Got To Sell Cheap To Move It - VINELAND FLEA MARKET!

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what's the claim Vineland flea market out here selling alright we're out here at the Vineland flea market today more than halfway through our day we sold like 50% of what we brought so check it out for the dream she likes to run yeah it's not good look at her Roux but here we are truly another beautiful day in paradise we are about to I'm going to load these bikes up on the top I'm hoping to get 15 20 for each probably 20 for this if possible 15 for the cruiser but gonna take what we can get so we're going to the flea today we have a carload of stuff not maxing out but the spots they're small anyway so that's what we're cleaning and we still got a little bit of room in the car to put some more stuff which we have plenty of that so I'm gonna go in the garage and load up whatever else we can fit in this little remaining area right here so stoked another day living the dream surely that's a brightener oh look at this oh man I hope I can zoom but like the neighbor's cat hey don't go near her she's not fixed you don't need to be doing nothing with Ruru you're cute cap rude needs to get fixed before she can play because I know what you're thinking all right good morning Sammy guy ready to do this hit it I was gonna pound you out but okay we got it let's do it gonna get some coffee and then head to the flay no a beautiful day to do it another beautiful day to live this kind of a lifestyle outside talking to people sound stuff here we are going into the Vineland Lima looks like they have a car show here on the 29th that could be cool I think we're just gonna try and go outside right 15 17 or 18 it doesn't matter it doesn't matter sometimes I'll put your name you loves me g ra e FF [Music] thank you okay this is gonna be our spot right here number 18 so we're about to pull around come in here and back up into this spot not bad liking this already another day at the flea it's poppin already here heavy crews all over all right there we are I've got to set this up so I'm gonna put up like a little time-lapse the GoPro so you guys can see this set up here it's awesome having this GoPro though so I can switch off and on do this what's up man [Music] [Music] two bucks you can't deny that right oh [ __ ] I gotta get changed now that two bucks you change for him right so like I think it's more like you got to charge it I mean five bucks I don't know hey you want the computer it comes with this the keyboard and that too what the only thing is I used a different chord there's no chord okay because I have one at my house I use for it but I needed it for the TV yeah one dollar all the shoes are two bucks each even that dudes alright beautiful day out we're all set up well we just sold like tons of stuff already we're outside here in the front that's fine you want me to put it in the car I can put it in the back of the car as fine well she's OB I got it that's cool this is from flava flav remember the rapper is lay the flavor on the neck he had the big clock you remember no I think it was a I forget the name of the rap group this is a nice setup that huh third hour yes you can if you want to have this you can if you want to have this container you can all righty just people flocking to the stand what is this I'm sorry what is this you two before this is not for me as for my friend who has a motor car yeah yeah that's the third bike yeah you have to have it the right size though because like this one probably too small yeah the only thing I have like five so I don't need it anymore yeah you want the vacuum yeah I don't have it yeah that wouldn't put it in charge here right is it the charge of it yeah and then there is an external battery too that you can buy to make it last longer where's the brother I don't have that either so what how is it working it has a internal charge okay but then you can have an extended life all for the bouquet I got I got but this is the that I mean you can get it regularly I think it's just like an 18 volt charger it's not too hard to find I might even have one but I don't know that's fresh when'd you make those I got on Thursday night with retro con there's very well out there yeah where's that oh oh I know where that is that's right next to pretty much where my dad lives Valley Forge yeah yeah we went out there I went out there and I did a last weekend and for a big toy show and I actually pretty good money out there that's awesome good shirts in here so I brought him with me magic look at this this stand right now is packed and we haven't even unloaded anything look at the table we didn't even organize anything people just buy it all most of the time is people that come first and by self is people that have stands here but that's awesome for us we don't care thank you you got someone that will fit those shoes actually yeah nice take her out of them quick that huh that's why they got so many in here I still got some baby shoes yeah yeah and then you take 13 for both we got it we got the deal thank you so much yeah hopefully you can find a charger easy for that yeah okay have a good one man this is PlayStation right yeah yes they don't want yes to play dry dude are you gonna do it you have it already I know yesterday because they don't work I just told her but hers is on a box it's like new you I played a twisted meadow last night just a nano for ps1 first time in 15 years because I I always buy 20 for everybody so many people buy and stuff already we couldn't even organize it's nice right look at this we dumped it out so they can look through it and then they bought a lot out of it didn't even know there was toys in the bottom look at these etnies though they're virtually unused basically do we have the other yeah here you want them you want to put them in here you carry them over you can have one of these no matter okay just set them down this by the shoes okay yeah I know I don't think I have the other one I wish let me look in the car real quick this one here the other one the helmet is five thank you okay I'll do ten on the bike if you want okay what is it how much for that it's a dollar okay all right so we got a box of goodies from a trade with our friends Paul neck and maybe we got one cap that'll go on there instead of the one that locks [Music] is it too big hopefully I can go that way someone is like reverse threats no I don't think it's gonna go in there I wanted it to get so bad great it's exactly like reverse from that it's right [Music] it's we we're stuck with the one that locks see look that looks the same no this one's going this way and that one's going that way almost that one was like cool what's the claim dude the claim yeah flea market today man Sammy's birthday there yeah I want to meet her yeah I only have a 1 stickers ok let's try to bring more about your number one you to my you guys a man I was dying to meet you guys I watch her you two every day yeah we got a Bruno's Russian cat that's what we got there yeah we had a baby cat and some monster he's big like as big he's charcoal gray yeah that's nice and don't put the blue black when you got the new one boo boo yeah we got her here you got it here yeah Wow I remember that with that time he had this flea market here that he's won in the office she picked it up that's really yeah yeah she got so big yeah she's been honest you know you do I said I want you guys every day when you go recycling when you will do the claims but I remember when you had your your shop oh that little shop you have one I remember that what town is that we yeah you shot back yeah building but it's so moldy now Oh y'all still got that building dining meet you guys dream man yo guys yeah this is beautiful man I was dying to meet you guys let's see this this is a rack of kind of fire honestly what is this Jack this is a nice jacket that one yeah Flyers usually got a lot of sporting good stuff 7:15 this one strand and this one's 15 that is 15 and 10 okay this nice one yeah we had one like that we sold it yeah it was too big yeah yeah it's like the kerosene one we had oh yeah I got two hundred thousand propane honestly it's just it makes it so loud have a good one so the neighbor here this guy he showed me this helmet to see how much you think it is made in Japan hey how are you then I sent it to otter to see if he knows the price I've been an ass yeah then we'll get it this hot so much worth what we get then we're gonna be complaining that it's too cold that's true thank you yes I do one right here [Music] these shoes are $1 yeah all right think we're like a little bit more than halfway through the day here we sold so much just got to drop the prices and get this stuff moving that's the main claim here I mean nothing above like 15 bucks you can't get crazy it's pointless because then you just get home with everything now because some stuff is just impossible to sell five pairs moving it along right how's this bike yeah that's so true pulling those back hurts my back though you want to help me can't get that bill anywhere huh Sano is on vacation right [Music] [Music] yeah or like a and to hang from the wall maybe 10 but the age if that's any good you don't know anything about it but it works fine yeah five bucks you can test it if you want what's the claim Vineland flea market out here selling selling it all stay tuned hot day out here at the flea but we're making it making moves [Music] all right we're out here at the Vineland flea market today more than halfway through our day we sold like 50 percent of what we brought so check it out for the dream well they're coming at you that's a spider he's going in you didn't go in yeah what is this for what does it do you don't know those little shops it's only like this there's your chops or a shirt yeah you want to you want to bag five bucks it doesn't work for five bucks right yeah why you came on a bike yeah you came to look or so oh friend of mine so well that I just there you go five bucks she's moistens really cool next time you buy a bike for cheaper comment let me know because I don't think that'll have it always be cook its have four wine cooler how about this thing it works fine it's brand-new basically was that it's for edging oh yeah 2 bucks no you're selling cheap yeah cuz I want to get rid of it I have so much in my house yeah there's a DVD player we're about to head back home and our friend is coming now to our house to buy some more games city ball yes back there already 40 games today there's that one yard sale guys blouse he knows games that when he sees a all right we're back at the house now what's the claim no you see this is their fee that stays on my phone that's the whole library those are the games that they still needed those are the only games look at how many games I have my collection 488 so far I have a man 488 individual titles in that try to grab whatever I don't have it so let's go back to the we're here 488 and what system for NES 14 years I have 488 individual types of those so look Tucker their games that they need right missing games this one I'm sure they don't have I know believe many are again at that yeah look is the what is th Erie best of the best oh yeah it's not always there is bidding there Daisy yeah I know dude believe me your sheep I also know that they need Yoshimi that care you believe in me I know every single game that they have in my head 400 it's insane how many are there in North America because I've been I've been gathering so many over the years you know me how many in North America collection 162 and you think it's impossible to get all of them 672 you think that America library do you have gel de I do it would have the gold one yeah I do I don't have I do not have a great shelter I would like to get that one too look Leo Cherie I need you oh [ __ ] I know for sure there it is I have another Yoshi Yoshi cookie also need Yami nation never heard of that one zombie nature's very rare to find you sorry you what a moon destroying spaceships shooting stuff what else I think so Lee do you have in there Mega Man 3 you do like two Mega Man I'll trade you one for one yeah yeah look at trade two one for this that's what you trade it for what is that there is that charger for that three six I have one console I don't know if works they're gonna try now for the 360 yeah you play that I there is some arcade classic e arcade games for the two six two you know it's pretty cool to look okay this Mega Man that's the one I'll trade that for how about this one got a chip in here have it is it worth money no really man it's like damn $13 don't play that first Chris and you like why would you want to have one with five and three is collecting okay look do the one the one that I have with the five screws this U is not like this is wrong see like this you know it's only because different label just know is it because this is made in Japan no because those are made it a after is that this is a really re-release three screws is every release are you sure not all of them because most of the games only came in on 500 only three but the ones that were popular like Mike Tyson's punch-out you know yeah they made a game with three screws yep I think even mate right you have a Metroid with five screws dude this is five screw right this one is tri demetrite no no damn it Roy what is it Metroid I don't know do you want to go on this search well yeah you think it's worth it for me if I found a single game that they don't have is well worth it man I know there's some in there I know that for sure he has on a mission yeah soon you could be that guy on the on YouTube that had all the game oh yeah right eventually right if I find the lucky a lump of gold or some like this yeah yeah but yo you can't fit all that even in my house you can't live in an apartment with that yeah this is [ __ ] great right really we got something you didn't have see there's three games here yeah dude that's the way any sega game is sitting there in the show that's good you know what Lukey you might find it like a sister and brother yeah you know yeah cuz the other one you got from me right yep I got the ashtray I want you do you have these ones no no no no dude whatever Sega you find it don't have it because I have only seven games this Master System games these are the only games I've ever seen in real life of these spawns see ever is how hi Justin I'm around this stuff every day all the time and I still never saw it I think if people didn't buy them is that what happened people worried everybody bind a Nintendo sighs this is rare to find but they're not worth anything that's the problem because not Nintendo people want anything you bought this whole bag you're so serious about it though right I can get to my NES games man I give it this [ __ ] to people and I get their news game that they don't have is don't wait like you guys like it that the guy who is a reseller we sit next to you at yeah at the flea market look fake $20 this one is very rare right I never saw that one ever incomplete just means why is it red pink because fantastic E is a limited edition fantastic colors that green heavy purple gray P this one I think is clear pink look incomplete even with two controllers complete with a cricket - in there oh yeah the Florence is busted hopefully have one but anyway 20 bucks minute is good yeah you know he has like trying to you know sell few to pay for something here Mario car and what is this he's played this before never I've never seen never saw that either these riders destiny 1 this is 1 6 g - I used to play X G like a motorcycle never heard of that one these are never seen this - man now I hopefully work a few dollars we can grab some of the money these ones are becoming more valuable I think so I know it's better more money than the Nintendo for sure yeah you know I DS and PlayStation now are the best because the people who used to play Nintendo collecting say like me we're getting all the most of them got all of it ya know and now the younger people they're people like my age who play this now they're gonna collect it again because they had it when their kids yeah you like you're a hundred percent right yeah so um in this Excitebike ex-life 64 yeah I love it papa gear for supreme games I mean you have Excitebike for a Nintendo write original because it's in there yeah spider-man read one I don't know you can't look at it I found in the trash I found two Pokemon games like this I sold them each thank you okay mo you're so separate - one by one because I don't know why but the American kids who like Pokemon their coconuts yeah crazy I hope it working this is good for three dollars each you all check you before you buy right I mean if there I only buy because it's cheap so now I don't care sometimes like alright so we got back from the flea market and then our boy he's trying to collect basically NES is his main goal is to get every game so we helped him out a little bit there he bought a bunch of stuff from us and then we sold a BMX bike that our neighbor gave us just today while we were gone and he put the money in the mailbox it's a successful day twenty bucks for the bike not sure how much he spent maybe more than 50 I think sixty dollars on some games and then the flea market we sold tons of stuff so we're gonna try and finish painting this stuff these cabinets and then just end the day off so thank you guys for watching and I do want to say just keep pushing for real because every push forward no matter how small is success so just keep going just stay on your path and just keep pushing for it also thank you guys so much we got like three more orders of socks and shirts and multiplied them so like actually like four or five orders altogether so thank you everyone who's been ordering merchandise from us that really amps me up I love it stoked but uh the dream continues every day [Music] [Music] we just pulled into Hammond 10 New Jersey on the legit Main Street here so we got a call our friend Billy yesterday about his friend who's moving out of his I don't even know it's more or less like a family house of his whites and they're moving out of it and anything that's left he wants to get rid of so we're gonna check it out and see if there's any good that we can grab to sell so we're about to pull up any minute within the next two minutes actually pick up that glass now it's just looks like doesn't look really like a foreclosure like I was picturing it looks much cleaner so we'll say see what we got some claims for sure what's going on how are you am I good to park there yeah yeah um so this place has got to get cleaned out huh it's been a heavy wrong I have you situation so far excuse me has it been heavy so far on me your husband yeah so it gives me more time to get more stuff out that I want not that I have a lot yeah but just today nobody one person yesterday it was a decent day because it was the town wide yard sale and today nobody came I just left to stuff up and a lot of crystal China so what is all this stuff going everything out here everything all right we'll try and make a pile and maybe if we if we like some stuff - we'll just come back tomorrow and get it that's fun because uh some of this stuff was from when I got married in 88 and never opened it I don't know silverware and stuff down in this what is this thing that is an Electrolux rug cleaner there's the book you use that one ever I'm used I didn't even know we had it you got to understand this is three generations worth I thought uh yeah like this punch bowl this punch bowl underneath here it's got the glasses underneath that's really old that was my wife's grandmother you know that's no integer you know I mean I don't know I don't know what kind of stuff you normally take UV does it work yes my cousin brought it over said try to sell it at work they just didn't need it anymore she used it as a monitor yes that is a TV I'll take that here you got a lot of glassware that's nice sad old glassware this is a girlish dish I mean I don't know what normally goes e that and there might be two sets in here there might be this set might be in there too with the birds on it I mean this is this is old [ __ ] Antiques huh yeah I mean I would think I mean you know I've really never even tried to sell a set of this before so I have no idea but I'm liking the bird one for sure so maybe I'll take that box do you think it's nice this is a big expensive new yeah you're gonna buy it yeah yeah you can see your like heart rate yeah that was no that was a good sale last minute I wasn't taking it that was a thousand that was a dream right there are you keeping this racket yes actually the fire companies okay yeah we had I have it won almost exactly the same in the garage yeah I told you they asked for change just doesn't so you know I mean this is an incense burner that's kind of cool it's not what is it for yeah that's what I was thinking krystal krystal krystal this actually this is it cristão this people don't use crystal like they used to it out either cool brand-new never [ __ ] use this was we had these made when we got married all right a guy right here in hammocks and on North Street you get it this actually matches that play that's Chris Tao yeah this is this is the good stuff looks like these are some antique like ornaments right a white grandmother those these you're not you don't want these no I don't want to take these box because I think my mom will wanna pry and then the bottom of that there's it's not a complete set but a New Jersey State Police ornament cricket balls okay cool I don't know if you want a ball but that was my daughter new driver not anymore she's not but back here to Christmas tree this year was pretty old but you know that bag their eyes closing it to I don't know if you want to go through it or not that's totally up to you yeah a big one there to weigh take this pot of gold Christmas ornaments this is nice you know there was a lot more people bought some of them yeah I mean people loved them yeah this mommy used to do put two trees up we used to do a small one with all those ornaments all the old ones and not a bigger tree with all the newer stuff you know yeah but we're not doing that no more sold one of these are two ities this is a we sold one of these before heroin P thought was claiming these are expenses in it to buy I might take this product coach purse done sobriety and dreamer right here that's probably old do another bowling bag I think nicer one these that hang down lots of stuff that's dime a dozen that chairs of complete barter about this TV it's just all small at least a five dollar guy keyboard some antique Christmas ornaments Hannah Montana and a BS game I did take a chance on some crystal there's a lot of crystal here but those ones have like a cool like deer design on them so I think I can try Facebook um a couple coats bowling bag so I think we're good made in Japan one has a mango on it and I'm gonna adds just like a what is that fish called again with the very it's a swordfish laser cool Lizzy because things we got here so far some antique ashtrays there's a lot of stuff here but like promises we have a too much vintage than antique these days but like this is country flowers by andrea cool pretty cool I just don't know the market of these it's not good in my age group I'm sure no one here thank you very much oh no problem same here our nice little bonus here at the end of the day after the flea market got some good stuff so thanks Ronnie that was awesome appreciate it man for real scored up got a show I'll show it in more detail and search like some values maybe as some stuff tomorrow morning but it's late we're tired we woke up early and we're going to bed so see you guys tomorrow peace out hope everyone has a great rest of their day or night [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 41,776
Rating: 4.8567495 out of 5
Keywords: got, to, sell, cheap, move, it, vineland, flea, market, flea market, yard sale, farmers market, vineland flea market, sell cheap, making money, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, junk, vintage, money, cash
Id: kOYslnYyiNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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