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hey what's up guys what's up everyone so we had this gigantic windstorm the other day and I showed you guys videos of everything around the neighborhood that got damaged the marina that got torn down and all that but I'm over here thinking we didn't have any damage at all when in our Brighton our own backyard look at this how didn't we know about this check this out this is insane [Music] alright looks like we're gonna have to take this tree down got my chainsaw right here didn't even know this tree got blown down in the wind until two days later let's make this happen all right what's up everyone here we are as you guys can see truly another beautiful day in paradise I say this a lot but this might be the nicest day of the year so far so we had a little situation in our yard didn't even know it for like two days but saw that there was a tree blown down in the big storm that we had microburst or whatever happened there was really really hot winds for a short period of time and it blew this tree down you can't even see it from where we're standing right now because it just looks like the trees behind the other tree but it actually cracked the tree totally in half right here and it split it so somehow some way maybe starting from the top I'm not really sure how this is going to work I'm going to try to get this tree cut into pieces and down without having it fall into the neighbor's yard because it is art tray so yeah let's do this I don't like chainsaws big doggy land Oh okay to start off this process I've attached a rope to the tree there and I'm going to come in here this is to hopefully make it so that the half I cut doesn't fall into the neighbor's yard which wouldn't be that big of a deal but I'd rather not go in their yard if I don't have to I'm going to cut it here you get this piece to come down somehow through here hopefully and then cut that up and then I'll just have that one piece from here to the stem of the tree to go so that's literally the first cuts going to be up it there and it'll pretty much cut this in half this is gonna be much easier than I thought actually how you feeling about this project yeah it's one of these trees did it doesn't shed anything so like it doesn't cause the problem ever like it's not leaves in the yard it's just like this is a nice tray but let's do this [Music] [Laughter] we're bringing these over fire later [Applause] [Music] first piece oh my gosh wait that was just the whole top of the tree I thought that was a part of this tree which is huge that's like big enough to be its own little tree how old do you think this tree was [Music] I do that dangerous goodbye [Music] Turner's in all his glory he loves this type of stuff it's fun fun when it's necessary I don't like cutting down trees for no reason that's mean that's for sure purchase unnecessary but for this good good to go [Applause] [Music] all right so it didn't fly yet so that's good and we'll just leave that in yard to dry out like new syenite something for a project the thing is I was thinking like if we use the saw the tables off somehow we could cut into a thin flat piece like that right if we cut it off the ant each end and then sliced it I don't know if this will work for sure but it seems like it would I've done it before and make it like this wide I like that thick you could make shelves out of that like you were saying that's what I was thinking like many little shows yeah right to put like little accent pieces pop-up no anda [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you won't care about that he's cool [Music] one thing Turner's like pro at is making things look easy that are easy such a big piece this stay in Jay Bernie got this and now it's on shadows great [Music] this sure had it comin it was dead on the inside what like it wasn't a surprise all right so here it is pretty quick job easy job Sammy's in front of all the remains so yeah the tree that we didn't know fell during the storm and he's now totally gone so I would have to chop it up more than that I guess eventually but for now that's good pretty good success [Music] all right getting down to the local dock here this is a public dock that they put in not that long ago and it's taste-off we're about to walk down here and they put the caution tape on here but just kind of appreciating how beautiful that is yeah got some nice shots of the docks and the birds swimming around and the little beach down here on the bay but uh they put caution tape on here I guess some of the docks got ruined in this storm look at that yeah so from here this is all summer's point that you can see the house isn't everything this is the Ocean City bridge on this side and then that's the Ocean City Bridge on this side and then this whole stretches Ocean City yeah the other islands are that way she's right we can get down this way let's see all this here Somers Point all on the bay Somers Point is has a lot of marinas like as you guys saw in the video that the marina got torn off that's in Somers Point look they put this here for me to put my coffee off [Music] what do you say they throw them down here that's about people like foot exist because they try and grab the crabs and they lose their feet those birds are on that crew over there another beautiful day in paradise all right we just wanted to come down here and have some coffee before it make claims but we're going to head back to the house Sammy J set up the whole guest bedroom spare bedroom office bedroom room that we had filled with stuff and she cleared it all out and we organized everything and put it all in different places and shipped off a bunch of stuff and today we're gonna go hard post more and just keep keep grinding I'll show you guys the room when we get back but it looks a thousand times different than it did before and cleaning up gets me gets us motivated I know probably gets other people motivated too so we're going to go lauter it because it makes your mind filled cluttered from my experience like when it went stuffs like organized semi-organized what's that do things like and we have all the shared sounds that already sold they keep pushing long sleeves and we're gonna pack all that mob get them ready to ship so a little bit of a busy day ahead of us and then we're gonna go we got a bunch of other stuff to do let's do it what are you claiming out there I can't read you are what's going on that's not bad are you gonna use the flat screen or sell it again dude back up the whole cup dear big I keep this little window in front of people so that they can't breathe on me but you just scoop out facebook you got in your whip you heard the legend though I mean dude did you see how many people were asking for Bob Marley on there that's great one that flag man rebels oh yeah the boy you won that oh yeah yeah that guy's awesome I talked to him on time cancer recently I just posted this Tiffany style lamp up on Facebook a few days ago and this lady wants to buy it I think I have it up for 50 bucks pretty sure she already paid me the money and it's actually a really cool lamp and it came out clean out that we did just gonna wipe it down but the sales we've been doing basically have been over the internet where I just leave the stuff on the porch they pick it up and then from there I don't have to make contact with them so it works out good for everyone involved this is a cool lamp that we had in our house for like over a year but I'm gonna put it out to the front and she paid 50 bucks for it so that's pretty awesome all right so what's the plan alright so we have this spare time this spare bedroom that was a lot more clutter than this but it's still pretty cluttered we want to make it into like a nice room like a nice chill room for us and the cats and we're gonna do that today so we have to take everything out of this closet and then put shelves in there for like the camera equipment and we're going to move everything off of this show into that area as well and try and conduct condense it so that we can get rid of this shelf then we're going to push this down and out of pallets Turner's gonna make like little seats and then we have this big like cushion we're gonna put on there so it's like a nice little sitting area and then this is gonna go over there and she's gonna try and make it nice I'm gonna try and put these somewhere because these are filled with things that I have posted so I'm gonna try and find a spot for them and then clean up this desk a little bit so it can be a nice room then we're gonna do a time-lapse it's not brutal watch first step this is gonna have to go in stages because this is gonna get crazy taking all this stuff out of the closet and then building above the safe one shelf and then two shelves for production equipment tripods mounts flashes cameras batteries chargers all that kind of stuff like that just sits around the house all the this this the microphone all the stuff that we use to make our videos on those shelves and then probably turn this desk to sit in front of there unless it's too awkward [Music] unless this is really crazy idea we could this is desk is like I mean it's not really that great anyway so like it's a little bit too big but we could cut the side and push it into the closet and then have just one shelf above it and then have the computer just kind of like let me see this I mean we don't go to here I guess and then to where where that is [Music] get them room all right I guess we're gonna totally go in on this room today in the next couple days but so I'm going to build shelves in the closet and I'm going to use these two doors that we got to do it so one shelf to shelf so I'm going to cut them up right now to the right size all right so I want to use one door for the shelves the other door for the base of the couch or whatever that we're gonna build so this isn't really going to be 22 inches deep for both of them so I'm gonna do one lower shelf that's the that you know that width of the whole closet almost and then the top shelf is gonna be the rest of what's left so it'll be almost it'll be closed they're not going to be the same size but actually lower shelf maybe things in the front can go higher up if they need to it's just how I'm going to do it so see how it works so that the weight of these things I didn't know if they were literally solid or what but they are solid particle board in the middle which is a strange way to make a door but it's a solid door instead of just being hollow so these are gonna be some nice shelves from scrap doors that I got for free so that'll be the bottom shelf that'll be the top there's a full on tree down in our yard the way it fell I couldn't even tell because it's like leaning on the other tree and you can't even see it from Wow and it landed on top of that and the shed and the tree so like it's not even really really down but it broke in half and fell that way this has already been dead so this should be fun I guess I'm gonna change all this apart I'll probably show spam you don't see her reaction first so you know how we were thinking the storm didn't do anything to us zero damage look over there nothing right no big deal no prob still can't even tell all right we had a full-on tree down it now yard the whole time and we were acting like nothing happened well half of it was dead already but look at it it's it's huge dad but take like that part of the tree this is so messed up but I used to like chop it up a little bit and act like I was like serving him chicken was it Shay again what like this start this is an old tree though like you can see that the age of it like look at this each one of these is a year right I could cut when I caught it I'll be able to see how old it was tomorrow I'm gonna cut it all up with the chainsaw I guess cuz like we can't it's dead now I'm surprised I couldn't even notice that that happened that's where the shadow is buried so this will be so I figured top so I figured top shelf for bottom shelf top shelf that one like a little thinner and then we'll use that door for this the base of the couch thing that we're gonna build do you know what I mean yeah and it's thick that's what I'm saying yeah or use that for like the long side and then use this piece for some of the next side because like say if it goes all the way to the wall and then we could have this coming off of it and then we'll just go from there you know what I mean yes all right when I put the shelves up in the closet I'm gonna put pieces of wood along each edge to then put the shelf down on and hold it up and this is gonna be the first piece I use I don't think it's gonna be good enough for all four but it'll be it for at least two brackets to hold the one shelf yeah I wanted to do another shout out I've done this before but - Bob Dale gloves thank you guys so much for sending us that box of gloves I still use them all the time these specific ones right here are my favorite they're basically indestructible never even I mean you could like rub your hand on a splintering piece of wood with this and it wouldn't even go through I wouldn't suggest doing that that's a bad idea but the 83 there's the label for these specific ones these are the best gloves I've ever had actually so check them out Bob down gloves but I'm gonna use this piece here and then go from there [Music] [Music] and then the shelves gonna cross this guy's good so nice and I didn't think you're gonna make it like that why that's super nice I don't even know how to just grow it down really so is your hairstyle right yeah and I'm not even saying that to be funny I think his hair looks good straight up I don't know hey SUSE presenting buggy hi mr. hua how they just won't buy bullion crowd OHS nice better than there [Applause] all right we're gonna turn this door and those pallets over there into a couch / just see like a big cap seat thing so I'm cutting this down this side all right so Sam you wanted a pallet couch set it up so we're gonna take these three pallets and then plug the door originally I was thinking about using the pallets on top of the tout gotten that way but we're not using plywood we're using a thick door so we don't really need a top layer other than that so we're literally just gonna go 25 inches cut the top off 25 inches cut the top off 25 inches cut the top off and then this will just be the legs of the dad basically but it'll just be like really cool-looking - it's a good I just wanted to say it's so amazing to have a husband that can do stuff like this and just willing to do this because without him I wouldn't be able to make this an excuse my face my furniture I might have a little sniffle from the dust today so I could catch pictures of the Jersey Devil and the dedication that I'm doing to my wife is this instead we're still doing it you said you wanted to go at night when it's dark out I'm just trying to take advantage of the daylight because it is very very nice out and - the fact that it's not sunny but like I like being outside I don't want to be cooped up anymore inside but I was saying excuse my face because like you guys know I'm super allergic to dust and just irritated by it so like literally been like rubbing my face in my nose all day yes it always pays to be like I was gonna say it tastes it pays a lot of times it pays to be thrifty because we got all this stuff for free I thought they said the pallets came from stuff we bought on them but uh the doors came from a storage unit that we didn't actually even buy we just got something out of it for free it was a disaster but at least we're using one thing out of it very useful this is the traffic doors are real nice for that yeah they made really good shows too for a camera equipment they don't know anybody else that looks weird things you got a tetanus shot I don't know any other person who knows how to like do stuff like this there's so many people that could do this better than us like a carpenter but not like your average Joe my dad's a carpenter though he could but no I get anything that's like his life I'm just saying like a normal person our age I guarantee you would not do this I know a few that could do this way easier but a lot of people that yeah maybe a few that's true they would whoop your butt in fortnight and put it on here do you know what I'm saying yeah but that would be fine ideas probably I say yet or what he's saying but really I have no idea like see I would have liked to have it today on the here so this could be the where are you screwing the door into but we needed it to be a little harder I'm loving this lens on my camera right now yeah country living this is some country live in ich not in the country that I just went out the window oh how are you doing buddy this lens is amazing you like that yeah it's perfect this literally brings me back to when we first got the house and we had to take all the nails out of the floor every single one does it bring you back to that yeah [Music] Landau Baxter hi lucky baby Fernando cut your hair reaction to whatever it is you just did see I'm gonna give it some stability by putting this in here and then giving it something to screw into as well so that's pretty good if I can get the other side from the other side and then put it over there that should be good it's not bad I wanted it to go all the way down but nice nice noise gives it more stability so let's get the next pound going all right would you say this is fairly easy to do yeah if you do construction you should be able to if someone like has only gone in and out of doing construction in his life do this I think a lot of people that watch us would be able to do this that's for sure yeah that's why they're interested in different stuff that we do why is this guy like just laughing through these claims he's a slasher slash Ambani hi mama princess monkey close your sweetest pretty girl good to go and you forgot the time labs it Wow cuz I got so into it and it was a lot Fedor 75 inches long so we only need to go to here we're gonna cut it and then we're gonna go I don't know exactly how much this way - these inches that way with this extra piece here and then the door just gonna sit on top of here really basic design but still effective so I'm gonna put this one boom boom in so I can screw the door to it from the top down and for this one I'm gonna wait till we get in the bedroom and put them in place and then I'm going to slide it halfway in between both pallets so it folds them together alright we're bringing the first piece into the room well hopefully most of the dust and stuff falls off well should say she's bringing it into the room going for going hard and then the door right there that the blocking the view on the porch is it gonna be on top of these obviously this is an extra piece on the edge Wow mm-hmm I just put this on the wrong side it goes on that side yeah well we can do that inside because I'm gonna have to discourage stuff let me get in there anyway yeah I got a measure that going for the next good wall cordless so we got probably easier to do this with corded and it was broken here and just put this one back on so we're good to go now gonna have to charge you do we do cuz we know how to keep good news this is true we need it I might need to bring the door but all you tinker okay so we only have to put under the door one where like this and one where like that to the wall and we're gonna cut this in half and use it for a support in the middle and then walk all the way to the ball in the corner of the room - and we'll just screw the door down into these support but I'm gonna get the town from it off our neighbors barbecuing and it smells really good how's this gonna work turn it turn it Oaks is so thick nice I had to chop saw out but I'm not doing that for now right now I got like a memory for real wear safety glasses because I just got a piece of spunda in my eye not a big time not a big deal this time but could easily turn into someone cut this thing just like that already look you did a better job seen this and that support that's all it's about to be lit sis you're heard about to be lit just go upside his own here's how he works looks looks like it's easy but looks like a dog [Music] it's coming in to slip slide it in that door that he's carrying is super super heavy fool they clearly weren't the person who owned the business I'm saying this expensive so far so good know why it's literally perfect the fact that you just pulled that off it literally blows my mind it's super cool and honestly they exposed yeah it looks good for sure it's gonna be so strong I mean it just has bent outward because that's the way that the palate was so pop this on here let me just screw it down right yeah I mean if it's in place it's perfect it's literally perfect all right so I wanted you to show you guys the final product of what we've been working on today buggies checking it out first time really checking out the scene it's okay you can do whatever in here so here's the couch bed that we built got a pallet and the door solid wood door we moved the desk into the corner and built in the closet these two production shelves so that we can have all of our gear where we need it when you need to go out and shoot something or edit something or use the mic drone audio mic shoulder mount tripod these are my little tapes that I actually have transferred so far old cameras that's the high eight camera that we used to use before it broke but we did end up filming a few things on it looks really cool GoPro set these are just Jersey Devil postcards that I thought were really cool from 1969 this is the little boom mic that we use on the top of the camera I haven't used it in a while camera charger for the mini DV camera another charger another charger battery so yeah that's going to be all set up for production this is our secondary editing setup here that we don't use unless we have to and all the hard drives down there and this is a work in progress so she's gonna get better from here on out stoked MJ that is so mean the wheelchair we left and that's it so we work pretty hard to make the room from what it was did what it is so show you some before and after shots maybe and yeah we'll see you guys in the next video peace hope you guys enjoyed watching us transform our room stay positive on keep pushing [Applause] [Music] all right what's up everyone good morning we are in the newly set up room that we created yesterday and we have a ton of orders for these new shirts that we just made recently the keep pushing on the sleeve and the coffee cup on the front there long sleeve shirts and I don't know how many orders we have but it is Saturday so the post office is going to close it I think 12:00 I'm not sure the hours might even be different considering it might even close earlier but we're going to try and pack all of those and then take them to the post office so everyone can get their shirts before it's too long I don't want to go into Sunday and then have to shift Monday so that's what we're doing we're going hard right now I think probably 15 orders at least maybe more so we're gonna pack all those right now and this one hat left just there's one more of these that someone ordered I gotta put the patch on it and then send that out so I'll show you guys that in a second all right so Mike Matt Koff ordered a camo hat so this is how I make them so put the camo on the iron press I made I got this press and these patches so that I can make different kinds of hats it is kind of a pain but it has worked really well for us in the last over a year we've had it I guess so I put the hat on here put the patch down I'll put a covering over it I'll show you guys the whole thing in a second hold on alright so basically I'm putting the hat on here and it is shaped like a hat I take the patch this is a Sam EJ technique not really technique but she figured out if you roll the patch up it's kind of forms it a hat better and then you just place it evenly in the front as evenly as possible I use this little thin tail here put it down and then I move the iron to the front press it for a few seconds probably like seven seconds or something and now I'll take it back up in great position to see if it's in the right spot and it was pretty much good if I were to just like ride but you just want to be sure so you don't waste a hat because I have done that a couple times and this is the last camel hat we have so press it might tighten this a little because it doesn't feel that tight you know put it on there let it go drink some coffee while you're at it it's a process because I'll even pop it up again just to make sure it's place the right way so the placements pretty much on point press it and now I'll just let it run its course for the next 25 seconds alright and it makes it loud beeping down when it's done and it's pressed on there so there's the Hat looks great actually so this is a pretty nice way to do saves cost for both us and the person buying it as we try out to sell the house for a much more you know I don't know pretty cool you can make a whole bunch of different ones I'm gonna just press it again just because alright so we got those big packages and already put two labels on too so we're going so that has definitely done now look okay none of all these posted the first suit vest to sell for a measly seven dollars Paul Frederick this one's going to California so at least we still on can't complain too much but the package is that we the shirts the long-sleeve shirts that we just made that we're shipping out so way more at least triple what we thought just in one night there's still like five orders to fill and that's all the ones that we already failed so Wow thank you everyone so much for the support and just wow blown away by how many people bought shirts stoked honestly okay so much more double the amount of packages that we thought we had but they're all packed and ready to ship so we're gonna head to the post office right now so that we don't miss them being open but everyone who ordered a shirt as of right this minute he's gonna they're gonna be in the mail so like 30 packages in one night this is a record for us as a straight thank you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 21,514
Rating: 4.861402 out of 5
Keywords: how, didn't, we, know, about, this, storm damage, wind storm, high winds, tree, chainsaw, surprise, new office, production room, tornado, tree down, blown down, microburst, storm, wind, cutting, funny, fun, lolz, transforming, surprised, custom, brand, tshirts, freedom to dream, coffee before claims, tuck and sammie, Sammie J., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, south jersey
Id: im9c_DIaj3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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