GRAHAM IMPOSSIBLE: The Best of Tom Cruise | The Graham Norton Show

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so you know when you're kicking someone in the balls they wear a strap a leather strap that they put in one shoe and it goes up all the way down through there growing all the way down to the other and there's a leather strap there so that you can really give them one you know I never knew that it's an old cowboy thing they developed so that they could do the kick in the balls and Newman did it for Butch Cassidy Sundance Kid so they pulled the strap out for the ball kick and I ended up having to do it like almost 50 times and my foot was swollen for a week from kicking the ball and of course we had to warm up you know I had to get the angle right and I just kept kicking him in the balls and like didn't we get this because my foot is killing would you throw we get it I would I like this one where I go like like like watch out boys don't fall in love she's gonna we're definitely not gonna be what shape's would you throw tom what shape were you what were you given classic it's like a little less gross [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I'm sure you all saw the footage in in it was on the papers and things online of the accident yes and I think we all kind of thought well how did you break an ankle thing that does it look like you should have broken your jaw or something I know everyone said that was the stunt I mean I'm gonna run across and hit the side of the wall and then pull myself over that wasn't the mistake so you're always meant to not yes land on the ruies okay so what you know you brought us some footage I think this is so cool to see this from the different angle this is what I I can't watch this most of it's fine there's one clip but I will warn you it's not for the screen no see I'm wearing two wires they're basically just safety wires because I'm I go at a full tilt and I'm sprinting as hard as I can and I hit the side of the wall and that's the stunt I hit the side of the wall and then I'm chasing after Henry actually and all his fault I blame you I can't decide the wall and then I climb up on the wall and I'm supposed to run Pascal okay so we've got this is the shot from behind you so this is you see the the speed and the momentum of the run and it's in London there we go so it's keeping me okay so here he goes but you think how did you break a leg so let's hook it up to the side just list it from the side this isn't about on the record so this is from the side here we go we shot it with three camera okay here he goes and boom now now we've got a camera which focuses on the foot now if you are squeamish don't watch this show it to me yeah I mean a bone doesn't pop out or anything but it is an odd angle for anyone's foot to be out you never have to do this yeah here we go here we go oh my gosh so he jumps that speed that momentum here we go and watch that whatsit here here is why here is why Tom Cruise gets paid the big bucks okay this is it from the front angle okay so you've just seen what's happened to his foot now watch this I knew I broke it instantly to town now anyone else ago well that's over no with the Blue Angels and then I went when we were filming I can my deal was when I made my deal I said I've got to fly in the f-14 I made it with the studio and I had to be filmed in the f-14 live and so I had to go through all the ejector seat training and I couldn't wait to fly so in the morning as their first pilot that I flew with his name was bozo gives you confidence yeah bozo bozo and we were up there we had five minutes of film and we had to turn you know we had to coordinate he and I and we had other airplanes coming in on us and there was air combat maneuvers and we very detailed briefings and everything so we're going out and we're just right you know I don't know a couple feet off the deck in the desert and we're just sweating I'm sweating in the f-14 and because we were doing heavy maneuvers and we did a really heavy maneuver we pulled like nine and a half G's and I you know you go out you've got a G suit on but you know you just kind of black out now when I came through it's like I had my my barf bag right here my side of the thing I was like okay so now I'm gonna go get it done so I could do the next take so I leaned down like this pulled it I was like just went down like this and he at that point decided to pull up pulled up so hard and for so long I mean I can't do it now my head literally was touching to the ground g-force it explained and that pushes the tops right here is going like this he's like you know I mean he was going up forever so finally he leveled off and I just I had the bagman and I was like I suppose him what didn't you see I like you get a check you didn't tell me you were gonna do that my head was like what he says yeah yeah they don't call me bozo for nothing no one properly told you the timing yeah the guy was over there and he said okay we're gonna go on three and he started going three two one I said whoa stop stop don't stop waiting you know we have explosions gonna go over my head and he said I said you just said on three he said well I meant three what what does that mean I said just everyone's please he was like 2:00 in the morning and they setting it up and there's broking there's glass and just tons of water and he said well I'm gonna Cretu one and I said tonight do I go then or do I go do I go on one like when do I go do I go on one are you gonna push the buttons it can explode on one it was you know it kind of looked at me like I don't know when you hear the explosion just go senior script something and you kind of think I'm not going to do that actually you know what that sounds too difficult too scary or have you just thought everything's just gonna go no let's do it is that for me yeah oh no I I don't know actually I really don't know I mean it's not like all those stunts and the things the sequences we kind of all build them together what about the Last Samurai with all those sticks like when you get are just getting beat up that was those guys were good they were really would they not hit you you know what he would just put it in enough I mean those you're like that hurts that hurts that hurts just keep talking tom keep talking so tom tips for Jamie before it's so what sort of a spatial expression should you go for forever feels natural just yet most important thing is don't get blown up put your brave yes you know you can't look terrified and I you're frightened but you're still brave yes frightened a brave what's the countdown is it three two one go okay so you're going on one on three I'm doing okay okay so it's three two [Applause] let's let's see it lets see it Jamie he's running he's running [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 4,964,705
Rating: 4.9346471 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Chat Show, mission impossible fallout, graham norton full episodes, graham norton funniest moments, graham norton full episodes 2018, tom cruise, tom cruise graham norton, tom cruise graham norton show, tom cruise graham norton ankle, tom cruise graham norton full show, tom cruise graham norton full episode
Id: 84ResX4tnEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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