Except Besides Apart From - What's The Difference?

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hey student watch this video and learn the difference between except for besides and apart from coming up hey friends nature breaks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English first of all thank you so much for joining me on another English lesson from Monday to Friday I have many different kinds of English lessons to help you become a better and more confident English speaker let's dive into the content except besides an apart from in English this explanation will be short and sweet so stay tuned are you ready huh before I move on to the first part make sure to download my free ebook the link is in the description of this video in this ebook I give five different strategies to help you better understand and talk to native or non-native speakers in English so make sure to check it out now guys first one except and here I will say accept or accept for both options are possible okay now and I apologise because there's there's this construction on my street they're doing something the City Hall is doing something again on my street so every now and then you should you should hear something something weird besides dogs and babies crying anyway except is used to introduce the only the only things or people or person singular plural that that phrase that statement does not include so the only thing I should say do not hear right do you only say no it's it doesn't the only thing that phrase doesn't include so I do I eat many foods except for eggplants I do not like eggplants I will eat any vegetable you give me except for eggplants I can't I cannot handle eggplants you you you tell me what is your favorite vegetable let me know here in the comments or in the chat if you're watching this video live ok so that's the idea of accept or except for I will show you when not to use except for ok here are some examples the price of this short trip includes all meals so when you travel when you pay for this trip all meals are included except for dinner so you can have breakfast you can have lunch you can have a snack in the afternoon except for dinner my friend then you have to pay out of your own pocket uh-huh this happens a lot everyone seemed happy with the news except for Jane she looked miserable so you see the only person not happy was Jane so the only exception excluding Jane everyone was happy not Jane she wasn't happy so she was the only person not included in the group of happy people okay so in the group of happy people she was not happy Jane was the exception I work every day except Monday yeah not true this example is not true for me I work on Mondays I work on Tuesdays on Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays and sometimes Saturdays how about you anyway except now with 2 plus infinitive there is a letter V missing pay attention to what I'm saying letter V in this light is missing with 2 plus infinitive to go to do to study and that clause that phrase is clause ok a phrase a clause it starts with that and prepositions you cannot use for you only accept okay I rarely go downtown except to see my lawyer so my lawyer is downtown so I rarely go downtown except to see my lawyer okay so this is the moment I go to see that James was dressed really well except that his shoes were dirty okay so this is a possible construction now teacher Prix is this construction very common not really but you can find situations when this is gonna happen that's why I'm showing you this this is not a lesson for basic students this is a lesson for a level when you will be able to use this structure basic students may not be able to use this because they may not have so many conversation subjects that will allow them to use this structure okay next example proposition the number of sales have increased has increased everywhere except in Europe okay so the number of sales has increased except in Europe everywhere except in Europe okay now besides you will use this word to give the idea of as well as or in addition okay always when you think addition to help you understand just to help you understand okay think of one more okay one more addition more so you will use this word to give the idea of as well as or in addition it's different from except for because except for means the only one not included okay so here example besides basketball besides basketball practice James does volunteer work every afternoon so he already let's think about this he already has basketball practice but besides that he does volunteer work every afternoon how cool is that do you speak any other language besides English hmm hmm so you already speak English now besides in addition to English you speak another language okay besides my usual morning coffee I need to start my day with a short meditation this is actually true to me okay besides my usual morning coffee I always have coffee in the morning I also need to to to start my day with a short meditation usually 15 15 to 20 minutes if I am really really focused 30 minutes but that is a really good day in general I stick to 10 15 minutes okay 15 minutes is the sweet spot all right so besides my usual coffee in addition to the coffee so I have the coffee okay now let's think another thing more MORE besides the coffee meditation okay and hey if you're enjoying this video make sure to subscribe to my channel yes I invite you to subscribe many people who watch my lesson who share who like who make who posts comments are not subscribed yet and when you subscribe youtube understands that this is a good lesson when you hit the like button when you share YouTube understands that this is a good channel and that it can help other people so make sure to subscribe and share and like okay now moving on apart from okay apart from can be used with the same idea as both except are besides okay so the apart from is very flexible you can give the idea of excluding or you can give the idea of including okay so it can mean except for it can mean besides it can give the idea of besides it can be it can be translated as considering not considering except for or including in addition so it is a very flexible word that you will need to interpret what it means because this word means both you will need to interpret the counter sation okay so always pay attention to what you're listening to the information the speaker is giving you okay so apart from can be used with the same idea as except for and besides okay so be very careful and interpret this situation but this is one of the most flexible ones okay I don't like watching any sports except for soccer no I like the Ultimate Fighter I don't like watching any sports apart from soccer okay besides basketball practice Jame does volunteer work every afternoon apart from basketball practice James does volunteer work every afternoon so here it gave you an example of excluding and in addition okay so you see apart from is very flexible okay you will need to you will need to interpret the situation so that it can understand what the person is saying all right now apart from or except for apart from can mean either including or excluding as I said I want to I want to emphasize this because I'm shouldn't confuse that apart from Spain we have also visited Austria and France so in addition to I put Germany and other why in addition to Spain not Germany in addition to Spain besides space so apart from Spain we have also visited Austria and France I like all vegetables apart from eggplants well this is true for me so excluding eggplants except for only means excluding okay I like all vegetables except for eggplants okay so that is a very good example I don't like eggplants do you like eggplants let me know anyway my friends if possible share this lesson with your friends thank you so much for watching hit the like button this really helps the channel and subscribe become part of this beautiful family of many many many many subscribers thank you so much and I'll see you tomorrow for another English lesson bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 3,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english lesson, teacher prix, study english, except apart from difference, except besides apart from, difference between besides and apart from, difference between except and besides, apart from in english, how to use apart from, how to use besides in english, english grammar, grammar, grammar lesson, except, apart from
Id: nn14z_Yh8-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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