Gordon Ramsay Confronts Gino’s Naked Night Terrors | The Jonathan Ross Show

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[Music] what are they well this is now this is the treat illness a treat ladies gentlemen three handsome and successful I would say young but that would be a lie men so you guys you did that show was a Christmas show was a big year that you guys you were friends before you made that show is that correct that's sort of yes yeah we have our moments like any threesome well Gordo now we go chat there first of all look at the way he's dressed yeah big in do tonight no we won't go to top wedding or something all right did he call me about Jonathan Ross show to say oh you thought it was a social I brought you some wine we were in Italy in a supermarket and we saw this one it says fruity sophisticated mature we thought it will be fantastic this is a southern Italian why I come from Campania yeah well the Vesuvius is volcano and look at the label yes I've had a look at the label thank you mature and sophisticated don't look at me everybody needs a bottle of Kunta in their life so you guys out new series they're back on the road and the favor you make great travelling companions but you travel this time you started off you went to Geno's country you went yeah it started in Italy we went to Naples so because I wanted to show them where I was born nice so I took them around Naples on a Vespa yeah that was crazy and now your couch friend you're known more for like the service side of the industry of course but you're traveling here with one of the greatest chefs in the world and Gordon what are you learn about food from these guys that you didn't already if anything well he's totally two different philosophies near Gordon is always faster I bigger and you know his minimum effort maximum satisfaction we just want to get in there get the job done no lazy yeah he's lazy he works littering ninety minutes a day three days a week well he's just been a whole way for the last three months look at the state of it okay so you were traveling by camper van as well for part of the journey yes and you let Gino Drive no was that a wise thing to do well he said he knew the roads better he was shocking he couldn't get his hands on the wheel he's the worst driver in the world Thank You Gino cannot drive but the problem is that Gordon was was making him do stuff just like when we arrived at the farm he said yeah it's okay you can do and you know but yeah he wants me out and then the van was stuck on the curb and he was balancing ladies the Italian job because he wants me up when I Drive do this do that dude yeah then he talks to me of course I'm gonna turn around and talk to him yeah like not up a mountain you don't turn around and talk to me that's where the van you abandoned you just left it there in good movies I know we were we couldn't get that thing off eco-drive period you are useless do you know that I don't like when people talk to me when I Drive have the favor you thought about relationship counselor you slept in the car event someone yeah was that a fun experience knows it too 2:00 2:30 the morning this little was in my sleeping bag we say spooning me my sleeping blanket he got in the bedroom yonder zip and got inside the blanket I was scared you naked stared that does he matter yes it does baggage it's only skin Gordon's we did you should we should we talk to Jonathan the way you wake me up in the morning never bash in your wheelie on my fault [Applause] I told you I needed to pee so don't you wake somebody that is not true it's not true listen you did a banger wheelie on my foot Ramsey did you or did you not bang your willy on his foot yes let's have a look at community no this is on this Thursday night on ITV at 9:00 p.m. it's the first of three we're gonna love you have a look it was a greatest greatest fear it was a great journey all right it was okay so that's Italy and of course then the next episode I believe Fred you take them to your country yeah we went to France where so time I was hosting an oyster festival with a king of oysters - well do push they always the competition okay what is an oyster competition so there is a vegetable vegetable celebration Gino did one with like a lemon cello Fred did one he sprayed it with a perfume you sprayed a perfect one on my stuff it was delicious yeah we loved it you know whose oyster it was the best a very different way to do it Gordon did a deep-fried oyster slasher challenge it was like a chicken nuggets a posh chicken agus to understand I'm just saying the way you did it I took notes but let's go I just said like I didn't say you did chick as I like it can I get G no that's good cuz normally just uses a microwave so you speak French you speak French and Italian as well as English yes so you at home in both countries I guess you speak French do you speak any Italian a little bit it's and do you speak any English and then for Jordan's when I was a fighter I thought you'd bring them to your country England but you took them to Scotland inez gotta stop Los Angeles you were born scholar yes it was it louder you grew up where did you grow up I grew up in South Haven a little it's going for about six seven years and so you still feel a connection ah but he's from the connection yeah where did you take me Scotland well obviously you know this sort of French Riviera and Sardinia etc that was all a little bit flash and sort of you know surreal so I wanted to take them saw some of the most amazing countryside anywhere in the world so to them up to open we went we went driving 400 Scots on the west coast of Scotland the weather was beautiful well but I was so embarrassed cuz when we started diving these two are the only ones that want to put hat and gloves on together what he's putting a hat on in the water because he's called middle of summer we he was minus 5 that is too cold it was freezing my even my will you and in was everything disappeared that day it has been in word for 40 years so don't give me that so what was the Scottish delicacy win for win for oysters there you went for you had roast suckling on the beach in what did you do in Scotland I did the most amazing on a make up some you did pasta I did a ravioli or lobster which is awesome mommy I'm gonna give you a bangers and mash Goldin your and now you're all three of your father's so you're the ACE now I think your your kids have just both left homies that white yes you're still a high one day yeah Holly did you put the empty nest name yeah Tilly obviously Taryn and myself took Jack down to the college last week man that's hard put in his little room when he got the little sort of yeah god I can't believe I'm saying this but fettuccini and passed up for him to cook then I left him there and then got in the car I was a mess did you quite well my best mate was just sort of lammle did you quite yes I did I thought my door for universe tears of joy the next day Holly into University it's like man this is this is this is real so you've just got till you're home now and so she'll be lose and leaving I bet you can't wait to get away you know because they want to be independent done that she's 16 you can study from home what are you gonna do when they're all gone cry you know can your kids watch what you Andy because obviously we know you as being on this morning sometimes the chef and that's very family friendly but mainly I think we know you these days being on Celebrity Juice where you are you're off the hook a wild show yeah I might make children yeah they do watch you notice the oldest news 13 is a new Chinese 16 and Rocky's 13:30 obviously my little girl doesn't watch how did you she's six okay well absolutely not been yet absolutely the other two you let them watch therapy juice yeah I mean it's a he's fun and I mean they listen whatever I'm gonna say that I will probably already set it at home so his father was trying to get his son today my daughter with that if there is that would be amazing join the clients together you'll son marry my daughter awesome yes keep paying for the wedding Italian well you're good at it anyway [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 2,318,616
Rating: 4.942534 out of 5
Keywords: The Jonathan Ross Show, ITV, Jonathan Ross, Wossy, Rossy, chat show, jonathan ross chat show, live, hollywood, celebrity, music, british, UK, television, britain, gordon gino and fred road trip, gordon gino and fred, gino dacampo, fred sirieix, gordon ramsay funny, gino dacampo funny, chef ramsay, gino d’acampo, gordon gino fred road trip, gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares, gordon ramsay interviews daughter, Gino Critiques Gordon Ramsays Chicken Nuggets, gordon ramsay oysters cortello
Id: DJieewyKz0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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