Gordon Ramsay Left Stunned After Trying The Best Of British Dishes | Ramsay's Best Restaurant

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Single life how I make hamburger helper. For the past six months my team and I been all over the country checking out the best of your restaurant nominations Now my nationwide competition continues this time to find the best off British British wrestling's is all about pong cocktails and black bars Gator But today the restaurants all over the UK cooking the most amazing delicious modern British food Everybody's freshness of using the finest ingredients. We have some of the best meat fish and vegetables on the planet There's no excuse not to cook with it You nominated thousands of British restaurants and along with my best restaurant team I put them under extreme scrutiny and chose my two favorites to do battle for place in the semi-finals from deepest Kent is a tiny but elegant michelin-starred restaurant the wet foul see It's always gotta be that same passion if you like enjoy from the first time you may be There going head-to-head with the milestone in Sheffield on the wall crafts on very last as it's going It's about your people Yorkshire chefs producing Yorkshire food We're about to see the Battle of Britain because the West house and the milestone must take on three extraordinary challenges The first is a progressions worst nightmare 30 hungry customers will arrive and order all at once First stop the milestone in Sheffield I'm actually standing on what used to be called pimps corner in the old red-light district Now this is amazing location for a fantastic restaurant It's run by four local lads Front of house are the owners mark and Matt who's some every penny into this business one salmon one black put on an order The kitchen is headed by young guns Simon and James Simon cage fighter No one fucks with you or service dude, I only up there these guys are real They graft us you can see that just from the minute you shake their hands. It's solid like a plate of Sheffield steel. I Love the fact that they've made their name by breaking all the rules serving up hearty organic dishes Like roll pig's head and Trotter sausages and what's that? There are pigs that we have It's a farm just outside Shepherd right Bri your own pigs. And yes the menu. Yeah We encourage customers to actually go out there and get their hands dirty to start foraging for us. Well swap it for bear Why no one meal? It's me mum's allotment And she's pick them all by hands for you guys In just three years the milestone of stone Sheffield restaurant scene and the locals love it I'll go for the Nestle Naughty/nice made on the nettle. Yaki. There's a lot of metal in there isn't yeah. The nock is delicious Really good, indeed. I think what I like more than anything is the fact that it's very seasonal very nice I thought that food was easily of a mission star standard today. You've got a chance to become the best of British Show-off. I mean really sure off people used to Delhi because of move and the did you used to think of a cocky little shit But I'm passionate I'm dedicated and I've got the drive to take it further Good because my diners are expecting something incredible and they will need to be served two courses in just two hours This is a young dynamic restaurant that's going places give that experience to my 30 diners today and they'll be leaving on cloud nine Any questions don't hesitate to ask it's just It's just a little bit quick the starters include black pudding with Bloody Mary cucumber and gin suit with cured salmon and the pea panna cotta Rather than choose the more adventurous options most diners are sticking to the traditional fare It's good that there's such a popular choice on the menu, but the punters might not want it once they've been served this Seemed to be a lot of like wouldn't come out the kitchen popular today Yeah, but I already started off with nothing as well. Did not anyone tell me that beforehand or not? No, no Forgive in a way black pudding as a canopy. Yeah, it should've said it before it took the orders There's so much by putting going out. Yeah, there you go. First. Of course you black pudding black pudding? I don't eat pudding twice with Sheffield people. Is it like really heavy initiative as well? They're like they'll like that you need people and that's not a small slice of black pudding. Is it the man-sized one? I wasn't too keen on the black, but it was really nice. I suppose is too much for me. It's good It's on to the mains Simon's ambitious food includes turbot Poston red wine. Nettle naki and pan-fried. Rabbit loin with pig tail cannelloni In all fairness chair all in yeah, yeah Simon has made the unusual decision to operate this service like a banquet instead of staggering the dishes He's preparing all the main courses at the same time So it's gonna go everything the way the problem now is that Simon has all the rabbit dish is ready But the other main courses are lagging behind and food can't leave the past until the order for the whole table is Cooked as it sits in the window and dries out. I'm just getting nervous. I don't want a fruit Korea back saying it's dry We've got one hour ten minutes left. So if you could just do one table at a time, you'll see a difference equality It's not the fastest restaurant in Britain and for the best restaurant not good enough to house 30 diners two courses only so stagger that like a normal It's a shame. It's just sat there disintegrating under those lights when it should be in front of the customer again that magic These are my worst fears come true when food sits too long in the past it gets cold It gets dry. It gets sent back to trying to say tell me it's not a banquet Everyone's got it in their mind that we're gonna treat this today like a bang forever fucking shame Rabbit line to play it's not hot Can't play have another ramble. I know now Simon's in trouble. There's no rabbit loin left. So thank him fast He substitutes it with rabbit leg But he's starting from scratch and the leg takes longer to cook than the loin. So we saw one portion of rabbit It's coming up. Now. You guys want to explain that to the customer? I just Having tried and failed twice Matt the owner wants to make amends Can I get you know only cuz these days we turn off cos penis has been I submit up to scratch a bit of fish It's let down what was otherwise a great service Absolutely immense no complaint one little tiny bit of service just got his stars by who's five mains all refine hotel that 1.1 table Most of the diner's lead happy, but I've got concerns Thank you, right how do you feel wholly healthy some mistakes made Whose decision was it to serve my diners as a banquet They won't mind what all the text came on. I made a decision because all of them were having starters Yeah, so I was gonna try and sweep the room Yep said one course second course third course that was a big mistake for me today for every 30 seconds that food is sat there Is going down and down and down and down in standard But you've got a dream setup because your customers are sat two meters away from your stove And it was such a shame because then food came back because it wasn't hot enough The good news is the customers loved the food and that's what I'm trying to say You're on the verge of just really popping out there. You really your own pinks and you make your fresh bread twice a day So you bust your balls to create that food and when it sits there and they're not benefiting god I could scream you're doing yourselves an injustice and that responsibilities on your shoulder sign because you're the head chef. No, and I know You can do a lot better than what you did today Thank you We're always looking to improve lessons learned Yeah, young ambitious want to be the best we could look at what mistakes were did and not allow them to happen again? It's the British heat of my nationwide restaurant competition and a squad of hungry diners are about to descend on my second competitor From thousands of your nominations. I've chosen the West house from bidden done in Kent How are you? Know why couldn't see - right. Where is it beeping away in the kitchen? I met grain 15 years ago when he worked next door to my first London restaurant Even then he showed real flair The idea is to build issues around the century ingredient and you know Not the funny around with it so much not Chuck too many other things on the plate and try and enhance, you know Bring out the flavors Graham hasn't always been a chef He started out as a drummer for 80s hair rockers Yaya No, I've never heard of them either He still has some of the hair but happily not the shorts luckily I've done that for long So on various tours and albums and also doctor say the world and a lot of restaurants as well, which is quite good 17 years ago gran gave up rock and roll to follow his dream of becoming a chef working on the string of top London restaurants Then eight years ago, he took a huge risk. He moved his family to the Kent countryside and opened up the west house 18 months after opening he won his first Wishing Star That's not bad for a drummer. And when you won the mission style were you're on your own in the kitchen Wow It's a one-man band back to play the drums again Everything about this family restaurant is understated old English charm Gran's parlour, Jacky works front of house with their children Jake and Jess who's in charge Happy been in charge Yeah Beginning. I didn't know what I was doing and now eight years on it's not as bad as it was But I didn't like it first. No, I'll start off with the ham and eggs. It's very very clean Really nice flavors popular on the menu. Yeah. Yeah very I can imagine? Why what I like most about West House is the fact that Graham is a is a true chef He cooks on the heart nine two frills. He's into flavor and it shows This quaint English restaurant is about to be severely tested because my diners will soon be arriving and ordering all at the same time My worst fear is he'll go So basically, I'm just expecting the whole family to put in an amazing performance today to pull this one off Just like the milestone they have just two hours to serve everyone this little 11:00 table restaurant is gonna be packed You have a mission start so myself and my diners are expecting experience there Three and up to two is now as soon as you can get the first table you see you both ready to order That looks like a type of control Is that That's one one ham hock and one Makarov is Climb tickets are confusing but the food coming out of the kitchen is simply perfect Starters include warm smoked haddock Apache Oh with bacon dressing and P shoes. And that delicious ham hop with scotch egg and black pudding how's the Weirdos gonna be busy today. It's gonna be a theatre now, so you're grilling knocking as well as the first one for me I've never seen that before just took color off then it gets topped over the artichokes for mains There's a choice of roast chicken with herb gnocchi grill with Sam fire on lamb with sweetbreads Has taken Why would you stumble all over like that? I'm filing the ordering system impossible to fathom and Jackie's handwriting is more like a doctor's than a Maitre D' no one can read it I rewrote the ticket out and Then put that up as well and he'd already sent it was my fault I left it on there because it was the bit couldnt understand my writing so So, thank you Stu fucking day to do it. Okay table send two chicken Two lamb Jackie's supposed to be in control of front-of-house, but it doesn't feel like it something's not right There about 40 minutes and aside from their drinks order we haven't seen the staff going to get to take any orders for food There's five tables in there. There's some ham that they're all taken. Try it Just fish out what's orders to get he's telling you when to take your orders at the moment. Yeah. Yeah, bring it through freeze I've been knowing I'm taking three. Yeah, you tell them when to take the orders, right? That's right It's people that already eaten one course I think at least so it's scooping that we might get us what we would like to order a soon samples They're watching start something cause we've been served and yet the end of the order taken Yeah, you wouldn't owe me a 30 in the restaurant the ones with you So the end that they want to take her let alone just see it a little bit and also the tip of that the diamonds controlled by the kitchen, so They're running less. They can't do anything unless the kitchen says so which is just crazy. They need to function Control freak it's not control freak. He's trying to stay focused. I'm sorry it is because you're like the dining room So that's your team Control freak. All right. I've never seen anything. So stupid in all my life chefs. Don't tell waiters went to take an order That's the responsibility of the dining room to give it to the chef. He's trying to control fucking everything There's been down to the main courses as well No, not yet. No, yeah Eight months in this kitchen working a little side you and you can't do a main course yet I think is you don't want to tell them it you know that no, so I mean No, there's a lot to do over there. Sorry about the delay for these starters. Just over an hour. How are they? Waiting far too long and drinks we ordered some drinks before they Ate Before we started taking the order and nothing said the tailor your loss Drinks on through They're not lying, let's put that way they just say they've ordered drinks and nothing's happened To get control back to the front of house. I can see a solution if you'd like it different I can get that for you Okay Right. Yeah Graham's son. Jake is on top of things. Just be a few minutes just really great doing it for you Yeah, would you be best learning Italian? You seen anyone actually knows? Has not been disparaging tomorrow, have you seem to know what you're doing Sort of I wanted to do it this morning his way and she's got a little baby seem to be you seem to know Yeah, I miss there must be a lot of smoother if I saw you running here Tough stuff Couldn't get up. The food was actually delicious I think the only thing that wasn't really up to standard was the disservice it was worth away there. That's that's a good thing Oh fuck that My diners have no complaints about the food because the cooking is inspiring but Graham is tripping up the service and he has to understand this Okay is the issue Unfortunately Okay, the service is nowhere near to the standard of food you left two tables, you know sat there for over an hour before we even took their order and the dining room felt Short-staffed food sent to the same table twice that starts already gone Jackie across the two hours You didn't give me the impression that you were Enjoying it as much you should off. Are you a hundred percent happy? Running that dyeing room on a normal day. Yeah all day. But today I was a bit, you know panicking Yeah, Jay, you were the one shining light out there and why you're not at the helm Relieving the pressure from your mother and working closely with your father. I'll never know you've sort of castrated the dyeing room Because you're controlling them you've got to cut Some of the control freak in you and allow them to do their job and you'll be surprised at the results I'm telling you because I want this place to really succeed in this competition. Why because the food is beautiful Well then It's like any any criticism you you take it on building and feel very throw endure and React so I mean listen listen food for full I'm looking for the best restaurant not the best chef and Service is crucial today Customers are prepared to wait, but they're not prepared to wait for now to get their order taken. No chance By pushing both freshmen to extremes I've uncovered the areas they need to improve on Now I've invited them both to London for a progress report But the restaurants haven't got a clue that they face one more test without telling them I sent in my secret diners because I really want to find out exactly what happens when the team's don't know they're under scrutiny I've sent in top food critic Simon Davis with instructions to be as difficult as possible Something that comes quite naturally to him The teams don't know that I've been spying on them. First to face. The music is the milestone. I Wanted to make sure that you weren't as rolling out the red carpet for me I had a secret diner in there and this is what he saw We'll grab some lunch we just just grab a seat. Okay, great. I love that fact you do dripping Such a good idea the dripping, you know your roast and then the dripping you'd have throughout the week spread on the bread I Favored bogus Cheap cheerful slightly Nostalgic, really nice and look how happy yeah customer sounds really good. All right, this is ox tongue corned beef Nowhere near seasoned do not very bland. That's quite disappointing actually It's such a shame because the the diner shut up Wow xxx it And then bang ah shit when you've got the balls to put corned beef and oxen on a plate That's simply it has to be seasoned perfectly. I've actually changed already because we've had the comment card that night It was essentially a lack of seasoning, yeah. Yeah, you know, thanks a lot I really I wasn't expecting that. I know how perfect I'm perfect I have to pay for I'd like to pay for assure you he was know I'd like to pay for Really they won't let us pay No charge nice gesture gives no reason to complain about it. I love the way he was so patient and so polite really play On two separate occasions. We've seen some really succinct very focused ability in the kitchen lid very well steals food, and then you get things like these this bowl of chips you know Perhaps not even place of the claims we could call ourselves gastropubs and sell photo chips enough useless hmm burnt chips It's a simple Stupid mistake that shouldn't really happen ever have a word with Chef. There's a piece of shit chef around Well, I want to talk to you about something I'm talking about that look at that would you eat that Would you eat that no, so why should I eat it? Well, no, I want to talk to chef Yeah, I'd love to see all right hi there brilliant well they've gone now, but I wanted to torture I Just wondered why you loud that Chef to go out when it was burnt in there Sounds like you're trying to do quite a lot up 30 level to Use issues like you better get back up there, but thanks for coming down. All right. Bye I Thought you were gonna blow a gasket to be honest. I could cry I could cry a chip goes out like it's on the back of an ass end of a Takeaway van there's flashes of brilliance in there and it works in such a magical way and that you bust your balls Fresh bread ruin Peaks cooking school. Yeah slow down and focus on what you've got The chips will burn the shunt of in Vern they should have been absolutely fine. They should have been fantastic The guy should have been picking them out at the ball saying my god, these are fucking amazing chips I've seen a lot of problems that we do need to solve But we've also seen a lot of strengths that we know we have got So as long as we bring everything together tiny, oh, I think we can improve and we can make things better than the ever happened Graham and his family team from the West house are about to discover that have been spying on them. I Sent in undercover diner Sarah dirt and Robertson. She's a cookie writer and a food consultant Well, I sent my 30 diners into the West House mom Jackee confused everyone with her ordering system have things improved since Unknown to all four of you. He's actually been under two tests because after I left I sent in a secret diner And here's what they saw. Do you make the bread here? Who the chef he make Special He seems quite proud of his father and what they do because he talks back and with great affection I kind of feel like I'm sitting in the family kitchen It's made it all a lot more personal actually, really good lovely star Oh What is this again foie gras terrine, I think I ordered a mackerel oh That's okay I've got mad for a second They're not busy, how could you confuse the two tables Should remember what's going on Damn Watching your food being put down on a table in front of you. It's like eating secondhand foods whenever that Happens again, if we goes back into the kitchen, I forgot that How do you feel watching that I? Could go and write those tickets for you now and show you the correct procedure and what ways could be so is easy for you But do me a favor do that because I've been trying to do that for about eight years But I get ignored but he listened to you The Interesting thing is they didn't ask me how I wanted the lamb done. So I'm afraid when it arrives I may discover I've got a problem with it. Oh Thank you, I'm sorry to be paid but I didn't realize that the lamb came so pink Why'd it be possible to have one better Dungy? I just go see. Thank you Surely you must ask a customer medium pink well-done No, that's their prerogative It's not this old 1980s Shetland tally what I say goes and it saves the frustration, doesn't it? It saves that dish being done twice. Oh Thank you So they brought two completely new main courses other than bringing back the half call first pay they brought by an entirely new main course that Is very impressive great recovery Wonderful recovery the fact that you took time and then to new main courses Yeah, apparently out of the kitchen, but you did it without any hassle. I left a really nice impression Despite the fact that they actually ended up cooking full moon courses. They've only charged for one inch so it's 40 is Clearly experience phenomenal food delicious value-for-money spot-on I want to come back here because it felt like they'll come into your house If you get up to the speed with a modern day system of taking tickets It doesn't need to be that pressurized putting those dishes down. So we have to look at the disorganization. That's it Came straight back in the kitchen and told Graham what done I remember, oh, it got seed that done it, you know because Thirteen eight years. I've never made that mistake before it would be fantastic to sit there See that secret footage and there be absolutely not a single thing wrong See there hate each other on the back and all leave but life's not really like that Is it? Graham's putting a brave face on things But he must realize he's got a lot of work to do if he's gonna win this competition. I Put both teams through the ringer to test their skills as chefs and restaurant tours now, it's their last chance to prove themselves To earn a place in the semi-finals they've got to cook one exceptional dish something worthy of a place on my three Michelin star menu I'd be alive slept well last like just running everything through over and over and over in here It's just all the pre-match nerves and then there's a pre-match tension What Dornan never been in a place qualities? It's a mixture of excitement. And nurse. I want to win more than anything gotta get everything. Absolutely, right? So if we always on this really good luck To earn the honor of representing British cuisine in the semi-finals their dish must be nothing less than exceptional This is the Battle of Britain and for me to the best restaurants are going head-to-head for the very first time There's no undercover footage. There's no coach. It's just you on a plate. It's 20 stunning dishes, and that is it Make sure as you go through the semi-final good luck I've asked them to create their dishes using a classic British ingredient venison These are two amazing westerns come head to head and for me the best of British always excites me more many other category I'm expecting crow flavors great balance and phenomenal fireworks I've invited 20 esteemed guests to judge. Both teams creations the diners include Elizabeth Carter editor of The Good Food Guide an Award-winning British farmer Wilfred and Manuel Jones and the front of house teams from both westerns are here, too so in terms of nervousness scouts is my Chance to prove ourselves another four covers table to west allis for venison loin Grams divides the dish worthy of his mission and starts status He's using venison loin So with onion marmalade potatoes? Pickled cherries and finished with crispy bacon and venison liver. It's hard to care because the hunters breakfast they called it Mitchell doesn't think this bar it's got great flavor, you know, but you need to keep it nice being by some rare It's a technical dish with the potential for disaster Especially if Graham's control-freak curry prevents sous-chef Ben from supporting him. I know we like you will let anyone do anything What are you actually doing today? Apart from making grantee? Are you actually participating in the cooking? The garnishing bacon or tears onion marmalade cherries I Know you love taking your time when you put these dishes together. It's actually one out for 20 not one hour per dish Yeah, just in case cuz nobody like when you get buried away, there's no pulling you bang out there is there My face of grain is that the food is so complex. It's four five elements So he just needs offload and open up and bring been with him to get that dish. Absolutely. Perfect So for more venison loin away now ground, please West nails on Table two Please been send one table clean your shit down. Send the next table to your shit down here What blue pen I'm gonna leave these player by the liver Ian Graham delegating at last but with time on his hands. He started cooking the delicate venison liver too early That liver is your danger zone. You know that grain. I don't danger zone How'd you want to serve it? I want to show it rare rare so you cook it rare here It goes out there pink when it sits there. It's firmus. Fuck you understand So when he's two thirds of the plate dressing you're happy have the conversation fire at the last moment Tell me when I'm gonna deliver. Yeah. Yep. You ready? Yeah, go for it Through limousine. Yeah, yeah Then crunch down those cherry stems upper place They look fantastic. Absolutely. Fantastic. No two ways about it. Go please table to do more venison We're away now, please Graham we chef table for please Thank you working with the team at the moment And then he scrapes things get involved with stuff on the past allowing me to cook the liver of things last minute Graham's happy with these food, but will the diners agree? It smells awesome that's really lovely Flavors are all there. I mean exactly what we always getting the restaurant. I'm very proud of him. It's good dish Getting nearly Ground dish has set the bar seriously high to being with a chance of winning The milestone lad really have a battle on their hands. So on order four covers Table six milestone for venison, Wellington. Yes chef Thank you big competition day going head-to-head against the mission Saracen. Yeah, you got no cooking school today. No downstairs. No upstairs No one kitchen 20 dinars no excuses. What's the chances? I'm optimistic. Oh, yeah, nothing we're gonna do it I was a nebula Michelin star. We haven't sir so the underdogs, but if we can do this then they'll be amazing Hey, Chad, Simon is pulling out all the stops with a bull's initial roast venison loin and a haunch of venison and nettle Wellington So with beetroot fondant watercress puree and braised lettuce This could be the dish my career if all goes well, then it could change things for a drastically how far off Simon six minutes Yeah Simon's dish requires perfect timing something he messed up when he fed my coach diners I'd rather keep the customers waiting there for five minutes. Yeah, the server beetroot. That's not good proper Yeah, there's no room for mistakes. All six elements of this dish must be cooked to perfection for venison up to the past now Guys make every plate count. Yeah So this yeah go please but in his haste to get the food out Simon has made a terrible schoolboy error I'm fucked up Joey the point you should know that by now get me Rob. Please urgently let's go That's the bracelet is that we've got off the main go it's fine. It's not on there now. They haven't finished it They're not way to a go, please. Yeah. Yeah, just apologize quickly. Thank you Just behind this a braised baby gem lettuce a More experienced chef will recover from a mistake like this quickly, but Simon's rattled Miss stay off the play. I saw him pissed up and pissed up to myself Look, I mean is that it's done? Yeah Come on, let's go. Yeah Thank You chef 30 seconds Venice little bit first right coming up on this here. Yeah. Fuck jump. What's up? What's up? At this time the lettuce is on the plate. You're not separate table one pleasure. Say this Start working up another four. Yeah. Yeah summers bounce-back means talking to James and more portly. They're together as a team So it's a dynamic duo as opposed to one up one down Happy that yeah, so this very nice the dishes look fantastic. Absolutely. Delicious James. Yeah, so I'm keep it going. Yeah. Yeah That's your last several. Yes by the last table look exactly and takes exactly the same as a first pleasure Jenny Okay. Good over you Most annoying person natural weddings. It looks absolutely brilliant Hold on guys. Yeah. Yeah big deep breath Service is over my discerning yes of tasty both restaurants food. I want to find out what they thought starting with a milestone They thought the venison with the Wellington wonderful combination of flavors a texture it taste It really worked for me Wilfred. How was it the person who did the Wellington I would he is so eager to win Yeah, it looks like a cage fighter. It's like he's ready for action Big way and you can see that in the dish There was too much going on and then the one with cherry was a bit more laid-back. Yes is the West House? That was my preference and it's because wasn't trying too hard. I prefer the West house I thought the way that kind of venison was perfect and I Absolutely loved the liver which is something I normally don't eat and was a real treat. I referred the Wellington. Yeah I thought it's actually fantastic Hey, she was brilliant. He was really live Extremely difficult issues. Yes, actually baby like two beautiful ladies you do both the guys of full well, but they've also Come up against pressure Gorn doesn't say anything as a missus Eyes on everything I think overall it went really really well Yeah, the food looks amazing who say stubby dish that went out. So hopefully that'll be the winning dish I'm hoping for the best but it's all in the eyes of garden at the end of there Both of these restaurants have great strengths, but we've also both got floors I'd love to put them both through to the semi-finals but I can't which of them has the potential to be truly great I've got to decide My top two British restaurants the michelin-starred West House from Kent and the milestone from Sheffield have absolutely cooked their hearts out I'm about to tell one of them the competition journey ends here There have been errors yet both still produce truly outstanding food To help me make my choice. I need to compare both dishes Both this is visually stunning I can transport these two plates and put them in any top restaurant and they wouldn't look out of place That's how excited I am about the best of British milestone Braised lettuce beetroot a Wellington done with a cheap cut Phenomenal and the nettle pancake mind-blowing Is delicious buttery Slightly gamy loin of venison that just just melts in your mouth this just like put a knife through butter. Is that soft wonderful Westhouse got that wow factor Delicious Darhk's ever heart/liver very difficult yet, right It's got that little touch of gaining bitterness to it. That really goes well with the rich cut from the loin Season duty the cherries make it work because the acidity and it's got that side of Ruth That Moorish sumptuous richness. I am really taking back while these dishes the standard is incredible. I love this one. Love it. Love it Love it, but then there's magic in this one for me right now They're both winners - remarkable British restaurants, but only one can win a place in the semi-finals Okay, um, I Invited both you here today to blow me away For one restaurant to excel um, I didn't get that No, because I got both restaurants excelling in a big way and it's Amazing to see That kind of performance in what my mind is one of the most exciting categories but the joy of watching and tasting what you've just done in there has now become a Nightmare on a personal front because I have to eliminate one of you and put one of you through to the semi-final So I thought well which dish would I put on my lunch menu tomorrow morning? I came up with the decision Both the dishes would sit there That's what I'm faced with right now so the winner is Not based on one dish because if it was Both of you will be going through Think of the journey I turn up with a coach 30 diners come Swooping in causes havoc and it's the biggest pain-in-the-ass that any Russian could ever wish for I then film you Undercover I send in an awkward secret diner to turn the place upside down to see how you handle that kind of pressure Here's my question Which restaurant would I prefer to return to? West as would I go to that intimate stunning family-run Michelin star done with charm or would it be the Sheffield I suppose balls of steel because it is run with a Heartbeat that is missing a lot of rations tough very tough It is so hard, you've got no idea The restaurant going through to the semi-final based on everything I've seen Is Last time. Congratulations That was for me One of the toughest most different decisions I've ever made but that this was unique and don't stop cooking like that. Yeah Go now this stage is fighting us and makes us you know Worse the second-best British restaurant in the competition So, you know We carry on we do we do it we do it a restaurant and you know keep the customers happy and that's that's the main thing Guys well done really well done. Yeah phenomenal. He pulled out the stops there today and it worked. Yeah. Good job. Well done Well done well done It's just amazing, it's fantastic dream come true he's proved a point to us for and to a lot of those people that are expecting a lot from us and Thank god, we've actually come true and we've made it with that kind of determination That's where the future of British cooking is up there in Sheffield But right now this competitions only gonna get tougher and I hope they don't let me down
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 5,509,203
Rating: 4.8967915 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, ramsays best restaurant, ramsays best restaurant full episodes, gordon ramsay best restaurant, gordon ramsay best restaurant visit, gordon ramsay best restaurant full episodes, gordon ramsay best restaurant final, ramsays best restaurant british, gordon ramsay british food
Id: kpe5JNOeu0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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