Gordon Ramsay Enters An Indian Cooking Challenge | Gordon's Great Escape FULL EPISODE

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[Music] tonight i'm on the second leg of my indian great escape learning how to cook my favorite food curry and now i'm heading off the beaten track to discover india's best kept culinary secrets in a way i'm looking for sort of the unheard of authentic indian food and something that's never been seen on any menu indian menu anywhere in the uk food and dishes that we've we've never even read about so for the next week i'm leaving the tourist trail behind and going on adventure into the far reaches of northeast india bordered by china and burma this region is remote and inaccessible but i'm told the mouthwatering curries will be worth it they're made with ingredients unavailable anywhere else in india i'm heading out really out into the northeast tip of india almost out into the wild so yeah before i get there i'm stopping off in calcutta this is my gateway to the northeast and it will be the last bit of civilization i see for a while this faded beauty was once the british colonial capital of india now it's a hectic metropolis and all the action happens out here on the streets [Applause] one cup of tea please thank you thank you very much [Applause] there are 135 000 stalls here and i hear it's the best street food in india what is it potato very good in fact it's delicious [ __ ] spicy i can't believe the variety on offer egg sandwiches calcutta's very own predamore fascinating high noodles yeah noodles noodles so it's chicken noodle vegetable chilli sauce with a bit of tomato sauce on there it's very good and everything is prepared from scratch right here on the street just the level of the basic food on this street is of a delicious nature and you've got like this gourmet trail starting from the back like a little you know canopy with the eggs and then you go down to the vegetable then all of a sudden you hit the meat right at the very end and then finish with the desserts there's not a street like anywhere in the world but right now i've got someone to meet just around the corner in calcutta's business district you're typing and skyping typing no email email no no no okay happy typing hi gordon i'm london how are you yeah i spotted you at long last welcome to chaotic celtics thank you so much good to see you seasoned foodie nondombachi is one of the few food writers to have ventured into the impenetrable northeast and he's agreed to give me the lowdown on where to go what brings you here gordon i'm heading off into the northeast and you seem to the only person that sort of understands exactly what what what i can gain from there well it will be a completely different experience from any other food available on the subcontinent really yeah so not like the north not like bastard not at all nothing at all nothing to do with your chicken tikka culture nothing of the soft whatsoever why it's mainly a tribal culture and people live off the earth it's very pleasant food it's wild country there's a lot of hunting going on for food except for tables and chairs they eat anything with four legs except tables and chairs anything with four legs cheese so really be prepared oh christmas it's a very exciting cuisine you better be ready for some hot food because it's famous famous for chiles already not known outside the northeast much so i can't find any of the food from northeast here on this street no no no no why not i think mainly because it's so different right and it's unfamiliar to the taste buds right maybe here would be quite intriguing to bring back an influence from northeast yes and to put it on the streets yeah and believe me it'll be the first time anybody has done that kind of thing here right [Music] i'd love to be the first person to introduce the food of the northeast to this foodie mecca i'll see you in a week's time yeah fingers crossed tomorrow i'll be traveling to nagaland one of the most remote regions in india i have a feeling home comforts will be thin on the ground and so tonight i'm making the most of what calcutta has to offer oh jesus trust me you get a chance to take advantage of some luxury you lap it up because only god knows where i'm gonna be sleeping tomorrow night the next day i'm on a flight from calcutta traveling 900 kilometers to dubrough in assam i'm heading to nagaland i'll be staying with a local tribe that have a reputation for the hunting prowess and their fantastic game curries i just hope the natives are friendly as i'll be the first western chef they've ever met gonna say grits griton gordon is g-o-r-d-o-n g-o-r-d-o-n from de brugar i've now got a 150 kilometer road trip to make through assam before i even get to the nagaland border four hours to go on roads like this look jeremy clark's gonna eat your heart out no no handed on the telephone i'll change gear if you want [Music] nagaland has a reputation for being a dangerous place for westerners to travel alone slow down this looks like the border crossing please stop nagaland please check post okay [Music] i'm being met by fajin she's the only english speaker from the village where i'm staying tell me you're a friend of nondon's yes hello my darling good to see you what a journey welcome to nagaland thank you very much indeed i have a necklace for you the welcome to naglin jesus this is a skull necklace a skull necklace yeah it looks like a massive doorknob so what what is that we are head hunters from our tribe hold on a minute uh you used to be who you are we used to be have uh headhunters don't worry no no i'm not worried i'm [ __ ] myself if you're good then i won't take your head jesus if you're good i won't take your head off sound like my wife goodbye [Music] so have you ever traveled to any part of the world like this i have never been to such remote areas good of any part of the world like this ever [Music] it's okay you come out alive don't worry i'll come out alive yeah i'm still [ __ ] myself problem with the brakes no [Music] motorways just don't exist here and the endless bumpy roads are getting to me surely we must be near two hours 45 minutes after crossing the border welcome to xi'an village over a thousand kilometers after leaving calcutta we're finally here i really need a warm welcome this is it welcome to my house thank you very much i'm on a culinary adventure through india and i've traveled into the wilds of the north east where i'm on the trail of india's best kept culinary secrets [Music] i've just arrived in nagaland where i'll be staying with the cognac tribe and i'm the first western chef they've ever met oh my god hello this is my father gordon sir how are you thank you your father's name what do i what do i call him mr juan it's very kind thank you very much thank you very much that's amazing i know all these people here these are our relatives and villagers you say hello hello hello what is that it's all this is all bore yeah and what these bits here uh these are uh intestines intestine and we eat them as well yes yes it's not now i thought that the tribe might actually enjoy meat more than i do for jin's father has even got a version of one of my favorites on the go so it's like a blood sausage like a black pudding wow look at that black pudding that is delicious that is very good we don't put chili in our blood sausage blank pudding back in the uk you think of any authentic indian food you never ever think about black pudding but that's just completely different thank you and a great cup of tea as well this is how we eat in scotland yeah black pudding yeah and tea he said that because he's good looking and handsome like he has got three wives oh jesus what about you yeah those laws don't apply in ones worth the news the world would love that one he said why don't you come with him tomorrow for the hunt i would love to go hunting he is inviting you i thought it was banned no no no this is tribal land we are the owners of arlen and we have every right to hunt to hunt yes and that's how the village survives yes to think that 50 60 years ago there was tribal gangs warfare revenge and any way to seek revenge was beheaded your victim and that's that's that's not [ __ ] about now i mean that's pretty uh so they all may look nice and smiley and high fives and how you doing sit down have some black put in a cup of tea but you want to [ __ ] with them in the jungle would you [Music] after last night's welcoming ceremony i'm keen to get stuck in this morning i'm watching the hunt the trophies on show are testament to this village's long history of living off the land [Music] virgin's grandfather is the most experienced hunter in the village and i would like an introduction you read about these guys and you hear about them at school in re and things like that [ __ ] you know you'd never ever believe you have the chance to sit and eat breakfast with them right excellent good morning sir good morning hi how are you now he's got five skulls on there i've got four of mine what's the difference only the the men that they have taken the heads up heads off no wear this and he's taking two heads off in his time yes i better let him eat his breakfast before he takes mine off [Laughter] before the hunt starts i've been asked to join some of the villagers for a special ceremony uh before we go for a hunt yes we would sacrifice a chicken so he stood his throat he cut it through he cut it through his mouth with the chicken's blood we smear all the guns or what whatever type of weapon we're taking for a hunt we do this is a ritual just to be one with nature like okay okay great why is he just pulling the testing now we'll check whether our hat will be successful or not if there's blood on this side see inside then there'll be injury but there's no blood today so there's no there's a safe house yeah it's safe for that [Music] [Applause] the size may have been good but with the entire village ready for battle i'm not taking any risks tell them all now if you recognize a blue t-shirt don't [ __ ] shoot okay a wife of four kids to feed are you a good shot today they'll be tracking boar or deer in the forest as it's going to be turned into tonight's supper by fajin's father i've got a vested interest in this hunt going well so when we get into the forest we're going to split into two groups and circle around the hunt yeah we will split into different groups gordon just be careful with the machine yeah so how are we going to find the other hunters they are only waiting for the sound of the hunting dogs and when they hear then they will also just run so we just sit and wait for the noises he asks what do you do for a living what do i do for a living in london i'm a cook handbook how much money do you earn in one week for the cooking oh [ __ ] um that's a good question i mean from from one yeah one thousand pound a week to to ten thousand pound a week what do you think yeah i'm just kidding it's is it gone he said my father will come my father said he will come back with you to london for cooking maybe tonight we can both cook together for the village thankfully the hunt seems to be hotting up which has saved me from any more embarrassing questions [Music] did you hurt yourself i messed with the [ __ ] machete it's fine it's fine honestly absolutely it's fine i know we're looking for first blood but it's not meant to be mine yes i was hacking back yeah and it it sort of bounced back and i think it was the corner yes yes they went in the chicken said no injuries on the hunt okay good [Music] jesus christ there's guns going off everywhere huh that's not gonna feed a hungry hunting party oh yeah but it isn't all over yet [ __ ] it where's it here the deer is there this looks better so i got a deer it's not a wild boar i started to [ __ ] myself they were celebrating over a little four ounce pigeons [Music] the whole village turns out to welcome his brave hunters these good old boys know how to party who gets the head the right thigh and the head goes to the chief right thigh yeah who's that before the guy who shot him congratulations hold on no great shot since you are our guest we will give this chunk of meat i've got that chunk thank you fascinating they never skin it first they just hacked through it and the head shred off i feel very honoured to be given half a saddle of deer especially when i did jack [ __ ] this morning to catch it except put an axe through my [ __ ] foot well a knob ryan let's get clean now for the real reason i'm here i'm going to see what makes a nagaland curry so different to anything i've ever tasted before as i've been gifted the venison mr honly is going to create a curry using the boar that he slaughtered so in there a kidney kidney flesh liver and belly are you cooking everything at the same time see normally we'd cook this separately it's very rustic generally nothing's filleted nothing's ever off the boat and what's that dad's putting there now my father is uh putting another kind of leaf which you find in the forest and what's it like thank you it's quite citrusy huh yeah yeah it's like lavender we use even the fruits for like pepper everything mr holly is using in his dish comes from his own land this is the first indian curry i've seen made without any dried spices what's that doing with the chilis he's uh roasting it we have a better flavoring if we roast it on the ash like that yeah it gives a better scent yeah what we got we do the same with peppers and the most surprising ingredient is something i've never seen before it's bamboo shoot yeah that's a fascinating smell you know that slightly spicy edge to it while the pork and the bamboo curry cooks i'm gonna try out these nagaland ingredients with my saddle of venison to see what i can come up with pure fillet just a little touch they intrigued me the flavour there you know [Music] how do you turn up the gas thank you how many westerners have come and cooking this kitchen none no i'm the first huh [Music] it's a tradition in scotland we always have a swing each oh yes it means our passion is joined with the dish while my venison curry reduces mr honly's pork and bamboo curry is already done and i can't wait to taste it the pork is delicious very tasty the chili the garlic and it looked quite sort of boring and greasy but flavor-wise delicious that's delicious the pork the villagers from today's hunt that didn't get a cut of the deer came to share mine very nice yes jordan yep can you just give them a second helping of course there's real community spirit here and it makes eating together all that more enjoyable the pork dish i tasted of theirs was amazing you'd think that there was 15 different spices the dried bamboo in terms of flavour it's intense yeah it has an intriguing sort of turnip stroke cardamom sort of slightly spicy edge to it who would ever believe were in india no spice no turmeric yeah no coriander no cinnamon no clothes everything's just yeah from the ground it's quite interesting you dive into their world and you get rid of that monkey on your back and all of a sudden you start to relax in a big way and forget anything outside this village i came in search of india's best kept culinary secrets and nagaland didn't disappoint i've had my first taste of this region's indigenous ingredients and i can't wait to see what other surprises the northeast has in store thank you very much take care thank you thank you made you feel so special best wishes thank you madame take care i wasn't onwards and i've taken a bit of nagaland with me i want to use the bamboo shoot on my food store when i get back to calcutta extraordinary different and incredibly rustic very humble very simple but fascinating food though totally um unspoilt and in a way nothing indian i'm now heading back into the state of assam on my way to majuli it's an island in the middle of the brahmaputra river where fish is plentiful and the locals make an amazing fish curry but first i'm stopping off in jordan there's an event going on today by some crazy lady who's attempting to stick over 60 chillies in her mouth within two minutes and eat them and then she wants to go on and rub more in her eyes can we make this on the way to my julie we won't miss the ferry i've got to see it yeah okay i mean is she nuts unreal let's go more chilies are eaten in the northeast of india than anywhere else in the world and assam produces the hottest on earth excuse me [Music] mum of juan amandita tamali has a massive appetite for them today she's attempted to break her own world record for eating 60 whole chilis in two minutes mary tastes blessing this is no ordinary chili and andita will be munching on the boot jolokia yeah the whole the whole the whole thing but don't eat it don't don't eat it don't eat it just take my he's taking them to have a bite but not to eat it not to chew it it'll be very okay hot this baby is 200 times hotter than a jalapeno it's a chili nuclear bomb [Applause] that's very hot yeah one is enough very very hot indeed my mouth's still burning on a little piece of one are you mad [Laughter] okay good luck so here we go i'm playing safe by being timekeeper ready three two one go 10 seconds gone oh my god excuse me two minutes dead stop oh jesus she's gonna be sick get some water for the lady quickly oh my god how many is left how many deaths yeah so it's 49. so is 11 off the record unfortunately 49 51 you okay don't cry don't cry is she okay don't get upset over a chili down but not out and andita has decided to up the ante she's going to try to rub more than 12 chilies in her eyes in under one minute how many's there ready three two one go [Music] 15 seconds gone come on you look wake up [Applause] [Music] 30 seconds gone come on 15 seconds to go you only got six left five four three two one and stop excellent fantastic are you okay [Music] the world record 24 chiles [Applause] excellent congratulations well done really well done i think you are mad excellent i mean those chillies were extraordinary hot i mean unbelievably hot just biting into one it just sort of exploded and all of a sudden your mouth went on fire but it's a very bizarre thing to witness she's off a trolley a confirmed nut i'm on a culinary adventure in the northeast of india traveling through the most remote parts of the country and tracking down dishes that can't be found anywhere else i'm now leaving the asami city of jordan to travel 20 kilometers along the brahmaputra river to the island of julie two-hour ferry ride to majuli peace and quiet now there's something quite addictive to a fast pace fast life but it's also nice just to slow down majuli is the largest river island in the world and for five months during the monsoon it's almost entirely underwater fresh water fish are plentiful and so there's no better place to find a delicious traditional fish curry [Music] i'm here to meet one of assam's most celebrated chefs ato laka he runs two restaurants and he's agreed to show me one of his classic fish curries [Music] how are you i'm fine good to see you good to see you we start for pissing pissing pissing oh fishing yes you like fishing i love fishing yeah because the people of us we like fishing let's hope atol's cooking is better than his english are you ready yeah i already ready you move wait for me 150 000 islanders live here and they survive almost entirely on a diet of fish and all that comes from these freshwater ponds 99 the village live on fish yes yes wow jesus christ that boat's not going to put up with a fat bastard like me i'll tell you yeah i'm trying yeah i'm fine [Laughter] that was a [ __ ] start wasn't it see i knew wouldn't take 50s [Laughter] sorry guys we apologize for me you are so happy you're a lot lighter than i am look how skinny these guys are they're not even 16 kilos oh jesus he's so loyal these flimsy boats can't take a culinary heavyweight like me so on to plan b well we've got some more fish on the market we've bought some fish and now ato's going to cook denga a traditional asami's fish curry that has a truly unique flavor and what's that called is it an elephant apple uh-huh and what they taste like apples it's like choba chowa it's this tropical fruit that gives dengue its signature sour flavour which will add bite to the earthy taste of our freshwater fish so where's the recipe from everywhere are some people use this type of fish here okay green chilli very good but no spices no no only chili leaves uh-huh yeah why is that our chili is so special yeah so i noticed it the varieties of chili [Music] garlic what have you got in there what have you put in terminal excellent good [Music] and is that you done then yeah my goodness finished your curry is finished cherry in a hurry you like my traditional elastomers food the curry is delicious and you've managed to make it with no spices yeah so i totally understand where you're coming from it's been really good thank you thank you thank you now just before i go i want you to say one thing for me fishing fishing snake snack no it's not good snake snake on my trip i've realized that the curry we know and love in the uk is really a narrow selection of the amazing dishes india has to offer [Music] i've discovered new ingredients with unusual flavors like elephant apple and bamboo shoot and tasted the hottest chili in the world the northeast is very special and it's sort of the opposite to what i expected because you know there's no garam masala you know there's no there's no there's no powders it's all fresh fragrant very little spice fascinating food though totally um unspoilt now i'm leaving the wilderness behind and traveling nearly 350 kilometers to goahati this asami city is expanding fast but the locals still hold tight to tradition and one in particular is very close to my own heart home cooking every year a competition is held to find the best assamese dish in the region and it's happening here today 40 cooks battle it out for the title i'm going to enter but in order to rub shoulders with the best cooks in assam i need a winning recipe so i've wangled and in with a local domestic goddess atoll suggested that i spend some time with these misses she's going to show me exactly how she cooks if there's one way of going back to calcutta with some really exciting stunning dishes it's going to be from this competition yes hello russian how are you i'm fine i'm fine nice to see you good to see you finally okay this is a first for me entering a domestic competition actually today i'm going to show you how to cook chicken with sesame seed chicken with sesame seed yes and who taught you this dish yeah i i just learned it from my mother for my granny i always do my cooking at home because he doesn't like to cook at home he's better in his restaurant he's like me oh [ __ ] do you know why we haven't got the staff at home oh get that nice nice this is the mustard oil oh yeah it's nice we never use refine oil what we prefer is the mustard oil right and that's the flavor yeah we prefer less oil i feel like i'm back at school with my home economic teacher do i look like a t-shirt yeah yeah young and sexy oh cool cool wow so onions garlic and chilies so you put them in holes yeah yeah all the chicken in it's quite dry but we don't use too much of oil that's why very slim and beautiful he's a lucky too boring for me yoga rashmi's healthy family recipe then uses fresh turmeric and coriander the color has to remain green so it's a green curry jesus this is a housewife competition you're so serious and so strict it will remain green yeah i promise yeah that smells delicious color looks amazing yes i don't recognize the final ingredient it's black sesame seed paste and it's only used in northeast indian curries okay good it's very tempting isn't it it is very tempting it is delicious it looks fantastic yeah are you hungry uh i am a little bit i don't like to eat before i go into competitions you are very nervous so nervous energy yes yes yes the real point you know since you are nervous you don't want to eat i have a little taste yeah it's very good everything is perfect yeah everything i'm not going to say down i'm going to say chef thank you thank you thank you you're most welcome that was delicious fingers crossed i think atoll's misses might actually be a better cook than he is so this is a token of love for me and just you're going to wheel it it's a good luck okay three tablespoons of garlic ginger trying to paste sesame seed paste at the end at the end hello jesus the best dish in assam is a much sought after title [Music] yes i'm here to yeah i'm here to cook i'll love this thank you very much indeed i'm 18. my 40 fellow competitors have been perfecting the recipes for months but i want to give them a run for their money oh [ __ ] i'm feeling pretty confident i just need to remember what goes in first a little smell darling a little smell yeah not too much garlic no okay good right lid on keep an eye on that for me please yeah and just turn down the gas a little bit and have a little wander while that reduces i'm sneaking off to spy on the competition [Music] and this one is pigeon that smells nice though what's this one here [ __ ] opium poppy seeds poppy seeds and this is chicken chicken oh i'm doing chicken as well what else have you got in there onions garlic onions and ginger so everyone's doing a little bit of decoration aren't they is that for your decoration wow okay right i'm gonna get my ass in together and do some decorations this lot might look like indian's answer to the wi but actually pretty good cooks they're now garnishing their dishes it's gone up a notch bloody how they started out as a sort of domestic sort of you know local competition they know what they're doing crafty buggers well two can play that game i'm done one of these things as a college a little van dyke of tomato 15 minutes left yes thank you thank you ainsley try ander in please come out the same killer as rushing [Music] it's got to stay green okay sesame seed paste in four minutes you have to come to the presentation table the countdown begins yep i've never been so much in this [ __ ] in all my life you know stop please [ __ ] [ __ ] all the participants please go and take your seats the judges will taste your food and give their marks first thank you thank you very much thank you thank you for the winner says sees none other than take number 14 congratulations what was the dish what did she do to the chicken that i didn't do papaya papaya with chicken yeah okay excellent a panasonic pressure cooker yes i love you all thank you i don't like coming second best okay next year i'm coming back oh yes number one thank you papaya and chicken that sounds interesting though doesn't it yeah and i mean okay i didn't win fine but what i did come here for was to pick up some knowledge to see how i can put that in to the streets of calcutta thank you ladies thank you russian dean goodbye now to the airport quickly one week ago i set off an adventure into the wilds of the northeast of india to track down the fabulous dishes that are unique to this region the northeast is very special and it's sort of the opposite to what i expected i've discovered that the food is completely different to any of the indian classics i've cooked before yeah there's no garam masala you know there's no there's no there's no powders it's all fresh fragrant very little spice now i've flown back to calcutta where i'm about to put my neck on the line northeastern curries have never been sold on these streets before i'm going to use everything i've learned to create dishes that will show this city what it's been missing it's the crack of dawn and i'm up early to join the other street cooks already preparing for a busy lunch d-day now the street's starting to get busy everyone's starting to sort of get themselves organized and there's a really nice smell already so the heat is on [Music] with over 135 000 stalls my competition is going to be tough my northeast carries need to be good enough to tempt customers away from their tried and tested favorites they wouldn't have seen or discovered food like this before so i just hope in the hell that they don't turn their nose up against it because they don't recognize oh that's not sort of what we're used to [Music] and i've hired some local lads to help me out how are you good to see you excellent and this is annie's sagu zagat are you sure they're not bunking off school no no no definitely he's not i didn't adopt him okay right okay first thing i need um the fire lighting i'm going to draw on the unique flavors of the northeast to create three delicious curries my first is chicken and green papaya inspired by the winning recipe at the cooking competition it will have that classic asami sour tang that the locals won't be used to green papaya helps it not just soften the chicken but marinade it also gives that really nice tart flavor i'm gonna make a fish curry using the dried bamboo shoot from nagaland it's something of an acquired taste and i don't know how it'll go down here there's a combination of a sort of bay leaf stroke lemongrass with a little hint of licorice first time for you i'm so pleased my final dish is a north eastern take on vegetable curry instead of using dried spices i'm using fresh ones making a more subtle flavour finish with a puree of sesame seed almost thickened vegetable curry with a sesame seed paste and then after that the fresh coriander paste just one last thing to do before i open my stall i am sweating like a pig i look like a pig i stink like a pig right i'm gonna get changed into right cooler much better so it's not exactly chef whites is it but i suppose it's uh it's equivalent a local chef wise to tell you why it's a lot cooler huh nothing wrong with going commander in the midday sun time to see if my take on the northeast curries can win over calcutta's foodies you must stress that it's from the north east you must tell them that tell me how i said here we go who's first chicken one actually this is a new thing to us in calcutta i don't know other people will like it or not but in my opinion it's really a super bonus let's go let's go let's go the food is very good and uh i have the face with bamboo shoots it's very tasty bamboo with green papaya thank you let's go chicken papaya has gone down a storm extraordinary it was really good i never tasted the bamboo and the vegetables and these are really good last chicken last plate lovely that is unbelievable that's barely about 50 minutes of chicken is gone which is fantastic news with the last the chicken papaya gone my fish and vegetable curries quickly sell out too so thank you that is now officially gordon ramsay's calcutta cafe closed finish it's been a great day i've enjoyed myself and judging by the reaction my career has been a success 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 750. yeah that my son is a good morning's work okay yes every people say the food is excellent today yeah definitely everybody said that but there's one person's opinion that really matters food writer non-don's arrived to give me his verdict hi gordon how are you doing brother how are you i'm good how was your week my week has been amazing so what did you cook up today so today we did a um a take on a chicken with green papaya we did an amazing fish curry oh save your little portion because i was getting slightly worried [Music] no wonder you sold out thank you believe me you happy with that not only that you have actually succeeded in doing something many people would have said is impossible well done it's very kind very well done very well done i look ridiculous i must have lost half my body weight in sweat but i've proved that curries of the northeast of india are worth shouting about i i thought my first week in india was a eye-opener this one was a shock i think because it's hard to believe that exists it's almost like you weren't in india the culture is equally as exciting as the food just an amazing eye-opener the simplicity the concentration of great ingredients and not pissing around with it india's helped me to become you know not just you know a proper chef i've never i was never out that bracket but it it's helped me to confirm what i love doing more than anything can we top that i doubt it but i can't [ __ ] wait to try you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 393,932
Rating: 4.9064417 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay chef, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay teaching, Gordon Ramsay best of, Gordon Ramsay funny, Gordon Ramsay argument, Gordon Ramsay tv show, Gordon Ramsay full episodes, Gordon Ramsay cooking show, full episodes, Gordon Ramsay travelling, Gordon Ramsay india, Gordon Ramsay indian food, Gordon Ramsay travelling show, Gordon Ramsay travels to india, Gordon Ramsay cooking indian food, india, indian food, indian cuisine
Id: sHCTvqM8d94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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