Best of Kevin Hart on The Graham Norton Show

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[Music] what you performed with a seafood festival I mean fish what show you one know about was a cry that I had a crab fish and the beginning the stand-up comedy you're not you're not performing in in luxury you know venues wherever they feel they can build the stage and make money as where you going so there was a crab fest comedians tell people crack and prayer the best environment literally the frustration that comes from not being able to open a crack you're not funny at the same time up the chin here I remember hearing a woman's older lady who was like she was cracking crack this is how you Craig Craig I tell a joke and a joke doesn't work and I remember this lady just fun how a much rather be booth disappointment her voice she said baby it was I own no baby with my choice of life wrong you know look that the the hardship that I went through his help helped build me into the person I am today right I can take so much but I've been through it all I was I was hit in the face with a buffalo wing my shelves now there's no food it was it was a it was actually a male strip club they shut down for comedy for the first half it was ladies in there and you know it's just supposed to be us performing for these women that were roused up first hey I got on stage when they introduced me and as they like pull it out I say That's not me I'm not here I'm here to entertain I know who's got kids that stuff emergents a kid material just do from the back he was like that's enough he just do a buffalo with a deep voice I was like we throw it at the end of that I'm a man first don't disrespect me he stood up like I did it not I can't play - just taking my clothes off of it were both very competitive we know this right and at one of the things you both do online oddly I don't leave you ever talked about this but you both do it you post these kind of motivational speeches as long and they're short and punchy just to give people an example this is will and they were always done like this self-discipline is the center of all material success what is your contribution to the human family it just other people's opinions there's a really shitty way to determine how we feel about ourselves and that's all I'm going to say it both are similar there I would say slightly more aggressive here's Kevin doing some wake up there joy let's get back to smile let's get back to love them let's get that be positive don't do what they expect you to do do the unexpected so we have the idea we've asked the audience if there are any kind of issues in their life that they need motivation with something where you know their life is stopping them and you guys can push them over okay people do it can we exclude her brother okay so let's find out who we're going to first is it Galia Galia all right hello hello so now you have a fear you want to help egg it over right yes I'm scared of feet but I think but are you scared of your own feet any feet my own my friends any like I don't want to look at them see them you're touched by them okay okay so so gamma is is scared of all theatres off Fifi okay camera fives go camera five you know what it's it's what was your name acharya galia galia here's the best way to get you over your fear of feet you can't take steps in life without feet your fear is prohibiting you from progression yeah the minute that you can look at feet and understand their feet are simply will move you forward yeah you will put your fear behind rulz was like medication yeah ok let's go let's go check Jackson Jackson that Jackson is almost real so Jackson you need motivation because I'm lactose intolerant but I can't help myself I keep eating dairy I mean how good is a you can't you can't just give it up no you can't ok ok but you want to you want to stop eating dairy because it's bad for you yeah but you can't yeah look there's plenty of alternatives out there but let's be honest they don't taste as good okay what happens well basically after I ate it I'm the not so Fresh Prince of bel-air yeah okay okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go the opposite the opposite route here's my thing somebody didn't want to change but people want to do what you're supposed to do everybody's lactose-intolerant says you know what I'm lactose intolerant and I can't here's my feeling you get one life and if you want to blow your ass you get one life there's all set it does go out saying I drink milk as I loved it I am ice cube we could be related because apparently there's some Irish stock in your past no it could be you never know you have an Irish name do I it couldn't be more Irish there's no one told you that till now but you know I think my mother just liked the name okay that your christianism yes my yeah I think black people black people are notorious for picking things that they saw one day and say that's my baby name there's no amazing story behind that's not the case reading the paper and she was eating some cereal you you brought your kids back to Philadelphia but not fur like Kevin Hart there you brought them back to where you're from yeah okay was it less Preston why did you bring them back well you know I'm parenting is something I take pride in you know I want to make sure that my kids understand the value of hard working and what the meaning behind it should be so you know I don't want you thinking that what we have in our lifestyle is how it's supposed to be because it's not yeah there's a reality behind it so I'm gonna take you to where dad is from so we take a trip you know we take a real trip to Philadelphia and you know we land and I said I'll show you where I grew up so you can understand in your prime listen every lesson has a moment of disbelief just following for a second didn't start till we got off the got my car and start driving through the neighborhood routes then that's what it is where are you from we we pull up to my place and should I give this long speech it's like a moment like it's like 7 a.m. I got there when nobody would be there and I'm like look I didn't have okay look this is this is always this is the grass it's the city's no thing it's all the grass we had waited for the bus here I walked two and a half miles to get from here to where I had to go to meet my mom this was not a situations you were comfortable hitting like it done and my kids like this place is a piece of it's gotta work for let's go upstairs I literally had to stop the lesson Philadelphia sure let's go back home I'm just gonna show you books from now do your kids they aspire to be a performer like you oh yeah I'm in trouble my my kids are just like me take the cut my son my son is a little slower my daughter catch my son door somebody stupid stuff playing no you're not playing there just play with that stuff my daughter is just she's in love with what I do she fully gets it my daughter is is 10 years old and you know I'm big on letting my kids see me in my work environment whether it's on set whether it's on stage tour I let them be around their day so they can really understand what I do my daughter sits like when I'm on stage I don't let them they only allowed to watch the first 7 to 10 minutes of my show because that part's clean it gets filthy 10 minutes she just fits and she watches and she meets me in the house and my daughter's got a tight five minutes like introduce me like she's got it she's got my mannerisms she comes out to stage she's like what do you do wish your job was shot in Hawaii all the jungles in Hawaii which you loved your who you born in a way I wasn't born in Hawaii live there in San Francisco but I did a lot of my growing up there so yeah so it was amazing I don't know I don't think No this is my land I was beautiful beautiful you know mountainside and lushness and and we shot in this beautiful place called Kualoa ranch where a Jurassic Park the original dress part was shot and the ones after that as well and it was just amazing but you didn't like it he hated it no problem I didn't I didn't like it at all I mean outside of the spiritual ground said she took me to the Cuba myself love doing is really getting involved with the fans you know we love putting our feet on the street and really being active and interacting so we've been doing a ton of pop-ups yeah just delivering the movie the best of my ability which is live and in person and we're splitting all the tour mind is not true he tackled me from the back scared to live with one of the most frightening moments of my life yeah I think we might have another frightening moment for you this is a you in Manchester now do you even know the name of that show [Applause] do you remember to come up with this picture this looks like you've been photoshopped in Ruiz rules man feeds out big grew up there now to belly dance you think you can help me with that honey it's a very not a very ambitious bucket after boss Kevin is there any on your bucket list Kevin I don't I don't like to help death who made him when he was the president yes yes I did you know I call him a bo personal relationship no I did meet him and it was funny I go to the White House and the same thing he wasn't supposed to be there and we go and say he might and he comes out and I'm with my wife this is actually a very very big moment for me and my marriage because we're sitting together and he comes out with oh he's coming like that's him so we like move up so we can be at the front because he gives his speeches around the holidays and he sees me and he goes uh-huh Kevin Hart thank you for making time for me coming to the White House love you we love you and I said you got to be kidding he looked at me and and I had to plan so quieter to my wife I said but you want to give me in the house that's a good thing not gonna be like I'm a chill in
Channel: Manav Chitkara
Views: 4,508,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Hart, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton, Will Smith, Dwayne Johnson
Id: l78Nse_cQM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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