Gordon Ramsay's Pizza Cook Off Against Johnny Vegas | The F Word FULL EPISODE

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[Applause] in in in in in my northern stars welcome back [ __ ] well done how'd you feel about this oh absolutely fantastic yes out of this world good very excited to be back out there are some very discerning demanding clients yeah customers that are expecting the best of the best yeah bloody good to have you back thank you good to be here let's get going yeah right time for the start yes king crab tortellini yes ready yes sir first susan yeah we're gonna kill the crab oh yeah oh don't look it don't don't don't turn your nose up out of that yeah of course here hold the crap hold the crab take the crab for god's sake woman let's go right on here please excuse me if you're gonna cook it you're gonna have to kill it first i'm not making killing it i can't touch it susan you're acting like a soft southern jessie come on stop [ __ ] around in there through there knife on there very carefully and bang straight through and then we crunch through through there okay got to kill it quickly okay say goodbye to him first what's he called you name it bye gordon through put your hand through quick straight away okay good good girl right excellent now we're going to take off the cluster through yes there's one cluster hold it please hold it there you go and there's your second cluster in the water nice bring it back to the boil cook it yeah okay good right on order first table yes four covers table two four total an e4 lamb four chocolate souffle yes yeah right let's get on with the tortellinis yes we're gonna serve two tortellinis per portion yes yes yes two thirds of a spoon and we just egg wash half judith why do we do that let's make it stick that's right up into your hands push and nipple the air out you ladies have got disciplined fingers you can do that yeah yeah chef okay right let's just quickly go through the sauce together yeah lemongrass olive oil yes it's like a sort of tomato olive oil sauce yes shallots in there we've got our basil our coriander tomatoes in and just leave that cooking away all right top liners let's go one and a half minutes gently boiling water right sauce out ready to serve pasta's cooked and then from there on to the plate king crab tortellini we're a fresh tomato and lemongrass vinaigrette are you happy with those yes yeah would you pay for them table 10 there jb please yes cue family wedding store sandra apparently you upset your mum last time you're on the f word yes by swearing is that right yes chef i had a pep talk before we left this morning me and susan was about to walk out of the door imperial level is not good i had to have my mouth washed out with it after my mother saw that program yeah seriously why do i always get the blade i don't mean to swear you know it's the company i'm in trust me ladies it's [ __ ] great to have you back that's nice let's go table 9 here very nice uh susan you're in charge of the hot plate well i'm gone for 30 seconds okay keep this area nice and tidy yes chef [ __ ] yeah does that mean i check them hello johnny how are you how are you doing nice to see you yeah yeah your starter yeah fantastic so good to see you yeah no it's so good to be here you're a very brave man later we're head to head on the recipe challenge how did you find your chances i've really found some reasons i think it's something that's beyond you i think you've developed beyond simple good food seriously let me just show you where we're going to be cooking can have a quick look at the kitchen yes okay i'll show you give you a head start so you've got some no ladies hey i don't bring you to chat work the room these ladies are also from lancashire ladies please johnny yes jonathan here we go let's go come round come around come here check it out this is susan darling yes sandra and justine right right vegas out of the kitchen i'll see you guys don't cook for them cook for you get out get up get johnny vegas out of this kitchen now please yes bloody hell [Music] like me hugh the shaggy sheep farmer doesn't like to waste anything i've just slaughtered my sheep and have invited you for the wooden store around for tea yeah busy day at the avatar yeah extraordinary day here to help me cook up a family feast with some of the more unusual cuts the most amazing brains and the breads wow they are extraordinary it's a little while since i've cooked sheep's brains really so you've got the two different types of sweet bread something the long thin one obviously being the throat glands yep and they're the heart yeah look at them they're beautiful huh huh very tender seems really weird haven't taken them out myself this will certainly be the freshest set of brains i've ever worked really now do you think tana and the kids will eat sweet breads and brains tarnell definitely jack will definitely the girls i'm not too sure you know that good to have your garden back um it will be yeah when it's all done but uh i don't know it's really weird with it now as you start to miss him isn't it where is gavin now he's up in oxfordshire roaming around and having some fun has he still got his knackers yes so he can be a breeding round i think he's going to have a retirement what an extraordinary turn of fortunes for him i know bro i'm just going to quickly sweat off these um you're way ahead of me now onions no don't worry you give me a crumb job again i'm caramelizing my onions in muscovado sugar gives a really nice dark rich semi spice and then just gonna put some balsamic vinegar in there and just sort of caramelize them almost like an onion marmalade i'm gonna put mine in slowly i'm gonna color them slowly get nice and crispy and then they'll take about eight to ten minutes to cook okay look at that i'm gonna lightly approach i'm gonna pop them in now actually all i'm gonna do is saute the veg poach the brains and saute the brains and put the two together nice leave the cool down far off my garlic first slice the sweet breads up now they've cooled down just set nicely these brains nice it's like poaching an egg how lucky are the kids fried lamb brains and caramelized sweet breads with a marmalade of onion capers and vinegar you know what i was going to do just the lightest sprinkling of cider vinegar already on the brains themselves that is [ __ ] pretty right sit down two very exciting dishes hey hugh yours is it's uh brains with baby spring vegetables and mint mmm and this is throat glands and it's selling it so well it's sweet breads meg i'm not hungry sweet breads are absolutely delicious the brains um it's a very unusual texture very nice i did like it i prefer the braids yeah i've already had seconds hands up your deep brains again [Music] how about you dig a pond and get yourself a couple of crocodiles giraffes i thought it was lovely i thought it was presented very nicely and so many flavors coming through i really enjoyed it yeah why are we eating these things with legs and shells i'm sure it was happier in the thing that its flesh was already in and with this it can't even walk sideways i feel like i've insulted the chef who is the chef okay right ladies come over please results yes starters yes were they happy very happy yeah right give me here we go thank you okay the amount of customers they're happy to pay for their totalling of king crab out of 50 46. very good very very good well done what do you say too much pasta and not enough crab discs okay the best so far next on the menu the lancashire lassies go commando what and my very special shepherd's pie proves a problem for ricky gervais where's it gonna end you and jeremy clarkson in a helicopter shooting their cousins they're so tasty [Applause] welcome back to the f word time for the main course my lambs now i'm doing them two ways first up lego lamb leg of lamb the king of all joints sweet tender very rich and absolutely delicious a must-have for every dining table get your butcher to bone it out and butterfly it basically so you can tie it and roast it hot oven season olive oil mint use it in abundance it's fresh it's fragrant smells amazing goat's cheese the mint perfumes the inside of the lamb and the goat's cheese just sort of makes the center nice and creamy garlic roll [Music] first of all a big loop around the lamp that keeps it all in shape get a nice length of string tie a knot right at the very top underneath and leave it coming out here the secret of tying it this shape helps to cook it evenly and look beautiful rosemary season gets the skin really nice and crispy olive oil stops the string from burning so therefore it won't burst open while it's in the oven and bingo roast 35 minutes rest carve mint vinaigrette [Applause] [Music] that has confirmed it's definitely the king of roasts roast leg of lamb with ghost cheese and mint done now i'm nicely seasoned how long does this go in the oven part about 35 to 40 minutes right in yeah special lamb as you know it's going to be rested for literally the same time as it's cooked so it's nice and pink it'll keep warm while it's resting all the time absolutely definitely without a doubt so it's really important now to get some colour on the lamb yeah yeah okay up okay good tonight i'm serving the lamb two ways you've seen the leg and this is the nation's favorite [Music] shepherd's pie a great british classic absolutely delicious mints vegetables potatoes easy olive oil minced lamb a little bit of color on the mince and it gets rid of that unwanted fat there's nothing worse than a greasy shepherd's pie season great onion carrot garlic once the vegetables are grated in there they disintegrate and almost puree adding great flavor and that's the secret behind a really good shepherd's pie it's all in the mints what's the sauce tomato puree red wine thyme rosemary right now the red wine's evaporated chicken stock in and cook it out for three or four minutes no more than that [Music] potatoes mash season egg yolks [Music] now secret ingredient parmesan cheese be quite generous with the parmesan because that's what gets it really nice and golden brown [Applause] now deserves to sit on top of my mince [Applause] [Music] good old-fashioned tip just to keep my mom happy for the top 18 to 20 minutes in the oven beautiful [Applause] [Music] the crispy topping you can see what that deserves to be a great british classic shepherd's pie done 46 out of 50 for the starter try and get 50 out of 50 for the lamb yes yep tonight yeah it's all about perfection yeah let's do it out of respect for my lambs yes yes yes judith and susan five portions away please yeah yeah yeah let's go carrots take out and leave on the top there yes okay let's go ladies yes chef nice let me put the lemon on there keep the round [ __ ] up to the top nice carousel right nice not too oily please ladies service please yeah table six please yes ladies i'm getting very nervous you're very quiet what's the matter with concentrating chair really what i want to know is that a little birds told me that your commander in the kitchen i was 21 years of age for god's sake i don't command her anymore yeah but we just [Music] it's like a pair of curtains they're not knickers are they oh my god almighty oh now it's time for tribe a forgotten food that i personally want to put back on the menu it may look disgusting but i love a bit of tripe now it's very cheap very nutritious but sadly these days you've got to go through a hell of a lot of [ __ ] to get hold of it tripe is the lining of a cow's stomach it has been voted britain's least favorite food which i think is a waste in my grandparents day everyone ate tribe and i'm determined to put it back on the map i love tribe i grew up with tribe it's been in the family for years and having lived in france in italy that's all we used to eat for staff lunch was tribe i've managed to get my hands on some fresh cows guts and brought them to a tripe dresser before i can cook with them peter how are you likewise good to see you tomorrow man hey now it's down to you to turn into something some magical physical in 1900 there were 200 tribe dresses in britain your great great grandfather now there are only three and the smell i mean this place just stinks of tribe now what does the wife say when you get home uh she doesn't she doesn't she left she left all right peter and i boil my tripe to make it more tender look like you've been doing it for years and then bleach it to improve the color it's hard to believe that's the same try you know in terms of you know how palatable it looks now peter supplies bob and christine who run a traditional tribe stall at the market in akron and stanley hi buddy how are you good to see you well christine now you've been selling for how long their customers love tribes so much here they even eat it raw now uh how are you going to cook that what are you going to do with the tribe the whole one eat it as it did as it is with salt and vegetables and easy to find out who's actually buying bob's tribe i'm going to give him a hand on the store thank you oh that's nice and cozy in here now isn't it good morning madam you guys are trying my darling yes you know what you're gonna do with it vinegar yes a little bit of my madam how old are you please 91 on saturday 91 on saturday many happy returns for saturday morning sir what are you going to have this morning jelly on your girl is that for tonight's dinner no no actually just really at home that's just for a snack good man good man the fact that just been here for the last five minutes and watching you know the customers come and pick up the tripe how old they are and in a way that you know there's not enough youth eating it try it ladies is there anyone out there under the age of 30 who would like to buy some tribe tribes clearly got an image problem and many young people haven't even tried it so with bob's help i'm setting up my very own belly deli to reinvent it as a really tasty dish i like that yeah you like that dude gone's gut hut yes right and but what we're gonna do is something sort of modern okay so pan fried tribe yes with some lemon and parsley if we get it looking fresh and modern a lot more people are going to eat it right okay first of all chop some onions and garlic and sweat so this is a my way of doing tripe sort of fast you know like fast food then toss the tripe in some flour and season with salt and cayenne pepper well just to make it a little bit more sort of um tangy and fresh you use vinegar don't you yeah i'm gonna grate some lemon on there yeah and what that does it just makes it a little bit sort of lighter fresher a little bit more zestier yeah and i'm gonna do now is fry it very quickly with some sunflower oil okay [Music] all right season with fresh parsley and a squeeze of lemon yeah now we're ready who would like some try please anybody here in akron hasn't eaten tribe yes where are all the tripe virgins you here we go why haven't you had tripe before my darling just because it just doesn't look very nice at all do you like it it's really nice actually yeah yes and it's fried in the pan as well i think i might try it yeah good girl hey look all these new customers you're getting you like it yes how old are you 18. that's what i want to hear so we've gone from 90 to 18 this morning right guys come over how are you doing now this is zachary stanley's one under 11's this dish here is full of protein how old are you six do you like the try yes fantastic it's a load of bollocks that people don't like trope anymore because cooked in a modern way they love it look at this lot next time you're out get down to your butcher and get some try for dinner it's delicious and healthy who would like some tribes no i know you don't like fancy food enjoy the shepherd's pie absolutely wonderful i mean shepherd's pie would be in them i think my top five videos and that was that was lovely the mints for the shepherd's pie was from the lambs that had in my back garden so hold on so they were basically your pets they weren't pets you can't fall into that habit of allowing them to become pets although they are very friendly to begin with but then you've got to sort of distance yourself from them yeah but you say that where's it gonna end you and jeremy clarkson in a helicopter shooting your cousins what i kept distance from them i didn't really know them growing up and they're so tasty i'm glad you got your shirt on you always have to show a bit of that don't you no no no it's for the menopause of women oh look he's taking his shirt he walked to the restaurant the other week carrying a stab who do you think you are four hold on hold on hold on no but you enjoyed it didn't you i did enjoy it obviously i'd rather know that that animal had a wonderful life absolutely killed you mainly gavin um escaped okay you've given it a name i know i know why would you do that what would you see when you when you buy it in tesco's there's not a name they don't care this is bob we killed bob gavin didn't die charlotte unfortunately got eaten a wolf a suspected puma a wild cat or a humongous fox where where do you live with these humans and human foxes no is it beckoning people no this is serious who does cooking at home i do it's not i don't know ever no let me tell you why gordon please i'm a genius and i've got to save all those skills for other things okay i thought stephen merchant was a genius that can't no you're not just bloody brilliant and making people laugh you're also bloody fantastic making money um the dvds the podcast the animals have you ever been tempted or swayed by doing an advert no i'm not tempted no i got offered a million pounds to do a gin advert in america when the office broke in america and my i said i know you don't do adverts but i just run this by you and i went no i can't because i just thought if i said yes i'd regret so i said no and he said they've come back with two million they thought i was haggling oh my god and i think it's because you haven't had the right product okay so i've got some items that want you to have a look at and tell me how you would market them in an advert okay first thing go on block chocolate bar it's a delicacy in sweden um how aren't foreign so how would you advertise it how would you sit there and munch if it's a swedish advert it would be a really weird one wouldn't it it would bring something like you better put up what's that one that that that sexy rabbit used to advertise cadbury's caramel now yeah yes with that really sexy rabbit can we cut that i've never had sex with any rodent actually it's a lager okay uh this one you like soups don't you yeah yeah okay so it's a cock-flavoured bouillon coke flavour excellent oh god snap it out the great taste of car okay finally to wash it all down it's closer to sweden it's dead okay this would be ninja i'm slightly squeamish to drinks oh my god the that's that smug that's been hanging around for quite some time how would you promote um the danish shot of spunk vodka that's the best funk i've ever tasted listen really good to see you wonderful good work thank you very much i thought the lamb was excellent really nicely cooked very tender and i like the lemon zest on the top well it was delicious the lamb but it's a terrible shame about the goat's cheese in the middle of it but once you've scraped it out of that tasted nice and tender it was a saying that he hasn't had any stress another good life right results this is quite special for me yes a lot of hard work months getting that ready yeah in terms of looking after them nursing them and doing all we can to improve that flavor yes jb right i thought you did a bloody good job yeah clearly the most talented brigade we've had on so far however yeah they are the critics they're your customers and the amount of customers are happy to pay for the main course 48 out of 50. that is not quite good perfect yeah sweet there's room for improvement uh jb just advertising why didn't you pay um who was it too much meat and too much tomato in a pie jb [ __ ] off back to france yes let's go dessert next on the menu i let my fanny loose in the kitchen buckles out of my kitchen but only after you've done the washing up and 18 stone of idiot takes me on in the recipe challenge i have gordon ramsay parties we all just sit down tell each other [ __ ] off [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the f word now it's time for me to take on 18 stone of idiots johnny you ready yeah i'm ready nervous no i'm not right what are you cooking i'm cooking pizza pizza yeah very simple very rustic food of the peasants it's bringing working class into these kitchens and giving them a taste of something substantial something real something that we can't just drive past on a saturday night and watch people eat and go out of those people live perfect now what's that the secret machine what is that this is my blood maker stroke door maker because that's the one thing that i do rely on i'm just giving a very simple pizza fresh tomato sauce and then top of some really nice bay on ham just put me flowered in which is a very decent double zero italian flower um what i'm gonna do now is add the olive oil but i've got a tablespoon measurer but it's alright i'm gonna do it by i'm the crazy guy i am i've got my live yeast here because i don't like the giant powdered stuff and you never get the right result with it and start it mixing are you not actually making your own pizza dough are you putting it together machine's making it for you no it's not what it's shooting [ __ ] it is it bollocks cheating [ __ ] us i know it worked for you you can't speak to me like this johnny be good i am being good i'm gonna bring water at the boil put my yeast in oh look it be a machine it's the work of the devil whisk in the yeast activates it touch a volleyball in there a touch of salt absolutely crucial from there flour into the normal food processor so what what you use in your garden is it a machine uh this is a this is a machine is it a machine it's a robot does it hey smarty pants what are you doing with the china sauce uh tomato sauce it's just uh it's just me tomatoes uh salt yeah tiny bit of sugar oregano and some fresh basil so johnny's making a very simple tomato sauce out of tin tomatoes i've just got some schlotz and garlic and some basil here and fry off cherry tomatoes a few sun-dried tomatoes so because a really nice dry tomato sauce knead this together [Music] right dough is needed put that in right that goes in should double in size we'll knock it back and roll it out nice and thin right how you doing my man i'm gonna make the pizza in three different sections already so i'm gonna have one with uh me capers and me uh anchovies and then i'm gonna make a gorgonzola one in the middle just for just for the veggies and then on the other end i'm gonna have four seasons but you're using three seasons yeah yeah i'm look i'm just spreading the options out anna what is the most outrageous thing you've ever done on stage i did do a [ __ ] but he deserved it on stage yeah i was in liverpool the guy come on to review it and i went oh you saw the comedy review and he went no well what'd you do but i normally cover pet shows what the [ __ ] are you doing here so i had somebody walk me around as if i was a dog you're on all fours yeah and then i just slipped my pants down about and just screamed but then we had to tell them did you wipe your ass i told them it was a problem because with the technician pretending it wasn't real [ __ ] it's not even real if you lose the challenge tonight yeah don't [ __ ] on me okay no no i won't [Music] so this is my dough i'm just going to roll it out slacken it off a little bit and just sort of get it really nice and pliable and then roll it nice and thinly you're using a rolling pin i am using a rolling pin so tomato on first a nice thin layer of tomato sauce on there what kind of mozzarella are you using the big ones or the little baby ones uh the big ones you're copying me again yeah i just live you know what i mean to follow you i could get clothes in your style i would that's nice ramsay parties we all just sit down tell each other [ __ ] off and then finish with some really nice parma ham right ready yeah and it goes there you go the three seasons that you've been taking the piss out of it looks like [ __ ] school dinners right so [ __ ] this isn't okay looks nice right so then we've got that we've got um um obviously always all over yeah just hammer mushroom and then they've got the gorgonzola and then we've got the seafood yes people have a choice yeah in this world up right quad oven yep and it goes right johnny they're in the oven now yes yeah 10 minutes gonna have a pint come back and you lose no i'm gonna stay and observe because you're paranoid no i might need to put a little foil on if the bit sees my base it's a little bit thicker than yours and have made right i'm made with passion i might have to cover the tops i don't want the top to overcook before the burst has got nice and crispy you mean you might have to get a takeaway no it means i might have to do a [ __ ] on yours now it's time for dessert a delicious hot chocolate souffle made by ravinder who last week i chose to be my new fanny ravinder well done good to see you um you're now gonna make the most amazing hot chocolate souffle teach the nation yeah please don't [ __ ] it up thank you so i'm going to show you how to make the most indulgent decadent hot chocolate souffle take 200 ml of milk add 20 grams of corn flour when it's in a really yogurty texture you know it's kind of ready and there you go it's nicely thickening up chop the chocolate don't skimp on it it needs to be about 60 to 70 cocoa content because you need to taste the chocolate in this [Music] add four egg yolks it's really important that the chocolate is a little bit cooler otherwise what you get is this horrible scramble from the eggs [Music] my mother used to say a clear work surface is a clear mind gordon's got all the dishes to do i hope he's a good washropper whisk the egg whites slowly add 150 grams of caster sugar now remember this is what's breathing the life into your chocolate mix so you don't want to overwork the mixture you don't want to get too enthusiastic more washing for gordon really voluptuous you can see it almost heaving it's really sexy butter a ramekin and dust with grated [Music] chocolate clean the rim otherwise your souffle won't rise so just leave it alone for six minutes do whatever you want have sex read a newspaper i don't know what you do in your six minutes the perfect chocolate souffle done lovely lovely nice nice nice i'm dying to get in there you know that is it good that absolutely delicious fantastic well yes [ __ ] off out of my kitchen but only after you've done the washing up you're telling me to [ __ ] off at my kitchen uh you're like susan you still haven't got a boyfriend why oh well what can i say it's really difficult isn't it yeah it's difficult to commit to one person as well what about you yeah why don't you guys go out on a double date you and susan kind of picked us up with some nice uh colors and that nice little short frenchman like jb look over there jp is the most [Music] that's amazing wrist action you got there seriously ravinder as they come out you serve the table go straight to johnny vegas yes yeah be careful johnny vegas doesn't eat you be very careful hands on here good girl off you go hey johnny enjoy [Music] marry me now it's time for janice reporter to sink her teeth into bernard matthews now as you all know i'm a little bit of a food snob and this kind of thing isn't something i'd normally eat frankly i'm surprised it's still on the shelves cheery norfolk farmer bernard matthews has had the smile wiped off his face by three huge food scandals first came turkey twizzlers bursting with so much saturated fats that many schools dropped them like a stone next came these horrifying images employees playing baseball with live turkeys and then just as you thought it couldn't get any worse one of his farms was hit by bird flu during the outbreak it emerged that bernard matthews that great british food institution actually uses large amounts of meat from hungary but does he tell you that on the packet like hell bernard matthews dinosaurs don't know where it's come from dinosaurs could have come from outer space bernard matthews jettas where they flown in from bernard matthews is in the middle of a massive rebranding exercise but being clear and honest about the country of origin is much more important than flashy logos or spin so it says turkey breast meat is often referred to as a superfood because it's naturally low in fat and cholesterol but where does it come from bernard after 21 packets i checked only two gave the country of origin of the meat well you might think that bernard's only doing what every other turkey producer does but you'd be wrong take a look at this lot sainsbury's fresh british turkey it tells you product of hungary clearly marked what's bernard's problem alberna's labeling isn't illegal but it is potentially misleading i think he's trading on his image as a norfolk farmer to make his customers think all his turkey is english but how does he do it simple it's all about the packaging all you have to do is make your product look english and not give any information about where the meat comes from i'm going to make a turkey pie using meat from brazil poland and hungary and see if i can convince people it's actually english so i've made the filling for my pie now i'm going to put the pastry on it and pop it in the oven here is my packaging turkey pie produced in england this is perfectly legal now all i've got to do is see if i can flog them hi there hello jenny can i persuade you to taste some of my uh turkey pie mmm lovely if i told you that the meat in that turkey pie comes from hungary poland and brazil yeah i'm not going to catch nothing am i the box is very misleading when you look at that box where do you think the meat and that pie comes from i would think it comes from england but if i put this box on the side it said meat from poland hungary and brazil would you buy it more than likely not where do you think it comes from turkey i think we consumers have a right to know where our meat comes from one person who agrees is david clarke from red tractor the uk's leading independent food assurance scheme if there's a red tractor on a piece of meat you can be a hundred percent sure it's british and carefully reared do you think it's important that when people buy food they know exactly where it's come from absolutely i mean that's why we have a clear statement of country of origin within the logo therefore the consumer cannot be confused i think what i'm going to do is uh go to mr matthews and ask him why he won't sign up for your retractor scheme i think that's a good idea i wrote to bernard matthews explaining my concerns asking him why he doesn't label where his meat comes from and demanding that he signs up to the red tractor scheme two weeks later here i am in central london i've been summoned to meet bernard matthews chief executive hi nice to meet you bernard doesn't get out much these days so he sent his right hand man to answer me i have threatened to serve bernard matthews with a food asbo and he'll be my second one now but after got a whole bag full of packaging here but i'm looking for where this turkey comes from we've not realized uh it's that important in fact we would welcome all of the origin of meat to come on because we'll find that we still are the vast majority of our stuff comes from the uk hang on a minute bart on the 5th of february bernard matthews company said all our turkeys are british or turkey eggs come from our hatchery and from our laying flocks which are ours in norfolk yeah so all our turkeys are now those eggs may go to hungary uh to be born but uh to be reared but the vast majority of all of our turkeys are in norfolk and uh when you say all our turkeys are british does that mean that the ones are in hungary their mum and dads are british certainly yeah but they're living in hungary yeah so they're hungarian turkeys the vast majority of our products come from the uk and we're going to very clearly signpost uh those products that are british and what we're doing on the back is we're going to take a lead on it and describe when products are british it'll be very clearly stated it's british and we've got agreement from red tractor so we can use that so you are going to put the red tractor sign starting when it will be by the beginning of september so when it says under branded map is it's going to be in here made from turkey from our own farms or from wherever else so that's promise yeah by september the 1st we'll get them on okay it's the deal hello janet hello gordon nice to see you my daddy you look great thank you i dressed up for clarity first of all congratulations yeah yeah i do feel a real sense of achievement made bernard matthews mr beautiful and eating his words well done i think they were scared of us that's a brilliant thing and what they agreed to do what what exactly well yeah they're going to sign up to the red tractor scheme so all the meat that they use that is bread on farms in the uk is going to have the red tractor and meat that comes from abroad is going to have the country of origin clearly labelled on the packet bloody good news so they're going to be far more honest which is fantastic how is he going to stick to what what's that he promised me that by september this year they will change their labeling on their packaging and if he doesn't stick to it what are you going to do to go out to norfolk and deep fries perky twizzler i will i'll go out there bloody well done i think you're scared more of you as opposed to the asbo you're not scared of me are you good beautiful i'm not scared you're taught my channel lipstick next on the menu will heavyweight johnny vegas knock me out in the recipe challenge look at the choice look at this like that claridges looks nice bnb and bogna regis and will the girls do lancashire proud how do you think we did 50. i hope so you know i really do welcome back to the effort now time to find out who is the mission-style chef and who is the michelin man are you ready oh yes i am ready let's get a big boy i'm confident what are you finishing it with well a bit of olive oil okay oh my anchovies whoa i want the fresh ones from the bottom look at that hey looks nice here's my baby coming out holy mackerel look at that baby a little bit buzzing on the top i think your screen's michelin man screams family i think your screams cheese shot you know if i do win it go on it's late out phone calls for the rest of your life hey germany that's happening in that pizza johnny [ __ ] off look at that look now then now then look at the choice look at the overall clarities looks nice being being right all right oh i like that sound that crispy sound just to even it up right hey that looks nice right listen yeah you see i want just to pause the stuff yeah i know no i know but you've got three seasons and four bits of pizza yeah especially on french artichokes i know that taste wise that'll be phenomenal good i know that you know that's that's why you earn money from it that's why i am 18 stone right jb off you go yes entertainer right off you go yep uh the three season by johnny and uh clarity's pizza bye i'm me jimbo you asked two coughs when you put this down one is exchanged ends in you know the brown envelope in the garage tomatoes a real tomato not too much cheese either okay i swear isn't it a very different square and a much thicker base yeah cheesier for sure it's actually crunchier than the other one okay big boy i hope you're not going to make a monkey on me johnny b come on come on come on come on come on come on come on okay no very close very very close uh it's a three two two it's a three to two yeah so it's very close all right come on yeah come on okay you're looking at me which is telling me that you're going to say him as if you're trying to tell me whether you need to charge your best it's you gordon oh yes boy get in there well done [ __ ] for that three two so it was close i had money on myself hey you can hold your head higher man that was [ __ ] delicious cheesy but delicious ah yeah whatever do me a favor well take your pizza and [ __ ] about it never darken this restaurant again and don't sit on the kitchen floor on the way out no no i'll send that to the restaurant are you well done big boy now for all you animal lovers out there yes yes yes right [ __ ] it i'm gonna open a pizzeria [Music] [Applause] that's pretty careful now last two tables and i'll dust you put them on yes here we go and away okay we got two sixes thank you hey jb yes thanks for doing your job yeah you're welcome yeah i know france i only want to work [ __ ] 32 hours a week but thanks so much for coming yeah excellent susan yes are you giving jb the eye are you trying to no he was telling him to mince him up no because we like john whatever he's producing john the background that's right now he's called john baptist yes good girl thank you my daughter we told him that you told us he was gay he's definitely chocolate souffle was perfect absolutely amazing texture just really nice and gooey and choppy in the middle and the mint choc chip ice cream was a kind of a throwback to my childhood so like quite sort of retro a little touch on the side so it was lovely i thought the dessert was delicious and definitely worth five pounds really beautiful melts in the mouth really really lovely absolutely give me the results please now ladies justine how do you think we did 50. 50. yes yes i hope so you know that i really do we work hard we did some of them went out a little bit lopsided however the flavor was fantastic for dessert oh [ __ ] 50 out of 50. [Music] oh that is perfection well done 50 out of 50 for dessert and good news yeah now we do me a favor hold on hold on what's in the f-word hold on hold on come with me to the dining room let's go out let's go okay uh ladies and gentlemen you're set for this evening yeah f word series three done you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 487,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay the f word, the f word, the f word full episode, the f word watch online, gordon ramsay the f word uk, gordon ramsay the f word usa, gordon ramsay the f word watch online, gordon ramsay cooking, gordon ramsay cooking tips, gordon ramsay cooking challange, johnny vegas, gordon ramsay johnny vegas
Id: GGRWss_Sm_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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