North African Cuisine Leaves Gordon Amazed | Ramsay's Best Restaurant

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Can someone please tell me what TFH means?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ThePracticalEnd 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] over the past six months my team and I have been all over the country checking out your best restaurant nominations and tonight my competition continues this time to find the best North African North African food is like no other the careful layering of different spices results in wonderfully aromatic dishes one mouthful can really transport into a completely different world the best restaurants will mix gutsy flavors with rich sweet and intricate combinations of spices to deliver dishes that will excite all the senses I'm hoping tonight's contenders will show what this fantastic regime has to offer tonight my two favorite North African restaurants will battle it out for a place in the semi-finals from central London its Momo that glamorous celebrity haunt as renowned for its vibrant atmosphere as its food but what mama shows that look at Table two you've got a great team and a great feeling and great passion and we we're gonna win it the Merman machine is taking on a zoo from Hammersmith West London a small family-run restaurant loved by the locals as he sat on lamb oh yes I think I am to this I would love to see someone challenging me I predict a furious fights as to London restaurants take each other on in three extraordinary challenges the first is every restaurants worst nightmare 30 hungry diners who arrive an order all at the same time first they're heading for Momo tucked away behind London's Regent Street is run by a passionate northerner Dave he's been cooking since the age of 15 and he now heads up a brigade of 26 chefs this session has also been visited by some serious a-listers from Madonna to Greta the Paltrow and if they can look after those kind of customers my diner today are in for a real treat hey Davis Gordon how are you faring how are you very good very good so the secret success of Momo's knew what we all work together as a team and we create and create an atmosphere and hopefully delicious food yeah open 13 years ago it's excellent food stylish surroundings and party atmosphere quickly established Momo as one of London's most fashionable restaurants as soon as you enter it's like a theater you come in you see the atmosphere you see the deck or you see the buzz you want to get involved we get lots of film stars lots of footballers politicians lots of you know people want to go through the back door what I love most about Momo is you feel comfortable straight away and the atmosphere is sexy I need one lamb tagine not copy under three minutes yet 37 year old David has cooked in kitchens all over the world Cook has been my life from from the age of 14 and a half 15 I wait table 50 tagine lamb solo steak medium rare yeah Juiz travels in Morocco today we fell in love with North African food I love the passion Moroccan cuisine I think it's a great flavors everybody thinks American cuisine is couse person tagine its vast assisted for seven years my French sous chef Philippe David gives traditional recipes his own personal touch doesn't look like a creme brulee [Music] that's delicious only a Yorkshire would [ __ ] fry our creme brulee but it works David that's some of the best food I've tasted so far in this competition make sure that you give my diners the exact experience you've just delivered to me now Momo is about to be put through his paces because my ravenous diners have arrived all expecting food and service fit for London's glitterati hello welcome and the service shouldn't pose a problem as front of house manager Murad has a team of nine waiters this place deals with big numbers easily so they can become a little complacent because there's only 30 diners coming and sometimes questions get bad reputation for just looking after the a-listers and forgetting the real customers so first take it on you know one scallop on Miche means only one fish in a day two mobiles medium as first orders arrive head chef David directs his brigade like a conductor with an orchestra don't start 14 door start 6 year please don't put all 9 past here at same time police don't know crispy that past year two minutes busted make sure the first plate for tables go fast and slow down there are three starters Moroccan aubergine caviar with mixed peppers wood pigeon passier a delicate North African pie and scholars with aubergine chutney and a fresh herb Sal sir David's on fire and the first starters are out within minutes any problems anywhere any main course already it's the two ladies on the end here don't throw their main course out as quick yeah hold it back a little bit David is doing his best to control the flow of food sent Table one I'll slow down on 14 and 6 but it's front-of-house who need to pay service and make sure every table gets their food at the right time I've just told the team to slow down slow down it's not a race very good flavor combination light tasting some of my diners are less impressed gentlemen the pigeon pasta how's that a nice picture dry and not enough bitching damn it was just bit too dry and just I did like it people willing for me okay the pity party is really inventive you got three layers you've got like a rolling compost it's been bitching and like scrambled eggs on top with almonds it's not dry everything it needs a bit more pigeon in there [Music] for mains there's a choice of three smoked lamb shank with couscous and spicy sausages fish wrapped in vine leaves with white beans and that North African staple chicken tagine version you know terra cotta dish of course are very traditional a lot of the way you taste every Tajima is going out he may be doing everyday but you're still tasting it every time the kitchen is focused while front of house look busy but don't seem coordinated give it you have six of motivating patients with the status I mean you're waiting there are lots of waiters but it doesn't seem like the managers are controlling service and some of my diners slip through the net Roger six their starters what's top saber-6 come in about three minutes premature just slowing down so we're not get everything kind of wait at center yes finding that balance one table complain it's too far one table complain lose too slow cigarettes just try to find that balance too who hasn't had their main courses you know when you get thirty customers at once you want to save it like a party it's very hard to pace yourself coming they're not as short-staffed they seem to have a manager four teaspoons and manage for the bread the manager for the lid the couscous so service should be impeccable today so they should get that balance right you can't serve a table two courses with one table nothing that's bad management and far too many chiefs in dining room and not enough in news is there's more managers in this time room there are grains of [ __ ] crystals we definitely come again we said that as soon as the main course came out tonight yes sir it's a lovely feeling here we've been made to feel very comfortable did you take quite well to commit to receive my food I didn't like waiting that long to listen what we've done is nice lunch is over but I'm disappointed that service was inconsistent for some of my diners timing was all over the shop and that was down to the the suited and booted the managers far too many managers and a real lack of communication with the kitchen and thank God David was on fire because we have too many managers on the floor that couldn't spot who can serve what okay big test that one you're used to big numbers so 30 diners should have been a walk in the park how did I go for you weight very well I really enjoyed you know nice was a great burst great atmosphere yeah great atmosphere my biggest concern today was the fact that there was one table next to the big table that had their starters of main courses and the six top had nothing to eat when somebody hasn't got food in front of them and they're eyeing up the table next door to them they get jealous we had two complaints capacity for the pigeon if anything maybe not so small in terms of dice so they can identify what they've got on the fork is a piece of pigeon he didn't say enough desserts I thought that was the best creme brulee I've ever tasted in a decade share the starter but make sure you save room for that dessert that's how good they are well done [Music] it's nice that feedback and if it's negative or not good feedback you keep showing your toes dancing we've got a great team and a great feeling and great passion and we we're gonna win it we're here to win it's the North African heat of my nationwide restaurant competition and 30 hungry diners are about to descend on my second competitor here at Hammersmith is one of the best-kept secrets in town this is a zoo a romantic small North African restaurant run by a lovely husband and wife team Chris and Chris now although it's small is punching way above his weight a serious contender go all the way in this competition focus good to see you too look how small this place is this look at it got your small and thin and good-looking evil bear scary what are they all there for next the takeaway I would take you okay former headmistress Chris and I chef husband Chris open a zoo 11 years ago they work seven days a week running this 35 cover restaurant with the help of just five other members of staff I've got Constantine our main course comes to a large place please I think apparel to this restaurant I do love working hard I mean you manage once a century to have sort of day off where you want to stand by but you feel like guilty why am i awake and that guilt makes your day not a day off you cook every day and it's it's a passion it's never a job for you yes it is what's the secret behind the success of your food my wife your wife Chris I don't know what to do without her to be honest she's very very good support and believes really in what I do for that I love you more Krishna to cook authentic North African food and his grandmother's knee in Algeria this is the food of my childhood when I was living in Algeria when she was cooking she's always you know having you next to her and you see how how you do she's doing it and he looks like he's still cooking with her pot to what was last time you bought a new pan that's a good question what we changed in 10 years in this kitchen not much where's the fridge I've got this one here okay all right well okay great they're delicious merci very rare you see sardines today everyone thinks it's a oily friction no one wants it but that's delicious well there's very few chefs I know with a missioning star that can cook like he can I'm very passionate about my food I mean it makes me happy Chris is such a perfectionist insist on over seen everything that's cooked in his tiny kitchen sorry for taking over no grace like given we want to check everything from the scratch even I think I worked with him 20 years he's gonna never gonna change I do strive to be the best cream oh I will carry on doing it until till the end because this is it this is my life and these lives about to be turned upside down by my next challenge I kept my Dinah's gonna be here and just under five minutes yeah only watching everything I'll be in the kitchen watching how you work I'll be in the dining room scrutinizing everything your reputation is legendary tonight it's on the line Chris was just two hours to cook and serve two courses for 30 customers quite a pressure for a small restaurant and the clock starts now hello hello hope you enjoy your evening with us thank you thank you it's great fish to show you one lamb card it's quickly become clear that is not just the kitchen that's stuck in a time warp Chris so when you take the orders there's no computers is all handwritten tickets are you much prefer that as opposed to the 21st century it works if it works don't change it it's my dang in a plaster Chris has put the wrong table number on an order and now a second order has come in for the same table hold it hold it hold it so long first era of the evening that that's done twice don't worry thank you how'd you prefer this by hand written like that is it easy for you I got used to it but if they two tables of fours confusing right yes it is if you had a computer you wouldn't have these problems no that was my fault I should is your head chef here's your toy boy look after it there is a choice of three starters marinated sardines with spicy sauce grill pepper salad with Merguez sausages now love week and a break at an isiand speciality pastry filled with tuna potato and a soft egg then deep fried crisp these have been here for 2 minutes the egg yolk is runny and I want them to experience that I will tell another damn 115 away service please Jesus you put in that egg yolks should sort of run all over the tuna yeah really really good not too spicy not too sweet really well with the starters over Christmas 30 complex mains to cook on his tiny stove there are 3 choices of tagine buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh cod with king prawns and seafood chicken with olives and preserved lemons or lamb in a spicy sauce handed down from his grandmother already although he's got a sous chef and two others to help him just as I thought perfectionist Chris wants to do everything himself if he carries on like this food will be delayed [Music] and why don't you do the Christmas chili the course good yeah but he's doing everything just in the plates can you dress the place you've got the one working their pens everywhere one two three of you do nothing yeah it is the chef he doesn't want to say bombers to the Bombers oh okay honey if you a compulsion cook wait yeah through the bars it's more spaced out here there is in there you've got to take some of the responsibility away from him come on it's incredible I mean I thought I was a control freak Chris takes it to a completely different level and he just cannot delegate you're a control freak well I'm not the control thick but what you doing everything no well no well I just want to open up and talk the danger one person didn't get a body oh [ __ ] me I'm sure you get your own finger bowl and do you need them to get you a finger Bowl do you do ya one finger Bowl plays for the fish to gene this is getting ridiculous front of house would be help in the kitchen not hindering finger ball oh it's potentially catastrophic because he's so used to that one-man band top the two stations again you had the drums the guitar they all be on the mouth and he's just playing everything and everyone's running around and crazy no she's not be friends and goes in there chops of peppers there's got about 12 things going on the stone I mean the guy's a freak you can see him kindly organizing his own criminal jumping the coughing and saying goodbye to her and saying the prayer at the end close the lid Yesi of Wow both evolve thank you don't bother the kitchen for nothing excellent coming up - halfway there and it won't offload his concentration why is he paying all those members of staff and he's doing everything on his shoulders Chris not letting his brigade near the stove means some customers are still waiting for the mains this guy won't accept help from anyone I've got to get through to him somehow can you start talking to your brigades boy okay guys hello how are you come on hi Ali let's get on with it I've got the fish you've got everything Wow this last table look at me for two seconds is there any chance that you can stand over here right I let your sous-chef right your second chef in your third chef all right cook the last table go outside and take some fresh air just out there just just a few minutes you come over here and you gonna get some fresh air out out right let them do it okay just the last table I'll kill you guys if you don't do it properly you're gonna be dead in two weeks if you continue like this let it go okay last time how long listen for three minutes [Music] come on guys give one more leave him alone ha it's fine that's something I have to work on but you know when your love cooking that's what you do fish very tough very savoury mince really come string put a flavor a little bit spice really nice the booze wonderful the place we've got so much charm so much parent oh such a great welcome service is over and my diners are leaving happy okay right first of all service unique ladies well done thank you yeah even down to the handwritten tickets okay the first thing when in second ticket to doubles of foot doesn't matter and that's for the kitchen where do I start with you food is delicious sublime just amazing my biggest problem is you I want thousands more customers to enjoy your food but you won't be around if you don't open up and delegate I will you'll be surprised to what it does messy well done seriously welcome really good what was good for me is realizing that I should I must delegate you take it on board put it this way I will take more break mmm-hmm [Music] guys a genius he cooks like an angel he hasn't got all the fixtures and fittings and the posh address but ye has got is an amazing palette and for me somebody to watch very closely for a zoom and Momo my coat trip was like being hit by hurricane however they both came through and they're still standing strong now I've invited into my office to meet up with the help of secret diners I've uncovered how these restaurants perform when they think I'm not around I send top food critic Simon Davies to Momo undercover hoping that improve on their service problems off I left MoMA I sent in my secret diners and they filmed your restaurants undercover this is what happened Duncan Duncan we need to be out of here in about our an iPod or something English good file or initiative it's good let's go for the word pigeon in the prawns and then we'll have I think a tagine so we've seen two of the waiters now sorry are you ready for the main one I want at the same time no I mean I read order that we've ordered all right are you ready yeah sometimes we get overwhelmed and we just like help each other yeah that's of course obviously here lack of communication yeah but if somebody's in a rush that gets set across the board Toby but it doesn't in terms of a steer I don't think it looks wildly appetizer it looks a little bit dry the wood pigeons been minced to such a degree you can't distinguish it from any other meat in my opinion I think mincing up the word pigeon ISM is an error they didn't that in mints out that little piece of work pager shouldn't leave bones you know you know I for so bloody day this bone yeah that's mine things were tolls it yeah it booked it took me to be honest with you just happen every so often would be he's just yeah Karen edition can I have a little side order for burning yeah just a little a little bit of tubulin it was almost as if he was too lazy to deal with us I wanted a little bowl of tabbouleh but it is a bit perplexing we've had two occasions now whether it be in a mistake because they're not communicating with each other excuse me I always seem to booty I want to do it was time to be up to be honest with you I'm now confused about what I've told which waiter as mutter bullish thank you so the Tiberias arrived but it was a good ten minutes now to ask two different waiters and it got delivered by a third fragmented search as opposed to two waiters looking after the meeting job did for five times with five different waiters it's a busy restaurant and you know you've got to know we still control it's no excuse Babbitt filled our water up since we arrived I'm just gonna leave that there it's in a very prominent position we'll just see if they fill it up a little more water it's over two hours it certainly water and now I've asked for some but it still hasn't come excuse me have some water the water I've just got it's a Moroccan restaurant doesn't mean we have the water retention ability of a camel we've been waiting our water they should be waiting that long for water defeat note in for me to wash toilets sorry yeah yeah disappointing he's met so many waitress and none of them noticed that doing the water bus they won't answer but you are somewhat over staffed with bodies there when you've had the egg for ninth the tenth waiter Heather table you feel a bit sort of Jesus we are just yeah I want to compare both hand if he passed along to the next person that's a restaurant dition transport you to another place you can eat good food that's the good food you can have fun here and if going out and eating our restaurant is about having fun and excitement and sharing that with your friends then this takes the food's good bloody cute a few areas of tightening up service needs to come together glamorous great attentive individuals but they need to play as a team and then when the team's all seen off that hem shape you've got one amazing rest but get constructive criticism you know but can we sort it out that's what we get therefore sometimes I used to hurt the mouse but use get back up again is a more stronger it's the North African heat of my best restaurant competition and charming family run a zoo from West London are going head to head with central London sled a giant Momo don't start 14 or start six-year please leave him alone ha he's fine now it's the turn of a zoo to hear some difficult home truce thanks to my undercover secret diner food and recipe writer Sarah Durden Robertson has traveled in North Africa and sampled the cuisine firsthand as you will have to be on top form to impress her what I'd like to tell you that you've actually been tested twice a bleep that's news my undercover team I went to your restaurant and this is what happens hello table for two Duncan yes please [Music] maybe I well maybe the sardines and the olives surfing thank you hi do you know what could I swap two of those sorry you must be good enough for me Oh could I have the prawns there instead and the Burak okay if you could ask okay if the customer changes their mind that's their prager tip because they're paying well and we have to show that level of flexibility about what's already done the Saudis she sort of you bailed on me gosh that was very quick okay but could I still do you mind if I still change change worth so I'd like to not have the sardines [Music] okay but can i order something else as an extra order then could I just have the Burak yes rule number one never humiliate a customer yeah I had already she'd been made to feel vulnerable yeah quite a very silly yeah because she just wanted to change her dish oh yes I'm sorry this is just a bit too spicy for me that is the in the menu it's spicy hot yes I know I know and he did say yes but I thought I'd actually just tea spicy for me [Music] this one okay yeah wrong when Cass was arriving arrested for the very first time yeah and they make a mistake on their order yeah we have to be prepared to change you want the customers to come back right yeah watch what happens next this one ice take away maybe it can have it tomorrow ah that's really kind thank you yes coz I've hardly touched it very good thank you [Music] no that's incredibly quick how did you do that well you have to do it with him it in the same time so I just had to speed the process thank you thank you so much this is absolutely delicious I have been to Marrakesh some of the best food I've ever had and just takes me right back so you pulled it back in a very charming way see and look at the difference in what happened when we changed that dish amazing I love this place Chris is amazing so charming your customers are in love with you and your food okay and if you want to charge them ring me up I'll pay for the [ __ ] dish okay I've gotta go Jim I trust my team I believe in my team and that did happened it won't happen again and that's it now is let's see what's coming ahead [Music] Izumo I found my test really tough but honestly I do admire their fighting spirit now it's time for the final challenge as both teams cross London to come and cook in my flagship restaurant and this is a very last chance they've got to shine if the test is to create one mind-blown dish worthy of my michelin-starred restaurant I wanted to really push themselves and cook like they've never done before only one restaurant to go through to the semi-finals this is what dreams are made of a farmer's boy I mean I've lived as a butcher so this is this is not to met him proud as well I want to win I really want to him being in Ramsay's restaurant it's an honor and I'm very very happy I think I'm not on a disappointing tonight it is very very important day welcome welcome good to see right during this competition because both directions are unique the excitement behind the North African cuisine and what it can deliver in textures flavors spice is mind-blowing this is the dish of your life right because this is what's gonna kill upon one of you into the semi-final make sure it's you good luck I've asked them to come up with one exquisite dish featuring lamb the star ingredient of North African cuisine one side with a zoo you've got traditional and oversight with Momo you got this new wave a light style of North African cuisine and completely opposite ends of the spectrum to help me choose who's best both teams creations will be served to highly distinguished guests including LCR wusu director of the Royal African society Lobby Remi key head of culture and press at the Moroccan Embassy and distinguished Moroccan chef and restauranteur Joseph Bell LT the front of house teams from both restaurants are also dining here today David is an excellent chef I know everything's gonna be delicious it's like a holiday cooking for 20 I'm usually cooking for 200 itself should technically be a walk in the park it's an enormous challenge I think he will cope very well okay hummus where is the hummus gotta have a dream don't sit my one big concern today with azureus he's been so used to cooking these little Bowl it's a completely different set and today I didn't get the better of him he just stays focus but you little bit lost in the kitchen with all the space are we happy with something I'm gonna be fine XS [Music] chris is cooking a traditional spicy lamb tagine so with couscous but he's not stopping there I also cook a stunning lamb dish and gone the extra mile and making bread right the authentic semolina bread will be served with fresh hummus a unique spice mixture of tomatoes roasted peppers chillies and coriander pick up a table for lamb tagine yes sir Momo for stunning lamb yes yeah yeah thank you David Romano is preparing a delicious roast loin of lamb with aubergine ragout barley couscous and a lamb's liver with harissa wrapped in spinach and deep-fried in tempura batter I want to do something else in North African Student I want to show the next level the next dimension we can go loves over tempura and you're wrapping the liver yes with spinach deep-fry hopefully it's about 50 51 seconds yeah the time get lost time twice so you already are pushing about in a big way it's incredible it's pushing the boundary out with the Lambs liver which is not everyone's cup of tea I just hope an hour's time that doesn't go back to buy him on the ass give me an estimated time for 45 minutes max chef if there's ever a night to work as a team this is it but as the pressure builds crisp is up these old tricks just make it ready for me I'll show you first no open he's such a control freak wait wait I check it can't stop and he can't help themselves he wants to do everything no no you go touch the plate yep okay Azusa first dishes hit the pass but within minutes Jesus oh that was quick okay so this please first table coming out Rob let's go Izu yeah shuttle cover several six mass Chris yes chef it's dinner yeah take your time yes I had Portland chef service please let's go chris is cooking faster than [ __ ] Usain Bolt runs he's just totally focused refuses to talk to me and he's head is steeped right in that couscous I'm fourth person here we are thank you let's go [Music] amazing really the Reddy's brother said mother my grandmother that's happening the sus was too much sauce for me ready for my test yeah yeah chef David's modern take on North African cuisine it's a lot more sophisticated seven upset yeah the five elements to his dish required delicate timing and sous-chef Phillip is getting ahead of himself don't slice too soon I'm already know ready chef and already don't go yeah I'll give you 90 seconds before I wonder laughs come on listen to David Philippe slow down please don't slice that lamb too early yeah when Debbie gives you the call yeah all in that juice yeah in amongst that couscous not left on the board yes yeah please enjoy Philip you can leave it resting here leave it fat side down like that yeah I was gonna do is render and it stay nice and warm see I'm saying thank you yeah yes slow that one don't you yeah Jeff's well that one down yes at this stage in competition David can't afford to make mistakes Billy yeah one more over G once I'm good two more over G to get every dish perfect Momo need to pull together as a team cuz cuz yes confident get my hand dressing as well please yes yes yeah like a proper teamwork good in the middle same work off boat race there you yes [Music] and they've pulled it off David they look fantastic very nice of people colors okay service please raise up please Table two please yes [Music] fantastic people make your pig food see there's just that musty smoky feel it's something a bit different we kind of all agreed that livers not a favorite thing on the list but the way it is the last of Chris's exquisite tagines are flying out of the kitchen thank here's just one table to serve anyway our next chef has smells amazing delicious Gil that was fast was good next yeah breathe take some fresh air last a Waldo yes that's what the filter father more than service is over and it's time to find out what my distinguished guests think about these two extraordinary dishes starting with a zoo right how is your lamb shank the lamb Shack was my favorite it's really soon as I experience that source I knew that was it authentic and delicious I just enjoyed it for what it was very simple perfectly blended I dip the bread in first mouthful oh I like them both but I thought the the Momo dish was fresh it was beautifully presented it was just together delightful I prefer the zoo dish you could just imagine yourself being in the old souk definitely I prefer them in most dish because the meat was very well cooked I'm used to Moroccan cuisine because I'm Moroccan myself so it is really a sort of cuisine the temporal ever I was not expecting it to be quite as mouth-wateringly sort of melts on the tongue as it was it was really really delicious I love the zoo dish I adore the flavors they were so powerful I wanted more my diners comments confirmed the brilliance of the food served here by both the zoo and Momo I'm very happy I'm happy well those new improvements but what made me proud is we've come together I'm really proud Thank You chef both these teams of amazing chefs have approached North African cuisine in very different ways let's see if the traditional is runner to beat the modern that's of the condition life is better now I have an incredibly difficult decision to make because only one wrestler can go through to the semi-finals my two top North African contenders momona xue both from London have thrown everything at the final challenge they are both outstanding restaurants but over the course of my three tests that both made mistakes I'm about to tell one of them they've cooked in this competition for the last time tell me make my choice I need to taste both dishes starting with David's from Momo it looks modern 21st century and stunning very pretty almost too pretty for North African cuisine Lambs delicious I mean really delicious delicate truck beautifully liver difficult to get right not only that best tempered and you don't think of sort of m5 liver with North African cuisine however the combination of Arusha and the barley couscous works brilliantly well I would an issue with a liver however the lamb is cooked perfectly and it's a loin of lamb so it's it's been shown respect authentic classic untouched meat falling off the bone [Music] that's delicious really delicious lamb is just melting your mouth it needs to be a little bit more trimmed excess fat removed however sauce is incredible you can see there's 30 years experience into that because it's just packed full of flavor this is such an amazing contrast and Momo's interpretation is modern fresh fragrant delivers a big punch uncertain about the liver everything else it is delicious as oozes rich authentic and just steeped with passion like him and right now it's I'm stuck to go forward with a modernization of North African cuisine or do I stay in the history of something classically done it's too tight to call - fantastic North African restaurants [Music] but only one can win a place in the semi-final [Music] what what I saw today was two completely different dishes but done with pride history and innovation a zoo you've stuck to your roots I think you're back in I'll do yes and you're back with your mother and your your grandma and you were you were there yes sure I could identify the authenticity the classic style and the richness of that beautiful David it's very rare to find a British chef cooking out of his comfort zone but tonight you came and you he moved the goalposts he modernized North African cuisine I was done with Flair which I didn't expect you to do however this round is not won on a single dish just think of the journey so far in this competition go back to the coach load of dinars turning up all at the same time the pressure of serving all those guests in under two hours was a nightmare then all of a sudden you can let your hair down and let's get back to cooking and then you've been secretly filmed both restaurants came through that test and they both had their highs and both have their lows listening to the diner's tasting both dishes based on everything we've done in this competition the restaurant going through to the semi-finals [Music] congratulations to [Music] Davis don't stop that level of pushing to the extreme all done thank you well done I'm good at the moment but I've got a lot of fight left in me give me of a chance first to me again congratulations yeah very very proud so pleased is he you know it means such a lot I'm sorry to see Mamo go David is a brave and passionate chef who is pushing the boundaries of North African cuisine but a zoom are a truly fabulous restaurant and I can't wait to go back there that's why they've gone through why now this competition only gonna get tougher and I hope they don't let me down
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 3,394,186
Rating: 4.9040589 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay best restaurant, gordon ramsay best restaurant full episodes, gordon ramsay best restaurant visit, ramsays best restaurant, ramsays best restaurant full episodes, gordon ramsay north african, ramsays best restaurant north african, ramsays best restaurant north african full episode
Id: qFIlGLnjn7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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