Gordon Ramsay Cooks With One Of India's Most Influential Chefs | Gordon's Great Escape

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[Music] this is the third and final leg of my culinary journey i've done the cities done the mountains the jungle and now i'm off to mumbai it's going to be my gateway to southern india with 14 million people mumbai is india's financial hub and home to bollywood and then from there down south to some of the most stunning coastal line anywhere in the world famed for its fish it's home of the spices it's where the spices originated from i'm completing my culinary adventure of india in the south it's famous for its fish curries and unique spices india produces over half the world's supply but i'm uneasy because south india is also a hotbed of vegetarianism two-fifths of indians are vegetarians and half regularly eat a veggie diet personally i'm a rampant carnivore and vegetarian holier than thou attitudes wind me up caffeine madras please welcome to mumbai thank you very much already within the first two minutes just seem crazy i mean everyone's a thousand mile an [Music] hour look at that the most amazing indian wedding beautiful absolutely starving i'm meant to be rendezvousing with a culinary expert right captain madras rasmus no chicken anywhere i'm meeting rashmi yuday singh she's in his top food critic and wrote the country's very first restaurant guide rashmi hey how are you great nice to see you thank you lovely to see you you look wonderful thank you and you look really wonderful but you look a little hungry yeah you know i'm very hungry all i want is butter chicken this is a pure vegetarian restaurant the district is pure vegetarian even if you want to rent an apartment garden right you can't if you're a non-vegetarian serious so now i know there's a lot of veggies in india but a whole town they're convinced vegetarianism can combat the evils of modern life what is it with meat eaters why are you so antsy eating so much of chunks of meat and foie gras and all that we believe that that is what is responsible for your bad temper eating meat makes you bad tempers a load of bollocks unlike all that stuff you eat this is actually good for your spirit your emotions your feelings will give you calm it will relax you meat doesn't make me angry it makes me excited just calm down let's get you something to eat please then we'll talk about our south indian mixture yeah let's okay repeat after me promise promise to try to try the vegetarian food seriously i promise i will try vegetarian food we're gonna open mine with an open mind to show me what's out there rashmi's ordered me the most popular veggie meal in india italy samba and roll dosa pancake what's that a lamb shake isn't that beautiful where's the light bulb we buy things like that at the flea market in london do you have a clothes what is that first i'm eating the idlis in a spicy samba soup the texture's like a like a sort of warm sort of texture's like a warm scone it's nice yeah i like that it's moorish it's lovely okay lovely nice you have an open mind and you enjoyed it definitely against my better judgment i've asked rashmi's advice on where to find great vegetarian food she has a radical suggestion you are going to visit an ashram a what an ashram spiritual retreat you're going to go and live there with monks there's a lot of fabulous vegetarian food there i'm not spending all week and my last sort of exciting week as a vegetarian no chance now i'm going now the whole week no no no no no no you're going to go back with a journey not just to india but into yourself i am not [ __ ] amy winehouse's husband i'm not checking into rehab you're not checking in rehab you're going to find yourself you are in our country you are our guest you are like god the god in me salutes the god of you have a great time good lord be with you the lord jesus call him if you need me uh yes absolutely definitely okay jesus taxi it's an unavoidable fact india is the largest country of vegetarians in the world and southern india is famous for its vegetarian cuisine so i'm traveling 1300 kilometers from mumbai to the town of coimbatore i really must have lost it i'm going meat-free for the first time ever now this part of the journey for me is gonna be the most fascinating because we're in tamil nadu and rashmi's arranged me to go to this amazing ashram so it's a temple but the bad news is the temple for vegetarians the thought of spending life without eating protein meat abilene angus stay tatar hello to get me there i'm hiring a car hello this mars miner was built in india by hindustan motors and nicknamed the baby hindustan my god you'd never hump him one of these could you ah and the seat doesn't go back now no obviously not no horn obviously fantastic i'll take good care of your baby certainly thank you let's change it first okay great beautiful [Music] oh jesus on a smooth transitional gearbox [ __ ] me where the [ __ ] is third ashram this way yeah thank you i think the fascinating thing that strikes me about this temple is that it's it's a very popular place nobody eats meat find your inner strength make you more happy less angry less frustrated less stressful hello this is where the veggies hang out i'm looking for the guru ashram i'm getting clean for the first time in 42 years oh [ __ ] see even the gearbox won't agree with me now because it it can hear that oh i'm not gonna be eating meat for a couple of days there is my god that's the proper guru my guru's name is sad guru and he's a lot racier than your average yogi i've heard his cooking is the best in the state it's not the kind of transport expectation to use to get around no uh people always have this idea being holy means being impractical yes yeah that's right i have a wife and one million children sad guru's ashram is the aisha center it gets over 700 000 visitors a year he's a popular maharishi and he's looking a bit more serious now i'm very excited to be here more nervous than excited i'm never gone two days of my life without eating meat your system is essentially designed to handle vegetarian diet right if you eat according to that it it handles food effortlessly yes every human experience has a chemical basis in the system right so if you want to create the right kind of chemistry there are various things that one can do yes one of the things is food if you create a chemistry of blissfulness that's how you are all the time that's impossible i'm not going to argue in your temple that's for sure i'm dying to see the kitchens let's go thank you so the guru reckons being vegetarian makes you a joyful karma person if that's true then these kitchens must be amongst the happiest places on earth the size of this place wow it's a veggie hangout look at those vegetables are they grown are they grown here a bit of it that's incredible okay and here are the lychees i'd love one please thank you how long you're here for um for a while you're baking the fundamental rules nobody ever eats in the kitchen before the food is being offered to everybody they never eat you can't eat around food we're always picking in kitchens no fancy a cucumber fancy elijah you gave me it got me into trouble we're not allowed to eat in the kitchen how many meals would you be cooking for today seven thousand seven thousand seven thousand thousand vegetarian meals well that breaks my heart the 70 chefs are mostly unpaid volunteers who work seven days on the truck feeding visitors to the ashram where's the meat section the meat is here this is the meat so what is this section they are making a special type of chapati seven thousand in for dinner tonight and look how calm it is how come the kitchen's so calm because they're not eating meat right because this is the heron's kitchen heaven's kitchen not hell's kitchen i like that the guru's disciples eaten a communal dining hall in total silence men and women sit in separate lines tonight's menu is a raw salad of red cabbage and sweet corn tomato chutney with lentils and cottage cheese it's not exactly silver service eating in silence isn't easy for someone like me fortunately i've made a new friend you can even keep your feet to the sidelines that's fine i'll try and cross the card another way just stretch both your legs out yes and sit like this this is called grandmother's style grandmother it's incredible i feel so bad i can't cross my legs there notice if you uh the kind of food that you eat also makes the body loose and flexible as well so you're saying if i become a vegetarian my body will become a lot more veg a lot more flexible a possibility i can't i can sit down but i can't get to my food you can just hold your certain clothes thank you food is actually delicious what amazes me is not just the level integrity but the volume of what they cook for because it's done with such precision you ever ask for more i never thought i'd say this but that veggie meal has led me feeling happy and full what's this here what are these bedtime at 10 p.m my god this place is extraordinary honestly i mean that was quite uh that was quite spooky in there i mean i know they've got their guidelines and their rules and regulations but jesus christ i have to say the food yeah total respect yeah delicious and bigger opener i mean i i i thought it was going to be a sort of you know a bit of a boring bland experience but it's definitely not been boring and it certainly isn't bland that's for sure right one minute to ten [ __ ] off yesterday was a surprise but i've not been turned into a veggie disciple yet we've not had breakfast yet the guru is cooking his speciality the popular masala dosa is a pancake made with dal and rice batter that smells good smells very good smiley fermented that's the potato it's an art to get the dosa right because you have to ferment it to exactly the right proportions that's delicious very crispy see this is a pepper curry you just try a little bit of it the pepper comes straight from our backyard it's organically grown thank you try this and see it could be a little spicy for you yeah no i like that i've been won over by the delicious food but i'm not yet convinced by the guru's reasoning for me a vegetable a vegetable is as alive as a chicken or a lamb or whatever else wrong it is not wrong are you saying that a carrot has the same feelings as a chicken that's not the point feelings does not mean emotions they are sensitive to life around them yes you understand but you've killed it you pulled it from the ground you pulled it from the ground but it's not dead if you plant it it'll grow you take such a high moral ground in terms of no meat eating whatsoever food is not a morality food is a question of well-being so you saying that i would be happier for the second half of my life without eating meat you will be calmer and more more at ease but i am calm i am i don't think the world thinks so about your calmness you wouldn't know you don't have any televisions here [Laughter] let's agree to disagree yes spud potato love it thank you a lovely breakfast thank you it's taken a long time but you heard it here first i'm calling a ceasefire with vegetarians if you're ever thinking of going vegetarian then get to an ashram quickly because that's the confirmation of how good it can be but he is [ __ ] nuts i think he's gesticulating much less than yesterday don't you notice that his body movements are little first of all i'm definitely more chilled out there's no ways about that um yeah it has been an experience the guru has one final request before we say goodbye one day in a week if you eat this kind of food you would know the difference one day a week and you think i'd notice a significant impact you will definitely notice that i can't believe you're saying that yeah because just before i left for india my wife was suggesting that the children get vegetarian so she knows one day have you been talking to her behind my back no no no no we'll start with one day good try and see on the back of the experience here yes i'm going to consider it my culinary adventure in southern india has been a veggie road to damascus but i'm not eating meat yet south india's fish is legendary i'm traveling from tamil nadu into kerala the fertile green state called godzone country damn so nice it's calm here it has the best fish and seafood in india the small state provides 20 of india's supply i want to get my hands on some this for me is gonna be one of the most exciting parts of the trip because it's all about seafood and fish and vibrance lightness excitement here we go please hup oh brilliant excellent thank you finally oh [ __ ] air conditioned thank you so welcome you sir to my goodzone country godzilla country you know why it's calling god's own country why because we got a lot of precious things it's got lots of lagoons lake and the most of the people here they do the fishing we got a special fish over here it's called caribbean caramel yeah it's called caribbean you know it's very delicious if you ask someone out of india from this part uh are you missing they will cry for that you know when i used to eat this karim you know my tongue will do like that you know his english may lack a little something but it turns out my driver dinesh really knows he's fish it's a dream fish the jewel in the crowd yeah so how did you catch them you know i got some friends so here they are actually catching curry mean the backwaters are carol's labyrinth of lakes canals and rivers surrounded by dense tropical greenery locals go crazy about carame the back waters are full of them they're nicknamed pearl spot because of their jewel-like markings these are the fishermen good to see yeah [Music] hand caught using the ancient vela valley method the fishermen slapped the water to scare the fish who hide in the lake's muddy bottom [Music] nearby local domestic goddess and food writer duressie john is going to show me how to do justice to these slippery blighters well okay how are you good to see you now the secret behind it what we're going to do take the scales off first yeah yeah scale is not the way you do it with your sea bass you're going to slice it off ready this is how you take it i've see it's coming it's exactly the same way as the japanese do oh really yeah exactly the same way normally we just scrape the skin yeah yeah i know but you can't do this because the taste of the scales will remain on that it's not good i think you need a little more patience i think garden no you don't you see you you have not sliced it see they're so fiddly yes you're doing it yeah excellent so your marks are going up now actually we are supposed to make the gashes on this yes so yeah yeah that's fine that's fine what was that another c plus finally maybe i'll give you eight yeah i'm learning the locals favorites caramin polychatu over here it's as popular as our fish and chips garlickin first we're making the masala and next ginger ginger yes yeah i don't need the whole thing so it's terrifying yeah yeah sure please okay now we'll add the shallots slots in yeah i believe we're cooking this on a boat and what we doing with this are we putting this inside the fish yeah yeah we are going to put it around the fish and suck it inside the stuff right i think we'll put the tomatoes in already yeah well i think chili powder chili powder in yes and now we need to put the vinegar so the vinegar yeah and now we are going to make the parcels right of the fish that stop the fish and chicken yes i think we just need to put some here this is the delightful twist on the french technique on papiyat but instead of steaming the fish inside a paper bag we're using a banana leaf and now i'm going to fold it so you wrap it quite tight yeah we wrap it rather tight and how long will it take to cook about 15 to 20 minutes maximum this banana parcel keeps all the moisture and flavor locked in so you're searing it in yeah [Music] that looks fantastic let's just slide the fish over the bow look at that well how does it taste that's delicious creamy delicious and i thought it was going to taste slightly of mud or silt but no it's fresh it's vibrant that's very dense based them into a dover sole but a little bit sweeter incredibly delicate thank you wow very good [Music] that fish was delicious but this carnivore still hanging after some meat so the next day i've arranged for a boy's own adventure i've heard that kerala has a reputation for a very hot but delicious chili beef dish it's eaten together with an infamously strong tipple i'm waiting for a local chef ajit who's going to take me drinking ajit is an expert in toddy which is a local drink here now you drink that with the most amazing chili beef so if there's one guy that can show me the proper way on how to do it what it tastes like it's gonna be him hey garden ajit how are you excellent hop in hop in let's go good to see you welcome likewise good to see you too here we go thank you [ __ ] hold on excellent toddy is the fermented sap of the coconut palm it's strong stuff up to 35 proof it's collected in pots attached high up in the tree chef ajit is taking me to where toddy is produced we're going to show you how the tardy tapping is done totally tapping yeah you see see the pot over there like a big bowl yep but that's where the tortilla has been collected so how'd you get that down twice a day because you're not exactly the slimmest and i'm not exactly the sort of you know fittest you know what i've i've arranged for a gentleman his name is mr babu babu yeah he does it for a living what a professional he's a professional toddy tapper there are more than 30 000 registered toddy tappers in kerala he's going to show you how is how it's being done right and i want you to do it after him mr babu how are you look he's not saying anything that means he's either pisses the fart or he's that he's tongue cut out he's like he's like a flexible piece of vodka there's not anything on him look my thighs are fatter than him look at that so what's the secret of climbing what is it it appears that having a stiff one before climbing is recommended oh jesus okay wow see his hands how he's moving baboo uses a rag wrapped on his feet to give him leverage to climb he's like a little ferret huh jeez uh watch out so now he's draining the he was doing the sap into his bowl three times a day uh no wonder he's so fit huh well done good luck thank you so is toddy as formidable at tipple as i've been told [Laughter] yeah it's nice but you know it's like unrefined vinegar ah jesus no wonder nobody he climbs like a squirrel could you hold that from please thank you socks and shoes off come on give me the pic give me that no no wait bobby i need the other piece as well pissing around you fat bastard you fat message you've got all the pies right here we go well he's [ __ ] helping then hold on look at him he's like a wishbone pushing up a [ __ ] tree helping him that's [ __ ] come on one more i i need i need to do it without them my first step is promising oh [ __ ] i'll push you up you wait too much oh come on my days are pumping a [ __ ] coconut tree i've got to stop i'll tell you what they make it look so easy price bloody harder i mean really hard and leave it to the experts i hate failing you little [ __ ] making me look like a [ __ ] ah i liked you when i first arrived you know that i thought you were cool yes 66 putting my tarzan antics behind me i'm hoping for some meat at last carol's famous hot chili beef at a toddy shop these shops are kerala's version of the working man's boozer there are over 5000 of them and a busy shop can sell over 1 000 liters of toddy a day this is where we get the chili beef from oh yes i'm dying to taste some beef good evening hello hello i'm dying to taste the beef i need meat okay lovely there's a local rustic kitchen that you rustic or rusty rustic kitchen oh my gosh you get in these shops the chili beef served in toddy shops is famously hot to encourage customers to drink more booze you really need to have a storm strong stomach to eat on these places strong stomach yeah it's like the perfect way to say goodbye yeah eat drink be merry get pissed and get buried at the same time he's putting an onion coconut ginger garlic and green chili okay nice and every saudi shop has a different style okay and how popular is this one there are people who come here seven days a week [Music] i'm usually for southern india but luckily for me 90 of caroline's are carnivores [Music] yeah of course i'm gonna taste it i've seen some kitchen nightmares in my time but you need to be brave or stupid to eat in this joint [Music] taste okay okay jesus christ almighty my mouth is on fire huh where's the daddy just have to be that hot dirty it's excellent i love it perfect jesus christ what are you trying to do kill me doesn't that burn you you enjoy the chili beef twice once once when you eat it and once when you let it go my bottom wouldn't stand that that it's gonna come through my [ __ ] in seconds and i've got no toilet paper and i'm not doing it again on a banana leaf no chance but my next destination will make all that seem like child's play i've arranged for an excursion from my culinary voyage i've heard that in northern kerala the farmers love a sport called cambola which only happens in flooded paddy fields this place is heaving with thousands of punters but there's something very odd about this racecourse what are they what is that like a spade oh my god this is a load of bullocks this lot have got balls and they know how to race them holy [ __ ] [Applause] dangerous [ __ ] mad mad i've been to motorbike grand prix former one grand prix horse racing point appointment this beats everything they've asked me to hand out the prizes sir congratulations [Applause] the winning jockeys are treated like formula one champions and can win around 600 quid a race would you like to give it a shot i'd like to give a go yeah is he crazy yeah of course i'd love to give it a go yes please [Applause] [Laughter] hold on hold on they're going to pull it for you i'm going to start off slowly learning to balance without a thrashing bull around [Applause] all the best ready here we go [Applause] i'm down but by no means out i've been in fast cars fires bikes even at 12 mile now in a jet but this is your time ride on the back of two balls india's been the maximum country for me maximum surprise maximum people and maximum flavor i'm returning from kerala to the place called india's maximum city mumbai where my adventure reaches its climax i've heard that some of india's best cooking happens not in top restaurants or hotels but on the streets 26 of indians live in poverty i can't leave india without discovering how the poor eat so well on so little so we're just entering dravi and it's the largest slum in asia houses over a million people slumdog millionaire was filmed on the streets of the sprawling duravi slum illegally built duravi is the most densely populated neighborhood in the world this may seem an unlikely spot to find a culinary genius but today i'm going to have an apprenticeship under a ghetto superstar chef his name's manny samba manny's his nickname he's got a big do on tonight he's quite good at the most amazing samba samba's like a like a sort of savoury sort of hot minestrone soup so today i'm going to be shown how to make one properly dahl is a curry house favorite of mine and samba is a version of it a cheap staple dish made with lentils and veg manny's asked me to help him make his famous sambar for a big birthday party in the slum summer money yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah fine sad how are you fine sir good to see you this is this is the kitchen so we are seriously cooking on the street yeah even though his kitchen is rudimentary manny is a stickler for discipline and expects his chefs to wear the uniform manny doesn't care who i am to him i'm just a lowly commie chef in a street kitchen and good samba is a labor-intensive dish first i'm going to make the masala or spice mix for the sambar manny has his own secret blend of spices for the masala which gives the sambar its unique flavor they've started toasting off the fenugreek seeds the yellow split peas coriander curry leaves and then the chilies and then they're going to grind it so we've got this fresh fragrant masala base for sambar ah yeah yeah it's amazing to think we're in the place where the film's thumbed up millionaire davari coconut in good good good good sounds gonna sweeten the masala coconut in southern indian cuisine is paramount it's like uh potatoes back in the uk they play that much importance now we're gonna cook the lentils yup okay good now we begin making the sambar itself take this lentils in so much effort and care going into cooking this food it's almost like it's a fine dining aspect but it's not it's a vegetarian dish in the middle of a slum love it love it love it love it now it's hot huh manny yeah zed now it's very hot even though manny is a successful chef he still lives in a makeshift two-room house how many do you got to look after in the family how big is the family 12 people in this family 12 that's a large family and is everybody living here yes all of them live in the same house keep on walking till he can move i like that attitude very happy happy with my shopping happy happy [Music] hopping it's over 30 degrees and we're now going up a gear to finish the samba jesus christ i tell you what next time i want to run a marathon i'm going to come back to mumbai and work in the slum for a day perfect training this kitchen is like piccadilly circus you know it's getting busy now yep was it tea time traffic [ __ ] now we're going to do the masala paste this is putting my spicy samba masala in is crucial to give this dish a distinctly deep flavor finally we add the lentils it smells absolutely delicious it's just become so perfumed and fragrant thank you that is delicious look he knows there's nobody ah he knows all this for 10p a portion there's not a moment to breathe the birthday guests have arrived come on and manny and i are serving my name is gordon so what do the guests think yeah very nice something very very great amazing golden ramsay sambaras is very good very good yummy we hope you all to be here again i'd love to come back yeah come back very delicious very funny and amazing that uh foreigner prepared such a delicious dinner for us ladies best wishes good night successful thank you i thought it was going to be good but i didn't think it was going to be that spectacular but this this is my friends we are friends till we die exactly that exactly thank you huh it's been an absolute pleasure pleasure thank you manny's slumdog samba is the essence of great southern indian cookery it tastes amazing and costs next to nothing being here today was uh it's quite nerving then when you get out the car and you start melting in to the street in a way that you you work hard to be accepted by them the minute they see that they connect with straight away because they are a nation that i graft us and some of manny well yeah i mean he's a yeah a passionate exciting 50 year old chef that you know knows his [ __ ] big time when i began my indian adventure i didn't know how to cook curry but now i want to challenge myself have i learnt enough to compete at the highest level [Music] there was a major dinner happening in mumbai tonight with the country's best chef it's at the taj mahal hotel and i've got into the kitchen to cook the main course [Music] the taj hotel is the chic landmark building of mumbai which tragically is why it was the target of a vicious terrorist outrage just over a year ago 31 guests and staff were murdered [Music] i can't think of a more fitting place to come back and have my final dinner in this unique building can't wait to meet the chef i know he lost several members of his team throughout those terrorist attacks and yeah quite nervous really i just want to put my head down and graft thank you herman oberoi executive chef of the taj is india's most influential chef he's cooked for everyone from prince charles to bill clinton there are 25 high society guests coming tonight and for chef o'brien everything has to be perfect we should be giving only the best if you're a good chef you should be giving the best there's no place for second best today chef herberoy doesn't care that i'm new to indian cuisine he's trusting me to deliver the goods and i want to cook a dish that does justice to my culinary adventures in india i've decided on an ambitious fish dish using the delicious caramel i discovered in kerala i didn't realize i thought it was three o'clock this four times so definitely arriving in three hours time i've got all done i'm gonna make a very simple fish top okay really really simple the legend has arrived how are you sir how are you you've been in meetings all day oh real very well thank you very happy to be here i'm here to steal as many recipes as possible all right this is no competition but when you get two big egos in one kitchen there's bound to be a bit of rivalry chef herb roy is making a crap starter and he's keeping a keen eye on what i'm doing so coriander starronese and vanilla yeah first i'm cooking a fish stock for a vanilla sauce he's making the indian flavors in the typical western way he's making a stalk he's making the puma he's a good chef and he knows what he's doing i have a radical idea to fill it the bony caramel and cook it three ways slightly kamikaze but hey so the idea for the first one is lining them with a fresh water prawn mousse and then a really delicious fish not the light one with vanilla and the coriander and the second one would be playing to the strengths in mumbai over a red curry and then the third one we'll try and do a really nice light crispy batter marinate the fish first a little bit of turmeric there's a lot riding on this dinner the taj has been restored to its former glory it was destroyed in the attack but the hotel bravely reopened just a month afterwards that way away in the [ __ ] in my attempt to impress chef oberoi i think i might have bit enough more than i can chew here i'm struggling with my fish batter [Music] the bat is not crispy enough fry's not high enough the bat is too light it's gonna be soft as [ __ ] red curry i want this to become really nice and sort of uh authentic lots of fresh tomatoes and lots of chili lots of garlic and then with the the end fill it let me try and why the [ __ ] i decide to cook this three ways i don't know slap it through the batter fry it and serve it with the okra who turned the [ __ ] fire off that's all i need i hope he's getting ready it's almost like five o'clock probably should have started a little earlier i'm sure too and he's got only a fish dish and fish doesn't take down i suppose all the excitement all the anxiety all the experience can be exploding three ways on to one place so if i go out i want to go out on a high well we're here with one of the best chefs in the country am i going to match him i'm not here to match him i'm here to show him what i've learned that's the secret [Music] at this dinner are the creme de la creme of mumbai society bollywood actors socialites and the maharaja of udaipur as service looms the pressure's getting to me where are we going straight after the crab you're after this after the crab yeah let me know when you sent all the crap thank you sir excellent don't drop me the [ __ ] now please huh come on i'm not as fast as you i'm getting old after a last minute scramble my complex caramel dish has finally come together i use an old trick to sort out my soggy batter [Music] that's much better nice and crispy now it needed a bottle of beer in there good old english style over in terms of um three individual tastes drawing on kerala drawing on mumbai and drawing a little bit of the english there with the beer batter so far so good that's one put together let's see how the [ __ ] we got with 25 portions sure it's going to be about 10 more minutes when they will sit down okay ten more minutes okay great okay here we go bingo [Music] just enough time to check up on chef oberoi for a change but just how many chefs has he got helping him [Music] you need more too no no i'm fine with my two guys 22 and i've got two it's great yeah it's nice there's more chefs than our customers lovely [Music] 24 chefs cooking for 21 customers so one two three yeah we've got to come out on top yes never been intimidated by the opposition at the last minute i'm steaming the caramel to go with my vanilla sauce just gonna be very careful cooking the fish time has got to be absolutely crucial the fish is done three ways tempura goes in at the last minute and make sure we sting these very gently seven put eight in there quick and then tilt the pan okay off you go [ __ ] as soon as this delicate fish is ready it must go straight out lift the plate up and put it in his hand curry leaves on please i get the feeling chef oberoy's enjoying this gently gently gently gently go no two plates maximum thank you three [ __ ] times and keep the plates straight please yeah my great escape adventure is all on this one dish [Music] i've never wanted a recipe to succeed as much as this one [Music] you know you put your balls on the line you pick up on what they're doing and you learn quickly then you want to compete with them and so should i kept it simple and wrapped in a banana leaf and taking the easy route no that's not me oh this is very very good it's very typical of kerala and i think it's fabulous butterfry very british i like that i've got the british enemies with that i loved it very subtle it's certainly present the south indian flavor i like what i'm eating whatever it is it is wonderful i'm old and deaf speaker i thought that for a footballer he cooks beautifully i think it's uh good effort but is my culinary mentor rashmi impressed what is amazing is that he's managed to distill the flavors of south india and yet put in his own typical gordon ramsey's twist wow what a beautiful room excellent good to see you um first of all thank you so much for coming i couldn't think of a more fitting place to confirm how exquisite your cuisine is so a big thank you to chef the team has been amazing um congratulations a phenomenal hotel and it's backed as number one brilliant the times come for me to say goodbye to a country i fall in love with being here for this length of time has really helped to not just renew my passion with indian food but it's made me it's made me think more because it has an amazing effect not just the food and ingredients but the people it's been a hot hectic hell of a ride through this addictive country hello hello hello heck [Music] this is the heron's kitchen right who's pissed him off don't [ __ ] shoot gordon come back come back we need you we need to do the ditch you just need to bid your back a little more she's off a trolley [Music] dangerous [ __ ] mad mad [Music] it's [ __ ] delicious experience has been [ __ ] amazing learning again that's been the huge excitement am i going to do anything differently when i get back home yeah bloody right i will i won't phone up for a takeaway i'll make it thank you excellent let's go mumbai airport please does this thing go any faster you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 773,926
Rating: 4.8872285 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay chef, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay teaching, Gordon Ramsay funny, Gordon Ramsay argument, Gordon Ramsay tv show, Gordon Ramsay full episodes, Gordon Ramsay cooking show, full episodes cooking, Gordon Ramsay travelling, Gordon Ramsay india, Gordon Ramsay indian food, Gordon Ramsay travelling show, Gordon Ramsay travels to india, Gordon Ramsay cooking indian food, india, indian food, indian cuisine
Id: mAX0WtHwml8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.