Gordon Ramsay on Jonathan Ross 2008.10.07 (HQ)

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he said he's got to get back to his michelin-starred restaurant quickly the fingers crispy pancakes haven't defrosted and chefs lost the key to the corned beef tin will you please welcome lovely the dead corned beef mr. Gordon Ramsay let his enemy it's great to see you know I love having a sir you're one of my favorite guests nice too soon it's great to have you back now you look great last time I saw Gordon Ramsay lays him and I bumped into him only about a week ago denied I certainly didn't expect to see there what a strange place to me tell everyone we'll be bumped into each other I'm at the high school musical the premiere for High School Musical Oh see and at least I had my kids with you they asked us when we came in there are people out there the press was a big event loads of thousands of people screaming outside and they asked me to do a few bust a few moves for the kids and I obliged because I've got the moves I got the skills to pay those bills yeah Ramsey did you step up did you step up and shine what you got no I can't dance an unfortunate size 15 feet and in front of the jail any of that sauce mister you yeah they whoppers on the side for all we know put that back up we know come on all we know your toes in there that's a big foot you've got there when did you have such big for you when did they grow something how old were you when you had to buy the 15 so I started well yeah size 15 I must have been about 14 or 15 years ago that must have been awful because I'm a size 11 and I've got embarrassed by the size of my face yeah so you're virtually a freakin moon and I'm dying to share this must be an awful to be a freak when you were young how awful for you people mentioned about your freakiness did you I bet you got tossed aside you had enough things cuz of your freak have you [ __ ] finish have you finished they're good solid size 15 feet that I ski better and so therefore I can't dance sighs I think no I'm not the swifter than mousse so you would not do if they are sure the Strictly Come Dancing show because we had Gary what's his then Gary Walters in it and in and out pretty quickly it has to be safe I didn't really have the moves um would you you wouldn't do that they asked a few years back and I think it's an amazing show well put together enjoy yeah I'd love to learn how to dance definitely but I don't think I could take three months off and train eight hours a day I don't dance okay and I'll just talk about sprinkling my body with glitter and those kind of shirts you know a a sort of tight pants and open neck shirts and the Freak for you dipping people spinning our third well whack in the hable will just tell you some Ramsey's told so your side haha size 11 size 15 normal I got 5 inches on your dick SOLAS lovely the heavy here all right now you've opened restaurant I know you have one in New York yes Ricky says he's being - he says you're fantastic but you work for now in Los Angeles yes how's that guy did you have to do different kind of food for them or do the same sort of cuisines cuz they're notoriously fatty they are my yeah very sort of finicky difficult and very health consciousness yeah they like pushing food around I mean it's going exceptionally well ingredients phenomenal and we had the most amazing only and I did put my big foot in it Table seven okay where we had this lady that my maitre d done man said look you know and she's pregnant there's a pregnant lady in the table seven billion and huge and be no eggs no wine everything well cooked even the sea bass she wanted overcooked which was difficult to do because it didn't taste as nice so we done it but you you're bending over so we take the lady that's good of you exactly she come through the kitchen and she's with her husband and she's talking about this talk about that and of course I'm saying look ngratulations you know when I need you and she wasn't [ __ ] pregnant yeah you do like to gasp aha ya know so you're a freak and lose but when you get like on information from a to do you think right okay you're saying then how do you get out of that situation that's all yeah I mean I felt really bad because I you know that horrible touch when she's standing there's these bits juice you didn't pat a tummy [ __ ] where you gonna squeeze that out for me there she blows she was just under this amazing sort of diet but I didn't realize it was so she was trying to lose weight do you do breakfast at your place yes we do you okay do you do like egg and chips that's not the best meal in the world I think don't you think this the best me in the world egg and chips for breakfast egg and chips no egg on a bit of cold ham okay but not Hamlet's in here right like ham for my waiter pop machines yeah yeah well poor man's nice no that's not the thick hair Parma ham Steen you don't know we talked about won't calm any idea you don't know anything about cooking with an 8 to 8 on it yes salt and pepper on top sunny-side up chips man best nits in the world yes or no yes yeah forget the chips I mean either you don't like chips no I mean well yeah yeah I think I'll cook I cook we cook them well I can't cook chess but you don't have that in the morning chips fine but once or twice a week but not more than that you're not gonna lose that easy now you know that don't want to lose it get your craggy nose out what's going on there - are you together he's made himself at home early one he was nervous about mean Ricky now he's all over all right okay uh now um let let me ask Gordon about his new book and it's a lovely looking book I love here's the thing I don't cook much I can cook reasonably well because I can follow instructions and I I think I have a small flair for it I like it I'm a bit experimental yes I may be a bit heavy with the coriander you might have heard that about me but I love cookbooks don't you love cookbooks even when I'm not cooking I'll oh it's like it's like as you get older it's like porn for you I'm more interesting that then Paul nowadays I'll get hold of that be the beef halibut although you know me and a wife who read them in bed before not get seen no capers right we've got your book here man it's got some great pictures in it but I'm not just pictures of the food it's a lot of pictures of you in here as well no beef not least there's a couple there's 17 there's one it's one near heel is a pull-out page with your feet on I think five pages knows it's stuck in that one it's but it is Gordon Ramsay cooking for frames so it's for entertaining yes is right okay what's the best moody thing for a starter chef yeah someone who knows the way a little bit round the kitchen wants to make a lovely meal for their friends it's gonna be not too much work not too much preparation but delicious and the oppressive and simple focus on ingredients and more importantly had delegated everyone's slightly stressed out and get everyone to help yeah yeah exactly that hence the reason why we start the cook along next week was we're looking for - oh I never mind that talking about it none of them uh and more importantly don't overdo it have fun okay white golden go on who's really gonna do this at home chilled cucumber soup my way man someone else that gave me to Kiama so I go what that boy where's my chips my I'll be honest with you I'm behind this project of yours um till you want to see that really widget nice touch of horseradish in there little bit of mint delicious perfect for the summer right let me ask you a question yes you come in my house right uh-huh first light you what your fancy we sir we fancy bit of chilled cucumber soup awesome Heinz tomato hot with a bit of cream on top it's the big what's the best soup we all know I'm smart put that in the book number one page one you know I'm saying no that's the truth in there and I still cook it coriander boom it's true you know you can't polish a turd well on page 72 you're making a good we saw a plane all right why is the nicest what's there not will you cook something for us could get some closure yeah okay cook me something nice okay why'd you come what's an easy thing that's impressive and scrambled egg script okay well okay now we have white we have this is some of the greens here this is butter yes white stuff what what Oh what's your white stuff it oh my gosh that is there's a little bit of creme fraiche okay why we turn eggs yeah uh what's that things that turnips why is it there chives time okay salts I can offer you pop-pop a better mr. Sal Sal salt or pepper salt pepper come fresh hold it oh okay so it's on how many like in the morning about 5 6 there ham cuz no cuz when you scramble them down everyone knows they have inside stomach oh yeah oh you put two in no we've have to fight that's enough you have to scramble what's that not enough for hollow tube stop sniffing my eggs have another that why is it that arrived the staff the more I suppose a bit off but it's a white truffle from Alba why is it Whitechapel 3 now a thousand pound a kilo oh that's it so now quite good so we're gonna do we gonna do the most amazing well I'm taking that hand at home I want to take that home for my dog you only imagine his little face find that in the goggle there's eight in the fridge forever why you spend so much money on a bitter thing I'm gonna slice it thing always it's a truffle but was it really worth that much of course you haven't tasted it yet oh my for that's what she's grumbled eggs yes it's okay eggs in that's on let me do this one hey you do that with one hand yes it is don't on the side good okay eggs on a small knob of butter it's not on button yes sir okay oh it's hot start whisking whisk it up you want me to whiskey but then you scrape the pan off of you doing pants come back gasps going over higher I don't know can it you're the [ __ ] up okay keep the pan flat on there yeah what else yeah well show some enthusiasm at least tomorrow okay okay Charles okay whisk out now you buzzed up the egg it's not even wish that again and then with a nice wooden spoon wooden spoon now okay nice and gently okay lightly seasoned oh did you just wipe your knob with that cloth and stuck it on my book okay oh okay watch this don't get too exciting there calm down I'm in the kitchen first with a little bit of creme fraiche that's Oh that's not a live the idea of that okay now from now onto the plate nothing worse than overcooked scrambled eggs Oh your way take it off before it's fully cooked then it cooks more on the pike than their food rack you believe you to vote no I remember that from saying a posh hotel once fifty years ago right great samatha do not peel it first item two quid for the [ __ ] truck we don't play dirty outside it's been clear with the toothbrush look this nice oh I knew one look light now just over that come on a bit okay have a taste okay okay finish we've white have a truffle okay we really be good but it doesn't any better than that just smells a bit weird what you don't like that honestly that has to be the perfect scrambled eggs you're why that's nice that it's delicious a slice it's not worth through your friend that was in goodbyes no it's actually very good I wish I could share with you now that doesn't need chips does it nobody what yes with that size portion yes that's like a baby's portion small is good Jonathan not for where I'm standing I'll be honest with ya I will be honest with you later when they were probably the best eggs I've ever read that was very good and you did that very quickly yeah and all on your own and everything so the cook along the cook along so I saw one last year when it was on you had Chris Moyles on very very funny show is it live this is yeah but alive a tell people things here what are you doing channel 4 when you look long so you get your ingredients during the week so you advertise you say what you're going to cook on the chili day yet we're having theme nights a credit crunch nah we're going to be doing the most amazing dinner for for under a tenner where are we going back to the 70s and doing the most amazing retro food so that's the idea behind cook a look have fun great great I don't and more importantly yo get every round and so get your friend Jean about everyone everyone chips you absolutely definitely and we got you know seven weeks of it and it's live I'm live everything the studios live and I really can't wait okay you know you deserve every bit of the success you've had because I don't know anyone who grasps quite as hard as you do and you have talent as well ladies gentlemen isn't Gordon Ramsay great fun to be around come on every week we'll hear come on like once a month or more like that don't come on but don't ring that Ponte stop egg ham chicks Thomas get on a chopper back please [ __ ] off on July 7
Channel: prozacbear
Views: 790,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gordon, ramsay, sarah, silverman, ricky, gervais, jonathan, ross, wossy, friday, night, humor, comedy, comedian, late, show, interview, chat, talk, cooking, chef, hell, kitchen, word, cuss, curse, oliver, food, brit, uk, hq, tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2010
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