Gordon Ramsay Shows How To Make An Easy Curry At Home | Ramsay in 10

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How much coconut milk does he use?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/rip_boots 📅︎︎ May 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Looks so good I’ve been wanting to make curry for a bit this might be the push I needed!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ProlapseParty 📅︎︎ May 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
to Ramsey intent and first of all let's start off with saying a big thank you to every other NHS at what extraordinary yet again and your work has been phenomenal and more importantly true true true superstars everyone and having family work of NHS I know how hard you are working so thank you and God bless right Rams in 10 I'm gonna make the most amazing color my favorite curry is the butter chicken but this is occurring with a twist because it's sort of it's great for the kids and it's got butternut squash if you don't get Ponder's question there trust me we can use courgettes or zucchini as we say in the u.s. it's simple it's delicious and then why not let us know what you think I don't know direction today is the Matilda the sensation and peanut peanut you stink tell us right okay curry ingredients right but are we ready stop the clock please thank you ten minutes yes right first off hands off I'm using a nonstick pan again told you I bought this about four weeks ago from Tesco's I think it's about eight ninety ninety five incredible that's what little surprise at the end I'll do something sort of pretty majestic goes perfectly well with curry you don't need me to show you how to cook vice okay so that you know what's happened over the last two months you guys have turned into a national through this this is how we do a quick curry midweek especially the kids are here everywhere pan on let's pan down please tell you but can you don't please madam red onion but this question spilled a small knob of ginger a beautiful fresh chili chicken oh he's impressive okay there's two breasts this chicken dish is enough for six but thighs are brilliant if you want to use the drums just keep the drums whole but I'm taking the bone out off the top of the breast after that we've got some fresh frozen peas coconut milk chopped Kenta martyrs little bit chicken stock curry powder and little touch of olive oil first off forget the chopping for a moment okay an illegal all chopped but box grater take the top off the purple that squash I just grate it okay now as you start grating open up your hand I need extra two minutes by the way because that was introduction so again yes please your top tonight chills start going please okay thank you yeah office is hungry okay from there literally great now I love II would never think about putting a pumpkin inside the Korea but also for my beloved by churns out there a pumpkin Corolla sown from the same way with vegetable stock is just as delicious now look from there from there and then just there this is where you go slowly now okay right from there look great just test it make with you okay now button let's squat a little water I can't get the pan nice pot and first off let me start cooking now a little drizzle yes drizzle truly you are wrong one today use the pan and spread the pedlar squash throughout so make when you start grating these vegetables the sort of the yield okay it's very very very sort of you know cost-effective from there right that guess up a touch of salt Carlos please from there lightly seasoned get your curry powder okay now you can use a beautiful canvas Allah this is just a beautiful color palette fragrant and just likely to sprinkle that over a butternut squash two and a half teaspoon no camera salah beautiful fragrant delicious you're not working there now okay use the pan on the outside and start cooking all that these will button a squash now the onion again hold it almost like a cricket ball in and just let you start grating again and this sort of makes it a lot easier I tell you why as it starts to cook it's sort of pretty much disintegrates and more importantly I use the red onion because of the sort of sweetness the less bitter than a white onion and honestly it's a sort of very mild flavor tune is gone I know it's go in a hurry for tipping you do have to push me okay that's what my job here I've never seen an ungrateful alright okay from there lift that up tap okay and they get that onion in there now beautiful on that family set up a little bit of color on that beautiful let's watch now you can see why we only need a touch of oil in there and that's firm that squash great it gives a really nice sort of rich texture to the curry it's pretty incredible okay again just a touch of sticky bit on top of the onions and now get the chili okay all I go to the season again roll nice and flat this much spicy yes but honestly as the curry sort of cooks you need that little bit of heat in there okay fresh chili now the ginger okay get that literally almost sweating off again to get the back of the spoon and spread it across the pan this way it cooks so much quicker okay and that we really chopped the chili look what's inside the pan get a little microplane get the knob of ginger and grate that okay again hold it nice and firm no rush what what happens now is that this sort of ginger disintegrates beautifully and it gets really nice and pureed pan down please move that pin down see look at that with all that beautiful juice okay and again gins debate michaelis okay incredibly fibrous it's very very hard to sort of you know to find ice and then when you start dicing it on top of the board the board's wet and all the flavor ginger has gone into the board so I want the flavor of the ginger in the curry so he grate it oh that's right from there tap-tap-tap keep your knife in there and just nifty great all that down oh no come back down please now look at that the smell of that is incredible like I said I'm using curry powder the nice thing about this dish make your own spice mix make your own garam masala beautiful sweating off like that it's almost like a paste in there okay and the good news is we've taken out the water okay now creates a little sort of hole in the center from their disability spoon all falling again and then get your chicken okay now chicken in okay this is a breast of chicken something that cooks go quickly depending on the time bright cover smaller or bigger you want to do it in 20 minutes a bit chunky I like them in a little slice taste on that aroma yeah mess the chicken is silly now again no this is one of the most easiest delicious curries you'll ever do importantly as it sits in the fridge what you don't use honestly the next day is incredible now okay peas in okay peez go in that's gonna give a little bit of sort of texture and freshness with this curry now look at spinach okay baby spits they go at the very very end let me do this vegetarians love then obviously no chicken no stock preparation stock lots of pumpkin butternut squash the zucchini and not the spinach is so good now look at that look pin down please pan down Tilly the chicken is still in there okay now for some richness chopped tomatoes go in turn up the gas after that give them a little stir you can see it started to come together from there the coconut milk and that gives it a sort of sweetness also it gives a little added richness it's a really nice you're supposed to Pender hands of the Hat now pull that in bring that up to the boil and this is where you start to think wow do I need a touch more stock again just a couple of tablespoons of stock you don't go stop all asleep water is fine bring that up to the boil and simmer gently now let that simmer it taste it don't crack the seasoning now what's the perfect economy okay where the poet no rocky breads okay this is so simple that we said it rice clearly yes of course but brent once a word you break this is so super okay I've got a hundred twenty grams of flour okay a little pinch of salt okay a soon blood of olive oil and about 120 grams of water this is such a lovely accompaniment start rolling the water round fold that in okay and all going to do now is get to sort of a nice soft dough texture panned out the curry please look at those flavors thank you listen it's a curry in a hurry was delicious one go you just pan down to the boat please I know no but this hopper is now little bring that back okay and all we gonna do is shake that into a little dough if you let that rest for about 15 minutes okay what happens now it starts to relax I'm from there it sort of forms this beautiful light bread dough the rock salt gives it the most incredible flavor okay but no I beautiful board let that sit and relax obviously I made one earlier I've cut it into four okay look from there all these beautiful billboards pat-down please across to the quarry yes yeah busy busy now quick the seizing first that cooks well look at texture well touch up some delicious I'm not just saying you can't taste it I read you I promise you from there okay when you're cooking always ping down the side of the pan I know another way too much time that chickens will you cook I need to like flour your hands like hot pan on ok nothing in there ok ok and then love with the bread just literally roll these out okay now I quite like that I'm sort of thin okay and the more you let this relax okay it better have become turn it over pull it along okay get nice and thin they gets really nice and toasty on the outside fold it over like that and then go on to the next one okay touch of flour I know time to learn oh look two more minutes please look how down please and see what you let this dough relax it's so easy to roll and it makes the most amazing bread the curry but I've got a little trip to it okay once it's nicely thing like that you can roll it back onto the roller okay lightly salt the pan okay a splash of all in there okay and watch take that it's nice and thin piece the pan she goes okay like the gas that's in full look watch that roast now fine back up to here please the spinach just finished being rinsed okay lay that spinach over okay and then get a spoon what what happens the Seville is almost sort of disintegrates but gives it a really nice brightness to the curry and two tablespoons of cocoa powder a fresh chili and literally in nine minutes you can see that chicken is what he cut if I was using the most amazing fine and let it cook a little bit longer the spinach takes seconds to cook but look at that inside or you can put chickpeas in there I've got fresh peas and spinach pan down the bread please over to the end and push away and flip push away and flip and then bang back down now that fresh bread there is beautifully crisp I mean really crisp the chicken got texture below honestly it's so beautiful so beautiful now just the smoke let that simmer when I get hold of that that this bread literally takes 90 seconds each side and then beautiful spoons okay I sort of build up the excitement with that it's nice and thick and by literally okay grating that button there squash put the texture and then from there fit your bread straight out of the pan literally there you have the most amazing curry you know but it is 11 minutes and 58 seconds a delicious curry now please enjoy I never get hot out there today but making this for the weekend obviously isn't [Music]
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 2,934,052
Rating: 4.8691931 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay cooking, gordon ramsy curry, gordon ramsay curry recipe, ramsay in 10, ramsay in 10 curry, curry recipe, gordon ramsay curry, gordon ramsay cooking curry, gordon ramsay how to cook, gordon ramsay cooking tips, gordon ramsay food
Id: 87gx9-8ksJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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