Treasure Hunting at Golden Nugget in Lambertville

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jump roll all right here we are at the golden nugget in lambert hill it's my hot my hot date the paddle on is complaining already obviously you know i'm just kidding i'm like calling you a noob right yeah you're not worried about it are you uh i think i got another one at the house ah just too much other stuff to carry yeah no one likes to carry yeah stop it's heavy as nice i'm telling i probably walk past stuff that's worth billions like the batman mugs yeah these are cool look all right good morning i need i need the skillet to go on top of this you got some of those oil cans cool yeah this is uh definitely sparse yeah it is definitely fun i hope it fills in leesville or whatever the hell was that was pretty sparse at the beginning yep yeah i'm telling you so this place has turned into like a it's like they sell to the dealers for the first three hours and then take out the good stuff for the regular folk that pay top dollar he said where are you from frank trenton oh wow that's another thing man i never i never got into like beer steins yeah some of those are like [Applause] ridiculous i gotta look for corn again i'm always gonna look for corn [Applause] corn the recyclable vegetables no matter how much you chew and it comes back reincarnated yeah that is funny how was that corn from lee's port it was good you didn't need it yeah no we did see if you enjoyed it watch them at the supermarket the other day it was pretty bad though [Applause] [Applause] oh my god i love this stuff she like the the minis huh [Applause] she likes that dude you gotta stop this stuff on the clean has a different vibe to it yeah clean out the rest of that stuff i'm out of it all right yeah they sold the place probably okay so it's going okay do this little section oh i forgot the uneven ground got to be careful okay what'd you find mbg stick i don't know what my problem is i always end up buying signs everywhere i go good morning gentlemen huh but okay amazing i like that johnny walker though we just have nice stack of scotch right under there i don't think my wife would go for that though in the kitchen what is it looks like a game set with the background inside or something huh looks fairly complete too sleds there you go that's an adult size sled i bought one for five bucks an estate sale my son is scared of it [Music] morning [Applause] huh i have visions in my head to use stuff i don't know what for what though yep [Applause] we'll find some stuff you'll have plenty of time plenty of chances to overpay for sharpener like those chairs man i still gotta find my cowboy hat too hey i know i've been looking out for it yeah it's just a random thing i always find them to be like brass they run on saturdays too if you ever want to make a day a day out of it with your wife how late is the fall of these flea markets that's neat it would probably cost you hundreds of dollars already in smalls did he go into october or november uh i don't remember how late this goes i don't think it's a very late market though how about like columbus all year yeah yeah and i go out that's that's my prime picking time when it's when it's 20 and there's like 35 vendors there and they're all pissed off because no one's showing up man they just sell the they stock up on not just my stuff but other stuff you know you'd be you'd be surprised yeah it's me hmm i'm gonna hit those other rows those are just not my favorite what waffle irons yeah but when you when you get one and it's like in good shape and you can get it for a slightly better huh the weight pack's in good shape yeah i think that was like you know not a lot which is what motivates you and then later on you look at it and you avoid it for six months gold lamps i got to be more thorough and check out all the tables people like seeing that stuff slits this camp things sell man in the summer it shows people like that that has to be adjusted oh there's a nice implement of death for you yeah a nice trident it's a fishing spear is that what it is wow i don't think i don't want to be out carrying that underwater nope joe did you go over anything yet or no oh yeah umbrella stand i wouldn't have known what that was you must have got some rain yesterday man ma'am does this have a top do you have a top for this one doesn't have a lid that one would have what do you get for that 15. it's even the best stuff that's nice if you something really small i actually can put the exercises for that once if there's something really small it's just an oil spa i got something fragile in here i don't know i do 10 bucks on that pan there you have any bigger uh i have a i've got a number nine favorite which will be like 60 bucks where's it at i'll get it out of my van oh you're still in pat no okay no we'll be back it's easy to find i got it right in front thank you yeah it's actually handy so i'll get it cool stuff yeah hidden talents do you have one already are you buying that look at that the mystery man can you can he also play the flute that's what i figured that's cool that's actually the the same brand that uh my big guitar is oh yeah that was uh that's a weird look i know nothing about those instruments but i just had a weird look yeah they do weird stuff with the sound hole in weird places trying to make it just cool if you're going to hold a batman mug again just buy it for the sound phones man would you even bother putting this thing in the wire would you just pop it into it no i hit i hit the reset button on everything i buy no make me out of course but like would you bother with liar just thank you much um i don't know man i know your patience is shitty but if you do at least a day in lie you just keep your tank cleaner for longer and and delay the inevitable change you know but that's only 10 gallons i like those boxes but i don't sell those i gotta sell a couple of those online and no corn no corn i have to have to make sure melissa knows there's no corn i tried even yeah we're having a problem with tomatoes too in our own personal garden man it was actually too much water in august too much yeah the a lot of ours are splitting it's usually a sign of too much water calcium you gotta add some calcium ground up your eggs like you make eggs take the shells put it and we have a composter and we you know we put a bunch of stuff in there every year i put some lime in there but you're saying calcium yeah huh you take old coffee grounds and egg shells and then just pop them in a blender and put them in the mortar and pestle a couple months before you do the tomatoes you just spread it around the dirt uh-huh i'll try i'll try anything have a couple dealer friends sometimes come here i haven't seen anybody thank you that's hitler mussolini 1938 pure silver a lot of cool stuff just not not in our wheelhouse a little disappointed that the one old timer didn't show up because he'd have a table full of our stuff and he said he's not cheap but he's not even close to retail uh again i haven't been here man it's like i know it's like it's the perfect time for it it's like it's gonna be 81 and not humid today it's like you couldn't ask for better weather it's another thing i don't know anything about man it's very cool stuff but yeah it's like a cowboy you killed my father [Music] spartan antiques what was uh what what was uh the other market you were talking about the other flea market around here you're talking about i found the way to uh hitler's village is it is it today or was it saturday i don't know that's cool those are some skinny bottles that went in there huh what do you get for that sir ten bucks that's neat yeah i mean because you know we can we could try something else i just didn't know of anything else on there it was a saturday are you wrong yeah storage that's cool so heavy man cold train the power power sources [Music] man that is something they're holding out on us what are you looking to get for the uh 25 on that one griswold's 45. there's a little upgrade you know that's probably a fair price yeah the iron you know all the ones i see i don't see that no no lid on the dutch though okay i just bought a nice uh skillet lid for a number nine skillet so i don't have that with me but i got to find the skillet for them uh what brand it's a crucible sometimes the lids are worth more than the pan oh i'm sure so obviously you're missing the lid on the dutch oven here and it's like i know it's like that's cool that fan i like those old fans but only if they click it clack the whole time i needed to ch like the old-fashioned yeah like the old office fans i need the full experience yeah that one's pretty you know it has a good feel to it what about 75 80. that is neat yeah not a problem neat neat yeah i mean you probably upgraded and get some of your uh do you think that's worth it for that knife again that's like full blown you're not getting ripped off but you know you're not going to make any uh but you could sell your old one and you know negate some of that you know yeah i mean it's just always gonna look too i mean it's nothing but yep yep that would probably be you know great thank you depending on how it is underneath and you know what mine wouldn't be seasoned it would be like between 55 and maybe 69.99 if it's a 9 and it's beautiful like that it's you know it's not it's not that rare but it's not common that's cool that's seen that seemed some campfires yeah what do you get for the uh camping pot yeah that's cool [Applause] more meat hooks if you want to do barbecuing the right way nice cleaver man some of those things get like so heavy and large it looks like uh more like a weapon that trident is calling for you i don't know what we use it for but what would it number three with that twenty-five or less yeah i want that to sort of like kick in because i have seven eight nine cents of uh yeah yeah it's a little uh but you know he did some work probably did a little research i though i bought from him i bought a uh a number 10 and walk down here and do a loop i bought a number 10 griswold um griddle jump on that uh yeah but there's a potential hairline crack and then the back has a little bit of permanent bugs so like real nice ones of those are in the 125 to 150 area so that'd be a tough pull because he's not going to budge from 40. get it for 40 and roll it for 80. that's i don't know i might just do it before we leave but i i didn't like that i saw a little potential crack in the handle area again and it didn't show up on the back end yeah that favorite feels different than the ones i have yeah they're a little more refined i don't know why huh they could be an older one i don't uh i don't know enough about the time frame but i know they were they didn't last too long yeah pretty much 1916 to 19 because in the 1930s this thing's nice that's that scene that's seen some wood stove action and these are known for cracking it's hard to see under that right yeah and the ring test doesn't do much very cool you know that's something that you would want and what that's something like the base is something that you would want to tank i think it's probably the whole thing but yeah that's neat that'd take [Applause] but i'd still like you know i do it the old-fashioned way so do me a favor pick up the favorite and look just check it out yeah it feels like it has a little bit of movement in the cooking area just a slight movement well where's your straight edge in my bag and bust it out you look you can look yeah well you you want pro status come on [Applause] you don't come out here to make friends right all right grab it from me yeah jesus all right i don't see it well you know ish clean-ish like 4.8 million followers so if we if we do or say anything controversial our wives will find out yeah there's usually a lot of military stuff yeah the cool tools man i don't know morning damn man it's just neat i don't have time for more projects oh yeah what's your what's your favorite fragrance weed wow how much for the level man it's nice i might have to come back for that huh i might have to come back for a level does your wife get stuff like that like what a level no like what you just have in your hand you don't want it you mentioned perfume bottles outside she collects mini perfume bottle so so you don't even know what she collects or she just changed her mind now she collects mini mini stoves and and perfume bottles and it's cool it's cool to honestly like if she gets into that because it's all attached and you could bring her because i can't make it out on like you know like me if i have my drawers i'd go sundays and if you're not going to be able to take her she won't get up oh yeah that's right she doesn't do mornings even more so than you don't dude she'll sleep till two o'clock that's crazy i told my i told my wife that i was like yeah they're uh they're late to rise people and she just like i could tell that she just disliked you people even more because we were never but you know on the weekend we have a party and then all of a sudden we would just sleep in we'd sleep in until you know 10 11 12 and then make a bunch of grease oh dude he's playing your duke's a hazard banjo crazy i don't know and yeah oh five on that one my body wrote seven 199 finally so he put out a bunch but then you could just flip it and make some more yeah i mean he probably would have thought that i think he needed money for 200 that was a 1500 guitar so do you know what you're looking for yeah like instruments and stuff look at that man that's cool i mean i'm not i'm not like if i buy this will you restore it for me no no whose is this stuff the long ones i i'm actually restoring one right now they're neat i don't know who this is though we got no time man yeah likes kind of stuff like the turquoise sometimes it's just plain and flat you know i don't know still still pulling so we have to loop it [Applause] i don't know um sure but that's not the uh that's not the one that's not the chosen one no it is not this is not the chosen pile where's where's the good expensive stuff i know you're hiding it the rain eddie today oh no that's neat outside of one wagoner there and a couple of pots here that's about it no uh no griswold you know it's like trying to find grizzle and you know how much they wants for it but don't pay huh that is neat would you consider 15 on this sir no i gotta get 20. it's a nice pan oh here you go here's your tester you want to buy your tester that says new jersey that's cool factory repair yeah that's not the end of the world just uh just let's go for a hike nice the nicole says new jersey wildwood new jersey i mean you can't cook anything on it but you hang it from a wall so much for this three bucks is that for your wife's minis yeah yeah i thought about that griswold sex but i still say there might be a hairline in there and it's just you can't have the you can't have the the money shot boogered up like that yeah right now wow can you even season over those or do they just stay silver yeah it's it's tough wow affects the energy i'll definitely be back soon see that adam that was a classic very cool i miss all that like the is it that real ivory you should go buy that that meat turner and it's not perfect it's a little it's a little torque somebody somebody picked up maybe a pound too much on it i like that has character like that even skillets man when they're not perfect they have a little i don't know yeah they lost a little silver yeah and that's normal that's fine yep i know rheingold ten forty three ten for three yep and they're all not clean i never heard of himself that means it's at least that means it's at least 90 years old oh they're old no okay i don't know they're old rhine gold is i think the 60s thank you oh yeah i don't know i could actually i know it's kind of a hipster thing but i could actually i've had paps done tap all day during a football game one time well after the first three you don't care what it is yeah i guess you didn't buy your banjo yes it was a bus for uh our stuff man even that guy i was waiting for he shows up usually he has a pile of garbage like that and then he breaks out a uh a pile of like good moderately overpriced stuff and then you go in for the bundle and you just never know because i don't i don't have the eye for it you know if you need some help you know those are those are cool colors like is that real jade what do those go for like the yellow and then the orange which one the orange one um could be ten this one this is 20. they're antique pieces this is 50 because it's 40s okay i was gonna say what era that's neat and this one the jade looking one but they made him look like um this could be 10. that's neat i'm glad i'm glad i'm glad you came with me and not my wife yeah i wear on one and this one used to sell for like 500 they call it apple juice yo it looks like apple juice oh my gosh you used to sell for more than gold believe it or not this one's like 75. what's it made out of plastic but it's old plastic wow from the um 40s and 50s wow nobody died in cancer nobody died a heart attack they killed him everybody that died that's how i feel brother we'll see november 5th that's one of your boxes going oh man a little bit of a bust but i do like seeing a patina check out the indoors no mess no entry cool my pedestal sink man nope i cannot fit through there nothing yeah you're right it's like you look for that one thing that grabs your attention gives you so much stuff you can't okay all right let's go check out the pyrex yeah some of the colors nobody comes in early on some of the stuff has prices some don't like almost nothing especially like what uh yes these if you buy them singly they're thirty dollars if you buy the whole set it's eighty for all four all four to come in a set wow there's like there's two sets in there and there's a ladybug one one or two sets here it's an old guy oh yeah they're expensive i pay a lot of money to have them cleaned what about what about the uh there's a walk down there that's heavy to iron walk yeah no no price i'd say and everything just so you know i buy i pay for i send it to a professional oh you don't clean you don't clean it's all cleaned what about the pyrex do you clean that stuff yourself yeah i clean all that up but what's your secret on how because some of them look so pretty and sometimes they have like baked up white gunk and not only because i've been doing this for a long long time what's your what's your what's your pyrex secret to clean that up if it has like like build up on it and yeah you think i'm going to tell you all my secrets no i just cleaned it that's all i soak it i clean it i don't use anything caustic like sticks or fingernails see that's no fun at all that's why i have tendonitis in both hands [Music] very nice color it probably spins too real nice though and not not common like early unmarked but like you know even with the song and dance it's uh but yeah when you're paying out you know like i just saw a guy out there who had that remember the griddle he popped up so i ran down there real quick and he went to 44. she paid 20 to have it restored so the normal price would be like you know 15 20. so what would what would you think is good maybe i mean my price would be like 35 40. so it's uh you're getting it's no bargain you're getting fbr but i thought you want the flat the round bottoms anyway yeah no i mean that's only like i'll take any of the old ones oh you don't care if they're round bottom or i mean i just want a couple odds and ends with the round bottoms there's one in good shape for a decent price but you stay but i don't really want to pay up for that that's cool man well because now you're a seasoned professional you wanna do it do it yourself wow so many pyrex well that is cool pre-1977 real pinball machines very cool chess empty places cool that's all she wrote the juicer do you need a juicer those are neat man i run into the wagner ones aluminum once in a while and they're cool it's clean and everything i cleaned it oh yeah and this is a number four just a regular no name on it but you don't see too many number fours usually threes and fives but not many fours well that would be a firm price 60 bucks on that i'd do 15 on that no negotiating not on that i was gonna that's nice i was gonna throw it online you know they're online for you know 75-100 do 10 on the little guy not on the ghost you're not dude you're not fun it's 12 bucks 12. you know how much you're full you know how much fun it looks like negotiating back and forth on tv with thousands of dollars i need that sensation but only with tens of dollars would you do 10 on the other the other pan yeah yeah i would do 10 on that this one's a number four so that's kind of yeah who made this one i don't even know now i know if it had a certain name i'd be paying more than 12. oh yeah okay yeah it's gonna be that part i know the bridgewall number four is probably worth 40 bucks all righty thank you sir thank you sir appreciate it well you got your uh you got yours what you wanted a five or six right how are you birmingham's you're actually gonna buy that one but that's okay oh i'm sorry buddy that's all right no biggie but remember we talked about the fours you're like yeah fours are too small yeah no that's cool no we can i like this one you you can uh you can have this if you want that's cool honestly like i didn't know i was just going by what you told me in the car yeah no no it's cool i was just putting on the book to see if it was but there's a uh there's a one-notch lodge oh now you know things yeah so you're looking you're looking for an upgrade in apprenticeship he didn't bring a bag or anything yeah i did it's in the truck see people are just starting to unload now i don't know if it's gonna get dude bsr red mountain stuff is just and it takes seasoning so much better than other things man i don't know what it is because i am not i'm not the number one seasoner out there yeah i mean it's a not that much of a size but but i'm sure if you really really you would say something yeah i just like you i like the feel of the metal leaving this this has a little bit of sulfur yeah this stuff so they'll be well this is this is this uh carbon you can feel it so whatever his process was he didn't wait long enough does that sound familiar yeah i don't know if the guys the old timer's gonna be here prices are a little high but they're like right up your alley because they're not you're not fbr so you can get a little deal on it you're not going to say that's from the ming dynasty or something that's cool look at this man i'm just drawn to this stuff am i gonna use it am i gonna get kicked out when i bring it home and say yeah this is for our kitchen my buddy growing up uh grandma made a homemade kobasi and she had like old-school meat grinder like that still functioning oh yeah she used it all the time delicious hot fudge nice good morning how's it going french kitchenware this looks scary [Music] i'm not sure what it is there you go for the barbecue king oh did you see the the what the wheels i saw last week they were like four foot tall uh i tried to see if my buddy's dad wanted him he collects like uh stuff like that i have no idea dude this is my first time this year it did look really good on a video last week though i don't hello were you looking for one or you just like this no i actually make my own you make your own yeah huh yeah there was like one of these it had to be like probably four foot tall man when i was in uh i worked in a camp for disturbed children and uh that's what i did sometimes i you know take a walking stick and then take a magnifying glass and burn little animals in it and wrap it with leather let me show you this real quick all right bathroom break there's some questionable in here but i don't see it man but you were walking around with it over good morning [Music] now you forgot your little yeah but there's not like a lot of people here that are like you know guys no it's not this is this is a strictly antique vintage antique so can you check that out if you think crash or any damage other than all right well let's uh let's do one more loop of the other area if you don't mind before we uh well what about that other place i don't know if it's even open on sunday do you have a phone of some sort or some kind of guitar some kind of guitar against the internet i do but i don't know what it's called just look up i was thinking about a market that was near here nah man that's uh my friend yeah no normal people are sleeping and you know that is cool pear very nice i miss my mcdonald's cups from the 80s too i gotta say that i bought it was uh i liked it oh other than yeah fitting under my keurig still all my all my travels and i have only three three buns not including that little [Applause] tiny pain in the ass i gave to you yeah usually a lot of military sometimes couple dealers who doesn't like a good that's an expensive butter knife wow it's all the little smalls man i like that stuff decorate your house with this stuff instant are you missing a couple pieces no i mean i don't know what she even bought is the one that you bought or she bought uh in good shape though i'm guessing oh are you getting to get it yet no huh well let me know dude because i got one it might need a little bit of fine-tuning but i'll give it to you since i'm still still in your debt somehow awful damn that's cool what do i do with that i don't know but that needs to be in my yard for my children to play with you want to do the lube with me again or you want to just go straight for oh you're going to end up buying a sword or a guitar today what you want oh that's the car wow a lot of star wars stuff man bro i know like between between my friends and i man we had like one of everything that sucks probably all got thrown away a transformer what an old transformer last week that i used to have that ended up being rare that's cool again another unhealthy obsession with boxes are you asking for the box on the end oh wood box it is not the the right side of pennsylvania there's going to be another marker yeah on saturdays there's one that's not great and that's the one i thought you were thinking about for today but let's do some research while we're driving if you happen to find it and it's within a half hour let's go for it yeah i was in lowe's yesterday made these really cool craftsman buckets clamped down pretty cool yeah did you no no i just want to feel if it was the the heavy iron stuff you do banjos too no but this is like this it's almost like a combination banjo ukulele another another piece of the pie another piece of the puzzle falls into place yeah unicycle man that's cool yeah that's a cool sled right there yeah somebody brought it all the way from switzerland didn't know i don't know how they did it wow i'd ride that before i try to ride that thing it is neat what would you put a favorite uh number 10 up at uh probably i don't know because they went up man yeah they did my old pricing kicks in and i would say 79.99 yeah but new pricing i don't know maybe a hundred i'm good at 120. so yeah so i would do 99.99 oh yeah they're good i don't know no it's if that's a duck true anything everything's on sale ah see patience show it pays off just hit don't don't harass him and speak loud okay he doesn't move much no i do like bundles and stuff but names you're gonna be good morning good morning how are you doing today morning here so it must be okay right sir on the right side of the dirt you're good right well i remember the one time the one guy said you ain't gonna get my money till i'm in the ground so they cremated and put in the days nice that's the only wagner i got yeah that one's got a little crack it wasn't leaking but i'm selling it real cheap yeah oil in it and put it on the stove we'll be back i see you just got here so we'll give you some time little ones man that's cool all right hmm all right got back from lambertville golden nugget we did not have a good bounty today but it saw a ton of cool things so that was worth it and of course fresh jersey corn what makes it worth it you're gonna try some corn here take a bite no take a bite good catch put it back you have to eat it tonight try it say goodbye to everybody bye
Channel: Cast Iron Kev
Views: 2,436
Rating: 4.25 out of 5
Keywords: flea market, flea markets, new hope, vintage, swag, hunting, cast iron, cast iron skillet, antiques, fun, adventure, shopping, weekend, american pickers, treasure, garbage picking
Id: FynmeyNJxPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 38sec (4718 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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