American Inspired Recipes | Gordon Ramsay

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first up eggs bait in hash browns the secret of a great hash brown are the potatoes i prefer using really nice waxy potatoes they cook better but more importantly hold themselves together we're not gonna slice the onion all the potatoes but we're actually gonna grate them the potatoes get really nice and crispy i mean seriously crispy now the onion that way you get that nice balance of that onion flavor running through every little shard of potato [Music] season with salt pepper olive oil and km give that a really good mix through and then squeeze all that water out and look at all that juice we squeeze out there really important the more liquid you remove the crispier your hash browns will be nice large pan put that on once the pan's hot pour in a good glug of olive oil [Music] that sound confirms how important it is to have your pan nice and hot so it seals the grated potato onion together so take the spoon and just pat it down what we're trying to do now is get it really nice and compact going around the outside of the pan with little flecks of butter you just slip them down the back gently and that gets the onions caramelised here's a great tip for turning your hash browns over quick and easy take a plate place it on top and just flip it over and then slide it back in very quickly you see the color we've got on there now got that nice crispy texture of the potato i'm going to use the hash brown as a bed for my baked eggs crack in your eggs nice and gently just a little sprinkling of the cayenne to make the eggs a little bit spicy then into a preheated oven for six to eight minutes meanwhile onto my bacon and i'm giving it a classic american twist now one thing i could never get my head around when i first started eating lots of american breakfast was the sweetness from the bacon i've grown up to love that combination of smoky sweet flavors and it's so easy pan on and simply heat olive oil brown sugar salt and pepper and butter bacon in and as it cooks it becomes irresistibly caramelized and golden brown tofu gas and my glazed bacon absolutely ready beautiful now my hash browns and baked eggs are ready wow look at that beautiful just put your spatula underneath there onto your plate and that bacon sets beauty on top of the baked eggs and that hash brown underneath and you can see why the best breakfasts in the world are always in america [Music] this is an all-american superhero offer breakfast eggs baking hash browns with glazed bacon when it comes to cooking techniques barbecue is virtually a religion in america especially in the southern states down there the real barbecue pros use big open fire pits to get huge joints of meat super succulent and fantastically perfumed with smoke and spice so my ultimate american dinner has to include an amazing mouth in the mouth barbecue beef but i'm doing it the easy way cooked in the oven low and slow we're creating barbecue style beef brisket with crunchy coleslaw and sweet potato wedges which will be right up her street holly now you love barbecues right so you're gonna help me barbecue this delicious piece of brisket brisket look at it beautiful it's a very tough cut of meat so it needs to be cooked slowly so it gets really nice and tender are we barbecuing it outside we're gonna actually put the barbecue flavor on there but we're gonna cook it in the oven okay so mustard powder okay here we have some celery seed next a little bit of salt in there okay what's this here cumin two again nice good now this one cayenne pepper absolutely right right two teaspoons of that in there as well good now what i want you to do fresh pepper on there i'll give that a little mix roll up your little sleeves and then i want you to rub all that spice into the brisket almost like you're massaging it in there good girl come on holes get your hands nice and flat on there good girl now that's nice and coated okay in the spice so gas on roasting tray on what we've got to do now with all those spices is sear them in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into the tray well done okay good that's getting nice and hot now and you get your brisket and all that spice lay that in there nicely okay so now we'll start coloring it as you start to sear in you smell those spices yep all that spice left on the plate we're gonna use yeah i want you to get the onions nice and carefully slice them down not too thin but just like you're chopping them take your time smell those spices now good girl thank you wash my hands i can rub my eyes damn holly was homework that bad no the onions oh no don't rub your eyes don't rub your eyes we've got the colour on the brisket okay yeah take that out literally for 30 seconds okay onions into the tray please nice you see it's starting to smell slightly barbecuey already give that a little stir nice now one nice tablespoon of brown sugar what does the brown sugar do dad so the brown sugar you're gonna start caramelizing the onions right from there my bay leaves in please good girl oh yes please right you want to take over good careful that tray is very very hot a tablespoon of tomato puree roast that off at the bottom of the tray to really rub it in amongst the onions good girl now look at the color of the onions right now time for a little drink for the brisket okay one bottle of earring please so you go in you put yours in there i'll put mine here good good health to you and your brisket good health bring that to the ball okay now this is where it gets really exciting i want you to lift the brisket up and put it on top of the onions in she goes good girl and then i want to pour the stock all the way around please i'm using beef stock but it will work with chicken stock or even vegetable stock once the stock has come to the boil cover tightly with foil and just pinch in the ends fat that down and then you just twist all the way so that's nice and tight that's the hard work done thank you simply pop it in the oven for three and a half hours and as it cooks you can get on with the side dishes first job sweet potato wedges with some serious flavor start by making a spice mix in a dry pan toast coriander seeds until beautifully aromatic then put them in a pestle and mortar add salt and grind [Music] next smoked paprika dried oregano cayenne pepper and mix spice mix done now simply cut your sweet potatoes into wedges toss in olive oil and thoroughly cover with the spice mix onto a baking tray and into a preheated oven for 30 minutes turning halfway irresistible sweet potato wedgies are ready now to finish off my beef see that smell just sort of travels everywhere oh ah now look at that so we can leave that to rest what does resting mean resting means where you've cooked a joint and you just leave it to relax so it'll make the meat so much more tender okay right coleslaw traditionally you would mix slaw with what mayonnaise that's right very nice this time we're gonna do it a little different so i'd like to put the yogurt into the bowl for me please all of it i'll start slicing the white cabbage and the red cabbage now from there a nice tablespoon of mustard in there please give that a nice mix up nice little touch of salt and pepper okay now a little cider vinegar so a little splash of cider vinegar in there okay as i shred this okay i'd like you please then to get the red cabbage and just open up into that and mix it in at the same time and then you fold that in there as i start shredding see how it's coming together yeah right that's all the red cabbage now the white so you've got that nice vinegary tartness to the slaw and the yogurt keeps it nice and fresh last little bit in one more little thing so put some nice chopped fresh chives in there and that will give it this nice light onion flavor so chives in [Music] how's that now taste it with the chives in there delicious so i'd like you to fill up the bowl i'm gonna very carefully lift out my brisket how come is it shrunk it's been in the oven for nearly three and a half hours so it's been cooked slowly that sits on there oh my goodness me let me just show you what this looks like i'll start slicing it and see how soft look at that and here's the thing about helping daddy cook here's the perk you get to taste it first before anybody that is so good that tastes delicious see all that wonderful flavor in there last job is to create an incredibly quick and delicious sauce gas on and reduce the spicy juices and onions the beef cooked in then add in cider vinegar and you've got a brilliant tangy barbecue sauce that smells nice doesn't it wow that is brisket and a half now the rest of it can go in the gravy pot that's a really nice rich spicy barbecue onion gravy that my daddy is the perfect way to serve brisket right you ready if you carry the sweet potato for me i've got the brisket wow let's go donny well done by the way thank you this is a real american beauty gorgeous low and slow cooked barbecue beef brisket with three potato wedges and yogurt coleslaw you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 504,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay brisket, Gordon Ramsay bbq, Gordon Ramsay america, Gordon Ramsay american recipe, Gordon Ramsay breakfast, Gordon Ramsay hasbrown, Gordon Ramsay coleslaw, brisket, bbq, american bbq, american brisket
Id: ak2zvcmX7tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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