Grammar in Action: Difference between Simple Present and Present Continuous

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hey student i am teacher prix adding this english lesson i'm going to teach you the difference between simple present and present continuous in conversation so that you don't get confused so that you don't make mistakes using these important grammar tenses anymore so if you're interested in learning that well this is the perfect lesson for you thank you so much for watching this lesson as i said i'm teacher prix and i help english learners talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english make their dream of speaking and understanding english become true so if it's your first time that is awesome thank you so much for joining people on instagram people on youtube people on facebook we are going to have a very nice lesson my friends now tonight we're going to talk about grammar in action so it's a bit of an active lesson i'm going to give you examples we're going to have some exercises yes it is gonna be awesome but as usual the first thing i'd like to know about you guys because you are here you are more important than anything so i care about you i care about knowing who you are you know so tell me who you are if you are a newbie a regular or a bsa if you are a newbie it means you're watching me for the first time or you've known me for a very short time you know maybe you watched one lesson but you are new in my channel okay if you are a regular it means you're always around catching live lessons maybe the replay maybe because of the time zone you can't see me all the time but you are often very often here but if you are a bsa ah man you are my baby my baby sardine in the area you are my student in my online program so it is an honor to have you here i love to see my bsa like moneta joining that is awesome bsa from the academy so identify yourself because that way i know who you are and tell me where you're from okay i'd love to know uh where you are watching me from so people on instagram newbie regular or bsa people on facebook newbie regular or bsa and people on youtube you know the drill okay now guys getting straight to the lesson we don't have time to waste look at the picture here on the screen people on instagram you can't see it sorry about that what is she drinking and look at the second question what do you drink in the morning okay so post the answers for me here in the chat what is she drinking what is the woman drinking and what do you drink in the morning i will give you some time answer this question in the chat now whether you are on facebook on instagram or facebook what is she drinking and what do you drink in the morning so the first question is about the picture the second question is about you what is she drinking and what do you drink in the morning okay sylvia i always watch you here so you are a regular so use your hashtag hashtag regular okay sylvia i see more bsa joining claudia hobbysong roger giuliani wow that is awesome more vsa jonathan that is a that is amazing thank you so much guys it is it means a lot to me so answer the question here in the chat people on youtube people on facebook lolanda says she's drinking coffee and milk maybe she's drinking just coffee maybe she's drinking latte okay coffee and milk excellent very good job and now yolanda what do you drink in the morning tell me here in the chat okay uh go diana no picture here because i'm only showing the picture on youtube okay but you can tell me the answer to number two what do you drink in the morning okay moneta she's drinking a hot chocolate and then you answer your question i drink coffee and milk very nice jonathan she's drinking you missed the ing in the answer okay a common mistake is students make when using present continuous they forget the ing she is okay drinking coffee so whenever i use present continuous i need to use the ing in the action verb okay not in the verb to be but in the action verb that follows the verb to be so she is drinking coffee okay maria says she's drinking a cappuccino and i drink a couple of tea uh in the morning okay that is awesome so awesome guys you understand keep posting okay i'll be reading some of your answers that is amazing i love to know what you drink i drink coffee and milk in the morning i love it but i occasionally drink juice okay but uh mostly coffee now guys focusing on simple present if there is one key word that you can understand from present is habit okay habitual activities so if you want to focus on something type the hashtag habit because that is all about simple present okay so tell me here if you understand habit that for simple present focus is on habit that's the hashtag you have to type to me here in the chat so that i understand that you understand what i'm saying okay so type habit here in the chat right now so that i know so whenever i focus on present i am focusing on things that i do consistently on things that happen consistently in my life not necessarily now but they happen consistently they happen maybe they happen rarely but they happen okay they happen every day maybe not every day but they happen they are habitual activities so i see some students understand they are typing habit okay adrian i am on youtube teacher pricks okay if you want to see these slides come join me awesome so if you understand type habit okay hashtag habit people on instagram habit h-a-v-i-t awesome so basically guys when do you use simple present for to describe activities that are always true the sky is blue i think the sun shines okay it's always true or things that happen regularly i have breakfast every morning i always drink coffee in the morning okay now a very important thing remember these spellings hearing this lesson i'm not going to focus on the uh i yes as explanations for he she it doing those in questions that's not the focus right now i have lessons here on my channel where i give the exact explanations of do does uh he she it the conjugations in the affirmative sentences the conjugations in negative sentences but the focus here is just to understand the difference okay so if you want a lesson like that i have more than one i have more than two i have more than three lessons i don't know the number but i have many okay so uh i use it a lot with question words what where when where where do you live where is your sister from what do you do well i'm a teacher what do you do i'm not going to ask what are you doing to talk about profession because i change the meaning and i will give more express explanations about that i also use adverbs of frequency and i gave you a lesson last week showing you usually the adverb usually okay but i have other adverbs often usually well usually is one always hardly ever rarely these are all adverbs that indicate frequency so whenever you want to indicate frequency simple present will be your best friend okay expressions of frequency okay every day once a week twice a month every year i travel once a year that's frequency that's an expression of frequency i have to use it in the simple present it doesn't make sense for me to say i'm traveling once a year no i travel and why because we go back to the habit habitual activities i always describe them in the present see i always describe them in the present things that are always true always true whenever i'm using always true whenever i want to describe frequency i use simple present always true or things that happen regularly okay regularity that these are very important words for the present i wake up at six in the morning i take a shower i go to work i answer emails in the morning i have meetings every week i i prepare reports for my manager i make presentations at work okay these are all regular you know consistent activities you do and here i also have lessons on my channel where i describe the position of adverbs it there are they are very nice lessons that i strongly recommend you catch they are here on my channel for free for you guys okay so they have a specific position and i told you guys about that last week so here we have a continuation yeah that's very important okay so i see more people understand are typing habit that is wonderful sami yolanda elizabeth excellent gabriela says she drinks coffee every morning and then she describes the picture she's drinking cappuccino wonderful guys and if you are watching this lesson and you think this is wonderful you know you are learning more important not this is nice teacher is nice no if you feel like you're learning something well type value you know you can tell me here value v-a-l-u-e if you think you are learning something important something helpful to you let me know that's how i will know when you type value to me now guys moving on it's time to show you more examples i don't have breakfast in the morning it's not true i actually have breakfast a very good breakfast in the morning tell me do you have breakfast daniella you said value thank you do you have breakfast in the morning let me know okay sylvia do you have breakfast in the morning now people here on youtube carla roger bsa my babies tell me here babies hobby song claudia do you have breakfast in the morning i want to know and hey bsa baby sardines we have conversation class tomorrow morning no tomorrow morning in the afternoon at 5 p.m sao paulo time zone so make sure to join me for a very nice conversation class babies it's gonna be cool now i hate sleeping late this is true about me i don't like sleeping late i like to sleep early okay regularity habits okay i don't check my phone before going to sleep this is a habitual activity that i don't do i don't check my phone before going to sleep lately this is not so true because when i do my meditation see when i meditate when i do my meditations i i need my phone so i use my phone okay my dog loves playing catch catch the ball i don't have a dog but my dog my imaginary dog loves to play catch [Laughter] now i want to see your examples people on instagram three examples in the present but here's the catch these examples need to be real need to be true to you people on youtube three examples but they have to be true to you one common mistake with english learners when they are studying grammar is that they just do grammar exercises but they never focus on using that grammar lesson to connect that grammar point with their life so here what i invite you to do in this moment is think of three examples in the present connected to you to your life describe something habitual to me in your life okay as i told you i meditate i use my phone to listen to audios to meditate in the morning and sometimes at night i don't have a dog so three examples that are true for you now here in the comments okay so people on facebook are you ready i wanna know i really wanna know i will be reading okay so this is the exercise grammar in action people on instagram i imagine you're typing so that's why we have a delay sylvia never go to bed before midnight really wow i'm sorry for you but do you are you a night owl is that why moneta i always have breakfast at eight that's wonderful let's see people on facebook i have breakfast in the middle of the day in the middle of the day i don't think it's breakfast anymore maybe it's a brunch all right let's see i do crossfit every day and i rarely awesome rarely i rarely go to bed early perfect position excellent daniella let's see i always get up at seven excellent smart good job i always well in the past i used to get up at five but nowadays currently you know in my lifestyle i get up at six i've been doing that for some time what is that i walk with my dog every morning before breakfast amazing madison are you a bsa tell me here i think you are a bsa tell me in the chat sylvia i always have breakfast at home wonderful wonderful yanni i use my phone just after i wake up to see if there is an important message excellent so you see it's habitual so you use simple present this is the real grammar in action i i think that grammar exercises can be beneficial okay but only doing grammar exercises will not help you speak in the real world these will help you speak in the real world posting your examples about your life like sylvia who does yoga twice a week that is wonderful like rubia who says she often gets up early like hobzon who says that he always feeds his cats before having breakfast true to you okay examples that are part of your life whenever you study grammar this is what you should do okay i play tennis every day and i always train i always work out okay that's better i always work out in the morning i check my messages take take care take care of my my plans and walk to work so remove the ing okay yolanda very nice moving on present continuous okay my my typing well i i put it uh the the font was too large but present continuous will be different the word is not habit that's not the key word your hashtag now is hashtag now okay present continuous focuses on now so if you understand that people on youtube people on instagram people on facebook type hashtag now all right that's the name of the game that's the name of the present continuous last name present continuous last name now and why is that as you can see here on this screen the dog is catching sketching the ball ah the ball and catching them all not me the dog sorry i get too excited sometimes i get too carried away sometimes now we will use present continuous not simple present forgettable present now for actions in progress at the time we are speaking okay right now now at this moment i am giving you a lesson so i should i should use i'm giving a lesson because i'm doing that at the time i am speaking okay so and another important difference important difference present continuous usually focuses on temporary activities not habitual actions okay this is huge all right so i see people posting now wonderful i'm happy you understand so i'm giving you a lesson now is a temporary activity but i can also say i give english lessons every week habitual i'm giving a lesson now temporary in a few minutes it'll be over maybe not maybe some more minutes maybe 10 maybe 20. we don't know and then a common question english learners may have oh like sylvia i'm watching you on instagram now you go girl you're killing it that's a good example now a common confusion students have is the teacher i see a dog on the screen in the picture and the dog is catching the ball why am i using simple present here present continuous excuse me when i am describing actions in pictures pay attention this is important pictures or paintings we use present continuous so here on the screen there is a picture and in this picture the dog is catching the ball okay you don't see it instagram but it's here people on facebook and youtube can see and this is sometimes confusing to some students because they think wow but can't i use simple present it's not happening now well in the picture it is okay every time you look at the picture it's happening so it is a way to describe the action in progress in the picture so in that case you will use present continuous okay very nice now there is a song that i really like from jason mars i think it's jason mars that's his name and in this song he sings living in the moment tell me here in the chat is it easy or difficult for you to live in the moment okay is living in the moment difficult or easy for you hashtag yes hashtag no okay and then he sings i'm living in the moment i'm living my life just taking it easy with peace in my mind got peace in my heart got peace in my soul whatever i'm going i'm already home i love this song it's so beautiful you can google it and you can listen whenever you feel down listen to the song it's so important and here he's describing i am living now i'm living in the moment i'm living my life and here he doesn't use i'm sometimes in conversations we remove sometimes in songs for example i asked hey what you doing answering some emails replying to some emails writing down some messages i could say i am writing down some messages but hey what are you doing oh drinking some water so this is common more informally and in songs just happen a lot so this happens a lot so he says i'm just taking it easy but he abbreviates to just taking it easy what are you doing oh just taking it easy you know cause life is good so he's living in the moment he's living his life he's taking it easy with peace in his mind he has peace in his heart he has peace in his soul so is a spirit you have some people believe it some people don't so whatever he's going in the current moment he knows he always home okay you know he's always home so i see that people that people say that it's difficult to live in the moment oh my goodness it's difficult oh my god excellent so it's difficult to live in the moment now i'm confused hashtag yes hashtag no because i gave you options so that was my mistake i shouldn't have given you options i should have just said to the is living in the moment difficult for you and i i imagine it's difficult for many meditation really helps okay assayed says i'm enjoying your explanation so enjoying in the moment living in the moment living my life taking it easy with peace in my mind my mind peace of my heart peace in my soul whatever i'm going i'm already home so i think that uh with whatever you watch today in my lesson there are such difficult times you know as hobbyism says uh have this mentality that live in the moment you know maybe right now things are going crazy things are difficult for you whatever you're from wherever you're living you know and it can be chaotic and be difficult so living in the moment can be challenging you know that's why investing in an online program is studying english focusing on improving your english can be so helpful because guys dreams don't wait don't wait for the perfect world to go after your dreams and if speaking english is your dream don't wait until the perfect circumstances the moment is now live in the moment enjoy the moment study now don't wait no but i don't know the economy the situation the crisis the forget the crisis leave in the moment enjoy live your life enjoy every second of your life and i don't know if i told you but it's my birthday today so i'm a a little emotional so i am living in the moment today i am 34 years old i'm living in the moment i'm living my life i am taking it easy i've got peace of my i got peace of mind peace in my heart wherever i'm going i'm already home now guys moving on important thing actions and no action verbs action noise there okay action and non-action verbs this is important because sometimes the students use present continuous with the wrong verbs i cannot use present continuous with all the verbs okay now verbs that describe actions eat sleep drink let's see what else shoot boom you know cook make you use in the present continuous it's possible i can using the simple present but i should also use in the present continue continuous i make lunch on the weekend i am making lunch now okay so thank you for the happy birthdays you guys are awesome thank you so much i'm celebrating my birthday with you all yo now action verbs are easy to recognize non-action verbs are verbs that usually describe feelings okay example love need be these are some known action verbs and here on the screen you can see more belong depend forget hate hear know like love matter mean prefer recognize remember seem suppose these are all non-action verbs and with non-action verbs we don't usually use present continuous and i'm a teacher mcdonald's loving it that's why i said we don't usually use there may be exceptions okay so this is very important yes natalia i'm a virgo virgos are the best yo virgos are the best now do you understand action and non-action verbs if you understand hashtag yes if you don't understand hashtag no okay so these are important now the verb think as viviani says may have different uses okay that's why i said that with non-action verbs we don't usually use in the present continuous there may be exceptions because as you know in english sometimes one verb may have different uses and because of that these explanation may change okay that's very important now moving on if you enjoy this lesson as a birthday present to me you have to share you know that's my birthday it's my birthday birthday i'm the birthday girl so share this lesson and remember my mission my purpose with this channel is to give to help and to expand that's why i'm here on my birthday because my purpose is to give my lessons to as many people as possible to help as many people as possible and as a result expand myself expand my knowledge and help you expand okay so when you share these lessons you are also following my uh my life's motto which is to give to help to expand so hashtag present hashtag share yo now guys moving on action and non-action verbs we continue the explanations okay now as i said some verbs may have a double meaning i have a cat i don't have a cat let's let's a more realistic example i don't have a cat in this example i don't have a cat it's not really an action it's a possession okay so i don't have a cat i am indicating possession i'm not really indicating an action but if i use have in another situation i can't talk now i'm having lunch in this case i'm having lunch means i'm eating okay eating i'm not i'm not possessing my lunch i am eating my lunch i'm eating my lunch i'm having lunch so i cannot talk right now so when you have this difference this may happen okay another example with the verb think as some students asked before i think opinion non-action i think this movie is great i think this song is great living in the moment oh that's awesome but the other example what are you thinking what are you thinking about now that's action you're using your head you're using your brain to think so then it's an action you are thinking about something we never stop thinking so when we have this difference then we may use present continuous i will come in future videos to talk more about action and non-action verbs but basically guys in a nutshell action verbs really indicate the word per se action sleep drink eat go travel these are all actions non-action verbs are usually connected to emotions feelings love okay hate like we don't usually use b verb to be i am a teacher i'm i cannot say i am being a teacher that doesn't make much sense as i said there may be some exceptions but in general we don't use them uh in in in continuous okay now we are gonna have exercise time and i will i ge i prepared nine phrases and you have to choose the correct alternative i will read all the nine sentences for you now and you have to choose if you should use present continuous or simple present as you can see it's highlighted in green you have the two options i will only read the phrases i will not give you the answers but teacher i need the answers and i'm gonna give you silly beans the answers are in my telegram after the class is over i will send a message on my telegram group with the answer key yes so when you finish the exercise come to my telegram the link is in the description of this video check my bio and then you can check the answer key because i prepared the answer key for you you silly goose now phrase number one pay attention susie decide what you want to have look the waiter is coming or the waiter comes susie decide what you want to eat the waiter is coming or the waiter comes number two peter is not wanting or peter doesn't want to talk about what happened so peter is not wanting or peter doesn't want to talk about what happened three i love your idea but it seems too risky but it's seeming too risky what is the best option far we had a fight last night so we don't talk to each other right now we are not talking to each other right now number five question do we need or are we needing do we need to buy anything are we needing to buy anything number six my dad thinks or my dad is thinking my diet is terrible these days so i'll repeat my dad thinks my diet is terrible these days or my death is thinking my diet is terrible these days number seven hey can i call you back i'm having lunch now or i have lunch now number eight i didn't used to like vegetables now i love them or now i'm loving them number nine hey what are you cooking or what do you cook it smells delicious ah so this is the exercise i'm gonna take off now and i want to see your answers you know here in the chat you can post your answers i will check the comments you can post your answers in the comments i love reading your comments after the live okay come post comments and share this with your friends other than that by instagram come to youtube you will be able to see the options more clearly okay thanks guys bye bye now people on youtube and facebook love you all bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 2,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, speak english, speaking in english, teacher prix, intermediate english, english for intermediate speaker, english lesson, learn english online, grammar lesson, english grammar, present and present continuous, difference between present and present continuous, present continuous and simple present
Id: SZLeaJF6Rww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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