Phillip Gets a Telling Off From Gino On How to Eat Nutella | This Morning

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now we are declaring a dietary day hold this morning as gino is treating us to something a little bit naughty why is it so naughty my kid died why people still go on a diet well you know i guess it's good to have sometimes food sometimes as elmo would say whereas sometimes sometimes you can't just say younger people say in lockdown you know sort of over-indulging yeah that's okay to overindulge in uh in a set time like this with all this coffee going on right something to make something that makes you feel bad and this is where my cheesecake comes through yeah yeah this is plus you know women have this thing of always they want to go on a diet you see it's i always hear i never hear but yeah but mainly i think it's women do it wobbly i like we you know it's willoughby actually but [Laughter] well willaby used to be wobbly and probably wouldn't be wobbly it was fantastic it was great trust me sorry that's why i don't like the game i don't know you look amazing now but nothing this is nutella one of my favorite uh spread ever you know i'm not gonna deny this is an italian spread and i grew up uh uh with nutella i can tell you a lot of stories when i was a little boy nutella some which the suitable for television some that they definitely know most not suitable for mainly not suitable for delivery i don't know whether i've i've had nutella i can't believe that can you know have you got some nutella there we go sandwich with nutella because that's what i do oh look one and two you can have a little you can what are you making here i think i want to know i'm gonna make a a cheesecake uh because i don't i prefer like sort of peanut butter and oh no no no no no no no no not like that take out a teaspoon put it on the biscuit then you close it and then you eat it that's the way to do it a little bit more this might possibly be the best recipe of the day i hate oh this one you can put them in the freezer don't make the cheesecake we'll just finish with this holly you put this in the freezer for the kids and then you have like an italian nice ready-made you died for 20 minutes god i can't see i didn't feel if not you squeeze the biscuits and you can see the nutella coming from the side how are you getting this now is when your tongue comes in you need to lick all the way around before you bite that's the way to do it my friend according to the way to do it ollie squeeze leak not licking it well that's fellas watching the kids they need to uh learn how to do you lick all the way around and then you eat it now imagine that one in the freezer for half an hour freezing cold the biscuit with the cold nutella inside yum for all the recipe details take a look at this morning app okay i'm going to make a cheesecake base of the cheesecake very straightforward we got the biscuit we all know we put the butter we crumbs all together then what i do i got um one of those loose bottom tin you put a little bit of uh baking paper pop whatever it's called then uh parchment apartment uh then i get a bottom of a glass and i'll press it down because you want to make sure that it is nice and flat well the more you press it down it gets nice and compact so then when you lift it up it doesn't break so use any on my face no no no no but you'll find too and uh this now once you are at this stage very simple this goes in the fridge for 20 minutes by the time that you make the ago one prepared by the time that you make the filling now this is easy it's cream cheese then in the cream cheese we're going to pour ice cream uh what do you mean soft cream cheese any cream yes yes what's [Laughter] yeah we use philadelphia as well philadelphia sometimes is better you know why he's got a little bit of acidity a bit more time which he balances well when something is too sweet so those are the main two cheeses we use a little bit of icing sugar goes in there then we're going to put vanilla extract about half a teaspoon then we're going to put the almighty chocolate spread by all means you can use others i did try by using other chocolate spread there is something about this one but i don't know maybe because it's made with hazelnuts or because the talents they've been doing for so long it's just the best oh because it's such god such an important part of your family history yes yes such an important part of uh uh of my children uh growing up yeah yeah yeah yeah so then you just whisk it up yeah you just weakest very slowly all right have i ever told you that i lost my virginity with nutella no no i'm not going to tell you the story but have i ever told you that well you just told us in the commercial break so you've told us that story so don't tell it now okay i think people at home want to know how yeah they will everybody i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna do that another time yeah another one on another show yes maybe on family fortunes yeah yeah how's that going by the way [Music] now we definitely find the the the thing to shut me out shut up okay these are you need to do slowly can you see how i'm gonna do it because it's cocoa powder and there is using sugar if you go fast straight away so start slowly and then you know then you make it faster um really this is something the children can do you just put them with them you can do by hand you can do by electric switch absolutely uh fine now once you've done that okay this is a simple recipe guys this one goes on top of the biscuits all right so you just pick it up goes on there remember this is not the cheesecake that then goes into the oven this the fridge will do the whole job that is a crowd pleaser and a half okay look at that i mean seriously you spread it you make sure that it's all nice and smooth you can waste as much time as you want here or as lit doesn't really matter it can be rustic or it can be nice and flat however you want to do it do like this what i'm doing so if there is any air bubble into the cream it settle now at this stage goes into the fridge for five or six hours so clearly if you got an evening do it in the morning or you can do the day before put a little bit of clean film guys on top because if you put in the fridge i don't want the smells or the fridge to go into the cheesecake that is important once you've done that five or six hours we are at this stage where everything is nice and firm now the way we're gonna do it ah i gave you the nutella did i now okay you remember that that thing on nutella what are these behind you no it's okay bring it here all right that's it what i got a bit of nutella and i got cream just double cream okay warm the cream up don't let it boil and put on top of the nutella oh yeah yeah like this let it rest for a couple of minutes slowly slowly with the spoon what you do you move the chocolate and the cream around very slowly very slowly and i'll show you what happens after about four or five minutes this is what you're gonna get oh yeah so you're gonna get a diluted uh uh chocolate bread really shiny yes it's the fat that that is in the chocolate and the cream you know but that's that's what the job does now this one on top 45 seconds okay look we're done can we go in yes i'm going to go in oh hello now this goes on top and you move it around you move it around like this okay until you completely cover the bottom chocolate do you know that it's absolutely delicious it's really good are you enjoying family fortunes love it it's really good for everybody that watch it thank you it's brilliant it's perfect sunday nights it's like kids bath put it on and it's great family i was so nervous because this is an iconic you know british show and when i thought an italian they're not going to like me but you know that's right i'm loving it thank you for an hour for all the recipe details take a look at our this morning apple
Channel: This Morning
Views: 777,322
Rating: 4.9409418 out of 5
Keywords: this morning, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, this morning funniest, Holly & Phillip funny, gino, gino d'campo, cheesecake, gino funny, gino this morning, gino kitchen, phillip naughty, phillip telling off
Id: KHQ99xMz6SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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