Gordon Ramsay’s Top 5 Steak Recipes

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Thats how you eat a fillet. *zooms in on face * "FUCKING DELICIOUS"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mkali999 📅︎︎ May 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

absolutely magical

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QUEFFARONI 📅︎︎ May 14 2017 🗫︎ replies
for the main course remember and olive all - hot pan remove the fat for mistake roll out thin and feeding by quickly on both sides then set aside into the same pan add chopped slots and seasoned apps like mushrooms Inaba butter and crushed garlic then add a splash of Worcester sauce and Dijon mustard pour a dash of brandy and flambe once the alcohol has burnt off squirrel the juices add the cream and stir in chopped parsley return the steaks and cook espresso potatoes heat oil slice the Powerball potatoes in half and place cut slide down season add crushed garlic and rosemary plate up and spoon the sauce over the steak steak Diane with soda potatoes and peas done and it'll be one of my favorite cuts of all time packed with flavor salt pepper hot pan olive oil make sure you get a really nice color on the steak garlic rosemary thyme bay leaf chicken stock the secret isn't even nice and moist [Applause] Rhett whilst the state's absorbing the stock when I made the gremolata lemon zest parsley capers season mix those packed with flavor the charm [Music] gremolata sauce olive oil laughing my perfect way of eating facilitate [ __ ] delicious ham roasted filet of beef with gamma Lata done and now for my wild card I was fed up with her unbalanced boring gluten free diet she may not have eaten meat for three years but now she thinks she's ready to give it another go so I'm thrown in at the deep end with a delicious protein rich steak and I see the kind of beef it's red in Asia yeah it's fed on grass in the summer Swedes and turnip in the winter so it's a proper organic beef when I did eat me over to try and eat organic I don't like the way no was a mass-produced you know stand strong on that one nor do i how'd you like your beef how'd you like it cooked medium yeah yeah fine so what could be things ever okay for the dressing Sherlock I believe that good quality lean meat is a key part of a healthy diet so I'm hoping this dish will help Hannah back on the road to recovery and over the safe a delicious tarragon dressing should make her first finish taking years and it will easier to deal with that's what a spicy marinade targa we just cut one Valley I give it a stir and add to the steak delicious I'm going to do a spoon that over so the beef starts to cool down we absorb all that amazing flavor finally finish the console with coriander and is ready to go [Music] yours media I can't believe you can put so much different flavors and tastes Assunta counselor I don't quite manage to take on the base you put the most amazing energy into looking after these animals so you need protein yeah I'm feeling good better salmon do you think I'm almost off of me it's not quite ready for the the red meat don't you worry about that I'll eat it if you want a new twist on a favorite dish spice it up with chili my next recipe it's super simple to make but has wonderful depth and complexity of flavors spicy beef salad chili if you use them constantly that can really add a new dimension to the style of cooking but the real trick is finding that balance of flavors that really suits you because that's the most important so this is the most amazing sirloin you can see it's got that wonderful marble for me the secret behind this is cooking it quickly seasoned steak generously salt and pepper push that seasoning in to the third line take the third on average literally 20 minutes if we won't cook them so you get such a room-temperature they cook more evenly but more importantly you can actually season right inside the steak it's a little bit of fat down here seasoned that as well because that is what we want to roast and get that really nice and render olive oil in a tablespoon roll that rounds as it starts to smoke in with the steak into pan and lay away again into the pan and lay away if you don't hear that noise the many of those states with the pan don't put them in so they think we're now getting that color on the steak turning it once and once only and cooking it for two and a half minutes each side what I want to do is to get that but a fat render so it adds a lot more flavor its hold just take down like that and that starts to melt the fat which makes it so much more tender there should be no white fat left anywhere turn them over really important to have that steak up to room temperature before you start cooking it so the inside is nice and warm so we spent less time in the pan and more time cooling down really important now to fingers touch it goes in just rare I'm happy to be rare because by the time I let them rest then we go back the medium rare or continue cooking out onto the plate and let them rest one so you get my juices over don't waste that really important next the spicy dressing take the seeds out of a chili to reduce the heat by rubbing it in your hands and tapping until the seeds fall out cut in half and just chop it thin garlic and chili works brilliantly a quick way of peeling it get your knife and just slam it down pops out very quickly in little touch a salt rub start going around the circle space and see it puree nice hit it off now if we've got the heating there from the chili and that richness from the garlic 2 teaspoons of palm sugar this is where it starts to have that nice sweet sour effect fish sauce fresh lime this is a simple fresh chili dressing and it was something I fell in love with in Vietnam and Cambodia because it was just so easy give that a little mix uses all the sugar quick taste mmm Wow right vegetables a great fuss free way to get super thin ribbons of carrot is to use a veg peeler when they're that thing they take the vinaigrette so much better and radishes just slice them down at an angle [Music] Robert give another dimension of this Alice reads a banana a lot they are incredibly mellow sweet across to chop up the Shalon and mix that through what some sweetness in there now that will bind tomatoes slice them in half tomatoes in shallow radish carrots and tomatoes next peel and slice cucumber chopped spring onions and shred baby gem lettuce and finally there's a fresh mint as young men so you don't need to take all those stalks off you do is hold a bunch upside down and then take it for a little trim and just chop that one through you know that nice mint is Salle's color tale screams of dressing don't flood the cellar with a dressing nauzad but we can't take it away now really mix that dressing in there make sure all that chilli and garlic and palm sugar wraps around the sellers beautiful on to the plate because things rest it now nice and medium-rare a little bit of fat where you want to find that in the salad just slice that off that served its purpose it's kept that staying nice and moist just slice then with the grade almost like slicing through butter not in size beautiful pink it's like to be too thinly then it goes stone-cold and more importantly all the goodness runs out of it nice thick slices get the beef start placing it around you sell it take a little teaspoon on your dressing the rest of your salad bit back on top we'll finish it off with some toasted peanuts eat up then now there's not a really toasted nut despont get on a pan and just crush what does cool down just run them through with a knife you can hear our quads they are another texture another taste the phallus and then from there sprinkle and then finally say that just finish with a little tablespoon of that sauce and there is one tasty very well texture spicy beef sellers [Music] steak sandwiches for me the secret of a great brunch is fun and casual fuss free cooking and everyone helping themselves this is the ultimate steak sandwich you want the rolls-royce of beef it has to be Phillips now seasoned it beautifully I like to open up the top of that mill to increase the size of the tip in the steak so it gives that for the heat I think chunks you just roll now nicely all the way around now slice the garlic in half pants nice and hot olive oil in hold the fake and just place it into the pan don't drop it at the front of the pan there's still the Pam Ford took the back of a sage jewel surface now roll it back and stare underneath neck my garlic and roast that garlic thyme fry that time I want to hear it we're not looking for a lot of color cause you're going to dry out and fill it so just one end send it back down and stare the other ending lift up your time place it on top of the garlic there they stopped you fill it and put that on top of your garlic butter in take a spoon fills the pan gently lift up and bake but that printed garlic lime flavor the things of a cook evenly because it's down a little a little bit in the oven eight to ten minutes pan on the relish you think of a steak sandwich you think of a sort of nice heated tomato relish to make the relish finely diced red onion ring finger rule one in front to behind through from shop Wow next roughly chop a Chile keeping the seeds in for extra heat but offer the olive oil into a pan onion chili generally olive oil when I sort of rich silky relish from there so your closet you can't just use red tomato for these yellow and red make a perfect combination now put a salt in red and then roast those can either go take your wooden spoon and just pull up break them up on some skin blister the holes Martha just started to release all that really nice sweet texture that was teaspoon show vinegar gives that nice acidic balance the sweetness of its masters turn down the gas and just let them sort of stew perfectly now steaks damage would not be complete unless it had the most amazing mustard mayonnaise simply have three tablespoons of mayonnaise two three teaspoons of whole-grain mustard [Music] I've got the relish almost down to like a really nice Jam now I want to make that relation a litte bit more fragrance some basil slice it through spring front as we know beautiful I'll give it I see if my crowns on trying to take it out now is incredible just safe one more time but it [Music] such is quite soft in the center so coming up the mid-rare let it rest the same time you cooked it it'll be nice and pink evenly throughout the stage to make my sandwich I'm going to char grill some sliced G patter bread seasoned it nicely just a little drizzle of olive oil I'll get that bread nice and crispy pan nice and hot bread in push it down smell is amazing that char sort of charcoal flavor would you want those marks on the bread just stop the bread from becoming soggy and look at this here it is stunning on slice it gently one beautiful spice we're nice and pink all the way through the beef is so soft it's almost like slicing through butter the knife do the work take some of it of mayonnaise spread that the back of the spoon on both side next lettuce take that beautiful slice of beef Wow and then relish and top it up these and just slice a sandwich in half each now bats are called a steak sandwich trust me service sublime sandwich for brunch and you put a smile on everyone's face [Music]
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 13,288,970
Rating: 4.8963327 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay how to cook, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay cooking tips, Gordon Ramsay tips, Gordon Ramsay recipes, Gordon Ramsay tutorial, Gordon Ramsay easy, Gordon Ramsay how to, gordon ramsay, steak, gordon ramsay recipe steak, gordon ramsay cooking steak, gordon ramsay how to cook steak, recipe steak, how to cook steak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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