easier to manage your brains constant in their desire to quit because if you never have a schedule and you have a plan okay you want to be fluent by the end of the year that's great I want to be fluent and you can do it I believe you can do anything you want but you have to work hard you have to do your part okay now you do that you have your plan but after that you don't have any consistent planning like what exactly you're going to do these steps what kind of exercises what kind of practices what days this is not clear so it'll be very easy ringg to manipulate you and make you quit and make you want to give up because it'll tell you look but we have no idea what to do come on this is a waste of time you've said it twice last week this week you have said it once this is clearly not working so let's go and let's watch Netflix yo by having a schedule it'll be easier to fight your brain nature you will never change that okay I repeat I have the same challenge we can't change that but we can manage it and having a schedule we help you become stronger okay does this mean you have to study every day no absolutely not you have to be consistent that's what you need you don't need to study like too much you just need to be consistent with your schedule and your schedule needs to allow you to follow what I like to call my spr system study practice review so I don't know how you're going to do this because I don't know how much time you have okay I don't know what your schedule is like I don't know when you go to school when you go to work when you go to the gym so I can't really give you a recommendation on that you need to sit down and think about it okay but what is the SPR system know this is not something I got in a book this is something that I put together it's not really a method it's just something it's just a sequence that I like to tell me students study practice review so you need to have this different moments in your routine studying really getting down to business checking examples checking definitions writing them down if you like to write them down recording your voice right speaking explanations that's study time practice time how can I include this in conversations how can I use this word it's time to practice I already know what it means so how can I create examples real-life examples connect things connected to my life that's practice time 3-4 days later well I learned amazing things but did I review them it's important to review because our brain is a little lazy takes a little bit of time to connect with the new information that's why creating real-life examples will make it easier for your brain to remember because when you create real-life memories things connected to things that happen in your life you create a stronger memories okay you need these three elements to make a strong schedule a strong vocabulary practice schedule okay some students worry too much about learning more and more and more words and they end up not remembering any of them okay that's why it is important to follow this system the SBR system you don't need to call it this system okay I like it how many days are you going to study how many days are you going to dedicate to each part is totally up to you be realistic with how much time you have okay don't go bananas and decide to study six times a week and then you can't keep your hand in the bargain your brain is going to tell you hey you can't do it maybe you should just quit so be realistic okay today I study pronunciation and accent sometimes twice a week sometimes three times a week it depends on the week but it's never less than that either two or three it depends on the week but nevertheless okay because I know about the importance of being realistic with my schedule and I'm just talking about pronunciation and accent I haven't told you about vocabulary about grammar reading listening because I have to practice all of these guys too okay the next element is clear vocabulary go setting students failure to improve their vocabulary level and finally achieve English fluency because they don't need they don't give the necessary importance to having a clear vocabulary go why am I gonna learn this phrasal verb because teacher pricks told me to no vocabulary goals needs to be connected to contextualized conversations new words should help you explain your opinions they need to help you explain your opinions your desires your fears your preferences cetera so many other things things that are important to you okay don't focus on the word focus on a conversation the words you need to talk about that subject will come and they are the ones you should study learn practice and review so think about the things you want to talk about and start having a mental conversation what words don't you know these are the words you have to study this is the best way to learn English vocabulary other than that my friends thank you so much share this lesson and I'll see you tomorrow for another one bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 18,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn vocabulary, vocabulary, best way to learn vocabulary, vocabulary in English, how to learn vocabulary in English, learn English vocabulary, learn English, English vocabulary, vocabulary tips, vocabulary lesson, English, teacher prix, how to remember vocabulary, how to master English vocabulary, improve your english vocabulary, english lesson
Id: Lpa4aJgrj9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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