Gordon Ramsay's French Inspired Recipes

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starting out as a young chef my biggest influence was definitely french cuisine and when i was 23 years of age i was determined to learn as much as i could so i set off for paris to work in some of the most demanding and exacting kitchens in the world and my passion and love for french food really took hold when i was living in france i got to know two very distinct traditions of french food on the one hand there was the delicious oil cuisine i cooked all day in the restaurant and on the other hand there was the food you ate in people's homes which is a lot simpler to make but still absolutely delicious my ultimate french-inspired lunch is very light bright and really takes me back to when i lived in paris it's my take on the salad nicoise serve with a delicious goat's cheese and pear tartine think of the nicoise as an assembly job of delicious ingredients brought together with a fantastic dressing the secret behind my salad nicoise is in the dressing room spoon dijon mustard into a pestle and mortar some people top the salad with anchovies and capers but in mine they're the base to the dressing we're gonna grind that to a paste and then get the garlic in there season well with black pepper it doesn't need any salt in there because of the anchovies add a couple of tablespoons of red wine vinegar olive oil and lastly flat leaf parsley to give the dressing freshness against those deep flavors it's a thick rich substantial dressing dressing done now for the salad ball potatoes green beans and eggs from a rolling ball seven and a half to eight minutes it should keep that nice yolky creamy texture in the center once the eggs are ready put them into cold water to stop them cooking and this is a great trick to peel them so much easier peeling eggs when you use the water that they've been cooling down in and the water will seep underneath all the shell so the whole shell just gets peeled off of one beautiful big layer now beans nice and crunchy season the beans and potatoes whilst they're still warm so they absorb more flavor a little drizzle of olive oil salt pepper and just let them sit there whilst the potatoes and beans cool down i'm doing a simple french open sandwich which is called a tartine this is delicious first i'm toasting baguette on the griddle lightly oil your griddle pan get your bread stick it on there take a pear it goes brilliantly well with goat's cheese slice the pear into finger width pieces that's the color we're looking for that dark crispy texture now for the ghost cheese give it a season it doesn't need salt because a little fresh goat cheese is already quite salty then a handful of crumbled walnuts they go under the grill whilst they put the tuna and these ones together my secret to assembling a great nisswa salad is to start in the middle of the plate and add ingredients layer by layer there's one thing i'm always missing the bottom of salad is dressing so i like to put it on the plate first baby gem lettuce is great because it's robust and holds that heavy dressing then add firm waxy salad potatoes and green beans i like them to have a bit of a crunch canned tuna can be fantastic i'm using a good quality one in olive oil which has been drained next baby plum tomatoes which have a lovely intense sweet flavor and then my eggs that nice dark rich yolk beautiful yolk's still creamy inside he's a little olive nicoise this will work just as well with other black olives and then your dressing drizzle that round gently beautiful that is a nicoise in heaven now tartine wow just a smell of those grilled walnuts that is beautiful a simple but very elegant tuna nicoise with a delicious ghost cheese sandwich wonderful [Music] my vibrant and gutsy nisswa salad with that incredible anchovy and caper dressing served with a pear and goat's cheese tartine too good to let the french keep all to themselves [Music] tilly would you mind helping daddy with the chicken fricassee please we're gonna start off with browning all the chicken off nicely pan on get that nice and hot what i want you to do for me first is to season the chicken with salt and pepper please thank you so that's on one side then we turn the chicken over so we season it on the other side salt good girl and pepper nice now this is almost like a chicken stew okay what's that there [Music] time time good girl what's that one there that one that's right rosemary and because this is quite a rustic french dish we don't need to chop everything so you get the garlic and you just bash it like that now smell mmm that's right so that's nice and hot put a tablespoon of olive oil in there a couple of lugs one two good girl put the chicken in it and you lay away you're like nice and brown i'm getting good at this you are skin side down so we got the color on the skin now just want you to cut the mushrooms in half the belly please okay these are chestnut mushrooms there are lots of different kinds of mushrooms out there there are lots and lots of different types of mushrooms which one's your favorite one of my favorites is the giro mushroom i like mushrooms that are a bit bigger than this and um some dinners with mum we cut out the middle put pesto and cheese in it and then we bake them uh-uh i want you to sprinkle the pancetta over the chicken please good girl nice mushrooms not yet because i'm gonna get some color on the chicken first okay and as that pancetta starts to cook down it puts a really nice flavor on the chicken yeah so we're sort of sauteing everything okay all right garlic in please good girl just throw them in and i want you to sprinkle the mushrooms on top of that good girl and then there's the rosemary you can get your fingers like that and you pull it down you take it all off hold it put it down good girl so now you've got the nice little rosemary sprigs and we do the same with the thyme now the time flower is a little bit smaller what different flavors do they give so the time is a little bit sweeter okay and the rosemary a little bit more savoury which one do you like i like them both because they both get a nice smell don't they so they leaf in i'd like you to put that rosemary and thyme in there please lovely sprinkle it over right i'd like you to stand back now because i'm gonna flambe this i do not want to get those little slippers caught on fire what are the names rumpel and judy julia nice okay great ready yeah in with a brandy and then just tilt the pan gently whoa whoa how cool is that magical beautiful bit like a cauldron all the cognac has been flambe so there's no raw alcohol anywhere so we've got a really nice deep rich flavor i'm gonna add my chicken stock you know rampo likes that not my slipper rumple run for the dog ah rumple the dog well he likes chicken stock yes when he's a good boy he gets um he gets it in his um with his biscuit it's gone in like wow really quickly simmer and reduce the stock for around 10 minutes now we're going to cook the most amazing potatoes soda potatoes are really simple to make and absolutely delicious start by slicing the potatoes into finger whipped pieces then parboil them for five to six minutes when you cook something like rosemary or thyme or basil does it slowly let off the flavor into the bottle very much so in a hot pan add a tablespoon of goose fat and saute the potatoes until they turn golden and add in shallots garlic rosemary and thyme that goes in over top and that goose fat now is starting to fry the potatoes you just leave that sat there to complete my ultimate french dinner my version of a classic a glorious lavender creme caramel for dessert the first job is the lavender sugar you can buy this ready-made or simply add dried edible sprigs of lavender to caster sugar and store you can also try this trick with vanilla pods and cinnamon to bring new subtle flavors to sweets and bacon [Music] for the creme caramel melt plain caster sugar until it turns dark golden pour into ramekins sprinkle with lavender flowers and cool now to make a simple custard gently heat whole milk in a pan until steaming meanwhile whisk together egg vanilla seeds and lavender sugar until golden and fluffy then gradually pour the hot milk into the mix whisking continuously until the custard is smooth and creamy to set cook in a water bath or bamboo a good tip is to line a roasting tin with a cloth to stop the ramekins jiggling around pour your custard then boiling water around the ramekins until halfway up the sides then cook in a preheated oven for around 30 minutes until set cool in the fridge then when you're ready to serve dip the ramekins in hot water to loosen the creme caramel [Music] ebola lavender clean caramel [Music] look at that chicken now so i'm just going to turn the gas right down and put the lid on just like that but leave a little bit so it can net out some stuff so i can let out some steam that's right now what i'd like to do is to chop daddy some parsley crunch it up nicely tuck your fingers in and take your time [Music] now my hands have got lots of different flavors all those wonderful flavors you could almost be french sprinkle that on there good girl nice messy buckle nice now potato chicken i can tell jack's gonna love this is he looks delish doesn't it smells i delicious smell that even before you took the lid off let's get on my darling good job by the way thank you i can't wait for the others to try it i hope they love it this is my ultimate french dinner chicken fricassee with sensational herbie sauty potatoes and lavender creme caramel
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 821,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay salad, Gordon Ramsay french, Gordon Ramsay french recipes, Gordon Ramsay salad recipe, Gordon Ramsay chicken, Gordon Ramsay chicken recipe, Tuna Niçoise salad, Chicken fricassee
Id: ZS9n3ehTD1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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