Chinese Dishes Stun Gordon Ramsay | Ramsay's Best Restaurant FULL EPISODE

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[Music] over the last six months my team and i have been checking out your best love restaurants from thousands of nominations tonight the competition continues with another of your top cunnery favorites chinese chinese food is one of the great cuisines of the world top chinese chefs use techniques and flavour combinations that you won't find in any other cuisine there's a chinese restaurant on nearly every high street and there's an incredible range from small family run outfits to mission style fine dining please cover the noodles please thank you danny we tend to think of chinese food has been all about chow mein and special fried rice but great chinese restaurants serve food that's as sophisticated and complex as anything you'll find in a posh french restaurant i've chosen two fantastic restaurants to battle it out for a place in the semi-finals tonight from mayfair in london it's the crazy country genius of kai no my style of cooking is the new modern chinese as a chef we need to cook from our heart versus the best of the north west blackburn's you and you a brilliant family-run restaurant let the food do the talking earliest memory of food was just cooking with my father i said oh you can't reach the cookers so stand on these four cases to lift yourself up i can only choose one chinese restaurant to go through the semi-finals so they must prove to me beyond all doubt that they are the most worthy contender i'm going to subject both restaurants to three challenging tests starting with a coach load of 30 guests all arriving and ordering at the same time every restaurant's worst nightmare first they'll sasha into mayfair to sample the avant-garde delight on offer at michigan star kai where is he chef you look like you just come with a chinese boy band look at that hair incredible i know you are a superstar kai's kitchen is led by alex the demanding head chef he's a perfectionist who runs his kitchen with a rod of iron to ensure his sophisticated dishes are spot on every time how many times i'm told man alex honed his skills in some of asia's top five star hotels before being poached by kai's ambitious owner bernard the intention was to change people's perceptions about chinese restaurants they're trying to reinvent chinese cuisine and they put a 21st century twist on it amongst kai's bold and unusual dishes is a unique liquid version of a lamb shank well that does not look like a lamb shank in there so is it supposed to be like a lamb shank soup or yes right yes it's it's one of those dishes which catches people out by surprise so a lot of people absolutely love it and some people don't like it i've just never had a lampshade like that before no no absolutely not um if you're gonna sell that today obviously on the menu make sure the customers understand what it is before yes i don't want them disappointed it tastes delicious which is a really strange way of executing it i love these guys they are very very creative and this food is out there and i just hope that my diners get it and love the experience kai will need to be on top of the game to survive my ultimate pressure test two hours two courses yeah i'm gonna be over everything i'll be in the kitchen i'll be in the dining room and i'll be watching and listening to everything so make sure that you give my diners an experience never to forget normally bookings are staggered to take the pressure off the kitchen but not tonight my 30 diners will push kai to the edge and give them a chance to shine on alex's ultra modern menu tonight is a choice of three starters wasabi prawns with mango and basil seeds steamed scholars with ginger and spring onions and kai's unusual take on a lamb starter i can't give you a hold on check you'll eat nothing else with such radical dishes my guests will need a clear explanation when they order the flavor of limeshank but it actually comes as a soup the first orders hit the kitchen and it sounds like head chef alex is launching a full-scale military assault [Music] do you have any uh neurofen i've got a headache just moments into service and it's clear that kai's unusual first course isn't going down well with my diners the description of it wasn't quite what i expected okay that should have been an interesting term for you already yeah apologize so i'd like impossible to change this for the scallop dish was too wet i didn't explain it as a wet dish like a soup style but i'm gonna um change it for the scholar so i've ordered one table five mission table table five bye thank you one of my diners just complained about the lamb shank gloopy soupy and not what they expected exactly what i predicted liquid lambshank may be a step too far from my guess so i hope alex's amazingly sophisticated main courses are going to impress he's working his ass off to make soy and honey marinated lamb spiced with chilies and an extravagant lobster dish scented with crisp curry leaves and cooked with lemon chili and shallots that is our starter with the main course nothing seems to be coming out together we can't keep a table hanging for seven minutes without anything else arriving on a day like today that's what i'm trying to say okay okay well not it thank you one take that don't take my thing unless we do the new oh everything okay [ __ ] you man who called away the main calls if they haven't finished the starters no they finished it but they wanted another scallop so you can't send a starter and then 10 seconds later send the main course can you i get you so my question originally was who called away the main courses i didn't alex is it always this crazy there's an mbc uh it's a very celtic service and uh yeah one shot is fine but 15 of the show at the same time it's such a mess that one diner's dish the lamb has been missed altogether i'm hoping it's going to arrive reasonably soon because i'm i'm very very hungry at the moment alex i need one lamp please one minute tell me he's coming he's coming okay don't rush the shark okay for a michelin star restaurant this is unforgivable even worse bernard the owner is busy serving up excuses for he starts cock-ups normally a meal here everything is in the middle of the table so everybody's sharing it's just unusually today we've had to serve everything individually [Music] i don't know why you why are you doing that the share of startups fire but the order main course i think that customer deserves it the fact that he took the order down incorrectly from the customer's fault no we shouldn't be telling them that i'd rather you just sort of hand in the air deal with it and move on okay my apologies [Music] once the food arrives most of my diners are blown away by alex's amazing dishes it is fantastic the the the lamb's tender just wonderful i had a lobster and it was absolutely fantastic i've never had lobster that's been fried before and it was a really nice contrast as well as having the strawberries and the grapes in there the lobster was lovely very subtle flavors of garlic and chili but yeah amazing end of service and time to tell kai what i thought the customers that did get the food on time love the food it's quirky and it's very striking when it hits all those notes but we have to remember that when customers are coming for the first time you've got to hold their hand every step of the way that's where we've got to work on you just got to keep working keep working working make it a little bit better every single time absolutely but i know you can go further because you've done it with the food and you can do it with a service as well hit all those notes there put them together bang you have an amazing restaurant i'm scouring the country in a quest to find my very best restaurant my coach load of 30 diners is about to hit the second chinese restaurant battling for a place in the semi-finals of my nationwide competition it's family run unu in blackburn so many of you nominated them you and you had to go into my top two chinese [Music] it's got that that energy that vibe and this family run run with great passion you can feel that because they care about every little detail family is the most important part of this restaurant i think personally it makes this restaurant what it is you know it that's the heart and soul of the restaurant it's not just a livelihood it's more than that it's a definite passion dad charlie started out with a chippy over 30 years ago before opening his first restaurant in 1989. he's 65 there's still flames in him you know he's like he's quicker than me there's a saying um the older the ginger the hotter it gets now all three of his children work in the business what makes this restaurant stand out is that charli and his head chef son victor source the very best local ingredients the scallops are massive arrived um this morning they're beautiful thank you you and you will have just two hours to serve all 30 of my diners a perfect meal i'm excited i'm ready tonight's dishes include hand-dived salt and pepper scallops fill it steak with hoisin and chili bean sauce and a luxurious stir-fried dover soul absolutely delicious that is cooked briefly and for me what that dish needs is just a touch more seasoning yeah thank you just thank you side order with your main course my diners look excited by what's on offer but i wish the front of house team would make a point of telling them how fantastic the raw ingredients are like the scallops with asparagus and mushrooms for all they know the scallops could have come from the supermarket it's victor and charlie's chance to show me they can handle this challenge let the food do the talking once that turbo wok is fired up dish you start flying out the door amazing yeah wow that's quick it's just over two minutes from the first order coming in for food to leave the kitchen victor's brother and sister are joined front of house by at least eight other waiting staff who seem to do a lot of waiting seems to be a lot of people just milling about and not really paying the attention to the table we having a beauty pageant in here look at these waitresses in here blackburn's next top model [Music] it's complete overkill and half the time they don't even know where to put themselves my main concern is the way the kitchen is working victor the head chef picks the ingredients another chef adds the sauce then his dad charlie who does all the cooking 65 years of age he's there pounding every dish just cooking cooking cooking i know he's coming up rare young man's the only one doing all the work then you feel guilty that's the way you wanted to do it that's how we wanted to do it charlie huh want some help yeah yeah yeah in the kitchen that's a little bit weird for me the only one doing any work is your dad he's control control is he a control fruit yeah yeah needs to let go a little bit he still thinks he's going to do one day a week at 90 seriously seriously orders have already backed up by the time head chef victor steps in to help with the cooking there's something quite unique about seeing a father and son on the stove together you know when they're not actually too busy to argue [Music] although dishes are now getting out there's a problem a bit of soy sauce with chicken soy sauce yeah i'll salt it for you no problem no one's tasting anything which is quite normal for the way they work as a chinese kitchen man the young guy is now starting to cook and also victor's cooking as well now so you got the same dish be cooked by three different individuals so that's how things started becoming consistent i can't believe that charlie and victor are letting down their delicious and unique ingredients through lack of seasoning they taste a little bit bland yeah it's just not as tasty but i've had them with i went to two different foreign um one table enjoyed the scallops the other one felt they were a little bit glammed so just make sure if somebody's gonna cook it they gotta taste it as well i mean he's a touch more soul okay charlie thank you thank you it's not just the scallops they're also under seasoning their most expensive dish three plates with a 30 pound ahead dover soul have been sent back do me a favor give me another dove assault what's wrong the other side is under season is it tasty yeah fish tastes delicious but it's under seasoned and three times tonight you guys come back bland you gotta do it justice charlie's having to redo the soul it's an expensive dish to get wrong so many times chase really nice and the main affiliate state was absolutely delicious now the youth family need to hear what i thought of tonight's service this is a first for me i've never come across a chinese restaurant that has such unique ingredients and so if you are going to hell and back to sauce those ingredients shout about it i could cry on the back of the dover soul because i said to you when you cooked it for me earlier it needed more seasoning and i came back three times tonight taste it do it just this yeah you're the chef and your father's a sous chef and tonight it looked like you were the apprentice and your father was the chef and grab the reins and let him sit behind you well done thank you very much thank you slow down all right well done slow down if they home in on those small little details with the final seasoning across those dishes and you've got something pretty phenomenal [Music] kai and you and you have took their hearts out but both have their failings and things are about to get a whole lot tougher the coast trip really showed me what these chinese competitors are made of and now i've called both of them to a meeting with me to find out how their restaurants run when i'm not breathing down their necks i've been spying on them and they have no idea if you want to know how a restaurant treats an ordinary customer on an ordinary day send in a secret diner that's exactly what i do they should get amazing food and excellent service nothing less is good enough [Music] sarah durden robertson has worked with me and other top chefs to create and perfect thousands of dishes is there any way you can turn the noise down a bit food critic simon davis is one of the best in the business and has judged food and service at thousands of restaurants i'm allergic to those i can't eat sultanas it's one thing serving easy to please customers but how will my competitors perform when my undercover diners are deliberately difficult and demanding first up is cayenne mayfair in their first test my customers didn't get a proper steer on alex's ambitious menu has owner bernard improved things since my last visit that was a big test unknown to all of you you've been tested twice after i left kai i sent in my secret diner and i need you to watch this [Music] yes at one o'clock yeah yes for starters i've ordered wasabi pawns and soft shell crab but i'm going to change my order once i've seen that he's put it through and i'm going to order the lamb shank it's right can i change my order that started from i'd like the um lamb shank please yes thank you [Music] mango okay hi sorry i asked to swap for the lamb thank you so the kitchens ended up cooking an extra dish because the waiter never said that it was an exchange that's why he didn't come and ask seems to be a bit of a lack of communication between some of the front of her staff in the kitchen what goes through your mind when you see that the burners [Music] i think part of the reason why we made a mistake is because it's not unusual for somebody to have three starters between two people [Music] oh my goodness in a martini glass that's not what i was expecting wow thank you did i read the menu right that there's no resemblance to the dish that i was reading about i'm really sorry i just i can't believe that that's what i ordered is that the landscape very weird could i have the soft shell crab instead thank you it wasn't clear from the menu at all that that's what that dish comes like why are we serving lamb shank in a martini glass that's hot it just seemed so strange and such a bizarre thing to do uh it's a fancy starter fantasy starter jesus thanks i thought that was supposed to be there's a great dramatic dish on the menu the issue we have with the chinese dry swine flaming is that very often the flames are quite hard to see no one can see the [ __ ] flame because it doesn't give off a lot of flame it's a little bit of fun it's a bit of showmanship i don't see anything wrong with that there's a consistent strand through here that you're trying to be clever with the martini glass the lamb shank and now you're flambe something that it's got nothing to do with flavor don't damage what you've got by trying to be too clever [Music] [Music] i mean the dishes have been delicious that's really kind thank you you know that's somebody who clearly prides himself on the service they feel okay um brilliantly handle at the end offering the whole thing on the house i think the the emotion i feel right now is more determination than disappointment you've got to get your head down and make things better i hope we can win tonight two fantastic restaurants are battling out to become my best chinese and win a place in the semi-finals of my nationwide restaurant competition [Applause] time for you and you to find out how they measured up when i sent in my secret spy unknown to all four of you you've actually been tested twice i sent in my secret diner and this is what you saw here we are you and you i told the you family to focus on detail and to properly season the stunning ingredients they source and i want to see them use the waiting staff wisely so they're not just hanging around i booked a table i got table the name of duncan for two people at eight o'clock would have hoped you've been offered a drink by now having been here for five minutes i know they're busy but there's quite a lot of staff as well can't see who's managing the place it feels a bit frantic i really would like to have a drink actually i'll get rather annoyed some drinks have to call over the waitress to get a drink which given that to my right there's four waiters and waitresses and they've all got their backs to us i'm sure they're busy it's a busy night but [Music] 10 minutes for a drink is that normal they wait 10 15 minutes no it's not but that wasn't a normal friday night because one of the kitchen hands was off phil yeah so i had to go in and help these guys that's why i've disappeared for so long what you need to do is pay money for better staff and less of them that are more reliable i bought our starters really quickly which was admirable but the problem is there's now a huge gap between starters main courses they should bring the starters out a little bit later and it would be such a glaring gap what they should be doing now is coming up to us and just having a quiet word and say i'm very sorry blah blah blah you know what that will completely dilute the situation completely ignored completely ignored it becomes an insult where they become offended like he said diffuse it and uh that's okay okay thank you this dover soul with sugar snap peas and carrots looks actually rather rather planned and the fish itself it's pretty nondescript hi there i just this dover saw it doesn't really taste so much it needs some much more seasoning yeah when you've got customers that are sat waiting over half an hour for food it's got to be perfect that was dealt with quite well so i'm going to send this back again and ask to change the dish i still don't like it i'm afraid i'll change it to something else i'm so sorry after all that effort i've complained a lot in restaurants but that is the best i've almost ever seen dealt with 10 out of 10 for dealing with a very very tricky customer brilliantly handled and he's fussy beautifully done i really really really really like that this strawberry samosa it's worth the trip alone seriously i've never heard such an amazing compliment to chinese desserts fantastic really good as a dining experience it had quite a sluggish start but it's just accelerated and i've now reached a crescendo where i think this is one of one of the best chinese restaurants i've been to in many years what a strong finish and he left on a high [Music] we've got this far now we just really want i'm ready to explore i'm ready to win this competition i'm gonna take this and hope get to the end of this competition you know my two best chinese restaurants have one final chance to really deliver in my competition i'm taking them out of their comfort zones and into the kitchen of my own michelin-starred restaurant i've asked each chef to create one amazing dish for 20 guests the test here today is about quality and consistency every single plate they produce must be perfect their performance will win one of them a place in the semi-finals the other will be eliminated from the competition the pressure will either make or break them see the name of the menu at gordon's three star mitchell and restaurant yeah yeah just it's just unbelievable just want to win this we'll cook our hat out oh me and mink they will definitely try our best to make the diner happy yes this is an amazing battle about to take place now because we've got two completely contrasting restaurants i want the quality to stand out create something magical the sad news is there's only one of you going through to the semi-final make sure it's you good luck to both of you thank you they must create their dish using the finest quality beef as their main ingredient and i'm expecting great things from both teams it's not just me they have to impress some highly distinguished guests will also judge both restaurants dishes including dayta shong a world authority on chinese cuisine and respected businesswoman may simlai obe i've also invited each restaurant's front of house team for the chefs there is nowhere to hide i'm expecting culinary perfection okay on order four covers table six kai four beef and ginger okay uh yes f would be great yeah chef thank you is it easy if i shout like that is that will that will that make it any easier no tell me no is it would you is it easy okay good no just in case [Music] at kai alex is a gifted and passionate mastermind elevating modern chinese food to new heights alex and wing his sous chef hope to enchant my guests with a creation you'd never find on a high street chinese menu they're making beef sirloin with ginger and spring onion pesto served with broccolini bamboo stalks and pumpkin it's accompanied by spiced rice and a soy reduction how you going to cook the beef i can seal yep can i come to the right rectangular yeah then they finish it in the oven around one and a half minutes it's so nice to see my kitchen and how nice is that you've been here five minutes you haven't shouted very good thank you thanks an order you and you two covers wait two or three please two stunning wagyu beef yeah chef yes sir thanks charlie in contrast you and you is going for more classic dish wok seed kobe beef with sweet soy sauce lime garlic and ginger kobe beef is an amazingly tender cut of meat but the magic in this dish lies with the flavoring that's what we've always done that's keeping things simple using fresh really good ingredients you know i've been waiting to see if victor the head chef can live up to the title and take control from his father victor i want you tasting today every [ __ ] thing you put on that plate i want to see you taste i need to see you taste yeah yeah sure a lot on your shoulders right now and that standard has to be met by you today yeah sure victor has the pressure of the competition and the desire to impress his dad resting on his shoulders he needs to stay calm and in control but for my first table of four victor dishes up just one plate that's the first beef yes don't just miss him let's do more sure sorry 51. just miss him three more on this chef so is that three in there yeah how long is that gonna take three minutes just the initiative no how long is it gonna take four minutes sure four minutes well that's gonna be [ __ ] by four minutes what do you want me to do serve that or you're gonna do four fresh portions again thank you sienna serve that chat [Music] come on victor i know you can do better than this i can't just serve one portion what do you want to do do i take it back i can't just serve one two minutes and i'll have this one up for sure service please go with that please john is there any rice is that the no rice is coming both to say one vampire come on guys listen just stop come here two seconds what the [ __ ] are you doing what is that this is your moment do you understand this is your standards so get that back in there and split it between four plates come on guys i know you can do better than this but if you talk to each other the rice comes at the same time about marriage [ __ ] hell guys bad start by you and you i mean completely disorientated no team work and their father and son for god's sake today look like two strangers in the kitchen come here two seconds you this is not a [ __ ] rehearsal do you understand i can't just send that one portion i've got dining room full of guests out there listen to me and more importantly slow down and come to the hot plate together okay come on on the other side of the kitchen alex is also feeling the pressure kai two portions away alex two please stand by the plate look at me look at me four more bees that's it thank you afternoon is two beef yes thank you [ __ ] you now two trays in the hot plate please alex isn't communicating with me or is sous chef win [ __ ] you now come on guys and this complex dish needs perfect coordination alex look at me if we get a little bit organized yeah so the beef doesn't hang around too long on the hot plate yeah it's gotta go yes i can't sit here too long it's gonna work together a little bit more yeah chef yeah so you're putting it on it's taking about four or five minutes but it's gotta go we can't keep it back too long yeah otherwise it's gonna be cold ready to go service please alex's food looks amazing but he seems to be struggling to cope in my kitchen without his large team you've got chicken stock balling over on the hot plate please okay fine uh i'll bring me chicken [Music] let's go take the [ __ ] painting i want to shut off there as well stop you go you let's go go go go you happy with that right i'll be there yes yep go please let's go table two where's the sauce good thank you sauce pour the left hand side alex i want all the pots and pans off the floor my kitchen here in 50 i've never had an accident and today i'm not going to have one yeah let's go jesus christ very nice that looks beautiful service please go table one please thank you [Music] [Music] a lot better okay victor yeah four wagyu beef away table one yeah all at the same time two rice two vegetables and two stunning wagyu beef yes yes thank you come on and look at me i want you to take a grip solid hold those reins yeah and get this thing back on track yes and make sure every plate is absolutely perfect please you know your mother sat out there you know that don't you yeah [Music] okay four beef please stand by come on nice now nice now let's go please let's go thank you thank you excellent gordon just settle the nerves and then know what i need to do you and you have come back strong and they've got that focus going on now [Music] plate after plate of victor's mouth watering beef is finally been served [Music] what do you think the whole thing just completely melts in your mouth doesn't it i'm really proud of my dad and my brother for just getting this far and what they've cooked today has been amazing in a kitchen they're not so used to as well our kids have definitely done us proud that's simple yes yes yeah let's go spotless thank you yes yeah thank you [Music] service is over and it's time to discover what my distinguished guests think about these two extraordinary dishes starting with victors nice to see you as well thank you very much this is a real treat that was away wonderful he was so tender and special it worked very well how was that extraordinary like no beef i've ever tasted before the uh you and you one have more authentic flavor to me dish not only the presentation but the flavor is much better as well i think it was the better dish mainly because of the tenderness of the beef the accompanying dishes particularly the rice that the rice was outstanding my diners comments are testament to the incredible standards of both kai and unused food but this competition is about more than just one dish both these fantastic chinese restaurants have had their ups and downs throughout this heat but now it's time for me to choose between them winning today is very important for me because i really want to make a proud to my family as a one of uh top chinese traveler in london but if i beat kaiser unbelievable and they're such a fantastic restaurant and their dish is unbelievable you know so we can only see you know if we beat him it would be unbelievable only one of them can go through to the semi-finals i've got to make a very difficult choice my two top chinese chefs alex and victor have finished the service of their lives at my free michigan style restaurant they both prove themselves exceptional competitors but one team has to go it's time to taste this incredible food cooked here today starting with a dish created by alex from kai in mayfair the sauce the beef has been marinated 24 hours rice wine beet's delicious sauce is very very strong pumpkins very crunchy bamboo shoot crunchy slightly acidic but delicious you and you waggle beef it just melts in your mouth it's delicious i mean it is really delicious my god it's got the texture of foie gras it needs the greens with it it's very rich but it's incredibly moorish and you feel like it's done with a level of authenticity they both hold an amazing flavor who has the edge of this one [Music] both these teams have cooked their hearts out but there can only be one [Music] winner okay i brought you here today for one reason and one reason only to do something extraordinary to do something that was out of your comfort zone and into a completely different league kai the dish you looked at it and it was like it came out of a gucci handbag it was all precise and just beautifully done the beef phenomenal love the marinade intelligent smart and it had that kind of wow criticizing the dish i would have cooked the pumpkin for another two minutes it's a little bit crunchy inside and you the wagyu absolutely beautiful because you you played your strengths what would i change it was simple today i didn't think you'd go simple i thought you'd go a little bit more a little bit more daring but this competition is not going to be won or lost on one dish alone i'm looking for the best restaurant great food great service great atmosphere friendly approach and something that you want to go back to that restaurant for that phenomenal experience [Music] the restaurant that's going through to the semi-final based on everything i've seen tasted and being part of is [Music] you and you continue those fireworks yeah you deserve to be out there love the fireworks love it love it love it good job you have an amazing restaurant thank you yeah look after it of course i'm absolutely gutted that we're not getting through the answer wasn't the answer we would have liked to hear but we have to move on and keep going with what we do every single day well done really well done i said you had a lot of weight on your shoulders today and you pulled it off it wasn't just based on that dish is based on the whole experience really well done you should be incredibly proud yeah a bloody good job okay really well done thank you okay well done well done well done i'm very happy it feels amazing i can't wait to help um yeah it's just good i believe [Music] we're very powerful yeah i'm all about this [Music] very good [Music] really sorry to say goodbye to kai and that chef's a bit of a mad genius however you and you great restaurant what an amazing family and they're they're consistent and united you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 1,021,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay chef, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay teaching, Gordon Ramsay best of, Gordon Ramsay funny, Gordon Ramsay argument, Gordon Ramsay tv show, Gordon Ramsay full episodes, Gordon Ramsay cooking show, full episodes, cooking, cooking show, full episodes cooking, Gordon Ramsay best resaurant, best resaurant tv show
Id: sVvpjfr-klY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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