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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] kindness she would say I know outside you get some names I still get that way but it gets better it gets better it gets better ready morning heavy-duty yard saleing ready ready are you not ready for this no just the everyday bragging I'm you yeah yeah those kittens are they kittens or cat cats that's cool it's painted like our cats who painted it like your cat your boys I don't know yeah he sent you that surfing day oh he's like a pretty good guy yes yeah lives a pretty interesting he loves his art he loves to send us a free lawn mower where's he live in Texas really at this stock ranch how does stunt rent yeah for real yeah he does the stunts he teaches dirt bikes I work and give money for [ __ ] in the support of those I know how many cats you got I don't want any all right my name is Robert grave I'm a cat lover anybody does like le cats does in like five years in like two months you like our decorations we are out here first cold cold first cold break of the year dad how does it feel to have no Etan at your house I don't you going out my hell me neither it's cold actually when we shut the windows and I think the hot water heater made to eat cuz you like that jacket yeah I have a blank a bunch of these Jack it's like father like so what's that green shirt on it's a Kris Wilson bombing oh there are a pretty girl wearing walls yeah that's what I meant the guy from Pennsylvania delica plumb God what are you yet alright what is up everyone here we are another beautiful day in paradise Samy Jay's got the slit what's the claim citywide yard sale round two we spent our whole load on one sale yesterday because it was so good but now we're out with the heavy crew Sasquatch we are going to be hunting hard today pick and choose what you're gonna buy that because you can get sucked in easy they can choose what you want to buy a camp because you know you can get something easy I'm I'm a good juicer I buy good stuff what do you mean I only buy good stuff good sometimes you've thirst a lot of good stuff you have to buy this crap boy that is true scrap life look at that the old metal pile Joe it's scrap life there's three on leave I Drive for where's Lehigh Drive you scouting out today can I say kids clothes for Naomi obviously Japanese wooden bobbleheads but that would be a high like high demand yeah that would be like but you never know sort of unrealistic but you'd never do now cobweb corner had three of them and do they sell anywhere like um a personality improvement like kit for sasquatch I can say that for Naomi nice airbag not bad look at that lamp and and she collects house to look at that I gotta give it to my granddaughter that's his journey jab [Music] ladies what are you what are you calling it it's the base is a steel punch that punches and then the the bulb is called to which isn't even that bad dude look at this Jam no no dude do you want that land pretty cool it's in Dutch this well why don't I know where South you and North erode no idea can you carry it though Underpants yeah it's a easy that's a country living fair $120 buy that like we're gonna give me any donor if you like though she had bank that like houses over here 520 sunset and everything else is just a dream well then let's go to the ones over here or you want to go to the furthest and come back my god yeah it's our [ __ ] where's buck now where's Valerie yeah yeah how much for the cab I applied cats they have four cats like MJ oh yo the [ __ ] eagle dude that's all you I gotta get out I'm sick dog I can't can't I'm brilliant alright welcome welcome see what we got here boys what's the claim today look at these bees Sammy [Applause] yeah they're pretty cool I mean unnecessary but cool like some of this costume jewelry bra no yo look at that oh it's I thought it was in there I bet there's some gold in here names guaranteed probably just not hard not easy to find that all right so I'm a psychiatrist or psychologist whatever dad is an addict his drug of choice real estate deals when he goes into a property lord what and what's behind this tree look at all the [ __ ] see right now no [ __ ] way this house do you want me to keep evaluating or not goes into a deal I'm thinking he's gonna buy get so hard rock hard get so much yeah adrenaline gets high as a [ __ ] kite for about six hours to 24 hours depending on if he's actually gonna buy the house or not when he comes down he realizes it wasn't as great as he thought the deal wasn't that ripe and then he realizes he could never get as high as he did the first time off of that exact property so he moves on to the next one because he gets me all pumped up and then I'm like still dedicated to that by like thinking it's great trying to get hurt Carver's right this is a sterling silver I'm pretty sure Native American ring I got this for a dollar yeah good fine that's fine too the day so far so lucky Landis and Turner's mom and lucky dubs her look see you know she's a crazy cat lady [ __ ] you sitting on her lap oh oh great judge can't see no he wants it Danny look he likes his profile come in here oh let's see if he likes it did you have a moment like my daddy won't be so hard though and her nails were going image she was rubbing in here she tries to go back in the womb she loves her mom's she had childhood trauma that cat here you could tell right yeah see the white this way come here right there through there that's the photographer's house okay with the chimney yes on the other side yeah so I walked there where the white Ford is this way and down this street this literally is one of the nicest areas in summer spoil your boy lives on this street you grew up right there all right [Music] this picture right here is pure gold actually to our DVD or VHS tapes Wow what's up with these wrestling figures that bro Hulk Hogan dude yeah I guess she's one of the like these are cool I don't know one dollar each I'm gonna get the Hogan's boys where's the Undertaker and this Mex dude [Music] thanks man appreciate it dude can you guys believe I got all these four five here this one's for night all right thank you have you ever had an apple pie for me already just put this in here yeah we're here how could he live off of that right what's up man they don't think Senate and buttons anymore but I'm sorry no question whether they ever mean it was burger okay cuz we you see it a very working a lot giant cat what's very look at that kitty cucumber thing is this pod rupiah no they're really cool they're cool yeah what do you know their significance of this I mean they're birds I just didn't know if it was like a specific what is that it's real now you would love this that's a line for dogs I got a line in my pocket I'm lying get that that's a good deal you're that lamp right there though weird what is that safety thing it's [ __ ] back it's all right what is that thing considered an organ that's pretty cool that make a claim for the boys this guy saw us on YouTube dude what's your name kind of Tucker what's up all right I'm taking the Hat put a poster [ __ ] in there that's it I liked it but I have a lot what's up big boy no what are you picking up today here some kind of mini organ Sammy had goodbye three bucks can't complain with that you could resell it today for more than that yeah you know what I mean you do eBay yeah people had it the ones you know that we want to I just was like your dad's I got this lamp it's for like a boat I just scored this epic top hat this is good for the zombie skit $1 it's like 16 at the Halloween store but uh yard sale claim and we're about to just check out this trash really quick which is not bad I might just turn one of these boxes in the O'Keefe oh yes not that this stuff yeah this is good scrap dreams boys you want the seat cover or not yeah taking this box boxes we're taking trash pick and this radio not a hammer yeah that fat Maria pass up a deal my mom collects antique vintage cookie cutter there's at least two in there maybe three with wooden handles I didn't suit riding helmet how much is this thing what a deal all right 25 cents for this probably not cuz I'm a sucker for a soccer fan no she's right though it's terrible to burn like Yankee Candles in your house all the time no she was just saying she did but it you can't like she doesn't she can't have a fire going on in houses you know cuz it'll blow up the house if you guys know what these things are you know how epic that is for done sense look at this thing I don't know what it is they all have different there's different ones like little crabs and [ __ ] but look at that I think maybe you shouldn't give this to her today Fergie Rolie polies is a collection of Rowton tunned little box figures named after those famous for living large carved by British sculpture Adam bender each peach is handcrafted in English Cotswolds crushed marble not gonna read the whole thing but pretty much I knew about these because he buys like $30 at the store [Music] so this guy's got so much gold boys I already know these guys have complete gods how much is this are these blue Barger's not your dollar yeah that's cool granny cats a eighty big cannon I'm doing a photography class yeah is it Eric wheats weeks is the professor I don't know two dollars that's not bad that's one how did they get hair in the mold that was cracked that's worth it for to house that dragon how much is the crystal dragon that the lid just pops open and then they can feed so you can set one for twelve hours and one for 24 if you go away I mean how much this bad dragon the big one the big one it was over $100 yeah I don't want to offend you do your job brother you know what I mean this is cool it should burn yet by five five seven sit that's pretty cool actually what look at this what is it okay it's all the zodiacs might be a little creepy though err Oh Capricorn I said Aragorn Wow [ __ ] right recently he has masonry house them how about this mason coin - box how about this one yeah dream reamer make a claim this guy knows everything about everything why it's come out you just get it is this the thing that allows it to turn around how much is this tripod worth 10 bucks it comes with the charger though reality job this guy right now yeah we hooked up where the CDs we brought him he gave us this for free cuz we bought a bunch we got this old National Bank bag for $1 how you like that I was thinking for like a bank robbery skit video you could have like you know what I mean or like a picture like today you know what I mean with like the black over their face mm-hmm that's my picture it smells weird though works then oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah so I can like what I'm producing in the next month I'll be like you got this wondered y'all hobb you got this one [Music] this liner here mm-hmm okay so I don't know if it's fully waterproof it but it probably is say you're on like a boat and you wanted to put your camera in here and take it to like a Barren Island or something you could easily do that with that straight our easy by easy score it's a good it's a good well actually but you know if you wanted like 10 for this but what's he gonna do take all this [ __ ] back to its mother [ __ ] house and oppose the amazing hob I'd be going it is not empty it is full of [Laughter] dollar each Dada Dada Dada Dada well Kim oh grandma I saw I saw one [ __ ] dollar don't let that box it that's what you don't get United States Mint cut off your August 1969 Department of the Treasury to do you can't buy this quality for it art anywhere ever can I show what I bought yes you can't hold on you got this Capricorn coin so if someone's interested in that if that's their birthright let's see what Sam you got damn she look fun for the babies over yeah oh yeah if you were smart you'd buy out everything this guy has oh it'll be for sale again no I'm just saying like if you were cocky listen to this guy's fart what else I die these deals are [ __ ] insanity Barry what's up these deals are sad it's I like I like what you got over there she's taking pictures of the flower yeah that's a butterfly bush are you a unicorn that's a cool outfit exactly for pictures you can do video with it do or not yes oh man nailing it it's nice how far does that thing zoom wait for it to land and then you can get it alright later what happened yeah how'd she do both of them that long and she wasn't even in here or did MJ do it no I was watching her do it the first time and I got it away from her and she didn't break it cuz I think it just snuck back did you even put batteries in it why don't you do this don't sway me why'd you do it why'd you do it so we have to put him up above the trap because you can't look at her she's trying to be nice because she acts like she didn't do nothing wrong but really she just cemented up [ __ ] would you do [ __ ] sis Oh first we have on the pumpkin and she's trying to get her make her way over to the hole in the law that she likes to peek in Susy see that all right we've got the issue the photo look at Sam you guys got the mask it's crazy outfit back crazy I mean it's pretty crazy hey I don't mean like a crazy outfit I mean like super sexy outfit all right these are all the goodies that were using to take this photo shoot who does it's gonna turn out not gonna use them all probably so awesome to have a feeling of being in love with someone that shares your artistic Drive and Sammy is fully that so never ever had anything even remotely close to this in my life where I can go out and happily us together can film or take a picture of something that we both find to be a vision that we came up with together and created it and it's a really amazing feeling maybe that's cutie are you about to get artistic in this [ __ ] what we have seven shots left in that camera that's enough right yeah where's the in the car all right we're out there scouting this shot we're gonna hopefully take just probably one picture her one picture of me maybe us together mainly the Niki math look at this now this already looks like a heart no pretty much one gimble shot and then don't really have to get that deep realistically just like should we give it a little bridge all right I'm going to be applying the blood search operation you can do it right it's almost too much blood how am I gonna be holding it there just like this right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just walking through the woods like with severed heads and axes and Mickey Mouse mash in like sexy stockings that are like ripped in the ass so you could like potentially see Sammy spare skin I'm just saying like this would be a savage claim if someone was like investigating what was going on back there even know because we'd be like we're filming a movie for Paramount Pictures please excuse me I have all the paperwork in my car for the permits all right so is the yard sales this weekend so I was already thinking there's gonna be a little bit of gold so he cruised there on the block but there's just this helmet right here it's not really that great it doesn't have like a front to but first on sit doesn't really matter you use it once and then get rid of it honestly at that rate in towns but they don't but it's cool we got a lot of really good stuff spent some time with our parents and then shot a little skit in the woods and got some pictures so it was an awesome day just wanted to show you guys a couple things that I got two different Hawk Cogan action figures one from 2003 one from 2011 each for $1 this guy which I really don't even know this guy's name he just looks like a zombie so I thought he was cool and the kid told me this guy's name not really sure 1999 so he was like the oldest one older the better in my opinion so those were dollar each I got a this coin which is from the free quaker meeting hall kitchen art v and Arch Street Philadelphia 19 1975 I'm assuming it came out because that's the last date on it this is from the United States Mint Philadelphia we have a grand masters of Mason's Pennsylvania 1973 Orville jimil this these were this was $2.00 I think these were a dollar each and this one this Capricorn thing I think I showed you guys already was one dollar since he won't be on film [ __ ] good girl [ __ ] so sis he's taking the spotlight right now she's a good girl this is I believe sterling silver and this was a dollar it's a Native American ring okay we got a trump castle watch from opening day the lady that worked there got it because she was an employee from day one since hey we got a work zone clipboard what's a nice powerful top that was one ball and this was $1.00 National Bank Philadelphia one down one dollar I'm gonna show you guys real quick we got the fleece flamingos lights they were brand new in the pack and let me turn this light off you can Sam sit and play up there and I'll cross over there Sammy's in the shower right now but she put them up she loves them I love them $5 a pack there is normally like 27 in the box they say 2017 so they're not that old people in this store that would bought them from got a dick ammunition box for three box I think that if we saw that it's an easy 10 Schaeffer beer tray that was free straight up for it this lamp was a dollar don't really know what I would ever use it for but it's really cool it looks like just for a decoration it's cool enough honestly and that is most of the stuff that we bought we got this box of stuff for free there's a seat cover Sammy said you can wash that that's some scrap this little lamp pretty cool right a baseball Babe Ruth Lee maybe like little like display type things it's probably most likely a Democrat those cookies are as I said you guys give them to my mom I guess there's like a little jar in here just kind of cool it has an L on the bottom it could be old actually bring up picture the 1-800 flowers I guess I was a flower and then this stuff which could always be scrap if we can't shop looks like this expresso machine or something standing out a shower curtain for our stuff that we actually use we bought these things yeah there's some paintbrushes in here and a little out in the lights out in the light little cover so that we sold one for a dollar two dollars already wants from a house that we cleaned out so that is the video for it today I hope you guys enjoyed going you arts hanging with me and my parents and my beautiful fiance Sammy we really enjoyed it so I hope you guys enjoyed it watching it and more videos like this to come every day so stay tuned and the dream is real keep pushing every day stay positive stay up and literally do what makes you happy because no one else is living your life nobody else in the world could ever be you as good as you so be yourself be happy and do what you love you [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 45,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angry, dad, goes, to, community, yard, sales, yard sale, thrift, family, angry dad, pissed, tuck and sammie, sasquatch, graeff, power couple, graeff vlogs, finds, finding, somers point, community yard sale, nj, new jersey
Id: s5vj5I7Hz-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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