Gordon Ramsay Teaches Prison Inmates How To Make A Beef Wellington | Gordon Behind Bars FULL EPISODE

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[Music] two months since i first came to brixton my prisoner made cakes and trickle tarts are now selling in local cafes [Music] it's delicious my plan now is to turn the bad boys bakery from a small cottage industry into a successful commercial venture and that means expanding the product range bread scones trickle tarts all fine but that kitchen's adaptable so you know how many people around here within a five mile radius can eat lunch and there's thousands the competition high street bakeries have branched out into sandwiches so now i want a slice of the action i think there's a market for lunches made in prison delivered to local workplaces this is where i think the business can take a completely different turn because it can go to stratosphere in volume morning you know i'm a win thank you here we go again [Music] i've given myself just six months to prove that i can create a sustainable business i understand that this is a prison but i'm finding incredibly difficult to get the prisoners out of their sales and working because of the prison authority's stringent rules and regulations i think part of their problem they're so short staffs and so for them to keep the peace and for the more time you spend in your cell makes their life easier so they don't want you out is these guys are here for reasons the place can it can erupt it can go and sometimes it's over the slightest thing and we've got to keep that under control i've been coming out with all my life like a mug right well usually set up in a couple of months has done more and make me think and look at myself than what they're [ __ ] stunning prison don't change people trying people change yourself prison don't work prison my opinion don't come and help you they sit on an arse in the office don't [ __ ] all right how's the do go no one needs to work no one needs to come and commit the system's screwed here that's the issue the governor ed tullett wants me to get the prisoners grafting but he admits the prison system doesn't make it easy we're things that work for any number of reasons being in a prison is not the same as being working on the outside you've got a wall to get through you've got a gate to get through you've got security systems we have routines plus the pressures themselves reasons that they're in jail are probably the same reasons they haven't got jobs in the first place come in guys let's go i'm under no illusions this lot are no angels before they're ready to produce lunches to sell outside prison my assistant gee and i need to finish their kitchen training everybody listen just focus okay i want these chickens absolutely perfect yeah a few weeks ago they couldn't even scramble an egg today we're cooking chicken kievs from scratch but not everyone in brixton prison appears to be taking our project as seriously as i'd like i had a shouting match with him yesterday repeat offender test for jones is unhappy with his treatment by the officers on the wing last night i asked to get a shower at six o'clock yeah because if you're if you're a full-time worker you get a shower at six o'clock and i haven't had a shower for a couple of days now and i don't want to be coming to the kitchen and i'm i'm all grimy but who's who's not letting you yeah the the senior officer of the wing he's saying we're having fun over here so we're we're not actually working so i was there when the officer told him this ain't class doesn't work this is crazy but it is work i need to know that tesla that's ridiculous yeah it's not nice anyone working in this prison gets a special time slot to go and take a shower to work but they're saying it's not work you're having fun here and it's not all right because i thought the office would be in support of them but no it's on the opposite way if tesla has been singled out for the wrong sort of special treatment i need to talk to the officers concerned i want them to see this is not a jolly um feedback your side they are absolutely head down and they are grafting in there well they tell me that they tell me that a lot but i don't know half the summer don't believe me because they tell me pushing a broom up and down the landing they're working very hard you know yeah no but they said that they weren't getting shared last week two nights in the trot and this is not fair can they do that i'm struggling because there's issues when they come back on the wing that they're complaining about you guys they treat us like [ __ ] they think we're on special privilege it's not work the officers don't think we're working so they take us down the realms of winding us up no i can tell you that more important things to do yeah i can say that now no one goes out their way to wind them up are they starting to piss you off a couple of them think they're superstars mr jones specifically yeah came in over the other day shouting the odds he wants a um a shower calling me all the names under the sun [ __ ] hole and god knows what yeah if someone comes to me and i tell them three times they can't have a shower they shout and scream and call me names then there's very little i can do about that frustrating i mean yeah uh thank you appreciate your time i'll keep you posted no problem i know these officers are doing their best under enormous pressure but they have a very different take on events to test for i see him working more than they see him working they see him sleeping i see him working so you know we've got to meet in the middle um and i'm not going to take everything a screw says 100 go in there and lay into them no because i'm back to square one the prison is back to square one the system's back to square one and in 10 years time we're still in this [ __ ] situation so it's a [ __ ] nightmare i mean it really is right now on the fourth floor here yeah i feel like the governor's [ __ ] yeah don't do something we can't do uh and i'm not ed tell it's [ __ ] i'm in brixton prison trying to make a success out of my bad boys bakery my kitchen team have complained they're getting grief from the officers but the officers themselves have got a different version of events a couple of them think they're superstars calling me all names under the sun [ __ ] hole and god knows what yeah i'm finding it incredibly frustrating getting a prison kitchen up and running and i'm not in the mood for any backchat and the officers aren't the only ones giving me a hard time i need my man how about the work please give us the key ourselves yeah right you know the procedure there's no trust none at all because really if there's trust they can leave this all open do you know what i mean that takes the piss what i need are team players convicted burglar renee smith is a good cook but sometimes he's more interested in cleaning up that's how i am that's just i'm just naturally like that i don't know if i got old cc or whatever they bloody call it that's my upbringing you make sure you've got clean boxes every day on and number two you make sure you make your bed ocd or not renee can be a real handful it's not his first time inside but i would never come back to this place never to i hate it that's how the real world is all of you come over let's go kia's done i need to check everyone's handy work lots of parsley gregor do you taste the butter no no whose is this one no where's all that water from you didn't put the water from the carrots on there did you oh yeah i think that's good it should uh ready ready cheers for that let me finish my [ __ ] job look at me you trying to be funny no cheers for that the last thing i need today is renny busting my balls about a bit of cooking juice on his tidy work surface yeah it wasn't you it was me yeah but when i'm in the middle of a conversation and you rudely interrupt me and say cheers for that gordon yeah like you own the [ __ ] stove do you own a [ __ ] shirt no i don't talk like you own it don't talk like you own it then i'm getting sick and tired of all this petty [ __ ] you guys are grown men you have an amazing opportunity here knuckle down and do something and if you don't want to do that then go back to your cell phone renee has taken me at my word and walked into the heat guy out of the kitchen huh that's that's a good sign in if this team don't pull our [ __ ] shots up the old things in the foot of bits which i mean the whole lot of it y'all ain't gonna get nowhere and johnny's gotta keep his on our toes because you know what we're [ __ ] prisoners we are to cut corners here in here i mean you know that's what we that's what we know it's hard very very hard i've been holding back since i got in here i mean really holding back so how many times do they need to cross you before you you're going to go for it and so yeah yeah those areas i'm struggling with the pressure i'm under i've overreacted i don't want to lose a good cook like renee so i've asked for a sit down [Music] hey it's happening how are you all right man you all right yeah very quick two minutes yeah just want to tell you something really important yeah okay you're in prison yeah i'm imprisoned to do a job right i don't know that yeah yeah and yeah i snapped but here's what i want to say when you work and you put that effort in you shine i think it might have come out wrong which i'll put my hands up to that as i said that you know what god i'm sorry ain't it i know i can see it and you know i'm not closing the door don't understand don't throw away now all i can say good i'm sorry i'm so sorry for you wasting your time for coming over huh i'll see you monday morning i appreciate it and i'll catch up on my work monday morning i appreciate it yeah thank you all right hey in future whatever the reason i can't allow any kind of descent from my team from now on anyone that walks out stays out it's the start of a make or break week for the business and that means getting my prisoners up at the crack of dawn all right just gonna jump to the shower here [Music] with bustling brixton town center on the doorstep today we're trying a lunch delivery service to see if the public have the appetite for prison-made sandwiches come on guys let's go we have to be better than the competition yeah this is not just a plowman's and a [ __ ] soggy sandwich if we're gonna make a wrap let me tell you it's gonna be the best [ __ ] wrap let's get prepped if the lunches sell well my plan is to start producing them five days a week the cars come together handmade wraps and sandwiches with a choice of freshly prepared speciality fillings yeah moist delicious roasted red pepper hummus okay roll them in the seasoning try and keep it an even size and a free-range british favorite now that's the scotch egg you see how crispy that is lovely i've only ever had scotch eggs cold water delicious a simple cheap and cheerful scotch egg let's go guys please getting 250 lunches out before 11am requires efficient teamwork my concern is not all of this lot are up to it i never know what the white thing is is it milk or something i don't even know i mean they have to learn to change gear like in any job but i mean talk about changing gear look at noor he's been stuck in [ __ ] neutral for 25 years convicted thief hassan noor is only 23 but he's already doing his third prison stretch but do you have children okay i've got twins yeah that's [ __ ] young 14. where are the kids now when was that from what yeah that's london but he got adopted [ __ ] house three kids five kids have you never heard of a condom 23 you've got five kids straight away [ __ ] you get labeled straight away in it so i'm really happy with that my mom my dad my sister they think i'm a [ __ ] i kind of respect how people think like that as well but yeah just kind of lived the first life that if i wanted that car and money is the issue if it means me selling drugs and i can buy it then i just have to make sure i don't get arrested that's how i used to think for that guys 15 minutes i'm out of here okay i'm not afraid of a challenge but i've got my hands full with hassan i'm kind of a perfectionist you're kind of a perfectionist if you don't do it properly there's no point doing it oh you get me no unfortunately i don't get you that's just it i'm going to make it my own personal mission to try and turn hassan into a productive team member done excellent good the first ever batch of bad boys bakery lunches are ready to go hey what happened to my little slogan what do you mean your little slogan bad boys bake is a life changing taste i don't think we get that one that later on come on we got so much the [ __ ] x-ray even hassan's not dumb enough to be smuggling stuff out but rules are rules and every sandwich wrap and scotch egg has to be scanned [ __ ] it [Music] banged up in here these guys are no good as delivery workers so it's left up to me to do the rounds jump in the box jump in the box it's nearly midday i'm in danger of missing the lunchtime trade bloody nightmare [Music] ah [ __ ] hell [Music] keep it going keep it going as usual getting anything done in a hurry is impossible um it's been x-rayed sir thank you is the door working thank god for that [Music] finally i've broken out now i've got to flog the goods to a skeptical public it's going to be a difficult sell however providing the product is good i'm hoping they don't over question who made it [Music] i think if you told me a rapist i just made my sandwich i don't think i'd eat it you know knowing the nature of people they're having a bad day you don't know do you they can spit in it they can lay on the floor i could do anything relying on the taste of a great product to win the public over morning everybody how are you are you well if they've got misgivings i'm on hand to put them straight this stuff was made minutes ago around the corner the stuff's actually made in the prison right ladies first uh they're no they're they're they're not they're not paedophiles i can guarantee that no armed robbers burglars hopefully i've managed to reassure them what would you like a mexican wrap certainly shouldn't bother people it's fresh it tastes nice there we are really good yeah yeah there's no uh razor blades in it or anything no one's that particularly bothered that made by prisoners quite happy the fact as long as they're not made by pedos trendy marketing types were a relatively easy sell but what will the hard-working man on the street think bad boy bakery the idea is getting these guys out of the cell and into a kitchen working would you like a rep as well have you heard a scottish cheque how does it make you feel they've been made by prisoners good goodness he's doing something useful uh exactly that nice to see how many prisoners have you got to take in college we've got 12. uh unfortunately we're down to nine by time i get back we'll probably be down to five hello guys gents come over come over the bad news everything didn't go yeah yeah fine okay the good news is we made 470 pounds yeah yeah the public seem to have the stomach for prison made lunches i think they could be the future of the business can you imagine if we had 10 boxes out there we'd come back with two and a half to three grand a day it's 21 grand a week it's just under a million pound a year that's how we're talking last night now you're talking no no seriously listen i want to take this thing to a completely different scale yeah so i can sign as my critics from the governor to the sos to every officer could you do more yeah no okay well done so if i'm the quid that's just under a pony each right [ __ ] off [ __ ] off get out of here over my dead body [Music] today has been a success but to start a permanent lunch delivery service my team will have to be down in the kitchen at 6 00 a.m five days a week getting them out the sales this early will disrupt the prison regime and i need permission from the authorities any change in the regime needs careful consideration by the prison management so i've gone away on business for a few days my assistant is working with a team on potential new products for the lunch delivery menu the morning's work done obsessive cleaner renee has finished clearing up his workstation but he won't muck in to help others teamwork in that that i don't really work like that use something wash it up simple in it really truly it's easier renee's i'm all right jack attitude is making g's job impossible this is a kitchen it's a team if there's stuff to be doing everyone needs to chip in and everyone's done really well with it apart from annie who will sit on his work surface like that until we go and i've tried i've approached him and said you know can you help out no miss he's like yeah but i've done my stuff and everyone interferes and then it just all escalated and i said what do you want [Music] [Music] i'm quite a ballsy female so having a man yell at me i mean i suppose it'd be different if i was standing there on my own but the funny thing is the other guys come and jump to our defense but yeah the heart race is a little bit just a tad this is not a [ __ ] job he sits there tightens up his old unit yeah and he's supposed to help him out who use the kittens they're watching everybody he's like disappearing yeah oh um smith could you just grab a towel and help dry out oh run off crown like a little [ __ ] again on my return to the prison i'm shocked to hear what renny has done if that guy can't this far down the line put his head down and become a team player he's got no chance i warned the team the next person to walk out would stay out thank you renny knows the rules [Music] yeah i wasn't i heard what happened i i don't think i was rude i think it was renee it was all mixed up she wasn't exaggerating come on when she said like drawing a blue peter by job brownie or something he hit my button if i said to you something can it hit your button you're going to try and hit me back with a word and that's how you know that's not going to do that i want you to drop the sensitivity that's all yeah i know i'm wrong sorry supposing the situation like that happens outside of here that one but how do you know it worked cause i've got faith it won't listen keep your head down thanks for good day yeah hi rennie is heading back to his cell from my original 12 i'm down to just nine men again this time for good are you good i heard about friday we can't tolerate that ronnie's definitely not coming back okay that's what he was do you know the biggest upset with renee the guy was a cook i mean he could hold his own in the kitchen but couldn't talk to anybody and you know you're not going to stand alone you need help what did i say last week before by the way the week are going to fall to the wayside strong get stronger while i've still got the bones of my team i'm desperate to start full-time lunch deliveries but it will need a huge commitment from the prison authorities to let my workforce out of their cells for the necessary 6am start well in order to run a lunch delivery service you'd have to have the ability to get prisoners working from very early on in the morning which means we'd have to have staff on in order to make that happen you know when you're paying someone to cut sandwiches in a sandwich shop normally outside you're not paying to guard them while they're doing it and it may well be that you would have an operation employing say six to ten people which might have a disproportionate effect on the way you're running the whole jail this is a huge blow the prison are unable to supply the early morning security i need to go into full-time lunch production without this product the bad boys bakery is not in business the guys would have to be in here at the crack of dawn you know five six o'clock in the morning and when you haven't got access to those prisoners until nine you know then half them disappear for this out on another there's just no way that's ever gonna work i'm just gonna go home um and think again come up with something i can cook on the inside nine to five complete in here and sell money sir i've got just three months left to make a success on my convict catering business but the prison can't supply the staff to monitor early morning kitchen shifts and my plan for a lunch delivery service has proved impossible you shouldn't underestimate the difficulties in attempting to run that kind of operation in a local jail to give the business a long-term future i now need to find a quality product i can mass produce without disrupting the prison regime okay so the first two though i think the answer has been right under my nose the lemon treacle tarts trialled in local coffee shops are fiddly to make and fragile to transport so i've substituted delicate pastry for a solid biscuit base and come up with a bad boy's bakery treacle slice so we've got that solid biscuit base at the bottom yeah treacle tart mix on top and then we'll frost them why have you chosen two biscuit measures then it's a good question i can get volume anthony hopefully if we can start baking these in larger trays we can produce larger volume okay look at cutting this two four six eight twenty portions in comparison to making 20 small tarts what's the difference we're gonna do 500 of these a day and barely 50 of those now that's for the biscuit base tasty yeah got a little bit of crunch to it yeah you've got the softness at the top it's nice yeah i like it tastes good easy to produce yeah very issues my goal is to try and grab a piece of the 5 billion pound uk coffee shop market by persuading a major cafe chain to stock our new product yeah here's my problem to convince the prison not they don't want it but they're uncertain and they think it's old still doubting of course they're still going to die i'm struggling personally we've all had the issues i'm struggling with the system the treacle slice is much easier to produce than lunches so i won't need my team in the kitchen at 6 00 a.m but i still need governor ed tullett and his team to sign off on it good morning um thank you for giving up two minutes your pressure time ed hi yeah thank you thanks nice friendly cheery start in the morning nice you know i've got a tangible production kitchen that needs to continue running there's individuals there now that have proven what they're learning what they've grasped is hope not just in terms of building their confidence but how good they've become over the last three months and the potential in terms of business is huge i think that's a real culture clash because for us we've got all time in the world and prison you know prisoners are doing time and they got they got as much time as there is and tomorrow's another day what is new to us is actually getting something that has to be done you know by midday that day so i think that is probably new for us and um that's probably something we're going to have to try and overcome you know yeah it's not going to be easy for us either ed you tell me as you know i'm your [ __ ] so i'll do anything too much jail talk there [Music] [Laughter] the authorities are beginning to understand some flexibility is vital to get the business working i'm hoping the simplicity of producing one product the slice will persuade ed to back me [Music] so what is it what am i eating so it's limited trigger tart with a really nice uh biscuit at the bottom digestive biscuit do you like that yeah yeah you like that looks like ed might be a convert fitness help i'll buy it i mean what excites me about this is it's the potential something like that we're just producing one product and you've got to deliver it on time it's it's a it's a simpler way of doing it and we keep in tune with their regime and our routine so i you know my view is that that would work very well i think we're up for organizing that the man from the prison service he say yes my next challenge find a major retailer to stock the slice so i can scale up production the fact the slice is baked behind bars gives it a unique selling point i want to launch my big idea onto the market so tomorrow i've decided to arrange a one-off vip lunch event to showcase what the bad boys bakery is capable of and try and sell the slice to a commercial partner let's go guys listen and learn your skin don't get burnt come in come in come in i'm gonna now test you like never before we're gonna cook restaurant standard food and we're gonna set up a 50-seat restaurant upstairs in the chapel and we're gonna cook for some serious individuals and we're going up a notch big time my guess 50 influential catering industry bigwigs including major players from the fast-growing coffee shop sector potential customers for the slice it's time to shine once these industry bigwigs are through the door my plan is to first schmooze them with three courses of restaurant quality food now we're not cooking this we're searing it main course the bad boys bakery take on beef wellington made with the best fillet steak and wrapped with parma ham and a savory crepe i want them thin almost like a little little pair of knickers anthony yeah finn what was the last time you had to pay them in your hand yeah a year jesus that first night when you get out big man pace yourself pace yourself my son think about it having dinner starter main course dessert to demonstrate the professionalism of my team the wellington has to be cooked to perfection that looks good let me tell you we can't [ __ ] this up we slice through that wellington it's got to be pink let's go guys please [Music] nervous a bit i've never really cooked for people outside my family and that 40 year old david jones is one of my best chefs but after leaving the army he got addicted to heroin you know i i have been coming in and out of prisons for a long time now and i see this and getting old in our life and i want to change this means a hell of a lot to me i'm determined not to fail i wish hapless hassan showed the same dedication they're actually coming for lunch tomorrow yeah not next month yeah let's go a rock up your ass despite my best efforts he's still got a lot to learn it's a light flavor of mustard not a drowning i mean it's just swimming in the stuff gotta go escape the first time i ever tried to cook beans on toast i ended up burning my ex-girlfriends flat and fire brigade coming down cookie is not really my thing it's got to be firm guys really tomorrow i need everyone pulling together so i've decided to pair up weaker team members like hassan with the older wiser heads i want you to bond work as a team david jones you're working with hassan noor on your table you have the head of one of the most successful catering companies in the country you have some very serious individuals that you need to impress reform junkie david jones isn't happy he's working with drug dealer hassan i just have to push him a bit extra tomorrow to keep up to the levels that life i'm used to you know the standard that i want because i don't want to [ __ ] up we're a 10 minute dinner doing it yeah i'm called david jones still i can't afford any passengers during tomorrow's big launch everyone needs to perform including hassan so i've come over to a wing to make sure he's got the message hey you got two minutes i don't want anyone to blow it tomorrow no oh yeah the spotlight's on and you're in it yeah nothing's gonna go wrong at all [Music] but i don't want david jones you know doing all your work no no i want you to step up because you know what has that when you put your head down you're good you can you can focus yeah that's sort of you need to focus that little bit longer if tomorrow goes to plan it's our big opportunity to impress the people who can put the slice in their stores and make it a success this is the potential heartbeat of the future business inside this prison and then the guys are up against it they are going to be under immense pressure cooking serving russian quality food it sounds like a [ __ ] recipe for disaster i just hope we can pull off today i'm launching the new bad boys bakery lemon treacle slice as a market employee i've invited 50 catering industry vips including major players from the coffee shop sector to lunch one two three four five i'm hoping to seduce these potential commercial partners with the food before trying to interest them in stocking the slice for the prisoners today is the ultimate test i mean it's not going to get any bigger than this but um everything they've learned everything they've seen tasted done it's got to go into those plates today my team have to be at the top of the game for the lunch to go to plan come on make your way but i'm not the only one worried about drug dealer hassan noor former heroin addict david jones isn't happy i've paired them up you're really nervous yeah oh a little bit i guess yeah yeah i don't want to [ __ ] up you know what i mean huh we'll do this then all right working with david is changing the way hassan feels about his career choices it's the first time i'm joined i'm bonded i'm friends with people after actually taking class age drugs and they slap i feel sorry for them but it's crazy that most people just think oh these people are crackers and [ __ ] fair enough they do take crap but you don't know what they went through their life and [ __ ] and there's people like me and other people that sell drugs that benefit from me i mean they touched the nerve they made me say to myself i'm never gonna sell classic drugs ever again in my life legend good morning guys before i unveil the bad boy bakery's new flagship product this bunch of misfits have three courses of restaurant quality food to get out service has to be impeccable you guys are cooking for a steam guest today around the chapel five tables you can see the stations you're literally a meter away from them so if i see any [ __ ] with anyone standing there gassing away hey high five man how you doing i swear to god i'm gonna come behind you and remind you okay yes you can do it let's go let's go let's go today is a massive occasion for the prison for me and for my team i think we put this in the plan it don't make [ __ ] sense the nerves are already getting to andrew inslee and anthony kelly they've over seasoned their butternut squash soup fresh puree inslee and kelly i'm gonna have to start all over again this is a big test for these guys it's a massive test andrea's these flipping out and you know getting really nervous taste it i've already tasted it it don't taste like anything are you telling me how to change it because you're telling me to me like for me i believe now when i got out of jail i believe i i can be something what gordon's done is he's put that five in people's bellies to make people want to do something when we get out to think yeah we can do this i actually can do it do you want to turn your spots down yeah to impress the guests it's vital the food looks as good as it tastes hassan has decided to tag his wellington but spelling isn't his strong point hassan no i just wanted to do something different and i want to know that when this comes out that is my piece in it david right there the vip guests have started to arrive they run some of the uk's most successful restaurant chains and coffee businesses i've done a lot of work with the chain inside the wales has just been sold and they have about 20 sites they've got the cloud to help me take the slice to market well my gut feeling is that the public would respond really positively you know especially if it was a branded brixton prison and that's my gut feeling it's quite an interesting project and quite a tall order yeah it might be it might be something that we're interested in one guest i really don't want to upset has found his way down to the kitchen blooming impressive does that what do you do head to the prison service okay cool cool yeah nice to meet you five minutes guys you only got one shot at this i've got to speak proper i can't be talking i'll come on the streets i've got to speak pop i gotta present myself proper properly not proper proper guys quickly come over when we go up there the room is going to be full this is your one freaking chance to rise above the prison rise above it so give them some charm let's go guys here we go everything is set for the big launch don't drop it all this [ __ ] off here five bowls on there i've set up burners so my team can finish off the soup and pan find the scallops in front of the guests mistakes won't be easy to hide every year in this child at the moment we have 4 400 people coming in in and out of our gates um and the current no sooner has governor ed tell it started his welcome speech tesfa is burning things for offenders is the key actually to reducing re-offending a lot of other things are important as well but the most important thing is getting a job i left the oil in here it's like you said these smoked [ __ ] the last thing i want now is more cock-ups good nice watch the sides [Music] but andrew inslee has got his portion sizes all wrong there's not enough soup you run out of soup jesus half the [ __ ] table serves i said two thirds full there guys guys look at me in front of these guys come on unbelievable inslee and kelly will have to serve david hassan's leftovers yeah i hope you enjoy it i'm hoping these potential commercial partners haven't spotted the mistake it's absolutely delicious you very much cheers thank you next the main course the beef wellingtons have to be perfectly cooked it's looking bad like for some people when they say bad they mean yeah i feel comfortable every time i sliced it david was right next to me with a plate so i'll give him one and give it to the ladies and the gentlemen i was pleased with that the buzz the buzz in the room is extraordinary a little bit honestly no one's ever cooked and not one of them is undercooked the food is absolutely fantastic um it's not a very easy dish to get right it needs to be perfectly said and it's come out really well lunch has been a success now it's finally time for the real purpose of today's event the unveiling of the slice we launched this today at trico bar made behind bars by a bad boy bakery you're having a little sample today if there's one message i could ask you all when leaving this prison is to get the word out get used to this because you're gonna see a lot of it and with your support insight and help we can really take this to great heights um i think these guys did an amazing job [Applause] these cakes are the nuts now's my chance to drum up interest in a commercial deal the kitchen has huge potential in terms of productivity the people i want to target movers and shakers in the coffee shop sector it seems fun i think with the bad boys bakery and i think that's quite quirky because obviously they are bad boys it is something a bit different and people might actually be more interested to purchase it when there's a story behind the product but is there something there that can tie more closely in what's going on in the industry john richardson is a consultant to some of the uk's best-known coffee chains and a major player in the industry could you see that on your shelf yeah i could but the coffee bar industry is entirely based on a very sweet latte yes so that's what they drink so you end up if you put something as sweet as that with the sweet lady then not do the two together that's good sometimes something a fraction less sweet i always john thinks the sliced recipe needs tweaking to get into the high street coffee shops yeah we could make that less sweet yeah i'm sure more on one base less yes we have an amazing team there yeah phenomenal production kitchen achieved labor costs yes and we can produce a higher volume yeah and no one's going anywhere you and um they're they're not in a rush to go home well i was like you can't produce a high volume we can't produce high volume yes brilliant cheers excellent that was very positive i mean potential's there he's interested in having a meeting and developing something less sweet so for me it's a great start today has also been my opportunity to get the prison service top brass behind the slice you can't fail to be impressed by what's happening here today it's absolutely fantastic it will leave a legacy that's what we're after and that'll enable us to make it a success not just for today but for the future the vip guests are leaving with a positive experience of the bad boys bakery i'm happy i've gotten the prison service on site a great product and interest from a potentially major commercial partner now you know in order to protect the future of the bad boy bakery that slice has to go nationwide i've got to roll that out that's the most important thing now you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 639,835
Rating: 4.946034 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay chef, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay teaching, Gordon Ramsay best of, Gordon Ramsay funny, Gordon Ramsay argument, Gordon Ramsay tv show, Gordon Ramsay full episodes, Gordon Ramsay cooking show, full episodes, cooking, cooking show, full episodes cooking, Gordon behind bars, gordon ramsay prison, gordon ramsay prison show, gordon ramsay prisoners, gordon ramsay prison bakery
Id: oUdTFGlq7SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 31sec (2671 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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