Gang Beasts Livestream! Outside Xbox plays Gang Beasts Live on Xbox One

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[Music] [Music] [Music] No well then whoever that is I don't like you did you join us mid mid gang beach yeah it turns out um yeah I said we playing gang beasts again it was good fun rezzed and so we're doing it again we're playing in a kind of gang mode so I feel like what is gang though though it's like a team-based thing okay but whatever teams I'm in the blue gang the seal yeah let's cut out to the menu but yeah if you can let us know in the comments how I sounding how we looking how you feeling what are you gonna do with your weekend yeah watching from yeah all this information all right okay I've just joined okay you're very smooth so if you press how do we change the there we go I'm changing my gang Oh go further back okay okay right no so we go right here we go who's in control right so we want malay wins yeah um stage so we're missing someone I'm good wait all right we're good I'm the cat the cat I'm the luchador oh god it's the train yeah all right good I decided I remember use for this level though yeah everyone over this way I decided not to wear a hat this time because yeah yeah for my hat oh no all right punches for everyone first of all first of all [Music] [Music] [Laughter] what's grabbed again I forget I think you just hold down the shoulder buttons [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] right everyone after Mike if I'm losing coalition oh love to move in this game buddy had enough of the pair of balances I made you harder to throw [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I'll wait until I'm knocked down they'll read some comments which angel eats like thank you all for being so awesome at rest it was lovely to finally meet you lovely to meet you too angel we give up Andy I'll never give up Aleksey t says it begins Annika Brock is also here it came to rest saying it was lovely to meet you arrays love to see you again sometime if I can yeah come on we will be other things soon embraced brace your ratio that's right Mike neither this is willing to whoa what was that what a 3ds is coming no I really would rather Brock sister wants to know if I have any thoughts on what everything we know so far about f1 2019 f2 especially they finally got on - f - yes - stuff should be really good fun should be a bit more slidy so the racer should be good the f2 race at Baku over the weekend was about eight times better than the Grand Prix so I've got will there ever be an f3 there isn't a 3-series is launching this week which is an all-female f3 race was an f4 they the reason s for what yeah Jamie takes a yeah you know car thing she's extremely cool and she was fastest in practice as well by four tenths lane so she might win channel 4 in the UK if you fancy watching it oh my god you just head-butted that I'm so bad at this level I don't know we all screaming enjoying it thank you this is alright okay well I guess it's a rock [Music] a third truck behind extra running over which only the staff that I've incinerated your hat is destroyed by this combination of Wow that's why I can be done in it's fine down here it's nice I like it yeah that's right yeah that's right [Music] [Music] yeah devastating gameplay this is way better than real life we need to get and these folks we need a temporary allegiance that's not on Mike's limbering end of the ropes what does what does convert me Mike no all right [Music] we have we have indeed I'm just gonna I'm just gonna read out yeah yeah and the first ones gets it this is okay get on that redeem code screen right now okay okay r4 D q2 is the first bit for j7 v y3 j 6 7 w HJ q YC f 6 h k yes let's do that let's see that we've got a bunch to get through Easter falls who whose whose holiday birthday was last weekend or the weekend before heyo a hypothetical question deciding what the live-action consuming the live-action something movie wasn't scary enough sorry deciding the live-action Sonic movie trailer wasn't scary enough produces suddenly ask you all to voice the sonic out of which one would it be and why I [Music] all right come on cream the rabbit cream the rabbit I mean uh khals cuz that guy's at old you're fun to play so let's say for example uh me like hey knuckles gotta go first let's go and for a race now Sonic 3 2 water don't you get me you Tommy be high trod on something oh it was Tommy be no Tommy be is fine honey to death Tommy B stage 4 in popular TV is here I'm ready I'm very very pink blue monkey looking jelly baby l1 says what's the over-under on how many orphans princess little fire LG says yeah gang be stream at work happy Friday as long as you're bossy we totally don't let doesn't happen because it would be a spoiler try and feed a rhino into anything rhinos there's nowhere near as lethal as it looks you need gaming for the sensor grinders party the head but you're all-right it sideways [Music] it's sort of more horrifying when it looks like an actual man come Obsidian says new tome of medical school doing a research project into the new drug that could make aids a thing of the past exciting weekend is beating beating sick here oh so that's just put my head through window Josh Purina says hello again now that I'm more awake I could finally check on the two flans I made for a party today I have no idea how they taste dual wielding I may want to provide a liability form for my co-workers but they look all right to have fun have a great week a day I hope there is no food poisoning I'm excited about the prospect of flans nor dog people gothic hey hey hey by the power of Rhino boys boys you can both marry [Laughter] nice camera angles about why it says hello from Kentucky is more baymax's smaller more violent oh this one again is a breakdancing thereunder look why are you still here because rhinos can swim Mike no no [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's like it's like what's it like the terror elevators oh the doors are opening that's no good yeah you can climb up through the hatch if you want I mean no if you want if you can make the jumping what's your hang on something you pressed jump to do the hoist ting and then you have to like release and grab again that's it just do some okay just do some a minute I'm just flopping around go on then go on then go on there yeah ready h DQ 4 f RK k p 2r r hopefully they'll have to go back down there now if yeah yes we should be able to remove this one so we should game out [Music] I said simply release [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Wow the brakes are on I think no sparks what's left of me oh we're dead yeah [Laughter] [Music] building your own edge Corona around it to customize your own norson wanted to know if we're gonna play ghost mode again Andy I think Andy changed by ghost mode in the winner of that much should play all right it's happening it's not happening Oh Oh Luke yeah come to join the party I see stop it myself coming or where am I going fall off I took a while to drown that's what that delay is this match point for Andy oh yeah right why why are we fighting I don't know I'm doing I need the help I'll headbutt you so more yes Jeff Edwards wants to know if I've driven a Tesla Model 3 if you like they sell Seattle we can take mine to the Raceway sounds good I'm not doing one yet they look fun yeah I mean I don't know when I'm next to me in Seattle but otherwise the Tesla Model 3 is more like widely available so on yeah it's good they super fast it's like they powered by electric powered but like I took the I did a thing where they compared it to a bmw m3 where do those stairs go they go round I'm gonna go over here oh yes yes oh good job I did [Music] with the harm button Oh TechSmith now head by the arms Pelkey wants to know if we had a small dinner party with 4 people from history who would they be and why looking forward to hearing your answer will should we pick a person from history I would go for let's go for Ayrton Senna how about that even yeah he'd be interesting language to speak I mean you could speak perfect English saying that might be a drawback if he's gutted wouldn't you yeah yeah if you like this is brilliant gonna learn all these stories he's like I only speak Spanish if I knew he was coming to dinner I would learn throw him in the fire and fight the same time [Music] yes oh no I'm not hanging off the edge I'm trying drag Amanda okay button question you guys are so tiny no grubby jump jump I'm trying I'm trying to jump well now I can see what's going on right Mike this one for this madness into a hey be of it come on Mike to them gooping who is Atlas 802 says debate what is the best penny sweet sure if you like you phone you missing who's not part of the party my costume have become a luchador a luchador Kenji toes in the Oxford stream as well it's their birthday they said it was lovely to meet you guys at rez just one wish and the happy belated birthday this is the swim through the air one isn't it oh god yeah tell you what is it just hang on to something they're very in the game hold on to me all right oh I'm gonna land I'm gonna German suplex you okay wait wait there on the ledge their alleged looks alone still you know I approached them still alive pledges since and he's really good at gang beefs turns out Alexi T says you're saying doctor so much the BBC wants to know your location okay they coming after us cull obsidian says I deputize you Jane as chief medical gang beasts officer I think when you a doctor for the lawls my dudes glad sonic is being redesigned officially according to the director yes see whether they can make it worse probably some of those animators when are you sure about this design sonic like guys all holidays canceled research something to look more like the one that say good painstakingly designed already like the radio a the saltiest look when I dragged him into the okay on the train lovely oh it's this one again Dave the case is loving the ragdoll Friday theme yeah it's been a good ragdoll Friday's physics we decided it was physics Friday with a pH see you later idiot oh well that looks like a situation that won't run run run dear I know Mike Mike would eat oh no I live underneath the train Nathan Smith and wants to know what is the game that got you into a genre you previously didn't like Bioshock is what got me into playing first-person shooters whatever I didn't really I wasn't really into RPGs especially Skyrim I guess I got into visual novels until I played a satyr knee oh yeah I started playing that recently on my how it's good isn't it I sold the first couple of cases Andy gave McKay's sorry his comment carried on to say thoughts on endgame obviously we can't say spoilers until every so brother said Monday is that when it's allowed to fine for spoilers from then I I liked it was good stuff in there that I was like that's a bit odd yeah what I tweeted which wasn't a spoiler was just that I was amazed that they were able to kind of wrap up a decade's worth of storytelling even in like even a halfway coherent fashion actually halfway hear hearing is probably the correct amount of appearance yeah a lot people like others plot holes and things like that but like by and large you're like this makes mostly make sense and this is good and satisfying long it is like I didn't it didn't feel like three hours I didn't think no but still I mean everyone in their needs are we so badly yeah they film the whole thing they weren't allowed to go to the bar the entire shooting schedule yeah there's you know that scene in infinity war where they all go to the bathroom yeah that was the last time it happens in real time you guys you can pull the thing I'm just gonna I think I a man can go right in this seat ya know one division wants it out of there all right Mike well he guys all right Jerry and by that I mean like I'm going to gently put you down because we need to kill Andy yes I'm sorry there's gonna be some head-butting Luke confuse Monday Michael welcome mister love see you're playing gang beasts again enjoying it I hope you're still enjoying it since the comment arrived Alex H good morning you lovely people has anyone actually figured out how to do anything in this game no I figured it all out Andy knows figured it all out walk in that direction and let go of this time stone having just killed me yes all right guys yes Friday my cats was devastated a cry you drown it yeah how do you enjoy the but water oh man from any game what would it be oh wow this is oh my god the climbing game where's leak that's what victory looks like it's a star it's a star that Mike and Andy didn't get that's a win that's to win in my book as well because I want instead but no no no this is just like the start of BioShock Infinite no no Jane thank you you're a good egg hole Jane wait is Andy in the lead now get in coughing sausage is outcast he didn't say it would be yeah whoa sorry sir right now rhino do you not think you'd be happier mixed up yeah Oh Oh my face my face is on the grinder I'm glad I didn't like [Laughter] hey so guys in the comments if Oh when we go to Star Wars Galaxies edge who wants to see a vlog do you wanna see us do a vlog from there are people interested in that I mean I don't get Andy he's on that point yeah yes get him in good work Jane yes No get him in the in the source do it do it for the Henderson account so that's three games to Andy game coach yeah get ready everyone prepare open Notepad hr2 f k YC 3 2 f j6 k k j7 x 4 r GJ r c Zed enjoy John says hey guys hope you're all doing well stay awesome my dudes stay awesome u geralyn's Derek's decided to be a Red Rider I'm changing my ring gear again ok yes Donna yeah is that cuz you're the champions Australia you're the champ I like your lime green glasses Jane why Andy you are going down literally and figuratively what if I don't go off there and headbutt you in the face and look I do this thing he says over you go like Frankie says relax welcome to die well have you proud of yourself Mike granny we didn't so badly a reading all of these comments sorry everyone return to welcome to new member Rick Dawson yeah reckless Rick says happy birthday Andy I want to say thank you to rectus Rex for the cards yeah yeah it's a truce while you go no way it was a really cool card and thank you very much for sending it it was great oh really fell for it goes down the pipe no you want to go down the pipe someone's still clinging on and we're still alive rhinos prepared to wait trying to hold on Rhino doesn't mind waiting it's me but my controllers vibrating like I'm about to lose grip if I know fell through the gap alexei t says i came done doing physics assignment for today had enough of typing up formulas and stuff Shawn Chaucer says ever since the division t video viewers have wanted Jane's good bad and money morality matrix on the shirts I studied good this is good Luke's on a two game winning streak so we need to get off the building yeah yeah that's funny push Rhino over the side oh go on to that glass window thing or just throw me off like this get off get where hey hey quaint off out of you I'm sorry and you're too dangerous to live [Music] oh oh my god oh my god I jumped on your head it was amazing come back would you please oh yeah everybody just place you on the glass oh my god just seemed bad when you call it granny mo that's a character's name dragon Oh granny murder angel beats incredible Wow it's a real-time the real-time Michael Schmidt says I bought this game for me and my kid because of your last stream of this we lost non-stock whenever we play that's great bringing families together through violence time coming Dewey yeah okay maybe I can just go down here Oh am I still alive yeah guys one of you do this limbo underneath it yeah let's see if it works Wow Oh Mike that's right oh dear old granny still awake okay I'm on granny's got that health mom granny's got back ad ratio okay I'm gonna duck under this later it's time for work boys that's right granny Mike vitamin half used to be gang people now music what was that about into the fire granny something something view to a kill Timothy Dalton [Laughter] [Music] the grin on the moon it's true friends my legs are on fire training soon runs out the cash hungry [Laughter] Romeo yay wants to know if you could turn any game in to a VR or AR game [Music] right okay head in the game rhino stop being carried a lot I would like okay this is rhino but you know eighty days you know like traveling be really cool in VR yeah like a br you know you're in the different environments and modes of transport and there's you know fog is there it's good traversing system in this game yeah that'd be cool cuz all this the city's like weird all right everyone granny grannys going to the Train I'm sorry Luke what are you doing sorry granny cone oh my god cone deals elemental elemental cone damage my cousins back says yes granny granny buy another day to draw her pension yes voiced ur voice no good no Andy the job agent 47 says Michael Andy your glasses look rat thanks thank you to watch a stream I believe in you Jane do it for our namesake get your get your pens and pads ready ok kg c37 t 2 r pd p t m9 7 j m7 g 3 w2 c jz oh the rhino struggling always struggling trains cannot kill me monorail or seen someone trained a little harder Kelly Stoneman says a stream on my day off and you and your analog Sportster radio it's not even my birthday small chance they'll mine what are you doing yeah I'm gonna drink blue milk and describe the flavor I've got right that Millennium Falcon right yeah yeah I mean they're not gonna kick me out of Star Wars and when I'm buying things from the gift shop Andy you're pulling this one back no results cream that's right I did right there's always a granny oh do you think that's your granny's name constants constants and very constant and variables right naughty RINO get off little do you know I'm climbing Oh No over nothing all totally pointless all this fun we had good I like the challenge the competition I really feels alive I've traveled this world looking for a competitor like Ryu yeah exactly you know to get up on this walkway yeah that's right yeah we're in a big meat factory funded by big meat yeah you're in the pocket of big me granny we want to get higher ground honey yeah I need did you want something [Laughter] I said get yourself in this shoot [Laughter] [Music] isu when it registers that your day looky you hanging on to something agent 747 remember not to break eye contact when drinking blue milk if you buy it and then just down the whole thing staring at the person who's over to you well I mean I presume that we'll be squeezing it out of a big seal yeah they put a cast member in a costume that's like little bags of it that's the dream yeah I think the Star Wars mom oh it's a grind we've got to take care of Granny otherwise this is over yeah Tommy allowed you're taking care of this nd I am yes all right no one get out the girl Oh everyone yes we buy the holy thing yeah there are two beasts in this match oh yeah me and granny good now granny here's a little something for you no wait oh no these long dances legs that's the way your money used to entertain the troops come on granny yeah it's your time get crushed why would you be crops is the pertinent question I like it stick wall run again oh no that didn't work at all but you're coming with me [Music] [Music] wait breaking news Anton Dhiraj bid strop says did you know you can drop kick in this game is it like a jumper is it jumping ahead beautiful granny Andy and oh you know it right well we know who to deal with first jump and headbutt button I think probably surely that's a diving headbutt alright now this is a tricky one Mike because granny and Andy have no incentive to me have no incentive to move and indeed they have merely I live on top of Andy's best when we come down and fight me cowards maybe I will face me you couch [Music] oh boy this seems like a high-risk strategy for me I mean it's me it off no I'm not can I punch you in the legs [Music] and hold there's a run if you hold it if you hold a you run I think really all day yeah what do you wear right Mike you've got to win this around Randy's gonna have a perfect got no incentive to move Mike so you just know when you come down here and face me you count your gonna have to climb over this game is this game all right it is r JX h 3g t VJ w 6g d3 j c4 g 4p y YF th set that's all enjoy those gang beasts oh yeah fresh from Ellen in LA [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 153,358
Rating: 4.9422235 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, gang beasts, gang beasts xbox one, gangbeasts, gangbeasts xbox one, gang beasts gameplay, gang beasts funny, gang beasts funny moments, livestream, gang beasts live, live stream, funny moments, xbox one, gang beasts outside xbox, gang beasts outsidexbox
Id: WWVQNy-d2Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 12sec (5592 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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