Difference Between Prefer - Would Prefer - Would Rather

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hey student watch this video and learn the difference between prefer would prefer and would rather coming up hey friends teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english first of all thank you so much for joining me on another english lesson if it's your first time here thanks for giving me an opportunity to teach you make sure to subscribe because I have many different kinds of english lessons and from Monday to Friday I'm here to teach you something new now before I dive into the content and today i'm going to talk about prefer would prefer and would rather the situations when you're going to use them if there is any difference between them that's all you're going to study in tonight's lesson i want to invite you before i dive into the content to download my free ebook the link is in the description of this video basically this this ebook talks about five different strategies to help you better understand and talk to people in english native or non-native speakers and after you download the free ebook every week you will be getting a different email from me an exclusive lesson if you join now prefer guys i will start with the more basic ones and then i will move on to the more complicated ones but there you will see that there's not a lot of difference between them okay they're very specific but starting with the general one okay i can use prefer just the verb prefer i prefer you prefer he she prefers plus to so the next verb will be in the infinitive form plus to or i can use prefer plus the verb ing i prefer to study or i prefer studying when i use this structure i am talking about general preferences nothing specific okay i prefer to study i prefer to study in the morning i prefer studying in the morning okay i'm just talking about general preferences okay this is a very important aspect of prefer that means you can use this in many general conversations it's an easy choice okay now there are more situations when you can use prefer the next explanation i have here is prefer something to another okay this is a different structure let me show you an example i prefer when it comes when it comes to english i prefer listening to writing when i say this to you i'm telling you that i prefer listening not writing okay writing is not my my favorite activity if i have to choose listening and writing i prefer listening to writing okay so when i use this i prefer blah blah to blah blah i'm saying that i prefer the number one not the second one okay i prefer x not z okay that's my preference so i prefer oh my god my hair i prefer this shirt to the one i was wearing well i prefer this blouse to the one i was wearing yesterday okay so i'm showing you with this phrase that i prefer number one not the second so the thing that comes after to is the one that i don't prefer so i prefer blah to blabla in english if i'm talking about studying english i prefer listening to writing i prefer writing excuse me i prefer listening i like to do listening exercises when i'm studying writing yeah not so much that's not really my favorite activity how about you what do you prefer when it comes to studying english do you prefer listening to writing like me or do you prefer writing to listening let me know here in the chat and if you're watching the replay in the comments now i can also use i prefer to blah blah blah blah blah blah rather than this is a a structure okay it'll basically give the same idea as i prefer blah blah to to blah blah i prefer to drive rather than take the bus so when you go to work do you prefer to drive rather than take the bus or do you prefer to take the bus rather than drive let me know some people prefer to take the bus because then they can relax they can listen to music they can study and if you're driving you have to pay attention you cannot really do anything else okay i prefer to live in the city rather than in the countryside okay i prefer to live in the city to the countryside all right so this is uh a very similar idea so here i just repeated i prefer uh something to another it's an option that you have so here i'm just talking about prefer okay i prefer blah blah to something else i prefer to study english rather than study italian to be very honest english is my favorite language so i prefer to study english rather than italian that is true okay so you prefer one not the other okay i prefer to something rather than the other thing okay now if you paid attention the explanation is very basic students tend to confuse this but there's not a lot of information about them okay at least not for your level would prefer when i use would prefer i'm not really talking about general broad things okay i am talking about something specific a specific situation something that i want in a specific situation in a specific conversation so tell me would you prefer coffee or tea um tea please okay coffee please should we take the bus no really i'd prefer to get a cab you know i think it's better we'll save time you know if we take the bus we we might get traffic i i don't know i think it's better if we take a cab you may get a cab you may get traffic if you take a cab but hey we don't know so here should we take the bus this is a specific conversation i'm not just talking about my preferences about something no i am in a specific conversation someone asked me a specific question and now i am sharing my preference to that specific conversation okay so that's the difference when i use prefer and would prefer so I'd prefer to stay home tonight rather than go out okay is that okay with you so maybe your friend or uh your best friend or your boyfriend girlfriend husband wife they ask you hey how about we go to the movies well not right now because right now there is no movie theater that is open at least not in brazil everything is closed because of you know what we can't talk about that here but let's say i'm having a conversation so here i say oh you know what babe I'd prefer to stay home tonight rather than go out so i prefer to stay home not to go out so i'd prefer to stay home rather than go out so it is possible to combine both remember that when i use rather than is with the idea of not this okay instead of so i'd prefer to stay home not go out rather than go out okay with this particular structure i don't use ing would you i do i would prefer to i would prefer drinking a coffee i would prefer staying home no it's to i would prefer to take a cab rather than the bus i would prefer to stay home rather than go out so if this particular structure would prefer unlike prefer no ing okay i prefer studying i prefer to study so here in the situation the main difference is i'm talking about something specific it's a specific conversation and i am indicating a specific preference for that conversation for that particular conversation okay and hey if you're enjoying this lesson as usual i'll ask you i ask you to support the channel when you hit the like button youtube understand that this is a good lesson that this is nice and it's going to help other people so make sure to smash that like button and share this lesson with your friends on your social media now would rather huh would rather here's the interesting thing okay would rather and would prefer can be used to give the same idea okay you can go for it i would rather i would prefer it's fine the difference is the structure with would rather i cannot use to i would rather to go no okay with prefer you have i would prefer to stay home but with rather i would rather stay home so the idea itself the translation let's put it this way is the same but the structure the structure is different so i would prefer to take a cab but with rather i would rather take a cab no to i use the verb in the infinitive form but without to no to anymore goodbye to would you rather if i want to use a verb here would you rather drink you know would you rather have tea or coffee would you rather drink some tea or coffee coffee please so would you rather if i have a verb here if i want to save her because in this case i wouldn't need i wouldn't necessarily need to to include the verb but uh would you rather live in brazil or in another country oh priscilla you know i'd rather live in brazil because brazil is amazing good weather it's very good it's sunny here okay if you are using that different structure Janaina then yes rather than i prefer you know let's go back there i prefer to stay home rather than go out okay so instead of so with this meaning then you have to say rather than okay but uh here would rather is a different idea okay it's the same idea of i would prefer okay so moving on would rather negative form if you want to make the negative form of would rather you just need to include the word or you just need to include the word not next to rather okay so i would rather not you know babe i'm super tired i would rather not go out tonight you know um can we just watch netflix and chill of course i love netflix i love chilling so uh that's the the the idea okay uh now one important thing here that i i think i didn't mention i can say i'd rather stay home than go out tonight that's possible here the structures are a little different because i'm not using prefer i'm using rather so in this case since you asked Janaina in this case i i separate them because here i'm not using prefer so i would rather stay home rather excuse me i would rather stay home than go out so if you use the complete ones i would rather stay home then you can separate them than go out okay i don't want to go out i prefer to stay home but if you use the prefer then you will have the rather than together and no would okay and here just a quick reminder just repeating myself the negative form is i'd rather not and teacher what's the different the difference in translation no difference i'd rather i'd prefer they will give the same idea okay uh now different structure i can use would rather plus simple past yes but when i use this structure i'm not talking about past i'm talking about present okay and hey if you're watching this lesson and you think this is a little too complicated it's probably because this is not appropriate to your level okay this kind of structure is a very nice a very interesting structure but this is not a basic structure with the exception of i prefer i prefer to study i prefer to go out that's okay but i would rather i'd prefer with these ideas they are a little bit more complex they would be more appropriate to intermediate upper intermediate speakers okay now would rather plus past i can use the structure would rather plus simple past to indicate that i prefer someone to do something i want someone okay my preference is that you do something but the *structure* is in the past so here hey priscilla are you... my sister she comes home and says hey girl are you cooking tonight ah Paty i'd rather you made food tonight you made dinner so here i'd rather you i need the pronoun you, Joao, Maria, francisco the dog i don't know it depends on the conversation okay i'd rather you made dinner so my sister asks me if i am cooking dinner but i prefer her not me so i want her to do it so i say hey you know what i'd rather you made dinner tonight i'm really tired i'm not feeling so well as i know my sister and i know that she doesn't cook she would probably or she would probably order takeout because yo she doesn't cook and she can occasionally make rice and beans maybe a steak but i know that she would definitely definitely order takeout okay uh do you cook what's your specialty let me know here in the comments uh hey i'd rather negative form i'd rather you didn't tell anyone about that so maybe i tell you a secret i tell you something very personal very private something that is happening to me something that is making me a little sad and i i share this with you after i tell you i after i tell you the story uh maybe i'm saying goodbye you know hey goodbye i'll see you tomorrow then i can look at you and say hey um you know what i'd rather you didn't tell anyone about this because it's really private so i won't feel comfortable if you do that so here i'd rather you didn't tell even though it's in the past the idea is in the present so when i tell that to my friend i'm what i want to say is don't tell anyone i don't want you to tell people what i told you uh i don't want you to share this information with anyone okay so that's the idea of would rather plus past okay now this is important this is not a basic structure as i told you this is a more uh advanced structure that you can use in conversations and to find the right context to use this context to use this structure will require a more advanced level that's why i say that this is not so basic okay other than that my friends thank you so much i'm happy i was able to do a live lesson tonight thank you so much share this lesson with your friends let me know if you have any questions in the comments and i will see you tomorrow for another english lesson thank you and bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 7,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english lesson, teacher prix, study english, vocabulary lesson, learn english vocabulary, vocabulary, how to use would rather in english, would rather, would prefer in english, prefer and would rather lesson, improve your english, arn english, rather than, difference between prefer and would prefer, lean english, rather
Id: qyi-88ThkiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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