Gordon Ramsay's Favourite Simple Recipes | Ultimate Cookery Course

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He is a great chef and an excellent teacher.

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keep it simple in the kitchen doesn't mean you can't have amazing food that now only looks incredible but tastes fantastic too my first recipe is so easy it removes the stress from cooking and is a pleasure to make chili beef lettuce wraps the cooking should never be a chore the more you cook and what confident you become that way you actually start to enjoy it and that's the key to good cooking a bit of fun along the way this is minced beef and minced pork the pork needs to sit in there otherwise the beats gonna dry out really important to season the mins before when you cook it pan nice and hot touch of olive oil mince in break it up like that really help to sort of separate it so you can fry off with a lot of color just food just go through [Music] I start breaking that up most important to remember is mint is made up of cheek guts brisket belly short rib so it needs help and flying off the mints for color is so important this pan what an ass you're miss is gonna boil there's a hold the gray color on there and there's no flavor on your mint taste a little bit tastes delicious and seasoned easily see how crispy is going take it much further than you ever taken mints before nice and crispy smells incredible I'm draining it is crucial that keeps the mints nice and crispy and you get rid of that excess fat [Music] now let's wipe out the pan then Russia low gas now we're gonna add texture to mince finely chopped chilli ginger garlic and spring onions spring onions give this sort of mince really nice freshness because it just gives that crunch nice and thinly now I'll fire off the chilies the ginger the garlic first sesame seed order teaspoon only in garlic chilli ginger in Y that off nicely the sesame seed oil just lifts up the whole flavor touching brown sugar that starts to really caramelize the chili the garlic and the ginger mince in now my fish sauce that gives it the saltiness if you see now why it's so important to get that mince really crispy because nothing's going sogok staying really crispy fresh lime it makes the mince fragrant and then lime juice roll it and squeeze that in there incredible a bit salty but the heat forgot the sweetness now got this sitting this as well and then finally my spring onions in the right the last minute so I've got crunch in there as well smells amazing literally cooked the mince now with sort of 30 seconds to go get off and take it out looks incredible smells so vital [Music] to go with a chili beef I'm making a simple sweet and spicy dipping sauce so everyone can dress the crispy mint to their own taste dipping sauce TSP the brown sugar soy sauce is a nice sort of dark rich cover sesame seed oil the table spoon and just top that up with a tablespoon of olive oil that stops the sesame seed oil becoming too rich a teaspoon of fish sauce and then a touch of chili you leave the seeds in again on the heat in our sauce so impressive an amazing shaf centerpiece lime juice in in the coriander chopped it through once give that little mix up just check the seasoning mmm that's lovely that's enriched now the lettuce I'm gonna use baby Jan because it's really nice and durable sort of quite strong so you just sort of sit these nice trimmed lettuce leaves around now the exciting part sir take your lettuce up spoon in your mince and then little touch from dressing just a little drizzle nice and that's the secret of having good easy relaxed food is that you just help yourself food that looks and tastes a million bucks doesn't have to be complex this dish is as fun to cook as it is to eat [Music] what are the keys to keeping it simple is to prepare all the ingredients in advance more organized you are in the kitchen so easier couldn´t becomes here are three of my favorite quick recipes that would a bit of advance preparation are so simple to make starting with my easy fragrant fried rice first get preps chopped garlic ginger and chili keeping the seeds for extra kick sliced spring onions chopped spring greens and trimmer head of broccoli then whisk 2 eggs prep done stir-fry on add a good glug of oil to a hot pan garlic ginger chili next the spring greens and broccoli add water to steam [Music] then cook rice this dish is perfect for using leftover rice make a well add the eggs spring onions and a dash of fish sauce [Music] scramble then mix season [Applause] top with lime and spring onions my fragrant fried rice made simple with advanced prep and ready in five minutes my next recipe it pays to get prep for is garlic and saffron mayonnaise first get your ingredients two hand eggs should be out of the fridge and at room temperature soaked saffron in warm water saffron is the most expensive spice in the world made from the dried stigma of crocus flowers but even a pinch gives a fantastic taste and a wonderful color next separate three eggs put the yolks into a mixing bowl add Dijon mustard finely chopped garlic the drained saffron and a squeeze of lemon then mix whisking constantly and oil slowly it won't take forever for perfect flavor use half olive oil and half best law when the mayonnaise comes together season a smooth thick consistency means it's done top with saffron rich delicious and perfect with everything from seafood to sandwiches and chips my second recipe garlic and saffron mayonnaise easy to get right as long as you planned ahead my final dish that's a cinch to cook with a little advanced prep work is mussels with celery and chili [Music] first prep the veg chopped spring onions shallots a clove of garlic and chilli to taste then thinly sliced celery at a bay leaf and thyme bed ready at oil to a pan and fry [Music] season then add mussels and stir mussels were my favourite shellfish cheap healthy and delicious cover and sting for a couple of minutes as the muscles open add vermouth an aromatic fortified wine [Music] and 150 mil of dry white wine on a high heat reduce the liquid to create a source discard any muscles that are still shut [Music] then finish with creme fraiche and chop parsley [Music] minimal prep and cooked in less than 10 minutes my muscles are celery and chilli impressive affordable and super speedy make it simple in the kitchen by prepping your ingredients in advance and I promise you'll find these three recipes a pleasure to make don't need to spend a fortune on masses of kitchen equipment this is my quick guide to kitchen knives basically three knives a heavy duty chopping knife followed by a small paring knife which is brilliant for prepping vegetables and then this baby here a serrated edge knife and for carving and slicing basically that is it before you buy a knife hold it in your hand and make sure it feels right for you the secret behind a great set of knives is in the handle if you're comfortable holding the handle your cutting can be so much easier the firm of the grip of the better for chopping the heavier handle and more control we've got over the blade with these three knives you can't go wrong my next recipe is easy and a pleasure to make if you organize with everything ready in advance [Music] miso poached salmon with Asian vegetables organization is key in the kitchen take a couple of minutes before you start and set yourself up make sure you know everything is stock spatula pan etc it becomes less stressful but more importantly the end results are incredible first off get your pan on whisp and stock start off with this amazing fermented soy bean puree into the pan three nice tablespoons gas on now get your fish stock and whisk into the puree be generous with the stock you want this nice light broth basically you can buy miso paste from big supermarkets and it was brilliantly with salmon poaching the salmon in the miso stir gives it a really nice sort of sweet earthy creamy flavor it's incredible to bring up to the ball could infuse the broth and make a little bit more fragrant kaffir lime leaf is bay lemonade in size the miso broth then chopped chili chilies in and finely sliced ginger that's simmering beautifully now we're post the salmon poaching means cooking it in liquid first cook gently and the secret here is to keep that salmon skin on if we took the skin off now the salmon will actually break up whilst it's poaching skin side down just going to slide that in under nice minute that stop starts boiling turn it down let it simmer take a little ladle and just every couple minutes pour over that makes sure the top of the salmon is cooked evenly and then keeps it nice and moist and poaching is one of the most delicate ways of cooking so you have to handle it with care whilst the Salmons poaching and the miso broth start preparing your vegetables I'm using tender stem broccoli and bok choy I always like to cook the leaf and the stem separately the leaf is like sort of spinach and the stem is so much bigger it's almost as thick as a stick of celery so I like to get the stems sliced it just sounds like that nice full of Christmas place the leaves together nicely roll them up nice and tight and then slice them down now our salad already the flavor in that broth has been elevated now it tastes really fishy got the heat the chili spiciness the ginger and the kaffir lime leaf take your fish slice and place it very gently underneath the salmon and push it down fish slices are flexible for that reason bend it lift it up just touch looking for a springy firm texture just sit on top little touch other broth over it it stops it from drying out leave that to cool down for two minutes bring the stock back up to the boil broccoli in bak choy stems in little taste [Music] it's get better and better and better cook the broccoli and the bok choy stems for one minute and then add the tops in turn the salmon into your hand just peel the skin off the skin also helps to keep the salmon nice and moist then gently flaked the salmon that's the secret behind poaching everything just stays so moist wonderful long shards of pink now just before surf we're gonna add our mushrooms these are enoki mushrooms you could buy these in Turkey mushrooms in big supermarkets and good grocers you slice them off and put half in and the other half I serve with the salmon toasted sesame seed oil but a little drip in there just rub and you're just lining almost like a little coat of varnish start off with your mushrooms and then my salmon for nice layers and then finally the mushrooms top with the vegetables and then finally a nice ladle damn beautiful really sumptuous rich stock lovely and that isn't amazing miss ooh poached salmon soup simplify your cooking by getting organized an amazing food will be coming out of your kitchen every day and for great food you need great ingredients next up my shopping guide to getting the finest fish well I buy my fish only one the freshest and the best and if anyone knows how to get the best it's Roger Kent Barton he's been buying and selling fish and the world-famous Billingsgate market in London for over 50 years I love it I think it's the greatest food of all time oh I so literally every variety there is I could feed you a different fish 365 days a year this guy really knows how to sniff out the good from the bad Oh fish smell different the longer it surrounds the more fishy it will smell when it's lovely and fresh it doesn't smell whenever you're gonna buy fish don't be frightened get your nose right into it don't go like get it into it smelly smell sting like it smells so I call cemani and it's lovely Farah Mundi it's a lovely fish the way to tell good fish is look at it closely it's shining it still got the bloom on it his eyes are bright as yours look in the girl love iane Reds put it in a bag for the gentleman please people should always be asking about their fish what kind of fish is it whereas it comes from a nice salmon 19 bound it's a bargain at 20 pounds Rogers right that one's brilliant value and a great all-rounder really healthy and super delicious here's a quick look at the different cuts and how to use them [Music] whole salmon always impresses it's fantastic stuffed and steamed either in a fish kettle or in the oven wrapped in foil steaks are great value and brilliant baked a side of salmon is perfect for poaching home curing of bacon in pastry the fill it is so versatile easy faster cook and great for pan frying smoked salmon delicious cooked or raw I love it with scrambled eggs broadly there's white fish and this oily fish they come under two different sections here we have white fish it's lovely its cogs it's the best car in the world it comes to a place called Peter head it's nice and white the whites of the better one of the most all official fine Michael there it is lovely color with most fish the fresher they are the harder they are if you're not well and you're ill have a Macbook sprats otherwise known as top axe here we have flatfish and these are known as place as you can see they've got spots the redder they are the pressure they are it really is a lovely fish story King George couldn't have better for fish fresh enough for royalty follow your fish mongers advice and you'll never ever have another dodgy Dover sole again [Music] next my tricks the trade and kitchen tips first how to chop an onion this is the root that's absolutely crucial leave that on there if you cut that off the onion will start to bleed and you'll start crying rapidly slice going forward that weight of the knife do the work three fingers one in front two behind and this part of the knuckle is gonna guide the knife fingers on top of the onion point the knife towards the root and try to get as close to the root as possible nice long stroke and then push the onion back together push the knife halfway in to the onion slightly tilt the knife down one at the top and then gripping the onion like a tennis ball holding it together in place with the weight of the blade to cut through that onion to get to the base of the root again turn it round up and down motion and that's what we're left there no waste just the root and look there you've got a really nice finely chopped onion so much great cooking depends on starting with a high enough heat if a recipe calls for a hot pan put on early so it gets smoking hot and always remember to pre-heat your oven at least 20 minutes before cooking a clean cook is an efficient my tip for tidy cooking area is to always have a waste Bowl next to you it's saved you going back and forth to the bins never add salt eggs before cooking them because it ruins the texture and dulls the color instead save your seasoning to the very end [Music] the key to cooking meat is to make sure it's at room temperature before you begin cook straight from the fridge the muscle fibers will be tight which results in tough meat and always let it rest afterwards so relaxed is becoming tender and juicy [Music] follow my ultimate cookery course crammed with key lessons top tips and a hundred recipes to stake your life on and you'll literally be cooking yourself into a better chef many of these amazing recipes are on my app please check out the App Store for details go on get cooking
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 3,714,559
Rating: 4.9386096 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery course, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery course s01e01, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery course episode 1, gordon ramsay ultimate home cooking, gordon ramsay ultimate fit food, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery, gordon ramsay ultimate cooking course, gordon ramsay salmon, gordon ramsay salmon recipe, gordon ramsay cooking tutorial, gordon ramsay cooking tips
Id: EVpBQPw6xTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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