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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel thank you so much for tuning in today for subscribing for commenting for liking boys before thank you it's the first time welcome to my channel my name is Daphne please make sure you subscribe if you're not subscribed okay so I'm a bit nervous so bear with me um this is a bit of a different wisdom Wednesday but welcome to instant Wednesdays we're back again and I struggled all week to be honest didn't really sleep because I was kind of fighting this and the Lord wants me to share this with you he wants to kind of open the eyes of so many women and maybe as a woman you are experiencing this maybe from one perspective and one angle and the Lord wants to wants us to be people who are healed he wants us to be people who are delivered he wants us to be people who walk in the realm of forgiveness and he wants us to show forth his forgiveness show forth his love and I'm hoping that this testimony and my testimony in my life can sort of open your eyes and help you as well because sometimes we need that example and sometimes we need to know that you know somebody else has gone through this and you know because they've overcome this and because God has helped them to overcome it because somebody has gone through this so then I can I'm also able to overcome the power of God is over this person's life the grace of God has helped them to overcome and this is what I really want you to experience His grace and his power to overcome any obstacle in your way any obstacle from your past your present your future God is called us to live a life of victory and even as women he has called us to be united as women it's so important for us to be united and it's so important for us to learn of each other it's so important for us to embrace each other as women it's so important for us to fight for each other we have to be our sisters keepers we have to get rid of that that crabs in a barrel mindset we have to stop pulling each other as sisters we have to grow up we have to make sure we have to love we have to hold each other the end fight for each other so that we can all win we all have to win there's room for everybody to win and I don't want to breathe but I just want to get it to this so basically you many know that I think in February I spilled coffee on my laptop and I couldn't use my laptop because he wasn't really working hundred percent so I was thinking let me get it fixed so that I could use it again but immediately the Lord spoke to me and he said he wants me to rest for now concerning YouTube he wants me to just spend time with him he wants me to just be still so I listened and I didn't do any videos and I was here and there on Instagram just probably posting encouraging messages on Twitter here and there but I wasn't really on the internet that much during that time I encountered quite a lot in the presence of God and he began to open my eyes to a lot of things that I didn't understand myself I have to tell you this first before I get into everything so that you understand and on the 40th day I was in university and the Spirit of God began to speak to me he began to open my eyes and he began to show me everything that has happened in my life and which is what I'm going to share with you and I've shed some of it in testimony video of my salvation he began to show me everything from the time I was a child to the time that I am now you began to reveal everything to me and he said that the enemy has used women in your life to hurt you the reason why the enemy has done that is because you are called to women you see you may not really understand why I do these videos why have so much passion to share to encourage you and to exhort you in the Lord it's because that is my calling I'm called to minister to women I'm called to encourage women and cold to be kind of like a model to other women this is what I'm called to do this is what I'm called to be and it's not in any way you know big headed away or you know try to be like hey I'm cold or anything like that I think like that but this is what I'm called to do to be like an example and you know every Christian is called to be an example it's just a matter of you discovering that purpose discovering that call over your life but this is what I'm called to do to minister the word to exhort to encourage to teach to love to care to give specifically for women so he began to open my eyes that the enemy knew this when I was born that I'm called to women so he would try to use women in different stages and seasons of my life to hurt me so that I would not walk in that quarry so that I would be distracted from that calling and that I knew eating that is placed over my life I want you to understand today I don't know what your cool to do I don't know where God is placing you and you have to understand that when you are born God places certain Gracie places he places on grace over your life and you have to discover that grace through him and sometimes people are not born again but they have this grace so the enemy hijacks that grace as my pasta says the enemy begins to hijack that grace perhaps you're cold in the realm of the prophetic maybe you're called to be a singer and you find that the enemy will hijack that gift and you begin to use it in a way that doesn't mean and glorify God but when you begin to discover your gift your calling your purpose in God he begins to shape it and mold it in such a way that glorifies him he doesn't glorify ourselves so everybody has a gift everybody has a grace over their life everybody has something over them that they are cool to do everybody has that because we are all your leak as human beings we are all unique we are special yes that God gave us to make a difference in this world God has called you to make a difference in this world and you see the enemy begins to understand these things because these things are spiritual so when I was born I don't know how the enemy understood this I have not yet understood of the Lord has not revealed to me how the enemy knows these kind of things but I do know and I'm reminded off with the Lord Jesus Christ was born we see that there was a star when he was born before he was born there was a star and they were three wise men and if three wise men they study this stuff so this this gives us a picture that they were into astrology they studied the star and they saw this time they followed the star to way it landed and the star was very big very bright it gives us a picture that when we are born there's something that happens in the spiritual around there's a star and your star is there's a star or there's a brightness that takes place or that reveals are almost that reveals who you are it sort of tells your storyline it tells your story line it tells or it gives a picture of what you're called to be and these three was that if you know the story they knew that a king was born so that means the star whatever that they could read from the star it gave them a picture that a king has been born this is why Haran became jealous that there's another king that has been born here Herod tried to kill the Lord Jesus Christ through killing all the little babies between zero months and two years old I believe it's two years old to get rid of this king that he was intimidated by you see there's some of you who are born and you experience a lot of warfare you experience a lot of wolf I have to say this then I'll get into the story I just want you to also understand about your own life if you're watching you experience a lot of warfare you don't understand why it's because of your calling it's because of your identities because of who you are and what you're meant to be here on earth it's because of the difference that you're meant to you is because of the difference that you are meant to input out of you into this world so the enemy knew that I was quote to women and when I was a child we had two nannies or a maid you know I'm missing Bob Wynnum I was born in Zimbabwe and in Zimbabwe everybody has a maid so it's not a matter of status or if you're rich even if you're poor middle class lower class everybody has a maid we it's just part of our culture in Zimbabwe I know here in the Western world people who have nannies and maids of people that are well-off so we had a maid and this maid she was a Christian and you know as a child you know when you're a child sometimes you just don't want to eat and you you just kind of fight when it comes when it comes to feeding time or eating time it kind of just fight it you just you know kids are like that that is the kind of child I was I just didn't want to eat I think my mom made something like that in my video that I did with my mom and when my mom made the food when my mom finished putting the food in the kitchen she then go in the lounge and they would eat with my dad and me and my half-brother and sister my late brother we would sit in the kitchen and the nanny would feed us but as soon as my mom goes she would she had her knuckles like this and so if I refused to eat she would beat me with her knuckles on the head or on the forehead and she would constantly beat me so I was so scared when it was time to eat I was so scared because if I eat slowly she would beat me if I don't want to eat she would beat me so I was sort of scared I didn't really know what to do I didn't know how fast I should eat so sometimes I'll end up actually vomiting the food because I was eating it so quickly that because I didn't want her to beat me son eat the food so quickly and it got so bad that sometimes I'm just sitting just doing nothing and she'll just come and she would beat me for no reason you'd be like why are you sitting there why are you doing nothing it was really more on me the beating was really on my case she was on my case and you know what's amazing that she was a Christian and she would also take us to church some some days I believe it was the seventh-day Adventist Church they go to church on Saturday sometimes she would take us to church so you know in my mind I was thinking you know she's I was a child too still so I think you know she is she praised so maybe it's not really bad what she's doing maybe I am wrong baby you know I am I'm not doing the right thing because she you know she talks about God and I was so to mention this she was very prophetic she was very prophetic in the area of dreams and I remember this because she would speak certain dreams whereby she sees certain things so she was very almost prophetic so this made me a bit confused like how can somebody who prays and they love God so much been beating me and constantly on my case so I was confused like is she doing the right thing this is why I never told my parents it's only when she left that I ended up telling them and they were so disappointed and so upset because they said why did you tell us why did you not tell us that this was happening to you they were so upset because they knew that this was abuse the maid was abusing me the maid was especially abusing me so at the time I didn't really think much about this until the Lord began to open my eyes about this and you know in school I've shared this on one of my videos that I struggle to make friends I was positive ejected by my friends so I went to school to high school in Zimbabwe and I started the second year basically I went to high school and my first year of high school I went to a different school and then the second year because you have four years in high school and the second year I then transferred in a way to another school and of course you know when you're new and everybody has formed do you French and suddenly show up is not easy to make friends but the problem though was I was really trying to make friends and I remember I would make friends I would have I'll be friends with a group of girls and then like after one week suddenly maybe the group leader or the most outspoken person in the group would suddenly say we don't want to be friends with you we don't really think we kind of work together we don't really think we kind of gel together you're just different from us so we don't think we really can be friends anymore and I'm telling you this I think this happened this happened repeatedly whereby I tried to be friends with everybody in the classroom you know so merely trying to be nice you know I was desperate to be friends with somebody and I ended up being a friend with this girl she didn't have any friends at all and we became friends and so the enemy was using my classmates all my friends so the enemy was trying to make me feel rejected the enemy wanted to make me feel like there's something wrong with you this is why you cannot make friends you know there's something wrong with you he wanted me to be rejected he wanted me to suffer in rejection and eventually I was now in a group of friends and but the friendship was not authentic and I realized this because I behind my back my friends were creating rumors about me and making up stories that were not true and I wondered why because one friend is telling me that another friend said this and that so it gets a bit confusing because we are all friends so why is one friend doing this and another friend is telling me this present and that it is sameness it means that the friendship the whole foundation is not authentic the whole foundation is false and so the enemy wanted me to feel rejected and he was using even the area of friendship so that I don't open up my two friends so I don't open up myself to other women so that I don't have anything to give to them so that I don't have anything to receive from them this is what the enemy wanted to do in my life in the area of friendships and unfortunately even one of the friends that I had she was involved in witchcraft and she actually did some things in terms of witchcraft in my life and I only found this out when I got saved you know this girl I was giving her my clothes she was borrowing my clothes but little did I know that she was taking my clothes and doing things on my clothes in Zimbabwe and in Africa there's all kinds of things that happen in terms of witchcraft and maybe you are born in the Western world you might not really understand these things but you know witchcraft is real a sorcery is very real and these things are real my friend was involved in witchcraft and she doesn't know that I knew their Lord revealed that to me later on when I got saved and I wondered why would my friend do this you know why is she doing this why did she do this but it was just the enemy tried to use people around my life you will find that if you're cold to something you're cool to do something the enemy will put a sort of like a bondage in that area the enemy you will put rejection in that area the enemy will try to put shame in that area because that area is your greatest strength the enemy is trying to find your greatest strength your greatest strength like Samson his greatest strength was his hair so the enemy said somebody are Nile eight and to pull down it to destroy his greatest strength you have to understand that you need to find out your greatest strength as early as possible as soon as possible where is my greatest strength you need to ask yourself that question where is my greatest strength because the enemy is looking around he's walking around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and he doesn't care that you're saved doesn't care if you're Christian if you're a Jew an atheist whether you're born again on he's looking for your greatest strength because he wants to hijack that he wants to annihilate and destroy the enemy does not want you to walk in your purpose he doesn't want you to walk in your calling your god-given assignment he doesn't want you to do that so the enemy began to annihilate and to try to destroy me in the area of friendships in the area of women that are meant to look up to women that are meant to take care of me the enemy began to annihilate and try to destroy that area and so that was the area of friendships and then here in the UK I had friends still but I found that a lot of times my friends were almost like envious and jealous there was this jealousy and I just never understood why because I find that some of these people are doing much better than me they have more things than I do have they get more attention than me so it can't be about attention it can be about looks it can be about money about clothes I was trying to really understand because I was seeing a pattern here so I was trying to us try to pinpoint where away is this really coming from and why does this keep happening to me because you find that I have a friend today and after a few weeks or after a few months all of a sudden my friend is competing with me all of a sudden my friend is the jealous of me my friend is envious time try to understand what is happening here what is causing this is it something that I'm doing so because of that I started to walk in a lot of force humility I was trying to suppress my gift I was trying to suppress myself even the way that I dressed the way that I look because I just did not want any extra any extra warfare to be honest with you I didn't want any extra problems so I was really walking in this mindset that I developed a false humility and trying to put myself in law myself so that other people can shine try to lure and dim myself so that other people can shine so that people are not offended so that other people feel better about themselves and I start to develop this mindset so the way I dressed I didn't dress to my best capacity my gifts I didn't use them to my best capacity I was trying to suppress everything because I knew that if I don't I'm not gonna have any friends if I don't I am not going to experience sorry I'm not gonna experience you know pure friendship I'm not gonna experience that female to female just companionship female to female friendship that purity and you know all through our primary school I always had a best friend so I wanted to experience that and so I was settling so much settling in friendships settling and putting myself down and I I guess I began to have this low self-esteem because I had been rejected in I had got through all these things all these moments where you question yourself isn't my fault is it really my fault maybe it's my fault maybe you know maybe this happened to me because you know of this and this and I've shared with you again about witchcraft I shared that internal entity video in my salvation video but I'll touch on that quickly before I move on again when we had these mains during that time I had a relative female relative who was heavily involved in witchcraft and God has given me a gift whereby I'm able to see sometimes in the spiritual realm I'm able to see things as they are maybe to see visions open visions have been dreams and as a child I was able to see that it's a gift that God has given me so I would see her coming in my room and she wouldn't be naked and she would have I mean one time she had a snake on her waist and she was completely naked the Lord opened my eyes to see to the spiritual realm and with witchcraft is it's very controlling this is why you need to be very vigilant control is a form of witchcraft when you find that you are very controlling or you are maybe you're under a leadership or you're under maybe even a friendship you're under somebody or something that is very controlling I want you to know that that is a form of witchcraft witchcraft is designed to control it takes away free will God Himself is giving us free will and he doesn't force anybody to believe in his name but the devil forces the devil wants to control he forces you and so with witchcraft she would come in the room and she would speak a word she would say turn over and immediately I'll turn over that's what witchcraft does it's controlling but God's Spirit is liberating the Spirit of the Lord gives you liberty you see salvation and the grace of God the gospel of salvation there is Liberty you see God will never force you to do anything till you to understand that if I'm being forced it's not of the Spirit of God it's not of God if you're being forced to do something if you'll be controlled whatever that you are today I want you to know that that is a form of witchcraft and you need to get out as quickly as you can get out and release yourself I'm even reminded right now of Pharaoh he was controlling the people of God through labor he was controlling them through finances are you be controlled right now baby your finances are being controlled and you find that there's no way out it's a form of witchcraft we are going to pray and we want to create a day a lot of you are going to be delivered today we're going to pray concerning all this because I know that you're going through the same thing that's why you clicked on this video and so if you want to hear more about this I spoke into great detail about the you know wolf airs and the witchcraft that I and I want you to know that it was a female relative that I faced the most problems with because the Lord revealed this to me and so the enemy was using the daddies he was using the relatives and he was using the friends and so I had been asking God why why was this pattern why was this why was this why was their pattern like this and I was looking at my life I've been very blessed to have a man who loves God and fears God and He loves me with all his heart I've been very blessed in my in the area of my love life and I'm so grateful to God because it's not something I prayed about fasted about but it's just something that God gave me freely so I find that sometimes women come into my life and at first things are okay but when they see that they become jealous and they become envious and this is why for me I cannot be friends with somebody who is insecure or somebody who doesn't know who they are I know that they will fall prey to jealousy they'll fall prey to envy because this is the pattern that I've seen happen so this is why for me the Lord told me that I would not have a lot of friends in life when I say friends I mean somebody that you can tell all your secrets somebody that you can trust somebody that you invited to your home and they invite you to the home you share your life with you share a lot of things with this is what I mean by friendship I'm talking about close in a circle kind of friendship I have a lot of sisters and I'll have a lot of sisters in the faith but I don't have a lot of friends because of the grace of God over my life because if he's calling and because of what I'm called to do and so the enemy is going to look for loopholes in my life this is why I cannot just be friends with anybody I have to friends with somebody who understands this calling understands the grace of God over my life who understands even concerning even my marriage if they don't understand that and they don't know who they are they're insecure they want attention it will not be well for them and it will not be well for me so in order to protect them and to protect myself I have to make sure that the people in my inner circle of people that are securing themselves there are people that will not make me feel like I need to endure myself in order for them to shine okay people that will not feel inadequate because the matter if he loves me women that will not try to sabotage me or try to imitate and compete with me so this is why sometimes for some women it's very difficult to make friends because the enemy is using women and women we are made to stick together we are meant to build each other up this is the kind of friendships and the realm that God wants us to experience friendships that we build each other and it's not one-sided I'm not the one that is constantly building you up but also you can build me up also you can sense in the spirit that I'm a little bit down and I need some encouragement friendships that you begin to encourage me concerning my future friendships whereby you're not competing with me when we take a picture together we are not competing when we were set in code we don't feel offended that we are wearing the same dress we are not competing here and this is not about competition this is about building each other up this is about lifting each other up into our places of relevance and purpose this is about sharpening each other like iron sharpening each other this is about encouragement this is about to love this is about care and genuine love so because I am cold to women this is why these things happen to me the enemy wanted to put a dent concerning how I relate with women the enemy was trying to put a dent in my life but you see the Lord revealed these things to me so now I know the truth and you see the truth really sets us free when I discovered this I was just in awe the whole day and university out I was assisting or everything began to make sense everything began to make sense I knew and I understood why why all these things have been why I would ask myself why am i giving giving giving so much in these friendships and these relationships but I'm getting nothing back why are my friends not encouraging me why are we why do women behave like this women in my life and I thank God for my mom and I thank God for people like my pastor I love those people so much God has blessed me with incredible women I do have some friends and I do have women that I look up to like my pastor and my mom these are all incredible women that I'm incredibly blessed to have my pastor is also my mentor and I mean credibly blessed to have these women in my life so God is you know throughout the years given me people that I can actually rely on and people that I can look up to people that I can trust with information and you know it's not an easy road and I don't know if you're experiencing the same thing God wants you to forgive God wants you to forgive the key to you walking in that great calling and that a great grace that he has placed over your life is to forgive those that put you in the pits like Joseph your brothers his own brothers put him in the pit you see this is why I'm able to relate to Joseph in so many of you are able to relate to Joseph because you face the same thing and you to find that that which happened to you that was your place of greatness that is the place that is going to propel you into your area of greatness it's the place that is going to propel you as you yield as you forgive it is you choose to love love those that have persecuted you it is for God's glory it is for God's greatness and work with you and I know some of you I don't say something you there's somebody watching this video you're in Hollywood right now and you remembering what they did to you it's because of the grace of God over your life is because of your calling in where you're meant to sit there's a seat that God has placed over you there's a seat that God wants you to sit on with your name on it but you cannot sit on it before until you heal until you forgive until you love you to understand that these things are spiritual yes the enemy was using the daddy yes enemy was using the friends to reject me as the enemy was using my relative to perform witchcraft and to delay my destiny and to delay me in the area of finances it was mostly about finances you see the enemy new way I'm going this is why he placed certain people around my life the enemy knows where you're going and he's going to try place certain people around your life maybe you already know these people and today you're so bitter maybe you're coming from a broken marriage and there's been adultery in that marriage maybe they are my god you're coming from a broken marriage there's been an adultery you're so bitter you hate women now I want you to know that you can forgive today I want you to know that this grace to forgive right now this grace to love those that are not lovable you see I was asking God and I said God you called me two women but it is the same people that rejected me it was the same people that were performing witchcraft on me it was the same people that were abusing me physically it was the same people that when I told my secrets they would go and tell everybody it was the same people that were trying to fight my love life Oh God you've called me to these same people you've called me to love these people you've called me to minister to these people with the heart of love with the heart of forgiveness and the Lord began to remind me that you see those that rejected him you see on the cross they were persecuting you on the cross they were shouting heresies and blasphemies but he died for those people Jesus Christ and died for see it we hated him yet we were sinners so how can you say that I will not forgive that person how can you say that I cannot no let go how can you remain so bitter when we have the example of Christ God wants you to forgive those that has persecuted you and sometimes we can never step into our place of greatness greatness is a realm or it's a personal decision that you make before you step into your make a decision and some of you you'll not step into that place until you forgive somebody until you let go um and I want you to study Joseph's life today I want you to study Joseph maybe um maybe you have been hurt maybe it's not particularly women but it's men that have hurt you your woman watching this video and it's particularly men that have hurt you they something that God wants to do with your life and you have to exhaust him you cannot afford anymore to think or to have this might say that every man is bad every man is not good every man is a cheater every man is it is trouble the place that God has called you to be it's a place whereby you experience the goodness of God through a man he wants you to experience that and you have not experienced that with your father you have not experienced that in relationships can God is great and God is saying that he's going to allow you to experience that with a man and even as he becomes a father you also become even a father to you you become a husband and a father it's something that God will do and God is able to do that but you have to forgive and you have to change the way you think so when I was asking God about this and he was speaking to me the Spirit of God was speaking to me reminding me of Christ and he said you need to die completely to the flesh you see sometimes offense comes because we have not died to the flesh people are so offended in this 21st century offended by everything offended by this and that fender if you step on my toe I'm offended always offended but there's a realm whereby you die to the flesh and you begin to see people as spirit beings who have a soul and a body spirit beings that Christ died for spirit beings that sometimes they have broken souls broken ways of thinking some women are insecure some women are going through things that went by they are hurt so they want to hurt somebody else some women don't know who they are because they don't know what they are they begin to compete with other women they begin to pull down other women some women because they're so lonely and they have become busy bodies and abusive to younger women they are older women that have become busy bodies and they abused a younger women you see God was to deal with this and he wants you to not be offended when you come across those kind of women God wants you to carry his nature of love that you're able to pour inside because those people they need love it's nothing that love cannot soothe even the greatest monster the greatest beasts inside of Arts can be so that obtained by love God wants us as women to carry the nature of love to stop comparing each other stop competing stop fighting each other stop putting each other down stop trying to steal kill and destroy each other in different areas of life it's time for us to unite as women and my heart is crying out to women today your woman watching this video my heart is crying out the heart of Christ it's crying out through my heart even now and he wants us to be united as women as believers we have to be united we cannot behave like the world it's time to grow up in the way we think throw up from their low self-esteem in the false humility that says even I need to do myself in order to be friends with this woman I have to dip myself that is a fake friendship it's time to grow up and it's time to arise and sometimes to arise it means to rise up from false friendships false ways of thinking false humility limitations it's time to rise up from those things it's time to rise up from settling settling in your mindset settling in your gifts settling in your voice you have a voice here on earth it's time to stop settling by comparing yourself it's time to stop settling by settling in friendships that are toxic for you toxic for your calling in your gifts you see you have to understand that the longer you stay in a toxic friendship the more that that messes up with your mind it messes up with your life and it affects your future and your calling in the future there are women that are waiting for people like you today there are women that are waiting for you today to rise up but because you're still bitter you still looking on this side like hey this press that did this to be a why did this happen to me we can go ahead and give you understanding today we want to pray we want to pray for healing we want to pray pray for God's grace and I just feel the power of God so strongly the grace of God the grace to forgive you see forgiveness sometimes it is the grace of God so many of you are trying to forgive in your own strength this is why you remain angry what you think about what they did you become angry and Joseph what he saw his brothers he could not contain itself any movie tried to pretend but the time came a moment came when he had to face the truth and he cried as he began to cry Joseph began to heal and he began to be transparent to his brothers and he said hey I am Joseph you put me the pits do you remember me this is Joseph your brother come come closer Joseph began to remember his dreams child of God it's time to say hey come closer it's time to say to those people that hurt you come closer okay this is Joseph I know you put me in the pit I know you tried to sabotage me but God has given me this ability in this nature to the love he has poured out his love by his Spirit inside of my heart therefore I have the capacity to love the unlovable I have the capacity to be a giver to those that keep taking there's a capacity inside of you and this is not to say don't use wisdom use wisdom but this capacity and grace to forgive today and we want to pray and this is a different kind of always to Wednesday but I had to be obedient to what the Lord was saying to me it's not easy for me to share this because I'm very private if you know me I'm a very private person but the Lord wanted me to share this to you he wants to reveal his love to you he wants to reveal his grace but we have to fold out today make a decision to fall down like a seed and to die to the nature of the flesh the nature of bitterness the nature of unforgiveness the nature of offense always offended always offended if somebody looks at me this way you're offended so quickly it's time to die to that nature and it's time to grow up even God wants to use you God wants to use women leave this generation God is wanting to use women like he used a bora like he used estate Ruth he wants to create legacies through the bloodline of women through the bloodline through your bloodline he was to create legacies he wants to do a new thing and he wants you to perceive that he's creating a road in the desert child of God is tied to look ahead woman of God is time to look ahead and I don't know maybe you're the one that has been on the giving side of it you have the one that you are the one that has been abusing of this you're the one that has been rejecting others you're the one that has been manipulating others you're the one that has been trying to crave attention well you don't need to crave attention you're the one that is trying to pull down others and competing and comparing yourself these regress today to be authentic God wants you to be authentic be authentic don't reale you there's a star that is ready to shine but each time that you do that you cover your brightness this authenticity in the way that he wants you to shine he wanted you to shine either brilliance that cannot be compared with another this is where God wants to take you and I know this video is locked but I pray that you can then if you're watching - now I'm grateful and God bless you very long but we need to do this we need to pray Holy Spirit help us let's pray O God Most High God you are God there is no other God on him and glory belongs to you O God you will do mysterious things Lord we give you glory and honor I thank you for these Oh God these treasures oh God these treasures oh god these vessels oh god where you have hidden your treasures father these beautiful women oh god help them to realize their beauty help them to realize their authenticity oh god help them to walk in that niche of power bonus the love kindness goodness faithfulness oh god help them to walk in that insurance oh God give them bonus give them strength Holy Spirit of God father some of them are walking in bitterness their heads alone offense they've been stabbed too many times Oh God the pain is unending there is no rest but oh God you are the healer Oh God of all ages we call out to your name Most High God you are the healer you are Jehovah Jireh I pray for your healing to touch every area of pain and weakness your healing that opens the eyes that opens the eyes of the heart your healing that transfigures the nature oh God let it transfigure God your nature all gone your true nature inside of your daughter right now father touch touched by your spirit touch by your spirit Oh God in the mighty name of Jesus let baby healing it transfiguration let it take place even now to know the truth and to understand it to know the calling the place of relevance this seat with her name on it the seat with your name on it Oh God let them know their seats and they know that they don't need to compete anymore they don't need to compare anymore they don't need to fight another woman anymore to reach their place of relevance because there's a room for everybody this room at the top of the mountain Oh God your mountains oh god they make a room for everybody who is willing to walk on that path that you have set up to walk and father help your people your daughters heal your daughters from the pain feel your daughters of the hood heal your daughter's from unforgiveness and bitterness heal them father heal them if the mighty name of Jesus let there be a washing a washing a washing a washing a cleansing a cleansing new garments new garments in the name of Jesus new crowns in the name of Jesus new voices and new languages in the mighty name of Jesus a new language they shall speak a new wash a new voice they shall speak in the name of Jesus they shall wear new garnets and new crowns for such a time as this I thank you for raising up your daughter's Oh God daughters that come from a place of healing and no longer a place of offense oh god I thank you for these that have chosen Oh God - rise and shine for their light has come in the glory of you Oh God is risen upon them Oh God and women and sons Oh God shall come to their brightness oh god I thank you for these that you're raising up for such a time as this normal fear we come against the spirit of fear no more fear no more intimidation no machine in the name of Jesus I thank you Father for those that are raising up the baton of faith of fire Oh God in the name of Jesus the name that is above every other name God we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise Lord let your daughter's arise Oh God let your daughter's arise in joy and laughter father thank you for new homes thank you for children thank you for husbands who are like father's father thank you for you things thank you Father for restorations in Korea's restorations and gifts oh God thank you that no longer walk in false humility in giving their light Oh God no no the settle in friendships Oh God they know who they are and they will not settle oh god I thank you for these Lord they will not be intimidated confidence even though some would say they are prideful but God your confidence isn't godly I thank you for true confidence that has no pride in it true confidence that knows who you are in them father I give you glory I give you all and I give you praise give them strategies and you wisdom father as they walk in this new road I think you don't know we've been Forge it against these shall prosper father we give you an order we give you honor for this time that you have given us to fellowship together for your glory and for your honor alone we do this in Jesus name we pray amen and amen glory to God oh my god I'm so happy for you I'm so happy I I'm so happy I just feel like a cleansing that is taking place a washing of water I can't wash and guys taking place over your life you're going to begin to understand things and things that you didn't understand before you're going to begin to understand them God is going to begin to open your eyes to certain things that you've never understood before certain questions that you always asked is going to begin to open your eyes for this is the moment of Transfiguration this is the time and even now it will be quarantined or quadric how do you smell how do you pronounce it quarantine if you've been quarantined right now there's a revealing a transfiguration that will take place even as you're sleeping there things that are taking place in your life right now and I give God glory it is for people like you that the world is going to change it is people like you that God is raising up to change the system to change the cultures concerning women concerning different areas of life because you're a woman you see as women society has put us down to so many times and we're gonna preach but I just have to say this society is after us different things after us different things after us and it is because of your boldness that God is able to reveal his love his glory his nature and you know his purpose for women through your obedience so I urge you today as you have made this decision it's important that you stick to it and maintain it because now that you know that you know and the enemy when he knows that you know you know he loses his grip because the truth sets you free and now that you have been set free walk in that truth in bonus so god bless you and I love you so much with all my heart the love of Christ and I will see you next week take care bye [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 36,957
Rating: 4.9757495 out of 5
Id: 9Cf5mp2RYwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 35sec (2915 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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