Gordon Ramsay Perplexed Over 'Traditional' Pub Food | Kitchen Nightmares

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/insouciantelle 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
balloon Valley a wealthy farming area in the heart of the Lancashire countryside home of the hot pot and the custard tart and a great location for a roadside public lands good old traditional every day thousands of punters speed past the pub this slap-bang on the busy a 683 between Lancaster and Kirby Lonsdale pubs are now the nation's favorite place to eat out and Brian ray has spent the last 30 years cooking pub food I don't claim to be God I don't claim to be Jesus but in my business and in my kitchen my word is law there's a mint to be made if you get pub food right but since Brian and his partner Elaine Howard and took over the Fenig arms three years ago they've been hemorrhaging money at a rate of fifteen hundred quid a week what's going up there one big overgrown bush yeah is the menu okay Elaine nice to see and I'm Brian Brian how are you oh I'm fine good delighted to meet you likewise good to see you got a spy in here isn't it yep so where's the where's the restaurant don't need no reason I was down there this is supposed to be a traditional English pub but it's full of tacky clutter and when it comes to table settings Brian's got serious delusions of grandeur not what I imagined is a pup and we used to have this just as a small dining room with your tables in it God looks like you've got the Queen coming for [ __ ] dinner no unfortunately no one's coming for dinner but it's not for want of trying Brian and Elaine throw everything of this feigning business we spend most our life down here anything between hon Burton 120 hours a week down here 120 hours a week 60 hours each 28 days officer - but we don't you don't take it we had we had Christmas Day Off this year that was the last day off yep and the day before that was the previous Christmas and the day before that would have been about 18 years ago six days off for a pass but I was back at work on the seventh day back at work seven days later yep seven days after the off I was back working in the kitchen cooking are you mad probably how old he 6262 Christ Brian is killing himself over an empty pub this place should feel laid-back and lively but it's got all the formality and awkwardness of awake it stays very having you for this evening thank you bless the editions of the day Brian calls them editions rather than specials doesn't like to call them the specials but it's far from being a PubMed using gone red shanshan's corn-fed goose in our duck breasts ribble farmhouse savoy cabbage a roesti potato waiting crispy apple chutney and Calvados you Brian's trying way too hard and his list of pompous sauces is ridiculous I mean there's pure merlot Redwine sauce Jews Kelvin or Jews Lancashire's use camera onions tartare extraordinary you walk into a pub and you expect a stain give me pudding shepherd's pie I've ordered the simplest thing on the menu a prawn salad but grind doesn't do simple we'd like to point out first and foremost we're a traditional old English pub that's steeped in tradition there isn't it let's see if Brian can get traditional with my main course but I'm doubtful it's Cockerham rack of lamb balsamic cherry tomatoes and one of those pretentious sauces how the [ __ ] do you get Eames Andy at the lair now not only is this not pub food but it's plain awful it honestly looks like chewing a [ __ ] golf ball Brian's got a lot to answer for this is a pub isn't it yes and that's why I had to keep on telling myself a traditional Old English pub so how many pubs have you been in that I've served over reduced syrupy sickly fast more vinegar in as edge shape over a square plate probably not a pub or pub grub is a next step up from from home there is that basic rustic honest good British solid food and there's nothing traditional about what you're doing here this is currently running as a restaurant that is confused over the top I mean absurd beyond belief you're not running a pub it feels like you're running a restaurant badly modern pub food is all about simple home cooking done well but I don't think it's gonna be easy persuading Brian and Elaine that they need to get back to basics how're you feeling totally crap it was pretty devastating last night some of the things yes we could fully accept and take but the quite honors the way we felt if you have to be like that to get to the top I'm fat I'm at the bottom I've got to be brutally honest clearly you don't like that level of honesty I'm not here for confrontation and you know if you're that devastated on the back of what you've been through in this industry for 30 years I'm surprised you so weak after 30 years hard graft Brian and Elaine should be reaping the benefits but in fact they're facing bankruptcy and could be homeless in three months they've got to face facts are you in day one we actually sat down wrote it down tossed it all up put everything into it well we sort of leave things out so that you don't see it we're about quarter of a million in debt if we had to close tonight the situation at the fennec arms is desperate I need to find out how Brian runs his kitchen since his heart op his memory lets him down so he sets the timer for every dish he's cooking when it's ready but it's not just that it's giving it away that's all the time that time is passed so how many times three times three [Music] Brian short-term memory is as awful as the rich turkey sauce is coating every dish this one and that I believe his previous company reduction we actually didn't have a lot cider so this computer option without this comfy appetizer with appetizing there appetizer [ __ ] never sick [Music] I'm starting to realize nothing about this kitchen makes sense have you liked mash is ready for his name I've got a bold for that while Brian runs around the tiny cram space he's paying top whack who's most experienced chef Nathan who seems to just put pass in everything this is lonely will someone take me personally this is normal it's normal I've never seen such a chaotic and inefficient kitchen and on top of that as Brian's overcomplicated and frankly ridiculous food hey you've got a [ __ ] brain Avenue is this food because I can't quite believe I'm talking standing in the traditional English pub Brian's already had five heart attacks and he's running himself into the ground cooking the wrong food in the wrong way your kitchen is a disaster zone it is [ __ ] impossible to get food out of there why tell you what big boy he may be 62 but [ __ ] me you'd have to work that hard yeah be nice if I didn't I swear to God cuz that must be [ __ ] nightmare the fennec arms in Lancashire has ideas above its station it's a country pub with aspirations to be a fancy restaurant the dining room is set for the Queen and the food is pretentious Brian ray and Elaine Houghton are over a quarter of a million pounds in debt but they're still spending you've got a set up of a restaurant big coffee machine Express so expensive bit of quit this now I picked up four four hundred pounds for the quiz yeah you bought it yeah from where eBay eBay yeah Brian stuffed his kitchen with so much secondhand equipment you can't swing a cat that's what you do you look for chefs on eBay look at that size their nose once their weight then employ them yes grinds DIY kitchen is a cramped botched together disaster zone held together with bits of string and his hoarding problem goes much deeper than I first thought I love plates whereas other people who go and have a holiday or go out for a meal I'll save my pennies and buy a plate local worst plates they're wrapped in tinfoil why they wrapped in tinfoil stately just a clean fry one of these plays used for just some I bought to play with some you bought to play with yeah play with them yet you just got the chance of getting them so I got them what you think they're putting their so we'll come up with some dish and use them for that no no no come on you don't serve food in them do yes we did oh no come on I wouldn't put [ __ ] dog's dinner there you don't serve food in them we have done fast no look at the size of it they're big I mean you can go tiling with that thing you know that we can retail this whole establishment with these plates just look what we can start doing these terms off already it started to look unique isn't it yep and so you said what Chinese dish on this one it wasn't it was a Japanese dish Christ and water the tile glue didn't stick [ __ ] so fine don't worry whose chips anyway damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn every corner I turn I discover another of grind stashies squealed away now where did that one come from I bought that from pillar I bought okay and what's that you don't sell food on that come on yes we do it's like a [ __ ] swimming pool for Barbie now we've got one with three compartments down the side we said the steak on that you serve the steak on that yep a lifetime of hoarding calls for shock treatment the first I never will get rid of that [ __ ] junk before I can even think about changing the food I've got to make some space condemned broken chipped skipped yeah yeah this where did you get this thing from eBay eBay tucked away in the corner Ryan's got a huge disgusting stockpot it's the base for all these revolting sauces that's gonna go in the skip we don't need to [ __ ] have the sure as the Merlotte we don't need it that for me is a hazard do we need that hot plate um well it's usually the way of keeping the food hot Brian's been collecting kitchen equipment for 30 years he's never thrown anything away and even with me here to help he's finding it difficult bit of a shock to the system it's a hell of a shock to the system some of these items are you gonna keep some of them here you're gonna sell that's something of a Chuck left to his own devices I know Brian would put all this junk back so I'm forcing him to decide how much of it is actually essential to running the kitchen I don't want to get rid of that we just want to keep that top it's a table top don't want to get rid of that oh dear he's hopeless keep them Gus find somewhere for them I mean microwaves you need one and one spare I've been trying to get rid of some of this rubbish for two or three years but Brian will not pout with anything I'm leaving Elena in charge of rebuilding the kitchen while I make sure that Brian junk has gone for good you got no idea well see that skip behind there that's full of your junk and I'm really worried the fact that you're gonna put half that junk back in your kitchen so I've got to get rid of it once and for all go on get that stuff far away we're getting rid of the sheds cat there stop hoarding crap I think if well it's really made the boy the harsh truth is that 20 rural pubs closed every month and if Brian and Elaine don't want to add to that number they need to start making some drastic changes got a huge amount of respect for [ __ ] Brian the guy's 62 years of age he's been cooking for 30 years he hasn't got a [ __ ] pot to piss in he's working in excess for 120 hours a [ __ ] week in the kitchen I'm sorry but for any man at 62 that can kill you tearing out the junk was just the beginning before I can start changing that god-awful food and need to get this kitchen working properly look at the space you've got here like that hey we're gonna throw a [ __ ] dance in here in a minute I've got to do something drastic I need to clear out one final thing from the kitchen Brian Brian big night for you tonight don't be scared of a change you're not cooking in the kitchen tonight you are out of the kitchen for good and you're more capable of running your pub but not from the kitchen as a proper publican as a proper host I will do my best please go and get changed I will I think this kitchen has got a better chance without Brian he's got a young but enthusiastic team of three chefs Nathan Karen and Chris I know how difficult Brian is to work with that is so [ __ ] obvious yeah he's gone now yeah he's not running the kitchen he's running his business show him that you can do it it's essential that the fennec Arms has a friendly couple out front but I'm not convinced Brian will be up to the job after 30 years behind the stove good evening did anybody tell you Green for running out to sea bass and we've only got 1 cm left right anybody any ideas on what you're looking for before we run out to what's left oh dear not exactly a polished performance talk to them Brian they won't bite but it's looking much more professional in the kitchen where Karen is taking charge don't worry about dressing the plate just saw the [ __ ] thing please there you go good even with Brian's complicated menu the food is flying out of the kitchen just like you should do in a pub they're doing a great job in there now the purpose of the dining room there's no vibrant set the atmosphere is stuffy and formal wine earth is Elaine pouring the wine this is supposed to be a pub while Brian and Elaine fuss over their customers their empty tables in the dining room and the bar is filling up with people waiting to eat [Music] they're never going to make a profit running it like this they need to fill the tables twice a night everyone's sitting in there taking orders get them straight to the [ __ ] table get them in the restaurant clear the bar all right pass you some menus Brian has got to loosen up or they'll never speed up the service first of all you guys yeah [ __ ] well done I mean really well done my problem was in the dining room your service doesn't need to be that formal if you relax the service relax and that's not nitpicking we wrap up what's wrong with them carrying their own drinks through to the table watch yourself I'd be out my sphere is not right you know it's not running smoothly of course you do we need to work on that level of just pub I've only got three days to go and I've still got to solve the biggest problem at the Finnegan arms brian's food what is traditionally English pub food what is it but suppose English pub food is basically scampi gammon sausage that but that isn't what I want to be that's I don't think of a sort front me what pubs have you been in um not quite so many since I ended up in one myself it's rustic simple English cooking where it's a bowl of split pea soup whether it's the Lancashire hotpot whether it's staking chip it is simple food and that's where I've lost my way then is time I push brine in the right direction see this on here toddle yeah absolute horrendous waffle I don't want to see the Madeira sauce the citrus mayonnaise I don't want to see a Calvados you know more sources the pub will be serving great British pub food I've got to start replacing some of Brian's dishes with good home cooking what's wrong with have anything sharp on the menu nothing at all where are we thank you sure and so why is that not on the menu I've asked Bryan and Elaine to rewrite the menu - the waffle and fried duck livers just fried duck livers just put down fish cake potatoes on top lots of potatoes yeah that's pretty nice good give it a little twist to the bottom like that that mixes the onions and the potatoes yeah I mean we'll be done for the fish cake someone had a fish cake salmon and haddock fish cake yeah and that's it yep Wow finally we're getting somewhere I feel that we're really starting to [ __ ] understand what Pub means progress at last but I don't think they really understand what a pub is until they've been to one so I'm giving them the night off their first Saturday night out in 18 years good right Elaine Brian take the dog for a walk don't worry about the service right when you come back okay get changed yeah then come and have dinner when was the last time you sat in here on a Saturday night and watched your staff at work and enjoyed your dinner never right okay off you go see you later see you later right now one last thing you're the only pub in Britain has got a [ __ ] uniform get change in your civvies see you in five minutes ready to run the place yeah [Music] come on late I'm hoping that if Brian Elaine experienced a real pub atmosphere they'll realize relaxed is best so tonight there'll be no fussy service at the fennec arms good good good you can't come in too busy no we're not too busy and you're not here to receive an OBE you need to have dinner you're dressed to formal go go back again that's Chris you can write lovely we've never been out ever not dressed like this right come back with something casual [Music] welcome to the pentagon's come through please [Music] tonight are we sampling the first of my new real pub grub not a stickies you in sight that is to die for the food has been a hit I hope they've finally got the message that they've got nothing to fear from going back to basics and getting you out of this place today was a bet for sure just to relax the place and the more you can relax I swear to God do you guys see your business grow last night was a success I thought the Fenig arms was back on track but this morning I've discovered Brian have gone behind my back and jeopardized everything we've been trying to achieve we had a really good night last night my staff worked [ __ ] exceptionally well after I left um Brian came downstairs and started being a cantankerous old my back's turned Aussies complain to you this morning it's generally that he doesn't want to see any of his plate to being bin he doesn't want anything being differently came out to call his knives out it was just generally this is our business this is our home things aren't going to be changing as much everybody thinks we're still going to be doing it our way and nobody miss any different what's to say these ways let's go on to ten yeah make that seven unbelievable two days to go and he decides to screw it all up at 62 years of age it's becoming really [ __ ] clear that you can't teach an old dog new [ __ ] tricks I'm nearing the end of my week at the fennec arms where I'm trying to say Bryan and Alain from the jaws of bankruptcy but just when I thought we'd turned the corner Ryan's gone behind my back and told his staff he won't accept my changes because I don't mind going I'd rather go and see my wife today and sit here and [ __ ] bang my head against the wall if you're not prepared to accept the changes you've got to tell me and the nitpicking you know what you've got to balance it out with some confidence and a little bit of encouragement as we I said on this this morning right just remember we are the bosses it's not a pastoral you are definitely the owners just cut them a little slack you'll be surprised you know what we're acting like small children aren't we thank you they're busting their nuts off for you right now for you right now that's not for me that's for you because you pay their [ __ ] salaries not me and when you worried about your villain what the [ __ ] place that no one's changing [ __ ] come and tell me yeah cuz I'll smash them over your [ __ ] head he better have listened this time I'm only here for two more days and a bigger concern is that it's Sunday on a bank holiday weekend and the pub is virtually empty and Sunday lunch and normally this quiet here we are a quarter to 25 killers done and then we should be having a second seatin coming in after Sunday lunch but thank God only 25 people are going to eat the miserable-looking roast they're serving today it's coated in yet another disgusting brown sauce that Brian's recipe it's a revolting concoction of gravy granules and reduced red wine I may have kicked Brian out of the kitchen but unfortunately his influence still lingers on I suppose you always [ __ ] retail the roof on that [ __ ] count with me why is it so dark but the Yorkshire puddings are actually pretty impressive what a shame they're going to be ruined by Brian's disgusting gravy why isn't this place packed out for a Sunday lunch we don't know we just don't know we have no idea it's we've tried different menus we've had bigger we've had shorter we've tried all sorts yeah but look how busy the [ __ ] road is yeah you have to be [ __ ] ramming them in something lunch yep turnover needs to decrease by at least 2,000 pound a week I think Sunday lunch holds the key to solving the problem but there's only one thing Brian gravy is good for yeah we're saying goodbye to the club I like the gravy [Music] [Applause] okay one thing we'll do now just make a proper gravy yes where's last time you made a proper gravy yeah years ago fresh all in there yeah and carrots leeks celery yeah and it's really important to make the gravy in the tray the meat was roasted in and now stop beat yeah bring that up to the boil right and when I want to pass this through a sieve I wanna see the bottom of the tray yeah nice and clean yeah what happens all the vegetables start to go through the sieve so naturally thickens the gravy out and look gravy this has given me a great PR idea that's going to appeal to Brian's eccentric personality and give the Fenig arms the boost is so desperately needs and we took how much 400 quid one two three four five six seven eight eight it was on them barely enough to pay the wages barely enough yeah the penny drop for me today you know why can't this place become famous for gravy look at these things they're amazing you've got the amazing potential to have a fantastic Sunday lunch bring back real gravy this place will be [ __ ] heaving hell you go you get on the street and you just so now you you've got a campaign to launch real gravy [ __ ] yes a campaign to launch real gravy but why can't you just turn it around and get out on the street with the team yeah yes give us a word yes we will launch the campaign as I hoped Brian is well and truly sold on the campaign this troops are armed with Yorkshire puddings and jugs of gravy and we're ready to hit the streets of Kirby [Music] [Music] [Applause] great word-of-mouth publicity is unbeatable and brian on the team have done a brilliant job making damn sure the fennec arms is the talk of the town we relaunched tomorrow and when word spreads about the real gravy that pub should be packed out real gravy it's my last day and there's still a lot to do before tonight's relaunch first impressions count so there's no point launching a big PR campaign if the place looks a dump when the punters get here have a look at that sign it cheapens the place and it just sends the wrong messages you know that huh I want to see the filling arm so that banner you know that's got a go and the whole place just needs sprucing up a little bit so jet hose the front and just get it nice and vibrant while the front-of-house teams spruce up the exterior I've suggested to Brian that it gets back on eBay and starts selling off his huge crockery collection [Music] I've got ten of those and they're starting off at 46 good each I may have done the impossible and got Brian selling his plates but I got a feeling he won't find staying out of the kitchen so easy I needed Lane to keep an eye on him when I'm gone there's one person that can make sure that he doesn't go back to his old ways is you you know actually I shall remind him I think you'll listen you've got to keep him out of that kitchen you you cannot let him back in there I just think he was frightened of being jobless he just put on the Shelf forgotten about and he didn't want to feel as though they could manage without him even though he knew that it's the same with me vision streaking at least 62 though he doesn't need to be that competitive with his staff no he doesn't you could see the passion in his heart Oh God thirty years yeah easily like I said there's not many that have lasted that long but it's about time he started to enjoy it a little bit now [Music] tonight we're relaunching the fennec arms as a great British pub the real gravy campaign has done the trick bookings have been pouring in all day on a normal Tuesday night Brian and Elaine would be lucky to get 20 customers but there's already 88 booked in for tonight's relaunch in the kitchen I've put together a new menu of no-nonsense tasty British pub favorites there's hearty pea and ham soup and the all-time classic a simple prawn cocktail if you pause in the middle okay what's the secret behind a pool cocktail good point good corns lovely Mary Rose sauce and liberal apple the Apple and the lettuce yeah just really make it nice and zesting all these dishes use great ingredients prepared simply and presented without fuss just like this pressed ham terrine and we think about something like a puppy oh it is rustic to keep the food rustic yeah so terms of presentation dots and [ __ ] bits and bobs get it on there that's it and the story all the chefs have impressed me this week but I think couns got the maturity to run the kitchen so you're gonna take the reins you are you and what happens we start to change things again what you gonna do before you put down yeah it's time to show Brian and Elaine their new menu I've replaced their complicated fussy food with 25 classic pub dishes surprise surprise simple straightforward honest British pub food yeah and nothing too quirky and well impressed roast River beef stunning Yorkshire puddings jugger gravy fish and chips beautiful sausage mash Lancashire hotpot an apple and blackberry crumble I'm proud of what I can see the secret behind this menu here and being completely traditional in terms of pub food it's just the speed it can fly oh yeah with two sittings in the dying room the chefs will be under pressure but it's Brian and Alain I'm worried about if they can't relax the speed up the service will be screwed I'm surprised that I shaky like a leap inside I got the weather on this planet next planet but I'm definitely on a traditional pub planet he better be the pub is packed out tonight but if Bryan and Elaine are going to start paying off their huge debts this can't be a one-off 60 minutes from the start of the main course go to roast beef it's keep rapido here we go for the first time ever they're aiming to fill the dining room twice over so they can't waste time pouring wine or gravy for the customers tonight mr.foster yes you've got him on Table four fantastic so far so good the kitchen seems to be coping well under pressure no just be careful all these cement course is flying out now desserts next [Applause] 45 to 50 yeah over halfway yeah keep it going yes but out front as a disaster waiting to happen is 8:30 and they're slipping into old habits the bar is full of people waiting to be seated Brian and Elaine haven't got the first customers off the tables yet got to get them out of these tables now you know that's what we have to be firm now yes we're finding hard at transitions not a wrestler pub so don't be scared after 1 1 hour 55 minutes because you want to take the top in the bar or come have a drink in the bar change those tables we don't do that in the next 15 minutes we're gonna be the [ __ ] [ __ ] table whichever one it is it's been touch-and-go but at last the second sitting at their tables the pentagon's is buzzing the real gravy is being lapped up and traditional pub food has hit the spot if Brian and lane can keep up the pace they might just pull this off you read helots it's a lot of excitement the adrenaline is absolutely pounding through me evening all it's been a huge success and finally the pennies dropped for Brian he's realized that the kitchen runs better without him [Music] the Dunning have not been there and not have to come in and where's this where's that where the other and I am just so proud of them all at times this week I've seriously doubted it was possible but tonight the fennec Arms has been transformed from a stuffy dining room into a vibrant packed pub [Music] how much money do we take the till yep tells me we've done 2447 yes yeah 2,000 pounds more than last Sunday lunch Brian what does that tell you changing the menu and doing it simpler yeah has worked yeah well since I've been here as a first name I witnessed all of you running a pub and I'm not gonna come back to what I came and saw a week ago yes no you're not no no chef whites no knife rank look nowhere near it no no there was one one little problem I found a Barbie plate please Eddie wrap it up in cling film dig a hole and hide it yes promise me good man go a month ago I left Brian and Elaine running a busy pub I'm dying to find out if they've kept it up I'm on my way back to Surprise them for Sunday lunch the car parts looking full always a good sign and the last Sunday I was here they struggled to serve 22 people good campaign for real gravy still there menu we can notice it this time good evening good afternoon how are you yeah Berardi thank you where's Brian he's where it's in the kitchen what the [ __ ] is going on what [ __ ] are you doing in here hello hello I thought you were the Great Northern run what are you doing dressed in those it turns out just one week after I left Brian was back in the kitchen and Nathan left to go back to college oh [ __ ] me Brian I cannot believe I've just found you back in the kitchen couldn't get any staff we're just trying to recruit to replace the one who went the bloody hell why else is back truthfully before I start rummaging around and looking for it some of the plates Oh No yep the plates that was oh no whoa hi because what you taught us was listen to your customer oh here we go so we did so your customers the same bring back square play Oh what they wanted was the wow factor on the food game that's what they wanted what do you mean the wow factor on the fruit it's a Oh Brian yes but if you're starting to become a restaurant slowly within a month you're destined for trouble we went a little way down the road but you kept the main new basically along the lines of what you were saying prawn cocktails so on there yes yeah we've changed that we've changed that yeah they'll go in the corner it's not in the wine glass no we've done it the way that we've always done it go and it sells exceptionally well oh here we go how did you use to sell the palm cocktail before I put it at last remind me there scallop shell with it a scallop shell but it sells and the customers liked it Brian yeah prawns don't live inside scallop shells no but they don't live inside glasses either oh the good news is that thanks for the real gravy campaign just one month Sunday lunch takings have doubled and the overall turnover is up by 30% start with the please so this is Brian's wow factor he really is a stubborn old bat I'll do it myself [Music] Brian is making an incredible 250 liters of gravy a week and I'm not surprised people are flocking for this roast my java size the portions of strawberry nice gravy I don't think is that beef our Yorkshire pudding anyway in the country today they couldn't mess what you served me for lunch thank you so you don't piss around with it you don't need to and whilst I'm slightly concerned that you're back in the kitchen I hope it's for a temporary anytime only because if I talk to this lady in six months time god forbid and you've popped your [ __ ] clogs in there on that stove I'll be [ __ ] furious get outta there run your pub not your kitchen please oh well and I'm absolutely confident that the way you have set us up the way the menu is set up it's going to work look at me and tell me yes will you let go yes because if you do let go there's every chance that this is going to work you know brian is full of surprises he's got a new reason to log onto his computer he's running the campaign for real gravy website September 30,000 in one in thirty four and a half thousand yeah it's it's [ __ ] fantastic thirty four and a half thousand people logging on to find out more about the filling hours do me a favor now start thinking about and I know what it should be campaign for a real prom cocktail now you take it this I'm not taking that put his you were taking the piss seven in a [ __ ] scholarship you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 2,879,632
Rating: 4.9183517 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay kitchen nightmares, Gordon Ramsay best insults, kitchen nightmares full episodes, kitchen nightmares online, kitchen nightmares watch online, kitchen nightmares HD, kitchen nightmares best moments, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 54sec (2814 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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