Oxventure D&D Stream: ELF HAZARD! Dungeons & Dragons Live Stream with Oxventure

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23÷2=28. Dob showing what happens when you substitute Math for Music.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/K4m30 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Absolutely brilliant episode.

Character growth and development, humour a plenty and a villain who was legitimately terrifying and detestable.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EaterOfCleanSocks 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is the title of this stream a reference to the 90s anime El Hazard? Because if it is, that is totally cool!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DigimonTheMovie 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] hello human purpose is it we call them sea bones but the barber said that all the sailors had it I went in and asked to be made to look like a sailor please and this barber was me job the half-bad using the middle bit of Khorasan facial hair I thought we talked about not calling it the Corazon in about how it's weird but yes I'm Egberts the Dragonborn paladin I'm on a search for atonement still haven't found it yet it's been many many years hmm I'm bare prudence for to think more like here to do warlike stuff and a good time I am more when the wood elf druid and I'm here to turn into various animals and I am literally everyone else in the world pain level 7 somehow like I'm taller and more powerful somehow well you feel like a 7 it's a new cult that we've joined we're at level 7 now subjects cleared yeah it's one of the places the cult of the lake know about you but I'm feeling they're all servers so the this adventure begins well you are still in the town of Barrow mere way where last time where some people rather unsuccessfully tries to hunt you for sport very young with zestfully with that strange sort of sordid business concluded you have retires to a tavern called the proud banner to sort of have a drink they're doing bottomless brunch because it gets the punters in early in the day and you know they drink a lot and they can't eat that much and so yeah you're basically just dusting yourselves down after a weird sort of 24 hours so I cost fine what was the PDS time to speed 10 minutes to speak oh I see yes I've started casting it's gonna take me ten minutes oh yeah I'd like to I'd like a mastiff please what is it look like when you're casting a spell ya wanna drink while he does his weird a refill okay so yeah I walk up to the bar hello like well they quit doesn't need a drink I open one eye and say I'll have another beer please where those mimosas are evil mimosas okay one evil my most evil yeah with extra evil yeah one regular mimosa job Marilyn how evils he want your mimosa kind of good in neutral neutral mimosa and a chaotic good mimosa please okey-dokey then he basically fills the glasses half up with with bubbly and then goes through a series of barrels when he gets the evil one it just sort of like screams its way into the glass and he kind of has to then get a damp towel and and stop it from being on fire it gives you the the trade like there you go cool drinks up thanks alright cheers here's to not being hunted come on that tape do I have my dog here I would say that you are probably about six minutes through your 10-minute ritual all right but everyone else you see the door of the tavern swing open and you think wow maybe egg that's really good at finding a stage because it looks like one has already come in even though it's a terrible choice for a Steve because kind of nudging open the door and then kind of imperiously and very slowly just like moving in is a giant tortoise is walking very slowly toward your table with great this might happen athis and basically the whole tavern goes silent and everyone just watches crossing the room painfully slowly you have so much time to notice that across the back of this tortoise is like a bandolier kind of like you might see you know shells inferred for ammunition or whatever but it's just little scrolls and he kind of carries on and he lowers his head a bit and just starts to push and his claws start to dig into the floor and he basically just push roll still gaming out of the way under the table force met the immovable object he just kind of stopped seems like and he sort of cranes his head back and like with his turtle ish mouth as I own he grabs the end of a scroll and just puts it down on the table and gives it a little nudge on the noggin [Music] this scroll is made of bark it's it's kind of like you know like silver birch bark the way it sort of peels off a tree it's like that but it's a really fine it feels like the finest sort of writing paper and it's also slightly pearlescent like it's shiny it's almost like it's metallic and the inscription is written entirely in elvish there's no way of reading this snatch it in midair and I need it well you not only noticed that obviously this is written in elvish but you recognize the paper you know exactly where it's come from and you recognize the handwriting with a sort of sense of vague excitement but also dread this is basically it's a formal letter inviting you to it is come on it's it's is a formal letter inviting you to a naming party in the old thicket and a name you know very very well and it says that the guest of honor is someone called Meryl when it is signed in a very flowing signature by the name adèle which is not a name you actually recognize but if you know this handwriting that is an elf that used to go by the name Lilly you look up from this letter to see not only all of your friends kind of looking at you expectantly but there is a giant tortoise being quite aggressively sniffed by an enormous master and basically it's it's doing the sniffer it's working out which bit to bite first side of this tortoises shell the tortoise for its part it's like it's trying to turn around without getting itself in trouble and I think you think it's trying to leave this is dogbert I'm Rick and we're committed to their name yes yeah I love it gonna look after this one those 60 clones of you they all aged rapidly and died and then all their husks were all over the ship's deck and I had to sweep them up so you could have promised me you're gonna walk this one and feed it oh I'll do better this time I promise all right and you're gonna love it and feed it all right and if I don't like it I can just make it disappear are you gonna feed it this giant turtle or are we letting the tortoise sorry tortoise gonna go I'll let the tortoise go I'll let the tortoise go bar snack supper for dog but for the moment okay yeah don't but does have the giant tortoise in his mouth drop drop drop did he say there was like a whole band allure of have Scrolls on this thing yeah yeah I'm gonna grab another one what's on this one hmm it tries to bite at you it's a shopping list interesting what's the next one the shopping list sounds like the quest for us is a quest poster that says help my son has gone missing and I'm worried he might have been turned into a rat sounds serious it could be a boy who is a rat now whatever would we do Marylyn studying I was cutting that bark pretty intently yeah yeah what did it say wait so I cast comprehend languages and read it is some oh my god it's some kind of invitation to a naming ceremony what's a naming ceremony yeah what is that yeah Marylyn around a hundred hundred births a is when elves become an adult over you because my hundredth birthday if you've been keeping an eye on it guys was actually a couple of years ago 99 when we fell had our first adventure but you don't look a day over ninety one thank you I put mine on a tortoise did it not why my naming ceremony has been so delayed sorry I pat the tortoise like this is not your fault [Laughter] damage is my weak spot these invitations really should have set them by Eagle rather than tortoise this is this is feel like you have your big long-distance shipping needs you know so I think they they can't do it if I'm not there so like I think we'll just have to go and have a delayed one it's a birthday party yeah why are you so sad yeah cuz I like my name and I don't want to have to change it I'm gonna hold you name oh you're gonna go Toki elf name it's gonna be like Friel away or something okay Marilyn scramble shanks elf Bert I'm getting a new name is great I used to be called Percy it was bad and now I'm called corazon dude so you think marilyn is a bad name a Corazon well I didn't want to say anything Shirley taking taking the new name is surely optional right shanks if we ride on the tortoise will it take us to the party tortoise and you guys can sell the tortoise get up Marilyn doesn't say on the letter that there's like a plus for cuz I hope say yeah there's actually a plus 6 so seal Gaiman and the dog can make is great great where is where is this ceremony why do we have to get to you all think it's it's my home ok where my family are back back in the woods so a little bit of travel but let's go I'm sorry I'm very ignorant about elf custom who chooses the new name well it can be me but it could if I can't think of one someone else will do some for me moral change one better and it'll basically be the same deal yeah put some of those dots on the e or something yeah yeah okay well we'll see if that works like I'm a little bit why we eat this sometimes like Lily other this is written by Lily and then her name is Lily Astro add rel now it's gonna pop a couple of add rel and yes maril Lenny yeah all right I we form an orderly queue in front of Mara when and can each ask one question well when Meryl went let's wrap what who is this Lily person to you did you know her from the olden times she she was my cousin she was a few years older than me and she really wanted to kind of get into like into the village customs and everything whereas I I didn't really want to you you realize they were lame and left to live in the world yeah I met Simon and I thought there's a bigger purpose for me I want to go in they will they be okay with non else coming into their sacred ritual should we do we have to disguise ourselves as elves they can be a little bit snobbish so well they do kind of think of it like I've been hanging out with you guys so I know how cool you guys are and everything but not everyone at home will get that like that's alright we're not going to be nice to them either no but like I think it's kind of if you come along and do you look kind of a little bit I've killed them with kindness maybe and then if you learn it truly I stopped listening after the first just like just be just so nice to them and then if they are then like I mean I left so but but I this will be important to my family so I best go bow well we will we meet your parents parents Marilyn yeah saddle up Marilyn this is important to you so it's important to me yeah I wash my clothes top trends my gift to you is I'm getting a couple of casks of the strongest stuff you cannot be sober for your boring ass naming ceremony yes actually speaking of the the barman walks over any thunks down a big cask on the table it says we've stopped serving brunch now so there are normal mimosas but we never get rid of all the evil stuff you can can i lash the casks on either side of yeah he's a big dog you can take it yeah they have a lot of chin yeah it's sort of the jowls cushion it yeah it's not too busy yeah marijuana is my gift to you I will get all my sarcastic roots impressions of elves nobody here believes that you all leave the tavern absolutely everybody can have inspiration because that was extremely funny and Meryl and you did some some great character work while everyone was just trying to wind you up so I I don't know how I just suddenly felt an affinity with you obviously you having it being a wood elf having a deep connection to the forest you know exactly in which direction your home forest is yeah pretty much and you start tearing off that way and sort of like it's a funny thing you know that you are right and right at this moment very very far away from your homeland however you know that basically any elf who goes to travel back to the old thicket with that as their main purpose always seems to get there very very quickly it's some sort of weird alpha dog fleet first traveling by a dog so you reckon you will be basically in like a couple of hours you will be on the edge of the old thicket and then from there you have to sort of proceed on foot or carefully with the dog I guess not for like another hour or so and then you'll be back you'll be back at home cool stop do I do I look all right do I look like neat and tidy Marilyn you look amazing yeah do you remember who you're talking to okay prudence do I that's the whole deal yeah they like sour twigs and leaves all good in there would you like me to like prestidigitation up some like slender silver jewelry of materials I mean I think when I get to the ceremony they will like just cover me in that stuff anyway okay thank you I use prestidigitation to braid my own hair full of yes we are all covered in narrating narrowly twined the mythril braid such oh only elven Smith's can craft so fine oh like big big big nose ring big nose ring all right yeah got it I feel real old and toasty okie dokie you make it to the edge of the forest and you starts to sort of travel in and you use you take a moment Marilyn to pause and you're like this is it if I take one more step I'll be closer to home than I've been in quite a long time and then you will enter the forest oh yeah wait wait for me I'm coming to the port [Laughter] wait this is a different but there we go [Laughter] yeah oh my gosh in these woods the temperature it's not too hot or too cold and my feet don't leave footprints in the moss now and the moss is very like cool underfoot it's very it's very pleasing the air has become 3000 percent more elven so really let's all sup of the morning dew all right guys I sing a song in the green speed make me a performance check buddy if you've checked yeah it's charisma modifier 14 words okay the you're like it with a surprisingly clear voice that clear as a bell with a slight vibrato to it don't actually I'd not soaked up its ganna breaks into song and starts sort of making up a lay about how beautiful the thicket are to your slight conservation Merrill and actually like it it goes down very well you hear whispering in the undergrowth is like little sort of Pixies and unseen creatures like who is the new voice that you singing uh squirrel so corkscrews up a tree it's like wow I must tell the others it's all getting very naughty hey montage ooh you come to realize his name's Percy he's really lame Percy the true voiced and you've come to realize that perhaps that you the only thing you feared more than your friends turning up and being jerks was turning up and actually really integrating very very well we've done [Music] you continue you continue on through the word everyone make me a wisdom perception check 2022 gg-get job you don't see it you're just pushing on into the clearing there is there is a clearing of that much you are aware and in the middle of this clearing there is a shining pool it is almost like it is clear liquids well not clear is it it's almost like it's liquid metal it is you know shimmering and there is a faint sort of like sound almost like a crystal glass having a finger run around the rim at its edges it looks very cool and it looks very inviting and take off my boots and stick my steaming feet in the pool and go ah that's good ok yeah you sit down a log and just blue and immediately all of your fatigue from the journey is gone and your feet feel cleaner than ever they have before yeah they they they feel delightful it's like getting a pedicure and also petting a kitten at the same time everybody else you notice that dotted around this clearing there are humanoid shapes in the bark there were just sort of still and you see the slight rise and fall of their chests and then as dub kind of says boo boo sticks you start in the pool start playing my lute their head so just like you noticed that there are more of these dryads up in the trees and that as they watch table playing the loops they start to they reach into a hole of a tree and start to pull bows carry on my song knows it's about to get dark there's people in the bark picking up what you're laying down washing wait what's a dryad it's a tree man three-person alright I remove I slowly remove my feet while whistling quick top make your feet invisible I make my feet invisible as you know my feet put my feet in the pool you say prove it as you were removing your feet from the pool you heard the the relaxing of bow strings and bows and the minute your feet go invisible you hit as they're pulled back again you hear bows we like good luck you think what you can't see a one Dryad strides out from a tree near you and just stares and points at the water you want me to drink it and just Jenny what me too okay I back away from the pool with a longing look at the pool because man that was refreshing it just continues to watch but you here again the bow strings are being relaxed and the dryads seemed to be calming down do these things talk Marilyn friends of yours since you left they do speak elvish I'll see I'll see I'll see what I can ask them hello hello there it seems like you're protecting this pool is is that your job yes why do you need to protect it who are you protecting it from because it's your port is it is it sacred to you they look at each other and you soon be like we thought we found it tar pool okay thank you to make sure actually tell the one without feet okay okay tell him get your own pool yes Marilyn they say get your own pool that's that's bare pool okay okay cool yep the situation we need to respect that it's theirs I mean they've kind of circled it completely you might not have realized this but they have circled it completely and the whole time hanging around looking at their pool well they probably take shifts I don't know Eggbert Eggbert you didn't get your feet in this pool it's worth protecting well it's it's probably there are a lot of pools with like healing qualities within magical yeah probably check magic on the silvery mirror pool presently magical oh my god I want this pool wait maybe my feet have superpowers I jump as high as I can no not the kind of magic well well do you think we can take them and take their pool I would prefer not to see this is the first time back in my home forest in a long time and I'd rather not anger the locals okay this is your birthday and Christmas are naming presents I say very quietly because I'm actually quite scared of tree people [Laughter] let's all just respect the pool I like this pool it's cool don't hurt the pool don't be a fool let's all enjoy the pool party and idea walks up and I put my hand on the deers back and I just what is that one doing I don't know he's got this very weird person perception of elves in the forest and and what we do they think that we're basically weird princesses who talk to animals but like I think we do things like guard Sacred Pools and others they're not elves stop oh right they're dryads yes I make my feet I'm invisible and I apologize sincerely to the nearest Dryad I know they don't understand me but I use apologists apologetic gestures and I translate I put my hand on table shoulder and I translate to be like this is what he's saying he's apologizing profusely he didn't realize that it was [Music] corazon all will be forgiven if you can silence that one [Laughter] [Laughter] please the Dryad marijuana you've been around dryers to know well enough what it's doing the dryer that's when talking to you looks at the deer and the deer kind of makes eye contact and then it's I sort of glaze over and it seems to be is using its fate charms yeah and I try counter charm the the deer bites commonplace have really like like doesn't break the skin but you know there's gonna be a nasty bruise in break its teeth yeah no it doesn't break his teeth corazon could flex and like smashes teeth we're not breaking deers teeth table Khorasan told me that his muscles are as strong as stone and I thought well I don't really wants to curb stomp a deer today alright alright what's that what's happening right now what we do what we do right how close are we to get into a massive fight all these Dryad did my my nature song not diffuse the situation Marilyn no no Corazon it did the exact it do I need to sing it no you do you listen you need to solve I talk to them I go to the Dryad and I'm like do the damping again because he's not gonna get the message otherwise sacred knowledge make me a dead flavor very pleased Corazon can you knock him out can you put him to sleep and we wake him up when we get there it's a twenty one Johnny run Corazon perfect Romeo Corazon you you sort of you sashay to the side as if you're about to change key and in doing so you narrowly miss getting kicked in the head by a dear man forest isn't ungrateful jerk I'm trying to sing about this the beauty of the nature alright fine patronizing corazon stop singing I well I guess what's your hip well I I think I rolled a a rolled a 3034 I think it's 5 d 8 but but it means but I need that's that's the total of hip how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect so I suspect you didn't do anything to Corazon it works last week ez Corazon ez go it goes on the dryer look seriously please leave yeah we will do I'll get them out I'm so sorry love lovely to meet you all in beautiful pool yeah yes yes your pool it's like it's they melt back into the trees Oh they've gone alright everyone check out this pool the deer is still there and the deer is like standing quite near use like clearly he's like he's going to escort you from the premises cool all right ok ok can I can I pet the deer on the nose yes how do you think that went better than it could've yeah I would advise not just jumping into pools in these forests because we don't know what's in them all around them you're right I was reckless I'm sorry I won't do anything exact same thing again I feel like we need to workshop the song because it didn't go down super well no yeah I think the best way to workshop it is in your mind and nowhere very quietly yeah you know at baseline can I have some of that stuff one of the casks crack it open thank you you sort of sip it in it's it's it's sort of climbs down your throat like eagerly like you you feel it sort of grab on the sides of your you're like tonsils and just hot throw itself in like it's going down a fun slide oh you feel very warms me like brimstone e1 it's a good stuff nice hmm no Marilyn uh okay I think ah this way this way head up that way through yes ticket the deer stops following you after about twenty minutes and it kind of like stops and gives like a stomp and then just sort of France is off into the woods and eventually you start to pick out little road bridges up high up in the canopy between the trees just I catch my nose ring on a branch okay it it's not long before the branch is sort of smolders and then breaks because of the intense heat of your nostrils but the first bridge you see is is so easy to miss it's little more than actually a rope with like two guide ropes either side of it but then you start to see there are more actual like plank rope bridges between the trees and then you start to see platforms emerge that slowly sort of turn into buildings and then you you've sort of passed a particularly large tree and then there is your old home I know the tale of Empire Strikes Back no Eggbert side it's one of those teddy bear villages it's gonna be brilliant no they're their houses the structures you see that some of them are up in the trees but they are a lot taller and a lot grander than any other houses that anyone may have been making reference to in the last and yeah this you know your home is pretty much exactly as you remember it it's maybe a little smaller than you recall but it's no less impressive this is a place of you know like pools of water with lovely streams trickling into one another there's the laughter of children and butterflies are floating through the air and there's all sorts of sort of elven houses and you can even see if you look way off you can see that the form of your your parents very own house the house you grew up in why did you leave this place Mel when did you do something terrible because this place is really nice she said she fell in love with that cat round upon by the elf community oh sorry I'm a a vet cannon did a little as you saw stone here taking in the scene a horn is sounded and you hear a voice dog bit cheese is it you hear voice you're a daughter of the thicket returns and then there's a big hubbub and as you kind of go like here it comes people starts streaming from the houses and down from the trees and you realize there were more elves up there stringing bunting and there are people with big tables laying out sort of finger sandwiches and and bowls of curious soups that are served cold and it's you realize that the entire community has been preparing to throw you a a naming day party and there's a big hubbub it's people like Marilyn it's Marilyn she's here like we won't be calling her that for long today and then you see looking a little no it's no he's an elf he doesn't look any it doesn't look a day older than it did the last time you saw it you see Erewhon the elder of your village approaching with a warm smile on his face he says Merrill we're so glad you came back to join us here I see you brought friends [Laughter] he has cheap this one has cheese bonus for four days please please do introduce yourself to my to my friends I'm just a bit mera ones gone a bit shy Oh Marilyn I'm so glad you went out in the world and met some people that we're all very proud of Maryland making her own way for a time and now of course she's come back to us this is this is our home I am arrow and I am the elder III I oversee everything here and I commune with the forest and uh oh I'm so sorry you you must be thirsty uh uh hold on gender gender and he beckoned somebody over with a tray here so this is the most little service Chanda Dora to prove he has a tiny tray with little acorn cups Thank You janda hmm the gummiberry juice it isn't fair it is very tasty but you're also like that was that just just not very much fun maybe it'll kick in later guys if you want I can top this up with opium oh sorry I meant mmm lovely fairy wine maril um so sorry sorry yeah chief man didn't catch your name and I give him a big slap on the back and I say any friend any friend of Marilyn's friend of mine great great setup you got here man I love it you guys build all this what is this rope so they pull these what how's it work is it is it believed huh well yes I'm I suppose in a sense you might understand that we made this but I like to think that the forest made it with us for tax purposes I I get you I get you I'm something of a financial mind myself no it's no II just we really commune with the forest here oh let me show you all about it from a young age obviously we know we're taught to respects nature and all about llegada when we're ready and he puts a hand on Maryland shoulder we take our adult names and we go forth to to carry on doing the good work of nature as nature and one of these elves was like as nature intended mean with no clothes on no I think I am wearing a tunic yeah for now but like presumably this perpetual golden hour has to end at some point and then you know we all have nature intended we are immortal as nature intended how do they come about these elvish names well Meryl when is free to pick her own name of course and then Salah dream so Landry oh no we landed on Caleb Rimbaud he's like interesting an elf cannot land on one then it's limbo they may call on their companions - I'm afraid we already have one caliber in bow to help and if that doesn't work we have constructed a large I don't know what it is in the common tongue but in elvish we call it a tombola are many names written on the bark and we spin it until ah you're familiar with them yes yes the tombola in the comment I Dynamite's idea no little steely looks it's harder you are familiar with Tom bowlers forgive me I I did not realize that t flings could be cultured he turns not realizing he's really said anything it's as well the ceremony of course will will begin at the fifth hour I have preparations to make if your friends would like to help in preparing for the the ceremony and the party they are very welcome but Mara when I will leave you with well we call her a drill now but I I think you'll remember her fondly and at this he sort of he gestures and a lady wearing a very fine green dress and has like incredible red hair just cascading down her shoulders kind of comes forward and like genuine genuinely looks excited to see you and is the first person who isn't full of that all that all Elvin comes up and embraces you to see you Tyrell now okay this is a big day for you you should be excited like I don't want to change my name I like Marilyn that's the name that I've been working on the personal it was weird for me too but I think it's I think you should I think it's worth ago I think I mean Meryl when do you really want to stick with Meryl when doesn't that sound a bit you know you're you're an adult now we don't have time for stick sword fighting and calling ourselves Meryl when surely you can sword fighting yeah we do our sword fighting with something other than sticks except me who literally only has a stick she turns to you and looks down at the stick so I was talking I was reminiscing yeah well I was talking someone I was talking someone else no you just thought I was talking to you hey buddy yeah you and I point at a random elf and I walk off in the distance we're getting the big problem here guys which is that I have a whole warehouse full of Meryl wins meat grinder t-shirts and I am not changing that I mean I've got to sell that inventory before any I yeah we already got an Instagram how about we just rig the tombola so we say that marijuana can't think of a name we say that we can't think of a name rig the tombola so that all the bits of bark say Marilyn yes and then when it comes out I'd be like oh what a coincidence her name is also Marilyn yes good and we can throw one as nature intended well throw one in that says scramble shanks and then if that comes out it was meant to be okay fine scratch that last part the plan oh my goodness Eggbert said something smart yeah I'm so proud of you once I've leaning against the tree and I go alright doppelganger webby petrol turns to Marilyn Sisters the lizard man not normally say things that are smoke he has his moments I've had my first moment just now yeah moment uh she leans in and whispers in your ear at least he's handsome and she straightens up again and says well listen um ultimately your name is for you to decide and I think if you if you really don't want to change era one taught me through this when I went through my naming ceremony you can refuse but there are consequences that you'll you won't be able to return here Oh rig it's on boiler it's if you don't if he refused the naming ceremony they they wish you well and they give you a piece of jewelry and it all seems lovely but what it really means is that you can't you're not you're not welcome anymore No then were you ever really welcomed yeah yeah just terrible races and you haven't been back here since you left them for the cat anyway yeah yeah look if you never get to come back let's just make sure that we take everything you'll ever want from here you don't get anything like better out of having a name you don't get like some kind of cool no he's looking at a drill she's she doesn't seem like she has hand lasers you're fairly good did they cancel the party if you don't take the name Oh nosy okay the party goes on is just a real sad well more like awake we try and rejoice that you know at least if even if if Marilyn takes this path and she won't be part of our community anymore but she'll she'll be living her own life and I think making that choice is something to be celebrated I think this one's up tomorrow when we like don't rush it Marilyn what do you doing it should be I I agree well like this is my home but I've not been here for so long and I don't know when the last time my parents sent me a tortoise it might be chasing yeah they've not been eating like Lilly I mean a drought like do you do you get to leave cuz I mean everyone kind of had this weird tone in his voice when he was saying that I finally returned he said you've been out but you've returned and it just felt very final are you are you stuck here are you okay I guess I've never really it's all about leaving like it is nice I go on ranges I hunt and I provide for the community I never really questioned what else might be out there I mean yeah she's fabulou I mean most of it involves fighting or arguing noisy yeah stay she says to it but I don't get new names quite work that way we have names sooo not elves it's not it's not a that that came out wrong I see how it is come on no I'm you're not no no no you said up there Owen no no I just mean I sadly start taking the neck jewelry out of my hair it's not great it's not it's not because of who you are it's where you were right no it's where you weren't raised you weren't raised here you're not among you're not from is it meant to be funny yes it's a funny joke haha you fell for it and I take the jewelry out of my hair and I didn't mean it looks fine I meant that it was slightly offensive oh right oh sorry no in that case I've lived look I've lived a very sheltered life obviously I'd see that now Marilyn and for it's worth tiefling radio to heard what Darren said and that yeah pretty that was pretty bigoted wasn't it yeah it wasn't okay and no one called him out so I am fuming mad and later I'm gonna go burn down everyone's tree house okay I'll pretend I didn't have that bit no you didn't use that again no no that I think I could get me in a lot of trouble couldn't it yeah it will okay well look I Marilyn look I will stand by you and I will love you no matter what you do either way this sounds so stupid I still need to help get ready for the party stuff we need to do just take some time just think about there's no pressure it's okay just I just I'm bad at this oh she's so awkward Marilyn she was this awkward is this is this an elf thing or is this a adderal thing families are complicated families are complicated I think things are all good enough I don't like your elf elder but one thing is this is your family and this is your homeland and I want to know if you think that something is awry here I want to know if you think you're gonna become a prisoner because that's not okay and if it is I have a new secret sneaking spy spell to find out what that era one is up to but it might just be you know L stuff so you got to tell me I would want to know his elf stuff yeah he kind of was always like just strange he kind of like worked his way to the top to become the elder and like he was you know he was he wasn't in it for the community he was a career elder if you know you know and it just he's I mean what he said to you prudence that fat just I'm sorry like I wish I'd said something but I was just like cringing so hard at that I physically couldn't move right it was so mortifying yeah banished for not taking a name sure I don't remember reading that in the books and I think something's something's happened okay well I like the tombola sabotage idea yeah well I know what's really going on yeah you do that and then we see what the reaction is I volunteer to go and scope out this guy's elf house see what he's got going on in there I've got some I've got something for this and in yesterday evening after he was it yesterday evening back from the human hunting the humanoid hunting experience I stayed up late learning a new spell okay called clairvoyance and I can I can remotely observe someone at a distance of up to a mile so I figure I go hey you look at him with clairvoyance I'll break into his house and go through his stuff oh okay what do you think no and we need your blessing it's it's kind of your your home turf I'm up for this I think prudence you should be keeping an eye on him and maybe we should have a signal for Corazon if he goes back to the house like yeah yeah and then like you know like a bird call or something or maybe just da Bruns can she do that well as clairvoyance at the same time because it's not gobbling tell you I can I can hot-swap I can multitask ills switch tabs okay so I like this if I spy on Aaron to see what he's up to possibly nothing but we don't we just don't know corazon you go break into his treehouse yeah check out his elf files and and someone else go sabotage the tombola perhaps or going chat up a droll dub dub shall we go and try and create like a replica tombola that we can switch around do the old team tombola yeah there's a couple of ways we could approach this we could create a fake tombola which i love or we could try and do some illusory magic on the actual tombola what we could do is just some illusory magic on the actual piece of paper that gets drawn or but i like i would like to build a tombola so i feel like we did a really good job I think we are definitely the match of the elven carpenters okay we'll find the tombow tombola okay I don't want a drill to get into trouble I want her to be kind of like away from all of this so I'm gonna go with her and start to get ready for the ceremony okay and just like be like look you guys get me ready it's fine I'll do it whatever I believe is that the big one the obnoxiously big one it's the big one it it's got a really gaudy front garden lots of raised beds we got so lots of plants that shouldn't be able to grow in the forest nature intended a ended before we before we break them yes accidentally burned down on your way out I don't I don't anything anyone could pin on you I'm just saying which would that make you happy prudence yes that's a very flower place looks pretty flammable yeah I like dog you're you're thinking with your fire yeah I better not cease yeah oh yeah forget hay fever sorry do I need to roll to find out if I have hay fever please shout at me if things go south and all some rain I haven't been I've been listening and trying to be cute i purr I blow a dandelion and eggbert is cute take six points of dandelion damage okay so we've got team tombola team sneaked into house and team eavesdrop we'll start with team sneak into house which is to say Corazon just make me a how are you going you can't trying to sneak there or are you kind of just walking with purpose I'm assuming that people just gonna question you know I'm gonna try and like get in a like a back door through window or something I need such okay I need to check he's not in for a start so I'm casing the house or outside yeah make me a stealth check just to set yourself up great so you you basically you're walking along sort of one of the platforms like mmm touristy touristy admiring the trees and then you look above you and the next walkway up is the one that leads directly in front of Aaron's house and he can look Cara's lungs kind of jumps and pulls himself up by his by his fingertips and as he kind of sneak over you see arrow and step out of his house and he turns and sort of locks it with a key that he places inside his sleeve and then he walks off somewhere to he walked up somewhere to go do something and once he's gone you must sneak right up to the house basically I use my thieves tools to give me a roll please okay great yes it's it takes you a while because you're not sort of used to this sort of locks it's actually quite interesting I like it was quite a lot of opium in that very one yes I mean before you even added opium let's face it but yeah it's a fascinating little tour actually you're like elves do their locks okay and then you're like oh I get it clunk and you you mouse to open the door and you are in it is very elven there are lots of Scrolls in two of a big case by the wall there is sort of a low bed it's more like a roll mat but it looks like it's made of leaves and it's it is both scholarly but also very naturey and there are some fine robes strewn about the place and there was a low desk a sort of one that he clearly sits out and tucks his knees under and on that there is a piece of parchment where he has been writing a speech for Maryland's naming day with gaps in it to be like we present to you now formally Marilyn and then a line where the name will be lalalalala and then there are two wooden ornate jewelry boxes next to said letter well I mean I'm looking in those first the first one is a silvered circlet not unlike the the one that marilyn is actually sort of woven for herself and wears in her hair but it is it is made of its cast of metal that sort of shines and is light but also very strong it is absolutely beautiful okay interesting what's in the other box a brooch this brooch is heavy in your palm it is made of iron and it has a it's got a you know like when it's a brooch it's got like a big pin that sort of goes through to pin it to the material and it is it is a very dull finish now I'm trying to think how Marilyn would feel about me stealing these things probably bad but then alright we'll leave these here for now I'm gonna have a look around and see if I can find anything like incriminating or like evidence that he's up to something bad or weird so okay look around for like any kind of documents or any kind of evidence he's he's wrong okay make me an investigate check see what you get dang it's it's approximately 500 you can find a ledger it's a very large leather-bound ledger it is really genuinely very very thick like this looks interesting crack and it is basically the ledger of the elder of this community and this dates back hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years and it is the names of everyone in the community and then the names they took when they had their naming ceremony and you know what we're gonna come back to you imagine yourself in kind of like a montage reality did it just like lining things up and making correlations horizon's' now team bowler it is not hard to find the real job it is it is very close to the raffle table and yet the tombola is used you look at it you know that that must be it because you only need to take one look at it to know that it is thousands of years old and incredibly ornate go Eggbert I've thought about this yes there's there's no way that we can replicate a craftsmanship that fine and I don't think that we should use an illusion spell to pull this off because there's no way that they'll let a non elf do the actual tombola bit and as soon as someone touches our illusion it will all fall apart so here's here's what I'm thinking we use our rudimentary skills to rig a trick tombola so that completed we then use our thief skills to steal the actual tombola we then say what your tombola is missing I think my friend might have a spare and that's and and then they're like oh this old thing I guess you can use it if you're at a loose end and they use our trick one and the trick one will have like when you the slot that you put the names in like all the pieces of paper or whatever will go into a trick little shelf within the tombola and then we will sort of also embed in the side in the top like we'll just put the little slip of paper so that when it's rotated it falls out into the drum basically it means that when spun none of the none of the names put in will even enter circulation properly but Merrill when the Marilyn piece of paper will be spat out that makes any kind of Quigley's gimble's and indent in police and internal yeah this is part of dubs backstory of doing lottery fraud this is a great idea we could use the Cask of evil Mohito as the tombola drum Oh sir okay so step one of our great plan we each drink half a barrel of evil memo yes so let's do that first that's crucial and then we'll work the rest out as we go along the rest is going to be much less it's gonna seem a lot easier once we've drunk the mimosa okay I think a sense of clarity that we don't have right now and I go behind a tree and chug chug chug I was about to say gender meanwhile is sort of passing around with another tray of a corn wine he's also just holding a pair of basically elven beer bongs it's like what anybody else care for refreshment what I would care for and uh is for you to join us behind that big tree and we're gonna show you how we party outside the woods well no you couldn't not on duty oh this is your duty today my end you just got a promotion to drink squad cool a tray over shoulders he brings the beer bongs assuming he'll need them we show him how to do a keg stand yeah he's probably really good at it what with his elven okay so you only need to drink 1/3 of a barrel apiece yeah yeah so we're basically fine everyone make me a constitution savings oh sorry just nobody's drinking everyone's good but it's like it's that intoxicating 7 plus 2 which is 9 that's a 20 but not natural and unnatural 20 all right dub you are you're in the sweet spot you know like when you're playing yeah like half-orc pool and you've had two beers and you're like okay until I've had one-half more beer I'm gonna be incredible at pool it's like that you like make a trek tombola I was born to make a trick tombola Eggbert you'll just hammered his part gender is passed out he was you're not sure about these things for having run with Marilyn for a while you know that they don't really need sleep you think you might have invented the Elven nap snoring in a very old Elvin way but what a cake stand such as such elegance I am going down in history I'm going to ask you both to make me a what would this be would this be Dec sleight of hands to build er yes you're on the trick tombola the trick tom boylar deck sleight of hand right from both of you please this is basically I can say this is like Bob is making it and we're just seeing how much Egbert is not hindering him six plus two is eight 21 you knock it over twice before da manages to get this thing finished and it to be honest you only manage that because dogbert comes along and this like just wants to play he he comes up with like a rotten tree trunk that weighs about as much as corazon Jews like running around in the trees yet you have successfully constructed a trick tombola it looks like right now but it looks like a functioning tombola each items good it's working I tear a little strip of bark off a nearby tree and just scroll Merrill when and I pretty sure I've spelled it right okay fine yeah it's the trick tombola is rigs to go T now we got it up now we're gonna steal that we're gonna steal them on next that's the next fate that's the same that's that's just next face that was phase one this is phase B yes okay either make me a charisma performance check to saunter up to the tombola like you own it or make me a deck sorry I did you make that no do you make that check because I'd rather have the own position then come back then and then we'll snap to team eavesdrop what was it again sorry what do we want to do do you wanna charisma or do we want to see the charisma performance or Dex stealth words to me alright well I'll make it charisma then so that it was 14-6 so quite drunk yeah yeah job you walk up to the tum burger and sort of slap it on the side being like you can fit so many names in this baby and nobody even bats an eyelid they're like yeah that guy that guy who's you know he's visiting the community and it's fine for him to be next to the tom boylar Eggbert is approximately a fifth of the way towards you he's just kind of doing that like really unsteady legs thing anyway team eavesdrop you noticed as you were kind of watching Corazon you were like dang Corazon must have been doing chin-ups cuz he managed to sort of pull himself up another thing you see that arrow and is his left his house and he is making his way toward the house Marilyn pointed out earlier as belonging to her parents ah-ha okay so again they'd yeah sorry carry on no no no please sorry well I was gonna say if you want to go over there again pick pick how you do it whether you're just like today oh I'm down on the ground right I'm down on the forest floor and I guess can I see the tree house the tree house that Marilyn's parents live in so clairvoyance I can I can cost it at range it's like costing uh like an all-seeing eye within the space okay so if I take that the glass I I've stolen someone or the jeweled horse I've also stole enough of someone yeah businesses glass I let's say and dismissive is jeweled horn you let's say and I have to choose either listening or seeing okay I'm gonna say listening because I can't lip-read okay one of my infernal powers sure not yet wait till you next level up yeah so I I kind of like it takes ten minutes so I guess I might miss the first part of the conversation well it takes him quite a long way to get over there because he sort of is just walking for a bit and then he turns to see if anyone's following him and he does that for ages as if you would have to be diving in bushes repeatedly or hiding rounded corners and if you broke the line of sight you'd have only 20 seconds to react so yeah to be honest with you you you don't miss anything but the pleasantries where UK like are you sure you won't have a cup of cup of tea oh no no one I'm fine I had a drop of jander's acorn wine earlier but you wanted to talk to me you're worried about Marilyn and you hear a man's voice say well not put too fine a point on it we think she might refuse and well this has never really come up with you anyway we suspected she might she's got a full life from what we've heard but but you've really make her take the iron will she really have to leave the hair there's a pause and then alongside Maroni's like ah I wish I wish I could let her come back and do you know trip in and out of our lives like this with her band of friends but that's you know that's just not the way our society works if she chooses not to take a name she'll be given the iron brooch and she'll have to leave and well from there on out her fate is in her own hands we'll wish her well but what else can I do you hear the lady's voice again wheeler is there nothing really nothing we can do look I know you're very upstanding in everything but we care about her can we can we bribe you is what I'm saying an arrow and kind of chuckles in a self-assured ways like haha no I have everything I need thank you so much and there's the conversation from there it descends again into pleasantries they're like well either way it should be a fine party la lalala love it you can tell that basically Marilyn's parents are keeping up appearances and they both sound crestfallen and the idea that they might indeed be severed from seeing their daughter in their own home team sneaked house you your montage is cooked you hear the thing you're like I've got it all of the basically there there are the names of like the child name and then the adult name and then there is a word in the third column that is either crown or iron you're like oh I see these things are part of the ceremony I think that that makes sense and we're the people who have crown written next to their name it doesn't say anything else with them the people that say iron is interesting a few of them have in the fourth column place names I would say maybe about 10% of the names that say I and have have place names written next to them you recognize a couple of them but the vast majority 90% of them there's just a clean line no not clean line so there's a just an axe in in the fourth column okay interesting all right I wonder if if prudence is trying to reach me telepathically to tell me anything I think Prudie are you there haha well I mean I've done I've done eavesdropping and spying on Marilyn's parents who I've not met yet but I've heard so yeah for being concerned about their their daughter they sure haven't shown up yet have they dad I guess they're waiting for the party you know maybe it's a maybe it's a formality like a you know an elf procedure thing and they got really good dresses and they don't they want to like save it oh yeah both mom and dad amazing elf elfin gowns gown okay bound the pair of them okay aye-aye-aye break off the clairvoyance because at this point it's just it's just the talk yeah yeah and I it's uh it's arrow and heading home yet is he on his way is he taking a litlte he seems to be regaling them with details about lemon cakes at the minute he seems to be settled in Lambert bris bread could hear it oh yeah I crossed message up at the the other treehouse the one that everyone is coming from and I'm like corazón like hey hey no you can't talk to me corazon only I and they talked to you so you can I understand so now I'm gonna say all the things to cozy and it's a roast yeah I do a three-hour comedy roast of Corazon through my psychic message spell and he can't do anything but sit there and take it another thing about your dumb Dryad so anyway anyway no I I say I think marijuana given the iron which sounds ominous I don't know if you can you can find out anything about this iron deal up where you are but it sounds like heroin is going to properly banish her if she doesn't take her name so that's that's what I've got and also I've heard them I've heard the voices of Marilyn's mum and dad they seem nice enough ish so yeah can't wait to see you warm regards prudence okay right well it seems to me like the iron refers to this brooch so maybe if the brooch went missing then they wouldn't be able to give the iron to Marilyn and then problem solved loophole or you know if this yeah yeah I know artifacts were lost did um did he leave any candles burning or anything when he went out they've cast my eyes around the room there's like an incense burner incense burner interesting smells like pine needles and sort of intellectual superiority oh yeah well this guy this guy really grinds my gears and that whole tiefling racism earlier is really really annoyed me so I'm gonna we're gonna do here yeah I'm gonna grab the iron thing out of the box because I don't that being given to Marilyn and I'm gonna kick over the incense burner on my way out just yeah have you got any accelerant around here anything naked grease do not carry rum on you or all times I mean yeah bar business if there was anything that was naturally occurring there would be less suspicious yeah you're thinking of elf crime scene investigators crime scene Doreen investigated yeah there's there's a bottle of sort of like a clearish like rich spirit we might accidentally take take a tumble onto some burning incense I know that took a tumble and then the incense took a tumble and now I'm choosing it yeah the house much like Doug Byrne says woof I'm grabbing the mat ledger is off okay cool yes you managed to pocket both okay team bowler this is gonna ruin the party isn't this hole probably house oh I thought you meant the tombola thing I was like okay a team Taylor so we're standing by the actual tombola let's say sounds most to make it over there yeah how does this sound like for a plan to you Egbert I will use a recently acquired spell major illusion to create a major distraction while everyone's looking you cheese it away with the high tombola oh I've got an idea why don't you make it look like a Hut is on fire don't really get them love it yeah that's great that's great can you do a major revision of one of them I don't know any of the tree houses on fire yes I can wait hang on how big are the huts I wonder I look at them and size them up square footage-wise oh they're not too good not too small you know all right well I focus just on the roofs maybe like maybe your roof is on fire or secure okay all right so Egbert so we've sidled up we're by the tombola alright and that I guess there's a few people like putting out party stuff like plates and things nearby all right I strike up a conversation with them you know with with the people nearest of tombola like oh yes and these and these play settings like and what's this fork for oh my god what the hell is that and I cost major illusion to create the illusion of one of the rubes extremely on fire there's a sense of heat you can smell the smoke it's pouring out really immersive yep it's fully oh it's for D it's for DX everyone's rocking around yeah alright so like that and I wink at Egbert as if to say get that tombola my man and I dive into the undergrowth ok great just make me a strength that elastics check to get away from it you hear a lot of shouts being like fire fire there's a fire over there fire buckets of acorn cups of magic water or I imagine and then you hear shouts from a different part of the committee going fire five there's also a fire the thing that we elves really hate fire fire on new fronts now it seems like have you been practicing this man I'm better a better at the solution than I thought I guess and take a moment to see whether you're still drunk because you might be a loser inning double but scuse me either way people are scrambling to fetch buckets and it's quite a well coordinated effort to be honest doc Dale and now that seems like fires are a hazard here and that they are very well equipped to deal with them or well let's see and they're doing with this one okay um the fire in heroines house is actually coming under control like relatively swiftly like it's it's burning extremely fiercely and hot but it seems to be burning mostly in one room so they are already preemptively dousing other walls and stuff and trying to fight to these flames the other one is going terribly they're throwing bucket after bucket there's fire and it's just it's having zero effect I said I'm the elder friends I I don't know if this will work but I did learn a spell to extinguish fire might I be permitted to try it on your beautiful home please try anything it won't be full for long the way it's burning all right I want to make a big show of it and then I stop casting major illusion house returns to normal exhausted from the magic do the other one do the other one do the other no the magic it's alright now I fall down on the floor I only enough magic for one house damn my magical limit I bring him some tea some majority fifty and I reach around on the ground for like what is presumably like a certain amount of hash and I pick some up and go elven friends I know you have bigger problems but look all that remains of your tombola the conflagration must have spread faster than any of us could imagine make me a cross another persuasion check please you can have an advantage come on okay well that is a sixteen sixteen wait what and then with advantage meaning the budget you just roll again and I'll take a higher result alright oh okay well that that's a little higher that is um eighteen okay um a hush falls over the tombola beautiful names in it and it was thousands of years old and surely I don't need to remind you incredibly ornate and so on says have courage have courage Merrill when will have picked a name will have time to fetch another tombola before the next naming ceremony a new tombola in this economy I wait the wage girl who first Egbert okay I've got the other eye you've got the real one right now I got the real one yeah and I've presumably like jumped into a bush or something yeah you're in a bush I mean I rolled a few more for my strength so nineteen so yeah um I emerge from the bush I'm like Corazon for a gambling problem I bet he's got tombola yeah yeah we can whip that one up you yeah I'm sure you've got some butter on that on the sled you know I think he's got I think he popped it behind the tree I mean I I don't want to get anyone's hopes up because I don't know for sure well you know you're right he probably wanted to duck out of the party and do some quick tom bouldering I wonder are you know I've obviously I'm away from the Bernie house and I'm like hey fellas what's going on gorgeous table we're just telling these people about your gambling problem and about how you may have left the tombola around here somewhere that they might be able to use oh wait for their sadly burnt real tombola my tombola yes yeah I bring it with me everywhere I love to those Tom's yeah and it's a regulate it's a regulation professional-grade yeah olympic-sized Tom bar isn't it so yeah Tom bowler acquisition I am the best that's my motto always so would you mind lending your tombola for the naming ceremony hey these guys have been through a lot today more than happy to help out any way I can oh thank goodness well that we haven't long it just in case she doesn't take a new name we must write some names in the tombola you've got a they don't want yeah we're gonna leave we're gonna leave you what you guys to do that because like if this is your ceremony we don't interfere we're just gonna leave you with the leave you with the tombola okay I'll do a through G you do H through just write some names like Ella Brembos in great great great guest find a bear of Rimbaud they if you leave a bunch of else furiously not furiously frantically writing names down and typing them into a phallic tombola we need to pop them to trick tombola onto the onto the thing and just be like hey guys we've left it here you guys go you know yeah enjoy yourselves do you think we're out of there great okey-dokey then I think with a prudency doing anything in particular i amble over corazon what did you find anything good what's that sleek LED you're under your arm about oh yeah so this is the the names of all the elves or previous names and then their new names and looking at this I mean it looks like I don't know what you found out but O'Meara when I met your parents ish they should go ID them ish yeah you should you should sorry they've been gave me already look how do I look darling ah I'll make over drell looks really pleased she's like I believe Marilyn's actually doing this so they are really nice but you know how it is parents day when it comes to a naming ceremony they catch you later it's fine it's not suspicious always it's like on a wedding day when you can't see the bride the bride and groom can see each other it's the pet because they're they're remaking there's these there's this circle it and there's this brooch and right if you choose to take the new name they give you the circular okay you live in the elf society but if you take if you refuse to take a name they give you this iron brooch deal and you're banished and you're never allowed to come back right and what's this what's this fourth column all about in the ledger I thought maybe it's full of exes is that not somewhat you recognising those names any of these crossed-out names friends of yours you know like some of them right I've not seen them in four years but they even well before I left so I guess vanished as well Oh I mean but some of these some of the fourth column has like locations and then alone just have exes see me yeah maybe they're cross are they out are they are they killing people they've vanished it's see it looks a lot like that to me Marilyn mmm I mean you don't put a cross through someone who you're letting live a long happy life no this doesn't seem right I think the I think the old iron broke she's a bit of a death sentence don't jump to conclusions quite a lot of so don't necessarily take everything I say you know you've never made more sense you've never had more insight I thought so but I just wanted to check a horn sounds and even though there are still shots been like get another bucket a loud voice yells it is time for the ceremony era one appears on a platform looking a bit flustered to be honest he keeps up glancing back at his house which is not as on fire as it was but still moderately on fire it's like that oh that was you I was just a really great major illusion dog your birthday's coming up for know what yeah I love everyone says well I've not been able to retrieve my my speech guess I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to win this yeah just picture me naked he reaches like had to do he gestures to somebody said did you get the app brilliant and he takes two jewelry boxes from somebody's left sorry but a strange day it turns out but nonetheless we are here to celebrate the the naming day of the one we now we know to us I've known for some time as as Marilyn Marilyn oh you guys up you cou I start helicoptering my shirt as Marilyn hits the stage I'm like whispering we side the Tom boner it's all good you're fine plan tombola works Maryland you have lived with us for a long time and you have been traveling far and you've made fascinating new friends please don't just say your helicoptering next time there must be something else your boots your ap or anything he says but it is time for you to choose a name and a sense to adult elven society have you chosen a name for yourself no are you my daughter I got theatrically no people people it's a big Dame's this happens I remember my own brother he relied on the tombola which of course is thousands of years old and incredibly ornate he relied on that to give him a name and you know he was happy with it it's real it was a Vasa what a beautiful name yeah the tombola dispenses so if even if you would not like to throw it open to your friends then scramble shanks would you like to be called scramble shank no ok you take some Adria I might even tomorrow ills again Miguel face elf then will you consult the tombola I will I can smile non smiles like it version pleased that you are you've seen sense basically and he says well wheel forward the tombola and Maryland's parents show up with a tombola they're like mmm they wheel it up a ramp and onto the stage a little wave basically like Maryland's mum looks and just hell of a lot like Marilyn but like a couple of inches shorter but you look at such Camaro and dad and you're like Dan that's where the cheekbones came from and so you you play that fun game that people play when they're like trying to tell Marilyn that we're all crushing on her dad and this is not the tombola is there Marilyn this is not the tombola where is the tombola what what do you mean so by name but surely the tombola operators can explain exactly what happened they can explain exactly what happened you're dropping Marilyn's parents in it no no the people who were writing the names oh I see it's true the flames from the second fire while they appear to have spared the house that they started in they consumed the tombola thankfully these people this one here with his massive massive gambling problem they've come to our aid and they've offered us another tombola we've filled it with new names beautiful elven names names names such as Barrett Barrett brim bore and Rimbaud is in there I feel a brembo we don't wanna spoil the trainees let's go in there and we thought well it's still a tombola olympic-sized tombola hey wait on rollers the tombola guys I've always said it Dom bowlers a bowler era one looks pissed off but he also is out on fire he's throwing the worst party ever he looks like he's not willing to let this opportunity slip through his fingers so he says fine very well Merrill when spin the tombola a big clacking noise as a Marilyn starts to spin the tombow a little that will choose her new elven name and indeed a piece that's all but I'm like it it's working brilliantly like the tombow it's great it's there's a real smell of foul evil booze suddenly in the forest as it spins suddenly as one piece of bark tumbles out into a little tray arrow and picks it up he unravels it is this a joke the gods are pleased Marilyn is this a joke you know full well that you cannot take the same name twice as nature intended find me the rule it is clear to me that you came here never intending to take a name in the first place and what you have done instead is make a mockery of your home and of this sacred Rite make a mockery your face where'll when daughter of Mary L and Guerre I give you the iron and he he opens the boxes and he stands falling before you can do anything imperiously puts an iron brooch on your cloak how many elves is this dude kicking out too apparently and he looks directly at Corazon not else oh we said the song earlier you heard it you thought oh that was so good he must be an elf no it's the iron brooch in your pocket prove it I turn corazon invisible it's creatures from horizont invisible Corazon goes invisible oh my god he died run up and I pinned the iron brooch to him see how he likes it hang on one that's genuinely one second arrow and turns - tada band says oh he's not tired not yet he hasn't and he looks he looks to you anything looks at Marilyn's like I'd run your parents wallets worth are holding each other and just weeping openly as you hear from the forest from like four corners like the four corners the compass you hear an ungodly shriek that starts to get closer it's just a continuous wail Marilyn you know from the stories in it from having heard them in other parts of the forest that they're a band she's coming and I think we'll roll for initiative we did so well not to be in combat until this place is bad cheese because they're banning you from elf town 9 what you say 7 plus 1 is 8 18 I feel like that yeah well I rolled an 11 but my initiative modifiers are four and my Rika SH Audacity than my swashbuckler skills gives me a bonus my initiative role equal to my charisma what if I 80 okay 18 our plan was flawless absolutely flawless which we had trashed the real tombola yeah we're gonna trash everything now so I will be right back I can hear a dog that wants to go out this is great we have time to make a plan all right Plan C what a banshee is my aim here is to just ask that snooty Oh do we really want to stick around there I mean we could just like it could just cheese it but we don't want Marilyn to like not not be able to see her folks I think what we need to I think what we need to accomplish at the end of this is dead banshees dead hi snooty elf racist an establishment of a new elf order that is super progressive and has burned the old ways we definitely can't let that snooty elf racists get away with it I guess we're sticking around why would you kick out an elf just because they want don't want to change their names just something to do with that circle I think there's something to do with that thing I think it's something bad mind-controlled crown yeah or it might lock you into the forest you can't leave oh and it's like a perimeter thing and it explodes if you try and leave the forest his head see what happens oh wait paid for behind a stone wall hello hi sorry about your planning okay okay great so first thing that happens is from the east a a banshee which looks like it's kind of it's a woman given semi like like semi solid form with hair that seems to float as if it's underwater she's kind of got these flowing clothes and in tatters as do sort of her limbs like it towards the the edges of her her being she sort of seems to lose focus but her eyes are absolutely blazing as she tears toward the party just screaming basically and she is going to go straight for what's your AC please go Sun does that change anything you've got oh yeah I just think as the guy said you would be where the ones are the pins that was before I was invisible fifteen okay she's hit sorry hang on Wow it's pretty pretty impressive to hit an invisible target just ghosts I guess yeah they have some they have the other site you know she comes and slashes at you with claws you take 12 points of damage Johnny while Corazon consults can I just confirm that it looks awesome because like a gout of blood goes from nowhere yeah nice nice no it is not right I will just half the damage I'll just half the damage fine you take sick we're gonna be hearing a lot of that I think yes you take six points of necrotic damage I suspect you're not invisible anymore you've been someone's made contact with you right yeah but it is your turn now Corazon all right well I'm gonna just sort of it's Dodger out the way of that take a little bit of necrotic damage to the shoulder and keep sprinting towards the elder elf and I'm gonna pin this approach to him and then make me a strength attack or would it be deaths cuz it's a brooch we'll call it dex cuz it's a brooch to pin it into his chest yeah to kind of be like 22 right in the chest yes I daresay that'll do it okay yeah you do you pin it to his chest all the while there is a banshee sort of like screaming and trying to like follow you behind but yeah as you pin it to him you feel a sort of a weight that you didn't realize you've been carrying sort of leave you it feels like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders off don't know that I am brooch on me anymore that's good yeah dub I sorry I'm gonna use my bonus action to hiders off oh yeah absolutely dub what you want to do okay um hmm banshees banshee how many banshees are there you can see two right now one has come in from the east one from the West hmm and and where are we we're kind of like in in the throng of the party people like we're we it sort of in the crowd I think it's fair to say the crowd is scattering but yes they're sort of you've got the stage here so Corazon is on the stage with Erin and Marilyn Elves there's like long picnic tables either side but you've sort of been in a semicircular crowd there and now there's a banshee that's sort of coming from this way and one from this way all right well I feel like this is a thunder wave situation I cast I cast thunder wave right at the point of one of the approaching banshees okay let's say it is the second Banshee yeah go for it well okay it just happens doesn't it the van she needs to make a saving throw yes as it decks it is great question Johnny Constitution oh okay well that's worse for the banshee what's your age spell so DC please but also DC Johnny is 17 I rolled an 18 oh yes okay oh my gosh the first ever neutralized thunder wave these guys aren't fluffing around doesn't it just mean that it takes half damage oh oh yes yes that's right sorry you're quite right Romeo your damage and then have it yeah okay seven plus three that's ten I think it's I think it's 3d eight at this point mmm-hmm 15 plus 8 is 23 which doesn't divide by two so I think you got to go round up to 28 Richter to 28 yeah I think so yeah sorry well okay fine what is 23 divided by 2 okay well cool we'll call it 28 so the Banshee kind of it's almost like as the you feel the air sort of coalescing and taking on a real charge before the thunder wave is dispelled the Banshee seems to sense it and speeds up and so it gets caught by it on the way out but sort of motions to emerge shrieking Prudence it is your turn okay I gotta try something new I cast bestow curse upon the the Banshee that's going after Corazon on the stage okay so that one is Stoker and curse if it's if it's successful so the creature must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or become cursed so it's it's all or nothing and if they become cursed I choose the curse that wild the targets cursed your attacks and spells deal an extra 1d8 necrotic - so it's kind of cool it's a necrotic damage thing I'm trying to like upgrade all future attacks against this span Chi I think that's how this works sounds like how this works okay so I will say you would probably know this banshees are immune to necrotic damage okay well in that case I can choose a different kind of a different flavor of cursed from bestop okay so so so wild cursed the target must make a wisdom saving through at the start of each of its turns if it fails it wastes its actions that turn doing nothing so it kind of neutralizes the banshees turn if it fails a wisdom saving throw every time while it's cursed that's it yeah okay yeah great what's the DC on what's your supposed to TC just so I have it written down it's 16 ok cool cool cool cool cool go back I dressed him it's the Banshees turn the bunchy turn serious like I want to act and then it doesn't get to action hmm yes it looks visibly confused it's like what cursed Kersey look at you all cursed up right arrow and is I've rolled him into the initiative order what's he going to do he is going to run he has the badge on him and he just goes and just starts to absolutely Pelt it away he starts running to the north Samara when it's your turn okay where is everyone standing again so you're on the stage with Corazon and you were there with era one but he just left right in front of you pretty much is the Banshee that chased Corazon to the stage and then over that way is a curse slightly zapped a little bit crispy punchy and adventurers dotted around I had to I had to touch the Banshee because it's a in order to cast the curse so I'm quite a handle back hand and he just forgot what it was meant to be doing you slap some sense out of it I I would like to cast entangle on everyone cool nice do it so I don't think I have to roll right no I believe it's another it's another saving through for me it's a strength saving throw what's your spell CPC it is 15 that is a 12 he is restrained by the plants it's like oh man Marwin no you can't do this um so yeah he is he's very much in trouble now and Tonglet Eggbert she'll go I'm gonna grab the pine brooch off of Melvin's clothes and at make me a strength check alright that's four but plus four is eight that thing is stuck past you like no no like that ain't going anywhere we are back to the beginning the well Sookie initiative rolls for the other two vanishes okay what's your what's your honor class please Marilyn it is 15 oh that's a miss um one of the bunch is like it sort of slashes out at you with its hand and you just duck it and it hisses in frustration at you Corazon it's your turn okay I'm gonna attack this fancy that's closest to me with my rapier and I believe that I can you sneak tech reason that you hit yeah I don't need advantage if there's a within five feet and also lovely thanks is it just me or if you've gone a bit quiet Corazon have I I mean the mic is here no you're out you're okay with is facing away I was facing away from the mic sorry from the the sound box that was a hit so Romeo damage please okay so I've got my initial rape you damage yet which is 1d8 piercing mmm-hmm that's a seven and then sneak attack is now 46 that's five three and a two so 21 I regret to inform you that banshees are resistant to non-magic piercing damage so that is haft okay - can rogue at that game roundup because why not okay and I'm gonna go back into hiding after - back sure dub mmm okay well what you just mentioned about piercing damage is making me somewhat rethink yeah as I as I stab the Banshee I shouted loudly oh no it seems resistant to piercing damage perfectly thanks Cora some good Intel I shout out a pitch perfect character work people come to the Ox venture here for it okay alright um you know what even screw I'll stick with a stick with the original plan so the Banshee has long grass being deadly claws right so I'm looking at it and I'm thinking let's get inside that guard so I would like to sprint at the Banshee that I damaged with thunder wave and that prudence is near as I as I come I would like to pull out my spiky stick and I would like to just jump straight at the Banshee and and hit it twice because I remembered this turn that I can attack twice and just bam bam just two - right in the frightened effect wait where's its most corporeal part at the face is the eyes that's probably like around the clavicle I guess yeah right in from the side down Bam Bam like that that's the planning all right yeah make me to attack rolls please okay so that's one d8 that is a five plus my you add your proficiency oh six of an eight and the second one add two again plus five let's both miss I'm afraid oh man it was making a five of it yeah that was a roll to d8 twice that was the attack rolls were the detail I'm sorry Johnny I'm sorry all right what kind of attack is it or what kind of roll I we I think we said that a pointy stick is a finesse weapon okay well that was a nine plus my proficiency then I suppose so that's a 12 and a 13 yes both hit rock me damn it sorry about that good okay so that's two and a six but I don't add anything to those do I your decks modifier oh my gosh yes which is so high that's five so that is 11 Plus what did I roll first to 13 plus another 5 is 18 which halved is 9 wow that was a line that was a long way to not do a whole lot sorry sometimes Dungeons & Dragons is maths this was the one that you'd already know that they're prudence was near right yeah yeah yeah I'm know cool I'm telling me I'm attacking the wounded one okay cool cool cool cool all right prudence it is noyoke yeah well I'm hearing that these these Banshee ladies they're they're resistant to physical attack so I'm deducing that they're gonna be somewhat hopefully fingers crossed not resistant to magical attacks but obviously I know that they're dead resistant to necrotic damage so I won't be trying that again so obviously I am going to smash them in the face one of them the closest one in the face you have an eldritch blast lovely yeah it's they're resistant to bludgeoning piercing and slashing from non-magical attacks I've got magical attack oh yeah I warm up the most magical eldritch blast I ever delivered okay and yeah blast it a blast at the closest Banshee cool great yeah maybe that's a troll all right okay let's go do you do - is it Forks now it's Forks oh yeah it's - to Bret as artists with different damage yeah you roll further damage on each basically yeah cool so yes yes okay good so now I get to roll for the damage which is twice and I get to add agonizing blasts charisma so that's another five yeah so it's a d-10 let me grab my detail technically you should have made a second attack role but you know what sorry let's discover it oh of course it's to attack roles no you're right I do another attack role to be no it's alright Johnny gets okay okay so that's a four plus five and a seven plus a five so that's a nine and a 12 I'm gonna hit I'm gonna hit the same banshee with both yeah Forks so a nine into 12 21 points of damage yeah right yeah nice math is hard is hard [Music] okay this bunch is looking pretty pretty beat up to be honest like it's almost like you carry away half of its essence as it as it shrieks heroin for his part on his term you hear his sort of like no no no no no no come to crescendo and he's gives her a long scream which is cut short as a I told you that he was heading north and you'll remember earlier I said that you heard shrieks from all four points of the compass yeah he hears a whale which even a great distance and you think if you had been near that you might you might just have dropped dead and from the silence that follows from the north of the forest you certainly think that that is what has happened to Aaron all right groobie killed the king nice is your turn now you still have an iron badge on you yeah I am a sealing the the the Banshees so far kind of circling us right so everyone who's been tacking from a central point yeah okay yeah well I don't need to concentrate on entangle anymore cuz heroin seems to have gone yeah yeah so I'm gonna cast to surround everyone in a circular thing is wind wall uh-huh so I'm gonna circle all of the gang including my parents protected my parents in wind what everyone else is like run away at this point I'm assuming yeah okay so that the banshees are on the outside but I'm gonna try and skirt because like it's 15 feet high and 1 foot thick up to 50 feet so I basically made a tight circle around us separating the banshees from us you could shake the wall in any way you choose so long as it makes one continuous path along the grass and yeah so I'm just going anyway here's wind wall when the wall appears each creature within its area mistake us make a strength saving throw a creature takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed - right that is great yeah this this wall of wind just kind of comes up and starts spiraling round you it obviously in in a heavily wooded forest it sounds incredibly loud and yeah it is all very dramatic Eggbert is your turn I'm slightly miffed that my last strength attempts to get the iron box of Maryland didn't work I remembered that I have a crowbar in my backpack so I'm going to probe our probe off with my strength and throw it into the forest great make me a strength attack please yeah I forgot that you have proficiency in crowbar yeah so that's 16 plus 3 that's 19 yeah plus your strength modifier is 423 Oh did did my wind will make hit anything oh sorry I thought in my head I thought that you were ringing it so that the banshees are on the outside yeah but I'm trying to just like unknown trying to catch them on the edge because it's 1 foot thick oh ok in that case let's see what's the supposed to DC they've got to make it is it's strength strength okay yeah once you're supposed to DC know this is very 1558 well these these banshees are at minus 5 to their strength so that's a Miss and a Miss so yes they both take 3d eights bludgeoning a stage okay so six now that's what I call trapped wind five so that's seven and a seven so that's 18 one of them is torn to pieces by the wind got the one that prudence and I were sort of whaling on a little oh yeah the other one is kind of yeah held about and again it's starting to show the kind of wispy Ness that the other one had before and it it's turns and like starts prowling the edge of the wind of the wind wall and then Egbert jams the point of a crowbar in underneath the pin of this brooch and just like any there's a horrible creaking groan it sounds like a tree is coming down but then the pin just snaps and 1,002 and the brooch just bunk don't-don't-don't hits the floor and the second that happens the shrieking from the south from an incoming Banshee stops and while the the wail of the one that was just torn apart by the wind ceases the Banshee that was stalking the the wind wall just straightens and again almost like it's forgotten it had anything to do just drifts off yes completely disinterested in anything I would like to say the brooch carefully and place it in a pocket that's a terrible idea table dog not wearing it I mean I still get the wind wall up I've still got the wind wall up do you not think that maybe one day this could be useful to pin this on someone and banshees get them yeah but if were if you're carrying it the bunch you will get you it was like can we go on the second you put it in your pocket the banjee whips its head around take it out the pocket I do that a few more times just taking a lot okay nice pretty funny yeah okay kind of yellow and is quite tired by the end of every but you eventually get bored of of teasing of Anqi I can't heat metal on the brooch to destroy its evil magic for all just destroyed and as the winner all sort of comes down Marilyn's father walks up and collapse a hand on your shoulder Dom says he had loads of those but I appreciate the effort all right I'll stay in town and milk for months if need be I go hug my parents they lift you up like there's a big lots of hugging like what gifts with the bad thing I don't remember people having banshees set on them when I was here what no normally they're banshees didn't turn up until they left the forest we think I don't know we always suspected heroin was dirty cheap she says a foul world with elvish you've never heard your mother used that like mom oh my goodness where's the lie Marilyn I have to agree I have to agree yeah you're on it mom yeah and you know what look the naming ceremony it it's always been a big deal but heroin took it too far he made it all about yeah you know what you're right yeah um and ultimately look he's gone now so I think I think it's time for change around here don't you think and yes no and your dad's like we love you honey and it doesn't matter what your name is you're welcome here anytime listen if if anyone like arrow and tries to come up again though well as about say they'll get a piece of our minds but maybe we should call on you instead well Saturday we'll send a tortoise no well send an eagle also I know your village elders been brutally murdered but I think we were gonna have a party yeah my fight my evil mimosa buzz is starting to fade so I think we should get this party started we'll get the egg on why now Josh and Aras recovered I shoulda seen the cake stand this guy did the truth is mom dad like it I don't mind the ceremony and having a different name but I just didn't want to take on that as my name I still wanted to be called Marilyn I don't mind going through the ceremony it's it's quite nice it's a step into adulthood but I just want people to call me Marilyn but yeah as as a I've been having some adventures and to be honest I did think of a possible name but just just one that here at home you call me okay okay and it's Merle Gras which means cats barrel right yeah oh yeah yeah mara when is my code name this you just once kissed rings your parents Lamech and they're like oh that's Meryl Gras That's not me that's so lovely that's no that's lovely I love it you did not you did not get a tattoo let's get this party started I say climb onto the stage and I start to sing the old ways of nature wisdom in the leaves look at this a corn it is nature's bounty Oh saplings a drill walks up to attack - is a cup of ACORN wine against the nearest tree God's the chorus honest coach do you want to get out of here yeah oh yeah thanks she takes you by the hand and it's like come on just leave into the forest I don't see why the rest of us should like shouldn't party I know you have a great party while chorus onset is is is ongoing a drill has absolutely no interest in being in the clearing and if you're not gonna be in the clearing you may as well not be in the clearing with a handsome Dragonborn exactly Oh bad news for the picnic though I just rolled a d12 and ten of the twelve picnic tables were thrown about by the gender is dogmatic from the evil mimosas he goes and raids heroines lada which it turns out was full of the most delicious treats cheeses and acorn wines in lovely Lamba spreads and all sorts of other delights to suit all palates not just those of elves and that's the story of how Maryland became known to her friends as Marilyn [Applause] Marilyn Grimble shanks thank you so much watching this adventure everyone's great sure to check out Johnny's YouTube channel dice breaker from your tabletop gaming needs and I believe you're a gamer streaming some Taven time yes we we hurry over run but they are doing their the happy hour tavern time right now yes yeah go over there just saying evil mimosas voices say you my face make mine an evil mimosa cool want a yeah thank you so much for watching like and subscribe for much more D&D and also video game stuff as well probably a little more of that but dice break of the home of Johnny key johnny on the Internet yeah so yeah thanks again everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 248,540
Rating: 4.9445782 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, ellen rose, luke westaway, outsidextra, oxventure, dnd, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons, dnd gameplay, dnd stream, dungeons and dragons gameplay, dungeons and dragons stream, dungeons & dragons gameplay, dungones & dragons stream, stream, streaming, live stream, funny, funny moments, corazon, merilwen, prudence, egbert, dob
Id: u0xHhJzxbKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 24sec (8904 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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