Tom Cruise Terrifies James in 'Top Gun' Fighter Jet!

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[Applause] it is 4 56 a.m i'm in burbank airport and i'm here because tom cruise has asked me to meet him here at 5 am when tom cruise calls you sort of have to say yes so james tom what are we doing here huh what are we doing we're gonna have a day really yeah we're gonna have a day it's surprised i feel like i'm being kidnapped what is happening all right look at this so where are we what's going on what are we doing last time we jumped out of an airplane did never forget it today we're gonna go flying well we just went flying that's what we literally just did but we're gonna fly back we're gonna have a top gun deck hang on so when you say we're going to be flying in that who's going to be flying i'll fly you in there but you're not a pilot you're an actor i fly your apartment right with all due respect you played a lawyer and a few good men i wouldn't want you to represent me in court okay i'm going to go up in a 75 year old plane with someone who isn't a pilot okay yeah that sounds like a good idea cool yeah i look forward to wait okay james where are you going we're in the desert i'm very excited that uh james is doing this was he the first late-night show that i asked hell no he was just the first one and the only one who said yes now what keep going what do you mean up onto the yes oh my god even this is terrifying ah so this is your seat belt okay you've got your parachute underneath it's not gonna happen but if it does happen if we lose an engine and it catches on fire and we decide we're going to jump out of the airplane i'll get rid of canopy i'm going to pitch the nose up 45 degrees and then i'm going to go inverted and i'm going to dump you out of the airplane [Applause] now when you dump out of the airplane here's your ring are you joking nice actually dumped me out of the airplane this is not gonna happen the plane is on fire but we lose an engine how many engines are on the plane one so when you say lose an engine you mean lose the engine the engineer i'm just gonna turn over and i'm gonna plop you out so you're gonna you're gonna plop me out i'm just gonna turn over i'm gonna plop you out you're gonna pop me out of the play just plop your head i don't want to be popped out all right you ready no not really no yet [Music] oh my god [Applause] oh my god [Applause] [Music] what do i do if i need the toilet you're gonna have to hold it on this flight don't worry about it oh my god oh oh [Music] [Applause] did great [Applause] [Music] you did good i mean the fact that this is your idea of a fun day out just tells me how different we are as a human being it'll get better the next plane has air conditioning i mean i couldn't run away if i wanted to now okay this morning that was fun that was easy 1944 airplane now we're getting into the serious top gun stuff you and i are going up in that today is all about training to prepare you to fly in that tomorrow morning okay i'm gonna you go do this i don't want to do it but i don't but listen honestly i don't want to do it i have no interest i have no interest in my goose when you say i'm your goose it makes me feel excited and then i realize that goose dies at the end of the film so you're the first half of the film you can do this feel that yes yep okay okay now if i'm pulling straight up mm-hmm you're gonna feel that yep okay now if we're pulling back you're gonna feel that okay negative g that's negative g negative g and then we're not gonna it's gonna be like that negative mm-hmm positively does that hurt at all or is that okay i mean it hurts my pride a little bit but it doesn't really hurt me physically we're going to get in the same position that we are in the aircraft okay i'm in front you're behind okay put your hands on my waist okay that's a higher pitched sound okay stay with me striking left breaking right right this cannot be the training this is reinforcing my belief that you don't have a clue what you're doing this is this is a conga we're doing the conga why can't we just spend a nice day we've already gone in one flight i didn't particularly enjoy it baby baby baby i need your love need your love i need your love neon earth okay right if we can't fly that until 6am tomorrow what do we do between now and then [Applause] [Music] yeah that's it i can't fly tomorrow hey i won't be able to fly with that now yeah no you don't want to look at it it's too bad ah that's probably a break it's a clue but it's a clean break i'll just hold it okay jackie chan cherokee chan vibes that's a shame i was looking forward to going up there well that's right we'll see how you feel in the morning [Music] yeah so i looked around i saw everyone's drinking cocktails or making cocktails so i said let's let's call the movie cocktail it's ironic it's in the movie mission impossible the mission turned out to be possible because i did it right and the same is it's true for all the sequels [Music] suddenly worried that we'll attract some kind of wolf this is just tomorrow eject a jack james take your speed check ah [Music] you go out yeah that's let's see that isn't a funny joke we were having a great time then and you've ruined it tom yes james if you kill me tomorrow i'll haunt you for the rest of your life james yep if i kill you tomorrow i'll be dead too that's a good point and thought though i love you tom thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at that yeah nice it's got my name on it tom oh cheers hang on wait i got it i got to adjust my goose and mavericks right yeah because that's my best look you look like a fighter pilot i look like a hamster i'm not going to touch the throttle here's the flaps i don't need to know about your flaps it's a fun day isn't it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here we [Applause] oh go tom this is a different level to that last plane i could take an in-flight meal in this plane today's music game got the same talk to me goose did you see these trees here right yeah i see the trees tom i'm not blind i can see the trees i feel like i could touch the trees look at that i mean look he says this is absolutely ludicrous this is the crazy down there this is the stupidest thing i've ever done let's see how close the wing is right there i don't want to see oh tom tom come on man we're like feet away from the edge of a cliff don't be stupid tom tom tom tom oh my god this is crazy that's just too much fun is it is that what you call it it's all about too much fun okay james i'm just gonna try something here okay just just hang on i just got sick oh my god what are you doing oh i'm just gonna check i just wanna i thought i saw something down here in the terrain yeah it feels i was just gonna [Music] oh my god oh my gosh hang on oh my god shut up shut up oh god [Music] you absolute bastard tom i've got an idea why don't we just fly straight for a bit just maybe head back probably head back imagine yeah we'll just we'll just fly straight just relax and just take it easy just for a little bit [Music] oh my god tom [Music] yeah we just got to check the airplane this isn't why then when i set a straight line tom what do you think oh my god [Music] someone might be done in a minute okay we're done well done well done oh my god [Music] oh thank god for that thank you god thank you jesus thank you goose [Music] oh my god i mean i love you and i hate you at the same time that was that was absolutely outrageous it's incredible you could be my wingman anytime i could be your wingman at any time you know what i think i'm good [Applause] you
Channel: The Late Late Show with James Corden
Views: 32,433,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom cruise, top gun, James corden, movies, comedy, fighter jet, air force, aerial dog fight, ice man, top gun: maverick, top gun maverick, tom cruise james corden, corden jet, tom cruise stunt, tom cruise flying, late late show, cbs, tom cruise james corden jets, skydive, tom cruise skydive, tom cruise jets, p-51 mustang, james corden planes, top gun stunts, tom cruise interview
Id: v1iZtBM23bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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