New York CITY | My Sister Graduated College!

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no way we are down here at the Brooklyn waterfront in Dumbo New York but look at this this is like as good as it gets in life experiencing new awesome things together with my family and my beautiful soon-to-be wife Sammy so just so grateful don't ever show me nothing to kindness she would say I know how sad you get some days I still get that way but it gets better it gets better better alright good morning everyone what is up here we are another beautiful day in paradise truly blessed with another day so we got a little surprise for you guys today we are heading up to New York as you can see I got some stuff in my arms here I'm loading up the car my sister is graduating today from NYU she got the BigDog degree out of everyone in the family she went for it so super proud of her stoked and today is the graduation ceremony in Brooklyn New York so me and Sammy are heading up right now it's like 6 a.m. the graduation is at 2 I believe so we're going to her apartment and supposedly it has a pool deck and some other cool stuff and we're gonna be staying overnight at her apartment my mom's up there already and I think my dad's going to the graduation but I don't think he's staying over here we go to another adventure stay tuned we're gonna show you guys New York City as much as we can and have some fun so stoking you are you ready please for the trip I gotta get our two toothbrushes I'm sorry that's really clean all right before we hit the real road we're on the highway already about what do we got to do [Music] [Applause] Sammy likes theater love your coffee yeah luxury coffee just got some crispy ones they just keep printing them I read the Fed 61m 62mm stacked on top of each other first time ever in circulation pretty heavy out everything that we do in life revolves around something that's printed like it's gonna get pieces like a computer pretty much were you pregnant I know my DNA was manipulated by shape-shifting lizards dude look at this coffee let me say how long's your is this it's live explain what you got here for the people all right you guys want to know what I always get at Starbucks it's a cinnamon Dolce latte with almond milk instead of regular milk I I usually get an extra shot of espresso but I didn't want to today because it gave me anxiety yesterday when I got it but I get it with no whip and then I keep the topping which is just like cinnamon and I think they put like a little bit of caramel on the top so yeah [Music] all right Holland Tunnel gone through the haunt onyl we're like three miles away but it's gonna take like 36 minutes can't even eat Jersey without paying until it's impossible every every every time you look at the state of New Jersey that you pay can I receive please fifteen bucks that's the big city right there okay I'll get you hey gotcha oh okay that's traffic gun man it's gnarly out here we just parked up there's our car we're leaving into that guy's hands that heavy guy over there but here it is welcome to Brooklyn this is New York City Brooklyn in New York so if anyone's ever not been here you get a little taste of what we're seeing and my sister lives in this gigantic building oh my gosh she must have made it if she found the place in here yeah you want to give us a tour no I don't want to give you all right my sister's ranch she lives in Brooklyn and this is her apartment it's at least 400 square feet bigger than I thought it would be maybe 900 square feet bigger [Music] look at this view guys do you ever run up to the windows and bache against them to see if they're strong look at this view guys unreal should we go to the roof is there a pull up there yeah should I put my big Z dog I'll just go in with this I don't even care - there's a hot guy in there working out I know that that one hangs out up here you would think it would be like hanging up here you know do you work out in there [Music] workout gym you know you're gonna loud into the room you're kidding but let's get back to this side are you not because we will train in and they didn't want anyone to go out there because then if you slide in and stuff like that are you a lifeguard yeah I came in with the pool I know okay like you know stuff like that we just like but if you'll be able to pull that well I wanna drop everything is going to be it's not going to be arranged so he's gonna come back so uh it should be open and everything fun one to seven yeah even I'm not gonna be here know what they are like right now just be like touch of lightning are not because that strong that Oklahoma and Kansas and kill all those people it's the same stone that's on this right here are you the typical lifeguard here always in the morning yeah what's your name John John yeah okay cool I just work in the morning in somebody who's working evening all right Thank You Jimmy J show up blow up for the graduation hmm model that do it seriously yeah my cars in here somewhere [Music] you know long-sleeve okay some say it's bootleg but we know it's real haters will say about that that fresh you fresh burbs blazer what you wearing on your down boy down the streets wearing that custom coffee before claims freedom to dream brand you know Verona 50 only ever I see flexing with my Cowtown you know Fugazi MCM backpack a couple people thinking it was real down the elevator this ritzy target town you know people don't mess around with fake stuff around here then we are giving G this graduation gift which is a vintage Kate Spade book bag and there is a Apple there's a vintage Apple Mac t-shirt inside so I've been waiting to give this to her I wanted to give it to her before today because I just happened that I do that with kids all the time I'm like so excited to get somebody get that you give it to them before the actually occasion so here we go so the reselling butcher stole your comment yeah the Apple shirt is fire he was saying it would probably sell for like a hundred on eBay but my sister was stoked about it she's actually in coding in school and she works with computers and she just got a job actually doing that kind of stuff so she wanted this shirt I think it's way cooler to give it to someone who's gonna appreciate it in our family oh my gosh then sell it on eBay but you are right that was a killer fine I was stoked when I found that do this awesome it's actually funny cuz I was trying to buy like another Batman what's inside inside [Music] yeah is it another cat it's just the a vulture all right Brooklyn this is like fancy pants heavy out here right here no no they said it was like 15 minutes but and why you look at this are [Music] you're just like he wants to the that is straight fire that's New York Louie they're right that's cool it's Wall Street sharks they look at the pleated basketball by the same guy there yes the biggest of dogs it's not the camera what happened no little traffic in New York come on dude you want to wear it it's not french fries oh stop [Laughter] were you just doing give that lady some food I don't know what that bar was she's gonna sell it nah she's eating it right now eating it right now I'm watching her eat it for real yeah just open it for real yeah how about the water now she put that in the bag for later I'm just gonna there is there is the main guy the section of you seven is that deception when it's 7fg right two 7s down there go 6:15 do you like one of those sports people coming out under the stadium now he looked like them you see her anywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is just graduated hey you need to go see change I reckon [Applause] [Applause] [Music] rooo hang a mimosa all right so basically I almost I pretty much missed G graduating because truth the real truth there's about 10,000 people graduating and at least 8000 of them are Asian and I'm not saying that any way at all obviously I love my sister more than any made the world but like it's hard to tell the difference of dynasty like all of that auditory of like even the other view of Nexus were like looking for their son of he was white and they couldn't find him down there so they were so unbelievably heavier there but I got a little clip so that's it she graduated congratulations Jay oh my god drunk to go back that's what you want to go in its gonna read so much now that we left we can't go back a little guy we're giving little paper we're out on the street now with the fam going to get pizza the graduation dinner how do you feel jig being a big college grad how do you feel dad not yet I have us not a lot dude she made it you guys see that apartment living high on the hog out here the big city right misschien forever Oh Jamie thank you that's what we were just talking about all right they brought us down and in a little like village down here it's like a full-blown grocery store underground I didn't know she won of this at Downtown are you having a problem yeah we're good with that Derek don't what happened huh it wasn't what you thought Piers Morgan lifestyles of the rich and famous fabulous Monica look at this taker keeps it - why G why's he getting crazy what are you saying about this thank you our then yeah alright so this bar was in Gossip Girls so we're gonna are we going to get this shot in front of it mm-hm I'm a Brooklyn on stands like this do some videos and then you're good who's the Gossip Girl now if that's not a quit I don't know what is I wouldn't trust that Cawood yeah now he's covering it I thought he was putting it up he's covering it they're buffing it out look at this all right we're in DUMBO and this is the famous picture that everybody takes in front of the Manhattan Bridge according to Jay look at this it is famous I'm seeing other people getting the shot this building wasn't Gossip Girl tip so everything in here is in Gossip Girl this big building here what are you looking at are you looking at antiques through the window yes aren't you look at the lamps and the kimonos antique committers $40 and look at all the empty boxes man literate this is literally window shopping for antiques you can't shop for you teach you window shop free [Music] 50 cents do this scenery yo look at this scenery right now look at this party boat over here oh there's like at least 16 Instagram models down here right now this is fire this cedar [Music] look at this unreal scenery of Manhattan right this is some heavy heavy claims in New York right here was alright so for all the viewers that have never been to New York or may never go this is probably one of the best sceneries you can see we have the pleasure of presenting new york city by night skyline dunt and redundant pretty awesome I'll give this right now this is pretty much as cool as it gets claims claim so nice but I can't get a picture of it look how fun it is all right we are down here at the Brooklyn waterfront in Dumbo New York and literally couldn't ask for a better ending to the day this is truly a gift it's literally about to start pouring out though and we're so far from Gees apartment my sister but I just want to say how blessed we are and how grateful I am and we are to be here and to be sharing it with you guys so congrats to G everyone that leaving because it's about to frickin downpour I mean you got to take to go with the bed you can't even complain ever some rain after we just experienced all this but look at this this is like as good as it gets in life experiencing new awesome things together with my family and my beautiful soon-to-be wife Sammy's just so grateful thank you all for all the support over the last years of years and I do want to just say that it's really awesome they have people that view our videos and don't I mean a lot some people can claim that we put out content that varies so much but I just think it's awesome that so many people love our videos no matter what they are and we're going to be continuing to just put out you know whatever we do we love filming and we love experiencing the world and just trying to be positive and show the world that you can everyone that you can be positive all the time or at least most of the time if you tried and just get that mental positivity going positive many positive mental attitude and change the world stay positive the dream everyone's running out of here dude it's about the poor out here let's get out of here shall we run backs truly blessed well good morning from Brooklyn New York over this view on Braille [Music] except everyone good morning look at this here we are another beautiful day in paradise look at the trash truck down there [Music] and see everything that goes on right here so far is it we were going to get good some coffee check out the skate park maybe check out the roof was a rooftop deck up here and then probably head back home but it's been happening so far hello adventure [Music] good morning stent yo morning Fink all right this very Park last night or yesterday it's a yesterday morning down here in this parking garage under the city look at this guy has over here oh and dreamer in Dora bike super sick Thanks awesome that's what you need around here alright so we're gonna go get some coffee at the Starbucks and then we're gonna go to this game park it's like two bucks wet and we're putting I'm putting this together which is a nice little gimbal it's called and it allows you to get steady it's not good cool steady shots or the good good as Sammy says but I just put it in this backpack cause it's easier to not come to the whole like box and you guys know sake [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right welcome to fat kid skatepark look at this place what a dream [Music] but is Jason in her kennel though even though it's open all right good morning to the Graduate first morning being a college grad I mean already got a job with it what else is there I mean biggest you have to agree it's the biggest accomplishment in the fab it's true by far they used to accomplish my biggest bragging rights for real that real obvious serious I'm claiming even out of all the oh my gosh look at this view though no that's where there's no bridge that's the Brooklyn Navy Yard there's the Empire State Building - manip and then over there's the Chrysler but it's like the really talented [Music] it because I don't have any just be a Turner hey there alright let's take one of me yeah all right well how you doing that one you want there now yeah okay no way that was the shot creeped out yeah yeah we're not about you cuz that's crazy [Music] alright geez bringing us out here to show us this look at this wall right a giant chess board I've only ever seen these in movies hey hey this is the cause go honestly right like this is the coolest thing ever this is the course that yeah what was your claim earlier this table on the subway ever ever yeah [Music] faster and I sir and I close the door now we got it not all right we're in the union square right here 14th Street Manhattan Wow this is have a sightseeing tour out here yeah this is good because the suit people sell their soon because I you bought it from I've been here before a long time yeah [Applause] Big Daddy's house this big daddy's place you see you go here on the rag this is perfect Oh Big Daddy's look how many cold nostalgia they have in here Sammy just walked into our own personal heaven an entire building full of hand-knotted rugs one can be nice for you and they can't be nice for someone else's there's no such thing like that you know what's the most most expensive rug you got here this one's here selling around the price of our house someone it's just a day in the office yeah these rugs are more expensive than a really really nice car these little guys are nice I just um if the rugs were the real deal and he said more than the real deal this is cool that the one you thought was nice [Music] I like the coffee one throw but like creepy stuff get stuck in there taking a rug to the rug cleaner every month or every two months and I don't think most people spend like 30,000 on a router whatever don't really use their house that much Jared I mean like you're not like [Music] [Music] [Applause] we love you so we fo earlier supporter smokes for this because it color it you can see that was awesome especially great watch the what's the Instagram officials are something awful in my sleep is that the way to go this way we're on Canal Street in New York City so we're here at La fiere basically Chinatown so I use stuff from them for my eyebrows area it's a good gem I kind of just sets my eyebrows in place but I've never been to the actual store usually and I just order it online because we don't have a store near us so now I'm at the store look it looks like a pretzel [Music] [Music] yeah this reminds me of like the brave new world are like [Music] I might just get the lipgloss so that it is they have like a little like a shoot compared oh yeah what's the claim that's very strange experience but I can see why people consume a lot because they made that real like like George Orwell asked like make you feel special on like dude I'm buying 49 mascara so anyway they have their health knowing that it offers like their employees and they have like these little computers past you and you're getting you tell them and you pay them and they swipe it on the machine and then they tell you to go to the front desk and they have like a little conveyor belt and this comes down on the little assembly line they call your name and they give it to say they have like aliens in the back picking it out like in jumpsuits why do they have jumpsuit on it's cold you say we [Applause] what would they put on here what green Mercedes you put the green Mercedes all right got to leave New York without a green Mercedes I'm out of here heavy chair put this inside alright just pulled up to our house what an awesome weekend it's not it wasn't a weekend - it was pretty much weekend it was a two-day trip and it was really epic so I hope you guys enjoyed the video I know it wasn't our typical pickin video like we do on the daily but it was an important video to us my sister graduated from NYU mechanical engineering degree bachelor's degree so super proud and it was just an awesome thing no experience had a few days in New York checking out different scenes and now here we are back in our environment we haven't been out of the car for five minutes and I already started loading up for a yard sale that we're doing tomorrow so we're doing a pop-up yard salad our friends Jerry and Gail's house and it should be good hopefully we sell a lot we saw the traffic coming in from New York and up north Pennsylvania and it's just pretty much the Parkway from where we got off to the toll that goes to like Ocean City was backed all the way up so there's gonna be a lot of people around and hopefully we just clean house tomorrow so we're packing up the car getting that ready but seeing the morning bright and early stay tuned for this yard sale it's gonna be epic and then back to the regular program but what's the claim Sammy before we end the video thank you for watching good morning and stay tuned for the yard sale tomorrow please you just want to say really quick life is so short it's already passing us by we're young still but I can feel it I mean I remember it was just yesterday when literally we picked up G at the airport first time when we adopted her in New York City from JFK Airport we my parents rented a limousine so we could all go up as a family we all dressed up my dad wore suit and we picked her up she's adopted from South Korea and just yesterday she graduated from NYU a four-year college and it seems like that like quick so life is short don't waste it really really really try to spend time with the people that you love and do things that make you happy because in the end that's all that matters is the time nothing else can matter because nothing else material really means anything so sharing the people that he loves accomplishments try and hold the people that you love and everyone else around you up instead of tearing them down stay positive and just keep pushing every day but truly I mean it try and do things that make you happy and things that you love because that's really really important and you know I was we were looking forward to this like for a couple weeks going to the graduation and literally it just went by like that so it's done already we had a great time we got to see a lot of cool things in New York that we never saw before Sammy ride the subway for the first time saw some awesome street performers in the subway train saw all kinds of sites you guys saw it already but also if you've never been good in New York check it out but stay positive keep your head up everyone and once again thank you all for watching the dream is real [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 24,535
Rating: 4.8903742 out of 5
Keywords: new, york, city, my, sister, graduated, from, college, new york city, nyc, brooklyn, flash mob, subway, exploring, nyu, tuck and sammie, sammie j., adventure, vlog, lifestyle, travel, road trip, subway performers
Id: vGJf6RgZQgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 6sec (3306 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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