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hi everyone welcome back to my channel thank you so much for subscribing for liking my videos for commenting on my videos for sharing my videos thank you it's the first time welcome to my channel my name is Daphne and make sure that you subscribe to make sure that you click the notifications bell so that you get the notifications once the videos are uploaded so welcome to Wednesday on Wednesdays we're back again let's go straight into the Word of God let's go to the book of Genesis chapter 30 verse 29 to 30 and verse in Genesis chapter 31 verse 4 to 13 we'd say so Jacob said to him you know how I have served you and how your livestock has been with me for what you had before I King was little and it has increased to a great amount the Lord has blessed you since my coming and now when shall I provide for my old house so Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field to his flock and said to them I see your father's countenance that it is not favorable toward me as before but the god of my father has been with me and you know that with all my might I've served your father yet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times and God did not allow him to hurt me if yes if he said thus the speckled shall be your wages then all the flocks bore speckled if he had said thus a strict shall be your wages then all the flocks bore streaked so God has taken away the livestock off your father and given them to me and it happened in the time when the flocks could see that I lifted my eyes and so in a dream and behold the rams which leaped upon the flocks were strict speckled and gray spotted then the angel of the Lord spoke to me in a dream saying Jacob and I said Here I am and he said lift your eyes now and see all the rams which sleep on the floor a strict speckled and gray spotted for I have seen all that Laban is doing to you I am the God of Bethel where you anointed the pillar in where you made a vow to me now arise get out of this land and return to the land of your family amen I don't know what season you are in right now but God is dealing with your labor God has seen what labor has been doing to you God has seen what you've been going through you see Laban is a system it's not just it's not just about a person it's a system that undermines it's a system that limits you it's a system that deceives and changes your wages it's a system that keeps you enslaved and dependent on it you see some of you have been under that system under that slavery for 14 years like Jacob have you been under the captivity of labor for 14 years God is saying I have seen one day I've done to you I've seen what was happening to you I have seen it with my own eyes says the Lord and this is the time of recompense this is the season of retribution those who put you under a snare those who are changing your wages those who are cursing you those who are disrespecting you those who are undermining you and speaking down with you I have seen all that they have said and because you never fought back because you are faithful because you remain humble the Lord is going to reward you in this season easily lift you up in the name of Jesus do you believe that this is your season of retribution do you believe that this is your season of justification for it is the season of justification on Monday we prayed about our rising the brightness of your rising it is the brightness of your rising the days of you being under Laban have to add today so here we see Jacob if you know the story of Jacob you know that Jacob deceived his own brother and you know Jacob but his mother they formed up a scheme for him to pretend like he was his brother and because of that Jacob managed to steal the blessing Esau sometimes the things that we do if we don't repent can come back into our lives and they can begin to bite us we can begin to live in the effects of the things that we did before the things that we have not repented thank God that we are now in a new covenant we can repent and turn back from our sin maybe there's something that you did in your life and maybe you're paying the price for it I don't maybe there's something that you did that you're never repented for you've come into salvation and you think that you can just do anything and everything that you want we see the people like David David did thing and he ended up paying the price for it so whatever that we do let it be right before God whatever that you do before God whatever how you live before God in this new covenant of grace makes sure that your life is a life of repentance make sure that what you're doing is not deception because you might end up paying the price tomorrow we see how Jacob manages to pay the price but yet God had mercy on him you see God is a God of justice doesn't desire for you to be under a system that limits you God is a God of justice and now that you are in this new covenant God has paid the price for infirmities he has paid the price for sicknesses he's paid the price for your sins now a live is one who has been paid the price for live is one who has been justified by the blood live is one whose heart has been circumcised before God so we know the story of Jacob Jacob after seamed if so he had to run away because Esau wanted to kill him and he ended up meeting Rachel whom he fell in love with at first sight and he lived Rachel and Rachel's father Rachel's sister for one month until one day lame but said you know what can I do for you you know you've been here with me for a month what should I do for you and and Jacob said you know what I want to marry your youngest daughter Rachel I will serve me for seven years for her and the Bible tells us that the love of Jacob was so deep and so strong that even that seven years felt like Isis because the love that Jacob had for Rachel was a patient love it was a love that does not have lust inside of it was a love that is not filled by lust so the seven years don't like conveys to him and then we see after those seven years that he was deceived and he was given Leah instead of Rachel so late but began to show his true colors and Laban deceived them and gave him Leah they start of Rachel then after though after the honeymoon he explained and said you know what we cannot just give you the youngest daughter we have to give you the oldest daughter first because this is our system this is how we do things here child of God I don't know where you are today there's a system in place that is telling you that I know that you have been working for me I know that you are here doing this and that but this not the way that we do things they have changed your contract they have changed the way that they did things with you they've changed the agreements that you agreed with maybe in your life maybe it's a relationship the agreements have been changed the precepts and the laws in that relationship suddenly have become different you went into the relationship thinking that you're going something some way then all of a sudden things changed maybe it's a job now you're stuck in that job it's a system that deceived you in that place you were happy when you are serving seven years came the time of fulfillment came they told you gonna get a bonus all of a sudden they changed the system child of God but God is watching you see leave place for the right of God you don't need to fight anybody let God fight yours you don't need to argue with anybody about anything in life God always watches we have to put our trust in God we have to know that God is the God that sees all things God is the one who justifies you he sees your heart he sees the pain that you have been going through he sees what that boyfriend has been doing to you he sees what that job has been doing - he sees what your family has been saying about you it is the time of retribution some of you your family has been looking down on you because maybe you are in a position whereby you cannot really take care of yourself so your family has judged you they have concluded your life that you're going no way but God is about to change the story right there in that family God is about to raise you up right there in that family stay put because God is opening the doors right there you don't even need to move out they shall see the glory upon your life they shall see you rising up the things that God is about to do will cause you to move out you don't have to force things child of God let God fight your story so we see Jacob was deceived and then Laban said you know what I'll give you Rachel after one week but you need to serve me another seven years Jacobs served Laban for a total of 14 years and in those 14 years all he had to show for himself was two wives in a bunch of children two wives and so many children that he cannot even take so many children that he cannot even pay school fees for children that he cannot even feed children that are depending on me a grandfather to feed them children that are depending on the old grandfather to give them money Jacob had nothing to show for himself in those 14 years I don't know maybe today I have nothing to show for yourself nothing to show in all those years that you've been in life maybe you say you know what now I'm 40 now I'm 35 and I have nothing to show that you know what maybe I'm gonna get married there's nothing to show there's no relationship in sight I've wasted my yes maybe you've been just going into different kinds of courses different kinds of education there's nothing to show no job nothing to show for that and you're saying I've wasted my life but God sees the system that was placed by the enemy you see the enemy came to plant a system because of maybe the sins of your forefathers maybe it was your sins that you didn't repent for and the enemy took advantage and he placed a system of labor in your life but God isn't God of justice he's a God of mercy child of God do not cry anymore do not fret anymore for God has seen your pain like Hannah who was crying when pnina was shouting when pnina was nagging when pnina was poking at her God saw the pain of Hannah and Hannah was praying and I was crying she was praying like a woman who is drunk but yet God had seen her pain you see we never hear that Hannah was fighting with pnina there were no fistfights there were no exchange of words you see you don't need to fight anybody learn the secret as a Christian don't fight anybody you see we don't wrestle against people we don't have to argue with people you know in my own personal life I don't argue with anybody I don't have time to argue with people don't have time to argue with people don't have time to fight with people because God the God who sees all flesh the God who sees all heart sees the God that will fight for you he's the God that saw the attack he saw that the enemy had something against you when you were still in your mother's womb God saw that he saw the target that was upon your life even before you were born the Lord saw that there's a target upon your life because of the anointing how is it that Abraham's grandson is living under a system of slavery for 14 years how is it that somebody who was as wealthy and as rich as Abraham how is it that these old grants that he has nothing to show for it maybe you think you know I'm a Christian what you have to show for my life I am a son and I'm a daughter of Abraham what do I have to show for this what do I have to show for the blood that paid the price for my for my life what do I have to show for every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms that I've inherited in Christ what do I have to show for this authority that I have in Christ they seems to be like nothing to show yet you have a name of a father who has a name above every other day yet you worship the God who is the God of all flesh yet you worship the King of Kings how is it that you have nothing to show for it maybe you're asking why do I have nothing to show for my life there's nothing to show for my life I don't even have this I don't even have a job I don't even have a car I don't even have a house I have nothing to show in the in the area of material things I have nothing to show in the area of even emotional blessings they seems to be just stress in my life it seems like I'm just anxious about things there is no peace what is it that I have to show in my emotional life in my mental life where are the blessings the mental blessings the emotional blessings maybe you say there's nothing to show for it but God has been watching you see there's always a time it's a time there's a season under the heavens there's a season for every purpose this is why I love God because God has purposed a season in your life God is purposed a season in my life for us to rejoice fast to have joy you see there's a season for joy joy has to come joy is coming no matter how it looks today there is a season under the heaven there's a season that no one is gonna be able to stop there's a season that the enemy cannot stop there's a season that the systems of labor and I'm going to stop we see that God to give Jacob a dream it is set in angel my god me you said that angel God for your children today who are called by your daily Lord I am praying send your angels of solutions Lord they bring the solutions into their lives know that they may be a shift and a change in their life Oh God from the sister that Laban has planted over their lives we are going to pray at the end of this video you see the Lord sent an angel for Jacob the Lord sent an angel to Jacob and Jacob at the time he had been working 14 years all he had was to ice which he was tricked into doing tricked into married deceived into marrying to ice and had all these children and he had nothing to show no inheritance to give them no legacy nothing no education nothing to show for him imagine that a great grandfather this grandfather who is famous in all the earth this grandfather who is known to be a father of faith but you have nothing to show for it he almost looked like a father who is a failure maybe you look like a failure to your family today maybe a family Pig your failure but guess what guess who has the last say in your life guess who has written the last say in your life you see it is God we has the last say it is God who created you is able to shift and change things you see your life is not ending today your life is about to shift today don't worry about what they said about you don't worry about those friends that said your failure don't worry about those relatives that tried to kill you don't worry about those relatives that look down on you and they laugh at you yet they themselves have nothing to show for their lives yet they themselves have nothing compared to what God is going to show you it says I have not seen no ears have heard the things that God has prepared for those who love him for he has revealed to them by a spirit may you understand the things that God has prepared for you by his Spirit today may the Holy Spirit revealed to you maybe is already revealed to you don't doubt it don't doc what God is about to do that's some that I know without a doubt that God is faithful God is faithful even if it took 40 years in that sister 14 years in limits you see I see sometimes people crying like you know I this has been happening to me for two years and I've been struggling sort of like could find in the house I can't really do anything new people are crying two years but for Jacob 14 years working no salary nothing working for a wife working for another wife Julio's deceived working for all these children why he's working he doesn't even know why he's working he was in a place of deception he was deceived by labour and if you look at the history of labour he was a man whom was involved in witchcraft and he also prayed to other gods there was idolatry and there was witchcraft in this man's house leymah Laban is a sister it's an evil system it's a system that also has witchcraft deception did you know that deception is a form of witchcraft there was deception in laymen's house there was witchcraft and idolatry in laymen's house and this is where this man who had the anointing of wealth jacob had an anointing of well this is why Laban became richer and richer this man was an anointing over his life this man who is blessed he's the grandson of a great man this man is blessed but he's living in this household of witchcraft idolatry and deception you see some of you are so afraid of witches and wizards but when the anointing is upon your life nothing can stop it did you know that the hand of God cannot be stopped by witchcraft the hand of God cannot be stopped by no demonic forces the hand of God cannot be stopped you see God has a plan for your life it is coming to pass if God has a plan over your life trust him don't trust the witchcraft don't trust the fear from the witchcraft don't trust the fear of the deception in the system don't be afraid of that job that has changed your wages ten times don't be afraid of the threats of that boss don't be afraid of the threats of that abusive man in your life maybe it's your boyfriend is if your fiancee you're about to marry this guy but he's abusive he's abusing you and he's telling you that you'll never have anyone else better than here that's a lie imagine when you get married to that man how much lower is your self-esteem gonna get how much lower is your confidence going to get he's controlling while you eat controlling what you wear controlling what you look like controlling where you go controlling who your friends are that's a system of deception that's a system of witchcraft he's trying to control you you see witchcraft is also a form of control and not only a form of deception and rebellion but it's also a form of control those that are trying to control you should not be able to control you do you trust that of God over your life do you trust the hand of God that when you leave that relationship when you leave the house of Labor when you leave that system and then job that God is able to prosper you but it will be well with you when you leave that sister God is saying to leave the system it's time to go your 14 years is up you see God doesn't force anyone to come out of slavery we have to choose we have to make a choice do you want to stay in the system or do you want to leave the system what do you want to do the choice is up to you but God's hand is upon you and it's up to you to go and to cooperate with God or your are you going to stay in the place of fear because of what they are saying to you because of the threats of Labor we see Jacob God had mercy on him and God sent an angel me and Jacob is explaining to his two wives that you know God sent me an angel and really what is really happening the angel is actually the Lord Himself who visited Jacob at night so the Lord visited Jacob and the Lord is going to visit you in this season be aware that the Lord is greater visit you prepare your heart for the Lord is visiting you in the season the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Israel is visiting you in the season child of God prepare your hearts to receive that visitation prepare your heart because your life is about to change he has seen what you've gone through you see sometimes were in a hole we are placed in a pit a place that is so dark and you cannot see when your tomorrow is going to come you cannot see your tomorrow things seem bleak and dark things seem hopeless and this is when God decides that enough is enough this is enough it's time up it's time up for Lady Bird system it's time up for these people that want to control you it's time up for that season of working a nine-to-five job do you trust God that when you leave that 95 that it can give you ideas business ideas you trust God God is able to give you a business idea even something as trivial as selling sweets on the market God is able to prosper that idea you see the anointing of God is what makes it prepare and to succeed all you need is the glory of God upon you and the glory of God upon you has risen do you trust the glory of God when he gives you an idea that seems like you this doesn't even make sense why should I sell sweets how all the sweets make me a millionaire how is sweets make me a billionaire how's sweets make me somebody has 100,000 pounds in my back account how a sweets going to do that for me but if you look at the supermarkets there are people that sell sweets and chocolates and those people have prospered but how much more you in the anointing and the glory of God is upon you maybe saying you know I need the fruit of the womb I've been married for seven years and they still don't fruit on the womb maybe people have spoken things of your life people have looked out of you even as they did it Elizabeth and they said you know you're getting too old forget about it don't keep trying why are you trying those people are speaking from the pits of hell the Lord says keep trying because he's visiting you and by this time this is a word for somebody by this time next year you'll be with child keep trying for the law is about to touch that one it became of Jesus the Lord God is touching that womb in the name of Jesus and he has visited you today in the name of Jesus he has visited you and he shall bear the fruit of the womb in the name of Jesus don't worry about the system that was in your family maybe nobody else had children maybe every time people had children there was something that would happen something would happen but not so with you for the glory of the Lord is upon you in the name of Jesus the Lord the Lord visited Jacob it was time up the time 14 years 14 years of keeping your mouth shut 14 years of people abused you fourteen years of people enslaving you fourteen years of people pushing you down the time is up you see there's a season for everything yes it was a season of cry maybe you're fasting crying out to God you didn't find those people maybe even try to fight them but the season is is up it's time up it's time up Philemon and the Lord made Jacob to prosper because the instruction of the Lord that dream made Jacob to prosper how to make the spotted in the speckled lamps and the in the livestock to conceive the angel of the Lord showed him how to do it God is able to show you how to live that relationship he will show you how to leave it but you have to just take the step make the conversation that I have to leave it's time for me to go the Lord has told me that this is not it the Lord has told me that you're not the one for me the Lord has told me that you're not my spouse it's time for me to go and by the grace of God I'm going to find somebody better than you by the grace of God but same God will raise Jesus Christ from the dead is able to raise up a husband for me I trust the word of the Lord you see it's time up I have to leave this job you have to change my wages ten times God is calling me to intrapreneurship God is calling me to be my old a business woman my own business man it's time up for me I have to go and don't tell those people how you're going to conceive your lambs just say it's time up for me to leave this job don't tell them your business ideas don't tell them how you're going to support yourself just say God will provide for me the same God who is taking care of me ever since I was a child this same God is going to take care of me because his name is Jehovah Jireh the one who provides maybe it's your family maybe you're exactly in the household of labor but the Lord is going to prosper you in that household just listen to the instruction that it gives you listen to the solutions that is giving you no matter how small on how silly and how trivial it sounds just listen just take the first step just do what he is telling you to do trust in the Lord with all your heart in all your mind and lean not in your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him acknowledge him and he shall direct your trust in the Lord with all your heart all your mind or your soul all your strength do not trust in your own strength you think you know maybe I'm earning already 30,000 or 40,000 yeah so why should I leave my job maybe they haven't really changed my wages ten times how do you know that and change your wages what do you have do you have the proof that they haven't change your wages maybe they have changed your wages and secret you need the eyes of the Lord to show you that your skills are worth more then forty thousand a year your skills and your knowledge are worth more than sitting on that desk nine-to-five you see God wants you to use your skills somewhere where they are worth it you're worth more than that some of you are worth so much more but you don't see it you don't realize it because you have allowed the voice of labour to deceive you you've allowed the voice of labour and it's had to push you down to think that you need to depend on labour you see Laban is also like a Jezebel spirit it makes you think that you need to depend on it you need to depend on your friends for this and that maybe it's your friends it's a fake friendship that has not been ordained by God some of your friends they're caging you like lay back you think these people like you these people are smiling and if you think these people love you but in secret they're like sticks its secret they are not wishing you well it's secret they're envious of you it's secret they're jealous of you it's sick when they're trying to compete with you you see you need the eyes of the Lord to show you the truth you need the eyes and the ears of God to show you the things that are hidden advanced in the things that you do not know God is able to show you you see we need to tap into the secrets of God so that we know the hearts of people we know the secrets of their heart the things that they really think about us the things that they really say about us in secret God is able to show you those things don't think because you still earn it 40,000 that they have not changed your salary ten times some of those bosses have changed your salary ten times you think just because that man buys you things that he takes you out you think that you deserve that you think you know I'm good I don't need to do anything I don't think get anybody better than this but the man is secretly cheating on you the man is also abusing you this person that you think is so perfect they're actually not perfect because maybe you've not experienced what a real love feels like maybe what experienced what a real love is actually like you've not yet seen it because maybe no one in your family saw what pure love looks like maybe knowing your family experienced it and God is trying to tell you that I have not at something better for you what you're thinking is better it's actually not good it's poison it's tainted it's fraud there's something that is better there's something sweeter and purer that I have for you do you trust God do you trust God to leave that job to leave that relationship to leave that house do you trust God to leave that country to leave that city do you trust God to leave that place to leave those friends do you trust God to put them in the place of acquaintances no longer a friend you see there are some people that you don't need to be friends with they just need to be acquaintances you don't need to be close friends with those people because they aren't going where you're going there's some people that you don't need to walk with anymore it's time to go it's time to leave leoben's sister will you allow God to take your way he wants you to where you want you to go you see Jacob like Abraham had to be taught I need you to leave this place leave this country leave this house leave the city you see when God wants to do something new most of the time tells you to leave the place of familiarity he tells you to leave the things that you used to do maybe it's a mindset God wants you to change your way of thinking maybe your way of thinking has become like a labor the way that you do things everyday you have become your own slave in your own system and mindset you become a slave of your own mindset and system because you're not renewing your mind with the Word of God all the thoughts that you're thinking at us that pertain to the flesh but that Cain's you and thoughts that limit you maybe you spit down on yourself maybe you're so negative maybe you cost yourself by the things that you say every day do you not know that the anointing of God is a on your lips do not realize that the Spirit of God lives in the Spirit of God lives in you you don't realize that there are angels around your life that are ready to do that which you speak why don't you speak the Word of God why don't you speak the blessings of God why do you say I can't do this oh I'm always tired or I do this and that I not really good at this you know I don't really have confidence in this I don't think I can do that I don't think I can wear these kind of colors I don't think this hairstyle really suits me I don't think this ID and I can tonight it's always a cut I won't I don't know how to why are your words full of curses and now you're crying because the system of your mind has caged you you have been doing the devil's work all on your own because of the words that you speak let go of that system of your mind that system of a laid back that is the limit to you change the way of talking change the way that you talk change the way that you think and the only way you can do that is by the Word of God it's by renewing your mind with the word of God the solution that came through the Lord of God went through the Lord God when he visited Jacob changed Jacob's life and we see that he began to prosper so much that Laban began to hate him Laban began to be envious of him Laban and his family began to hate Jacob they were envious and jealous because the Lord was prospering him Jacob was obedient will you be obedient today were you obedient to go away he wants you to go we will be obedient to come out of that system maybe it's your mind maybe it's a relationship maybe it's a job maybe it's a career maybe it's your family maybe it's your relatives maybe you just need to move away from your relatives maybe just move away go to a different city so that they stop monitoring you every day so that they stop talking about you everyday just move away and start to do your own thing it's time up it's time for change the Lord has risen upon you the glory of the lord has risen upon you it's time to arise and shine for your light Eska and the glory of the lord has risen upon you and the brightness of your rising is calling the brightness of it's calling in the season can you discern it can you just said that it's the time of rising up it's the time to rise up and to shine it to be bright as you should you should be at a level now where you're becoming brighter and brighter but if you don't rise up you're going to stay down on the ground how will you shun it if you're still up if you're still sitting on the ground and the Lord is telling you I want to I want you to do this I want you to write this book I want you to do this and that I want you to do that in that but you're not doing it you're just sitting down doing nothing you're just waiting for God to do something else something that you think you know this is what God is going to do you're trying to control God you're trying to control God because you're not used to the new things that he's doing he's doing new things in this season can you hear them can you perceive them can you perceive the new things that he's doing in this season because if you cannot then you're going to miss this opportunity the windows are open will you take the opportunity that is come it's time to leave Laban house it's time to leave Layton's place of control it's time to leave labor it's place of witchcraft and idolatry it's time to leave this place where people are being envious of you it's time to cut down those relationships of people and friends now that jealous of you in secret but they're smiling in your face it's time to shut things down it's time to move it's time to shift it's time to change people will just be surprised when they see your life tomorrow because you decided to be obedient to God let's just pray O God of Abraham Isaac and Israel you know what you are God there is no other god and we worship you we glorify your holy name sovereign Lord we pray have mercy on us O God have mercy on asking of kings have mercy on us Lord we repent o God of every disobedience we repent o God of every deception that maybe caused us to be deceived Oh God every deception that caused us to stay in labelled house for 14 years in slavery Oh God maybe the sins of our fathers maybe it's the sins of our forefathers by Lord we repent before your presence all God asking you to wash us once more by your precious blood of God asking you all got to take control over every every part of our lives Oh God take control of every part of your child's life king of kings and Lord of lords for their being inflamed like Jacob Lord in the house of the system of evil the system of limitation the system of slavery or God the system when they cannot even move and be free No this system has caged your child but Lord in the season that is saying Lord I'm ready to go I'm ready to go I'm ready to leave I'm ready to hear your instruction I'm ready to do even the things that don't make sense to me today Lord your child is saying I'm ready I'm ready give them understanding Lord today instruction in the solution Lord you sent your angel or God immaterial self you revealed yourself to your servant Jacob Lord and you gave him a solution in an answer that changed and shifted his life to the point when you was able to provide for his family to the point whereby he had an inheritance and a legacy to leave his family oh God he had been working 14 years with nothing to show for it no what I pray for your child Lord some of them they feel they've been working for 14 years with nothing to show for it 14 years in single wood 14 years old God with no child 14 years in a marriage with no child 14 years in a job with no bonus no acceleration that they owe God 14 years with no incentives nothing to show for it 14 years Lord they feel that they wasted their time and God you're able to change things are you not in God he's not your hands to show is your hands to short it to change or God to shift and change things no to make that forget through the to meet them to forget the pain even through the enjoy through the harvest Lord I pray for your harvest let me rise and shine all God upon your child let your glory rest upon your child today father I pray in the name of Jesus Lord let their life be transformed like the life of Jacob whereby he had something to show for himself we had something to show for his name nor do you know the desires of your child keep of kings some of your sugar they are desiring some of them they design something to show for their lives financially some of them I desiring good health some of them I desire children no you know the desires of their hearts some of them I designed just a happy life a contentment or God some of them they have no peace snored their minds have become a labor Lord their minds have no rest Lord give your child rest rest rest of the soul rest in the name of Jesus let it be like water like a fountain in the name of Jesus let it soothe from the souls Oh God from the crown of their head to the soles of the feet yes this fountain of peace let it rain let it rain let it rain let it move in the name of Jesus in this soul father in this hot in this mind peace that surpasses all understanding peace that remains Oh God we pray in the name of Jesus I thank you for solutions that are coming by your angels that you have released upon your children in your children's life today oh god I thank you for those solutions even the solutions that you have already released Lord I please I pray for boldness and confidence to walk in those instructions Lord some of them you've already told them what to do I pray and they no longer fear Lord remove the fear by the power of your spirit let the fear be removed let the fear be removed by the blood of Jesus we come against the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus and we say no more and we render your voice voiceless we render you fear mute in this child's life in the name of Jesus the name that is above every other day father we give you glory who keep it honor we thank you that the season of late but how God is finished Oh God we think that the season of late but oh god oh god of being controlled and limited it has come to its end lord I thank you for the new season that your children are walking into it stepping into cuca seasons of left to enjoy seasons oh God of peace seasons of change let them know that you are the gods faithful that your name is faithful that you are the everlasting one o God let them know the side of you Oh God for some of them they've know but they've never on the side of You Lord reveal yourself as God is faithful in your children's life Lord we pray and supplicate the senior-most holy day this we pray in jesus name hallelujah glory to God amen glory to God glory to God glory in the highest god bless you and God is so faithful and just trusted in trusting him just trust God trust him trust this world trust this word that has gone forth trust the word of the Lord and continue to meditate on the word of God and God surely he is revealing himself in your life and the key is being obedience obedience is the key in the season be obedient to the word of the Lord if it's an area of your life start to study things about conserving that day if for something maybe to do it may be a foreigner to start to study about your finances study what it means to tie it study what it means to give the poor study what it means to help under study what it means what does it mean be faithful in the Word of God be faithful with what is giving you today maybe it even goes to your love life study about love sandi about marriage study those things in the Word of God and say Holy Spirit help me to understand this study about the peace of God study about families study about careers whatever that is because that's where the change is coming that's where the change has been released in your life so you need to equip yourself as you go into this new real equip yourself because you have left the house of laman it's game up for labor so god bless you and I just encourage you to equip yourself so I'll see you soon take care bye
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 111,617
Rating: 4.9413872 out of 5
Keywords: god is defending you, god has seen what they have done to you, God has been watching, God is visiting you, wisdom wednesdays, wisdom wednesday
Id: jOoMBHskX1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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