[FULL] Boiling Point - Gordon Ramsay documentary (1999)

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Having worked a bit in the food industry, I can assure you that impatience and angry are more standards than trademarks.

👍︎︎ 644 👤︎︎ u/Lampmonster 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

The guy in the intro seemed more like a hostage confession than whatever it was.

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/ydoesittastelikethat 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

He's way less of a dick in the British version of his shows than the American version.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/facechat 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

@09:27 okay, which one of you TIFU'ers decided to wear that blue plaster?

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/grandmustard 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

For those that are interested, I highly recommend listening to his audio book. From affairs with the wife of a hotel owner he was working at, down to how he got his Michelin stars it's incredible how much his life and career has changed over the years, while he has remained consistent in his values and beliefs. His childhood had everything to do with that and watching his brother piss it all away for the love of heroin.

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/TheColourUrkle 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was a landmark TV show, seeing the protagonist of a TV show acting like a bit of a dick was rarely if ever seen before. This was released in 1999 but didn't receive a huge audience, it was on channel 4 in the UK IIRC not on either of the two [yes, two] main tv channels BBC 1 or ITV.

Simon Cowell made his first appearance on TV as a judge in Pop Idol in 2001 on ITV which was a bigger prime time TV show, so Ramsay doing his schtick started 2 years before and both have gone on to own several solid gold houses.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/MalcolmTucker12 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

If you got beef eat a pork chop!

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/FunkAgent 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

We used to get our chef infuriated just to see how big and fast his veins on the side of his head would throb. There was a pool on when the Aneurism would burst.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/reddit01234543210 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Raw video.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/FireWireBestWire 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
goodness ladies reputation had have been a good hook not about being volatile not about kicking people out that is the media looking for another story [Music] July last year West London uber Synovus aha Bonjour Madame Robeson has been closed madam since three days ago I'm sorry a chef as cuisine and zoo staff walk out with Zamir Ramsay's growing disillusioned with the way the aubergine is run by its owners a to Zed restaurants has erupted into anger over the sacking of one of his chefs he's decided to go it alone and open his own restaurant nearly all the staff are going with him what do you think the future is for aubergine and no probe Regina all right we'll get to you really no that's not really my problem I'm sure whatever they decide to do there'll be a huge success I'm very sorry but I cannot do anything on Fridays 31st of July for lunch the gunfight at the eh-2-zed Corral captures media attention and gives Ramsey a rich opportunity to hype his new venture no such thing as bad publicity especially when you're opening a new restaurant you are probably one of the prime examples of celebrity chef when you become more celebrators are notorious in the past few am our syllabus I mean that's Brian Turner and Gary Rhodes their celebrity chefs let me know yeah I'm let's get it right now I'm a cook and I enjoy cooking and I'm not interested in signing a multi-million pound deal that I can conduct a kitchen from from an office I want to continue cooking I want my own individuality and I would like to have a setup where you know I'm no longer a 33% shareholder I want to be a hundred percent in their video people seem to go down to restaurants particularly in London more to be seen but necessarily for the food that's quite sad yeah especially aubergine is such a place to be yeah but we have a you go through Heathrow and you carry your bags and we have this scanner system where you put your bags on and they go through you've got any metal keys we have the same sort of setup where we detect silicon as you walk through the door the beam goes off and they get kicked out they get taken down to the kitchen first shown to the boys and then out especially when scary spies came in she I'm sorry about it but thank you for your called parameter unlike Ramsey eh-2-zed have decided not to talk about the walkout they've been forced to close the restaurant until they find replacement staff the rest of the riskless goes down Tuesday that's Tuesday it's all the stuff always said their careers with Gordon it's not with eh-2-zed they're not going to put I work for eh-2-zed for two years on the CV at the end of end up working for Gordon they're going to work they work they're going to put they work for Gordon Ramsay the aubergine restaurant Ramsay's board lot aunt Claire just up the road from the aubergine he's given himself for weeks to gut the place remodel and reopen under his own name it's costing 1.2 million pounds paid for from his own savings a frightening bank loan and a little help from the family Ramsey already has two Michelin stars but wants to be the youngest chef to win three the highest accolade of his profession the main reason why I left the Oh Virginia was the fact that you don't become a three-star chef in a large corporate setup three stars to starter Asians about individuality that individual style I'm still underachieved I suppose and I haven't won my third missionary star so there's goals to be had and targets to be reached so that's no that's the tiger three Michelin stars for once Ramsey's putting his own money where his big mouth is thirteen thousand pounds of it goes on a hand painted mural for the dining room how do you feel good about people being able to see out see through into the corridor do you want that for your scared as well I think the most importantly it's not a business passageway we're not having people walk through there in the space of three hours about 45 people so to be honest I'd rather not having distracted by anyone walking in there okay so we really obscure as much spot because it just makes it that touch more incident yeah I've taken a huge risk how many chefs in this country would really come out the safety net that I had a dataset you honing out of the fifty thousand pound two hundred thousand pounds a year and Don I sit alone I suppose I'm a shareholder of eh-2-zed restaurant still a week to go before the opening and the media are tripping over themselves but not all the publicity is good a TV documentary investigating bad bosses has secretly filmed ramsay verbally abusing his staff an unidentified camera crew has made Gordon jittery very so I'm actually been haunted at the moment by [ __ ] Granada Television four bosses from how and the program comes out in Tuesday night and it's a verb from [ __ ] prepare from there then I'm gonna go no but I'm just gonna find out where they're from first nothing to do with Granada no I'm fine I'm actually tired of an interview right now so I'm not really available for energy Yanis no no I mean I knew nothing about it so I don't really want to know sure so therefore we won't expect to talk to him okay I'm very wary I mean a TV crew just turns up and they start filming the front and they're here because they want to do it for German television they're both English and she's got hairy armpits and I don't believe her full stop as the crew leave Ramsey's not sure who they were in fact they were nothing to do with the Granada investigation but yeah you have to walk around with all eyes open the morning of the opening the fates are not smiling ITV has chosen tonight of all nights to broadcast the documentary about brutal bosses on his way to work Gordon takes it personally got this bloody programme so you know there's quite a lot of things on my mind and customers are paying tonight there's no there's no there's no fuck-ups now it's real this is a real McCoy and it's a it's got to be right I think what I'd like to do is just stay calm remain in the kitchen and deal with the [ __ ] when it hits the fan tomorrow morning if it does I mean really depends on what kind of it is it's not going out to 10:40 and put a lot of people they're not really interested in staying on top chef shouting in the kitchen the staff know what to expect they've worked under Gordon before at the aubergine once again they swallow their pride and prepare to get Ramsay we only work here to learn probably the best food in England at the moment and probably some of the best food in the world so that's why and you only get Charlie that one Pollock to be this on it wrong so that's how you learn it's not being in the army early this is sick of times it's not very nice piece they just mentioned bully boy tactics and you know psychological barriers without bad bosses five o'clock the dining room is immaculate it's small intimate and exclusive fourteen tables room for just forty five customers and tonight every seat is taken Marcus wearing has worked as one of Gordon's head chefs for the past five years so this is probably the biggest day of his life because this is him independent 100% on his own and there's only one man that can could make a mess of it now and that's gone and he knows that less than an hour to go nothing must Mar the perfection of the opening night any incongruity must be stamped on and eliminated why is he got a blue plaster on in the [ __ ] dining room by something from yoga now a blue [ __ ] plaster to Vishnu star establishment on earth not you you are you you babies finger look look the smart bmacadelic [ __ ] blue plaster [ __ ] don't [ __ ] up and buy some white plasters you young yeah one day you want to be at operational manager who knows yeah who knows [ __ ] knows yeah do you think is acceptable that you wear a blue plaster and a dying room of that standard I don't need this type of mastership you had only this type of plaster so what about open your big French eyes and looking for white plasters you in a hurry [ __ ] off will you stop bullshitting me yeah did you have time to go and get them you have time to go and give them today right does it look show me your hand does it look more discreet what does it look stupid sorry no it's okay thank you was that difficult I have far as Europa foods two minutes well done gold star Arthur [Music] tonight looks like it's going to be a bumpy ride okay seven o'clock and Ramsey's first customers arrive they'll spend upwards of a hundred pounds ahead to sample the creations of the country's most talked-about chef Jeff on second quarter huh fellas Joe a few boxes Bacchus doing a few boxes it's becoming increasingly hot in the kitchen the extraction fans packed up and as the temperature rises the cook starts sweating onto the plates can we get hold it boy do you look at me today can we get older electrician or someone yeah extraction gone off please halo speaking yes no problem that is the kitchen extracts that just went off yeah I understand agreement regarding the contact you've got anybody you know that in the kitchen the staff begin to wilt in 100 degree heat and Gordon's approach isn't doing much for morale wait Simon what's he doing why are you wiping the plates but why are you wiping the plates what's he doing mark that jerk is he talking as I call don't please double six go come on young mother cease Joshi cappuccino are you it's convenient while you watch me the plates why do I pee the plate every time there's food in the palace where should it be we on the [ __ ] past stay here next time you're out okay hey young man that's three times in half an hour we looking for you next time finish okay hey big boy your choice when I stand there talk to the [ __ ] kitchen pours all night I'm spending it doing your job what you prefer stay here every time you stood on the past on the past 8:30 9 o clock won't go steady never yes good why that voice not going out understand close the door hurry up away hurry up you know why so I can monitor provision there cook you know that I can see we're gonna make it who's not gonna make another oh I just put on there get rid of it okay let's go the restaurant is in the [ __ ] dining room go Toby eleven in the meantime if you there's nothing I mean if I could say when he's looking to come over easy everything is clicking on I just spoke to Molly he thought you told me what to do he said the problems that stairs it's on the roof and it's the you said the fam that's probably what snapped it happened a larger as well and we got a family coming for more interesting the extraction fan can't be repaired tonight leave it back a hundred and thirty degrees and Counting if you can't stand the heat first [ __ ] night London 38 degrees that guys did he dying over incredible we have all nights to go the first [ __ ] night the distraction plan breaks bankers we won't come out are there too lazy there too interesting watching on television at 10:40 I suppose the program not we've gone out tonight and he may have come out and some are fall programs on out with bad bosses they decided to stay in so I'd been stitched y7o so you gonna have to just keep coming out every hour what we're gonna have to otherwise we're gonna drop out we like flies otherwise otherwise it'll be a few casualties crisis number two not all the customers have ordered yet but the kitchens run out of salad Sarge the junior sous-chef is next in the firing line [Music] full mix Salamanca chances I believe is push out the jackhammer [ __ ] salad close to lunch yeah as a 25 year old junior sous chef yeah so [ __ ] selling in this place I'd be happy the big boys just calm down and stop worrying about your class jackets I'm 50 quid concentrate keep your [ __ ] job thanks Tong your mouth Sarge I'm gonna give a [ __ ] to understand yeah there you go boys about the summer go got the fridges are gone down Stella's not fresh okay yeah he's gonna [ __ ] now he's gonna tell [ __ ] to the customers yeah hey young man look at him he's got to go out there [ __ ] how are you Oh 25 you reckon you're the same as I was at 25 you're [ __ ] ten miles away big boy yeah no [ __ ] way call out the order you ever got the policy tablets others on next time you're out it's now I'm getting [ __ ] serious and that's not because of [ __ ] TV in here [ __ ] the TV first a hot kitchen now a hot dining room the waiters don't know how to control the air-conditioning Ramsay had asked one of them to check the controls some weeks before why did I send you down here to check on the air condition before the restaurant closed they're conditioned why did we send you down so we're not in the [ __ ] [ __ ] now you're fat bastard what do you think we just come down to have a [ __ ] cup of coffee for showing that [ __ ] you were so what's the point you're coming down what was the point that you coming down here to check everything out there's your brains in your [ __ ] arse he spent three hours here locating all the buttons checking out the air conditioning it doesn't know where the [ __ ] panel is Maitre D' is it [ __ ] Tommy is it cool me what we're going to do now then fatso any ideas you don't think is your job to be responsible or you think you just got think about your [ __ ] cheese board all day long 500 pound a week to think about a [ __ ] cheese board 11 o'clock and astonishingly nobody has been sacked yet this oversight is hurriedly rectified standing in front of the [ __ ] glass drinking [ __ ] water in front of all the customers [ __ ] off bang the system wine waiters standing in front of the window drinking from a bottle standing there guzzling it down and set up to the side of him and he's standing doing that in front of the table six as for customers on that they got a clear view right through to the kitchen watching him drink a bottle of bad walk straight from the mouth so I grabbed him threw the bottle in the bin and septic I just drink water and why not to table as opposed to Mercy Me after this investment my first night 1.2 million pound to stand there and watch a [ __ ] idiot swig from a bottle and then walk back in the dining room and serve that table he was standing staring at him and I'm not gonna go and ask the customers did they see him no chance he's out finished they started crying downstairs and he said you're the best chef over well I don't give a [ __ ] about what he thinks he's out some timing crazy so you know just one but ready really lunch ever I'm not accepting from no one who's Gordon right to suck you 50/50 50/50 that's all bye Kristof hasn't survived the first night but despite the setbacks the restaurant has tomorrow the extraction fan will be fixed and plasters color-coordinated but the owners not happy to make it easier I close the [ __ ] legs to make our life a bit more easier to get in the flow tonight no it's not right it's not right in terms of like bad services that you've noticed this is this particularly bad one where's my [ __ ] first is now here a Mayan establishment luckily the dining room remained reasonably cool there have been no complaints from the customers and the restaurant is fully booked for the month ahead one o'clock in the morning back home Ramsay's wife Tana has taped Britain's most unbearable bosses broadcaster more than 3 million people earlier in the evening on ITV there is bad temper in the kitchen were true and undercover reporter Myles Wilson posing as a student to join his staff he was also wearing a hidden camera [Music] bronzy left to start his own restaurant despite its hot temper many of his staff went with him oh crap I'm gonna get flak there's gonna be two or three individuals that you jump on the bandwagon have their five minute laure tomorrow the newspaper but I'll take you on the chin it's swaying fine I don't think mom's gonna be very proud it was bit of an anti-climax after the night we've just had today is the first day of the Bramley ample season and Gordon Ramsay has agreed to endorse the product by cooking a dish of his own creation before a select coterie of foodie journalists [Music] have these delicious wonderful Bramley's apples for the big surprise today what they don't realize is inside the granny spit up now Bella okay magazine Woman's Weekly and some period magazine as well and tell me one thing out of all these pricks through journalist today there how many of them will actually identify they've got a granny smith apple or Brandy's Apple which one it's a bit naughty those things yeah well that's not them to know is it because we'll remove this little thing here look this is called a labeled I'm gonna be back here and it's gonna be the fastest not a trace of guilt as the chef poses with Bramley's unsuspecting frontman Gordon's endorsement is the main thing for primary alcohol I mean he's one of the top young chefs of the day two Michelin stars I mean absolutely perfect and we want to establish Bramley as the Apple for cooking so who better to endorse it than Gordon Ramsay I feel like I'm standing the midden DeSoto my knickers down yeah I mean let's face it I'm strapped there's no two ways about it I'm strapped for cash a little bit behind bills and so when someone's offering that kind of feet more an apple the last time I touched the brown apples probably the mum's roast pork good thing about it is that it doesn't change its flavor during the cooking process so you get this lovely sort of Apple etang that comes right the way through which is British you know brilliant on the cross chefs like Gordon appreciate that now we're extremely fortunate privileged to have the double Michelin star chef Gordon Ramsay with us today and in a few moments I'll hand over the Gordon unbeknown to the organisers Ramsay believes that by adding a teaspoon of pureed Bramley's to his Granny Smiths dish he's still honoring the deal fold that over like so forming a nice neat triangle flipped that over there spoon of butter normal salted butter and [Music] then realizes that strong now we're on fire okay fire pull out in the bin I think that's a bit too hot there Matt you've done that on purpose don't the bins on fire Matt this is not this is not this is not pretended you know this is Rosie's actually realized some water in there to cool that down that's better put that back in there so I have the pen and start again so you can cut I mean okay but into the pan what a dick it into the non-stick pan which is not standing up right there nice and golden brown on the outside and we're just gonna stack and just glaze and drip that round and I'm sorry for rushing but that's the brown example caramelizing feeler paste with a wonderful Midway of apples serve with the alcoholic sorbet and I think we should be between mats now going to show you two or three more that's five grand richer for just half an hour's work and he's running back to his restaurant in Chelsea [Music] what a [ __ ] nightmare that must be the easiest money you've ever made yes it is yeah yes it is what a plonker that guy from family's apples during a typical evening service Ramsey's mood isn't quite so jovial why don't you so touch it then touch it and then [ __ ] eat it he trying to slice them laughs I've got a carving knife mark he trying to slice it two seconds Christophe yeah okay you can see we're in the [ __ ] [ __ ] hey Evans got one one one one one one one nothing grouped together yeah okay so give me [ __ ] ten minutes ago a smaller cell a car we've got no procedure here only I've asked you the smallest Alucard I've said it four times call it [ __ ] facts the restaurant is less than two months old but Ramsay is already averaging a star sacking a week put down put down there ah Kafka conflict is not just confined to the kitchen his temper is spilled into the dining room this time it's an eminent food critic who's been on the receiving end and it's made national news at seven o'clock on a Friday night Gordon's usually sourcing a lobster ravioli for his discerning diners but tonight he's minutes away from appearing live on an outside broadcast to the BBC's watchdog program first let me set the scene okay it was this Monday I called his restaurant in Chelsea and in walked triple a celebrity Joan Collins a model called Nicola Formby and her boyfriend eh eh Gill food critic of the Sunday Times who had written the following words about some of Gordon's restaurants and he said the menu was in some respects utterly tasteless and embarrassing he said that his restaurant was quote utterly forgettable and to cap it all off he he compared Gordon to an 11 year old right so that festival which is a table number three take Meo was about 5 to 5 to 9 I think take him together hey give us at which is position 1 next to next to him was adjoined cuttings we serve the bread and what we serve the bread gone canet and that's when you say ok say good evening to everybody good evening a drink good evening mr. Collins good evening that are giving agent got out of his seat to shake my hand and said Harry you sound fires and obviously extremely busy I looked over at Joe and asked her very politely not to take you personally and then returned to pager agen would you mind leaving and he sort of burst out laughing he said seriously Gordon as an agent very seriously would you mind getting out and I suppose I just thought how quaint how how quaintly a tease of him I mean celebrity restauranteurs chefs throwing people out of their restaurants seems to be such an incredibly old-fashioned thing to Gay's little gaze with spun sugar baskets and and cappuccino soup and why did you do it though because they do say if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen isn't it part and parcel of being in the food business yeah I mean we're working extremely hard we work for 16 17 hours a day the reason I've done it is because I don't really want to open my doors to personal personal criticism any longer I suppose but if he if he kind of roasts your food as it were you're not to bother with that not saw we were there for that kind of cooking every day I mean we constructivism is important but the personal days joan collins gender nothing wrong she ended up having to leave you restaurant yeah that was that was a great shame i mean my mother is not depressed it's been a long-running feud and have always played to Queensbury rules Gill's got personal making a hurtful reference to the chefs former career as a failed footballer at glasgow ranges and maybe never have been the first ever british chef to get three Michelin stars I'm going to be the second but I'll always be the person that ever ever kicked out heavy kill [Music] I got back that evening and found that there were four messages on my answering machine the first one was it was time 9:40 which must have been 20 minutes after we'd left and it was in the daily managers said mr. go we've had a call from Gordon Ramsay would you like to come comment so I mean he I mean he obviously saw it immediately as being as being a way of getting into the papers bringing the newspapers and that's not my style and I don't I don't get off for that kind of thing and when we have serious celebrities in here the one reason why they come here is because we restrict we respect their privacy we don't blow the lid off the sake of getting the paparazzi outside another way - Ron Ramsey is - call him a celebrity chef at AG he were bust leaden eyes it makes today's photo shoot at home with celebrity Bible OK Magazine somewhat puzzling reporter Park they do is the coffee hey for once Ramsey's not completely hogging the limelight the supporting cast goes to white toner and six-month-old baby Megan there's been a huge difference in the interest in not only you know work but in really everywhere they can do something I mean it's fine some of its quite intrusive they want to know more and more about this person in life which you promised your votes Megan and I love them just you know Gordon at work and you know Gordon sort of comes and goes you know he comes when they're ready and disappear soon after I'm not used to it I don't find it as easy as Gordon and my sister always laughs and said I need you and Gordon would do it one day so when I told her that we were doing this she was just it's just laughed at me okay right appearing in OK Magazine might be embarrassing fatahna but Ramsay will be getting a plug for his new restaurant and is already organising a second shoot there tomorrow tomorrow morning the concentrating on the food ok you make sure the diner is ready for the fall for toppers I don't want to be labeled as the celebrity chef and I don't have that status I've never wanted that status appearing in OK Magazine may not help and there's a slight contradiction I don't do it to put myself on par with Gary Rhodes or to start you know acting like the next Brian Turner I think they need that it's like a intravenous drip for them I think if Gordon doesn't recognize that he's a celebrity I think he's being slightly disingenuous [Music] being a celebrity chef is the worst worst position for him he's really bad at it because he can't control his temper at the restaurant has started another tough week I'm a firm believer starting the first service the week off crate leads understand me like that as an indication how the whole week's going to go start like a [ __ ] [ __ ] tonight will be [ __ ] tomorrow should we [ __ ] and where's the you won't be here what scared of him I mean it worries me a bit when I get [ __ ] in from him as it would anyone otherwise voila King wouldn't work so I'm scared of him not scared of him but he does it gets me a little bit I'm not scared of him give me one good reason you know I'm the most difficult chef to work for in Britain well she's going home how can we [ __ ] that up I know what's right then it was wrong I know I have a temper I know I'm aggressive to work for and concentrate about the end of the day I know damn well that those guys will go home know full well that I'm fair when he's yelling sometimes it seems personal and even 5 or 10 minutes time it'll kind of have to put it aside I never used to I used to dwell on it for the rest of the service and and that was it for me I was opals for the rest of the night but these days I just put it aside okay oh I've made that mistake stay here and do this [ __ ] trail I think I have gone too far on two or three occasions I can't control that and in ten years time I'll still feel as passionate about Baal accuser honors I would praising them races God Maya but don't always pick up on just the negative side there's a very kind understanding loyal side to my character that you very rarely get to see today there's an important customer at Table seven Guardian food critic Matthew fought is in for lunch and hoping to survive a little longer than fellow review f-a-a Gill yes I think here's this is the kitchens are where there's a critic in the house come on Simon on your toes [Music] well I mean all my customers are food critics I don't feel any different to normal customers I think the most important thing is to remain that armed then different on these guys getting close to the dangerous and these guys aren't there to get close to treat him like a normal customer that's the most important Matthews dining partner is Jane Lewis who works in the catering trade herself upon a lacuna Matthews gonna take the duck make sure you got lots of de semana okay we just find in Matthew the wireless yes normal normal car service before we said it started want to know if you are recognized then it would be very difficult to for them not to make a bit of an extra effort he may be a normal customer but Ramsey's paying particular attention to the date sauce going on Matthews duck I don't the idea is bring the source of the pour them for the day pureed not for the day Burien [ __ ] coals down whereas where's this one come from is he changing again bring the source of the ball then put the day pure in okay unless you have time to rectify the repertoire again some we spoke about sources and I just got me one faulty remember we spoke about have you forgotten I run through again yeah and forgotten thank [ __ ] for that good start is once hot tar sands Jack and frogs legs for the critic I don't like admitting it but I am a self-confessed perfectionist I spend 16 17 hours a day correcting things maintaining standards and having this obsessive character Nathan for example quickly please just look at the thumbprint on there look come here you a [ __ ] come here you just look at the thumbprint on there get it back and get it clean later is that it start again for the week [ __ ] how hello it's so ever done it's a big dirty print on there oh my god let's get out the [ __ ] way I don't want you bringing sauce back here for because this is the cream sauce I don't want to see on here what you're doing this for change it again every time you change it get your ass game you mind you yeah okay okay yourself my beautiful it's coming now yes Henry Henry if you shut the [ __ ] up all my hearing is you're following voice again what's that Oh Darren's date sauce is about to be tested dates thank you very much indeed well it's very clever it's very well presented and God knows how they do that so doesn't scented I think it's slightly too strong for the broom if I'm being really really ticky Murphy Falls okay crystal limey there we go they do that guys had perfect food today perfect service perfect wine if I get a [ __ ] article in two weeks time then I look cause I'm coming back in here six days after he was ejected from the restaurant hey Gill has retaliated his Sunday Times column describes Ramsay's eatery as hideous and its owner barely house-trained the whole reason behind asking him to leave the dining room was just for this particular reason and lo and behold a week after he's been thrown out he's already become personal already and he's made it quite clear that we're in front of another personal tecnique Sunday so that's a huge contradiction here this was not done on a PR stint this was one man's opinion my own opinion the fact I don't respect him as a critic any longer I do not wish him in my dining room for the next 20 years and this is the reason why if you're after a media punch up then Ramsay's your man he rolls up his sleeves and heads for the International Court of Human Rights or it's TV equivalent this morning with Richard and Judy it's clearly evident to me the fact that this guy's you know turning somewhat bitter against me he has this thing he's had this paranoia that chefs have problems with their egos an hour before transmission the celebrity chef is about to get some gentle probing into his psychological makeup by the show's celebrity psychiatrist Rajpur so what are we supporting as always what to be light yes and you can't basically it's been like maybe a surgeon and you don't mind not being light but I can live with that but for being a firm boss yes well being a fun bus is all about taking the risk of not being like oh absolutely probably is something I don't really pay much attention to really I mean I I'm gonna go kitchen is the only slight concern but nobody ever does it on TV we know you're fond of right language I'm swearing yeah we're not in service are we no not only takes place between 12:00 o'clock and 3 Roger should know that in seven locking 11:00 but in the morning certainly not great especially my mother's watch it yeah and don't libel him definitely old great we'll see okay great thanks thank you it's down his reputation with swear do you know confrontation was it really was a kind of straw that broke the camel's back syndrome or have you hated him for ages I mean we've never really got on from day one he said in some in his his account of it in the paper on Sunday but um he didn't understand it that he wasn't rude he didn't didn't expect it to happen and he thought that you were being petty what's he what's he said about you on a personal well I mean we all know that factor okay I didn't make it arranges in with labeled as a failed footballer in his eyes and and that's rude of in year-old boy you hadn't warned him not to come I think previously many months ago three months ago was having dinner with my wife at the ivy a very polite word in his ear once then evening whilst leaving what's the memory restaurant yeah fine that's sweet know they have a good program with a very huge audience and they'll tell him at the end there that they got slated by ia himself ready how about the program about how pathetic it was against is a light-hearted chat but I mean that's the end no more put it to bed put it to bed get back in the kitchen where you belong my dear boy it's been three weeks since the Guardian visited Gordon's restaurant his professed indifference seems to have evaporated he's come out with fellow chef Marcus at 1:00 a.m. to pick up a first edition from Leicester Square I'm terrible I finished here on a Friday night to three o'clock in the morning I pick up the papers so I'll see it you know hot off the print Matthews for risked life and limb what about chef Clemenza who's proven difficult to keep out of the news what degrees the cooking is precise the sourcing of south of finesse everything is finished to polish degree but there were a few slight technical errors the batter on the frog's legs for example was just beginning to go soggy and the sauce was superbly cooked Burlington silver plowed the OL dividual dish is poaching with wine [ __ ] idiot yeah I mean it's not a bad article it's not gonna fake business put it that way and I think it's about for the second from the least selling newspaper nothing more to grow my husband I mean it's it's fine but it's not I mean he seems to be a classic bully is that is that somebody who will overreact to people beneath him and then feel terribly aggrieved if somebody he doesn't have innate power over and criticizes well then we can appeal bastard letter yeah sorry do you see speculation today oh nice lady Joan Joan Joan Collins she mentioned the dreadful dreary pokey hole and then she slated the apology letter I mean [ __ ] you Robbie won two of the biggest names in cooking spend a Saturday fishing together Marco Pierre White is in pole position on the where his friend Gordon Ramsay is some way behind that was a good start was it I've only been here two minutes I've caught something already my thumb competition between them is fierce and not just for fish Marco is the only British chef with three Michelin stars the trades ultimate accolade Ramsey has two and he's snapping at his heels Gordon's first taste of michelin-starred cuisine came as an apprentice in marques kitchen today at 32 winning three stars has become an obsession for Ramsey and to get the edge he wants to be the youngest chef to hold the award they're bottlenecks 10 degrees doesn't need it he's a nice one ten-pound oh I caught that one last week with you Gordon is one of the most competitive people I've ever met in my life whatever it does must be competition Gordon wants to catch more fish to market who wants to catch a bigger fish than market and vice versa hey big boy I think my I think my I think my bass Dez hey I'm a bass that's alright just don't leave that let it work make it work itself drum same hell don't you fire out just keep close sin even today Gordon still has to accept the role of apprentice I've been here eight minutes and to kneel down to keep that competitive edge nothing's important yeah I was pretty touched that Marco got to the very top and won three Michelin stars but now I'm running a very close race then I'm tucked in behind him and I'd really like to get to the top to the very top oh wait give me your baits and get than that look at me I feel like you've been that boy bad shits we know [ __ ] right my feet are soaked in a situation one of Gordon's junior chefs might enjoy the boss through nailed down wet feet and now no rod or a dick game set and match tomorrow [Applause] it's ramses dream of three Michelin stars that drove him to set up his own restaurant and the guides inspectors are starting to take note last night I had a initial inspection from the little one inspector from France and the one and only mr. bean be number one in Britain tend to indicate well it looks like we're maintaining our two stars I mean I don't really want to speculate any more than that book Mia or could it be three as is customary the Michelin visit was unannounced yeah we'll have to warm to more inspections but we may not even know they could be in for lunch today they're coming for dinner tonight we'll never know Ramsey realizes he could now be in line for his third star but getting there takes innovation and experiment in the early hours when the rest of his staff have gone home Gordon's kitchen becomes his laboratory tonight he sets about creating a dish with a difference John Dorian roasted scallops but with a hint of curry powder eating out of the France off to Italy's you know it's important to three look through menus quite inspirational sometimes when I'm on my own three four o'clock in the morning you know concentration and thanks when they will come something will click and you'll go to bed with that thought you wake up the next day and will start asking mark to order this all of that and you want to put this thing together but the golden rule in this game is not the copy you can't just copy and replicate that's boring a lot of chefs do in this country it pisses me off in a big way because there's no no there's none of themselves on that dish and they are insecure and chef's that don't really believe in their own palettes and follow their own feel for their cook now they've been in there about one and a half minutes the scallops are nice and sweet subtle in the center and the John Dory feet caramelize on the outside just leave them to rest I suppose for me the most important part is being dangerous taking that step further and you know continue to involve not sitting sitting back there any laws and taking things for granted because you'll have a very loyal customer base there which they come and eat sometimes two or three times a week and they don't want to see the same food that was on there five years ago it still development is still working we try to use a lunch menu as I guinea pig but even that's difficult because you know with 25 pounds of sweet courses if I can stir start sticking pigeon duck foie gras there on the lunch menu otherwise I'm going to your bust it's quite risky changing what is already a winning formula well it's the winning formula but it's boring isn't it because you see the same dish day-in day-out and bit too much don't overdo that and people's awareness are becoming a lot more fussy customers demands are becoming a lot more harder than their everywhere before they want to know in great detail what's gone into that they want to know exactly how that's cooked they want to know how much fat is in that and I have a very light style of cooking which revolves around a very little cream and very little butter which is a very healthy way of eating I'd like to think sometimes customers come here to eat take three courses we're having to feel yeah buy some pork oh they can't move for three days after so I mean in a sense are you trying to brand my new restaurant with a menu and why does want to put my hallmark on it ready I've left the aubergine and now we've moved on to a different level and I want to evolve the cooking take it a step higher make my customers happy and you know keep on telling the the mind in the cooks over and over so that you know they become stimulated by what they're doing so they feel excited motivated something new something can write about so this is the John Doyle is roasted scallops the marinated vegetables garnished with white beans I'm finished with a very very light vinaigrette [Music] now that the inspections have started Ramsey's on red alert for another mission I visit a booking for two with the French contact number has aroused suspicion very important phone call from France and when they made that phone call they gave their contact telephone number the head office and be shown in France so you don't have to be intelligent to realize that it's an inspector it's calling this whole inspection but yet has to be through incognito we're not supposed to know these guys are coming but you know I've sniffed them out and I I think I'm 99% sure they're coming tonight so yes well down to rosary you know what is the importance there's a great importance and it's what we wake up in the morning for is what we get out of bed at 6:30 in the morning is what we go to better to like from a potato when there's one guide that sits in your dining room and it happens to be the Mishnah in Christ you know about it in a big way and that's why I'm so you know a little dubious the fact that you even looked at him now and it scared me to think that we're under that kind of scrutinize ation two stars is a chef's award it's a cook see would you get two stars for cooking you get three stars have been a cook stroke restaurateur and now that's what caught was turning into he inspects his cheese board he takes the interest in the wine cellar he looks at the flowers he inspects the waiters three stars is all about the package when they walk into Gordon Ramsay's restaurant even though they may not see him they should be able to smell him have you done their video somehow devar see which is quiet Doug this inspection means so much to Ramsey that for the first time he's banned the film crew from the kitchen and allowed only fixed cameras [Music] to maintain the inspectors anonymity Ramsey has also ruled the dining room out of bounds such as mishneh influence in the trade it's reported that one French chef committed suicide after losing a star okay it's not Leonardo it's him the president they're okay with a lady so yeah now it's time to go yeah Ramsay's hunch was right but it's not just a couple of ordinary inspectors at Table six from a previous visit Gordon's French waiters have recognized one of the guests as michelin's president from Paris be careful Table five I'll make sure everyone gets service time look up what you know not good okay I'll say we do cappuccino Miguel else we do push off the inspectors are getting two extra appetizers but Gordon's covering all bases the tables next to them are getting the same treatment okay watch this table yes sir president Bachand smasheroo still a double six - cappuccino will seems too small Pig Trotter starters won't have anyone panned out there Maru main course one balantine one pigeon don't arrest you cook - yep okay ten ones Russia golden can't resist phoning Marco Pierre White to gloat well it's not over yet I'm gonna send the new scale I can't go back I don't have to go now trumpet plays polish theme plays don't worry about that max with so much to play for Gordon's personally overseeing everything that goes to the inspectors table rusty commando made a beautiful piece of hair everywhere so the pig stylist is like everywhere thought you made a beautiful picture is Herod they've got to be shrink that's why join huh that's what we take them off isn't it coming from now concentrate you everybody here woman for now to hourlies in euros is for to wake up what's that there what's that for I think you have about that [ __ ] concentrate on keeping your job right thanks touch a shovel please marks also are very pleased under that sort of map please yeah mark because the conic that's how we get smart we've come this far mark do not or Ram it in our ring piece yeah the starters are about to go to Table six with a mission i inspectors sit in judgment anxious about progress Ramsey demands constant updates from his front of house staff I try not to go too for everything these girls on top of these okay good what what they speaking what they speaking think together and did you recognize a new skill the table tennis to train did you recognize them for last time did you recognize you now I imagine every times got to eat out it's important not to put the staff on edge because that will have a feel of the dining room the restaurant staff would be on edge that we spent you know has to be waiting for a mistake to happen so you've got to control it and make your staff feel relaxed and composed on dealing with such a big occasion well balancing one picture there guys nervous for you this place is disgusting come on you let's go you donkey Baron eonni [ __ ] initiative yeah Henry of you cleaner [ __ ] plays you dirty bastard Double Deuce Liga oh come on donkey who's that get a grip you uh yeah you in a daze you are you know days [ __ ] dreama down yeah the most experienced person on the past hey hey still Stern they're like yeah who's Jesse I mean how good you think you are bottom line well how could you actually think you are bottom line seriously maybe your [ __ ] art the VIPs main courses are about to be dressed battle team de poulet breasts and pigeon with shoe fal'cie we're kitchen is concerned the ultimate is three Michelin stars becoming static as a two-time not winning it for five senior years would destroy me I suppose because I'm I'm bursting with energy my blaze those truffles and no there's no no see I'm spitting away guys I suppose we would be the youngest at the age of 32 in Europe now folks that'd be history in the making go be the pigeon mark just to eat up again please I'm nice Chuck generous with the stock market they're served in a suit by the way thanks service yes I came up good very good go go quickly go do small [ __ ] it right rusty wrap them in cling film just keep them there I think I look at it you know they're good too much to me that not knives not every time we get them president [ __ ] Francine you know I'm a little bit further down the road to Jordan I've won my three Michelin stars Gordon's knocking on the door to win three Gordon when Gordon wins his three stars in the Michigan then that will be a major changing point within his life to win 3 stars you have to play an attacking game to retain three stars you player defending game on Dave the mission lands dishes have been dispatched safely but there's a delay on the vegetables for some other diners having simmered in tension all evening Gordon Ramsay finally explodes why is going on here you what is going on when we really want [ __ ] Frogger are you are so he lost it again you've lost it again what's your big deal why are you phone there go on go phone then I also what do you go phone then why leave Carphone wife up have you lost it oh you wake up [ __ ] what's the big deal well they're 81-34 gonna join again i micarta mummy again a big in worse guy puts himself in this shift the kitchen stands there bubbling like a baby really by bag as a guy yuri bollocks you have you fathom because so there you are soul afternoon Simon what's he doing mom what [ __ ] bass will study foie gras huh won't I be early heading on the [ __ ] on the Yvonne what's going on in your mind you what's going on your mind what is it then can't keep up tell me then your mind back in the beach again is it unbelievable wake up or next time don't even set the alarm clock stay in your pace do you mind knocking me like a [ __ ] punch bag understand gonna lash out gonna stay Ramsey's attempt at relaxing the staff isn't working Henry Owens partner on the garnish has overcooked the artichokes and held up another table and you see you you come on the past minute on the past you send me six [ __ ] main courses like that again and I'll grab you by the [ __ ] scruff of the neck I'll throw you on the street understand you not just [ __ ] up with Table two that we're sending six men cause you just go ahead all the land back and all the [ __ ] pigeon back for you why can you cook an artichoke yes yeah can you cook an artichoke how old are you 24 you can't cook an artichoke you you can cook it like what like it because this is a [ __ ] laughingstock this is a this is a dream this is a [ __ ] this is a piss-take get with it picket when Gordon worked for me he realized that the standards were the most important and they Gordon has adopted that and in his kitchen if you see as you must have done many Sam stood in his kitchen watched him conduct a service he doesn't let anything go which doesn't meet the standard which is required Gordon has a duty to his clients to deliver a standard people walk through those doors wanting dream to come true and that's what it's all about backs the inspectors desserts get Ramsay's personal seal of approval go we believe poplar ooblar poplar Chris Thompson Blair oh just you come in it correct commit and use well hey come here I've just filled out a mile just filled out a form the other thing celery these Bank in the sand you know what I've went for this one Downers this guy's a chef de Partie yeah Joe he is he's a shepherd bars as well you I saw now on a commie and you a [ __ ] commie don't like that give me a notice I'm [ __ ] off call me call me a [ __ ] off yeah I know man you can't stand the salary no I don't manage no we can do right your notice and ride off with pleasure when I turn on some I wash my hands clean okay call me Phil happy now less stressed a little cry shifter party mark mark shut the party I [ __ ] the party turn the paper I don't give a [ __ ] if you going up I'll never miss [ __ ] yeah that never ever [Music] that was probably the toughest ever dinner hour possibly Cooper's person that was supposed to be the president of the Michelin guys finds very clever they use false names and that's what we like about them physically incognito but John Todd recognized him from two years ago which is important the whole 47 calvess Taniya was the total dream everything went to professional Owen [ __ ] up the ass jokes overcook them so he threw them and their bin and threatened him to kick him out be done that again and you know it all filters from my hands it was perfect great timing that was important about everything was well staggered seven lakh tables 80 lakh tables and the old beautifully time 15 covers an hour brilliant did I went well tonight we're very well so you appraisal it you've done all you can do oh I can't do any more now we've agreed we're here maximum we push the boat out we've got looked after like everybody else this evening it's nice to see him back here again the first time and obviously last time of cooking was two half years ago when he confirmed my one mr. star so no this guy's serious and if there's one that seriously push on your tiptoes it's him the drama intention behind him Ramsay now has an agonizing three-month wait before the new Michelin Guide is published and the prospect of realizing a lifelong dream put me to the test in a big way that's why insane dream last time I Sonia hello slow down you in his kitchen Gordon Ramsay knows only one way to run the show what are you doing please don't [ __ ] start get down what do you say the very first one it's in there are phonies first [Music] poodles on the pass he disappeared again why sorry before we have 10 seconds yeah I didn't think the notion of self-restraint isn't something that comes easily to golden service the Rolly pedal but he's been hired to run a banquet on the eve of the World Cup final and he'll have to be on his best behavior he's wanted for his culinary prowess rather than his take-no-prisoners management style well what we're discussing lunchtime what were we talking about lunchtime what we're discussing automatically standing in front of the train without having [ __ ] told every goddamn day [Music] today Gordon is on its way to Paris to finalize plans for the banquet he's being paid 25,000 pounds to oversee [Music] I suppose one of the most exciting dinners I'll about actually cooked before in my entire life is on the eve of the World Cup final it's going for about a thousand between a hundred and a thousand people it's going to be taking place at Versailles and the Palais de Versailles thinking about it now three and a half four weeks before the dinner yeah I'm now starting to get nervous because we've been working it for the last six months and I've been to Paris on five or six occasions and you know it's it's got to be right there's a thousand pound ahead it's a big dinner MasterCard are the sponsors they're paying for everything and you know it's it's it's gonna be hard it's gonna be very hard [Music] the historic palace of versaille Ramsay has arrived for a site inspection with the banquets PR man Richard Warrington [Music] Wow those go back a few years Bhushan welcome to The Orangery at Versailles it's lovely staggering it's absolutely stunning all these lights work on the side alert yes the old yeah on the evening we'll have up lighting without drinks we're gonna bring a load of the trees in from outside really I love all the things that the whole of this room becomes like an enchanted garden [Music] so as you can see you have no kitchen everything has to be brought out so the great thing here is that this is the kitchen and all of this comes out the attractor as well and you know factory kitchens brought in built on-site ovens the whole thing and the most surprising thing of course there's no gas we want to burn first side down has been here a few years no nothing to do with fires a lot money so I mean we're all electric convection ovens yeah hot cars yeah you know you get one hit one hit at this get it right and we're heroes get it wrong and we're out of a job I wanted someone young enthusiastic and passionate and you know like myself Ramsay melts the pot should we say oh I mean a Gordon is that sort of person but on this trip to Paris Ramsey has an ulterior motive the world cup banquet may be three weeks away but today's the opening game Gordon has come to see his native Scotland face the boys from Brazil the match is a poignant reminder of Ramsey's past at the age of 19 he was a promising defender on the brink of signing with Glasgow Rangers but his boyhood dreams were crushed when the manager decided he just wasn't good enough [Music] so I started to prepare myself to think you know what will they tell my mates they think I'm here because I'm signing a professional contract 19 years of age very fast and naturally left footed and yeah ranges my career I didn't cry certainly not in front of anyone then I gave up at implacable for two years Collins if he couldn't make it to the top at football then it had to be the Premier League of cooking who became an apprentice player under Marco Pierre White then I found myself in a situation where it was all or nothing [ __ ] this is a great job putting [ __ ] to work for they're going to do this do it properly and get to the very top and I suppose that's what really gave me the kick up the ass I'm the star defaults it finishes the world champions Brazil to Scotland won this may come to say my feelings had I made it as a full war the fact that could be represented Scotland I'm now representing Great Britain as the only chef cooking a serious dinner on the eve of the World Cup final and the way it's going looks like Scotland will be returning way before the dinner 7-iron Owen let's not [ __ ] around here oh yeah woojae the pan back in London Gordon is fine-tuning the dishes he's devised for the banquets five-course menu today it's the main course cannon of spring lamb but as the banquet approaches so do the jitters this banquet is costing $1,000 a head you know how many of those people who really want to see it done properly I think personally 90% of its getting closer by the day as not a day goes by now that I don't think about that particularly nice and you know it's is getting more worried one thing I'm worried about is the temperature for them getting that lamb beautifully sealed capturing those juices inside having a lamb cell pink I've never cooked on electric stoves in fact I have I cooked on once the electric stoves on a boat and that was a nightmare and my dream of course is to get it looking like this I very much doubt it and I'm sure it's gonna be a few casualties along the way but at the end of the day as long as witches waddington stays out the kitchen will be fine okay slicing the lamp one thing that's pissed me off about Versailles the fact we're actually serving this hall but here we're going to size it nice and thin placed on top of the spinach keeping the lamb focused into the center of the plate like so as you can see the lamb is nice and pink so nicely glazed over the lamb and then our final garnish with position our courgette flowers I say and on the night if is as good as that that I'm gonna be a happy boy it's not just a food troubling Ramzi it's also the prospect of a battalion of unfamiliar chefs and an army of discerning diners it all induces a rare but fleeting moment of self-doubt what control can one individual half pic have an influence but you know how the hell can I control 650 Keller's through my hands I've learned that's impossible I found that hard to accept but I can't give up I'll control as much as I can within my grasp but you know then today it's my my show my dinner are big taped and they've got to follow 7:00 a.m. at Ramsey's home in South London thank you Gordon's enlisted two of his staff as backup for the banquet his maitre d jean-claude has arrived but there's no sign of his head chef Marcus trains at 7:54 yes everybody's here waiting for Mars Ramsey and jean-claude decide to go on ahead they're ten minutes away from missing their train and there's still no sign of Marcus sanded off heard of [Music] smartest at last the team's complete but it seems they're destined not to leave London maybe sending outside last week trying to get through the 754 to Paris is now departing it's not but we try that I'm not going to say for the family Oh Mamma Mia the comedy of errors doesn't bode well for the banquet [Music] the eve of the World Cup final the big day has arrived if you can show them how we want the place on the place yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hardest issues of course the first to the father on the Seabus the lamb is gonna be a lot easy because it's plated it's on a silver platter okay so the most difficult the most time we needed for the first two courses [Music] I have concerns and yeah we have we have 650 people sitting down for dinner in case from two kitchens which are two sides of central courtyard that can't see each other and the only way of communicating is through a radio I mean it's one hell of a challenge [Music] right you really do not want it to rain if it rains tonight it's you know each other posit dampers on everything you're lucky trousers on black trousers good luck trousers they ran out wear black trousers that normally wear sort of blue and white check the visa these are the lucky trousers why my girlfriend I met my wife in these trousers and I knew the minute I met her I was on my bike I took her out for the day so I called my lucky trousers but with just four hours to go before the 650 guests arrived for an enchanted evening at the Palace of Versailles why don't they wear blue aprons in France yes we don't like to lose we don't like blue in the kitchen on tantas less than cordial between Gordon and Roy James head chef of the Parisian outside caterers if I wrote all that back started I might come back down you in the kitchen father because [ __ ] anybody you got a game right because one person is doing one thing another person well we talked about it before and we talked about you never there's no need to like a [ __ ] woman ohh he's only checking you're telling me I'm going out of there changing and he's [ __ ] checking to make sure we're doing well 94th before me if he's got a concern it's got a speak he's [ __ ] concern he can't just keep it a bottled up inside Roy's panic in like a wet fart running along Blackpool / Minard what's the point in getting excited about it now and let's wait till the curtains go up in service when it's necessary not now mr. Peavey misses the final touches are being made to the banquets first course but somebody's over season the foie gras Ramsey's just about controlling his temper there's offseason therefore god damn Paulo it's gonna be too [ __ ] salty [Music] the guests have arrived at the palace and they're expecting the knights of gastronomic splendor [Applause] [Music] Marcus has been briefed to keep a tight rein on the French chefs it might help if he spoke the language attentions bit it's getting to be higher the moment I seems to be running around with very confusing sense of you sort of panicking quite a lot it's difficult to control very very difficult to control outside the weather is also taking a turn for the worse [Music] drinks on the terrace are hastily abandoned [Music] okay well time you want the plates sorry what time draw the plates I want to know what time you want to take the plate there fewer than the end of your speech you will say and now I introduce spring with the guests inside dinner needs to be served a little earlier but no one seems to know quite when don't [ __ ] work please [ __ ] walkie-talkies I mean you know it it's like something out of him Glastonbury Festival Top of the Pops amazing basket with all the microphones or something I feel like Mike Jupiter Jack he was stressed resting on the timing it's gonna be 20 minutes no no what he said that to me and I'll talk about that they said that he's going to be pushed a little bit more advanced than later [Applause] Hsiang Hsiang quality blow a lot or if a block limit hotel and hopefully do you guys even further the shower although I am a wizard garden this is the cause of the delay the food can't be served until announced by these performers and they're not nearly green enough yet it's a French there this is the best part of the day Andy Cohen versus sei [Music] otherwise just taking a little bit too long then it should finally transformed the insect lady appears but the floor graph has been held up for 15 minutes our graph the diplay waiting for the performing insects has had a knock-on effect on the second course the sea bass has been in the oven long [Music] [Music] what a [ __ ] nightmare I thought the whole back in the sea baths deceive us went in and consequent is over course you can see why I'm not a [ __ ] bank with you chef and I want to get back to my fourteen table dining room on the 8:30 trading all morning standards are everything to Gordon and tonight he's fallen short the delay was one it was the the cockroaches they went out like it's under waited for them and they waited and waited that was why it was all laid these things weren't ready so we [ __ ] everything before that cockroach brown brown crispy skin no while the lamb is in better shape it doesn't look nearly as appetizing is the dish prepared by Gordon back in London hello hello buzz Elam these societies associate on faster pollution a non are suppose to Fenella [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you would shock 99.9% of the people here tonight if you told them that it was cooked by an English chef they say assume that it's French which it's a real force that was important as a boy someone offered me 50 gram for the next dinner still wouldn't do I think - how many times they give Darren anabolic in because he can't even cut the sea bass straight and he comes to the perfection but he can't even cut it straight and here we sent out 357 300 miles kitchen all overcooked because we're waiting for a god damn cockroach to get dressed before he ran into the dining room but what's the most important for me art you know sod the cockroaches stick them out in the garden and seven food first the chef should be very happy is nothing to be ashamed of he's truly covered himself in glory this evening [Music] please a perfect lamb balls are too bad Bolivia sea bass was embarrassing all I can say is thank God I haven't got the Michigan guys Saturday October 10 inspecting me for my third missionary star otherwise I'd get my ass kicked [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the grand finale to the evening is a firework display which comes to a rather premature end 50 grand someone's being ripped off for the wrong card as you've probably seen there we just had a major disappointment the fireworks I'm not sure exactly what's happened but we've had a technical glitch with the our French agencies telling me that the security people pulled it off because the wind was too high and they were they were scared of Versailles so I'm sorry but I'm pretty disappointed pretty pissed off for the fireworks [Laughter] [Applause] 50k sure I've never served 357 covers as quick as that in my entire life in factoring orientated and a big opener I mean we've learnt we've learned a hell a lot from it never to do the [ __ ] thing again sod the money think think about your standards [Laughter] I just had a big splash in the back there yeah it sounds like Richard Wallace is just jumping pond looking for that firework man [Music] [Applause] [Music] March this year Gordon's landed himself in hot water again this time it's Bramley apple roses upset three weeks ago on this series Gordon was paid by Bramley's to do a cookery demonstration but his dish consisted almost entirely of Granny Smiths to make matters worse he insulted the chairman of the Bramley's campaign group BBC Radio Kent right part of the Apple country the Bramley's campaigners want a public apology in their money back but Gordon's cowering in the cellar fending off the media making a nuisance of yourself in the old hospital road in the heart of Chelsea standing there with manure on cows [ __ ] all over your feet doesn't really help my situation to this so I mean I've been provoked here again have a nice I mean do you not think this is slightly petty do you not think we've got more important things to do in life like a mother-in-law upstairs for lunch she sat next the window I pulled the blinds down and they started banging on the window they want me out there I can't go out there I can I I supposed to be hard these people [Applause] I didn't realize I'd get to this extent I didn't mean to upset them I mean it was a tongue-in-cheek gesture which seems to backfire I would say backfire I sort of landed me a little bit of sort of boiling water [Applause] well family Bobby it's the armed unit what job yes no bus we played this wallet here and he's gonna get publicity today from all this if he gets into the papers his restaurant is going to be um to be good for him in there mounted it's come out of something he did wrong so Gordon can't lose really either way have you any regrets no come on posture this is rusty please what's to do now man wants to go down there for Mom come here you why is that doing on that uh-huh why is that dude on there as a call on blood cookery school bad customers Marlon please restrain him take out the bowl Marcus please the coulomb blow cookies I know it's the last one cookery badges aren't part of the uniform unfortunately for commie chef Simon kitchen ritual demands their immediate removal the cordon bleu cookery school is gone now you're no longer there another way watch your fingers Jesus Christ Sarge Sarge another scalp there's a bit of a excitement as a nice banter in amongst the boys in the kitchen the strange thing about this is that there's no hard three stars so keeping on to that dream about you know becoming one of the best in Europe one of the best in the world it's important wind three styles will be a pure hard-on I will not be depressed and there's not very pleasant way of putting it but I mean I have to be honest very few chefs in this country ever get a chance to injure yourself despite the excitement it's no excuse for relaxing discipline in the kitchen put all the heads though not one of his waiters has committed a cardinal sin he served a lunchtime table that wrong starters oh oh come on oh come on [ __ ] out policies this is this is business no there's no one near the same who serve that what have you done silver it's not even the same silver another eating edge on Claude oh [ __ ] say [ __ ] you now I miss is so [ __ ] unfair you know that here you go silver put it in the [ __ ] bin it's so unfair thirty covers for lunch we can't even get it [ __ ] rides Joe the kitchen Sylvia get out my [ __ ] side and so they chose a la carte and we serve them lunch menu oh this is this is a [ __ ] embarrassed Larry even in one dish was the same there's nothing similar it's completely [ __ ] out one stream Deshawn ravioli what they doing well come on now this level these prices this level when they're standing there peanut pants about a [ __ ] Michelin Guide ah yes silver around comes back at five o'clock I'm not gonna look in get him out of the establishment he comes back at five o'clock to understand yeah get him out my side dunder stance yeah tell him to [ __ ] off for the afternoon start things about his career he understands the mistake cost silver his job he was sacked later that day the zero tolerance policy isn't exclusive to Ramsey his family remembers when Gordon was on the receiving end during a tough apprenticeship under Marco Pierre White currently the only British chef with three stars at 32 Ramsey can now become the youngest chef ever to win the award and beat his former boss sometimes when he quantum been in Bridgewater and Gordon being in London I used to feel really sorry for him because if it was a bad night he used to say you know he was ready to give up everything went wrong in the kitchen he couldn't do nothing right but sometimes he used to just feel so upset on the phone and I used to feel it because I wasn't there you know he wasn't at home and I wasn't there for him you know like in between us I mean Michael used to phone for me at home and say that you know um he's got to discipline Gordon like the rest of the chef's because you know one day he'll get there I don't know whether Gordon looks agree as a mentor I know Gordon's appreciative of the advice I gave him in his younger days I know he's appreciative of what I did for him and he respect me for what I did for him and he's never questioned or challenged my respect I've often wondered you know perhaps summer Ford and staff you know in the kitchen at the end of the day he's just helping them on their way they're learning from him and this is business you know thinking he's a mean chef he's not just helping them on their way like he did what are we doing what are we doing mom what did I say mom what did I say we just got a ticket on he's sending the new scale what did I say what did I say after the starter send three musical away yes and where the starters are they gone yet you [ __ ] off downstairs right now dreamer hey Tommy cockroach you work on the floor why do you look under the lights and quit down there and check the bread nicely and discussing about what you do on the floor we do on the floor what you doing on the floor he's supposed to be a major to a bad waiter what you do on the floor change the floor oh that was Tom the jelly bean really - why you working the floor against ice - just leave it Tom just leave in [ __ ] off in the dining room tom [ __ ] look like a [ __ ] cockroach is all over the floor it's been five months since Ramsay set up his own restaurant and his past is starting to catch up with him he walked out of the aubergine restaurant after a bit of fallout with his ex partners now they're suing him for a million pounds they claim he poached staff and customers and vandalized one of their restaurants to capital Gordon's father has just passed away I've had a pretty [ __ ] week so far and I don't think there's much more little amore to be honest and I suppose you know only three days after my father's funeral and they'll we're faced with this crap I'm gonna fight it well they don't realize these guys in fact that when people poked me like this time becomes stronger vandalism threatening staff telephone calls is absolutely ludicrous and so you know now I'll put my defense up and god help them because this will now employed a serious determined council that hasn't lost the case today and I don't care whether he costs a thousand pounds a day or 1,500 a day he's on my side and he's gonna fight my battles and you know we're gonna go on the way a million pound lawsuit back to affect my family that could affect Megan that can affect my mother's house that could affect my business and there's no way no anything that's ever gonna slide for the sake of wrongful allegations ever the legal battle could last up to 18 months but the race for the third star is about to come to an end this year's Michelin Guide is published in one day's time the Gordon's hoping a press contact will tip him off today Marco is already on the phone to find out whether his record has been broken oh well you don't want to go and do like a naughty boy stay away from school it's annoying because somebody knows and you don't so yeah I'm just getting changed now masters come over and I'm just gonna go to work but what do you do get change again start boning out the lap what's Gordon be like over the past couple of days means be pretty nerve-racking oh yeah I suppose it is pretty nerve-racking he's been a pretty much pain in the ass really because all he's done is talk about it of course it's the thing that's on his mind at the moment and he's quite consistent in talking about it in game you know trying to find everyone's opinion about it but that's to be expected I think because it's been a big thing on his - as police his dream since he's been in a pair of whites to win at least their star and this is probably the most exciting time of his life I'm pretty confident myself that he's got it it's just a matter of what they think Christ and what okay either way you ever try I'd rather know today okay I'd rather know today the disappointment if there's a disappointment so if you briefest I will say hey guys you know calm down [ __ ] start concentrating that I'm gonna [ __ ] disappear it's not nice is it there's not nice you had no purpose enough it's like winning Oscar I would imagine it's something that you think about and you dream about but there's only very few chefs that can actually be in a position in a position to to achieve that accolade so it's this it's the ultimate accolade for a chef the Michelin Guide is a chef's guide with the Michelin results hanging over him Gordon's a man in torment he heads for the restaurant to be put out of his misery I wanted to get a paper delivery you could say we probably had the busiest weekend ever so that he doesn't have to think about anything we've he's only just hasn't thought about it since last September since we opened you know we've had some very serious inspections and the decisions we made now they made their minds up nearly two three months ago so the thing that we don't know and they made their minds up three months ago it's quite painstaking it's not a very nice yeah situation to be in Marcus be on the phone all day yesterday this morning have you heard have you heard Friday was an absolute nightmare so I'm determined not to go through that kind of day again today everyone thinks he's got it and he won't ever accept that until he sees it in black and white or you know they've been to see him because if he hasn't and and he's been saying he has or he thinks he has he's going to look stupid 10:30 and Ramsey's Chelsea restaurant he's expecting a call from his press contact in the next half an hour if Gordon flinches three Michelin stars marker loses his record as the youngest ever winner he's back on the line to find out if there's a new champion this is a horrible predicament to be about 24 hours either gonna go to the slaughterhouse we go to the Royal Hospital Road open up and down star pollination as soon as I guess I argue it over and found really cool back in 21 minutes where are you the miracle yeah [ __ ] mum yeah fantastic take you right back thank you down yeah second time saying let's go for celebration lunch I said mark has a bit [ __ ] pervert or don't you think is it okay if you do we hear anything I'll take it to lunch every 15 minutes [ __ ] Marcus three stars can mean a personal visit from the Mission High inspectors but there are law unto themselves and so far there's no sign we've been waiting far they even come where you be willing today we see nobody can tell really mission I saw you know in predictable we never know what when they come you know it's that's what's good about the guys such as always always unpredictable about the writing about once it come who's gonna come what's it gonna do what's it gonna say and that's just actually what makes that they're so popular the waiting has become too unbearable the cool hasn't come and Gordon's disappeared from the restaurant his staff had been briefed to call him with any news everybody wants to be top really nothing that's what he's working for I mean humans were this man hours a day put this kind of commitment into into cooking are into your career if you didn't want to be at the top you could be working eight hours a day [Music] I personally for me we deserve it the end of the day it's up to them strangers in the past Davidson go shop condition and the bus and people have been very surprising some of the dishes away and see really can't it can't go chickens do you read it in black and white and the red bible college ramses inside contact has finally come through but marks not sure it's good or bad news from this restaurant no change no change laura stage three three stars well here before we moved here was a distance under a different name it was a three star well then we came from a to stop so and he said no change we're not too sure he's been missing from the restaurant for three hours but Ramsey's contact has tracked him down and phoned him with the news I think when he wins his three stars you know it would be I suppose the emotion that he feels in right finishing a race yeah he's run his race he's won his races he's got his medal and you know it's you've got a sense of what next so any news yeah a little bit of news someone just saw the top of the press release and no new three stars no no new three stars now the person is saw it is quite serious influential individual suppose what I'm waiting on now is to see it in my own eyes the black and white wish yeah we'll get tomorrow and I shouldn't really have that news today to be honest but uh you know I think I'd much rather know from her than you know looking through a newspaper I suppose is it reliable do you think it doesn't weigh up to me doesn't make any sense I suppose but you know it's uh it's a [ __ ] bummer because it's it's hard-hitting yeah Val DeMarco phoning all morning and of course he's you know excited he just found there two minutes ago I said marker no new three stars he said it's impossible I said marker there's no new three stars I've just spoken to Tony I said to Tony I don't want to ring around everyone now and pest everybody because yeah I just want to be supposed left on my own really so courser oh yes of course you you're upset personally professionally your staff I don't have to worry about facing a boom because it's you know it's not ever it's not exciting news for everybody and I think now you've got to pick it back up I suppose and I started the year off pretty [ __ ] so you know I suppose January 99 will go down as one of the worst months of my entire life so far okay have a good senior girl Frigg come back tomorrow okay look for new [ __ ] job okay so I'm trying to tell you down fill it wiping your ass every day you know that if it's lost on Jack for the large three pieces okay down it's bad time you finished it don't you think wake up and down let's go get within Sonya because you've written a project for me to understand a bit too late I'm okay with it yeah giving the dying room dreamer no I'm very happy I am happy mr. Jericho later take everyone down please a shot I just find Marcus setting away another six I'll admit I'm very happy that he didn't win your thirst art because that means you would've been youngest if ever that means you'll ever be snow obviously gonna leave [Music] so we're not in this [ __ ] area put it right now [Music] you can't cook an after-show [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Manufacturing Intellect
Views: 4,804,588
Rating: 4.7690248 out of 5
Id: _JWsiLmLhZg
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Length: 119min 16sec (7156 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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